Maximum Withdrawal Rates
VOLUME 29 | NUMBER 4 | FALL 2017 Journal of APPLIED CORPORATE FINANCE In This Issue: Financial Regulation Has Financial Regulation Been a Flop? (or How to Reform Dodd-Frank) 8 Charles W. Calomiris, Columbia University Statement of the Financial Economists Roundtable 25 Charles W. Calomiris, Columbia University; Larry Harris, Uni- Bank Capital as a Substitute for Prudential Regulation versity of Southern California; Catherine Schrand, University of Pennsylvania; Roman L. Weil, University of Chicago High Frequency Trading and the New Stock Market: 30 Merritt B. Fox, Columbia Law School, Lawrence R. Glosten, Sense and Nonsense Columbia Business School, and Gabriel V. Rauterberg, Michigan Law School Shadow Banking, Risk Transfer, and Financial Stability 45 Christopher L. Culp, Johns Hopkins Institute for Applied Economics, and Andrea M. P. Neves, Seven Consulting Why European Banks Are Undercapitalized and What Should Be Done About It 65 John D. Finnerty, Fordham University, and Laura Gonzalez, California State University, Long Beach Bloomberg Intelligence Roundtable on 72 Participants: Clifford Smith, Gregory Milano, Joel Levington, The Theory and Practice of Capital Structure Management Asthika Goonewardene, Gina Martin Adams, Michael Holland, and Jonathan Palmer. Moderated by Don Chew. Leverage and Taxes: Evidence from the Real Estate Industry 86 Michael J. Barclay, University of Rochester, Shane M. Heitzman, University of Southern California, Clifford W. Smith, University of Rochester Formulaic Transparency: The Hidden Enabler of Exceptional U.S. Securitization 96 Amar Bhidé, Tufts University How Investment Opportunities Affect Optimal Capital Structure 112 Stanley Myint, BNP Paribas and University of Oxford, Antonio Lupi, BNP Paribas, and Dimitrios P. Tsomocos, University of Oxford How to Integrate ESG into Investment Decision-Making: 125 Robert G.
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