Newsletter December 2008

Photo Gallery 2 Snippits\Crossword 11 Directors and Officers 3 Age Related Plates 12 Chairmans Report 4 Membership Director 13 Chairmans Report 5 2008 Membership 14 Muscle Cars 6 2008 Membership 15 News Items, Editorial 7 2008 Membership 16 Items For Sale 8 2008 Membership 17 Upcoming Events 9 Renault 8 Gordi ni 18 Honorary President’s Letter 10 Renault 8 Gordini 19


Recent Photos

Above: American Car & Truck Event, Kilbeggan. Photos, Ernst Wijnekus. Left: WVVMC Donation to the Claddagh School ASD Unit (Autism Spectrum Disorder Unit). Below: Pat Conacur is Elected Honorary President

The Photo on the left, taken at the Agricultural and vintage show in August has been reproduced courtesy of freelance photographer Andrew Downes 087-6391500. We are unsure if the guy was checking out the mechanicals on Bill Fennells Model T, or just sheltering from the rain. If anyone can think of an interesting or humorous caption, we will print it in the next issue.


Newsletter, December 2008



W.V.V.M.C. Limited, Registered Office: c/o Mark Hanley & Co. Accountants;. Devon House, The Crescent, . Reg. No.: 132186

Directors and Officers for 2009:

Chairman: Frank Mullan Tel. 091-523012, 086-2327678

Secretary: John Keane Tel. 091- 790963, 087-2411091

Finance Director: Ray O’Donoghue Tel. 091-794241, 087-2798122

Membership Director: Michael Spellman Tel. 091-798017, 086 -8210679

Events Director: Tom Spellman Tel. 091-798083, 085-1542099

Technical Director: David Fennell Tel. 091-757208, 087-2273747

Communications Director : Ian Doherty Tel. 091 849789, 086-8295332

Hon. Members: Jimmy Francis and Phil Denson

Hon. President: Pat Conacur

Committee Members Tom Fahy, Bill Fennell, Padraic Giblin, Tom Kavanagh, Sergio Magnetti, Joe O’Neill, Ray Spellman

WVVMC newsletter is published quarterly. Letters, trip reports, articles, cars for sale or parts wanted, interesting articles, advertisements etc. for the Club’s Newsletter, can be sent to: Ian Doherty, Tara, Kilskeagh, or e-mailed to: [email protected] See also our website:

3 2008 Annual General Meeting By Frank Mullan, WVVMC Chairman

The 2008 Annual General Meeting was held in the Salthill Hotel on Monday 3rd November. 30 members attended.

There were a number of highlights during the course of the year. The change in format of WestRun – staying overnight in on the Saturday night – was deemed a great success. Warm tributes were paid to Bill Fennell and the team who organised the event. Bill, in turn, thanked Paddy Pryce for his support in arranging things in Clifden. Those who stayed over certainly had a very enjoyable evening. By way of a bonus, was en fate on the Sunday to welcome the returning vintage cars. It was suggested that the start time of future WestRuns might be put back to 11:00 or 12:00, particularly if we are not coming back to Galway on the same day. There was serious congestion at the start of this year’s run. This issue will need to be addressed by the organisers of WestRun 2009.

During the course of 2008, Ray O’Donoghue, Communications Director, oversaw a major upgrade of the Club website. It is now much easier to keep information on the site up to date and relevant. Also during 2008, Ian Doherty took over from Ray as editor of the Newsletter.

The Charity Fund again distributed significant donations to 6 charities out of money raised by raffling a replica Mini Cooper. In Any Other Business, the view was expressed that, as a club, we may be devoting too much energy to raising money for charity and that we should re-focus our attention on the old cars. The Club Charity Fund was established on a permanent basis by a unanimous decision of the 2005 AGM. Perhaps the idea of raising significant funds for charity through raffling classic cars has run its course and that we now need to look to other fund raising initiatives. A suggestion that the Club might consider acquiring a permanent club house/garage also drew lively discussion.The Club currently

4 has a fairly significant cash reserve – but not sufficient to consider investing in property. Interestingly, this suggestion previously surfaced in the 1990s, and was investigated in some detail by the committee of the day. The conclusion then, as now, was that it was not practical for the Club to invest in property. There is, however, a challenge for the incoming committee to consider how to make best use of Club resources for the benefit of members. The annual subscription was again held at €38.00.There is also a €6.00 discount for those who pay by Direct Debit.

