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ible Conierence •! H 1M7 [ethodisl Church In inkin Kexl Week THE RANKIN NEWS SUCCESSOR TO THE UPTON COUNTY JOURNAL iS of VOIA MK 21 MMMKH H HANKIN, UPTON COUNTY TEXAS t ;;r : <-,7 :htldt«a Grand Jury Called «1 ui4 Rains Throws Hat Into Political lK*m— I *»#»7 For March Term idy ud School Census Delayed ' Announces Witt ) should The followinc have been W M. Hill, A. B. Holley, Sr., Dunn I roalu. called for grand jury duty for the Lowery, Bill Nix, A. L. Ohlen- By Flu Epidemic Run li Drafted .Maich teim of the 83rd disti ict i bui g, G. C. Pauley, Walton Id tnd The Scholastic Census enumer H.ii' ld H Rams, owner an ! court of Upton county, which will , Poague, Tom Workman, L. P. ation for McCamey which wasi •• Th# iipirator «.f the Ra.ns Kleetric convene on .Maieli 31, 1017: Johnson. started on March 1. h.as not been Sunday Se-\„ I- h - announe«-<i that ht> Wilson Harr, R. S Bond, Hamp The Honorable Hunter Met- completed. Completion of the I 4 ^ ole* In- Will «-nt« r th«' ra«-»' f«ir tiu- po- Carter, litin Cook, J. Paul Green, ' eaifc of Alpine will be the dis- conciis has been con.-iiderablv dc- I M you» i.tum i f C-ty CiiunciLoi .n -f W.dton H.lirai, J. G. Herrington, , trict judge presiding. layed by the influcnra epidemic. »0 its Ui. f’ td Ir. a :;..ti-m«-n* handed od vof. John Patterson, professor According to Howard Stoker,' t i. .till .Ni .-.- . ,r!v t- w«-ek. Rams I Oi l Testament in Drew Uni- superintendent of the school sys lid. I , 1-1 ,i\i my name i ri • Madison, N. J., will con- tem, work is still going on and tt.i r. g.:.. : ; -- ! bad I i,.,t ; n Hible C’iinferonce at the it is hoped that the enumeration Food and Drug Inspector •• m v rr ' - f . tU ir. D- s n'n.n .Vithodi.st Church from I will be finished by early next f-i .1 .1 . j.r«-cef;.ng the ' 27 to March 30. He will week so that a report can be fibi.g (¡1.. ;i. ik e,.,-h day at 10 a. m and published m the .\laich 2d issue A- ri p- - 'i ;n t^i 7 • ■ p. m. The morning ,sub- of the McCamey New- Inspects McCamey Firms -J*- - f t .. .\« -.« . « t.hir eiiel; t- ■ ill 1h* based upon the tlos- .1 .n th* ar- ,M. ir B'lne, ..nd the eveninu subji-ct up- A' rdiPi; t. Ci.ief of I’olice, -pector found everyone co-op« r -j«* V 1 J b : nr. - d ,*■ - raii . 1- , f the créât prophets. K. D B. kher, Dan Mow re V, Stat. ative and pleasant. Great em-j U fe e U S T r U U S fe r r e d tia , fur r« •« 1: ' n and . p;«-«- ■n Sunday afternoon he will I' iihI and Drug Inspector, mad«- phusis was placed on the import-!i|i • 1*L* ttf |_ an in.-pection tour of all the f<x)d anee of sterilizing dishes. I » 0 W IU K 1 UlS f f e S K «-ntly uniippost-d, (Ji riiun Fu.> . 1, JR ! the Young People of this J W Ml L< an. F F Mati '"w -,ky, h-D.strict Methodist Youth handling . -tablishments in Me- The Chief of Police states that I J Paul Greeri or the Humble and Dr W H Cofip« r. all candi kh A shiD at Rankin, on the sub- Canu-y last week .Mr. Mowrey j he w ill make more numerous per- j Oil ¿2 Refining Co. has been date' fur -e-< lection to the City .\ Young Man and a f‘>un«l th.it th«- ticerull c«indilion sijnal inspections in l«)cal f«x>d-j transferred to W^ink, Texas. Mr. Couniil W T E-iafis rounds out lar.C’- .\dventure.” On Sunday was giHid handling establishments in the ' Green left McCam« y last Mon- Mr Belcher stat«-d that the in- future. day, March 17, to take up his new . the L.