


35c New 3-Stage Sinclair Power-X Gasoline Gives You 100-0ctane Performance in All 3Driving Stages

STARTING New Power-X Gasoline is - OHIO ST ATE power-primed with rocket fuel ... WILBUR E. S N YPP, E ditor and Advertising Ma11 ager J ohn F. HummeJ __Circulation Manager starts quick as a click in any National Advertising Representative Spencer Advertising Co., 271 Madison Ave., weather. New York 16, N.Y. The U niver ity Presidents ______2 niversity o( Iowa Officials ______3 tory of the niver ity of Io, a ______4 ACCELERATION 12,000 pounds Scene at niversity of Iowa ______5 Ohio Stale University Official ------6 thrust at the touch of your toe! Students Welcome Ohio State Dads ______7 No need for fancy-priced David Kilgore, " fr. Accuracy"------8 The Ohio Lale Football taff ______9 gasolines. Ohio Stale Track and Gytru1astic chedule ______10 2 niversity o[ Iowa oaching Staff ______l 3 Ohio tate Football Players ______l2, 14, 18, 28, 32 U n!versity of Io,_va Football Players ____ }6, 26, 3 0, 34 MILEAGE Those extra octanes Ohio Late Fencrng and Wrestling Schedule ______19 Ha1£-Time Marching Band Music ______?i mean extra economy,·too ... Ohio State Fre hman Football Roster ______36 more miles in every thrifty Bi g Ten Football Scores and Schedule ______-40 Record ----~2 3gallon. See your Sinclair Dealer. Ohio tate Won-Lo t and All-Opponent TRY A TANKFUL TODAY OVER 100-0CTANE .. . NO EXTRA COST NEW s,nclo,r POWER-x s,ncla

Sinclair Refining Company, 155 N. Wacker Drive, Chicago 6, Illinois Jllttl' The University Presidents Representing The State

DR. Director of Athletics

DR. NOVICE G. FAWCETT President, The Head Football Coach

DR. VIRGIL M. HANCHER DR. ROBERT RAY President, State University of Iowa Faculty RepresentaHve

2 3 Pioneering at The State University of Iowa

T about 100 year ago The tate University A major part of today's State 1Jni\·ersity of fowa of Io\\·a. a pioneering J institution with a faculty i it Medical Center, where College of l\Iedicine and of three, faced an unu ual problem-pistol-pack­ College of Nursing student · observe and work with ing students. The faculty took action, ruling in 1862 patients in three large hospitals-General, Children' that '· tudents are prohibited from \\·earing firearms." and P ychopathic-and in the Hospital-School for Problems today are quite different, but the pio­ Severely Handicapped Children. Dentistry and phar­ neering spirit which ha macy tudents also use facilities of the center. dominated the U niversi­ The nation's first Institute of Agricultural Medi­ ty since it inception m cine wa established at SUI to study disea e pecu­ 1847 sti II per i ts. liar to farm re idents and to improve health condi­ ·when Explorer I be­ tions of rural dweLers. gan it hi toric orbit More than 40 years ago another pioneering group through outer space, it of dedicated researcher and laymen established the carried cosmic ray in­ first university unit in the country to tudy the struments developed at normal child, The Iowa Child \Velfare Re earch SUI. And when America's first satellite started re­ Station. porting by radio on radiation in outer space, the reports were ent posthaste to SUI for interpretation Across the entire Iowa campu re earchers take by James \. an Allen and the group of young phy i­ part in the constant que t for new knowledge. An c1 ts who work with him. Iowa botanist, for instance. is making a tudy of the di tinctive vegetation of the prairies. A neurosur­ Pioneering in pace i the latest in a long line of geon in the Iowa l\1edical Center continue his effort "firsts'' which have been chalked up at S I since in perfecting a new type of brain operation. involving the tudents' pi tol-packing clays. In 1 60 the board the focusing of ultrasonic ound on damaged nerve-. of trustees decided to admit women on equal terms Iowa pharmacist are working on a unique project \Yith men-the fir t state university in the country in which they seek to lengthen the helf-life of drug to do o. \\' omen and men attended most cla ses stockpiled by the armed forces for use in times of together. but the sexes were separated in penmanship clas e · and they could not speak to one another an national emergency. A profe ·sor of German has de­ hour before daily chapel. Coed now make up about veloped a new form of international communication. 30 per cent of the more than 10,000 student who It is almo t impo ible to walk 100 yard in any attend SCI'' ten colleges and four school . direction on the SCI campus without coming acro~s The nation's first inter-faith chool of Religion basic or applied research projects aimed at increasing wa founded on the Iowa campu more than 30 year the sum total of man's knowledge. And thi is but ago, \\'ith faculty member of the Prote tant, Catho­ one of the three obligation which I Pre ident lic and J e\\'ish faiths sharing adjoining offices. \·ir~il i\J. Eancher ci ~es as the unique responsibilitie. Iowa ha al::;o led the way in accepting creative of the University-teaching, or the tran mi ion of work-a noYel, a piece of sculpture, a pa.inting, a knowledge; re earch, the increase of knowledge, and play. a mu~ical compo ition-as a thesis for an ad­ service to the public which upports it, the interpre­ vanced degree in the fine arts. tation f knO\\·leclge.

4 5 Ohio State University

W. W. (WOODY) HAYES Head Football Coach

(left to right, seated) stu d ent d Columbus Plannin Ohio State University's annual Da d' s Day . Zehnerare these Bellevue , general chairman and Pat Anhers, h . '. B . t Vt Dad's Day lune eon c aorman, g . I b h irman of campus Califarrangements representing. Jan Terry ' Henry ennong on, ., f U . · 1y Charlotte Jenkins( , Co um us, cl 'af S Diego secretary; s I an d'ong ) Carol hK eo . genI'' anh . an · ' Ph ilip .,Moots Bellefontaine. , publicity chairman; a nd Lawrence D. Katz, o noverso Douglas Morris, Co lumbus, osp,ta tty ~ a1rm ' , Heights, Ohio, stadium arrangements chairman.

ELC0:\1E, DADS! Today, we hope ~·ou are enjoying W the special occasions prepared in yo~ hono~·· \Ve wish to express, in some small measure, ou1 thanks and appreciation to each of you. . OJ · Dad': Dav acli\'ities include a luncheon l!1 the 110 Union ballroo~ with the fathers of the ~o~tba ll_ playe1J and greetings from the university adm1111sb·at1011 an ~thletic council. At half-time, a plaque will be presen~ef1 Jan Zehner, chairman of Dael's D~y, ~n awar~1 wh1c1 RICHARD C. LARKINS by will carrv our appreciation to all umvers1ty clads. ]I Director of Athletics \Ve \ave selected a "Dad of Dads" to re~resent ~ of vou. He is Mr. Christy H. Dunn, of Zanesvtlle, ,?h10 . .M/ Dunn attended l\'luskingum ollege . from 19~~ to 1930 then enroll ed al Ohio State from which he rece1v~d AB degree i11 1932 and a BS degree in Educat10n m i;34. l\lr. Dunn has practiced law for 16 ye~1rs and served as assistant prosecuting attorney in l\ Iusk:11gum co~nty from ] 94-! to 1952. He also served as assistant at~01ney genera1 f rom 19v=,::;9 to 1956 . l\lr . Dunn now is a l\!uskmgum county court judge. Mr. and l\Irs. Dunn have a daughter, Pamela Jean, 18 who is a freshman student at Ohio State. . , We hope you enjoy YOUR clay Dads, and remember MR. CHRISTY H. DUNN it with happiness. F THE DAD'S DAY COl\Il\IITTEE ON BEHALF O' "Dad of Dads" DR. WENDELL D. POSTLE THE STUDE T BODY Faculty Representative

6 7 The Ohio State Football Coaching Staff

David Kilgore • • • • • • Mr. Accuracy

ONE of the 18 seniors making his final appear­ ance in today is David Kilgore, the Buckeyes' phenomenal 158 pound place-kicker.