The following Directors and Committee were elected for 2008/09:

Pat Conacur Honorary President Frank Mullan Chairman John Keane Secretary Ray O’Donoghue Finance Director Tom Spellman Events Director Ian Doherty Communications Director Michael Spellman Membership Director David Fennell Technical Director

Committee Members Tom Fahy Bill Fennell Padraic Giblin Tom Kavanagh Sergio Magnetti Joe O’Neill Ray Spellman Before concluding the meeting, Frank Mullan, Chairman thanked members of the outgoing committee for their support during the past year. Ernst Wijnekus, outgoing President then presented his successor, Pat Conacur with the presidential chain. Pat was one of the founding members of WVVMC in 1977, and had served the club in many capacities over the years. He thanked the members for electing him President. He said he regarded it as a great honour, and wished everyone happy motoring in 2009. See Photos on page 2

5 MUSCLE CARS By Ernst Wijnekus

The Midland American Auto Club was formed by American car and truck enthusiasts in 2001. Every year they have an annual All- American Car & Truck event on the club grounds in Kilbeggan, which is the largest of its kind in and attracts vehicles from all over the country. On the 7th of September, a glorious sunny day, I went to Kilbeggan and was amazed to see so many American cars. The event was well organized by the MAAC, lots of stands selling books, auto memorabilia, tools, clothes etc. There were separate areas for each category, Muscle cars, Mustangs, Dodge, Corvettes, Ford Trucks, Big MACK trucks, Military cars and Willys jeeps. Lots of bikes mostly Harley Davidson’s. The Irish Kit Car club and the DeLorean club were well represented, there were at least 7 DeLorean cars and a replica of the “Back to the Future” car took a lot of admiration. The whole display was most colourful with plenty of parking for all exhibitors. I parked my car alongside a Mustang Convertible and Kevin Mullans’ Mustang. To give you an idea of the size of the event, there were at least 70 mustangs and a lot of Chevy’s like Corvettes. The Club has two big warehouses, one purpose built clubhouse with a workshop and display of well known cars, a replica of the General Lee, the 1969 Dodge Charger from the "Dukes of Hazzard”, and many other classics. The original Dukes of Hazzard car was sold on e-bay for $ 9.9 million. The sale in 2007 marked the second highest finish for an auto auction, the first being the $11 million 1987 sale by Christie's of a 1931 Bugatti originally owned by the Bugatti family. Overall a very pleasant day and this event was quite different from other car events. There was a public car park for visitors and the entrance was €10 per non participating cars. Well worth a visit. Bring a picnic and have a nice day next year. See Photos on Page 2 6 WVVMC NEWS Donation to Claddagh School

WVVMC Donation to the Claddagh School ASD Unit (Autism Spectrum Disorder Unit). WVVMC President Ernst Wijnekus presenting a cheque for €4,000 to Mr. Brendan Forde, Principal of Claddagh National School and Thelma Hynes, ASD Unit Coordinator. Also include committee members Tom Spellman, Michael Spellman and children attending the ASD unit. The money contributed was from the funds raised from the sale of raffle tickets for the Mini Cooper replica.

From the editor.. Dear Members, At the recent AGM I was elected Communications Director which is, I guess a promotion from Newsletter Editor. The catch is that I’m still Newsletter editor as well. My thanks to those who had the confidence in me to propose and second my election. During my tenure I hope to start updating the website on a regular basis to include run details and last minute changes for members to check into. Some members have expressed to me a wish for informal runs in addition to our organised ones. By this I mean just a few of us getting out in the old cars, just because it’s a nice dry day. No pre planning, no fancy lunches, no Garda escorts, just ring around and go! Let the committee know how you feel about this. After all, as someone said at the AGM, the club should be all about getting out in the old cars. I was delighted to see Pat Conacur, a founding member of the club become Honorary President. Imagine, Pat Conacur and Barack Obama both elected president in the same week! My thanks to all who continue to send me articles, snippits, photos and items of interest to members for the Newsletter. Please don’t stop. As always, don’t feel that what you send needs to be perfect or typed, all that can be worked through. Hoping you all have a happy and peaceful Christmas.

Ian Doherty 086 8295332 or [email protected]

7 For Sale

Stock Photo For Sale 1957 Ferguson FE35 (Gold Belly) Restored Engine Rebuilt New Wings Too many new parts to mention €7000 ONO Contact David on 087-2273747

For Sale 1950’s Coventry Climax Fire Pump €350 For further information Contact David on 087-2273747

MG Owners The committee was recently contacted by Laurence Brush of Just MGs in Co. Down. Laurence operates a specialist service for MGs having 30 years experience working on them. He offers full workshop services and also supplies parts. He offers a 24 hours to your door courier service for parts and for orders over €120, carriage is free. See advertisement ,

For Sale 1965 Daimler 250 V8, Auto Maroon Excellent Condition PX Considered Phone 093 27940 (after 6pm) Area TRIVIA The Renault 8 and 10 was a particular favourite among French film makers as the rear–engined layout allowed a camera tripod to be fitted in the front boot in front of the windscreen to film people talking to each other while driving.