-t rf candidates, being u |h', his subject will be “Out- j ■ ~~ ' (duties in Wink. candidate for i lection tu t.ho |k and Uplook " I ' uncil U1 the people of Rankin and Mrs. Greer^and Paula are mak- ing plans to join Mr. Green in S R B 1. -. will a«t as election E'unding towns are cordially judge. Ii'ed to attend this conference McCamey JayCees Hold the near future. SONGS HIS FATHER TAUGHT HIM - Jo* whit*. •• t«\t book will be ri*quired McCam« y will bo losing a very civic minded pioneer family with N IC * “ •ilv*r M*tl(*d T*nor" In th* H20* and »arty JO'a. beam* 1 pe that a renewed interest a* hi* nln*-y*ar-«ld *on. Bobby. r*h*ar«ta for a gueit agpearanc* Emergency Honsing |B ble study will be created. the moving of the Greens. Mr. •n th* Fr*d All*n Shew Mar. U. Bobby hat been a radio actor and D. G HARDT, Pastor. Meeting Friday, Mar. 14 Green is a member of the McCa- aingtr for th* paat four y«*r*. In**t, below, ahewt Jot Whita at h* Apartments Occupied mty School Board. appoartd In hit fameua allvor math. .Aecurdirg to F B Hem:’i !-;’ y To Cooperate With -i cri-t.iry. the «-mi rgtniy h' iange lu School McCamey Schools :p.- irr.i nt- l«>«.a'i d ,n tb.e ef t irm Due Time Lost Others In Staging - , t. n 1 f Ml IV - McCamey Celebration Reopened Monday Boy Scout Sustaining n i;[ ■ • t Flu Epidemic On Monday, March 1‘ th« I t .- r.t I A regulio mi «-ting of the Mc- McCamey public schools were rc- ,• : V ■-'omey whivil f..cully .1 V Junior Chambi-r of Com- -peni-d after having lie« n clost'd held on Wedn. I.iy af no r* " - held in the Vi ti-ianji’ fii;- two di.vs bi'caus.' of th«- m- Fund Drive Under Way March 1!>. arrangem«-nt.- L :1 li:,-t Kiid..>-, Mulch 14. with flucn.ta epidemic. ri t -!«■ f->r making up f !2 mb-, . p te -i nt. Tht- sihi'ols, which wi-ic « V-sid Mal Dülinghfim Is • li t 1.-I-* wi'* k when th- i 'A to tlu- fu( t thiit thi presi- on Wi'dntsd.-iy afti:ni'on. M.och .'. 1 r<- fiirced to eh■ - h> - • t . f till- ore;imzution. Lloyd ¡2. ! . d -.¡a An .1 22U ;ib.-:i-nti.-i-i-<m Finance Chairman f an influen/a epidemic. iif tl .it ih.ti-. According to ^ 7 Ml K I , w ill be ab-i nt f: - m The am.ual E v . ; ng to H'lward Stoker. • - ■ I " bu.smi ' f : ■ ’.-ei id Ho-.' t d Stok, r, Sup-:-: inti ndi nt, :ng Fund dnve- ur.di :.!• I'.d« nt • • . •:!i- bond ot fhicrto:ij,.. ,jj.-- p i.l'i.'g « - of aii'"*nt-«*e-ism un 1 n \eas taki n f-- the i| ( inti : K. nm-th B. bri-ek u.<j'be•,<!the fi.fi. vv «li i. opining '.vas ' t m of M..t D.:' - :h -:l • ! till- facultv .i \\«;i .,it.n-: pi I-itli-iit. The offic«- ' 'd I ii' il.iV, M.iii'h 18, thi-con- fmjiri , r' --..n -.n-.l \ u e j ' •' I children in airang- e lo tu iy was l.ft vacant byj<IH‘"n h..-t improved and the p e r - £.^,„^.1,,, valley r tli- time ti) make up thi- t. tiur.'li-r of tiU-nn Cam ofi'-'n lato of sludent.-i absent am-- Pi ^ I cil. gi't underway Tuer-.day. M,. '• days It was d«-cidi-<l t-» the N.itionul Supply Co. Mr. jounted to only 15';. Only on«' RUr Strven.s. star of opera, con- we«-ki**^- McCamey Br ■ .- the Faster holidays a- eert._____ screen____ _______ and now the_______ CBö Sun- Bulieoi-k .ippointed Billy L a m - >‘'«cher was off duty this : with April 4 and 7 b«-- day -Famiiy Hour," first met Frank to seive in this office for the ! " as due to illness in the | .According to Jack Ott. di.-tnct f -ii'lays. One day will K' Binatra at Nrw York s City Hall <lur- j , tj,,. yj.^r family rather than her ow n. I finance chairman, the drive Ing a patriotic rally. Thry got tallt- ' ^ ' Tl.e li.--' n« . i:--upart.s f ’• up on Saturday, ,-\pril 12, inuIng aboutatwul football—andfootball—and learnedlearned thatthat «Elans Ians wt-rcw«-rc mademade lofor the or- I being earned on in all the neigh- t' • trr I r •- -i h= . n fu. - f.r-t Saturday aft>-r Easter, theyd been students at rival high - g.-inization to cooperate w ith the I b«)i ing towns within this district nishid by the city secn-t.iry and the other day will be made schools, and must have booed ^ rh joth^.p civic organizations in the VFW and Legion In STILL CHAMPION—Winner other through their four-year school i i . i ¡during the month of March. A t the last of the scho«)l year, of cell roping at the For! meludes the fullo-Aing and th«-;r UriMi ^ looming anniversary celebration I Joint Meeting Non.