IOWA OHIO STATE OHIO STADIUM 35c New 3-Stage Sinclair Power-X Gasoline Gives You 100-0ctane Performance in All 3Driving Stages STARTING New Power-X Gasoline is IOWA- OHIO ST ATE power-primed with rocket fuel ... WILBUR E. S N YPP, E ditor and Advertising Ma11 ager J ohn F. HummeJ __Circulation Manager starts quick as a click in any National Advertising Representative Spencer Advertising Co., 271 Madison Ave., weather. New York 16, N.Y. The U niver ity Presidents ___ _____________________ 2 niversity o( Iowa Officials ______________________ 3 tory of the niver ity of Io, a ____________________ 4 ACCELERATION 12,000 pounds Scene at niversity of Iowa ______________________ 5 Ohio Stale University Official ------ -------------- 6 thrust at the touch of your toe! Students Welcome Ohio State Dads _____ ___________ 7 No need for fancy-priced David Kilgore, " fr. Accuracy"-------------------- 8 The Ohio Lale Football taff ____________________ 9 gasolines. Ohio Stale Track and Gytru1astic chedule ______ 10 2 niversity o[ Iowa oaching Staff ____________ ____ l 3 Ohio tate Football Players __________ l2, 14, 18, 28, 32 U n!versity of Io,_va Football Players ____ }6, 26, 3 0, 34 MILEAGE Those extra octanes Ohio Late Fencrng and Wrestling Schedule ______ 19 Ha1£-Time Marching Band Music _________________ _?i mean extra economy,·too ... Ohio State Fre hman Football Roster ____________ 36 more miles in every thrifty Bi g Ten Football Scores and Schedule ___________ -40 Record ----~2 3gallon. See your Sinclair Dealer. Ohio tate Won-Lo t and All-Opponent TRY A TANKFUL TODAY OVER 100-0CTANE .. NO EXTRA COST NEW s,nclo,r POWER-x s,ncla Sinclair Refining Company, 155 N. Wacker Drive, Chicago 6, Illinois Jllttl' The University Presidents Representing The State University of Iowa DR. PAUL BRECHLER Director of Athletics DR. NOVICE G. FAWCETT President, The Ohio State University FOREST EVASHEVSKI Head Football Coach DR. VIRGIL M. HANCHER DR. ROBERT RAY President, State University of Iowa Faculty RepresentaHve 2 3 Pioneering at The State University of Iowa T about 100 year ago The tate University A major part of today's State 1Jni\·ersity of fowa of Io\\·a. a pioneering J institution with a faculty i it Medical Center, where College of l\Iedicine and of three, faced an unu ual problem-pistol-pack­ College of Nursing student · observe and work with ing students. The faculty took action, ruling in 1862 patients in three large hospitals-General, Children' that '· tudents are prohibited from \\·earing firearms." and P ychopathic-and in the Hospital-School for Problems today are quite different, but the pio­ Severely Handicapped Children. Dentistry and phar­ neering spirit which ha macy tudents also use facilities of the center. dominated the U niversi­ The nation's first Institute of Agricultural Medi­ ty since it inception m cine wa established at SUI to study disea e pecu­ 1847 sti II per i ts. liar to farm re idents and to improve health condi­ ·when Explorer I be­ tions of rural dweLers. gan it hi toric orbit More than 40 years ago another pioneering group through outer space, it of dedicated researcher and laymen established the carried cosmic ray in­ first university unit in the country to tudy the struments developed at normal child, The Iowa Child \Velfare Re earch SUI. And when America's first satellite started re­ Station. porting by radio on radiation in outer space, the reports were ent posthaste to SUI for interpretation Across the entire Iowa campu re earchers take by James \. an Allen and the group of young phy i­ part in the constant que t for new knowledge. An c1 ts who work with him. Iowa botanist, for instance. is making a tudy of the di tinctive vegetation of the prairies. A neurosur­ Pioneering in pace i the latest in a long line of geon in the Iowa l\1edical Center continue his effort "firsts'' which have been chalked up at S I since in perfecting a new type of brain operation. involving the tudents' pi tol-packing clays. In 1 60 the board the focusing of ultrasonic ound on damaged nerve-. of trustees decided to admit women on equal terms Iowa pharmacist are working on a unique project \Yith men-the fir t state university in the country in which they seek to lengthen the helf-life of drug to do o. \\' omen and men attended most cla ses stockpiled by the armed forces for use in times of together. but the sexes were separated in penmanship clas e · and they could not speak to one another an national emergency. A profe ·sor of German has de­ hour before daily chapel. Coed now make up about veloped a new form of international communication. 