85 Upcoming Events

Western Veteran and Vintage Motor Club Ltd.

Calendar of events - Local

Dec 27th Run to & visit to private transport museum See details below

Feb 15th Cullinane Chamois Run See details below or contact Helen Quinlan

March 15th St.Patricks Day Parade (Sunday) Gort. 12pm Details, Padraic Giblin

March 17th St.Patricks Day Parade, . 3.30pm Details, Ray O’Donoghue

April 12th Meals after Wheels Run Details in next issue

Calendar of events - National

January 11th Lakeland Vintage Club, Annual Autojumble Rustic Inn Abbeyshrule, Contact 087-6649069

February 15th Shrule Vintage Club, Autojumble & Auction Community Centre, Shrule, Co.Galway 093-33397 Run to Killimor and visit to private transport museum. Our traditional post Christmas run will be to Killimor near and will be held on Saturday 27th December. Lunch of soup, sandwiches, tea or coffee will be available en-route at a venue to be confirmed. Afterwards we are invited to view an extensive collection of Vintage and classic cars. Intending members should assemble at the Oranmore Community centre at 12pm for departure at 12.30pm. The exact route will be decided on the day depending on the weather conditions. Lunch is scheduled for 2pm followed by the museum tour. Details: Tom Spellman or Bill Fennell

Cullinane Chamois Run The annual Chamois Run will be held on Sunday 15th February 2009. At the time of going to print these are the details available. Meet at Parsons Garage, Tuam at 12pm for departure at 12.30pm. Lunch this year will be in the Ard Ri Hotel, Miltown Rd Tuam. Further information regarding cost and run destination from Helen Quinlan. Details will be issued by separate flyer nearer the time. 9 Honorary President’s letter to members

Dear members, Let me start by wishing everyone a Happy and Merry Christmas and a shining New Year. At the recent well attended AGM, I was honoured to be elected Honorary President of the WVVMC. As I know 80% of the members by their first names I hope to get to know all members during my term in this position and nothing better would please me than to see some more ladies getting involved in the running of events. I hope that I will be able to carry out all the duties that are expected of me in the excellent

way that all previous Presidents have done. Our club started in 1977 and is a great success story. Not alone is the club successful but we are delighted to have donated several thousand euro to various charities over the years. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the members that have worked so hard to make this club what it is today. As all members know you do not need a car to become a member and we would be delighted to see everyone take part in all events. I appeal to everyone to support all events and support all other clubs. On behalf of myself and the members, please remember over the Christmas season members who have sadly departed from us. I am sure they have their own little corner up there where they are polishing, tyre kicking, spraying and restoring. May they Rest In Peace. Finally, a sincere ‘Thank You’ to all our sponsors down through the years and to you the members for all the support you have shown in the past. We would like to extend an open invitation to all members to all our upcoming events. Should you have any queries or need any assistance, please feel free to contact me or any member of the committee. Happy veteran, vintage, and classic motoring.

Regards and best wishes to all

Pat Conacur Honorary President.

Galway Christmas Lights On Friday 28th November, 6 children from the Down Syndrome Association with their parents were conveyed by WVVMC members in 6 vintage cars to Shop Street for the annual “switching-on of the Christmas lights” ceremony. The lights were switched on by the Mayor, Padraig Conneeley.

1 Motoring Crossword No. 4 Give us a clue…... This editions’ crossword clues were kindly supplied by Padraic Giblin. As I am beginning to run out of ideas for clues, perhaps members could think of a few and send them to me. The criteria is, they must be motoring or WVVMC related and not too cryptic as it’s only for a bit of light amusement. There is no need for you to design the actual crossword, just send a bunch of words with their respective clues and we’ll do the rest.


