Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law

Volume 11 Number 2 Article 9


An Automated Approach for Digital Forensic Analysis of Heterogeneous Big Data

Hussam Mohammed School of Computing, Electronics and Mathematics, Plymouth

Nathan Clarke School of Computing, Electronics and Mathematics, Plymouth; Edith Cowan University

Fudong Li School of Computing, Electronics and Mathematics, Plymouth

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Recommended Citation Mohammed, Hussam; Clarke, Nathan; and Li, Fudong (2016) "An Automated Approach for Digital Forensic Analysis of Heterogeneous Big Data," Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law: Vol. 11 : No. 2 , Article 9. DOI: Available at:

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AN AUTOMATED APPROACH FOR DIGITAL FORENSIC ANALYSIS OF HETEROGENEOUS BIG DATA Hussam Mohammed1, Nathan Clarke1,2, Fudong Li1 1School of Computing, Electronics and Mathematics, Plymouth, UK 2Security Research Institute, Edith Cowan University, Western Australia [email protected], [email protected] [email protected]

ABSTRACT The major challenges with big data examination and analysis are volume, complex interdependence across content, and heterogeneity. The examination and analysis phases are considered essential to a digital forensics process. However, traditional techniques for the forensic investigation use one or more forensic tools to examine and analyse each resource. In addition, when multiple resources are included in one case, there is an inability to cross-correlate findings which often leads to inefficiencies in processing and identifying evidence. Furthermore, most current forensics tools cannot cope with large volumes of data. This paper develops a novel framework for digital forensic analysis of heterogeneous big data. The framework mainly focuses upon the investigations of three core issues: data volume, heterogeneous data and the investigators cognitive load in understanding the relationships between artefacts. The proposed approach focuses upon the use of to solve the data volume problem, semantic web ontologies to solve the heterogeneous data sources and artificial intelligence models to support the automated identification and correlation of artefacts to reduce the burden placed upon the investigator to understand the nature and relationship of the artefacts. Keywords: Big data, Digital forensics, Metadata, Semantic Web INTRODUCTION particularly within a tolerable period of time. Datasets are continuously increasing in size Cloud computing and big are from a few terabytes to petabytes (Kataria and increasingly used by governments, companies Mittal, 2014). According to IDC’s annual and users for processing and storing huge Digital Universe study (2014) the overall amounts of information. Generally, big data created and copied volume of data in the can be defined with three features or three Vs: digital world is set to grow 10-fold in the next Volume, Variety, and Velocity (Li and Lu, six years to 2020 from around 4.4 zettabytes to 2014). Volume refers to the amount of data, 44 zettabytes. This increasing interest in the Variety refers to the number of types of data, use of big data and cloud computing services and Velocity refers to the speed of data presents both opportunities for cybercriminals processing. Big data usually includes many (e.g. exploitation and hacking) and challenges datasets which are complicated to process for digital forensic investigations (Cheng et al., using common/standard software tools, 2013).