A young man who puts hi heart and toe into hi work, Kilgore not only has been the most accurate place-kicker in the \i\T es tern Conference for the past tll"o seasons but ha led the Ohio State coring column during 1959. After the first e\'en game , Kilgore had kicked four field goals in se,·en tries and six extra points in ix attempts. Front row, left to right: Lyal Clark, defensive line; Gordon Larson, backs; " Bo" Schembechler, tackles; Clive Rush, backs. The 5-9, 21 year-old from Dayton has practiced Back row: Frank Kremblas, assistant freshman; Harry Strobel, guards and centers; " Woody" Hayes, head coach; Esco Sarkkinen, ends; Ernie Godfrey, heod freshman coach. diligently e\'ery evening. kicking an a\'erage of SO per \\'orkout. Dave begin hi - routine around the 10 yard line. then retreats to the -J.O, from \\'hich point he has ho\\'n urprising power. Kilgore kicked 15 extra points out of 17 tries last invites you to sing along year but actually mis eel only one, another being blocked. His field goal against IO\Ya ,ms the clincher CARMEN OHIO in a 38-28 triumph. Oh! Come let's sing Ohio's praise, Joining Kilgore today 111 final Ohio tadiurn ap­ And songs to Alma Mater raise; pearance · are 17 other eniors; Captain James While our hearts rebounding thrill, Houston. \\ illiam \Ventz. Casimir Adule\\'icz. Gary With joy which death alone can still. Korn, Loui Archambeau, Robert \\'bite, Leonard Fontes. Robert Emelianchik, Terence Han ley, \Vil­ Summer's heat or Winter's cold, Jiam Beam, Jerry Bow her. Richard Anders, Ken­ The seasons pass, the years will roll; DAVID KILGORE neth Seilkop, Birtbo Arnold, Richard l\Iichael, Har­ Time and change will surely show Dayton Senior \'ey Herrmann and James Rowland. How firm thy friendship 0-hi-o.

a 9 Ohio State Indoor and Outdoor Track Schedules

Indoor Jan. 30. Kentucky and Memphis State here DURING Feb. 6 . State here Feb. 13. Michigan State Rel a ys at East Lansing EVERY Feb. 20. and Purdue here Feb. 27. All -O hio meet here Mar. 4-5. Big Ten Championships here GAME ... Outdoor Apr. 16. O hio University and Ohio Wesleyan here Apr. 23. Ohio Relays here Apr. 29-30. At Penn Relays May 7. At Indiana May 14. Michigan and Purdue at Purdue May 17. At Michigan State oU 1,I~ rr:.. May 20-21. Big Ten Championships (Site To Be Determined) 'I IT J.IK.ES '/O~ LARRY SNYDER May 27-28. O hio High School Meet here He ad Track Coach

Ohio State Gymnastics Schedule, 1960

Jan. 9 . Intra-squad meet here Jan. 16. At Mich igan State Jan. 23. Iowa here Jan. 30. Illinois (Navy Pier) and Chicago at Chicago ALL ST AR DAIRY PRODUCTS Feb. 6. West Virginia and Mich igan here Feb. 13. Illinois here Feb. 20. At Ball State Teachers Take Hoppy's advice Feb. 27. Minnesota and Indiana at Indiana and make Harmony Farms March 4-5. Big Ten meet at Minnesota your favorite dairy March 18-19. N.C.A.A. meet at Penn State in Columbus.


10 11 Iowa Football Coaching Staff

JAMES HOUSTON ROBERT WHITE No. 84-End (Captain) Na. 33-Fullback

Front row, left to right: Assistant Coaches Jerry Hilgenberg, Bob Flora, Archie Kodros, Henry (Whitey) Piro. Back row: Freshman Coach Bill Happel; Head Coach Forest Evashevski, Assistant .

The "PICK" of Columbus PICK-FORT HA YES HOTEL Derby Hall, Ohio State University ERNEST WRIGHT JERRY FIELDS No. 63-Guard No. 24- 350 Rooms All With Bath - Radio - Television Pl,otoa b11 H OIUB of PorlraU. The "Floor of Stars'' Features Deluxe Accommodations 200 Air Conditioned Guest Rooms AN ENTIRE FLOOR OF NEWLY MODERNIZED, ENLARGED ANO BEAUTIFULLY DECORATED PRIVATE DINING ROOMS-THE FINEST IN COLUMBUS-IDEAL FOR THAT SPECIAL SOCIAL OCCASION- LUNCHEON OR BANQUET-SALES CONFERENCE OR CONVENTION COMFORTABLY SEATING FROM IS TO 350 PERSONS The Pick-Fort Hayes Has Long Been Famous for Excellent Food and Service and Is Recommended by: DUNCAN HINES - GOURMET - DARNELL You will enjoy the "ROUND-UP" A Delightful New J{oom in Unique and Colorful Western Decor Superb Cock /ails-Delicious Luncheon Specialties Attractive Coffee Shop Beautiful Crystal Dining Room EXCELLENT PARKING FACfLITIES Thomas S. Walker, Manager 1 JAMES TYRER OSCAR HAUER TOM MATTE AN ALBERT ~ICK HOTEL No. 77-Tackle No. 65-Guard No. 41-Halfback


MIKE INGRAM TOM PERDUE No . 64-Guard No. 89-End Particular People Prefer Celebrate Pennington Bread with the best!

at home or at the fountain

the best Ice Cream Orton Hall, Ohio State University BIRTHO ARNOLD JIM HERBSTREIT . No. 68-Tackle No . 45-Halfba,k IS Photoa By H oU8e of Portrait, The One Food Always in Fashion

300 MODERN Free Rod,o ,n Each Room • Circuloling Ice Water 150 ROOMS WITH TV En1oy the o,r cond,1,oned • JOHNNY APPLESEED COFFEE SHOP • COLONIAL DINING ROOM

RICHARD MICHAEL JENE WATKINS WILLIAM WENTZ No. 70-Tockle No . 58-Center No. 15-Halfba,k 14 15 1394 King Ave. YOU ALWAYS WIN HUdson 8-7790 with



IOWA PLAYERS One of Columbus' for Outstanding Finest Food and Service Fo r Your PLEASURE After the DISTINCTIVE RESTAURANTS Game Da ncing Saturdays at 9:00 P.M . MIDTOWN Serving Delicious Food at Sensible Prices 19 North High Street Visit Our Small But Comfortable Beverage Lounge OUR OWN GARAGE FOR PARKING 250 COMFORTABLE BROAD AT GRANT SUBURBAN ROOMS AND SUITES PHONE: CApitol 8°6611 (Perfect Facilities for Sales Meetings, Luncheons, Dinners 3015 East Main Stree1 and Wedding Receptions. Exceptional, but not Expensive) KEITH KINDERMAN JACK CARLSON JESS VARGO Under the Spervision of SOUTHERN No. 10- Halfback No. 53- Center No. 54-Cenler Yo ur Host 3795 South High Street Jimmy Michos (SOUTHERN Resta urant Closed Sundays) Pres. and Gen. Mgr.


