Shot In• the Arm' by David Kramer Operative, Setting up a Bond
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Aft the of AI the Point.s Every Thursday Morning rosse Pointe ews Complete News Coverage of All the Pointes Home of the New, -:-;-:----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -_.' -_._-_ .._-_ .... _-.- VOL. 41-NOJ 7 PIlIoIl:~1o~~C::dDS~~:,~~:ti~~tHI. GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14. 1980 $~~~ooPo,,,cv:., 36 Pages-Three Sections-Section One EDC to Fund Hill's 'Shot In• the Arm' By David Kramer operative, setting up a bond. house he uses (First Boston) ventional financing out of the ground adjacent to Kerche. While the first visible sign ing authority and even at- would issue industrial reve- que s t ion. EDC financing val. Another $100,000 will be of a change on the Hill oc. tempting to build a parking nue bonds for. would result in an interest needed to close off the por. curred when the Standard lot of its own, two developers "New York (First Boston) rate of several percentage .tion of 'McMillan road and On the Hill station made its are planning to take ad van- is concerned with the news- points less. make Messner Field contigu. long-awaited mOVe to the ta-ge of that cooperative at- paper articles about Cottage Their building is planned ous with the remaining ~:f&~':"~/'-""N?:f%£-.' other end of the 'bloc~ a few titude, sinking some big and I'm not sure we could for the corner of Muir and Richard playground. "~,. /> .' weeks ago, other, behmd.t~- bucks into concrete and steel. get a bigger s t rue t u r e Kercheval, and will be built The c 0 u n c i I authorized' :r:. ',,: scenes moves continue to be It It Enough? through," Rich said. He on land currently occupied Bremer to continue negoti. -tak..en by the principals in the At the Farms Council's noted, however, addition~ to by the old service station and ating with the school system, .two large projects at the February 4 meeting, Richard the structure could 'be made two homes, in addition to the backing the idea, which has other end..of the district. C. Rich, one of those devel. at a later date if necessary. alley to the municipal lot. 81 been in the works for several opers, the man who hopes Swap Alleys is seeking a swap of alleys years. It's a wel1-()rchestrated yet to build the .parking deck At the same meeting, rep- cwnbersome and slow-movin!! "'"~ ,",_H_ ... _ u. __,,"' ~_ with the Farms, which would Rich's structure will have ;.s:;~Ii.t;;.t;.•.C.i vi ~l 1,i"t;0)~uu:u.t ,,:~ull ill Lraiiic irom We lot' tnree levels (see picture) plan of cooperation between ;;;ied th~-$2~3 ~iili~;;'~tr~~: Co., there to seek zoning ~ ~ ... ''-..'. .- ~ ",,."'N~-----"""'''''I'--:'' • government and private en- ture would hoJ.{i 290 cars, being re-routed onto Muir with the entrance and exit variances for their ,proposed _ ~,v ...~",J terprise; a plan whose ulti. somewhat less than some road. onto Muir. The deck will be , office.retail building, reveal. Estimate Costs set back about 30 feet from , mate objective is a shot in councilpersons felt would be , ' .' ed they, too will now seek to In yet another HilI devel- Muir, and will cover about ""'",.. "... ' the arm f to the 'business dis- optimum to relieve parking gain financing 'Via industrial This artist's rendering shows the w1ll have textured concrete finish, : trict where three buildings problems on the Hill. opment, Farms City Manager half of the existing municipal revenue ,bonds issued through Andrew Bremer said studies lot. proposed 290 space parking struc- currently stand. empty and Rich, however, blaming similar b that of the Renaissance the Farms' economic devel- have shown a cost of approxi. ture to be built on the Hill. Viewed real es.tate offl~es are the the possibility of bed reduc. May Add Center. The proposed office-retail opment corporation (EDC). mately $100,000 would be from Muir road, the entrance and predo~llnant busmesses. tion at Cottage Hospital, While the net addition to building would be located to the I Peter V. Bologna, of 81 necessary for the planned parking on the Hill by Rich's exit are shown along with the brick . While the Farms govern. claimed that 290 was the Investment, said the current left of the structure, on the corner construction of a parking lot deck would be 200 spaces, 81 and glass stairway and elevator ment is b!!ing more than co- maximum size the brokerage high interest rates made con- on the Richard School play_ of Muir and Kercheval. ------ (Continued on Page 2) structure. The rest of the structure Silver, Gold It Was A Family Affair :'J>rimeTake ::.