Dec 2010 Shamrock Leaf
2 Shamrock Leaf Winter 2010/11 talysis pushing for the de- done.” The membership must do velopment of Grosse Ile as One way you can its part by paying their an Irish Memorial Park, honour Marianna’s dues, and if possible, mak- but also a warm and car- memory is by making a ing a donation to aid the ing person and became a donation to: Irish Herit- publication. friend to many of us in age Quebec, 1145, rue de I must pay tribute to New Brunswick. Salaberry, Quebec, QE, our Assistant Editor, Lin- When Edna and I G1R 2V7. Marianna da Evans, for the invalua- heard that she was chosen founded the organization ble work she did in help- as the Grand Marshall of in 1973, and Joseph Lon- ing to put this issue to- Quebec’s first St. Patrick’s ergan succeeded her as the gether. Also, Marilyn Day parade since 1926, we new President. Driscoll has spent many had to be there to cheer In New Brunswick, hours entering the materi- On May 24, 2010, her on. On a nice sunny we must also support Roly al and formatting it so that the Irish community in day, thousands turned McSorley, our Provincial it will be ‘print ready’ for Canada, and especially out. Shortly afterwards President, his executive, the printer. This helps cut Quebec, lost a special per- we received the sad news Board of Directors and our the costs immensely. son with the death of Ma- that she would not be with Chapters who as Joe said Once again, we owe Linda rianna O’Gallagher.
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