PARISH COUNCIL Chair Clive Abbott, Hassage House, Faulkland, Radstock, BA3 5XG [email protected] Clerk Nicola Duke, 6 Shetland Close, Westbury, Wiltshire, BA13 2GN, [email protected]

Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on Wednesday 12th December 2018 at The Palairet Hall, Norton St Philip at 7.00 pm.

Present: Cllr Abbott (Chair), Cllr Hitchins, Cllr Walker and Cllr Eastment.

In attendance: Nicola Duke (Parish Clerk) and 2 members of the public.

Public Participation Caroline Balch – attended to speak to Council in respect of the change of use application relating to Orchard Cottage. She reported on the history of the property as firstly a family home (residential property) before it became a holiday let. She informed members that the Planning Authority had been informed in 2012 that the property was then being rented out as a residential letting. This arrangement continued, and she asked the Council to note that there had been no intention to break any planning regulations. The Chair stated his understanding that there had been many years of connection with the village but noted that this was not, in fact, a planning matter. Members felt that it would be useful for Mrs Balch to provide a copy of the response letter from Council to the Balch’s letter of 2012, referred to above. Mrs Balch confirmed that she would email a copy to the Parish Clerk. Cllr Walker drew attention to the option to apply under a Certificate of Lawful Usefulness.


8098 Apologies for Absence Cllr Lund due to ill health, accepted. Cllr Scarrow due to holiday, accepted.

8099 Declarations of Interest and Dispensations to Participate None.

8100 Minutes a) The minutes of previous meetings of the Council held on 14th November and 3rd December 2018 were approved for accuracy and adopted (proposed Cllr Walker, seconded Cllr Eastment – 14 November) (proposed Cllr Hitchins , seconded Cllr Eastment – 3 December 2018, with one amendment). b) To consider any matters arising from the above meeting: a. Cllr Eastment reported an update on the water runoff issue at Brownshutters Airfield, informing members that the landowner had agreed he would be minded to clear the ditch out but had fallen foul of

the principal authority in respect of such work in the past. Liaison was therefore taking place with SCC’s Highways Department and it was hoped authorisation would be given for the work to be done. b. Cllr Eastment asked whether there had been response in respect of correspondence sent to Wellington Pubs regarding the Hungerford Arms and the Clerk confirmed none had been received. This would be chased.

8101 Council Reports  Chair’s announcements – highlighted the need for the PC to make representation to Bloor Homes and SCC regarding proposed road works/closures in the village. It was agreed that it would be useful for members to address this under the auspices of the Planning Group, when it met to consider the response to the Orchard Cottage planning application (minute reference 8102 below refers).  District and County Councillor, Linda Oliver – had presented apologies and provided an email update, the main points of which are appended to the minutes.  Parish Clerk – none.  Parish Path Liaison Officer – Ms Bolton was absent. Members noted that the PPLO was dealing with the current SCC survey of footpaths.  Sustainable Norton St Philip –Cllr Lund was absent.  Church Mead Committee –Cllr Scarrow was absent.  Palairet Hall –Cllr Eastment had provided a report, which is appended to the minutes. It was noted that a meeting between the management committee and the trustees was planned for the New Year. The Chair outlined that the hall hire charges for the Neighbourhood Plan consultation event on 10/11 November had been kindly waived but that he had felt it right that the PC would make a payment of £50 towards the utility costs involved in opening the hall. This had been welcomed by the management committee and was supported by the PC members (item to be paid under agenda item 8104 below).  Traffic Action Group –Cllr Eastment had provided a report, which is appended to the minutes.

8102 Planning applications Members resolved the Council’s comments on applications received and not previously responded to :

2018/2878/TCA - The Barton The Barton Norton St Philip BA2 7NE -Works to trees within a Conservation Area: T1 - Willow - Re-pollard tree / T2 - Willow - Section fell / T3 - Sycamore x3 and Field Maple - Crown clean and crown reduce by 3.5m / T4 - Willow and Ash - Crown clean and crown reduce by 3.5 m / T5 - Crack Willow x2 - Re- pollard back to previous pollard points to reduce in size by 4 m / T6 - Ash - Section Fell – Support (proposed Cllr Walker, seconded Cllr Eastment).

2018/2812/VRC - Orchard Cottage Mackley Lane Norton St Philip - Application to remove conditions 5 use holiday accommodation, 6 occupation on planning permission 109395/002 – it was agreed to defer the decision until members had had sight of the letter referred to in the public consultation period. The Clerk was given the necessary delegated authority to submit a response to the planning authority (proposed Cllr Abbott, seconded Cllr Walker).

To receive and consider planning applications received after the issue of the agenda (where the response time falls outside of the meeting schedule and an extension cannot be obtained) – None.