Your Plymouth Dealer Imperial-Chrysler

1505 E. Main St. 611 E. Broad St. ------"Always a Better Deal"-----

HAROLD R. WOOD '31, President BERNIE WYATT LARRY FERGUSON BILL WHISLER No. 4 5- Halfback No. 31- Fullback No. 81-End 17 16 Ohio State Fencing Schedule, 1960

Jan. 9. Oberlin here Jan. 16. Open .f an. 23 . At Oberlin Jan. 29. At Jan. 30. Wisconsin and Wayne at Detroit Feb. 6 . Cincinnati and Case here Feb. 13. Illinois and Indiana at Bloomington

CHARLES BRYANT ROBERT FERGUSON Feb. 20. Michigan State and Notre Dame Na. 88-End No. 46- Halfback at East Lansing Feb. 27. Iowa, Fenn and Chicago here March 5. Big Ten meet at Iowa March 25-26. N.C.A.A. meet at Illinois ROBERT KAPLAN Head Fencing Coach

Ohio State Wrestling Schedule, 1959-1960

Dec. 5. Baldwin-Wallace, Ohio University Alumni Gateway, Ohio State University JIM MATZ DONALD YOUNG and Miami here No . 74-Tackle No . 62-Guard Jan. 9. Wheaton, Wisconsin (Milwaukee Photoa by House of Portraits Branch) and Wisconsin at Wisconsin Jan. 16. Michigan here Jan. 23. At Michigan State Jan. 30. Indiana here Feb. 6 . At Purdue Feb. 13. Northwestern here Feb. 20. West Virginia here Feb. 27. Iowa, Minnesota and Purdue at Purdue March 4-5. Big Ten meet at Michigan CASEY FREDERICKS Head Wrestling Coach March 24-25-26. N.C.A.A. meet at Maryland RICHARD ANDERS GABRIEL HARTMAN LEONARD FONTES No. 53-Center No. 67- Guard No. 34-Fullback 18 19 ENJO~ COCA-COLA

6--,-0 0



Quarter- Mill i on Beautiful and comfort­ dollar fabulous glass­ able dining. The fine enclosed palace in the 0 10 UNSPORTSMANLIKE food, moderately priced 0 CONDUCT clouds .. . Luncheon, - make ·this one --~~---- of the Cocktail Hour music, city's most popular din­ Dinner, Dinner Music, 7 PERSONAL FOUL Dancing from 9 p .m. ing rooms. ~ until 1 a .m. 6 DELAY OF GAME

0 15 INELIGIBLE RECEIVER DOWNFIELD ON PASS Cozy cocktail lounge ... Pleasant atmosphere a most pleasing spot for with appeti?ing ~ cocktails or a delectable dishes, 11 ILLEGAL UU OF economically HANDING HANDS AND ARMS BALL FORWARD KICK CATCHING I I meal. pri~ed and offering 12 INTENTIONAL fast service. GROUNDING the Popular HOUR GLASS Columbus' best-liked ~o~ o 16 BAL:ILLEGAlLY TOUCHED, ( V) 20 TOUCHDOWN OR FIELD GOAL KICKED OR BATIED ~




THE HAWKEYE SQUAD THE BUCKEYE SQUAD AM f'CA OHIO STATE IOWA 10 Kinderman, LH 51 Humphreys, C 76 Yauck, C 14 Hess, HB 46 Ferguson, HB 70 Michael, G Probable Starting Lineup PROBABLE STARTING LINEUP 11 Jeter, LH 52 Lapham, C 78 Sawin, RT 15 Wentz, HB 47 G. Hansley, HB 72 Jentes, T \ 12 Erhardt, QB 53 Carlson, C 79 Lee, LT No . Name Pos. No. Name Pos. 16 Tingley, HB 49 Houck, HB 74 Matz, G 14 Klott, RH 54 Vargo, C 80 Clauson, LE 87 Tom Perdue ------__ LE 18 Hardman, HB 52 Bowsher, G 75 Roberts, T 82 --- LE 16 Mauren, RH 56 Zinn, C 81 Whisler, RE Dick Michael ______LT 19 Kilgore, QB 53 Anders, C 76 Weldy, T 17 Williams, V., LH 57 Ferguson, W., C 82 Merz, LE 70 21 Benis, QB 54 Lindner, C 77 Tyrer, T 79 Charles Lee LT Mike Ingram ______LG ____ LG 20 Hollis, QB 60 Williams, J., RG 83 Langston, LE 64 22 Wallace, QB 55 Vogelgesang, C 78 Tolford, T 65 Jerry Novack 21 Mitchell, QB 63 Clark, LG 84 Hanson, RE 53 Dick Anders ______C 23 Lister, QB 56 Farrall, G 79 Whitaker, T 52 Bill Lapham C 22 Treadway, QB 64 DiCindio, LG 87 Lees, LE 24 Fields, QB 57 Seilkop, G 80 Fiers, E - ______RG Don Shipanik RG 30 Horn, FB 65 Novack, LG 88 Miller, LE 63 25 Spichek, QB 58 Watkins, C 81 Stephens, E 68 31 Ferguson, L., FB 66 Thorson, RG 89 Norton, RE 26 Adulewicz, QB 59 Coburn, C 82 Wittmer, E 77 ______. __ RT 78 John Sawin - RT 32 Mosley, FB 67 Ringer, RG 90 Houser, RG Jim Houston ______RE 32 Detrick, FB 61 Harbin, G 84 Houston, E 33 Lafferty, FB 68 Shipanik, RG 91 Nolff, LG 84 89 (C-C) ·- RE 33 White, FB 62 Young, G 87 Perdue, E 35 Moore, QB 69 Manders, RG 92 Watkins, RE 41 Tom Matte QB 34 Fontes, FB 63 Wright, G 88 Bryant, E 22 Olen Treadway _QB 41 McMeekins, LH 70 Hain, LT, RT 93 Harrell, LT Bob Ferguson __LH 41 Matte, HB 64 Ingram, G 90 Herrmann, T l l .. LH 42 Russo, LH 71 Hinton, RT 94 Connors, LE 46 42 Strait, HB 65 Hauer, G 91 Martin, E Bill Wentz 43 Brown, LH 73 Pudder, LT 95 Long, RT 15 RH 44 T. Hansley, HB 67 Hartman, G 92 Rowland, E 46 (C-C) RH 44 Tucker, RH 7 4 Moerke, LT 96 Mielke, LT 33 Bob White ______---· FB 45 Herbstreit, HB 68 Arnold, T 94 Warner, E 30 Don Horn FB 45 Wyatt, RH 75 Williams, C., LT 97 Carey, RT 46 Jauch, RH BE REALLY For the


• 10. UNSPORTSMANLIKE CONDUCT-Violation ,n PENALTIES of rules during intermission; illegal return of suspended player; coaching from side-lines; I. OFFSIDE by either team; violation of scrim• invalid signal for fair catch; persons illegally mage or free kick formation; encroachment on fi el d-Loss of 15 Yards. ( Flagrant offenders of neutral zone-Loss of Five Yards. will be disqualified. )

2. ILLEGAL PROCEDURE, POSITION OR SUB­ 11. ILLEGAL USE OF HANDS AND ARMS by STITUTION - Putting boll in play before offensi ve or defensive player; defensive hold­ AGED BEEF referee signals "ready-for-ploy"; fa il ure to ing-Loss of 15 Yards. complete su bstitution before play starts; player out of bounds when scrimmage be­ 12. INTENTIONAL GROUNDING of forward gins; failure to maintain proper al ignment poss-Loss of Five Yards from Spot of Pass, of offensive team when ball is snapped; Plus Loss of Down. false or simulating start of a play; taking • more than two steps after fair catch is mode; 13. ILLEGALLY PASSING OR HANDING BALL player on line receiving snap- Loss of Five FORWARD-Loss of Five Yards, Plus Loss of Yards. Down. 3. ILLEGAL MOTION-Offensive player illegal­ 14. FORWARD PASS OR KICK CATCHING SAUSAGES ly in motion when ball is snapped - Loss of IN TERFERENCE- Interference with oppor­ Five Yards. tunity of player of receiving team to catch a kick-Loss of 15 Yards. Interference by 4. ILLEGAL SHIFT-Failure to stop one full members of offensive team with defensive second following shift-Loss of 15 Yards. player making pass interception-Loss of 15 Loss of Down. In terference by de­ 5. ILLEGAL RETURN of substitute not pre­ Yards, Plus • forward pass-Passin g Tearn 's viously disqualified-Loss of 15 Yards. fensive team on Boll at Spot of Foul, and First Down. 6. ILL EGAL DELAY OF GAME; Toking more than four times out during either half (ex­ 15. INELIGIBLE RECEIVER DOWNFIELD ON cept for replacement of injured ployer)­ PASS-Loss of 15 Yards. SMOKED HAMS Loss of Five Yards. Tearn not ready to play at start of either half-Loss of 15 Yards. 16. BALL ILLEGALLY TOUCHED, KICKED OR BAITED-Forward pass being touched by in­ 7. PERSONAL FOUL-Tackling or blocking de­ eligible receiver beyond the line of scrim­ fensive player who has made fair catch: mage-Loss of 15 Yards from Spot of Pre­ piling on; hurd ling; grasping face mask of ceding Down, and Loss of a Down. Elig ible • opponent; tackling player out of bounds, or pass receiver going out of bounds and later running into player obviously out of play; touching a forward pass - Loss of Down. striking an opponent with fist, forearm, elbow Illegal touching of kicked ball within oppo­ or locked hands; kicking or kneeing-Loss of nent's ten-yard line-Touchback. 15 Yards. ( Flagrant offenders will be dis­ tR. Will«l ~, qualified.) 17. PENALTY DECLINED-Incomplete forward pass; no play or no score. '.I 8. CLIPPING-Loss of 15 Yards. 18. CRAWLING by runner-Loss of Five Yards. !)nc. 9. ROUGHING THE KICKER or holder-Loss Interlocked interference- Loss of 15 Yards. ., of 15 Yards.

