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The Rankin News Succet>Sor to the Upton County Journal Help Build Rankin! Trade at Home! THE RANKIN NEWS SUCCET>SOR TO THE UPTON COUNTY JOURNAL RANKIN, UPTON COUNTY, TEXAS EIUIJAV, AUCiUST 9. 194C ■ • J » F. D. "Shorty^' Belcher Appointed Chief of Police of McCamey Complaints Entered Pool Room Operator Salary Set at $225 Per Against Local Called Rolore City Month; To Resign As Mexican Restanrant Conncil Monday The McCamey City Council on ] P.ipry Rodgers, operator of ;• Constable September 1st Monday evening heard com­ McCamey pool hall, wa.s instruct­ plaints from a K>'oup of West-! ed at the Monday evening mer t- Cases to Be Heard end citizens headed by property- ing Ilf the McCamey City Council Rainey Advocates owner tl. B. Gibbs, against to take .«teps to control diunk- enn-ss in his establishment. In City Cenrl Frank's Place, a Mexican restau­ Separate PcIIs For rant and br-er parlor located in This action was taken by the r. D. "Shorty" Belcher was the residential district on West Council after numerous com­ appointed McCamey Chief of plaints had bcH-n received which Whites-Negroes Fifth St. Police at a City Council meet­ stated that drunken men leaving According to Gibbs, Mexican Separate p< llir.i places lor the ing held at City Hall Monday the establishment had created could be heard whoopin' i •VegriH . and whiti .vill be ^et up evening. July 5. Belcher's sal­ disturbances in the presence of and hollerin' and fightin' and rai­ in Texa- by the I'lt:, Democratic ary was set at S22S per month local women. sin' the general devil at all hours j p: imaries. Crockett Fi.-her, leader plus fees, representing a base Rodgers stated that he had no of the night. Gibbs stated that of the Rainey-fiii-G vi .nor for-! salary increase oi STS per control over individuals after "No gill can pass Frank's Place CCS in Upton Count;, predicted month. The new Chief of Po­ they lett the pool hall, but ’ prom­ after 6 p. ni. without being ac­ today following D’ Homer P lice will resign as Constabla of ised" to do what he could to elim­ costed . every time a girl is on Rainev's recommendation to that precinct 4 on Sept. I. His cases inate cause of complaints the street, she is insulted by these | BROTHERS UNDER THE DIN — THt thrte men on the horns ffi>ct. will be tried in City Court, to youths” I art Harry, Jack and Arthur Berv, all players In the NBC Symphony Dr. Rainey's prop' ' to set be re-created on Sept. 1. Orchestra. The only brother trio of French horn players in Amerien, up .separate polling plai for Ne- It is believed that W. A. Gibbs stated that he had to | they came fo the NBC Symphony Orchestra as a group on the Cily Council Votes VERSATILITY PLUS A bit :oe* will go a far v. ti vard Russell, who defeated Belcher work hard to make a living and I Invitation of conductor Arturo Toscanini. of ballot, a touch of pianii- ■. Hiding racial friction an ..t the in the July 27 Primary, will be believed that he and his neigh-1 - Jim Meeks Ponndman playing, a knowledge of fn; -e time will encourage .. Tex- appointed to serve Belcher's bors were entitled to live quietly, j cign languages, a lovely voice, ■ to participate in Dem ratio unexpired term as constable of as is cu:<iomary in any residential I John A. NGnefee To Represent the City The City Council took steps on and very. v» ry gootl looks. .Add eleetiona," Mr. Fisher said. Precinct 4. area. Monday evening to have cattle, them up and the total is charm­ ■ Th usar.ds of Texans ha\e been The owner of the rc*staurant de­ In Meeting For Final Approval horses end stray dogs removed ing June Shielman. new NBC deceived by Dr. Rainey's oppo­ nied that his place was the cause from McCamey streets when the singer of Words and .Music." nents as to his stand on the ques- Jester Defines of the disturbances, insisting that Oi Veteran's Emergency Units membe-rs voted to hire Jim Meeks I tion of racial segregation even the Mexican youths "Got drunk ! City Attorney John A. Menefee —------------ ------ --------- - as Paundman and give him full though he has declared himself Campaign Issues somewhere else." will flv to Foil Worth Saturday' m w u || i » authority in all matters pertain­ JayCees Meet time again for the Constitu­ Officer F U. Belcher was in- or Sunday for a Monday meeting l i r » B * W » IS a W K U l ing to stray animals. Meeks is an IrVith an expression of sincere experienced poundman. tional principle structi-d b> Uie Council to take with the regional head of