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Index to Volume XVIII Index to Volume XVIII Author Index ALVARINO, ANGELES: KATSURA, TAKASHI : Bathymetric Distribution of Chaetognaths, 64-82 Generalized Titanomagn etite in Hawaiian Volcanic The Cha etognatha of the Monsoo n Exp edition in Rocks, 223- 228 the Indian Ocean, 336-348 KLAWE, W . L., and F. G . ALVERSON : ANASTASIOU, C. J. : Occurrence of Two Species of Young Threadfin, Some Aq uatic Fun gi Imperfecti from Hawaii, 202 ­ Polydactylus opercularis and P. approximans, in 206 th e Offshore Waters of the Eastern Tropical Pa­ cific Ocean , 166-173 BAKUS, G ERALD J.: Morphogenesis of T edania gurjanovae Koltun (Pori­ KNUDSEN, JENS W . : fera ), 58-63 Obs ervati ons of th e Reproductive Cycles and Ecol­ ogy of the Common Brachyura and Crablike Ano­ BANNER, ALBERT H ., and DORA MAY BANNER: mura of Puget Sound, Washington, 3- 33 Contributions to the Knowledge of the Alpheid Shrimp of tbe Pacific Ocean , IX. Collections from LIMBAUGH, CONRAD: the Phoenix and Line Islands, 83- 100 N otes on the Life History of Two Californian'Porna­ BARNARD, J. LAURENS: centrids: Garibaldis, Hypsypops rubicunda (G ir­ Some Bathyal Pacific Amphipoda Collected by the ard ), and Blacksmiths, Chromis punctipinnis USS Albatross, 315-335 (C<;>oper) , 4 1- 50 _BERRY,_FREDERICICH.: MARPLES, B. J .: -Spi d eis from - Some P adfiZTsl ;~d s , P~~ t AH ypomaxillary Bone in Harengula (Pisces : Clu­ V, 399-416 -- peidae), 373 -377 MATTHEWS, DONALD c.: CANTWELL, GEORGE E.: Recent Ob servations on Neck Extensions in Follicu­ Revision of the Genus Parapercis, Family Mugiloi­ linids (Protozoa ), 229-235 didae, 239- 280 MATTHEWS, DONALD c., and SIDNEY J. TOWNSLEY : COOPER, M. J.: Additional Records of Hawaiian Platycten ea (Cteno­ Ciguatera and Other Marine Poison ing in the Gil ­ ph ora), 349-351 bert Island s, 4 11-440 MENEZ, ERNANI G.: DAVIS, CHARLES c.: Taxonom y of Polysipbonia in H awaii, 207-222 A Study of the Hatching Process in Aquatic Inver­ ORIANS, GORDON H ., and CHARLES E. KING: tebrates, IX. Hatchin g within th e Brood Sac of Shell Selection and Invasion Rates of Som e Pacific the Ovoviviparous Isopod, Cirolana sp. (lsopoda, H ermit Crabs, 29 7-306 Cirolanidae ). X. Hatching in the Fresh-water Shrimp, Potimirim glabra ( Kingsley) ( Macrura, ORTON, GRACE L. : At yidae), 378-384 Identification of Leptocephalus acuticeps Regan as the Larva of the Eel Genus Avocettina, 186-201 DoTY, MAXWELL S., and ISABELLA A. ABBOTT: Studies in the Helminthocladiaceae, III . Liagor opsis, PAWSON, D . L. : 44 1-452 The H olothuroidea Collected by the Royal Society Expediti on to Southern Chile, 195 8-1959, 4 53­ FORD, CHARLES E., JR.: 470 Reproduction in th e Aggre gating Sea An emone, Antb opleura elegantissima, 138-145 RANDALL, JOHN E.: N otes on th e Groupers of Tahiti, with D escription JONES, GILBERT F.: of a N ew Serranid Fish Genus , 28 1-296 Redescription of Bolbella cali/ornica Allgen, 1951 (Enchelidiidae: N ematoda ), with Notes on Its REIGLE, NORMAN J.: Ecology off Southe rn California, 160-165 N onmarine Mollusks of Rongelap Atoll, Marshall Islands, 126-129 KAMEMOTO, H ., K. SHINDO, and K. KOSAKI: Chromosome H om ology in the Ceratobium, Pba­ SCHULTZ, GEORGE A.: laenantb e, and Latourea Sections of the G enus Some Marine Isopod Crustaceans from off the South­ Dendrobium, 104-115 ern California Coast , 307-314 471 472 PAOFIC SOENCE, Vol. XVIII, October 1964 SMITH, C. LAVETI: TENTH PACIFIC SCIENCE CONGRESS PAPERS, 116; Some Pearl fishes from Guam, with Notes on Their 352; 475 Ecology, 34- 40 VINCENT, ROBERTE.: SOLEM, ALAN: Ori gin and Affinity of the Biota of the Kodiak New Records of New Caledonian Nonmarine Mol­ Island Group, Alaska, 119-125 lusks and an Analysis of the Introduced Mollu sks, 130-137 W ILBUR, ROBERT1. : The Correct Name for the Hawaiian Gossypium, STEPHENS, S. G. : 101-103 Native Hawaiian Cott on (Gos sypium tom entosum Nutt.), 385-398 WOODWICK, KEITH H . : Polydora and Related Genera (Annelida, Polychaeta) STRASBURG, DONALD W . : from Eniwerok, Majuro, and Bikini Atolls , Mar ­ Further Notes on the Identification and Biology of shall Islands, 146-159 Echeneid Fishes, 51-57 Postlarv al Scombroid Fishes of the Gen era A can­ ZULLO, VICTOR A., and WILLIAM A. NEWMAN: tho cybium, N ealotus, and Diplospinus from the Thoracic Cirripedia from a Southeast Pacific