SYMPLECTIC GEOMETRY Gert Heckman Radboud University Nijmegen
[email protected] Dedicated to the memory of my teacher Hans Duistermaat (1942-2010) 1 Contents Preface 3 1 Symplectic Linear Algebra 5 1.1 Symplectic Vector Spaces . 5 1.2 HermitianForms ......................... 7 1.3 ExteriorAlgebra ......................... 8 1.4 TheWord“Symplectic” . 10 1.5 Exercises ............................. 11 2 Calculus on Manifolds 14 2.1 Vector Fields and Flows . 14 2.2 LieDerivatives .......................... 15 2.3 SingularHomology . .. .. .. .. .. .. 18 2.4 Integration over Singular Chains and Stokes Theorem . 20 2.5 DeRhamTheorem........................ 21 2.6 Integration on Oriented Manifolds and Poincar´eDuality . 22 2.7 MoserTheorem.......................... 25 2.8 Exercises ............................. 27 3 Symplectic Manifolds 29 3.1 RiemannianManifolds . 29 3.2 SymplecticManifolds. 29 3.3 FiberBundles........................... 32 3.4 CotangentBundles . .. .. .. .. .. .. 34 3.5 GeodesicFlow .......................... 37 3.6 K¨ahlerManifolds . 40 3.7 DarbouxTheorem ........................ 43 3.8 Exercises ............................. 46 4 Hamilton Formalism 49 4.1 PoissonBrackets ......................... 49 4.2 IntegrableSystems . 51 4.3 SphericalPendulum . .. .. .. .. .. .. 55 4.4 KeplerProblem.......................... 61 4.5 ThreeBodyProblem. .. .. .. .. .. .. 65 4.6 Exercises ............................. 66 2 5 Moment Map 69 5.1 LieGroups ............................ 69 5.2 MomentMap ........................... 74 5.3 SymplecticReduction . 80 5.4 Symplectic Reduction for Cotangent Bundles . 84 5.5 Geometric Invariant Theory . 89 5.6 Exercises ............................. 93 3 Preface These are lecture notes for a course on symplectic geometry in the Dutch Mastermath program. There are several books on symplectic geometry, but I still took the trouble of writing up lecture notes. The reason is that this one semester course was aiming for students at the beginning of their masters.