8103 Planning decisions, appeals and enforcements a) Members noted planning and enforcement decisions, notices and updates as circulated with the agenda.

b) Parish Enforcement Issues – members had received a report from the Planning Group following its a review of the current schedule of enforcement issues, which was endorsed (proposed Cllr Hitchins, seconded Cllr Walker). It was noted that the outstanding enforcement issue relating to Norton Farm, Farleigh Road would be raised with the planning authority. It was agreed the report would now be submitted to the enforcement team at MDC requesting a meeting with members of the team to discuss the issues recorded and appropriate actions required.

c) Proposed Public Path Diversion Order, NSP FR 11/15 Part, Land south of Longmead Close – members received and considered the diversion order (previously circulated) and it was noted that members had been unable to open the attachment. It was therefore agreed to obtain another copy, circulate to members and delegated the authority to make any response to the Clerk (proposed Cllr Abbott, seconded Cllr Eastment).

8104 Financials  Council expenditure - approved as listed (proposed Cllr Eastment, seconded Cllr Hitchins):

Payee Detail and statutory power Amount Chq no N Duke WFHA and expenses November £23.73 1804 LGA 1972 s 112 HMRC PAYE November 2018 £231.27 1805 LGA 1972 s 112 Ian Hasell Printing costs NP £46.92 1806 Localism Act 2011 Sch 9 LB Planning Planning consultancy NP £3040.00 1807 Localism Act 2011 Sch 9 Cllr Hitchins Reimburse Survey Monkey £35.00 1809

costs Localism Act 2011 Sch 9 Cllr Hitchins Re-issue of cheque £51.65 1809 Localism Act 2011 Sch 9 Cllr Hitchins Website – annual costs £36.00 1809 LGA 1972 s 111 Hardington Vale PC Photocopying – N Plan £197.90 1810 Localism Act 2011 Sch 9 Palairet Hall Contrib towards hall hire NP £50.00 1811 Localism Act 2011 Sch 9

 Financial Position Report (FPR) as at 5 December 2018 – to follow on receipt of bank statement. The clerk would issue the November FPR in the meantime.  Online banking arrangements – the Clerk confirmed the forms had been submitted but no correspondence had yet been received from the bank.

8105 Neighbourhood Plan Cllr Hitchins confirmed that he would prepare an update on the Neighbourhood Plan (currently subject to ‘Regulation 14’ consultation) and circulate to members. Post meeting note – Cllr Hitchins’ report appears at Appendix D below.

Members considered a further application to Locality for grant funding in support of the Neighbourhood Plan for Norton St Philip with Cllr Hitchins reporting that further consultancy support would be required post regulation 14. The Steering Group would consider the detail of this and any required grant application in the New Year.

The costs to date for the Neighbourhood Plan were confirmed at £5,700 (including expenditure detailed under agenda item 8104 above) and it was noted that approximately £3,790 remained (£1,290 Locality funding) for the 2018/19 financial year.

8106 Winter Maintenance 2018/19 – Updates from County Council Members received and noted the following documents, previously circulated: a) Gritting letter from SCC b) Salt bin locations, Mendip District Members agreed to purchase up to 20 bags of salt from SCC and the Clerk would ascertain the weight and cost of the bags and arrange for Cllr Walker to collect.

Members also agreed to inform SCC that the bin location map was missing the following:  Springfield, just past number 16 on the right  Hassage Manor, Hassage  Knoll crossroads, 200 yds north west of Tuckers Grave pub

SCC would also be asked to note the installation of the following new bins:  Westwood Hill, Westwood Lane,  2 on Harris Hill, Tellisford Lane – one at the top and one at the bottom  Church Farm Lane, Norton St Philip  Tellisford Lane junction with Town End, Norton St Philip

8107 Correspondence Somerset Association of Local Councils (SALC) - The Public Sector Bodies (Websites and mobile applications) Accessibility Regulations 2018 – the Clerk confirmed that she had arranged for the necessary adjustments to be made to the Council website and updated the office software to allow for documents to be checked and altered for accessibility prior to issue.

The Chair mentioned that he had received two emails from Mr Linegar regarding the road works and road closures in the village, to which he had responded (the second round of correspondence on 5 December had been circulated to members).

8108 Parish Magazine Members noted there was no magazine published in January and therefore no copy required.

8109 Meeting schedule Wednesday 9th January 2019 at 7.00 pm.

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 8.30 pm.


A. District and County Councillor’s Report – Cllr Linda Oliver:

By way of a Councillor update the Longmead Close application on your planning l list sent with the papers is going to be withdrawn and a replacement application submitted in line with discussions with the planning officer.

The Mackley Lane holiday cottage application is destined for refusal and the second application on the same site but assigned to a different planning officer is also planned to be refused. I have yet to formally respond to the second one.

Re enforcement I can confirm that during the traffic engineers visit she had a concern regarding the safety of the egress/access road to the site in Farleigh Road that is now occupied by several caravans. This is actually in the Tellisford Parish but the increased traffic and associated issues are impacting roads and residents in Farleigh. Rex will be able to expand on this.