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Digital forensics is the science that is The remainder of the paper is structured as concerned with the identification, collection, follows: section 2 presents a literature review of examination and analysis of data during an the existing research in big data forensics, data investigation (Palmer, 2001). A wide range of clustering, data reduction, heterogeneous tools and techniques both commercially or via resources, and data correlation. Section 3 open source license agreement (including describes the link between metadata in various Encase, AccessData FTK, and Autopsy), have resources and digital forensics. Section 4 been developed to investigate proposes an automated forensic examiner and (Ayers, 2009). Unfortunately, the increasing analyser framework for big, multi-sourced and number of digital crime cases and extremely heterogeneous data, followed by a large datasets (e.g. that are found in big data comprehensive discussion in section 5. The sources) are difficult to process using existing conclusion and future works are highlighted in software solutions, including conventional section 6. databases, statistical software, and visualization tools (Shang et al., 2013). The LITERATURE REVIEW goal of using traditional forensic tools is to Digital forensic investigations have faced many preserve, collect, examine and analyse difficulties to overcome the problems of information on a computing device to find analysing evidence in large and big datasets. potential evidence. In addition, each source of Various solutions and techniques have been evidence during an investigation is examined suggested for dealing with big data analysis, by using one or more forensic tools to identify such as triage, artificial intelligence, data the relevant artefacts, which are then analysed mining, data clustering, and data reduction individually. However, it is becoming techniques. Therefore, this section presents a increasingly common to have cases that literature review of the existing research in big contain many sources and those sources are data forensics and discusses some of the open frequently heterogeneous in nature (Raghavan, problems in the domain. 2014). For instance, hard disk drives, system and application logs, memory dumps, network Big Data Acquisition and packet captures, and databases all might Analytics contain evidence that belong to a single case. Xu et al. (2013) proposed a big data However, the forensic examination and analysis acquisition engine that merges a rule engine is further complicated with the big data and a finite state automaton. The rule engine concept because most existing tools were was used to maintain big data collection, designed to work with a single or small number determine problems and discover the reason for of devices and a relatively small volume of breakdowns; while the finite state automaton data (e.g. a workstation or a smartphone). was utilised to describe the state of big data Indeed, tools are already struggling to deal acquisition. In order for the acquisition to be with individual cases that have a successful, several steps are required. Initially, large size of evidence (e.g. between 200 the rule engine needs to be created, including Gigabyte and 2 Terabyte of data) (Casey, rules setup and refinement. After that, data 2011); and it is common that the volume of acquisition is achieved by integrating the rule data that need to be analysed within the big engine and two data automation processes (i.e. data environment can range from several a device interaction module and an acquisition terabytes up to a couple of petabytes. server). The device interaction module is

Page 138 © 2016 ADFSL An Automated Approach for Digital Forensic Analysis of… JDFSL V11N2 employed to connect directly to a device, and to the nature of big data, deep learning the acquisition server is responsible for data algorithms could be used for analysis and collection and transmission. Then, the engine learning from a massive amount of executes predefined rules; and finally, the unsupervised data, which helped to solve export process generates results. Generally, specific problems in big data analytics. this combination gives a flexible way to verify However, deep learning still has problems in the security and correctness of the acquisition learning from streaming data, and has of big data. difficulty in dealing with high-dimensional data, and distributed and parallel computing. In attempting to deal with big data analysis, Noel and Peterson (2014) Data Clustering acknowledged the major challenges involved in Recently, data clustering has been studied and finding relevant information for digital forensic used in many areas, especially in data analysis. investigations, due to an increasing volume of Regarding big data analysis, several data data. They proposed the use of Latent clustering algorithms and techniques were Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) to minimize proposed and they will be discussed as below. practitioners’ overhead by two steps. First, Nassif and Hruschka (2011), Gholap and Maral LDA extracts hidden subjects from documents (2013) proposed a forensic analysis approach and provides summary details of contents with for computer systems through the application a minimum of human intervention. Secondly, it of clustering algorithms to discover useful offers the possibility of isolating relevant information in documents. Both approaches information and documents via a keyword consist of two phases: a pre-processing step search. The evaluation of the LDA was carried (which is used for reducing dimensionality) and out by using the Real Data Corpus (RDC); the running clustering algorithms (i.e. K-means, K- performance of the LDA was also tested in medoids, Single Link, Complete Link, and comparison with current regular expression Average Link). Their approaches were search techniques in three areas: retrieving evaluated by using five different datasets information from important documents, seized from computers in real-world arranging and subdividing the retrieved investigations. According to their results, both information, and analysing overlapping topics. the Average Link and Complete Link Their results show that the LDA technique can algorithms gave the best results in determining be used to help filter noise, isolate relevant relevant or irrelevant documents; whilst K- documents, and produce results with a higher means and K-medoids algorithms presented relevance. However, the processing speed of the good results when there is suitable LDA is extremely slow (i.e. around 8 hours) in initialization. However, the scalability of comparison with existing regular expression clustering algorithms may be an issue because techniques (i.e. approximately one minute). they are based on independent data. From a Also, only a selection of keywords that were similar perspective, Beebe and Liu (2014) likely contained within the target document carried out an examination for clustering was tested. digital forensics text string search output. In another effort to link deep learning Their study concentrated on realistic data applications and big data analytics, Najafabadi heterogeneity and its size. Four clustering et al. (2015) reported that deep learning techniques were evaluated, including K-Means, algorithms were used to extract high-level Kohonen Self-Organizing Map (SOM), LDA abstractions in data. They explained that, due followed by K-Means, and LDA followed by

