Schedule Rev

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Schedule Rev Founded 1866 The Shrine and Parish Church of the Holy Innocents “The Little Catholic Church Around the Corner” at the crossroads of the world 128 West 37th St. (Just West of Broadway) New York City 10018 Schedule Rev. Fr. James L. P. Miara, M. Div., Pastor Perpetual Novenas Rev. Fr. Louis Van Thanh, Senior Priest Weekdays following the 7:30 a.m. and 12:15 & 1:15 p.m. Rev. Fr. Oliver Chanama, In Residence Masses and at 5:50 p.m. and on Saturday following the 12 Rev. Fr. Daniel Sabatos, Visiting Celebrant noon and 1:00 p.m. Masses. Tel: (212) 279-5861/5862 Monday: Miraculous Medal Tuesday: St. Anthony and St. Anne Wednesday: Our Lady of Perpetual Help and St. Joseph Thursday: Infant of Prague, St. Rita and St. Therese Friday: “The Return Crucifix” and the Passion Holy Sacrifice of the Mass Saturday: Our Lady of Lourdes and Our Lady of Fatima Weekdays: 7:00 & 7:30 a.m.; Sunday: Holy Innocents (at Vespers) 8:00 a.m. (Tridentine Latin only during Lent) 12:15 & 1:15 p.m. Devotions and 6:00 p.m. (Tridentine Latin) Vespers and Benediction: Saturday: 12 noon and 1:00 p.m. (Tridentine Latin) Sunday at 2:30 p.m. (Tridentine Latin) and 4:00 p.m. Vigil/Shopper’s Mass Holy Rosary: Weekdays at 11:55 a.m. and 5:20 p.m. Saturday at 12:35 p.m. Sunday: 9:00 a.m. (Tridentine Low Mass), Sunday at 2:00 p.m. 10:30 a.m. (Tridentine High Mass), Divine Mercy Chaplet: Weekdays at 3:00 p.m. 12:30 p.m. Stations of the Cross (during Lent): Holy Days of Obligation: Fridays at 12:45 p.m. Vigil at 5:15 p.m. and after 6:00 p.m. Mass 7:00 & 7:30 a.m.; All-Night Vigil: 8:00 a.m. (Tridentine Latin); 11:15 a.m.; First Friday of the month from 7:00 p.m.- 12:15, 1:15 & 5:15 p.m.; Saturday 5:00 a.m. Mass (Tridentine Latin) 6:00 p.m. (Tridentine Latin High Mass) First Saturday Devotions: Confessions Rosary, 15 minute meditation, prayers & Benediction following 1:00 p.m. Mass Weekdays: 7:30-8:30 a.m.; 12 noon-1:30 p.m.; 5:15-5:35 p.m. 2000 Hail Marys: Second Saturday of the month Saturday: 12 noon-1:00 p.m. and 3:15-3:45 p.m. from 6:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Sunday: 9:45-10:30 a.m. and 12 noon-12:30 p.m. Church Hours And anytime upon request or by appointment Monday-Friday: 6:30 a.m. – 7:30 p.m. Saturday: 9:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Exposition Sunday: 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. of the Most Blessed Sacrament Parish Office/Gift Shop Hours Weekdays from 2:00 p.m.-5:45 p.m. Benediction Monday-Friday: 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Saturday: 9:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Sunday: 9:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. LATIN TRIDENTINE MASS CORNER Week of January 28, 2018 Calendar Mass Intentions January 28 - Septuagesima Sunday FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 2nd Class January 29 - St. Francis de Sales, Bishop, SATURDAY, JANUARY 27 - St. Angela Merici, Virgin Confessor, & Doctor 04:00 - The Kosinski Family (L) 3rd Class - Low Mass SUNDAY, JANUARY 28 January 30 - St. Martina, Virgin & Martyr 09:00 - Fr. Robert O’Brien’s Jesuit priests and brothers 3rd Class - Low Mass 10:30 - Maria Libia Florez - Gregorian (29) January 31 - St. John Bosco, Confessor 12:30 - Pro Populo rd 3 Class - Low Mass MONDAY, JANUARY 29 - Weekday February 1 - Jesus Christ the High Priest with 07:00 - Maria Libia Florez - Gregorian (30) Commemoration of St. Ignatius 07:30 - Samuel and Angela Pizzito (d) 3rd Class - Low Mass 12:15 - Dr. Jesus Yap, Jr. (d) 01:15 - Simetto Bozicevic (d) February 2 - Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary nd 06:00 - Ida E. Mirro (d) 4th Anniversary 2 Class - High Mass TUESDAY, JANUARY 30 - Weekday Febuary 3 - Immaculate Heart of Mary 3rd Class - High Mass 07:00 - St. Anthony 07:30 - Belkis Fernandez (d) Next Sunday 12:15 - Jacqueline Quinn & Family (L) 01:15 - James G. Robilotti, Jr., M.D. (d) February 4 - Anniversary of the Dedication of 06:00 - Constantina Romero - Gregorian (1) Holy Innocents Church 1st Class WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 31 - St. John Bosco, Priest 7:00 - In honor of St. Michael the Archangel FEAST OF DEDICATION OF HOLY INNOCENTS 07:30 - Jean Cameron (d) CHURCH 12:15 - Joan Stehn (d) 01:15 - Constantina Romero - Gregorian (2) Next Sunday, February 4, is the Feast of the Dedi- 06:00 - Phyllis Bryant (L) Birthday cation of our Shrine & Parish Church of the Holy Innocents. The Saturday Vigil Mass and all Masses THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1 - Weekday on Sunday will be that of the Anniversary of the 07:00 - Infant of Prague Dedication of a Church, taking the place of the 07:30 - Constantina Romero - Gregorian (3) Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time in the Ordinary 12:15 - Regina Multer (d) Form of the Mass and Sexagesima Sunday in the 01:15 - Noreen White (d) 06:00 - Constance Lauro (d) 6th anniversay Extraordinary Form of the Mass. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2 - The Presentation of the Lord The Latin Mass Magazine 7:00 - Constantina Romero - Gregorian (4) Christmas, 2017 issue 07:30 - Poor Souls in Purgatory Available in Parish Office 12:15 - For the Sick $5 per copy 01:15 - Lucina Lopez (d) 06:00 - Fr. Johannes Smith, F.I. (L) PERPETUAL HELP LAMP INTENTIONS SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3 - St. Blaise, Bishop & Martyr, St. Ansgar, Bishop In Memory of 05:00 - Joseph Pacheco (d) Raquel Fernandez 12:00 - Imelda De Lara (d) 01:00 - Leslie Rhodes (L) Birthday January 28, 2018 - February 4, 2018 04:00 - Constantina Romero - Gregorian (5) NEXT SUNDAY’S MASS INTENTIONS Altar Offerings 09:00 - Fr. Robert O’Brien’s Bible Study Group 10:30 - Constantina Romero - Gregorian (6) The Sanctuary Candle 12:30 - Pro Populo Intentions of Leith, Moore & Gerber Families CANDLEMAS THE SEASON OF SEPTUAGESIMA (PRE-LENT) Friday of this week, February 2 is the Feast of the Septuagesima is the ninth Sunday before Easter, Presentation of the Lord in the Temple and the Pu- the third before Lent, called also Dominica Cir- rification of the Blessed Virgin Mary, also known as cumdederunt from the first word of the Introit of Candlemas Day. Candles will be blessed at the 7:00 the Mass. This Church Liturgical Season begins a.m. Mass and available all day from the sacristan or the Easter Cycle. The Sundays of Septugesima are named for their distance away from Easter. The Parish Office for a donation of $5.00 per box. The first Sunday of Septuagesima gives its name to the Solemn Blessing of Candles and Procession will take entire season as it is known as "Septuagesima." place at the 6:00 p.m. High Latin Mass. All Catholic "Septuagesima" means "seventy," and Septuagesi- homes should have blessed candles which are to be ma Sunday comes roughly seventy days before lit whenever the priest brings the Blessed Sacra- Easter. This seventy represents the seventy years ment on a Sick Call, during storms for protection, of the Babylonian Captivity. The second Sunday and to assist the dying during their final agony. of Septuagesima is known as "Sexagesima, which Once blessed candles are a sacramental, reminding means "sixty". Sexagesima Sunday comes roughly us of Christ, the Light of the World. sixty days before Easter. The third Sunday of Septuagesima is known as "Quinquagesima," which means "fifty" and which comes roughly fifty days BLESSING OF THROATS before Easter. Quadragesima means "forty," and Saturday, February 3, is the Feast of St. Blaise, this is the name of the first Sunday of Lent and Bishop and Martyr, Patron Saint against diseases of the Latin name for the entire season of Lent. the throat and one of the Fourteen Holy Helpers. Septuagesima and Lent are both times of pen- The traditional Blessing of Throats will take place as ance, Septuagesima being a time of voluntary follows: fasting in preparation for the obligatory Great Fast of Lent. Throughout this short Season and On Saturday, February 3 following the 12:00, that of Lent (next Season) you will notice a deep- 1:00 & 4:00 p.m. Masses ening sense of sobriety, penance and somberness On Sunday, February 4 following the 9:00 & with the omission of the Alleluia and Gloria, cul- 10:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. Masses minating in Passiontide (the last two weeks of Lent). Septuagesima is inaugurated in ALL-NIGHT VIGIL the Roman Martyrology by the words: "Septuagesima Sunday, on which the canticle of The next All-Night Vigil will be held on Friday, the Lord, Alleluia, ceases to be said". February 2 beginning at 7:00 p.m. and concluding on Saturday, February 4 with a 5:00 a.m. Tradi- tional Latin Mass. COLLECTION REPORT PRAYER TO KEEP THE FAMILY HEALTHY Regular Collection 01/21/18 $6,596.82 Shrines and Candles $3,110.70 Holy Father, look with mercy on my family as you did with your family. I put all my trust in you to Regular Collection - 01/22/17 $3,953.00 help keep us alive and following your vision for Shrines and Candles $3,423.00 our family’s future. Give meaning to our lives to make our home an authentic expression of your Your continued and generous support to your Parish is greatly appreciated! will.
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