I will raise the issue of the long-term residential use of the caravans and access concerns with Tellisford Parish. It would be helpful if NSP PC could consider speaking to Tellisford Parish representative and/or enforcement on this matter. I can provide contact details.

She also contacted parking services, as requested to highlight parking infringements in NSP not being picked up on. It would be helpful if both the PC and I also follow this up with parking services. I pointed out the cars parking on the yellow lines on Bell Hill.

If you recall I met with the enforcement team and the then manager. It was at this meeting they requested a list of enforcement issues across my district ward. I mention this because it would be helpful if the new enforcement manager is aware that the list you are sending is as a result of a request to do so and that the list contains several sites that have been reported to enforcement for quite some time.

On the 3rd December a relatively new traffic engineer, Rebecca Davis spent half a day with me looking at issues across my County Division. She agreed to my request to meet with Rex so he could impart all of his knowledge on issues in NSP. I hear he did a sterling job and no doubt Rex will be covering the outcomes in the meeting.

B. Palairet Hall – Cllr Rex Eastment:

A meeting between the Management Committee and the Trustees took place on 5th. December. It was agreed that the Trustees would receive a copy of the minutes of the Committee meetings and that we should meet together on an annual basis, dates and times to be agreed.

It was also suggested that a similar meeting should be held between the members of the Parish Council and the Palairet Hall Trustees – this to be arranged in the New Year.

PAT testing of portable electrical items is being carried out on 13th. December (pm.)

It is hoped that the tiled ‘splashback’ will be fitted above the new worktops before Christmas and the Dishwasher will be fitted.

C. Traffic Action Group – Cllr Rex Eastment:

S278 scheme phase 1 – Bath Road partially completed, buff coloured patches have been applied to the road surface on Bell Hill, Bath Road and Farleigh Road. Communication has been requested between Bloor Homes, and the Contractors to be established before phase 1 completion and the start of phase 2 that includes the High Street, Fortescue Street and Tellisford Lane/Mackley Lane.

Parking between the end of the High Street and Town End is causing concern as this is causing problems for the buses heading towards Woolverton. – Police and parking services have been informed. A non- insured vehicle parked on the Highway has been dealt with by the Police.

Parking on the double yellow Lines at the top of Bell Hill is still causing problems, as is parking on the pavement opposite the yellow lines. – The Police are following up on parking on the pavements within the village as warnings have already been issued, the next stage will be enforcement! SCC has requested that Parking Services enforce the double yellow lines throughout the village. We are still awaiting dates for a visit from Traffic Consultant that will be employed by the Parish Council to seek a solution(s) to the problems around the entrance to the school, with regards to safe passage of children from the pavement side of the road to the steps on the school side of the road. SCC are looking into whether ‘School’ Zig Zag lines could be applied around the entrance to Church Lane (Subject to Conservation Approval?)

A new 450 mm “Safety Mirror” has been ordered, to be erected on the ‘new’ lamp post on the Lacey’s land opposite the entrance to Town Barton in order to give better vision when vehicles emerge from Town Barton onto the A366.

Speeding continues to be a major problem, particularly on Bath Road (both directions) and the same on Farleigh Road and Church Street past the school entrance. The Speed Enforcement Unit (SEU) have increased the number of visits to the village. In the last month over 40 drivers have received fines and endorsements for speeding in the village.

The Police have supported TAG with 2 HGV sessions, one at Faulkland, stopping HGV’s coming from Terry Hill direction and the second at Tuckers Grave where the driver of a 44 ton articulated, plant moving truck, on route to Trowbridge, was issued a prosecution fine of up to £500 and points on his licence. Further sessions are being planned before Christmas at different times of the day and locations.

Potholes on Cheever’s Lane have been filled in by SCC Highways. Damage to the pavement at the top of Bell Hill has been reported with details of the offending vehicle that caused the damage. Church Street pavement is being inspected in order that repairs can be carried out in the New Year.

D. Neighbourhood Planning – Cllr Hitchins:

The Regulation 14 stage of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations started on 7th December and runs until 25th January 2019. This is a week longer than the statutory 6 week period to allow for the Christmas and New Year holidays.

Statutory consultees and affected landowners were notified by email on 7th December. All households in the parish have had the ‘Notice of Consultation’ flyer delivered. This was also emailed to the NP email list. The flyer contains a response form which is also available for download from the NP website. Links to the online survey are also in the flyer, and the online survey is up and running.

Hard copies of the Draft Plan are in the Parish Church, St Leonards (Farleigh Hungerford), Palairet Hall, Fleur de Lys and Co-Op. A hard copy of the parish Character Assessment is also in the Palairet. Collection boxes for hard copies of the response form are in the Parish Church, Co-Op and St Leonards Church.