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SOM. Their experiment result shows that LDA values in comparison with a conventional hash followed by K-means obtained the best set. performance: more than 6,000 relevant search Similarly, Rowe (2014) compared nine hits were retrieved after reviewing less than automated methods for eliminating 0.5% of the search hit result. In addition, when uninteresting files during digital forensic performed individually, both K-Means and investigations. By using a combination of file SOM algorithms, gave a poorer performance name, size, path, time of creation, and than when they were combined with LDA. directory, a total of 8.4 million hash values of However, this evaluation was achieved with uninteresting files were created and the hashes only one synthetic case, which was small in could be used for different cases. By using an size comparing with real-world cases. 83.8-million-file international corpus, 54.7% of Data Reduction with Hash- files were eliminated as they were matched sets with two of nine methods. In addition, false negative and false positive rates of their With the aim of dealing an on-growing amount approach were 0.1% and 19% respectively. In of data in forensic investigations, many the same context, Dash and Campus (2014) researchers attempted to use hash sets and also proposed an approach that uses five data reduction techniques to solve the data methods to eliminate unrelated files for faster size problem. Roussev and Quates (2012) processing of large forensics data during the attempted to use similarity digests as a investigation. They tested the approach with practical solution for content-based forensic different volumes of data collected from triage as the approach has been widely used in various operating systems. After applying the the identification of embedded evidence, signatures within the National Software identification of artefacts and cross target Reference Library Reference Data Set (NSRL- correlation. Their experiment was applied to RDS) , an additional 2.37% and 3.4% the M57 case study, comprising 1.5 Terabyte of unrelated files were eliminated from of raw data, including disk images, RAM Windows and operating systems snapshots, network captures and USB flash respectively by using their proposed five media. They were able to examine and methods. correlate all the components of the dataset in approximately 40 minutes, whereas traditional Heterogeneous Data and manual correlation and examination methods Resources may require a day or more to achieve the same The development of information technology result. Ruback et al. (2012) developed a and the increasing use of sources that run in method for determining uninteresting data in a different environments have led to difficulties digital investigation by using hash sets within in processing and exchanging data across a data-mining application that depends on different platforms. However, a number of data collected from a country or geographical researchers have suggested potential solutions region. This method uses three conventional for the problem of the heterogeneity of data known hash databases for the files filtration. and resources. Zhenyou et al. (2011) studied Their experimental results show that a the nature of heterogeneous databases and reduction of known files of 30.69% in integration between nodes in distributed comparison with a conventional hash-set, heterogeneous databases. They suggested the although it has approximately 51.83% hash use of Hibernate technology and query

