Believe in young autistic employees Bridging the gap between education and employment for autistic young people. Employ 01

EMPLOY AUTISM One of the things I £3.5m We all have ambitions for our future. wanted to do was to Young people with autism are no different. The sad reality is that the move from education to employment is difficult for many autistic young people. Only 16% of people with autism are in full-time paid help unlock some of the employment, and fewer than one in four autistic young people access education or training beyond school. These young people deserve the chance of a fulfilling future. It’s time for change. potential that’s out there. Employ Autism is a three-year strategy that will create a holistic mix of programmes delivering direct services to young people across the country. Together we will change ingrained and outdated systems and make truly sustainable changes to What I didn’t expect everyday practice. Our goal is ambitious – we have set a target of £3.5m to achieve our goal to see more was the genuinely young people with autism bridge the gap between education and employment. positive impact it has had on people and

the agency. Employ Autism network Building strong foundations We will create a sustainable model We will provide direct support to autistic Alistair MacCallum in six regions across England that young people and their families through UK CEO at media agency Kinetic and Employ Autism employer will provide specialist careers the provision of specialist education advice and work experience to and support to move on to any form of young autistic people, as well as or training. We want to training to enable employers to empower young people with autism to become autism confident. have a voice and shape their own futures. 02 Employ Autism Employ Autism 03

Become PARTNER BENEFITS: Introducing the Autistic young people Untapped talent pool Employ Autism an Employ Unique competitive advantage Employers Parents/carers /advocates Improved morale and staff network Autism partner retention Ambitious ‘Disability Confident’ employer About Autism

At , we want to lead Think differently about your workforce! the charge to challenge the lack of specialist Policy makers Education By becoming an Employ Autism partner /influencers professionals careers support, inflexible recruitment you can enjoy many benefits for your processes, rigid working practices and Local business, whether large or small. government severely limited access to work experience, or authorities

which currently have a negative impact on the The competitive advantages of a neurodiverse workforce prospects of autistic young people. are well evidenced. Just some of the unique skills and talents autistic young people can bring include to detail, creativity, tenacity, loyalty, and the ability to think differently – visually, spatially and laterally. The Employ Autism network is a three- networks across the country. Each disseminate our learnings to encourage year strategy that will break down these of these networks will include a local replication and influence changes in As a partner you will strengthen within barriers for autistic young people across infrastructure to ensure sustainability education and employment policy and your workforce, increase your attractiveness to a the country by supporting them to and partnerships; bringing together practice - nationally and locally. neurodivergent talent pool, and assert your diversity and make the transition from education to employers, education providers, careers inclusion credentials. This will increase your eligibility to We will continue to check in and evaluate employment. advice specialists, charities and ‘access be recognised as a Disability Confident employer. What’s the programme with partners for a further to work programmes’; along with parents more, you will play a vital role in building a nationwide We already have a successful track record three years once we have concluded and carers, and young people with autism employability ecosystem, changing outcomes for young in supporting autistic young people into formal support. themselves. people with autism and positively impacting the economy. employment through our award-winning Our goal is to build a nationwide work experience programme in . Ambitious about Autism will support, Our current employer partners include TalkTalk Group, employability ecosystem, break down Over the last five years we’ve developed equip and train each regional network Santander and the Civil Service, all of whom are playing a the obstacles to employment for autistic extensive experience in providing careers over the course of the programme leading role in attracting wider employer interest. young people across the country, change advice and work experience to young to deliver careers advice and work ingrained and outdated systems and Employ Autism aims to build on these partnerships and people, as well as training for employers. experience for young people with autism. transform the lives of a generation. create something more ambitious – a sustainable, holistic Employ Autism is based on this well- We will also rigorously evaluate the programme. We will work with you and your business to established model and will build on its programme, in partnership with . help you to adapt your systems in order to become self- success on a national scale. We will This will help everyday practice to sufficient in supporting autistic young people to thrive in achieve this by establishing regional become embedded locally. We will the workplace. 04 Employ Autism Employ Autism 05

