Use of the Emblem of the Convention for Safeguarding the Lntangible

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Use of the Emblem of the Convention for Safeguarding the Lntangible Use of the Emblem of the Convention for Safeguarding the lntangible Cultural Heritage under Patronage -• United Nations lntangible Educational, Scientific and Cultural Cultural Organization Heritage 1 PATRONAGE REPORTING FORM This document is available at the following web address: http://www.unesco.orglculturelich/en/forms/ 1. Name, venue, date and organizer of the activity: The Alka of Sinj, Sinj, August 3rd 2014., The Alka knight's community 2. What is the particular relevance of the activity to purposes and objectives the 2003 Convention and its compliance with the principles of the Convention? Through its features, the Alka mirrors authentic local cultural and historical values and strongly raises awareness that they are rooted in a larger civilisational context defined by the osmosis of different models of civilisation. The Sinjska Alka, chivalric and sporting tournament demonstrates the historical richness and continuity, and its contribution to local identity by promoting friendship, tolerance and respect among individuals, while strengthening the transmission of the element to future generations. Sinjska Alka- a Knights' Tournament in Sinj is not only of exceptional significance for the local community and the Republic of Croatia, but is contributing to the promotion of intercultural dialogue and respect for the diversity and richness of the intangible heritage of mankind. 3. Who were the audiences of the activity? (Please tick the five most relevant) O UNESCO network (e.g. commissions, chairs, associated schools, clubs, national committees) X Development agent (e.g. Intergovernmental Organizations, UN system) X Policy maker (e.g. ministries, parliamentarians, local authorities) X Civil Society (e.g. private persons, NGOs, companies) X Scientists l researchers l academia O Educators l teachers l trainers O Youth l students X Mass media O Specialized media D Other (please specify) - - - - - - 4. Was there any media coverage for your activity? (Please specify the number of features) Typ_e Local National Regional International Prin t X X X X Radio X X X Television X Internet X X X X 5. How many people have been reached approximately through the communication about the activity? 800.000 6. What was the effect of your activity for the Convention's visibility? (Please tick the two most relevant) X The name and linked logo of UNESCO and the 2003 Convention were made visible to new audiences X The purposes and objectives of the 2003 Convention were made known to new audiences D The achievements of the 2003 Convention were promoted to new audiences O UNESCO's publications ( were promoted to new audiences Please send this questionnaire to the Secretariat of the 2003 Convention, together with, if relevant, the following materials: Information materials (especially those featuring the name or logo of the Convention for the Safeguarding of the lntangible Cultural Heritage), press clippings, radio recordings, television and video footage, statistics. •. 