1 mce 1895


Coca Cola Bottling Co. of Ohio, Columbus, Ohio 25 The Ohio State University Marching ·Band JACK 0. EVANS , Director LEONARD HART, Drum Major CHARLES L. SPOHN, Associate Director RICHARD HEINE, Music Arranger THOMAS R. WATSON, Assistant Director TOM JOHNSON, Announcer Pre ents Tunes Dad Whistled BOB JETER BILL DiCINDIO JOHN SAWIN No. 11-Halfback No. 64-Guard No. 78- Tackle


FORMATIO MUSIC OLEN TREADWAY BILL LAPHAM DON HORN No. 22-Quarterback No. 52-Center No. 30-Fullback Entrance ______"What's the Matter 'With Father" DAD ------· ______"For I/e's a Jolly Good Fellow" ''I'll Whistle a Happy Tune" Mill with Water Wheel _ "Down By the Old Mill Stream" Drinking Cla s _ "I Want a Girl Just Like the Girl Tlwt Married Dear Old Dad" MOM ______"Let M e Call You Sweetheart" Drill ______·Tve Got Six Pence" OIIIO "The " "The Sound of the Ca111pus Chimes" "Cannen Ohio"

12-inch LP High-Fidelity Recording THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY MARCHING BAND $5.00 including Ohio sales tax and mailing. Send Orders to: Marching Band, Hughes Hall, The Ohio State University, 1899 North College DON SHIPANIK WILBURN HOLLIS DAVIS WATKINS Road, Columbus 10, Ohio No. 68-Guard No. 20-Halfback No. 92- End

26 27 ciJnmln ci:bdrµ Just West of Columbus Columbus' Only Resort-Style Hotel on Route 40 Phone Features All the Advantages and Se rvice s of a Hotel and a Motel­ TR. 8-5341 Yet at Moderate Rates • Accommodations for 300 FRIDAY NIGHT • Dining Rooms Seafood Jamboree • Marvelous Cuisine Saturday Nile Dining Featuring Delectable Food CONVENTION AND PARTY SUNDAY FACILITIES FOR 250 Smorgasbord

DAVID KILGORE PAUL MARTIN No. 19- Place-Kicker No. 91 - Halfback


Mirror lake, Ohio State Un iversity GEORGE WITTMER RONNIE HOUCK No. 82-End No. 49- Halfback T A.A O£ MAAfl Photos by House of Portraits SEAL TEST FOODS DIVISION OF NATIONAL DAIRY PRODUCTS CORP. 245 EAST TOWN ST. CApital 4-2171


JACK WALLACE GEORGE TOLFORD RONA'LD WELDY TICKETS FOR ALL THESE SHOWS ON SALE- CENTRAL TICKET OFFICE • MARSALL' S • 46 N. HIGH • CA 8-1305 No. 22- Quarterback No. 78- Tackle No. 76--Tackle 28 29 • • ELFORD, the NEIL HOUSE INC. • • For pre - game • fun ••• and Genera I Contractors • post-game AL HINTON SHERWYN THORSON ERNEST MIELKE • • No. 71-Tackle No. 66-Guard No. 96-Tackle • celebratio.ns Dining, Dancing and Enter­ • tainment nightly in The TOWN • and COUNTRY ROOM. • • • PLAYERS Since 1910 • ·• • • IOWA Famous for Fine Food • Outstanding Service • • • Hospitality • • 555 SOUTH FRONT ST. • COCKTAIL LOUNGE • COLUMBUS, OHIO • COFFEE SHOP & CRILL • • • Private parties arranged on • short notice. • • ICE • Harry L. Ludwig • Managing Director • COAL 655 ROOMS ]. Robert Penabaker with BATH MARK MANDERS JOHN BROWN EMERY PUDDER and Resident Manager FIREPROOF GARAGE No. 69-Guard No. 43-Halfback No. 73-Tockle STOKER COAL

24-Hour Automatic lee Vending Service Stations


1334 EDGEHILL RD. 24-Hour Platforrn Service FRED ERHARDT RAY JAUCH EUGENt: MOSLEY I\X. 9-1151 AX. 9-1152 No. 12-Halfback No. 46-Halfback No. 32-Fullback

30 31 Wherever you go, the two favorites



ROGER DETRICK LYNN STRAIT No. 32-Fullback No. 42-Halfback Manufactured by The Frito Columbus Co.

(}llJl CippJ,.Ju:iahiJn lo 1/vi

Administration Building, Ohio State Un iversity DAVID TINGLEY ALAN FIERS No . 16-Fullback No . SO-Tackle OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY Photo, by House of Portrait, * FACULTY * RESIDENTS * INTERNES * STUDENTS who enjoy our apartments STEWART APARTMENTS 1856 Northwest Blvd. E. TERRY HANSLEY JAMES LINDNER LARRY STEPHENS HU 8-1167 No. 44-Halfbadc No. 54-Center No. 81-End

32 33 JAi-LAi CAFE

1421 OLE NT ANGY COLUMBUS, OHIO the fin est in

JERRY NOVACK CHARLES LEE LLOYD HUMPHREYS FOODS and No. 65- Guord No . 79- To ck le No . 51 - Ce nter W h atever the m enu for your after-the-game party . •• BEVERAGES YOU CAN BE SURE OF THE RESULTS WHEN YOU COOK WITH GAS BANQUET AND PARTY ROOMS Today's fine cooks know that only a live IOWA PLAYERS flame brings out all the flavor in meat. AVAILABLE That's because Gas lets you select the tem­ perature you need to sear meat juices in. Ample Attended Parking Steaks ... hamburgers .. . barbecues . .. taste better when Cooked with Gas! PHON E AX. 4-1118-AX. 4-1300 (I..