Page 140 © 2016 ADFSL An Automated Approach for Digital Forensic Analysis of… JDFSL V11N2 optimization strategy, which have the suggested some potential solutions, such as capability to link between multi-heterogeneous data fusion. Data fusion is a technique of database systems. Furthermore, Liu et al. integration of data from different sources that (2010) proposed a framework based on commonly have deferent structures. Most of all Middleware technology for integrating they suggested that big heterogeneous data heterogeneous data resources that come from still present many challenges in the form of various bioinformatics databases. They cyber security threats and that data fusion has explained that Middleware is independent not been widely used in cyber security analysis. software that works with distributed Data Correlation processing, where it is located on different platforms, such as heterogeneous source Although there has already been some work in systems and applications. Their system used the data correlation of digital forensics in order XML to solve the heterogeneity of data to detect the relationship between evidence structure issues that describe the data from from multiple sources, there is a need for different heterogeneous resources while further research in this direction. Garfinkel ontology was used to solve the semantic (2006) proposed a new approach that uses heterogeneity problem. The key benefit of this Forensic Feature Extraction (FFE) and Cross system is that it provides a unified application Drive Analysis (CDA) to extract, analyse and for users. correlate data over many disk images. FFE is used to identify and extract certain features Mezghani et al. (2015) proposed a generic from digital media, such as, credit card architecture for heterogeneous big data numbers and email message IDs. CDA is analysis that comes from different wearable utilised for the analysis and correlation of devices, based on the Knowledge as Service datasets that span on multiple drives. Their (KaS) approach. This architecture extended architecture was used to analyse 750 images of the NIST big data model with a semantic devices containing confidential financial method of generating understanding and records and interesting emails. In comparison, valuable information by correlating big the practical techniques of multi-drives heterogeneous medical data (Mezghani et al., correlation and multi-drives analysis require 2015). This was achieved by using Wearable improvements to their performance in order to Healthcare Ontology which aids the be used with large datasets. aggregation of heterogeneous data, supports the data sharing, and extracts knowledge for Another experiment sought to perform better decision-making. Their approach was forensics analysis and the correlation of presented with a patient-centric prototype in a computer systems, Case et al. (2008) diabetes scenario, and it demonstrated the presented two contributions to assist the ability to handle data heterogeneity. However, investigator in “connecting the dots.” First, the research aim tended to focus on they developed a tool called Ramparser, which heterogeneity rather than security and privacy is used to perform a deep analysis of Linux through data aggregation and transmission. In memory dump. The investigator uses this tool the context of heterogeneity Zuech et al. to obtain detailed output about all processes (2015) reviewed the available literature on that take place in the memory. Secondly, they intrusion detection within big heterogeneous proposed a Forensics Automated Correlation data. Their study sought to address the Engine (FACE), which is used to discover challenges of heterogeneity within big data and evidence automatically and to make a

© 2016 ADFSL Page 141 JDFSL V11N2 An Automated Approach for Digital Forensic Analysis of… correlation between them. FACE provides increase. For that reason, a number of automated parsing over five main objects, technologies, such as data clustering and data namely memory image, network traces, disk reduction have the potential capacity to save images, log files, and user accounting and digital investigators time and effort, were configuration files. FACE was evaluated with a examined. Data clustering techniques have hypothetical scenario, and the application was been widely used to eliminate uninteresting successful; however, these approaches only files and thus speed up the investigation work with the small size of data and are not process by determining relevant information tested on big and heterogeneous data. In more quickly. So far, these techniques can be addition, the correlation capabilities could applied to large volumes of data (in leverage existing methods by adding statistical comparison with traditional forensic images) ones. but are not suitable for big data. Raghavan et al. (2009) also proposed a Regarding heterogeneity, only a few studies four-layer Forensic Integration Architecture are available; and they were mainly focused on (FIA) to integrate evidence from multiple the integration of heterogeneous databases of sources. The first layer (i.e. the evidence much smaller sizes (e.g. Hard disk, mobile, or storage and access layer) provides a binary memory dump). Integration technology based abstraction of all data acquired during the on ontology techniques offer promising investigation; whilst the second layer (i.e. the prospects although it has not been tested representation and interpretation layer) has within forensic investigations involving big the capability to support various operating data heterogeneity. Similarly, only limited systems, system logs and mobile devices. The research on data correlation were conducted third layer (i.e. a meta-information layer) despite the data correlation offers a potential provides interface applications to facilitate solution to heterogeneous data issues; and metadata extraction from files. The fourth these issues have yet to be resolved, layer (i.e. the evidence composition and particularly those related to big data. As a visualization layer) is responsible for result, big data analytics in the context of integrating and correlating information from forensics stands in need of a comprehensive multiple sources, and these combined sources framework that can handle existing issues such can serve as comprehensive evidentiary as volume, variety and heterogeneity of data. information to be presented to a detective. As the FIA architecture was merely METADATA AND conceptualised via a car theft case study, DIGITAL FORENSICS further investigation would be required for the Metadata describes the attributes of any files evaluation of its practicality. or applications in most digital resources Summary (Guptill, 1999). It provides accuracy, logical consistency, and coherence of files or As demonstrated above, existing studies have applications that they describe. Semantic attempted to only cope with a specific issue search by metadata is one of the important within the big data domain, including volume, functions to reduce the noise during complex interdependence across content, and information searching (Raghavan and heterogeneity. From the perspective of the Raghavan, 2014). A number of metadata types volume of big data, the current tools of digital exist and provide some attributes which are forensics have failed to keep pace with the important in processes as shown in table 1.

