On the Nature of Globular and Open Clusters (GOC): a Study of M16, M67, M3 & M71 ?
NLUAstro 1, 1-20 (2019) Notices of Lancaster University Astrophysics PHYS369: Astrophysics Group project On the nature of Globular and Open Clusters (GOC): a study of M16, M67, M3 & M71 ? Emma Dodd1, Harry Baker1, Hamish Child1, Thomas Harrison1, Matthew Hodge1, Alexander Hackett-Evans1 & David Sobral1y 1 Department of Physics, Lancaster University, Lancaster, LA1 4YB, UK Accepted 29 May 2019. Received 23 May 2019; in original form 25 March 2019 ABSTRACT A new study of two open clusters, M16 and M67, and two globular clusters, M3 and M71 is presented, exploring data taken with the WFC/INT and the Hubble Space Tele- scope (HST) in a variety of broad-band filters. A dedicated, fully functioning reduction pipeline was constructed to reduce the data used in this study. Employing SExtractor, photometry is conducted in both g and i band filters to obtain Hertzsprung-Russell (HR) diagrams which are fitted with isochrones to determine the average age, distance, metallicity and extinction of each cluster. We find that M16 is ≈ 2 kpc away, with a high dust extinction of E(B-V)≈ 0:5. For M67 the distance was found to be ≈ 0:7 kpc and the cluster is less affected by extinction, showing E(B-V)≈ 0:2. M3 is consistent with being 13 kpc away and it shows little to no extinction. For M71 the distance was found to be ∼ 3kpc and we estimate a moderate extinction of E(B-V)≈ 0:25. The re- sults of this study highlight the stark contrast between open and globular clusters. We find that M16 and M67 (open clusters) have average ages of < 10 Myrs and 3:5 Gyrs, respectively.
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