The Foreign Service Journal, May 1929

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The Foreign Service Journal, May 1929 THE AMERICAN FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL Photo from Dewitt C. Poole. AMERICAN EMBASSY, BERLIN MAY, 1929 BANKING AND INVESTMENT SERVICE THROUGHOUT THE WORLD The National City Bank of New York and Affiliated Institutions THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK CAPITAL, SURPLUS AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS $166,993,905.98 (AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1928) HEAD OFFICE THIRTY BRANCHES IN 55 WALL STREET, NEW YORK GREATER NEW YORK Foreign Branches in ARGENTINA . BELGIUM . BRAZIL . CHILE . CHINA . COLOMBIA . CUBA DOMINICAN REPUBLIC . ENGLAND . FRANCE . INDIA . ITALY . JAPAN . JAVA . PERU PORTO RICO . REPUBLIC OF PANAMA . STRAITS SETTLEMENTS . URUGUAY . VENEZUELA. INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION (OWNED BY THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK) Head Office: 55 WALL STREET, NEW YORK Foreign and Domestic Branches in UNITED STATES . PHILIPPINE ISLANDS . SPAIN . ENGLAND and Representatives in The National City Bank Chinese Branches. BANQUE NATION ALE DE LA REPUBLIQUE D* HAITI (AFFILIATED WITH THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK) Head Office: PORT-AU-PRINCE, HAITI THE National City Bank of New York and the international Banking Corporation, are equipped to supply every banking facility for international trade, including the issuance of commercial and travelers' letters of credit for use in any part of the world, and the purchase and sale of ex¬ change. The National City Bank also offers highly developed trust services for individuals, cor¬ porations, estates, and for insurance companies and like institutions. It acts as executor and trustee of estates, custodian of securities, agent in the management of property and as fiscal agent for foreign governments and ioreign corporations. THE NATIONAL CITY COMPANY (AFFILIATED WITH THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK) HEAD OFFICE OFFICES IN 50 LEADING 55 WALL STREET, NEW YORK AMERICAN CITIES Foreign Offices: LONDON . AMSTERDAM . COPENHAGEN . GENEVA . TOKIO . SHANGHAI. Canadian Offices: MONTREAL . TORONTO. The National City Company, through its offices and affiliations in the United States and abroad, oilers a world-wide investment service to those interested in Dollar Securities. LONDON OFFICE: 34 BISHOPSGATE, E.C. 2. THE PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY THE AMERICAN FOREIGN SERVICE ASSOCIATION YOL. VI. No. 5 WASHINGTON, D. C. MAY, 1929 Henry L. Stimson, Secretary of State Henry L. Stimson was, on the afternoon of the United States to assume the office of Secre¬ March 28, 1929, sworn in as Secretary of State, tary of State. His army record is as follows: the oath being administered by the Chief Justice Commissioned major, Judge Advocate, United of the United States, William Howard Taft. States Reserves, March, 1917; lieutenant colonel, Prior to this impressive ceremony, all the staff on 305th Field Artillery, August, 1917; colonel, 31st duty in the Department of State had the privilege Field Artillery, August, 1918; with the American of passing through the diplomatic room to say Expeditionary Forces in France, December, 1917, farewell to the retiring Secretary, Mr. Kellogg, to August, 1918. and to receive a hearty handshake from the new Many interesting incidents in Mr. Stimson’s Secretary. career are given in a character sketch by Henry Henry Lewis Stimson was horn in New York F. Pringle, which appeared in The Outlook for City, September 21, 1867, his father, Lewis At- March 13, 1929. In regard to his standing as an terburv Stimson, being a distinguished New York attorney, emphasis is laid on his passion for surgeon. He attended Phillips Academy, And¬ honesty; as that writer said : “He does not believe over, Mass., and graduated from Yale (A.B.) in that justice should be clouded by evasions and 1888; Harvard (A.M.), 1889; Harvard Law the courts mere arenas in which smart attorneys School, 1889-90, where he was elected to the seek to hide the facts,” and it follows, accordingly, board of the Law Rcinezv. On July 6, 1893, he that such passion for honesty “extends to the married Mabel Wellington White, of New Haven. men who are associated with him.” That writer He was admitted to the bar of the State of New says further, “No man in the world, perhaps, York in 1891 ; became a member of the firm of excels Mr. Hoover in the ability to collect facts; Root & Clarke, 1893; Root, Howard, Winthrop while he was Secretary of Commerce this was & Stimson, 1897; and Winthrop & Stimson, 1901. the envy and despair of his fellow Cabinet mem¬ From 1906 to 1909 he was United States At¬ bers. And facts, it will be remembered, are the torney for the Southern District of New York. raw materials with which Stimson works. He In 1910 he was the Republican candidate for will have plenty of them whereby to decide what governor of New York. He served as Secretary should be done, what is ‘good