34 35 One of the Nation's Most Beautiful if it's on the house and Highly Praised Steak Houses! Serving the FINEST FOOD in the Midwest - OHIO STATE FRESHMAN FOOTBALL ROSTER ot MODERATE PRICES. NOW NITELY - thru Sat. Nov. 21 it The Greatest DIXIELAND BAND of ALL-TIME! Name Pos. Wgt. Hgt. Age Home Town Armstrong, Bill ______G 195 5-11 19 Huron should BI LLY MAXTED E Saffer, Stewart ______215 6-3 18 Painesville and his MANHATTAN JAZZ BAND Barnes, Norton ______PK 185 5-11 25 Circleville Baumann, Matthias ______G 185 5-8 22 Mansfield Becker, Jim ------· ------___ C 206 5-11 17 Columbus Falls .... Opening MON., NOV. 30 Cuyahoga be Betz, Wayne ___ ------G 206 6-1 17 Brandt, Thomas ______T 198 6-1 18 Columbus Budd, Harold ------______E 195 6-0 19 Columbus The Fabulous Burton, Robert ------· ______LH 148 5-8 19 Medina Butts, Robert ----- ______FB 205 6-0 17 Benwood, West Virginia Calloway, Ernest ______LH 202 5-11 26 Columbus TUN ESMEN Clymer, William ------C 180 5-8 18 Dayton Cole, Edward ------RH 170 5-11 19 Bellefontaine Cummings, Joe _ ------RH 184 6-0 19 Toledo Dimmick, Neill ______T 230 6-0 18 Lakewood Ecka rd , Dave ------LH 165 5-9 18 Akron Fair, Robert ------__ ·------G 190 5-11 19 Cincinnati Falvo, Ronald ______LH 175 5-10 19 Pittsburgh, Pa. Foster, Rodney _ ____ ------______T 220 6-0 19 Cleveland THE DEAN & BARRY CO. Francis, David ------FB 205 6-0 18 Columbus Hall, Phil ------·-- ______LH 195 6-0 22 Lafayette COLUMBUS, OHIO Hess, William ______RH 160 5-10 18 Springfield Hogans, Harry ------· - ---- T 230 6-0 20 Gallipolis Johnson, Kenneth ------. LH 164 5.9 17 Columbus Jones, Ben -----·------PK 169 5-11 18 Salem Katterhenrich, David ____ ------__ FB 215 6-1 19 Bucyrus Kimbrough, Roland _____ LH 172 5-10 18 Washington, Pa. Klein, Robert ------RH 168 5-8 23 Columbus OFFICIAL WATCH Krstolic, Raymond ______T 210 6-1 18 Mentor Kumler, Karl -· __ - LH 190 6-0 18 Columbus FOR THE Laskoski, Richard ------T 210 6-4 18 Shamokin, Pa. Lehr, Fred ------T 228 6-4 18 Mansfield Lincoln, Warren __ ------RH 150 5-10 18 East Liverpool Lindner, Robert _ ------QB 200 6-0 21 Nitro, W. Ya. ______LH Maier, David _____ 170 5-9 18 Huntsville U. S. OLYMPIC Mangiamelle, Richard ______RH 168 5-10 18 Crofton, Pa. COMMITTEE Middleton, Robert ------· E 215 6-3 18 Marion Moeller, Gary ------C 200 6-0 18 Lima Mooney, Charles ------T 220 5-11 18 Marietta Moore, David ______RE 195 6-2 18 Fostoria Moran, Richard ------G 190 6-0 19 Youngstown OLYMPIC WINTER PAN -AMERICAN Morgan, Richard ------G 193 5-11 22 Shreve GAMES 1960 GAMES 1959 Moss, Jack ·--- . LH 168 5.9 18 Columbus Mrukowski, William ------_____ QB 188 6-3 18 Elyria Mummey, John ------QB 190 6-0 18 Painesville Perry, Mark ___ ------RH 170 5.7 21 Shaker Heights Pokes, Paul ---- ___ LH 185 5-10 20 Bello ire NAT'L AERONAUTIC NAT'L Proebstle, Heinz ------E 175 6-1 19 Pataskala ASSN . SKI ASSN . Rayford, Elwood ____ E 175 5-11 19 Toledo Risch, Robert ------T 210 6-3 18 Logan Sanders, Daryl ------T 221 6-3 18 Cleveland Selan, Stanley ------1 235 6-1 18 Massillon Sexton, Fred ------E 185 5-10 18 Columbus AMERICAN NAT 'L HORSE Swartz, Aaron __ ------LH 200 6-0 18 Newark POWERBOAT ASSN . SHOW ASSN . Swigheimer, Fred ______G 205 6-0 22 Dover Thomas, Benjamin -·------· ______RH 180 5-9 18 Newark Ulmer, Edward ______LH 182 6-2 19 Brookfield OFFICIAL WATCH FOR THE ILLUSTR ATED Longines St.arlighL Serenade Vanscoy, Jerry ------______c 215 5-10 18 Harrisville " B " , elegant 14 K gold walch 1 Vogel, Robert ------E 230 6-5 18 Columbus NAT'L FOOTBALL MAJOR LEAGUE with 6 diamonds, SI 75: 170 6-0 19 Massillon LEAGUE Longines Presidency " E'', Wollenhurst, David ------E OHIO STATE HOME GAMES 14 K gold case, $125. Zima, Albert ------______c 185 5-10 20 Youngstown Other models from $71. 50, .Federal lax included. · ~• NAT 'L COLLEGIATE ATHLETIC ASSN. LONGINES-WITTNAUER WATCH COMPANY L~----- 36 37 OHIO STATE FOOTBALL ROSTER UNIVERSITY OF IOWA ROSTER No. Name Pos. Wgt. Hgt. Age Class Home Town 12 Haupt, Richard RH 170 5-11 19 Sophomore Sumner, Iowa 14 Hess, Brice ______LH 168 5-11 19 Sophomore Mt. Vernon 15 Wentz, William ______RH 173 5-10 21 Senior Canton ______fB 16 Tingley, David 180 5-9 21 Sophomore London No. Name Pos. Wgt. Hgt. Age Class Home Town 17 Lambert, Howard ______LH 166 5-7 19 Sophomore Bellefontaine 194 6-1 19 Sophomore Cryst~I Lake, Ill. 18 Hardman, Von Allen ______RH 170 6-0 22 Sophomore Spencer, W.Va. 10 Kinderman, Keith ----····---··· LH Dayton 19 *Kilgore, David ______PK 158 5-9 21 Senior 11 **Jeter, Robert ····-···------···· LH 183 6-1 22 Senior Weirton, W. Va. Junior Columbus ______QB 21 Benis, Mike ------QB 181 6-0 20 12 Erhardt, Fred 163 5-10 21 Sophomore Camden, N. J. 22 Wallace, Jock ______. QB 209 6-3 20 Sophomore Middletown 16 Mouren, Gerald ------RH 162 5-9 20 Junior Wyandotte, Mich . 23 Lister, Robert ------··· QB 186 6-2 19 Sophomore Morion Coal Grove 17 Williams, Virgil LH 177 5-11 19 Sophomore Omaha, Neb. 24 *Fields, Jerry ····------QB 209 6-1 21 Junior ------______QB 25 Spicheck, Willie 168 5-11 19 Sophomore Elbert, W.Va. 20 Hollis, Wilburn ····-··············-···· QB 196 6-2 18 Sophomore Boys Town, Neb. ______QB Senior Steubenville 26 Adulewicz, Casimir 175 5-9 23 Mitchell, Bruce 188 6-1 19 Sophomore Rockford ______LE 21 -·····-·--···---··· QB 28 Korn, Gary 195 6-0 25 Senior Columbus 22 **Treadway, Olen ····-·········-·· ...... QB 159 5-10 22 Senior Muskogee, Okla. 30 Archambeau, Louis ______.. LH 175 5-10 23 Senior Toledo 189 5-10 21 Senior Detroit, Mich. 32 Detrick, Roger ___ FB 201 5-9 19 Sophomore Dayton 30 ** Horn, Donald -·····-········ .... FB ______f8 Covington, Ky. 33 **White, Robert 211 6-2 21 Senior 31 Ferguson, Larry ------·------FB 180 5- 10 19 Sophomore Madison, Ill. ______FB 185 5-8 22 Senior Wareham, Mass. 34 *Fontes, Leonard 32 Mosley, Eugene --·-······--·····-···· FB 180 6-0 22 Junior East St. Louis, Ill. 35 German, William ______RH 170 5-10 20 Junior Shaker