How Employ Autism We all hear lots of things around Our cutting-edge and award-winning employer offer has Advantages of how you can get the best from been refined over five years, so Employ Autism network your workforce – how flexibility is partners will enjoy all the benefits that come with an partnerships everything. But frankly, we’re not association of this well-established model. a neurodiverse hearing enough about programmes In a recent Ambitious about Autism survey, 94% of employers like Employ Autism. As innovative and reported increased confidence in working alongside autistic work progressive employers, we all have a colleagues, and 100% said they had a better understanding workforce: an real responsibility to engage and to of autism as a result of participating in our work experience welcome those who are different. My programme. As a partner, you will play a crucial part in the advice would be to get involved. You will join our ever-growing Ambitious about Autism network employer’s success of Employ Autism as we establish Tristia Harrison of employer partners, including BP, the Civil Service, Deutsche our regional networks across England. We will Chief Executive Officer, TalkTalk Bank, Ketchum, M/Six, Santander, SAP, Talk Talk and work with you to design a bespoke partnership many more. testimonial agreement to suit your business needs. Ambitious about Autism’s specialist Employ Autism programme We’ve all recognised that building team will provide: a diverse culture and creating • access to a diverse talent pool and support to identify and fill Santander has worked with Ambitious inclusivity in our workplace is not work experience placements about Autism to employ autistic interns just a corporate social responsibility • tailored training and support to enable you and your staff to for a number of years. Gary, a manager – it’s something that’s critical to our become autism confident at Santander speaks about the benefits business success in the markets we • support and advice for line managers throughout the to his area of the business. face today but more importantly, for programme our future business. There are many • support in reviewing and adjusting your recruitment processes studies, and many big companies and work practices, maximising accessibility The interns we’ve taken on through Ambitious about Autism who will tell you that young people • a review of culture, policy and practice to welcome and have brought a unique set of skills to Santander and in turn, on the have real accommodate neurodiverse talent financial and reputational benefits to the business. capabilities – real ability. • help to build and strengthen relationships with education Our autistic interns have a very innovative way of looking Koral Anderson providers participating in Employ Autism to nurture at problems and being able to think outside the box. Managing Director, Deutsche Bank neurodiverse talent. They often come up with ideas on how we can do more to support our customers and how we can go about implementing these. We have been delighted to see how quick they are to learn. Most importantly, not only have our interns added significant value to the team but they’ve also contributed to creating an even more positive atmosphere across the team! 06 Employ Autism Employ Autism 07

How our approach can support autistic Unique young people Assets I had a tough time getting into employment. I dropped out of school due to my autism, mental health conditions, difficulties talents: with friendships and bullying in year eight. I wasn’t given any not problems advice at school on what to do with my life, how to succeed with my disabilities or how I could benefit from services provided by Amy’s story charities – I didn’t even know that these opportunities existed. After I graduated from university with a first-class degree, I started Just like their peers, young FEWER THAN MORE THAN applying for lots of roles. I had a few interviews but never clinched people with autism want to progress through autistic young of autistic the job. When I asked for feedback, I would not receive a reply % IN people access young people – when I did it was to say I’d been pipped to the post by a better education or training, find a job they like, education or say that careers candidate. enjoy the dignity and rewards of earning 1 80 4 training beyond advice is poor I was beginning to feel dejected when I discovered Ambitious money, and live as part of the communities school. or non-existent. about Autism’s work experience programme. My first placement of their choice. took place at the Civil Service, and after this I secured a further ONLY ONLY three-month placement at m/SIX, a media agency. I benefited As reasonable as this sounds, the stark % of people with % of people with from lots of support after completing the programme – from reality is quite different. The majority of autism believe autism are in looking over my CV to help with finding opportunities – which young people with autism are leaving school 15 employers will 16 full-time, paid all helped to develop my confidence. offer them a job. employment, and becoming “NEET” (not in education, Ambitious About Autism also works with employers to develop even though the their understanding of autism and confidence in hiring autistic employment or training). In short they are vast majority people. Before I started, my employer sent lots of information effectively retiring at the age of 16 – want to work. about the team I would be working with, which made me feel a a shocking waste of potential. lot less nervous. I was also able to walk around the office and get COST TO SOCIETY ESTIMATED COST to know my managers and explain the reasonable adjustments I A recent report highlights that graduates disclosing an autism would need – such as starting a little later so that I could miss the diagnosis and/or social communication disorder are much less intense rush hour crush on the tube! likely to find employment than those in other disability groups. £32bn £9bn The cost to society as a The total annual lost income It may surprise many that the scale of unemployment worsens During my placement I worked closely with the company’s result of the lack of support of autistic people not working with increasing qualification levels. diversity and inclusion team, developing relationships outside the for autistic people and their is not just a moral imperative office and proving my skills and passion in this area. As a result, In addition to this, 72% of employers say they have not families. This is more than the but also an economic one. I was able to secure a role as Diversity and Inclusion Coordinator built neurodiversity into their inclusion policies, and too few cost of stroke, cancer and following my placement. neurodivergent people are managing to find employment heart disease combined. and thrive in the workplace. Since starting my role, I have been pushing awareness of neurodiversity at work. I believe we still have more to do But it doesn’t have to be this way. but having more neurodivergent employees will be a huge strength for us going forward. Different perspectives and voices create better work and working in an accessible environment has a positive impact on everybody’s wellbeing. 08 Employ Autism