2 9 9. Sinjska alka ~Alka K nights Tournament Pod visokim pokroviteljstvom Čast nam je pozvati Vas gospodina na našu svečanost, dr. Ive Josipovića, predsjednika hrvatski fenomen na Republike Hrvatske, UNESCO u Sinju će se 3. kolovoza 2014. Reprezentativnoj listi u 16,30 sati održati nematerijalne kultut'i1e 299. Sinjska alka. baštine čovječanstva. Glas Slavonije, 1.8.2014, str. 9, A4 r Evidencijski broj 1Article ID: 14938658 Vrsta novine l Frequency: Dnevna ,. Zemlja porijekla 1 Country of origin: Hrvatska Rubrika l Section: Ekonomija Sinjska alb i na mobitelima ZahvaljuMi aplikaciji APIS IT-a. rezultate ovogodi!nje Sinjske al· ke moguće je pratiti i na mo­ bilnim telefonima koji kori~te Androld operativni sustav. "N.r pravili smo dvije aplikacije. Je­ dna služi za unos r~ltata s trkaliita l namijenjena je slut­ benim osobama, tako da joJ se može pristupiti tek nakon au­ lOriza<ije, a arncgutaVII direk· tan unos i obradu ~~ u realnom vremenu. Druga apll· kadja je jaYna i Npravt~na za mobilne telefont te sluti pra­ ć.enju rezu!~ s. trlcalifta. Svako tko skine ap~btiju ~ sYOj mo­ bilni telefon. moći ce. praktiltu u realnom Vfl!tn!!nu, pratiti ito se doga đ.l na trkall~tu". rekao je Marin Katie!, voditelj Odjela za izradu kolaborativnih rje­ ~nja AP15 fT-a te dodao: Apli­ kaciju Sinjska alka moguće je skinuti potptJno besplatno na Google ~ od 30. Sl'pnja. Osim popisa sudiooika Sinjske alke te njihco/11\ krattih tNo­ topi~. rezultata, dviju general­ nih proba Bare l Co~. aplikadja nudi i dodatne sadržaje poput pr.wila igre, tradicije- sinjskog kraja, povijesti Yit~Jwv nadme­ canja, odora, Cudot\'Ofne CLospe Sinjske ... (E.S.) Pressrut d.o.o. -Domagojeva 2, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia- tel.: +385 l 4550 385, fax.: +385 1 4550 407- [email protected] Večernji list - Hrvatska, 2.8.2014, str. 45, A4 Evidencijski broj l Article ID: 14940438 Vrsta novine l Frequency: Dnevna Zemlja porijekla l Country of origin: Hrvatska Rubrika l Section: l ... centar - Odrbva !>«!Sinjska alka Tr.,.tiOCJ11 l'"" ~~~e-:. ~.1 maufP'sti!c lj.J Jli' 1..1 !7 J!J ~.lf l ACI.M TrM IICIOI'IildO vil~ f(IJI'Jiilf!iCko~i! Siniskaw~ se t!VOfl ~ucentruSIIIjas fi'D(eli!Dm u17.30SMI. Pressart d.o.o.- Domagojeva 2, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia-- tel.: +385 l 4550 385, fax.: +385 l 4550 407- [email protected] ::.toDOdna Dalmacija- Split, 2.8.2014, str. 20, A3 Evldencl)skJ brci l Article ID: 14945975 Vrsta navile l f'r81uency: Dnevna Zemlja porljelda l Country <X origin: Hrvatska Rubrika l Section: Biznis - PETTISUĆA GLEDATEUA GUšTALO U PRVOM NATJECANJU 299. ALKARSKIH SVEčANOSTI Tinu RadanoviCu Bara up ripetavanju Alkar Radanovic j~ pobijed!9 s ukupno lO punata, poslije pripetavanja. Cest itajući mu, alkarski vojvoda Ante Vučić privezao je na Radanovitato koplje dva metra zelenog sukna oaSmlinije. ~jootvonolll.o}Q· uS lvb FIJ!pl>rič Gltio! pollllt• kom "u Jridu". Ocl.mllh Iza ",.. punajlllanji~~ Jel AJU7.Grira, lb\.~lliil( ~alke. u IJI'YOi t:rd "'Iin du* a~Jo* ~lll J\IOZorlall Marle &tl~ trlalltanl po. IIU(Illasu "u dn", a.tlri"uje­ dall", d\IQiica •u nltta",a tetlri alltllra promaJ!U au alkarsku 1 :netu. UdN&qj t:rd ~ltli iUbo­ lavJIItt do kraja. Za pobJedu na Bari 1\llda· \lc. za~ punata. a u vod8two Je Ivica P'lllpovk!Grčlt u pri· novlću ta 200 cenumetara.,.. ...,.,Duknl~ iJl!W.