NEH Application Cover Sheet Summer Seminars and Institutes PROJECT DIRECTOR Mr. Todd Thornton Lewis E-mail:
[email protected] Professor of World Religions Phone(W): 508-793-3436 Box 139-A 425 Smith Hall Phone(H): College of the Holy Cross Fax: Worcester, MA 01610-2395 UNITED STATES Field of Expertise: Religion: Nonwestern Religion INSTITUTION College of the Holy Cross Worcester, MA UNITED STATES APPLICATION INFORMATION Title: Literatures, Religions, and Arts of the Himalayan Region Grant Period: From 10/2014 to 12/2015 Field of Project: Religion: Nonwestern Religion Description of Project: The Institute will be centered on the Himalayan region (Nepal, Kashmir, Tibet) and focus on the religions and cultures there that have been especially important in Asian history. Basic Hinduism and Buddhism will be reviewed and explored as found in the region, as will shamanism, the impact of Christianity and Islam. Major cultural expressions in art history, music, and literature will be featured, especially those showing important connections between South Asian and Chinese civilizations. Emerging literatures from Tibet and Nepal will be covered by noted authors. This inter-disciplinary Institute will end with a survey of the modern ecological and political problems facing the peoples of the region. Institute workshops will survey K-12 classroom resources; all teachers will develop their own curriculum plans and learn web page design. These resources, along with scholar presentations, will be published on the web and made available for teachers worldwide. BUDGET Outright Request $199,380.00 Cost Sharing Matching Request Total Budget $199,380.00 Total NEH $199,380.00 GRANT ADMINISTRATOR Ms.