Building strong foundations

As part of Employ Autism, In 2019 Ambitious College launched our INCLUDE AUTISM CREATING ‘INCLUDE AUTISM’ first supported internship programme we are also seeking your Children and young people with autism are Youth groups and extracurricular activities in partnership with the Whittington at the heart of everything we do. Whether are a very important part of young people’s support to expand further Hospital and Project Search. Supported through pupil and learner councils in our lives – helping them make new friends, internships are a great opportunity for education and development education settings, or our multiple youth grow in confidence and develop new skills. young people with autism to combine opportunities to support networks, empowering young people with Yet, sadly, we know it’s difficult for many work with their education. Interns autism to have a voice and shape their young people with autism to attend youth more autistic young people are supported through on-the-job own futures is a vital part of our work. groups due to problems with accessibility to learn, thrive and achieve. coaching, the ultimate goal being to and a misunderstanding of autism. help them obtain paid employment Through this work we have developed This ambition comes from the very values and live independently. We’re now significant expertise, resources and To tackle this problem, in 2019 our Youth that formed the foundations of our charity. exploring further opportunities to develop networks that support young people to Patrons created ‘Include Autism’, a toolkit We began our journey in 1997, when a our employability work through this progress from education to employment. for developing autism-inclusive youth established internship model. However, there is much more we want to groups. To promote the toolkit, Youth SUPPORT FOR PARENTS small group of trailblazing parents set up AND CARERS TreeHouse School. At a time when children achieve, including: Patrons and Ambitious about Autism We support pupils at TreeHouse School We know that working in partnership with autism faced little or no chance of • expanding our successful programmes, staff held a series of ‘Include Autism’ to develop their social enterprise and with parents, carers and advocates is an receiving a full and rewarding education, such as ‘Include Autism’ workshops for children, young people, horticultural skills through our Saplings important part of helping young autistic these parents were determined to bring parent volunteers and youth workers. We project. It’s a wonderful outdoor space • providing post-diagnostic support for pupils and learners to achieve their goals. about real change for their children. This reached hundreds of people who were providing pupils with the opportunity to teenagers pioneering spirit has remained with us as encouraged to take back the 'Include learn more about the natural world by • providing consultancy to organisations That’s why we provide a learner and family we have evolved and progressed. Autism' message to their respective FURTHER EDUCATION AND growing and selling organic vegetables and employers. engagement officer to work with parents, TRAINING workplaces and community groups. learners and other professionals within our While we’ve come a long way, we want to to staff and neighbours. This increases Fewer than one in four autistic young HELPING THE WORLD AROUND US education settings. We want to see this empower more children and young people community engagement and teaches AUTISM CONFIDENCE IN THE people access education or training BECOME AUTISM CONFIDENT COMMUNITY support for parents available more widely with autism to secure a fulfilling and pupils important maths and life skills beyond school. Ambitious College is Thousands of professionals from across including: rewarding future. that will be of use to them in future We work with a number of organisations London’s only specialist day college and the UK and internationally have benefited employment. These include timekeeping, to develop new initiatives to help them be • providing more information and tools continues to surpass our expectations. from our specialist training programmes following instructions, working more autism inclusive. online It’s Ofsted rated Good and in five years to become autism confident. As a result cooperatively with colleagues and • a dissemination programme to share best has expanded from one to two campuses. of this training, individuals are better able In 2018-19 we advised Eurostar on making marketing their produce. practice nationally through projects such The success of our co-located approach support children and young people with travel a more comfortable experience for as the Employ Autism network. depends on strong partnerships with autism in education and employment. We people with autism. As a result, Eurostar our host providers. We want to expand want to see this support extended even launched a virtual guide to support autistic This support will particularly focus on Ambitious College and the services it further by giving partners the training and people, many of whom prefer to see supporting families and young people with provides, and are seeking support to tools to adopt and share best practice information in advance of travelling. This autism to manage a smooth move from achieve this. more widely. was cited as a first for the travel industry. education into adult life. Support I’m an asset. Not a problem.

Employ Autism Georgia, autistic young person

Please join us to help reach our target. We need to raise £3.5m to achieve our goal to support more young people with autism to be ready for work over the next three years. Your support will enable us to apply our tried and tested programmes on a nationwide scale, changing outcomes for thousands of autistic young people. Effecting system change will give autistic young people everywhere a realistic chance of the dignity and rewards of employment. Our goal is ambitious – but no matter how you contribute, you’ll be helping us to get one step closer to making the ordinary possible for more children and young people with autism.

For more information, please contact: Georgina Wilson Deputy Director Of Fundraising [email protected] 07817 797764

Registered company 3375255 | Registered charity 1063184