Connecticut Daily Campus Sewing Storrs Since 1896
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Connecticut Daily Campus Sewing Storrs Since 1896 VOL. LXVII, NO. 12 STORRS. CONNECTICUT MONDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1963 Folk Singers To Entertain Coed Killed, Escort Injured At Homecoming Concert jn £ast Lyme Car Accident Odetta and The Weavers, a dou- peared in virtually every major ble-barreled musical event have concert hall in America and have A University of Connecticut coed, pike. Conti was seriously injured. cident occured at 1:47 a.m. yester- been scheduled Saturday, Oct. 12 th also toured Canada, Europe and Is- Martha Howes. 22, German House University officials said that Miss day. the University of Connecticut's Jor- rael. As an ensemble they boast (Crawford D), was killed early yes- Howes had signed out for an over- The report indicated that the car gensen Auditorium at 8 p.m. more than 100 years of folk music terday morning when her car, driven night to return to her home in South was traveling west on the Connec- The gala program, which brings experience. by another UConn student. Earl Lyme. Connecticut. ticut Turnpike and in attempting to Tickets for the concert, which is make a right turn at exit 75 (East to the UConn campus two of the Conti, 21, Phi Sigma Kappa, struck State Police Trooper Phillip Sa- biggest names in folk singing, is a expected to sell out the huge 3,800- Lyme) wen out of control. set Auditorium, are now on sale at a rock ledge in East I.yme while lasia of the Groton Barracks in- The vehicle went for 250 feet on feature of the University's annual exiting from the Connecticut Turn- vestigating officer, said that the ac- Homecoming Day. the Auditorium box office and the the grass, then went into aside skid and struck a rock ledge, police said. Considered one of the truly great Student Union building. Cost is folk singers of her day, Odetta has $1.50. .The vehicle came to a rest 425 feet explored every facet of a free and New Calendar Released - - from the point where it entered the constantly shifting musical idiom. Stiff Neck? grass. The vibrant contralto has played to Miss Howes was thrown from the audiences in night club across the No New Years Return car and was killed instantly. Conti nation from the "Hungry i" in San was taken to Lawrence and Memo- Francisco to New York's "Blue In response to the Editorial in a.m. on the Wednesday following rial Hospital in New London where Angel." he is reported In serious, but not the Daily Campus of October 1., Easter. This is an easy solution." critical condition. He is being treat- Odetta is equally appreciated in entitled "Plan Ahead", Registrar Fingles further suggested that Mr. ed for a fractured right femur, mul- the capitals of Western Europe, Franklin O. Fingles has stated that Mann might want to have the Cal- tiple lacerations of the forehead, where the language and cultural the University Calendar Planning endar Committee and the Faculty cerebral concussions and possible backgrounds served as no barrier. Senate consider the matter further. internal abdominal injuries. Starting out as a coloratura so- Committee had begun action last May on calendar revisions in ac- The whole matter was again called University officials said that Miss prano in junior high school, Odetta to the attention of Mr. Mann on Howe's parents were currently re- .switched to contralto at the be- cordance with the student com- plaints. July 15, 1963 and the problem was siding in Sarasota. Florida. She was hest of her voice teacher. After high restated. An advance copy of the a senior, majoring in Physical The two "burning questions" con- school where hr voice training was 1964-65 calendar was drawn up by Therapy. sponsored by Harry Burnett of the cerning the calendar at the time Mr. Fingles for information of the Earl Conti. a Junior, majoring "Tunabout Theater," she continued were that students must come back various offices. in Physical Education, listed two on New Year's Day and on Easter to study music at night. The Registrar's Office received a home addresses, one in Cheshire. Her first professional perfor- every year. Questions were raisd by Connecticut, and the other in Mount Miss Evelyn Marshak, Managing letter in reply stating that the Cal- mance was in the West Coast pro- Vernon. New York. Editor of the Daily Campus, last endar Committee had met and dis- duction of "Finian's Rainbow." At cussd the two questions raised by State police reported that no spring. that time she taught herself to play Miss Marshak. The Calendar Com- charges have been made. The ac- the guitar and