CONG~ESSION AL RECORD-HOUSE 5 Appoint Tuesday, the 6Th Day of November, A
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1928 CONG~ESSION AL RECORD-HOUSE 5 appoint Tuesday, the 6th day of November, A. D. 1928, as the day for Pennsylvania.-David I. Reed and William S. Vare.1 holding of an election for the purpose of electing a United States Rlwde Island.-Peter G. Gerry and Jesse H. Metcalf. Senator from the State of Illinois to fill the aforesaid vacancy. Soutl"!l Oarolina.-Ellison D. Smith and Cole L. Blease. The secretary o! state will therefore prepare writs of election in Soutl"ll DakOta.-Peter Norbeck and Wm. H. McMaster. accor·d.ance with law. Tennessee.-Kenneth McKellar and L. D. Tyson. Done at the capitol in the city of Springfield this 9th day of February Temas.-1\forris Sheppard and Earle B. Mayfield. in the year of our Lord 1928 and of the State of Illinois the one Utah.-Reed Smoot and William ll. King. hundred and tenth. Vermont.-Frank L. Greene and Porter H. Dale. LEN S:uALL, Governor. Vit·ginia.--Giaude A. Swanson and Carter Glass. By the governor : Wa.sltiugton.-We ley L. Jones and C. C. Dill. [SEAL.] LOUIS L. EMMERSON, West Virginia.-M. M. Neely and Guy D. Goff. Secretary of State. Wisc-ansin.-Robert M. La Follette, jr., and John J. Blaine. [Indorsements on bl.lck: Call of the governor for a special primary Wyoming.-Francis E. Warren and John B. Kendrick. election to be held April 10, 1928, and call for special election to ·ne held November 6, 1928, to elect a United States Senator from Illinois. NOTIFIOATION TO THE PRESIDENT Filed, executive department, February 9, 1928. Louis L. Emmerson, Mr. CURTIS submitted the following resolution (S. Res. secretary of state.] 265), which was read, considered by unanimous consent, and agreed to: EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, Resolved, Thut a committee consisting of two Senators be appointed STATE OF ILLINOIS, to join such committee as may be appointed by the House of Repre Springfield, m. sentatives to wait upon the President of the United States and inform To the PRESIDENT OF TH.lll SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES : him that a quorum of each House is assembled, nnd that the Congress This is to certify that pursuant to the power vested in me by the is ready to receive any communication he may be pleased to make. Constitution of the United States and the laws of the State of Illinois, I, Len Small, the governor of said State, do hereby appoint Frank L. The VICE PRESIDENT appointed Mr. CUBTIS and Mr. RoB Smith a Senator from said State to represent said State in the Senate INSON of Arkansas as the committee on the part of the Senate. of the United States until the vacancy therein, caused by the resigna NOTIFICATION TO THE HOUSE tion of Frank L . Smith, is filled by election as provided by law. Mr. CURTIS submitted the following resolution ( S. Res. Witnes : His excellency our governor, Len Small, and our seal 266), which was read, con ide red by unanimous consent, and hereto affixed at Springfield, Ill., this 9th day of February, in the year agreed to: of our Lord nineteen hundred and twenty-eight. [SEAL.] LEN SMALL, Governot·. Resohed, That the Secretary inform the House of Representatives By the governor : that a quorum of the Senate is assembled and that the Senate is ready LOUIS L. EMMERSON, to proceed to business. Secretary of State. HOUR OF DAILY MEETING [Indorsements on back: Copy of the official certificate to the Presi dent of the United States Senate of the appointment of Frank L. Smith l\Ir. CURTIS submitted the following resolution (S. Res. as United States Senator of Illinois. Filed executive department, 267), which was read, con idered by unanimous consent, and February 9, 1928. Louis L. Emmerson, secretary of state.] agreed to: Resolved, That the hour of daily meeting of the Senate be 12 o'clock The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senators elect will present meridian until otherwise ordered. themselves at the Vice President's desk to take the oath of ADJOURNl.f~T office. Mr. BORAH. Mr. President, as a further mark of respect to Mr. GLENN, e corted by Mr. DENEEN, Mr. VANDENBERG, es the memory of the deceased Senator ·from Idaho, the late Hon. corted by Mr. CouZENs, and l\.Ir. THOMAS of Idaho, escorted by FRANK R. GooDING, I move that the Senate do now adjourn. Mr. BoRAH, advanced to the Vice President's desk, and the oath The motion was unanimously agreed to; and (at 12 o'clock and prescribed by law having been administered to them by the 18 minutes p. m.) the Senate adjourned until to-morrow, Tues Vice President, they took their seats in the Senate. day, Decembar 4, 1928, at 12 o'clock meridian. LIST OF SENATOBS BY STATES A.labama.