F P ^ | | | QQu||m|0 At Rlaebonnel Now every vestige cf doubt 8--atitude to the more than 43V the necessary steps to have the*)! A . at which meeting it is lie- Many complaints have been re­ (KK) Texas Democrats who voted The Junior Chamber of Com­ ought to be removed, and thou­ owner of the restaurant operate heved that final approval of the . S n l UOSS P T O S id o n l ceived during recent weeks c:on- for him in the first primary, merce met at the Bluebonnet sands of new supporters will in such manneler that hom€“-own-J site selected for 2lt emergency | cerning stray cattle and horses, Beauford Jester this week de­ Friday night, August 2. lor an flock 'o his banner behind the ers in the area would Iw satis-1 housing units for McCamey vet-i GALVESTON, Aug 7.—R- M. particulcrly from the Park dis­ fined the mam issue of the gu- informal supper. progressive program he has out­ fied. If found that this could not. erans will be received. Surveyor' Hawkins, president of Sul Ross trict. N'rnatorial campaign as a choice The group listened to reports lined for Texas. be done, Belcher was instructed j Si Pittman completed his survey state Teachers College at Alpine,! for Texas h«‘twe«'n Democracy on the JeyCae election night Mr Fisher listed the points in to padlock the place. 1 of the site. locaU-d east of thel.g^jii continue as head of the ccl- and left-wing radicalism. Jamboree. They also elected Dr. Rainey's program as follows: new F. H A. addition, on Tues-j |cge. the board of regents an- Olen Pigfords Return "The principal issue in this a new secretary and treasurer, " 1. F'or the finest educational day Carter and Burgess, Fort bounced at the close of a session campaign." Jester declared, "is Thomas Warren, to fill the va­ system in America. Ll. axd M n. Lewis W oith architects recommended here today. From Extended Trip whether the government of Tex­ cancy left by Bill Moore's re- "2. For a first-class public by F. P. H. A., have been engag- Hawkins previously tendered as shall be conducted according Visit h McCamey Mr. and Mrs. Olen Pigford re­ eignation. Warren will serve health program. ed to furnish plans for convert- his resignation. He had been to Texas tradition, or according turned home Wedneaday, Aug. 7, the unexpired term of 194C-47, ‘‘3. For removal of the ceiling « • Lt. and Mrs. Hugh Lewis ar- ing the buildings, now set aside Jiamed tenUtively as vie* preM- to the tactics of outside forces from an extended vacation trip in on pensions and payment of the rived in MiCamey Tuesday mor- ^ for McCamey at Abilene, into 4- dent OI Southern Methodist Un- unfamiliar with our heritage and 0 the Western States. Among some full $40 a month to our old peo­ ning, Aug. C, from El Paao on « room apartmemta. I iventty. of the places they visited were ple, meeting our obligations to ignorant of our beliefs and per­ SO-day leave. They are stayingj Menefee was empowered Yelerans Urgtd To to! --------------------- Colorado, Cheyenno, Wyo., the sonal freedom. with her family, Mr. and lb * , j represent the City in a Council ! the blind, dependent children and Yellowatone National Park. Mon­ helpless needy, regardless of age , "The ,time _has come, and right L. C. Partin, and Silvia. ttie I meeting held dt the City Hatt anil loinstalo Ptiidos TF.W. Ts Pby S n tana, Idaho, Salt Lake City, Utah, "4. For reaKtnable increase ini ' » h « Texas must ch^se Ramble Pipe Line. j Monday evening. J Aafsls Qsb Salwby Grand Canyon, Aria» and Mex­ World War I! vaterans who taxes on oil. gas and sulphur. j b»‘ ween Democracy and left- Lewis was wound^ “ It U believed that the work of ico. hav« let their National Service "5. For farm-to-market roods; 1 radicalism^ The IhCam cy V. F. W. sMtball with the SSth Di- j^e 10 emergency imiU Mr. Pigford staWa that they Lsf* Insurance lapae were urged improvement of rural life thruj pr^ury. my vWon. He has been in thè W il­ team wUl take the field against from Abilene to McCamey will had a wonderful vacation al- bgr J. Waldo Caraon, Veterans Ad- opponent was supported by the liam Baamnont Hospital at CI one a t its oldest rivals on the base soil conservation, farm co-ops,. get undetway immediately i^ kmi tbawih it was «»d aninistration Contact Aapresenta- CIO Political Action Committee, Paso for thè past seven months pBihs SMmday night wben it tan- scientific research and promotion receipt of final approval from the weather was hot evorywhere they live, to reinstate their policies.
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