SENATE-Monday, May 2, 1994
May 2, 1994 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 8905 SENATE-Monday, May 2, 1994 The Senate met at 3 p.m., and was U.S. SENATE, the Senate floor, on December 6 I wrote called to order by the Honorable PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, to the Director, John Magaw, of BATF, DIANNE FEINSTEIN, a Senator from the Washington, DC, May 2, 1994. and asked him to analyze your legisla State of California. To the Senate: tion to see if any other firearms might Under the provisions of rule I, section 3, of The PRESIDING OFFICER. Today's the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby be banned by that legislation. prayer will be offered by guest Chap appoint the Honorable DIANNE FEINSTEIN, a He analyzed it, and in a letter of De lain Richard C. Halverson, Jr. Senator from the State of California, to per cember 20, returned to me a listing of form the duties of the Chair. some 29 additional weapons that he felt PRAYER ROBERT C. BYRD, fall under your legislation and could The guest chaplain, Richard C. Hal President pro tempore. be, and more than likely would be, verson, Jr., offered the following Mrs. FEINSTEIN thereupon assumed banned based on their writing of rule prayer: the chair as Acting President pro tem and regulation and the interpretation As we go to pray, it would be fitting pore. of your legislation. to remember that at this very moment, I ask unanimous consent that that Nelson Mandela, the new President of letter and that list be made a part of the African National Congress, is ad RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME the RECORD.
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