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These attributes belong to different types of cybercrimes. Indeed, Raghavan and Raghavan metadata, such as from file systems, event (2014) proposed a method to identify the logs, applications, and documents. For relations of evidence artefacts in a digital instance, file system metadata provides file investigation by using metadata; their method summary information that describes the layout was applied to find the association of metadata and attributes of the regular files and from collections of image files and word directories, aiding to control and retrieve that processing documents. file (Buchholz and Spafford, 2004); event log Rowe and Garfinkel (2012) developed a metadata provides significant information that tool (i.e. Dirim) to automatically determine can be used for event reconstructions anomalous or suspicious files in a large corpus (Vaarandi, 2005). by analysing the directory metadata of files Document type definition is introduced as (e.g., the filename, extensions, paths and size) email metadata in Extensible Markup via a comparison of predefined semantic groups Language (XML) which holds content-feature and comparison between file clusters. Their keywords about an email (Sharma et al., 2008). experiment was conducted on a corpus A number of research studies employ email consisting of 1,467 drive images with 8,673,012 metadata in order to facilitate dealing with files. The Dirim approach found 6,983 email list, such as filtration, organization, and suspicious files based on their extensions and sorting based upon reading status and senders 3,962 suspicious files according to their paths. (Fisher et al., 2007). As a result, some research However, the main challenge with this considers metadata as an evidentiary basis for approach is its ability to find hidden data. the forensic investigation process because it Also, it is not effective at detecting the use of describes either physical or electronic resources anti-forensics. (Khan, 2008; Raghavan and Raghavan, 2014). Therefore; these studies illustrate that Metadata aids to identify the association metadata parameters can be used by forensics artefacts that can be used to investigate and tools for investigation purposes. verify fraud, abuse, and many other types of

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Table 1 Some of Input Metadata Parameters for Forensics Tools

Source of Input S/No Input Parameter Data Type 1 Event ID Integer 2 User Name String Log File Entries 3 Date Generated Date (Security Logs) 4 Time Generated Time 5 Machine (Computer Name) String 6 Modification Time Date & Time 7 Access Time Date & Time 8 Creation Time Date & Time 9 File Size Integer File System 10 Directory flag (File/Folder) Boolean Metadata 11 Filename String Structures (NTFS) 12 File Type String 13 Path String 14 File Status (Active, Hidden etc.) Enumeration 15 File Links Integer 16 Key Name String Registry 17 Key Path String Information 18 Key Type String 19 Key Data / Value String or integer 20 Name string Application Logs 21 Version no. Integer 22 Timestamp Date & Time 23 Packet length Integer 24 Class String Network packet 25 Priority String 26 Source IP Integer 27 Destination IP Integer

SEMANTIC WEB- data. An overview of the proposed framework is illustrated in Figure 1, with three layers of BASED FRAMEWORK data acquisition, data examination, and data FOR METADATA analysis. FORENSIC Data Acquisition and EXAMINATION AND Preservation ANALYSIS This layer is used to image all available This proposed system seeks to provide an suspect resources within the same case. It automated forensic examination and analysis includes creating a bit-by-bit perfect copy for framework for big, multi-sourced heterogeneous some of the digital media resource (e.g. hard

