(Eolaíoch Agus Sóisialta) Ardleibhéal
HOMEC SS HL COVER 14/8/07 14:12 Page 1 Scéimeanna Marcála Scrúduithe Ardteistiméireachta, 2007 Eacnamaíocht Bhaile (Eolaíoch agus Sóisialta) Ardleibhéal Marking Scheme Leaving Certificate Examination, 2007 Home Economics (Scientific and Social) Higher Level M 48 Coimisiún na Scrúduithe Stáit State Examinations Commission Leaving Certificate Examination 2007 HOME ECONOMICS – SCIENTIFIC AND SOCIAL HIGHER LEVEL Marking Scheme / Summarised Exemplar Answers 280/320 MARKS Instructions to Candidates Section A There are twelve questions. Candidates are required to answer any ten. Section B There are five questions. Candidates are required to answer Question 1 and any other two questions. Section C There are three questions. Candidates are required to answer one elective question to include part (a) and either part (b) or part (c). Candidates who submitted Textiles, Fashion and Design coursework for examination may only attempt Question 2 from this section. Electives 1 and 3 are worth 80 marks each. Elective 2 is worth 40 marks. Section A Answer any ten questions from this section. Each question is worth 6 marks. Write your answers in the spaces provided. 1. Name two methods by which protein can be denatured and give an example in each case. (6) Method Example (i) Heat Coagulation of an egg (ii) Acid Milk going sour Mechanical action Whipping eggs to form a foam Enzymes Tenderising meat/marinade Salt Increases firmness in cheese making 2. Complete the following in relation to the digestion of Carbohydrates. (6) Secretion Enzyme Substrate Product Dextrins Saliva Salivary Amylase Starch Maltose Intestinal Lactase Lactose Glucose & Galactose Juice 3. (a) List four sources of calcium in the diet: (6) (i) Milk, Cheese, Yogurt, Eggs (ii) Sardines, Tinned Salmon (iii) Bread, Cabbage (iv) Sesame seeds, Figs (b) List two factors that inhibit the absorption of calcium: (i) Oxalic acid (ii) Phytic acid, fibre, excess fats, low oestrogen levels, excess proteins, incorrect calcium and phosphorus levels, excessive fizzy drinks, tea and coffee 1 4.
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