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CABINET Meeting to be held in the New Council Chamber, Town Hall, Beeston, Nottingham, NG9 1AB 29 July at 6.00pm 21 July 2014 Dear Councillor You are hereby requested to attend a meeting of the Cabinet to be held at the date/place and time mentioned above for the purpose of transacting the business of the agenda set out below. Decisions made at this meeting will be published as soon as is reasonably practicable. Urgent decisions which will be shown as asterisked agenda items or as may be determined by Cabinet will be effective immediately. Non-urgent decisions may be called in within 5 working days of this meeting in accordance with standing order X/30. This agenda gives notice of items to be considered in private as required by Regulations 5 (4) and (5) of The Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012. Yours faithfully RUTH E HYDE Chief Executive To: Members of the Cabinet Other members of the Council (for information) A G E N D A 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members are requested to declare the existence and nature of any disclosable pecuniary interest and/or other interest in any item on the agenda. 3. MINUTES PAGES 1 - 6 Cabinet is asked to confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 15 July 2014. 4. CABINET WORK PROGRAMME PAGES 7 - 9 Cabinet is asked to approve its Work Programme, including potential key decisions that will help to achieve the Council’s key priorities and associated objectives. 5. SCRUTINY REVIEWS PAGES 10 - 12 The purpose of this report is to make members aware of matters proposed for and undergoing scrutiny. 6. SCRUTINY REVIEW – GENDER PAY GAP PAGE 13 To present the findings of the People and Places Examination and Inquiry Group’s review into the gender pay gap. The report is circulated with this agenda, which includes recommendations. 7. ENVIRONMENT 7.1 Investors in the Environment PAGES 14 - 16 To present to Cabinet proposed work to be carried out in 2014/15. 7.2 Joint Car Parking Management Arrangements PAGES 17 - 33 To seek approval to enter into a formal agreement with Rushcliffe Borough Council and Nottinghamshire County Council to take over responsibility for the management of on and off street car parking in the boroughs of Broxtowe and Rushcliffe and to provide in principle approval to extend this arrangement to other areas of the County. 8. COMMUNITY SAFETY 8.1 Update to the Anti-Social Behaviour Policy PAGES 34 - 42 The report asks Cabinet to consider the adoption of a new Anti-Social Behaviour Policy with particular regard to the Council’s function as a social landlord. 9. BRINGING PEOPLE TOGETHER 9.1 Community Governance Review PAGES 43 - 45 To inform Cabinet of the proposed timetable for the Community Governance Review and highlight areas of concern. 9.2 Apprentice Post within Leisure and Cultural Services PAGES 46 - 53 To seek approval to changes to the establishment at Kimberley Leisure Centre to create an Activity Leader Apprentice. 9.3 D H Lawrence Heritage Centre – Registrar’s Service PAGES 54 - 55 To seek approval to enter into contractual arrangements with the Registration and Celebratory Services division of Nottinghamshire County Council at DH Lawrence Heritage Centre. 9.4 Establishment Review – Arts and Events PAGES 56 - 62 To seek approval to changes to the establishment of the Arts and Events section within the Leisure and Culture service. 9.5 Free Swimming for Children – Summer 2014 PAGE 63 To note the exercise of Standing Order 32 powers by the Chief Executive to enable free swimming to be included as part of the advertised programme of activities for summer 2014. 10. HOUSING AND STRATEGIC PLANNING 10.1 Review of the use of Section 106 Agreements PAGES 64 - 84 To review the policy approach to assist with the making of section 106 agreements which arise from new development. 10.2 Local Planning Authority Monitoring Report PAGES 85 - 87 To agree the publication of the Council’s Local Planning Authority Monitoring Report for 2012/13. 10.3 Report on Broxtowe Plan Preparation PAGES 88 - 93 To report to members the consultation responses to the Site Allocations Issues and Options, to advise members of progress in Neighbourhood Plans and in assembling necessary background evidence to support this and the Site Allocations and Development Management Plans, and to seek approval in principle to undertake a single round of consultation on a preferred approach for Site Allocations, and Issues and Options consultation for Development Management policies. 10.4 Kimberley Tram Extension Feasibility Study PAGE 94 The report asks Cabinet to authorise the Council to work with partners to seek a joint approach to securing a feasibility study for a tram extension to Kimberley. 