subsequently de- On May 3, 1963, Mr. Fingles sent mittee felt that it could not really cident is still under investigation. veloped her own inimitable folk- a letter to Mr. A. I. Mann, the make recommendations until it Chairman of the Calendar Commit- singing style. knew what might be the new calen- Babbidge Speaks She has appeared in two films, tee. dar. "Cinerama Holiday," and "Sanc- In this letter, he stated. "I do not The advance copy of the 1964-65 To Senate Tonight We've asked about the onset of tuary," in the latter demonstrating know just what to suggest for re- calendar is printed on page 3 in the "new Era" and tonight is pos- "remarkable dramatic talent". She lief this Christmas The same situ- full. Mr. Fingles further stated that has recorded for Tradition, Van- ation will not reoccur for five more sibly the first concrete eaxmple of "In the calendar cycles as now de- lirect communication between ad- guard and Riverside and is now on years until '68-'69. Perhaps all you signed, the students come bad the RCA label. Her television ap- can do is "let it stand". On the oth- ministration and the student — twice the day after New Years, ex- President Babbidge's scheduled ap- pearances and college dales combine The outcome of the University er hand, the Easter Recess could clusive of the Leap Year variations. to round out a hectic professional begin at 5:50 p.m. on the Tuesday pearance before the Student Sen- of Connecticut's football game ate at 8 p.m. in the U.N. Room. life. with Temple, a 9 to 7 loss, didn't preceding Easter and end at 8:00 (Continued on Page 3, Col. 1) Sharing the huge UConn audi- sit well with a group of students torium stage with Odetta will be on the campus at Storrs. It was Activities Fair Winner: the Weavers, one of the nation's Connecticut's second defeat in as most honored folk-singing groups. many games this season. Weavers About 20 students, after hear- The quartet, which consists of ing the result of the game that was Lee Ha,.>, Fred Hellerman. Ronnie played in Philadelphia last night, Gilbert and Bernie Crotise, have ap- hanged UConn Head Coach Bob Ingalls in effigy. The effigy was mounted on a telephone pole in front of the fraternity quadrangle. ASF Grant: In his 12 years as coach, Ingalls has a record of 47 wins. 50 losses, More Computers and 3 ties. The University of Connecticut (Campus Photo—Howland) has received a $100,000 grant from the National Science Foundation to help expand its Computer Center. CDC Coffee President Homer D. Babbidge. Jr. announced today. The funds, which will be made With Babbidge available to the University over a two-year period, will be used to Begins Series rent a large IBM 7040 digital com- puter. A chance to meet the President The UConn Computer Center. and his wife will be offered at a which opened a scant two years special Daily Campus coffee next ago. has been operating at top Monday night. The informal cof- capacity over the past few months. fee, with President Homer D. Bab- It's IBM 1620 digital computer has bidge and his wife, will give heelers been unable to meet the new and as well as regular staff members, a growing research demands of the chance to talk with the president. University's faculty. The coffee is part of the Daily According to Dr. John C. Lof, Campus heeling program now in director of the Center, the new progress. It is felt that an impor- computer will permit staff mem- tant part of writing and working on bers to tackle a broad range of a newspaper, is meeting and under- problems which are much larger standing the people that make the than those being handled with the news. smaller instrument. A heeling meeting will proceed "The larger computer will pro- the coffee. The time and place for the meeting will be announced vide five times as much capacity GAMMA SIGMA SIGMA: First prize for the best display at the Activities Fair was awarded to Gamma and 100 times the problem-solving later. The coffee will begin at 8 speed of the IBM 1920". he said. p.m. Sigma Sigma. (Campus Photo — Fraser) PAGE TWO MONDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1963 ————— CONNECTICUT DAILY CAMPUS Third Of A Scries: Connecticut University History- Daily Campus Time Marches On This is tbe last of a three-part raised the school from a small, Colleges of Law and Insurance as series of the history of the Univer- poorly-equipped institution to an ef- part of the University. The new sity of Connecticut as it appeared ficiently operating college with a schools brought enrollment to Monday, October 7, 1963 in the 1963 Husky Handbook. The last article in this series ended at growing reputation in Connecticut.