Page 144 © 2016 ADFSL An Automated Approach for Digital Forensic Analysis of… JDFSL V11N2 disk and mobile) and stores images in a secure makes data in the digital resources easier for storage. The preservation process is used to retrieving. ensure that original artefacts will be preserved XML File Creation in a reliable, complete, accurate, and verifiable way. This preservation is achieved by using XML is a method to describe structure hash functions that can be used to verify the information which makes them more readable. integrity of all evidence. After metadata are extracted, the XML file will be utilised to create metadata for each file. Data Examination As a result, the output of this step is a The examination phase is the core of proposal metadata forensic image based on an XML file. system. In this layer, a number of techniques The use of metadata helps to solve the big are employed to achieve the examination goal, data issues as the size of XML file, which including data filtering and reduction, represents metadata of the original file, is metadata extraction, the creation of XML files much smaller than original files. to represent the metadata files, and semantic Metadata Repository web technology to work with heterogeneous data. Details of these techniques are presented The repository has the capability to support below: data from multiple sources of that related to one case (metadata forensics Data Reduction images from various resources). It will be used The data reduction step has been used widely as a warehouse for the next step that feeds the with a variety of digital forensic approaches semantic web technology with data. and has provided for a significant reduction in Ontology-Based Forensic data storage and archive requirements (Quick Examination and Choo, 2014). In addition, most the forensic tools and investigating agencies use the The major aim of this step is to integrate hashing library to compare the files which are heterogeneous resources that are located in the examined in the suspect cases against the metadata repository by using techniques based known files, separating relevant files from upon semantic web technology. The semantic benign files; as a result, the uninteresting files web enables a machine to extract the meaning will not be examined and investigator’s time of web contents and retrieve meaningful results and effort will be saved. without/less ambiguity. Additionally, semantic web technology has not only contributed to Metadata Extraction developing web applications, but also a typical The functionality of this step provides a way to share and reuse data in various sectors metadata extractor according to the source (Alzaabi et al., 2013). It also provides a type, including hard disk, logs file, network solution for various difficult tasks such as packet, and email. In order to extract searching and locating specific information in metadata, the metadata extractor determines big heterogeneous resources (Fensel et al., the suitable metadata which should be 2002). However, the strength of the semantic extracted. For example, it extracts information web relies on the ability to interpreting of that holds usual meaning from hard disk files, relationships between heterogeneous resources. attributes of logs file and network packets can The core of semantic web is a model known be used as metadata to reconstruct the events. as an ontology that is built to share a The output is structured information which command understanding knowledge and reuse

© 2016 ADFSL Page 145 JDFSL V11N2 An Automated Approach for Digital Forensic Analysis of… them by linked many resources together in graphical form. RDF relies on triples subject- order to retrieve them semantically (Allemang predicate-object that forms a graph of data. In and Hendler, 2011). Some modelling languages addition, each triple consists of three elements, are introduced by the semantic web standards namely subject, predicate, and object. The such as Resource Description Framework standard syntax for serializing RDF is XML in Schema (RDFS) and the Web Ontology the RDF/XML form. The third layer is OWL Language (OWL). The first layer of the that has found to solve some limitations of semantic web is based on XML schema to RDF/RDFS because it is derived from make sure that a common syntax and a description logics, and offers more constructs resource metadata exist in a structured format, over RDFS. In the other word, a use of which is already achieved at the previous step RDF/XML and OWL forms ease the search in this proposal system. about relative artefacts semantically from multiple resources. The second layer is a use of RDF for representing information about resources in a

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Figure 1. Semantic Web-Based Framework for Metadata Forensic Examination and Analysis

Also, the purpose of this layer is to extract sender and receiver information, and concepts from different files and determine to timestamp. This information can be linked to which class this concept belongs to base on the an email contact instance and becomes the ontology layer. Examples of such concepts that contact class gives two instances with same can be obtained from an email are: an email timestamp. address and a word attachment belong to the After the ontology has built and the contact class and the document class semantic web technology is ready to use, a respectively. For example, each email holds the search engine will be designed based on the