· petavan)U je promatio, Alni leMg oukn.o. koje sUnbol1%1ra ta . UioJII'CIDUebllo ~ PlltPI"'Io! Ort!<! poeodlo je •u pra\IQ na koAclnle Uvaa. "al· "U ftUta",lla!IID!!!rlutllliw'je jedan·. Ivandić "U dVa", a Illi· kark:e" u SJIIJWIIIIIIOIJU. pn· promdio. ~trka po broju danović jo poeoclalm "U Rldu" pada bron~ana pla!Ulta Alk<' punm bllaJe;.lr:Will llr\Wt ooltfurao pol)jed\la ultupoo Ill 1110\Una nqrada VAO,. Od Nakon tri trke ađutant pu JUlia jo!r je u pM! d v)Je tr1w li.OOO kiUlR. Frano TalaJa tnljcttlo jo ~ ·uava· . Plaketa Alke lslotrl)aja alhrskor vojvodu Vučlča I(Jili.Qom'J.:. Jaallwod 2002. pripada i nje8ovu al~~l!tm o J)OIItil[llutim razultatima .,&ne.a od 2006. godine )eme­ momku. Dllnu a paćetlwm u nakon ćep jo on zapovJedio du koplJanicima. Godinu lul· 17.30aaU odriolt će• naljc<a· daae~ei\'Orlca alkara prlpe· IIIIJI>~IlOjo liDI. nJezaCqu. Presscut d.o.o.- DomaQoj<Ml2, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia- tel.: +385 11550 385, fax.: +385 14550 407- - ~-rp.s-.,Q,LIIr -----·- __",_. .... -:.put, 3.8.2014, str. 13, A3 Evldeldjsld broj / Article ID: H948886 Vrslll novine l Frequency: Onema Zanlja portjekla l Counby of ortgln: Hrva!slca Rubrll0/ Section: Spetaldl ALkARI ODRžALI GENERALNU PROBU 299. ALKARSKIH Dušan lvandiC ~ pobjednik Coje Cijelo gledalište bilo je na nogama kada je u trećoj trci sa starta zagalopirao alkar Šušl}jara. _priželjkivalo se da pogodi 'u dva' kako bi se pripetavalo i za Coju. Sušnjara je, međutim, pogodio 'u jedan' pa je 299. čoja zasluženo pripala alkaru lvandiću vllllclbil.nlnAlk8. Uz ~ zna­ mem ko)ep je )aiUćl na ćelu albnketete u pntilji alkara KrllftiĐI• BlldU l H.".q.FI­ Jtpovita ~pronio ultca­ maSIIU. , IVUidlćje ~ na ĆOJl za Jebe l 'vop­ ka Domaze\11 osvojio ll'ebrnQ pl.xetu Alke. a Ptl~ Pl novćana nqi'8Cia ocl20 l!&u· takUIIL iiuz ~O'I!r-~~ nlka 1181.1 u pdanju biJ. jo*· VAD -a dr. st1pu lllldea l m · ja. aH lli Ipak PWIIrtP<JIIl(ka ...... IĐMiniq ciOilatelnika lvlell Glanu. •u sridu". Ta je trta donijela NatjeeaQJe za ćaJu ociria­ blU su t lanovi uprave VAD­ na,Jvlle net.zv,letiiOstl. aw do no je po lijepom Vl"'!!DeDII. a a, ID!Ld~• 1općini cet~na~~ot 18DIIlll'~ P!MoojealaJ-ta· UllfdaliAIUje bik> preko 711· kta,lll.lrDaećl!lnlk Vukova­ ua Filipović Crtić• &punata. suća Bl njana l Cetl~na l ĐJ!· ra IVIID "-va. predotavnlcl l~naelo Je ~rije~ hovih IQit(ju. U 1već&noj ll>- bnnTII!lJtklb llllrap l d.rucl JIOV prni!DIQjaiL Alft. a on­ Colu. kao 1 Baru claD raDI­ dal.millldva J)OIOtka "u lli­ ja. otvorio ja all,l-čauA Ivica du" u pryedvl)t trke l "U nJ· Svi u Sinj! FUipcwk! Grtk! ~lifilll ~u ita" u tretoj prldru1lo i treći arielu". RltzultatlP<>~&ctaroa prezhnen)ak HI'\'Cfl!,lterldva· alkara u toj trci bill ou rijl!l· lo ll! ito fjt I!Ćlnltllvancll<! 1 ~ kov!deDI . l Marlo i!UNa~ .. 6 puJIIIIa UICU!>Do.u JXliOdl1l W!llklb Iz prve dviJe nile. tr&Ddle Je 1 31 punatltrozledalll ~& ­ u ll1!toj tre!~~ lc "uarldu" ka •u lrldu'. ltl J>OIOika ·u l,...,...u vodatvo •8 punata. dva~ l~ rl "u jedan" dok su Cijo!lo ~ bllo.lellll dvaalkara])CIIldlla "u nllla", nogama Jwlajeulla!Uu­ a jecW! Je fii'D1:1• !Iki alkarsku gatoplrao SutQjara.
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