2. Holds your gears (3) 5. Joint with the world at its feet (9) 7. Makers of Quality Oils etc (7) 9. We are always looking for these (5 10. Learned Morris (6) Down

1. Half this pin (5) 2. Type of gear (5) 3. Bottom of the barrell catches all (4) 4. Provides starting power (7) 6. opposite to 7 Down (5) 7. Top cylinder (6) 8. They smooth your ride (6) DID YOU KNOW? In 1950, Nuffield Australia, BMC’s Australian arm started local operations with assembly of Morris Minors and Oxfords. Gradually, Australian content began to grow and true Australian manufacture was first evidenced with the four cylinder Major of 1958. Realising they needed a six sylinder model to catch up with Holden and Ford, the Morris Marshall (a modified Austin A95 Westminster) debuted in 1957. Several moderately successful models and a name change later, BMC Australia reached its high point in the local market when, on the back of the Mini and Morris 1100, BMC was second in overall sales behind Holden by the mid 1960’s.

1 UK Age Related Registration Plates We are all familiar with looking at and buying classic cars from the UK. How many times have you looked at a UK age-related registration and wondered “what year is that?” So we have included in this edition a list of the suffix and prefix letters ranging from Feb 1963 to July 2001. Pre 1963 plates were not age related. Hopefully you may find this useful sometime.

1 W.V.V.M.C. MEMBERSHIP by Michael Spellman

As it’s the start of a new year, membership for 2009 is now due. The cost of membership remains the same as last year;

Cash/Cheque €38 Direct Debit/Standing Order €32

Those paying by standing order will have their account debited for the amount in early December. Members paying by direct debit will be debited in early January. Many thanks to those who sent in new direct debit mandates in recent months.

Anyone who wishes to pay by cheque (made payable to WVVMC Ltd.), you can post on your subscription to me at;

Fuchsia Lodge, Clogher, , Co. Galway

I would recommend to all members to switch paying their subscriptions to direct debit. Forms included in previous newsletters can be used. If you require new forms or more information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

NOTE: If you joined the club this year on or Solution to Crossword from Page11 after the Westrun (25th July), your joining subscription will cover 2009.

If you have a query concerning your membership, please contact me on 086 8210679 or by email: [email protected]