© 2016 ADFSL Page 147 JDFSL V11N2 An Automated Approach for Digital Forensic Analysis of… ontology. The search engine is used to retrieve analysed in investigations. Therefore, a related artefacts based on the investigator's requirement on the abandonment or query. modification of well-established tenets and processes exists. Accordingly, a number of Data Analysis solutions have already been suggested to cope The major aim of this layer is to answer the with these issues; however, few researchers essential questions in an investigation: what, have proposed technical solutions to mitigate who, why, how, when and where. In addition, these challenges in a holistic way. Although find the relation between the artefacts in order data clustering and data reduction techniques to construct the event. are reasonable solutions to cope these challenges, there are few studies in this regard. Automated Artefacts Also, there is a growing need to optimise these Identification solutions in a comprehensive framework so as The output from the previous layer is many to enable all the issues to be dealt with artefacts related to the incident form together. As a result, the semantic web-based heterogeneous resources. During this layer, framework for metadata forensic examination artificial intelligent techniques will be used in and analysis is proposed to identify potential order to find the association between these evidence across multi-resources in order to artefacts and reconstruct the event based on conduct the analysis. In order to achieve the that. In addition, in order to determine the acquisition and preservation, various evidential artefacts, all the output artefacts techniques will be used base on the resource from the previous layer should be analyzed type. For example, the dead acquisition can be that were created, accessed or modified closer used to collect data from certain types of to the time of a reported incident that is being resources (e.g. hard disk and mobile), but may investigated; however, to generate a timeline not for others (e.g. network traffic and online across multiple resources, it poses various databases). Therefore, it requires effective challenges (e.g. timestamp interpretation). As techniques to obtain required information. a result, it is necessary to generate a unified The second layer goals to achieve the timeline between heterogeneous resources; examination phase in a proper way by therefore, some tools will be used to cope with applying a number of processes. The digital these issues. Of course, the answers will be forensics reduction is the first process that provided to the questions that will be raised explained in this layer in order to reduce the during forensics analysis. Preliminary research volume of data for pre-processing by undertaken by Al Fahdi (2016) has shown that determining potential relevance data without automated artefact identification is an significant human interaction. The metadata extremely promising approach during the extraction is an essential process in this forensics analysis phase. framework because all later processes will DISCUSSIONS depend upon metadata that has been extracted. In addition, the metadata will be A number of studies in the literature section used to reconstruct the past event. Moreover, present comprehensive surveys of existing work the use of the XML file to represent metadata in forensics analysis, with different types and will help during a semantic web process. sizes of data from various fields, showing Afterward, the using of metadata repository is significant increases in the volume of data and beneficial to gathering all metadata from the amount of digital evidence needing to be

Page 148 © 2016 ADFSL An Automated Approach for Digital Forensic Analysis of… JDFSL V11N2 heterogeneous sources. Accordingly, semantic web technology will integrate metadata that exists in the repository by using ontology in order to retrieve the associated metadata. After that, a variety of artificial intelligence and analysis methodologies will apply to obtain potential evidence in a meaningful way that can use in the court. It has therefore been decided to implement this framework to overcome the three issues of volume, heterogeneity, and cognitive burden. CONCLUSION The proposed framework aims to integrate big data from heterogeneous sources and to perform automated analysis of data – which tackles a new of key challenges that exist today. To achieve and validate the approach requires future research. This effort will be focussed upon the development of experiments to evaluate the feasibility of utilising metadata and semantic web based ontologies to solve the problems of big data and heterogeneous data sources respectively. The use of the ontology based forensics provides a semantic-rich environment to facilitate evidence examination. Further experiments will also be conducted to further evaluate the use of machine learning in the ability to identify and correlate relevant evidence. A number of scenario-based evaluations involving a number of stakeholders will take place to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.

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