Heights Brooklyn, N.Y. 35 Moore, Thomas ··--·-···-·············QB 187 6-1 21 Junior Rochester, Minn. 36 Emelianchik, Robert .. FB 200 5-10 21 Senior McMeekins, John .... lH 170 5-11 21 Junior Highland Pa rk, Mich. 41 *Matte, Thomas - ····------QB-HB 192 6-0 20 Junior East Cleveland 41 ------· ______RH Logan 42 Strait, Lynn 176 5-11 19 Sophomore 42 Russo, Robert ······-········-·--··· LH 161 5-9 20 Junior Detroit, Mich. 190 6-0 21 Senior Cleveland 44 Hansley, Terence LH 43 *Brown, John ····-······-----·-···-····· LH 163 5-11 21 Senior Kans-:Js City, Mo. 45 *Herbstreit, James ______RH 159 5-8 20 Junior Reading 45 Wyett, Bernard ------RH 162 5-10 21 Junior Amityville, N. Y. 46 Ferguson, Robert ------·····lH 217 6-0 20 Sophomore Troy 166 5-11 21 Senior Mendota, Ill. 47 Hansley, Gery RH 197 5-9 19 Sophomore Cleveland 46 ** Jauch, Rey ---·-·------···-·· RH ______QB 49 Houck, Ronald 169 5-10 19 Sophomore Troy 51 *Humphreys, Lloyd ------····- c 195 6-1 21 Senior Chicago, Ill. ___ c Moundsville, 50 Beam, William 214 6-0 20 Senior W.Va. 52 **Lapham, William ------·····-- c 230 6-3 25 Senior Des Moines 51 Verner, Thomes ______C 204 5-10 20 Junior Saginaw, Mich. 53 Carlson, Jeck ------·· C 207 6-6 22 Sophomore Ceder Rapids 52 Bowsher, Jerry ______LG 203 5-11 22 Senior Toledo Vargo, Jess 190 6-0 20 Junior Lorain, Ohio 53 *Anders, Richard ______c 180 5-9 21 Senior Washington Court House 54 --·-·····--·-········---c ______LG 54 Lindner, James 197 5-11 20 Junior Enon Valley, Pa. 56 Zinn, Donald -·------····-····-·----c 191 6-2 20 Junior Bettle Creek, Mich . ______c 192 6-0 21 Junior Canion 55 Vogelgesang, Don 57 Ferguson, Winston ---· C 213 6-0 21 Sophomore Burlington ______LG 212 5-10 20 Junior Canion --- 56 Forro II, John 60 Williams, Jerry ·-----· ...... RG 184 6-0 19 Sophomore Tacoma, Wash. 57 Seilkop, Kenneth ______LG 203 5-11 21 Senior Columbus Clerk, Richard 186 6-0 21 Senior Maquoketa 58 Watkins, Jene _____ c 195 6-0 19 Sophomore Smithfield 63 ····-······------LG 59 Coburn, Michael ______c 208 6-1 19 Sophomore Akron 64 DiCindio, William ------··--· LG 205 6-1 22 Sophomore Dunmore, Pc. ______RG 216 5-10 19 Sophomore Hamilton 60 Banks, John 65 *Novack, Gerald ------LG 198 6-0 24 Senior Lorain, Ohio Sophomore Merion 61 Herbin, Jerry ------RG 201 5 -10 18 ______LG 66 Thorson, Sherwyn --······-·········· RG 202 6-0 19 Sophomore Fort Dodge 62 *Young, Don 214 6-1 21 Junior Dayton 67 Ringer, William ______RG 189 6-0 21 Junior Flint, Mich. *Wright, Ernest 242 6-3 19 Junior Toledo 63 ------·-··-·· RG ______RG 64 Ingram, Michael -··-····---LG 212 5-9 20 Sophomore Belle in 68 *Shipcnik, Donald 180 6-1 22 Senior Chicago, Ill. ______RG 211 6-2 20 Junior Hamilton 65 *Hauer, Oscar 69 *Menders, Mork ··--·--·-········ LG 205 6-0 21 Junior Des Moines 67 *Hartman, Gabriel ______RG 209 5-9 20 Junior Troy ______RT 70 *Hain, Robert ------···--·· RT 227 6-2 21 Senior Devenport 68 **Arnold, Birt ho 301 6-2 20 Senior Columbus 71 Hinton, Alfred 232 6-1 18 Sophomore Saginaw, Mich. 69 Ehrensberger, Fred ______RG 201 5-9 19 Sophomore Dayton ···----···-···---· ___ RT 70 *Michael, Richard ______. LT 220 6-3 20 Senior Hamilton 73 Pudder, Emery ------···· LT 200 6-2 21 Sophomore Englishtown, N. J. 218 6-2 19 Sophomore Bradford 71 Bunnell, Paul ····-····-···----··l T 74 Moerke, Robert -······-·-········ LT 223 6-2 20 Junior Burlington 72 Jentes, Charles -----···------LT 206 6-2 19 Junior Wooster ______RT 75 Williams, Chester ----···-· LT 225 6-0 20 Sophomore Hackensack, N. J . 74 *Matz, James 218 6-1 21 Senior Chillicothe 78 *Sawin, John 204 6-0 22 Senior Chicago, Ill. 75 Roberts, Jeck ___ LT 234 6-0 18 Sophomore Strong,,ville ·····------········--··· RT 76 Weldy, Ronald ______RT 251 6-3 19 Sophomore Pique 79 *Lee, Charles ------·-······· l T 221 6-3 20 Senior Fair Oaks, Calif. ______LE 77 *Tyrer, James ------···-----··LT 244 6-5 20 Junior Newark 80 Clauson, Richard 197 6-3 21 Junior Strawberry Point 221 6-0 21 Junior Swanton 78 Telford, George ----······----· RT 81 Whisler, William ------RE 210 6-2 19 Sophomore Yankton, s. D. 79 Whitaker, Larry ______RT 225 6-0 19 Junior St. Johns ______RE 82 ** Merz, Curtis 214 6-4 21 Senior Springfield, N. J. 80 Fiers, Alen 192 6-1 20 Junior I ndicncpolis, Ind. ----····-········--····LE 81 Stephens, lorry ------·-LE 190 6-0 20 Sophomore Coshocton 83 ** Langston, Jeff ---·······-···--·----LE 178 6-2 22 Senior Io wa City ______RE Cincinnati 82 Wittmer, George 187 6-1 19 Sophomore 84 Hanson, Maurice ------···· RE 189 6-1 19 Sophomore Watertow n, s. D. Niesz, Dale ______RE 195 6-2 20 Junior East Sperle 83 87 Lees, Paul ····-··------·-LE 195 6-4 21 Senior Pana, Ill. 84 ** Houston, James (C) ____ RE 216 6-2 21 Senior Massillon ______RG 88 *Miller, Allen 200 6-5 20 Junior Flint, Mich. 85 Lundstrom, Albert 207 5-9 19 Sophomore Ashtabula --······-······-··-.. -- LE 86 Shuster, Robert ------····RT 212 5-11 20 Sophomore Cleveland 89 ** Norton, Donald .. ------···-· RE 174 6-1 21 Senior Anamosa ______LE 87 Perdue, Thomes 188 5-11 18 Sophomore Huntington, W.Va. 92 Watkins, David 204 6-4 19 Sophomore Washington, D. C. ______LE ---·-·--···--·····RE 88 Bryant, Charles 207 6-1 19 Sophomore Zanesville ______c 93 Herrell, George ······------·····--·· LT 225 6-2 21 Senior Beloit, Wis. 89 Rice, Richard 195 5-11 19 Sophomore Parma 94 Connors, Tim LE 172 6-2 20 Sophomore W. Springfie ld, Mess. 90 Herrmann, Hervey ______LT 215 6-2 20 Senior Cincinnati ------91 Martin, Paul __ RH 184 6-2 20 Sophomore Canton 96 *Mielke, Ernest ------LT 226 6-1 22 Senior Chicago, 111. ______RE 92 Rowland, James 220 6-4 22 Senior Beckley, W.Vc. ______RT 93 Clotz, Dennis 203 6-1 18 Sophomore Amherst *Indicates number of letters won. 94 Warner, Duane LE 173 6-0 20 Junior Arlington *indicates letter " The official watch for timing this game is LONGINES-the world's most honored watch" " The official watch for timing this game is LONGINES-the world's most honored watch"