Happy Christmas and a Happy Motoring New Year,

Michael Spellman Membership Director


No. NAME ADDRESS PHONE 086 Allen Nicky 36 Dun an Oir Caheronaun Co Galway 086 8603101 128 Barr James W Dunguaire Cottage Co.Galway 091 637247 145 Barry Bill 56 Windfield Gardens Clybaun Rd Galway 091 528891 083 Blake Gabriel Feigh West Tuam Co.Galway 093 49466 291 Blake John Feigh West Tuam Co.Galway 093 49466 314 Blake Michael 55 Gleann na Coille Rd Galway 091 591437 061 Brett Tom Gortard Co.Galway 091 794817 306 Briggs Ray Aisling Teach Mor Co.Galway 091 593874 022 Brophy Brian The Lodge Barna Co.Galway 091 522086 035 Browne Tom & Michael Circular Road Gort Co.Galway 112 Burke Tom Knockdoe Claregalway Co.Galway 175 Burke Frank Louth Lodge Co.Galway 093 38290 229 Burke Maurice ClareTuam Tuam Co.Galway 086-2490552 248 Byrne Henry The Quay Ballina Co.Mayo 096 76821 110 Canney Jarlath The Square Tuam Co.Galway 093 24141 320 Cannon Gerry Taramuid Clarenbridge Co.Galway 091 796754 167 Casey Sean & Patricia Ard Aobhoinn Athenry Co.Galway 091 844821 190 Clancy John Logatemple Claremorris Co.Mayo 092 41041 315 Clinton Bobby Ardoon 26B Grangemore Rahoon Galway 091 521298 097 Coffey Gerard Main Street Kilkelly Co.Mayo 094 67010 053 Conacur Pat 9 Carrowmeanish Oranmore Co.Galway 091 794975 293 Conlon Fergus 17 Leitir Burca Ballymoneen Rd Galway 091 573003 239 Conneely Joe Ballinasloe Co.Galway 90496-59733 189 Connole John Mount Aven Ballyvaughan Co.Clare 065 7077061 98 Connolly Edward Moyne Co.Galway 180 Connolly Michael Newtown Ballyvaughan Co.Clare 065 7077223 057 Conroy Padraig Cluggan Maam Co.Galway 092 48284 287 Conroy Bill Newbridge Askeaton Co.Limerick 086 8340637 341 Conroy Ciaran Saile Laoi Co.Galway 087 9077759 148 Cooney Austin 50 St Josephs Terrace Clarecastle CoClare 065 6824804 105 Courtenay John Copes Mountain Colga P.O Co.Sligo 071 9141396 159 Coyle Stephen 6 The Hazels, Oakleigh Wood Tulla Rd Ennis Co.Clare 065 6822712 003 Coyne Ann Francis Na Sceatha, Menlo, Galway 091 761960 034 Coyne Martin John Glangimla Leenane Co.Galway 087 4101323 109 Christy 4 Fuschia Drive Renmore Galway 005 Daly Michael "Kendale" Newtown Castletroy Limerick 061 337580 046 Darcy Martin 29 Beach Court Salthill Galway 091 582748 050 Darcy Gavin 29 Lurgan Park Renmore Galway 087 2381244 002 Denson Douglas Phil The Green, Hapton Rd, Padingham, Burnley UK 1282 774768 152 Dillon Dave St Martin's 15 Grattan Pk Salthill Galway 091 584455 284 Dixon Charles S The Studio Burkes Lane Upr Dominick St Galway 087 2483584 258 Doherty Ian Tara Kilskeagh Athenry Co.Galway 091 849789 044 Doody Brian Ratleague Moyveela Oranmore Co.Galway 091 790428 024 Dooley John Ballybeg Corrandulla Co.Galway 091 791970 013 Downes John Carnane Dark Rd Co.Galway 091 796722 188 Duffy Christopher Pinewood Derrydonnell Nth Oranmore Co.Galway 091 795813 250 Duignan Tony 11 Castlelawn Heights Galway 086 3160983 006 Fahy Gerry 11 The Parklands Clarinbridge Co Galway 091 777038 032 Fahy Patrick Bushfield Oranmore Co.Galway 091 794231 14 No. NAME ADDRESS PHONE 058 Fahy Tom San Michel 4,Carragh Grove Knocknacarra Galway 091 524807 073 Fahy John Lakeview Claregalway Co.Galway 091 799098 082 Farragher James C Galway Road Tuam Co.Galway 093 24586 237 Farrell Philip Rockfield Cross Athenry Co.Galway 091 844189 051 Fennell David 12 Ardaun Oranmore Co.Galway 087 2273747 075 Fennell William 12 Ardaun Oranmore Co.Galway 091 757208 342 Finn Pearl 12 Dalysfort Road Salthill Galway 091 861740 144 Fitzmaurice Tom Convent Road Roscommon Co.Roscommon 086 8282254 289 Flaherty Malachy Gurrane Kiltullagh Oranmore Co.Galway 087 2728055 322 Flaherty Pat Park Athenry Co.Galway 087 2952251 040 Fleming J.J Upper Taylors Hill Galway 091 755451 107 Flynn John R The Old Rectory Ballinasloe Co.Galway 080 Folan John Dooyeher Carna Co.Galway 087 2680616 001 Francis Jimmy St Vincents Ave, Woodquay, Galway 091 561943 139 Gannon Paul Cloonluane Renvyle Co.Galway 095 43905 309 Gannon Frank Belmont Cloghans Hill Tuam Co.Galway 086 3439558 310 Gannon Austin Garrymore Clogans Hill Tuam Co.Galway 094 9364972 311 Gannon Alan Beagh Kilconly Tuam Co.Galway 093 47921 253 Garland Gerry Kilcahill Claregalway Co.Galway 091 791740 041 Giblin Padraig Glenbrack Rd Gort Co.Galway 091 631306 122 Gilligan Michael Monument Park Cartoonrue Tuam Co.Galway 093 25992 037 Grealish Gerard Whitestone Oranmore Co.Galway 091 790320 192 Heavey Thomas Irish Car Scene Moyvilla Oranmore Co.Galway 087 2999251 332 Heinecke Skip Riada Ridge House Ridge Hill Rd Birr Co.Offaly 057 9125617 266 Hendrick Philip Kilbranish Miltown Rd Tuam Co.Galway 093 27940 048 Hickey Edmond J Owenriff Cottage Oughterard Co.Galway 091 552000 187 Higgins Patrick J Sylane Tuam Co.Galway 093 55452 327 Higgins Richard Stonepark Caherlistrane Co.Galway 093 55311 132 Hogan Michael Ballinasloe Co.Galway 0905 75184 133 Horan Michael Ashbrook House Glentaun Ballinasloe Co.Galway 0905 44109 209 Howley Patrick Limepark Co.Galway 091 635191 019 Hynes Monica Lissinard Tynagh Loughrea Co.Galway 0509 45127 329 Jackson John Dowras Cummer Tuam Co.Galway 093 41751 344 Kane Michael Loughglass Creggs Co.Galway 087 8289779 047 Kavanagh Des Roncalli Mincloon Clybaun Rd Galway 091 522368 247 Kavanagh David & Elaine Mincloon Rahoon Galway 091-529571 343 Keane Denis Letterdyfe Roundstone Co.Galway 095 35765 241 Keane John Carnmore Oranmore Co.Galway 087-2411091 150 Keaney Diarmuid Maunsells Park Galway 086 8137058 113 Keating Chris Lechner Odon Fasor 3 Castrum House B.8.2 Budapest 1095 Hungary 087 2556659 036 Kelly T.J Meadow Hill Carrowbaun East Pertrswell Co.Galway 091 635092 307 Kelly Paddy Caherdevane Craughwell Co.Galway 091 846696 101 Kennedy Patrick G 11 An Togher Court An Togher Rd Roscommon 0903 30296 018 Kenny John Meadow Lodge Via Banagher Co.Galway 0509 51431 091 Kilbane Thomas 10 Greenfields Rd Newcastle Co.Galway 091 528413 222 Laffey John Forremyle west Barna Co.Galway 087 2638732 158 Lawford Hayden K 23 Dalysfort Rd Salthill Galway 091 523942 085 Livingstone Paul Kilnaboy Corofin Ennis Co.Clare 065 6837091 326 Locteau Sebastien 49 The Glade Athenry Co.Galway 091 875892 323 Lyons David Lismany Laurencetown Ballinasloe Co.Galway 0909 685740