Guyot, Central Pacific Ocean, 174-185 355-372 Index 473 Subject Index Acanthocybium, postlarval, 174-1 85 Kodiak Islands , biota of, 119-125 Alaska, Kodiak Islands, biota of, 119-1 25 Leptocephalus acuticeps, identified as the larva of A vo- Albatross, bathyal Pacific amphipods collected by, 315- cettin a, 186-201 335 Liagoropsis, 44 1-452 alpheid shrimp of Phoenix and Line Islands, 83- 100 Line Islands , alpheid shrimp of, 83- 100 amphipods, bathyal Pacific, 315-335 annelids from Eniw etok, Majuro, and Bikini atolls, Ma juro atoll, annelids from , 146-159 146-159 marine isopod crustaceans, from off southern Cali­ Anthopleura elegantissima, reproduction in, 138-145 fornia, 307-314 aquatic Fungi Imperfecti from H awaii, 202-206 Mar shall Islands , annelids from, 146-159 aquatic invertebrates, hatching process in, 378- 384 nonmarine mollusks from , 126-1 29 mollusks, introduced , of N ew Caledonia, 130-1 37 bath ymetric distr ibution of chaetognarhs, 64-82 mollusks, nonmarine, of N ew Caledonia, 130-137 Bikini atoll, annelids from, 146-159 mollusks, nonmarine, of Rongelap Atoll, 126-129 biota of Kodiak Islands , origin and affiniry of, 119- Monsoon Expedit ion , chaerognarha collected by, 336- 125 348 Bolbella caliiornica, redescription of, 160-165 morphogenesis of T edania gur;anovae, 58-63 brachyura and anomura of Puget Sound, 3-33 N ealotus, postlarval, 174-185 chaetognaths, bathymetric distribution of, 64- 82 N ew Caledonia, mollusks of, 130-137 chaetognaths of the Indian Ocean , 336-348 new genus of serranid fish, 281-283 Chil e, holothuroidea from, 453-470 Cbromis punctipinnis, life history of, 41- 50 occurrence of young threadfin in the eastern Pacific, chromosome homology in genus Dendrobiam , 104- 166-1 73 115 origin and affinity of the biota of the Kodi ak Islands , ciguatera poisoning in Gilbert Islands , 411-440 Alaska, 119-125 Cirolana sp., hatching process in, 378-381 .Pllc:ifici slands, spidersfrom, 399-410. cirri pedia, thoracic,··from- a · southeast · Pacific guyot,·· Parapercis, revision of, 239- 280 355-372 peadfishes from Guam, 34-40 cotton, Hawaiian, correct name for, 101-103 Ph oenix Island s, alpheid shrimp of, 83- 100 genetic aspects of, 385-398 Platyctenea, Hawaiian , additional records of, 349-352 Dendrobium, chromosome hom ology in sections of, Polydactyius approxima ns, 166-173 104-,115 opercularis, 166-173 Dipiospinus, postlarval, 174-185 Polydora and related genera from Eniwetok, Majuro, echeneid fishes, identification and biology of, 51-57 and Bikini Atolls, 146-159 ecology of common btachyura and crab like anomura Polysipbo nia in Hawaii, 207-222 of Puget Sound, 3-33 Potimirim glabra, hatching process in, 381-384 Eniwetok atoll, annelids from , 146-159 redescription of Bolbella calijornica, 160-165 folliculinids, neck extensions of, 229-235 reproduct ion in Anthopleura elegantissima, 138-145 Gilbert Islands, ciguatera poisoning in, 411-440 Ron gelap Atoll , nonmarine mollusks of, 126-129 Gossypium sandvicense, 101-103 Royal Society Expedition of 1958-1959 to southern tomentosum, 101-103; 385-398 Chile, holothuroid ea collected by, 453-470 groupers of Tahiti, notes on, 281-296 scombroid fishes, postlarval, 174-1 85 Guam, peadfishes from, 34-40 shell selection and invasion rates of some Pacific hermit guyot, thoracic cirripedia from, 355-372 crabs, 297-306 Harengula, hypornaxillary bone in, 373-377 southern Californ ia coast, marine isopod crustaceans hatchin g process in aquatic invertebrates, 378-384 from, 307-314 Hawaiian cotton , correct name for, 101-103 spid ers from some Pacific islands, 399-410 genetic aspects of, 385-398 Haw aiian Platyctenea, additional records of, 349-351 Tahiti, groupers of, 281- 296 Helminthocladiaceae, studies in , 441-452 taxonomy of Polysipbonia in Hawaii, 207-222 hermit crabs, shell selection and invasi on rates, 297- Tedania gur;anovae, morphogenesis of, 58-63 306 Tenth Pacific Science Congress , papers of, 116; 236; Holothuroidea from southern Chile, 453-470 352 hypomaxillary bone in Harengula, 373-377 thoracic cirripedia from a southeast Pacific guyot, 355­ Hypsypops rubicunda, life history of, 41-50 372 Indian Ocean , chaetognaths from , 336-348 threadfin in the eastern Pacific, 166-1 73 isopods, marine crustacean, 307-314 titanornagn etire in Hawaiian volcanic rocks, 223-228.
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