38 39 FINAL 1958 SEASON RECORDS - ALL GAMES Opp. Tcum 1V 011 L ost Tied Pct. Pts. Pts. *Iowa _ --·- 8 1 1 .850 272 146 \Viscon, in ·-· __ ·- 7 l l .833 201 77 OHIO TATE .... 6 1 2 .778 182 132 Purdue -··· ... 6 I 2 .778 184 103 Indiana . ----- 5 3 1 .611 81 HI orthwestern -···· 5 4 0 .555 199 1-18 Illinoi - ····---·-- . 4 5 0 .444 1-1-1 150 IIOUIARDJOHnfOffj Michigan tate .. 3 5 1 .389 117 123 FOR HUNGRY AMERICANS" Michigan _ - - ··- 2 6 1 .278 132 211 "'LANDMARK 11inne ota 8 0 .111 115 157 5090 N. HIGH ST . COLUMBUS, OHIO SPENCER-WALKER '"··-···· l of Stadium On U. S. Route 23 * Includes Ro e Bowl. 3 Miles North Featuring Famous New England Seafood FINAL 1958 WESTERN CONFERENCE Dinners STANDINGS and Opp. PRESS, INC. Varied Other Selections Tea m 1V on L ost Tied Pct. Pts. Pts. Also Iowa --·· 5 1 0 .833 173 100 \ \"iscon sin -···- 5 l 1 .785 131 77 Cocktails and OHIO TATE _ 4 1 2 .714 147 105 Supreme Purdue _ ...... ······-· 3 l 2 .667 103 80 Legal Beverages Indiana .... -·····--- 3 2 1 .583 56 104 ftUBLICATION Illinois --·· .. ····-·- 4 3 0 .571 117 117 (AT THIS UNIT ONLY) N orthwe tern ··- 3 4 0 .429 142 120 Michigan - ···-- 1 5 1 .214 98 172 Minne ota ··-·-··- 1 6 0 .143 87 120 FOR THE CONVENIENCE OF THE TRAVELER, 50 UNIT Michigan tate ... 0 5 1 .083 37 96 MODERN ABC MOTOR HOTEL ADJOINING f RINTERS * * * • Big Ten Football Scores and Schedules 32 WARREN STREET WIS. DATE ILL. IND. IOWA MICH. MSU MINN. N.W. osu PURDUE -- At UCLA COLUMBUS 8, OHIO Sept. 19 0-0 Neb. Okla. Duke Open Date Stanford PHONE: AX. 9-4185 Sept. At Ind. Illinois At Calif. Missouri Texas A-M 26 0-20 20-0 42-12 20-15 7-9 12-32 45-13 14-13 16-14 Ind. At Iowa At USC Notre D. Marquette Oct. Army At Minn. N.W. MSU At Mich. 3 20-14 14-24 10-14 8-34 34-8 24-14 14-10 0-17 28-7 44-6 At N.W. Minn. Illinois Wis. At Purdue Oct. At OSU Marq. MSU Ore. St. At Iowa • 10 9-0 33-13 37-8 18-7 8-37 0-6 6-0 0-9 21-0 0-21 At Ill. Mich . Purdue At OSU Iowa Oct. Minn. At Neb. At Wis. N.W. Notre D EXCLUSIYELY LEITERPRESS 17 14-6 23-7 16-25 7-20 19-0 6-14 20-7 15-0 0-15 25-16 . At Notre D At Wis. Iowa osu Oct. J Penn State At MSU At Purdue At Minn. Ind. Mich 24 9-20 6-14 7-14 14-6 14-6 6-14 30-24 3-12 14-7 12-3 Vanderbilt Indiana MSU At Ill. At Mich. Oct. Purdue At N.W. Kan. St. Wis. At OSU 31 7-7 13-30 53-0 10-19 24-30 20-6 30-13 30-24 7-7 19-10 Nov. Mich. At OSU Minn. At Ill. Purdue At Iowa Wis. Ind. At MSU At N.W. 7 15-20 0-0 33-0 20-15 15-0 0-33 19-24 0-0 0-15 24-19 This Program is a Product of Our Plant Nov. At Wis. Mich. At OSU At Ind. N: W. At Purdue At MSU Iowa Minn. Ill. 14 Wis. At Ill. At. Mich. At Ind. At Minn. Nov. I N.W. Purdue Notre D osu At Miami I 21