30 per cent of the more than 10,000 student who It is almo t impo ible to walk 100 yard in any attend SCI'' ten colleges and four school . direction on the SCI campus without coming acro~s The nation's first inter-faith chool of Religion basic or applied research projects aimed at increasing wa founded on the Iowa campu more than 30 year the sum total of man's knowledge. And thi is but ago, \\'ith faculty member of the Prote tant, Catho­ one of the three obligation which I Pre ident lic and J e\\'ish faiths sharing adjoining offices. \·ir~il i\J. Eancher ci ~es as the unique responsibilitie. Iowa ha al::;o led the way in accepting creative of the University-teaching, or the tran mi ion of work-a noYel, a piece of sculpture, a pa.inting, a knowledge; re earch, the increase of knowledge, and play. a mu~ical compo ition-as a thesis for an ad­ service to the public which upports it, the interpre­ vanced degree in the fine arts. tation f knO\\·leclge. 4 5 Ohio State University W. W. (WOODY) HAYES Head Football Coach (left to right, seated) stu d ent d Columbus Plannin Ohio State University's annual Da d' s Day . Zehnerare these Bellevue , general chairman and Pat Anhers, h . '. B . t Vt Dad's Day lune eon c aorman, g . I b h irman of campus Califarrangements representing. Jan Terry ' Henry ennong on, ., f U . · 1y Charlotte Jenkins( , Co um us, cl 'af S Diego secretary; s I an d'ong ) Carol hK eo . genI'' anh . an · ' Ph ilip .,Moots Bellefontaine. , publicity chairman; a nd Lawrence D. Katz, o noverso Douglas Morris, Co lumbus, osp,ta tty ~ a1rm ' , Heights, Ohio, stadium arrangements chairman. ELC0:\1E, DADS! Today, we hope ~·ou are enjoying W the special occasions prepared in yo~ hono~·· \Ve wish to express, in some small measure, ou1 thanks and appreciation to each of you. OJ · Dad': Dav acli\'ities include a luncheon l!1 the 110 Union ballroo~ with the fathers of the ~o~tba ll_ playe1J and greetings from the university adm1111sb·at1011 an ~thletic council. At half-time, a plaque will be presen~ef1 Jan Zehner, chairman of Dael's D~y, ~n awar~1 wh1c1 RICHARD C. LARKINS by will carrv our appreciation to all umvers1ty clads. ]I Director of Athletics \Ve \ave selected a "Dad of Dads" to re~resent ~ of vou. He is Mr. Christy H. Dunn, of Zanesvtlle, ,?h10 . .M/ Dunn attended l\'luskingum ollege . from 19~~ to 1930 then enroll ed al Ohio State from which he rece1v~d AB degree i11 1932 and a BS degree in Educat10n m i;34. l\lr. Dunn has practiced law for 16 ye~1rs and served as assistant prosecuting attorney in l\ Iusk:11gum co~nty from ] 94-! to 1952. He also served as assistant at~01ney genera1 f rom 19v=,::;9 to 1956 . l\lr . Dunn now is a l\!uskmgum county court judge. Mr. and l\Irs. Dunn have a daughter, Pamela Jean, 18 who is a freshman student at Ohio State. , We hope you enjoy YOUR clay Dads, and remember MR. CHRISTY H. DUNN it with happiness. F THE DAD'S DAY COl\Il\IITTEE ON BEHALF O' "Dad of Dads" DR. WENDELL D. POSTLE THE STUDE T BODY Faculty Representative 6 7 The Ohio State Football Coaching Staff David Kilgore • • • • • • Mr. Accuracy ONE of the 18 seniors making his final appear­ ance in Ohio Stadium today is David Kilgore, the Buckeyes' phenomenal 158 pound place-kicker. A young man who puts hi heart and toe into hi work, Kilgore not only has been the most accurate place-kicker in the \i\T es tern Conference for the past tll"o seasons but ha led the Ohio State coring column during 1959. After the first e\'en game , Kilgore had kicked four field goals in se,·en tries and six extra points in ix attempts. Front row, left to right: Lyal Clark, defensive line; Gordon Larson, backs; " Bo" Schembechler, tackles; Clive Rush, backs. The 5-9, 21 year-old from Dayton has practiced Back row: Frank Kremblas, assistant freshman; Harry Strobel, guards and centers; " Woody" Hayes, head coach; Esco Sarkkinen, ends; Ernie Godfrey, heod freshman coach. diligently e\'ery evening. kicking an a\'erage of SO per \\'orkout. Dave begin hi - routine around the 10 yard line. then retreats to the -J.O, from \\'hich point he has ho\\'n urprising power. Kilgore kicked 15 extra points out of 17 tries last invites you to sing along year but actually mis eel only one, another being blocked. His field goal against IO\Ya ,ms the clincher CARMEN OHIO in a 38-28 triumph. Oh! Come let's sing Ohio's praise, Joining Kilgore today 111 final Ohio tadiurn ap­ And songs to Alma Mater raise; pearance · are 17 other eniors; Captain James While our hearts rebounding thrill, Houston.
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