for’ the peoples or of War in the Cabinet of President Taft from nations concerned.” May 16, 1911, to March 5, 1913. In 1915 he was In regard to personal appearance, this writer in delegate-at-large to the New York Constitutional The Outlook says of Mr. Stimson that he does Convention. In 1927 he was the special repre¬ not look his years. “He is not a particularly tall sentative of the President to Nicaragua, and then man, but hours in the saddle have enabled him to served as Governor General of the Philippine fight off the fat which so often comes in middle Islands from 1928 to 1929, when he returned to life and makes men look old. His shoulders are 145 Harris & Ewing. HENRY L. STIMSON, SECRETARY OF STATE 146 square, and though his hair is getting a little gray The gem of the program was undoubtedly the he still has plenty and he still wears a moustache flute solo from Gluck’s “Orpheus,” by Mr. which once was very black and which sets off Barrere. It was enthusiastically received, and as even, verv white teeth. His eyes are a grayish an encore he gave that charming, but all too short, blue.” “Pavane,” by Saint Saens. An incident in his war experiences is also worth The orchestra then gave three Spanish pieces quoting from that article. Mr. Pringle said: by Alveniz, “Cadiz.” gat’ and sparkling; “Tango,” “When the war finally came. Stimson went to France as a lieutenant colonel of the 305th Field dreamy, with the lagging castinets; and “Seque- Artillery. And he demonstrated, on an occasion dilla,” quaint, bustling and freakish. Maurice when an ammunition dump took fire, that he had Jacquet was the composer of the next two pieces, ample personal courage, for he was the first to “Lone Prairie,” typically melodious, and “Autumn rush to the scene and direct the work of extin- Flower” from “Silver Swan,” a quaint, lively air, quishing the flames.” with a tantalizingly abrupt ending. The conclud¬ The Washington Evening Star, in a recent edi¬ ing fourfold number was entitled “For My Little torial said: “Secretary Stimson brings to tfie State Friends,” by G. Pierne, in which was the “March Department the wisdom of a deep student of in¬ of the Little Tin Soldiers,” of which the tiny mar¬ ternational law coupled with practical experience tial strains were surely never better played; “The in administration and diplomacy. That he will Vigil of the Guardian Angel,” in which the muted need to draw heavily and promptly on both his strings and the deep, rich notes of the cello made knowledge and his capacity is a certainty. The soft, sweet melody; while “Farandole,” with its country welcomes him to his burdensome tasks in wild climax, was the last. In response to the confidence and wishes him good fortune in the shouldering of them.” audience’s keen desire for an encore, Mr. Barrere returned and led the orchestra in the swinging strains of Brahm’s “Hungarian Dance,” which DEPARTMENT OF STATE was superbly timed. CLUB The evening closed as usual with dancing until a late hour. The fourth meeting of the Department of State Club was held on the evening of April 3 in the ballroom of the United States Chamber of Com¬ ARRIVAL FROM FAR-EAST merce in Washington. Through the friendly, in¬ Secretary Stimson’s pet Chinese-speaking par¬ terest of Mr. Arthur Bliss Lane, the club had the rot, who rejoices in the name of “Old Soak,” is rare pleasure of hearing the Barrere Little Sym¬ now on his way, as a first-class passenger, from phony Orchestra, conducted by Georges Barrere, the world’s greatest flutist. Manila to Washington, according to an Associated The Honorable William R. Castle, Jr., Assist¬ Press telegram. “Old Soak” pined for his former ant Secretary of State, opened the program by in¬ master, so Mr. Stimson cabled the necessary in¬ troducing M r. Barrere to the audience and extend¬ structions. The principal problem now is where ing a hearty welcome to him. In response Mr. “Old Soak” is to make his home, as Mrs. Stimson Barrere made a brief speech of thanks. is said to protest against his noisiness. The ar¬ The opening number was the overture “The ticle in the Washington Star therefore adds: “It Village Sorcerer,” by Jean Jacques Rousseau; has been suggested that he might make his home after which the orchestra gave an exquisite rendi¬ in the Secretary’s office or the Far Eastern Divi¬ tion of Schubert’s “Symphony No. 5 in B Flat.” sion of the State Department, where he could Then followed a charmingly original composition converse with the assistant chief of the division, “The White Peacock,” by Ch. T. Griffes, which Willys R. Peck, who was born in China of Ameri¬ was prefaced by an interesting account by Mr. Barrere of his friendship with this young Ameri¬ can parents and speaks the language. It has been can composer who died recently and from whom pointed out, however, that this might prove em¬ he had received suggestions as to the special fit¬ barrassing when other Chinese-speaking callers ness of this composition for a symphony orchestra came, since the things the ‘Old Soak’ says in like Mr.
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