11. EXCLUSION OF PUBLIC AND PRESS Details of any representations received by the Executive about why any of the following reports should be considered in public – none received. Statement in response to any representations – not required. Cabinet is asked to RESOLVE that, under Section 100A of the Local Government Act, 1972, the public and press be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act. 12. RESOURCES 12.1 Applications for Voluntary Redundancy, Flexible PAGES 95 - 98 Retirement and other Employee Terms and Conditions CABINET 15 JULY 2014 Present: Councillor M Radulovic MBE, Chair Councillors: M Brown P Lally G Marshall J M Owen R S Robinson P D Simpson I L Tyler D K Watts An apology for absence was received from Councillor R I Jackson. 35. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest. 36. MINUTES The minutes of the meeting held on 24 June 2014 were confirmed and signed. 37. CABINET WORK PROGRAMME RESOLVED that the Work Programme, including key decisions, be approved. Reason The items included in the Work Programme will help to achieve the Council’s key priorities and associated objectives. 38. SCRUTINY REVIEWS Cabinet noted the matters proposed for and undergoing scrutiny. 39. SCRUTINY REVIEW – SECTION 106 MONIES The Portfolio Holder for Housing and Strategic Planning presented his recommendations having considered the Sustainable Communities Examination and Inquiry Group’s review of section 106 monies, which had been submitted to Cabinet on 3 June 2014. The Portfolio Holder stated that 1 the amendments to the wording of the recommendations reflected changes to working groups approved by Council on 7 May 2014. RESOLVED that the responses from the Housing and Strategic Planning Portfolio Holder to the recommendations of the review into section 106 monies be approved as follows: 1. Advisory Committees be considered or tasked with formulating proposals to enable Cabinet to decide on how best to allocate s106 funding. 2. The Committees referred to in recommendation 1 above, be as follows: • Brinsley, Eastwood, Greasley and Newthorpe and Beauvale; • Kimberley and Cossall and Awsworth; • Beeston (utilising the existing Town Centre Group) • Nuthall East, Nuthall West, Watnall and Strelley andTrowell; • Stapleford (utilising the existing Working Group); • Toton, Chilwell, Bramcote and Attenborough 3. Membership of the Committees be proportionate to overall membership of the Council at the time they are appointed. The committees be comprised of representatives of areas local to developments, whilst maintaining political balance. 4. Committees be called as and when required, rather than being standing groups, and delegation be given to the Deputy Chief Executive to call the Committees when requested by the Leader of the Council. 5. The Terms of Reference for the Committees be as previously set out. 6. Where possible the Committees should be held in public and can take representations from invited members of the public. 7. If a member of the public wishes to make representation to a s106 Committee, the protocol and guidelines used by the Development Control Committee be applied. 8. Any area wishing to pursue the production of a neighbourhood plan be encouraged to do so as soon as possible, due to the lengthy consultation and referendum process. 9. A seminar be provided for parish clerks and Chairs to advise them on producing a neighbourhood plan, along with written guidance. Reasons 1 – 9. The will assist with the Council’s priority of jobs and business growth. 2 40. REFERENCES 40.1 General Purposes and Audit Committee – 23 June 2014 Statement of Accounts Update and Outturn Position 2013/14 The Committee had noted the revenue and capital outturn position for 2013/14 and received an update on progress with the preparation of the draft annual statement of accounts for 2013/14. RESOLVED that: 1. the revenue carry forward requests outlined in section 2 of appendix 1 be carried forward and included as supplementary revenue estimates in the 2014/15 budget. 2. the capital carry forward requests outlined in appendix 2b be carried forward and included as supplementary capital estimates in the 2014/15 budget. Reason 1 and 2. To support the cross cutting theme of cost effectiveness and the need to make adequate financial provision for future expenditure. 41. ENVIRONMENT 41.1 Beeston Bus Station Update On 13 May 2014 Cabinet resolved that Beeston bus station be kept open for a limited period subject to the County Council undertaking a full safety audit of the site (at its own expense) and implementing any necessary actions arising from the audit (also at its own expense) in order to ensure its safe operation. Members noted that the resolution was fed back to the County Council which decided that it would be inappropriate to invest any further money at the bus station in view of its limited life.