~fBurglars GP~Property Values ._ Grosse Pointe police . are searching for clues )n a rash of burglaries _:which have hit the com. ,munity in the last two ,:weeks. The police report ,~t least 13 burglaries so far this month where Jump at Record Pace ..thieves follow a pattern of taking silver and jew- By Susan McDonald elry. Last year's rambunctious real estate mark"et , Woods police said thieves Schools LauDcll led to what many are calling the highest percent. ':broke into a Hampton road age increase in property valUes ever recorded in -home on February 6, and Grosse Pointe, according to tentative assessment took camera equipment, a figures computed by Wayne County. _calculator, binoculars, golf Millage Effort The 5tate equalized value - , clubs and jewelry valued at (SEV) of homes in Grosse _more than $1,800, ' in the I Woods and Shores, The campaign to win support for school mill- Pointe will jump an average and 21 'percent in the City. - Sometime over last week., age renewal will begin this month with a com- of over 20 percent this year. They are based on factors end, 'thieves entered an 't 'd Those factor. increases are ox:~ mum y-WI e voter registration drive and a special based on actual housing sales computed by Wayne County ford road home and stole effort to sign up young'voters in the public schools. last year. in conjunction with local tax about $2,500 in items, includ. 1 assessors. ing 11 l().piece silver set. The millage committee is - But, because of the hefty working with Grosse Pointe's tax rate - 26.55 mills for SEV increases, homeowners Not tl> Worry Park police also reported League of Women Voters to sehools and 1.~ mills for Ii. may get some relief from F red e r i c k Hornfisher, r." ro:~:!!~~~BfM':. ~er cltlaeDa in time for. bruies. cities and the local 5Chool Woods comptrQller-assessor, the March 24 tax election, ". system on tax rates in 1980. said his city's 20 percent in- cidents,. happene.( iHltweert The deadline is February 25. That rate will be trimmed The local units of govern- crease 15 .the hlg!lest be ever 1:30 alid 8:30 pm,o.n Feb. '.:' TheSe- two 't~' we're among sev- tion, sponsors 'Of the event, "were For those who ~an't maJte ba~k, !i!.a~.p.year,powev~r,,~ ~ent wiUbe forced' -to roll recalls in hls 15 years on the ruary 10, •. job. '" I eral thousand people who descended overwhelmed by the huge attend- it to their clty clerk's office caus~ 01. Gr?sse Pointe s rap. back tax rates to stay in line T hie ve s ransacked one "n's high, but I do believe upon the War Memorial earlier this ance, The fair also marked the debut to sign up, the.LWV has ar. idly 1lICreasmg property with the Headlee Tax Limita- home and escaped with about it accurately reflects the sales month for the Pointe's first Family of the book, "Celebrating Families: ranged an evening registra. ues, whilch jumped more than tion Amendment. After the $4,000 in silver coins. An. tion date Thursday Febru- 20 ,percent 'this year, (see rollback, the average home. in our area," Hornfisher Fair, In all, 15 'churches and 29 hu- A Treasury of Family Resources," said. other resident reported silver ary 21, f;om 7 to 9' p.m. at story ~ve). ,owners' local tax bill will in. and coins at an uDknown man service organizations pulled to. which is now on sale at several local He added, though that gether for the five-hour fair. The all three. public libraries. Headmg a citizen Gomnut- crease about 11 percent in value missing. churches, book stores and shops. In addition school staff tee to drum up support for the 1980-81 tax year. "it's nothing for home~wners to worry about." Homes owned!})y a 71-year. Grosse Pointe Ministerial Associa- members hav~ been depu' th~ millage are two Grosse Break Down "Our tax .rate will -be ad- old woman and a couple who tized and will conduct their Pomte couples, James and Because none of the cities justed downward to compen- just moved to the City from own registration campaign in Joan Long of Roseda~e court are reassessing property this Ken t u c k y were robbed sate for the increases because War Memorial Aims for $160,000 principal's offices at North and Lloyd an~ Cynthia Sem- year, the SEV increases will of H e a d lee," Hornfisher earlier this month and, as has and South High. Students pie of Cambndge road. be uniformly added to all said. "You could raise prop- been tbepattern, thieves The Grosse Pointe War received at the same point from by March 1.