1 No. NAME ADDRESS PHONE 014 Magnetti Sergio Aille Barna Co.Galway 091 592256 292 Malone John Snr Killadulisk Killimor Ballinasloe Co.Galway 0909 676210 245 Martin Norah Frenchpark Castlerea Co.Roscommon 115 Maughan Francis Castlerea Co.Roscommon 0907 55260 334 Maye John Glencorrib Shrule Co.Mayo 087 6370471 059 McBride Ronald John 26 Oakley Crescent Highfield Park Galway 091 527166 081 McDonagh James 145 Castle Park Ballybane Galway 091 755482 313 McDonagh Proinsias Tishmain Co.Galway 091 595861 093 McDonnell Pat 67 Renmore Road Galway 091 753984 174 McGagh Tony Bawnmore Claregalway Co.Galway 091 799238 064 McGinley John Briarhill Castlegar Galway 091 757804 077 McGreevy Sean Sancta Anna Coast Rd Oranmore Co.Galway 091 794916 078 McGreevy AnneMarie Sancta Anna Coast Rd Oranmore Co.Galway 091 794916 021 McHugh-Jewell Anthony Creganna Beag Oranmore Co.Galway 091 792138 131 McMahon Brian Cappaghmore Barefield Ennis Co.Clare 065 6841974 333 McMahon Patrick Drimelly Cross Claremorris Co.Mayo 094 9546510 224 McMorrow Dave 21 Carraig Ard Fort Lorenzo Galway 091-581769 100 McNabb Frank Slieveaun Clarenbridge Co.Galway 091 796773 072 Mitchell James Rathville kiltulla Athenry Co.Galway 091 848106 330 Monaghan Joe Summerfield Claregalway Co.Galway 091 799100 106 Moroney Pat & Marie Smithstown Rd Newmarket on Fergus Co.Clare 061 364736 261 Moynihan Ciaran 3 Carmody Way Fairgreen Portlaoise CoLaois 087 2740641 074 Mullan Frank 25 Carragh Hill knocknacarra Galway 091 523012 317 Mullan Kevin 1 Cloch Ard Bothar Stiofan Knocknacarra Galway 091 510398 055 Mullins Pat & Anne No 1 Rockhill Ave Salthill Galway 091 525289 011 Mulqueen Billy The Old Train House Station Rd Ballyhooley Co.Cork 025 39337 031 Murphy Larry 18 Beech Grove Oranmore Co.Galway 091 794639 136 Murphy Dermot Galway Rd Tuam Co.Galway 093 25366 137 Murphy Gerardine Galway Rd Tuam Co.Galway 093 25366 257 Murphy Peter Doon West Roscahill Co.Galway 087 6376576 336 Murphy Jimmy 111 Bohermore Galway 091 561834 304 Nash Paul Kiltrogue Claregalway Co.Galway 091 799105 324 Naughton James Newbridge Ballinasloe Co.Galway 0906 660164 339 Nee Malachy Mannin Co.Galway 095 23645 193 Nestor Chris Munnia New Quay Co.Clare 065 7078240 199 Neville Pat San Marino Taylors Hill Galway 086 2583826 182 Nevin Mary Bridge Park Kylebrack Loughrea Co.Galway 0909 745197 007 Neylon Jude Main Street Corofin Co Clare 065 6837683 090 Noone Terry Athlone Rd Ballinasloe Co.Galway 0905 42724 211 O'Brien Frank 9 Beech Court Salthill Galway 091 583316 242 O'Conghaile Mary Francis Carraig Ban Ballinfoyle Galway 091-755777 071 O'Connell Noel The White House Convent Rd Calremorris Co.Mayo 094 62117 111 O'Connor D.P 16 Yale Ardilea Roebuck Dublin14 338 O'Connor Michael Curraghmore Athenry Co.Galway 091 848274 079 O'Donoghue Ray Dublin Rd Oranmore Co.Galway 091 794241 340 O'Flaherty Morgan 11 Sliabh Rioga Letteragh Rd Galway 086 8070605 119 O'Gorman John Newline Athenry Co.Galway 091 844227 331 O'Looney Pat Masonbrook Loughrea Co.Galway 086 1785729 056 O'Mahony Patrick Skehana Peterswell Co.Galway 091 635397 321 O'Mahony Hank Baile Eamonn An Spideal Co.Galway 091 553548 325 O'Malley Nicky Ballynageena Oranmore Co.Galway 16 No. NAME ADDRESS PHONE

