1 the Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training Foreign Affairs Oral History Project RICHARD A. DWYER Interviewed By: Char
The Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training Foreign Affairs Oral History Project RICHARD A. DWYER Interviewed by: Charles Stuart Kennedy Initial interview date: July 12, 1990 Copyright 1998 ADST TABLE OF CONTENTS Background hicago Princeton, Woodrow Wilson School US Army Entered Foreign Service 1957 IN, Damascus, Syria 19-.-19-0 United Ara1 ,epu1lic Egyptian influence 2es Polk oups British and French influence Tapline Baath Party Ara1ists Israeli pro1lem Palestinians Soviet influence airo, Egypt 19-0-19-- Am1assador 3ohn Badeau AID ,esource analysis program Am1assador 2ucius Battle EU,, Scandinavian Affairs 19---197. 4ift to Finland Sophia, Bulgaria 197.-1972 Environment 1 EU,, Polish desk 1972-1974 had 1974-1977 D 78 charg9 Ara1 influence French influence AID Peace orps Tom1al1aye ivil War Soviet influence :7atelot; em1arrassment 2i1yan pro1lem US military aid oups Inspection orps 1977-1978 Expenditure of resources 4eorgetown, 4uyana 1978-198. Am1assador 3ohn Burke D 7 3im 3ones>s People>s Temple 2iving conditions 7ixed population Prime 7inister Fo1es Burnham 3onestown ,elations with 3onestown Allegations and rumors re 3onestown Impressions of 3onestown ,acial makeup of 3onestown omplaints against 3onestown ongressman ,yan>s visit 3im 3ones ill? 7ark 2ane visit Privacy Act US press and TV presence Flight to 3onestown ,yan interviews 3onestown residents ,yan departure from 3onestown Situation :unravels; ,yan attacked ,yan and others murdered Dwyer and others wounded 2 haos :White Night; at 3onestown Post-mortem : leaning up; 4uyanese 4overnment attitude 7artiniAue 198.-1980 A,A, ari11ean Affairs 1984 INTERVIEW Q: This is an interview with Richard A. Dwyer. I am Charles Stuart Kennedy and this is being done on behalf of the Foreign Affairs Oral History Program.
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