DOI: 10.11649/a.1760 Łukasz Bertram, sociologist, works at the University of Warsaw’s Article No.: 1760 Institute of Sociology where he is preparing a doctoral disser- tation on the Polish political elites in the Stalinist period; also involved with a project focused on Stanisław Orłowski, his circles, and his relationships with the authorities of the Polish People’s nr 12/2018 r. Republic. Author of Wyrodne dzieci nowoczesności. Indultowi tradycjonaliści katoliccy w Warszawie [The Wicked Children of Modernity: Indult Catholic Traditionalists in Warsaw] (2016) and the volumes PPN 1976–1981. Język niepodległości [The Polish Alliance for Independence (PPN), 1976–1981: A Language of Freedom] (2012) and Obieg NOW-ej [The Independent Pub- lishing House (NOWa) and its World] (2013); edited Stanisława Sowińska’s memoirs entitled Gorzkie lata. Z wyżyn władzy do stalinowskiego więzienia [The Bitter Years: From the Echelons of Power to a Stalinist Jail] (2017). Member of the editorial board of the Kultura Liberalna weekly. e-mail:
[email protected] Łukasz Bertram “To run? Where? And from what?”: The experience of Stalinist repressions in the biographies of members of the Polish party-government elite, 1949–1956 he aim of this article is to demonstrate the traumatic biographical experience of the members of the Communist movement in Poland resulting from the decima- Ttion of the higher echelons of the movement following the Soviet Great Terror purges of the late 1930s and the subsequent dissolution of the Communist Party of Poland (Komunistyczna Partia Polski, hereafter KPP) and its subordinate organizations by formal Comintern decree of 16 August 1938. For empirical material, the article uses biographies of The study was conducted during project “Pojętni uczniowie.