-J. Thomas Heflin and Hugo L. Black. A.-r·izona.-Henry F. Ashurst and Carl Hayden. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES A.t·kansas.-Joseph T. Robinson and T. H. Caraway. CaUfornia.-Hiram W. Johnson and Samuel M. Shortridge. Mo~JJAY, December 3, 19~8 Oolorado.- La.wrence C. Phipps and Charles W. Waterman. This being the day fixed by the Constitution of the United Connecticut.-George P. McLean and Hiram Bingham. States for the annual meeting of the Congress of the United Delaware.-Thomas F. Bayard and T. Coleman du Pont. States, the House of RepresentatiYes of the Seventieth Congress Flat·ida.-Duncan U. Fletcher and Park Trammell. met in its Hall at 12 o'clock noon for the second session, and Georgia.-William J. Harris and Walter F. George. was called to order by the Speaker, Hon. NICHOLAS LONGWORTH, Idaho.-·william E. Borah and John Thomas. a Representative from the. State of Ohio. lllino'is.-Charles S. Deneen and Otis E. Glenn. The Rev. James Shera Montgomery, Chaplain, offerrd the Indiana.-James E. Watson and Arthur R. Robinson. following prayer : Iowa.-Daniel F . Steck and Smith W. Bro.okhart. Kansas.-Charles Curtis and Arthur Capper. Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of- Hoots, Thou art the light of Kentucky.-Frecteric M. Sackett and Alben W. Barkley. the world and the som·ce of all wisdom. Thy goodness and Louisiana.-Joseph E. Ransdell and Edwin S. Broussard. mercy have followed us until our latest breath. We, therefore, Maine.-Frederick Hale and Arthur R. Gould. praise Thee. Have compa ion on us in our failures; pity us ..Mat·yland.-William Cabell Bruce and Millard E . Tydings. and forgive our sins. We pray for a continuance of Thy min1s Massachusetts.-Frederick H. Gillett and David I. Walsh. ti·ations unto the Republic. With patriotic zeal and un~elfish Michigan.-James Couzens and Arthur H. Vandenberg. devotion help us to reach those altitudes where we shall hear Minnesota.-IIenrik Shipstead and Thomas D. Schall. that clarion voice of duty which inspired a government " con Mississippi.-Pat Harrison and Hubert D. Stephens. ceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men Jfissouri.-James A. Reed and Han-y B. Hawes. are created equal." In these Thy servants unfold the funda Montana.-Thomas J. Walsh and Burton K. Wheeler. mentals of truth. Spiritualize their thoughts, that they in all Nebraska.-George W. Norris and Robert B. Howell. things may disclose the coun els of God. Oh, be unspeakably N evada.-Key Pittman and Tasker L. Oddie. good and divinely near them, that they may stand forth among New Harnpshire.-George H. Moses and Henry W . Keyes. the sons of men consecrated to the greatest good of humanity. New Jersey.-Walter E. Edge and Edward I. Edwards. Do Thou preserve the trength of their minds and the vigor New Memico.-Sam G. Bratton and Bronson Cutting. of their bodies. We are most humbly grateful for our beloved New Yo1·k.-Royal S. Copeland and Robert F. Wagner. country. We thank Thee for its manifold material blessings; North Oarolina.-F. M. Simmons and Lee S. Overmaa but do Thou lift it to an outlook from which all of our citizens North Dalwta.-Lynn J. Frazier and Gerald P. Nye. shall see more than mere matter and realize the real values of Ohio.-S. D. Fess and Cyrus Locher. the soul. Create in us the sincerest convictions as to the need Oklahoma.-W. B. Pine and Elmer Thomas. Oregon.-Charles L. McNary and Frederick Steiwer. 1 Oath not administered. ., CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE DECEl\IBER . 3 and the peace of the world. 0 Spirit of the Mo t High, give MAIXIil wisdom and courage to our President and to all his immediate Carroll L. Beedy. Ira G. Hersey. associates. Use their power·, ideals, and vision that inspire, Wallace H. White, jr. MARYLA. "D pro~ect, and safeguard the happiness and the pro perity of our T. Alan Goldsborough. Vincent L. Palmisano. people. Bless our home and make in them an atmo phere warm William P. Cole. jr. Frederick N. Zihlman. and congenial, in which the delicate flowers of faith, hope, and MASSACHUSETTS love shall unfold their sweetest bloom and beauty. Oh, teacli us Allen T. 'rreadway. Charles L. Underbill. that no one can have Thee for a Father without having man Henry L. Bowles. John J. Douglass. for a brother. Keep us, 0 God, in the shadow of Thy presence Frank H. Fos . George Holden Tinkham. Edith Nourse Rogers, Robert Luce. until the fountain of human effort has emptied its last drop of A. Piatt Andrew. Joseph W. Martin. jr. ervice into the heavenly river of divine joy. Through Jesus William r. Connery, jr. Charles L. Gifford. Christ our Lord. Amen. Frederick W. Dall1nger. MICHIGAN CALL OF THE ROLL Robert H.