CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E901 HON
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May 24, 2002 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E901 to get things done and who never fails to take in response and made its 20 branches avail- Orfanakos, Paul Panos, Angelo Pappas, Nich- on a challenge. able for a variety of community needs. In olas Rafael, John Romas, Elias Villas, and During the past several decades, I have 2002, the YMCA of Greater New York serves Decons Niktarios Morrow and Panteleimon been privileged to work with Jack and Georgia 170,000 youth and 200,000 adults. Papadopoulos. The volunteers include: Sofia on issues of concern at local, State and Fed- Throughout its 150 years, the YMCA of Cotzia, George C. Zouvelos, Tony Benezatos, eral levels and have valued their friendship Greater New York has been a model of public/ Maria Andriotis, Keana Balahtsis, Marissa and counsel. It is my distinct pleasure to ask private partnerships with a close connection to Costidis, Jerry Dimitriou, Fran Karivalis, Mi- my colleagues to join me in saluting Jack the City’s business and civic leadership. Early chael Karloutsos, Xanthi Karloutsos, Ioanna Koszdin and Georgia Mercer for their out- lay leaders, such as William E. Dodge Jr., J. Kekropidou, Theo Nicolakis, Andrea Pappa, standing contributions to our community and Pierpont Morgan and Cornelius Vanderbilt II, Nitsa Sinanis, Gkorge Schira, Nick Terizis, thanking Hillel at CSUN, Valley and Pierce were among the most prominent businessmen Harry C. Zouvelos and Dina Theodosakis to Community Colleges for its great work gen- and philanthropists of their time. Former elect- name a few. erally, and for making tonight’s Gala Dinner a ed officials, such as Governor Thomas Dewey Today, as every day, we pay tribute to the wonderful success. and Major John Lindsay, served on the YMCA heroes of 9/11. We will not forget you! Zeto E f board. Mayors David Dinkins, Rudolph Giuliani Eleftheria (Long Live Freedom), Se Ollo to and Michael Bloomberg have all been Kosmo (In the entire world). NEW YORK’S YMCA CELEBRATES proactive supporters of YMCA community cen- ITS 150TH BIRTHDAY ters and programs. f The YMCA of Greater New York’s fund- HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS raising efforts, including its Capital Campaign INTRODUCING A JOINT RESOLU- OF NEW YORK for Kids, are supported by hundreds of cor- TION HONORING THE 102ND IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES porations and foundations that recognize the FIGHTER WING OF THE MASSA- CHUSETTS AIR NATIONAL Wednesday, May 22, 2002 YMCA’s major and continuing commitment to the youth and families of New York City. This GUARD Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, I rise in honor of support is led by the YMCA of Greater New the YMCA of Greater New York in celebration York’s 14 Corporate Champions: AT&T,/AXA HON. MICHAEL E. CAPUANO of its rich and vital 150 year history. Financial, Bloomberg, Con Edison, Credit OF MASSACHUSETTS Throughout its history, the ‘‘Y’’, as many of Suisse/First Boston, Deloitte & Touche, Deut- us know it, has spanned three distinct histor- sche Bank, JPMorganChase, Merrill Lynch, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ical periods. The first, from 1852–1902, is Metropolitan Life Foundation, New York Life, Wednesday, May 22, 2002 marked by a commitment to help newcomers Pfizer, PriceWaterhouseCoopers and UBS/ Mr. CAPUANO. Mr. Speaker, without ques- to the city and the creation of programs of so- PaineWebber. tion, September 11th, 2001 was one of the cial change to help groups impacted by war, Mr. Speaker, 150 years after the YMCA of most tragic days in our nation’s history. Mil- population shifts and industrial changes. The Greater New York first came into existence it lions of lives were adversely affected by the New York ‘‘Association’’ was staunchly aboli- is now bigger and better than ever before. As terrorist acts that were perpetrated in New tionist and formed a commission to minister to such, I urge my colleagues to join me in hon- York City, Washington, DC and Pennsylvania. soldiers in camps and hospitals, and on the oring this truly remarkable organization on the However, like so many times before, Ameri- battlefields of the Civil War. After the War, occasion of its 150th Anniversary. new YMCA programs were started for African cans from across the country rose to the chal- f Americans, railroad workers and young boys lenge of defending this great nation. Out of from urban centers. PAYING TRIBUTE TO 9/11 HEROES this dark period came amazing stories of her- From 1902–1952, the YMCA expanded its oism, patriotism and