052 O'Neill Joe Co.Galway 0907 59022 285 O'Neill Pat 8 Clonbrock Court Retreat Rd Athlone Co.Westmeath 271 O'Reilly Franny 6 The Oaks Ballygaddy Rd Tuam Co.Galway 093 27909 124 Parsons Helen Bawnard Gardenfield Tuam Co.Galway 093 24762 202 Parsons Frank Kilcloghans Tuam Co.Galway 093 24762 197 Pryce Patrick Galway Road Clifden Co.Galway 091 555778 028 Punch Dave 8 Roselyn Gardens Renmore Galway 091 753555 088 Quinlan Pat Bawnard Gardenfield Tuam Co.Galway 092 Rees Wyn Newtown Hse Abbeyknockmoy Co.Galway 093 43765 062 Reilly Joseph 11 Mount Pleasant Loughrea Co.Galway 091 841764 042 Ryan Ray 6 Caheroyn Drive Athenry Co.Galway 086 8187755 089 Sexton Chris Miltown Malbay Co.Clare 065 7084283 259 Simon Neil 9 Tara Grove Wellpark Galway 087 9740387 328 Sousa Paulo 20 Lios Caisil Ballybrit Galway 085 1204606 016 Spellman Michael Fuschia Lodge Clogher Claregalway Co.Galway 091 798017 166 Spellman Ray Oranbeg Oranmore Co.Galway 086 2407553 177 Spellman Thomas Cahergowan Claregalway Co.Galway 091 798083 319 Stapleton David 15 Fern Hill Athenry Co.Galway 091 874091 067 Stevens John Ballybanagher Cummer Tuam Co.Galway 086 8473040 206 Stronge Gerry Main Street Ballinasloe Co.Galway 090 9645455 26 Sullivan Dr Eamonn J Co.Galway 094 9548005 17 Sweeney Michael 66 Beachpark Drive Foxrock Dublin 18 01 2895392 60 Tierney James Mulpit Athenry Co.Galway 091 844425 302 Treacy Sean Currabell Dunmore Co.Galway 093 39765 043 Tynan Tony 21 Maunsells Park Taylors Hill Galway 091 521639 252 Wade Gerry Esker Taughmaconnell Ballinasloe Co.Galway 086-2370348 172 Waldron Gabriel Cathill Dunmore Co.Galway 087 2067655 260 Wallace Brendan 34 White Oaks Knocknacarra Galway 086 2612255 096 Walsh John Mayfield Circular Rd Galway 091 521 296 204 Walsh Clem Lissalondoon Craughwell Co.Galway 087 2756699 337 Ward Joseph Harbour Road Ballinasloe Co.Galway 90 9630033 094 Watters Jon 15 Abbey Trinity Court Tuam Co.Galway 093 24316 142 Webb Michael Somerset Cloonbeg Claremount Oughterard Co.Galway 091 552973 004 Wijnekus Ernst Tonroe Clarinbridge Co Galway 091 794889 335 Winters Ray Kilglass Ahascragh Ballinasloe Co.Galway 09096 88069 New Members 344 Kane Michael Loughglass, Creggs, Co.Galway 087 8289779 345 Duane Tony Oldthort, , Co.Galway 087 2545814 If your details have changed or are incorrect please let us know.

