Selected articles concerning Israel, published weekly by Suburban Orthodox Toras Chaim’s (Baltimore) Israel Action Committee Edited by Jerry Appelbaum (
[email protected] ) | Founding editor: Sheldon J. Berman Z”L Issue 8 80 Volume 2 1 , Number 1 1 Parshas HaChodesh Vayakhel - Pekudei Shabbos Mevarchim March 13 , 20 2 1 Israel Elections: Can Bennett go from kingmaker to prime minister? By Gil Hoffman March 4, 2021 Two weeks before the election, Naftali Bennett thinks says he can join a Netanyahu - led government only because that not only can he coronate the next prime minister, he has no intention of doing so? but that it could very well be him. “I decided to be the responsible adult,” he says. “I Yamina leader Naftali Bennett has had his ups and know that if I would say “anyone but Bibi,” I’d go up five downs in politics. mandates in the polls. But we need to form a government, There were elections that went well, like his first in and we need this leverage to achieve our three goals.” 2013, when he led his party to 12 seats. And there were Bennet t makes it clear that he is looking well past also elections like in April 2019, when his party did not March 23. He is already running in the contests that will be cross the electoral threshold. held afterward to receive the mandate to form a This tim e around, Bennett appears more confident government, when that “leverage” could pay off and less stressed than ever. handsomely. Perhaps it is because polls have indicated that he will When asked where he will be on March 24, h e says he be the kingmaker for the March 23 election, who can will be taking his four children to the beach.