Annual Commencement / Northwestern University
) O^e J-[undred and ^orty -^ifth ^nnual Qommencement ( une 20, 2003 ^'Jsforthwestern University One Hundred and Forty-Fifth ANNUAL Commencement 6 P.M., Friday, June 20, 2003 Ryan Field Evanston, Illinois University Seal and Motto Soon after Northwestern University was redesigned the seal, retaining the book University and the date of its founding. founded, its Board of Trustees adopted and light rays and adding two quota- This seal, which remains Northwestern's an official corporate seal. This seal, ap- tions. On the pages of the open book official signature, was approved by the proved on June 26, 1856, consisted of an he placed a Greek quotation from the Board of Trustees on December 5, 1890. open book surrounded by rays of light Gospel of Saint John, chapter 1, verse and circled by the words Northwestern 14, translating to The Word . full of The full text of the University motto, University, Evanston, Illinois. grace and truth. Circling the book are adopted on June 17, 1890, is from the first three words, in Latin, of the the Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Thirty years later Daniel Bonbright, University motto: Quaecumque sunt vera Philippians, chapter 4, verse 8 (King professor of Latin and a member of (Whatsoever things are true).. The outer James Version). Northwestern's original faculty. border of the seal carries the name of the NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY ^^/hatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are ofgood report; ifthere be any virtue, and ifthere be any praise, think on these things.
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