selflessness. Today, I scope to all areas of public life and affairs, HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY rise to introduce a joint resolution, on behalf of the Massachusetts Congressional delegation, and women became members. Racial integra- OF NEW YORK that pays tribute to a group of men and tion was attained nationally in the 1940s and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES much earlier in many New York City YMCA women who played an indispensable role in branches. The YMCA’s expertise produced Wednesday, May 22, 2002 defense of the nation during and following numerous vocational, skills training and job Mrs. MALONEY of New York. Mr. Speaker, September’s terrorist attacks. placement programs during these years. on March 19, 2002, I stood on the House floor Before most of America could come to grips From 1952–2002, the YMCA focused ag- to recognize and celebrate the 181st Anniver- with what was happening on the morning of gressively on urban programs to help girls and sary of Greece’s declaration of independence September 11th, the 102nd Fighter Wing of boys, and their families, in the city. Programs from the Ottoman Empire. the Massachusetts Air National Guard, located were developed to deal with poverty, youth As I stated on that day, the Hellenic com- at Otis Air National Guard Base, had assumed unemployment, delinquency and drug abuse, munity, as every community in New York and its position as the tip of the spear in defense and many programs were put on wheels, such worldwide, was hit heavily by that travesty of of the nation’s skies. Known as the Minute- as Jobmobiles and Youthmobiles, in order to 9/11. men, in honor of their Revolutionary War fore- be located in the neighborhoods most in need. Fortunately, we have members of the Fire fathers, the 102nd became the nation’s first In New York City, during fiscal crises and na- Department, Police Department, Port Author- airborne responders when it scrambled two F– tional recessions, the YMCA maintained its ity, military and other volunteers who will con- 15s just six minutes after being informed of firm commitment to the city through large- tinue to lead this war and to protect us on the the hijackings. Within the first hour, the wing scale childcare and expanded family pro- homeland and abroad. They are lead by Cap- launched six armed aircraft on Combat Air Pa- grams. A growing emphasis on physical fit- tain John Casamatis, Nicholas Biancoviso trol over New York City and Boston. Incred- ness led to many new program offerings, such (NYPD), Sgt. Emanuel Vrettos (Triborough ibly, with significantly fewer pilots and main- as aquatics, cardiovascular fitness and sports Bridge & Tunnel Authority), Paul Pallas tainers than their active duty counterparts, the leagues, including two sports invented at the (NYPD), Demetrios Kaloudakis (NYPD), Con- 102nd generated, loaded and accepted four- YMCA in the late 19th century—basketball stantine Kaloudakis (NYPD), US Marshall teen aircraft in less than seventeen hours for and volleyball. John Svinos, Nicholas Mitsinkos (NYPD), Spe- around-the-clock combat operations. As a re- In the past decade, the YMCA of Greater cial Agent Genie Poumpouraas (Secret Serv- sult of its ability to respond so quickly and ef- New York also has become a presence in ice), Steve Savvas (NYPD) and Athanasios fectively, the 102nd Fighter Wing became the nearly 200 public schools in every school dis- Ganosis (NYPD). country’s lead air defense squadron for Oper- trict in the City. In partnership with the United We salute the clergy and volunteer heroes, ation Noble Eagle. Way and the New York City Board of Edu- lead by His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios, In the first three days of the national crisis, cation, the Virtual Y currently enrolls 7,500 His Grace Bishop Andonios Parapoulos, His the 102nd flew forty-six sorties and better than children and is expanding. Teen Action NYC, Grace Bishop Savas Zembillas, Fathers John 160 hours protecting every major city in the currently operates in five schools and provides Angel, James Antokas, John Heropulos, Alex- Northeast Air Defense Sector. During this pe- academic support, life skills and career plan- ander Karloutsos (Port Authority Chaplain), Mi- riod, the 102nd was the country’s sole clear- ning. Most recently following 9/11, the YMCA chael Kontogeorge, Alexander Leondis, James ance and identification authority and their flaw- of Greater New York has developed programs Moskovitis, James Moulketas, Geore less execution expedited the flow of medevac VerDate 11<MAY>2000 03:06 May 25, 2002 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A22MY8.057 pfrm04 PsN: E24PT1.