Membership Subscriptions for 2009 are now due. If you pay by Direct Debit you need to do nothing. If You pay by standing order please consider changing to Direct Debit. If You pay by cheque or cash please forward to Michael Spellman. See Page 13.

1 7 RENAULT 8 GORDINI Text and photos by Ian Doherty

I recently met up with WVVMC member Bobby Clinton and his daughter Yvonne to have a look at their 1966 Renault 8 Gordini. Bobby has always been around Renaults. His late father, Kevin was manager of Smiths Renault Garage in Tuam and he says, while he was growing up there was a different Renault sitting on the driveway at home almost every week. It’s not surprising that when purchasing a classic car a year or so ago that he chose a Gordini. When he went to the UK in pursuit, he eventually found one which had had a nut and bolt restoration over many years by an enthusiast and is almost pristine in every regard. He could however, hardly believe his luck when he realised that this was a right hand drive Gordini as there were only about 200 RHD models ever built. When you first glance at this car you could be forgiven for mistaking it for a nice little Renault 8 with two stick-on “go faster” white stripes purchased from the boy racer accessory shop. Not so! The R8 Gordini is about as different from the standard R8 as an RS2000 is from a 1.3 Escort. The French Blue bodywork was the only colour it was available in, and with the two off-centre white stripes running the length of the bonnet, roof and boot, this look became a legend in itself.

From the beginning…. In contrast to its predecessor, the Renault Dauphine which had rounded bodywork, the Renault 8, although using the same chassis was of angular or “boxy” design. Released in July 1962 with an all new 956cc rear mounted, water cooled engine developing 44hp it was a compact family 4 door saloon and was intended to compete with BMC’s Mini. At the time journalists thought the rear engine to be a step backwards as Renault had already released the front engined, front-wheel drive configuration R4. This was later rubbished as sales were to exceed 1,300,000. Most notably the R8 had 4-wheel disc brakes which was a first for a car of its size. Early R8’s had a 3 speed manual transmission with an optional 4 speed.In 1964 the engine was enlarged to 1108cc developing 50hp. This new model, known as the R8 Major had a 4 speed transmission as standard and had much higher levels of trim. A quirky automatic transmission was offered from 1965 which was entirely electromechanical. No hydraulics, pneumatics or electronics were employed. A push button control panel was used by means of which the driver could select forward or reverse gears. Operation was considered somewhat jerky.

1 Also in 1964 Amedee Gordini, a legendary figure of the motor sports world and Partner of Renault suggested using his talent to transform the rather tame R8 into a powerhouse on Notice the petrol filler wheels. Using a new aluminium cylinder head of his located directly above the hot engine. Scary! own design and twin webber carburettors he doubled the power to 95hp. In addition to the extra power the ride height was lowered and the suspension was firmed up with two shock absorbers per wheel at the rear in an effort to cope with the power. A five speed gearbox became standard. Then came the most bizarre technical feature for which these cars will probably be best remembered, a negative camber on the rear wheels which tilt inwards at the top. This innovation had a major effect on cornering stability and road grip on which were (by today’s standards) very skinny tyres. There were other subtle differences such as larger headlamps than the standard car. Of course with the later introduction of two additional headlamps in 1967 as part of a facelift, the Gordini gained a very distinctive look. The facelift also included an upgrade to 1255cc with horsepower now exceeding a hundred. The R8 Gordini, or “Gord” as it became affectionately known was to ultimately achieve cult status. Its performance speaks for itself with a top speed of 175KPH (110MPH) and an ability to cover one KM from standing in just 32 seconds. Even after 42 years this car is quick. Travelling behind Bobby in a modern 4x4 , I struggled to keep up. As luck would have it, when I arrived, Bobby had just added a second Renault 8 to his collection. This one, a Belgian Racing Yellow 1967 “S” which is a sportier model than the base but way beneath the Gordini in terms of power and performance having a 60hp engine but the four headlamps, which had been introduced that year. Whilst this car is more sedate, Bobby reckons it is possibly the more comfortable of the two to travel in and when it is fully restored will be a lovely classic. Our thanks to Bobby Clinton and his daughter Yvonne for showing us their lovely Renaults.


We thank the following contributors to this issue of the newsletter: Ernst Wijnekus, Frank Mullan, Pat Conacur, Padraig Giblin, Martin Darcy, Bobby Clinton and Michael Spellman. Photographs: Tom Fahy, Ian Doherty, and Ernst Wijnekus.

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