NOTE: First score denotes team at top of column.

4 1 40 I EVERYOf..l55 HEADED To MAl"-1 A>-JD HIGH s~rrs At-.lDTt-lE: OHIO STATE'S ALL-OPPONENT RECORD - OHIO STATE'S ANNUAL WON-LOST -THf-GAME-Rt>UND-UP/ 1958 SOUTHERN HOTEL foR Al-! AFTER RECORD 1890- 1·ear If'. L. T. Pct. Coach osu osu Team G. IV. L. T. Pct 1890 3 0 .250 A. S. Lilley-}. Rider 2 2 0 .500 A lexander . Lilley Akron ------······-·-···· 5 4 1 0 .800 1891 0 1892 5 3 0 .625 Jack Rider Antioch ·------l 1 0 1.000 1 .500 1893 4 5 0 .444 Jack Rider Auburn ------·- .. 1 0 0 1 .750 6 ::, 0 .545 Jack Rider California ----·--·---- ... ..J 3 0 189..J 000 1895 4 ..J 1 .500 Jack Rider Camp Sherman ...... _ l 1 0 0 1. ::, 1 .500 Charles A. Hickey Carlisle Indian __ 1 0 1 0 .000 1896 5 _ __ __ 23 1 7 1 .125 David F. Edwards Ca e 11 10 2 .522 1897 .000 1898 3 ..J l A29 Jack Ryder Central Kentucky ...... 1 0 1 0 9 0 1 1.000 John B. C. Eckstorm Chicago --·------·-· 14 10 2 2. .786 1899 .818 1900 8 1 1 .889 John B. C. Eck torm Cincinnati _...... 11 9 2 0 1901 5 3 1 .625 John B. C. Eck torm Colgate ------__ 2. l 0 1 .750 1902 6 2 2 .750 Perry Hale Columbia . __ _ _ 2 2 0 0 1.000 .727 Perry Hale Columbus Bar rack _ 3 2 1 0 .667 1903 8 3 0 ______2 1904 5 5 0 .500 E. R. weetland Corne!! 0 2 0 .000 1905 8 2 2 .800 E. R. weetland Dayton Y 11<...A ___ .... 1 1 0 0 1.000 on ______16 ] 1906 0 .889 A. E. Herrnstein Deni 14 1 .906 1907 7 2 l .778 A. E. Herrnstein De Pauw __ ------· .. 1 1 0 0 1.000 1908 6 ..J 0 .600 A. E. Herrnstein Drake ...... ______. .. l 1 0 0 1.000 1909 7 J 0 .700 A. E . Herrnstein Duke ...... _ ·····---- _____ 1 0 1 0 .000 1910 6 l 3 .857 Howard Jones Fort Knox ------l 1 0 0 1.000 1911 5 3 2 .625 Harry Vaughn Great Lakes ______. 2 1 1 0 .500 1912 6 3 0 .667 John R. Richards Heidelberg _ _ _ _ _ 3 3 0 0 1.000 1913 4 2 1 .667 John \V. \Vilce Illinois _____ ------47 28 16 3 .628 1914 5 2 0 .714 John W. Wilce Indiana ..... ------.... 40 27 10 3 .712 1915 5 1 1 .833 John vV. Wilce Iowa -----·------..... ?l 12 7 2 .619 1916 7 0 0 1.000 John \V. \Vilce Iowa Seahawk -·--· .. 2 1 1 0 .500 1917 8 0 1 1.000 John \ 1\1. \Vilce Kentucky ·--· ...... 3 3 0 0 1.000 1918 3 3 0 .500 John W. W ilce Kenyon ..... ------· . . 22 16 6 0 .727 1919 6 1 0 .857 John W. Wilce Marietta .. ------____ 7 6 1 0 .756 1920 7 1 0 .875 John W. Wilce Miami ------___ ·-· . 2 2 0 0 1.000 1921 5 2 0 .714 John \V. \Vilce Michigan ___ ------·----. 55 17 3-1 4 .345 1922 3 4 0 .429 John W. W ile Michigan State __ 3 0 3 0 .000 1923 3 ..J ] .429 John \V. Wilce Minnesota ------_ 10 6 4 0 .600 192..J 2 3 3 ...JOO John \\'. \\'ilce Missouri .. ------9 8 0 1 .933 1925 4 3 1 .571 John \ \ . \ l\l ilce Mount Union ------___ 1 1 0 0 1.000 7 1 0 .875 John W. Wilce Muskingum ...... - 7 7 0 0 1.000 1926 _ ___ . ___ 2 1927 4 4 0 .500 John \V. \Vilce Navy -· _ 2 0 0 1.000 1928 5 2 1 .714 John \V. \\'ilce Nebra ka _ ... 2 2 0 0 1.000 1929 ..J 3 1 .571 Sam S. \Villaman ::-Jew York Univer ity . 2 2 0 0 1.000 1930 5 2 l .714 Sam S. Willaman Northwestern ...... ___ 36 25 10 1 .708 .667 Sam S. \1\'illaman Notre Dame .... ___ __ 2 0 2 0 .000 1931 6 3 0 ______I ..J l 3 .800 am . V/illaman Oregon 1 0 0 1.000 1932 _ . 26 1933 7 1 0 .875 Sam . \.Villaman Oberlin ____ . ___ _ _ 13 10 3 .558 193..J 7 l 0 .875 Francis A. Schmidt Ohio Medical .. 9 5 2 2 .667 1935 7 1 0 .875 Francis A. chmidt Ohio U niversity __ ...... J 4 0 0 1.000 1936 5 3 0 .625 Franci A. chmidt Ohio \Vesleyan __ ...... 29 26 2 1 .914 2 .806 1937 6 2 0 .750 l; rancis A. Schmidt Otterbein ------· .... __ 18 13 3 Our Arrow-Universal Division is today supplying the same highest quality limestone aggregate con; rete _ ___ 3 1.000 1938 4 3 1 .571 Francis A. chmidt Pennsylvania 3 0 0 w hich in sured the enduring beauty and permanence of this structure completed in 1922. 1939 6 2 0 .750 Francis A. Schmidt Pennsylvania tate ____ 2 0 2 0 .000 4 0 .500 Francis A. chmidt Pittsburgh ------_ ... 18 13 ..J 1 .750 19..JO 4 .. .. 2 THE MARBLE CLIFF QUARRIES CO. 1941 6 1 1 .875 Paul E . Brown Princeton ______0 1 1 .250 1942 9 1 0 .900 Paul E. Brown Purdue ------· ___ 19 12 5 2 .694 COLUMBUS, OHIO 1943 3 6 0 .333 Paul E. Brown Seventeenth Regiment 1 1 0 0 1.000 19-14 9 0 0 1.000 Carroll C. Widdoes Southern California .. 9 5 3 1 .611 19-15 7 2 0 .778 Carroll C. Widdoes Southern Methodist ..... 3 2 1 0 .667 1946 4 3 2 .555 Paul 0. Bixler Stanford ______... . . 2 1 1 0 .500 l 0 1 0 .000 19-17 2 6 1 .278 Wesley E. Fesler Syracuse _ .. _ ·------Finest of Beautiful 1948 6 3 0 .667 Wesley E. Fesler Texa Chri tian ____ ... 2 l 1 0 .500 AFTER THE GAME 1949 7 1 2 .800 \1\T esley E. Fesler Vancle1·bilt . ___ --- ..J 3 1 0 .750 American and Beverage 1950 6 3 0 .667 Wesley E. Fesler Virginia ------·------1 1 0 0 1.000 Enjoy Yourself at Washington .. ____ .... 2 2 0 0 1.000 Italian Foods 1951 ..J 3 2 .555 W.W. Haye 1 Lounge 1952 6 3 0 .667 W.W. Hayes \1\1ashington tate . .. 1 1 0 0 1.000 Villa 1953 6 3 0 .667 W.W. Hayes Western Reserve ______12 5 6 1 .458 Presutti s 1954 JO 0 0 1.000 W.W. Hayes West Virginia _ __ 4 3 1 0 .750 2 0 .778 W.W. Hayes Wilmington ...... I 1 0 0 1.000 1955 7 ______.. 28 Visit our new Four Season's Dining Room; also the Villa Room, 1956 6 J 0 .667 W.W. Haye Wisconsin 18 6 ..J .714 I 0 .900 \V. \\'. Hayes Wittenberg _____ ---· 15 12 3 0 .800 Room and La Scala Room 1957 9 8 Champaign 1958 6 1 2 .778 W.W. Hayes \Vooster .... ______4 2 2 .625 Known Coast to Coast Total 595 381 1 72 42 .676 Totals381 172 -12 .676 1692 W. Fifth Ave. Open 11 a.m., Close 1 a.m. HU. 8-6440

42 43 "When you think of Steaks ..• Compliments of think of The CLARMONT" man with a plan Columbus Your Host Frank Kondos Taxicab Owners' Invites You to CLAltMDNT "Eat, Drink Association and Be Merry" F.or Your EAST SI DE ______CL 3-5511 MUSICAL ENJOYMENT GREEN ______CA 4-4141 EXCITING MENUS • HILLS ______CA 1-1313 Moderate Prices VIVIAN at the Hammond " It's the Talk NORTHWAY ______AX 9-1191 of the Town" • PRIME STRIP BILL MILLER RADIO ______CA 4-2222 SIRLOIN at the Keyboard

OPEN : 10:30 A.M. 'til 1 A.M. ~~~~~ CITY-SAFETY ______CA 1-3366 ~~~~~ • PLENTY OF FREE PARKING • YELLOW ______CA 4-4141 Just 5 Minutes from Broad & High 684 S. High • HI 3-1125

FUTURE OHIO STATE FOOTBALL SCHEDULES THE 1960 Sept. 24 So. Meth., here Oct. 22 Wisconsin here Oct. 1 So. Calif., here Oct. 29 At Mich. State Oct. 8 At Illinois Nov. 5 Indiana, here HISS STAMP Oct. 15 At Purdue Nov. 12 At Iowa Nov. 19 Michigan, here COMPANY 1961 Sept. 30 Tex. Chris., here Oct. 28 At Wisconsin Oct. 7 U .C.L.A., here Nov. 4 Iowa, here HERMAN A. BLOOM Oct. 14 Illinois, here Nov. 11 At Indiana here Oct. 21 At Northwestern Nov. 18 Oregon, President and General Manager Nov. 25 At Michigan 1962 Sept. 29 N. Carolina, here Oct. 27 Wisconsin, here BRASS AND STEEL Oct. 6 At U.C.L.A. Nov. 3 At Iowa RUBBER, Oct. 13 At Illinois Nov. 10 Indiana, here Oct. 20 N'western, here Nov. 17 Oregon, here MARKING DEVICES Nov. 24 Michigan, here 1963 BRONZE TABLETS Sept. 28 Tex. A.&.M, here Oct. 26 At Wisconsin Oct. 5 At Indiana Nov. 2 Iowa, here NUMBERING MACHINES greener grass well into winter Oct. 12 Illinois, here Nov. 9 Penn State, here Oct. 19 At U.S.C. Nov. 16 N'western, here Nov. 23 At Michigan 1964 Sept. 26 So. Meth., here Oct. 24 Wisconsin, here Oct. 3 Indiana, here Oct. 31 At Iowa 195 EAST LONG STREET State, here sooosqft 4.7s Oct. 10 At Illinois Nov. 7 Penn OHIO Turf Builder~ 2soosqf1 2.9s 17 U.S.C., here Nov. 14 N'western, here COLUMBUS, ScottSe Oct. ll'IRST IN t.•w""$ assures uniformly good results - 16. 95 Nov. 21 Michigan, here The precise Scotts Spreader

44 Salem's new cigarette paper discovery "air-softens" every puff

C'rl!ated by R . J. Ue)·n1J lds 'l'ol>1H·co Cuu1pany Now even the paper adds to Salem's Springtime Freshness Sale m's amazing new An important break-through in Salem's research HIGH POROSITY paper o:? laboratories now brings you an entirely new kind "a ir-softe ns" every puff.\