JW.HAU Explosion Kills Man at UAC Laboratory

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JW.HAU Explosion Kills Man at UAC Laboratory fMDAT, Anm. II, IM I PAca «mENTY-Foim inanr^ratfr lEnrahtg H^ralb The Weather Foraenat of O. S. WMther Bsreaa All Senior Girl Scouts and 8th grade Intermediate Soouts Smo like Several Features Ulmidy, mild tonight, m -------- A bout Town to sing are liivited to come to the of a few scattered showers. Lew iCenter Church at 8:15 Monday For Fashion Show near .10. Simdsy cloudy, scattered Ous Lady of Victory Mothera liight. They will pracUce for a^ng- showers or thundershowers. nigh ClKl« h u al«cted----------- the------------------ following of-- Ing at the concert to be presented “Tomorrow’s Horison”, a fashion near 70. ' fic«n for the coming year: Mre. by the Manchester Pipe Band on show to be presented Wednesday Mancheftfir— A City of Vitlage Charm JoMph Caerwlngki, leader; Mri. Sept 18 at which the girls coming: at 8:15 at Manchester High School OtoTKt Nackowakl, co*Iea<ler: Mra. from Scotland this summer will for the b^gflt .,9f the Mancheeter Ilavid Fletcher. imcreUry: Mrs. dance. Mrs. Edith Petersen will be (SIX’IKEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., S.\TURI)AY, aW iI. 2a, 1959 Klassiried Ad\ert1slng on Page It) PRICE FIVE CENTO John WlUard, treaeurer; Mre. An­ the director. Cancer Crueade will feature sev­ drew Undberg. publicity: Mri. eral unusual attractions, according Ronald Herrick, contact chairman; Wednesday, 41 members of the to Mrs. Carl E. Anderson, chair­ Igra. Frank Roberts, welfare chair­ confirmation class at Center Con­ man. Birth Control man; Mra Remo Orasao and Mrs. gregational Church had a day’s A group of tiny ballerinas from Frank Ferlaao, representativea trip to New York City by chartered Dispute Stalls Vote the C^rtrude Tyler School of Danc­ bus The group had tours of the ing will open the show in a acene Again Debated Trinity Past Noble Grands of United Nations Building, Riverside depicting a spring garden. Busan Sunset Rebekah Lodp will meet Church. Rockefeller Center and the Adamo, Maryilou and Nancy Explosion Kills Man Monday night at 8 o’clock at the Statue of Liberty. The ^ v . Clif­ Arendt, Carol Barrett, . Debby On Labor Controls 111 Legislature home of Mrs. Evelyn Swords. 120 ford O. Simpson and Mrs. Hooks Blotchford. Doreen DeCormler, 8. Main 8 t Refreshments will be K. Johnston accompanied the Laine Knowles, Linda Machia, served. group. Linda Marchislo, Patty Mooney. '.Washington, April 25 ejections of tome of hts fellow Hartford, April 25 (iT’)— Rory Peterson, Cheryl Reinhorn, " - ^ A..southerners 4 A*>si toks t shis As.ia'inai original Like the swallows returning H ie meeting of the American The Mwichester Christian Youth Fallot Studio Sharon Smith and Jebby Williams Poplarville, Miss., April 25 A bitter I'ow over a compros posal. to Cajiistrano, the argument.a Legion AuxlUarles. First District, Council Is sponsoring a car wash will dance the "Waltz of the mise for the McClellan “Bill However, there was a question tomorrow from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at ( fp )—Masked and hooded men over tile State’s Itirth control will be held F unday in the Federal In ^Ten Nights’ Flowers” from Tschalkovsky’s broke into the Pearl River of Rights’’anienclment has de­ as to whether final passage of law have made their regular Savings Bank building, Windsor the South Methodist Church. Nutcracker Suite. the bill could come today. Sen. At UAC Laboratory The role of "littlb Mary Mor­ Courthouse early today and layed final Senate action on eturn to the Connecticut Cmiter, at 1:48 p.m. gan, the drunkard’s daughter," Wll Dobson will be. caller for a the Kennedy Labor Regula­ Barry Goldwater i R-Ariz I, told a Mias Ju(..th Clifford, 78 Fox croft will be Interpreted by Mrs. Edytha demonstration of intricate square seized M. C. Parker, 23-year- reporter he was strongly again.st Legislature. / Dr., worthy sd\isor of Manches­ dancing by Dr. and Mrs. Edward J. old Negro, awaiting trial on tion bill. the .substitute as too weak, and A wldel.v Ignored Connecticut ter Assembly, Order of Rainbow Coffin In the Manchester Com­ Another attempt will be made law forbid.s the use of "Any drug, munity Players' production of Platz. Mr, and Mrs. Robert W. HOURS: charges of attacking a young that he might “Call up 90 amend­ for Girls, announces a rehearsal Blake, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Best, todav to pas.s the bill. ments now to keep this thing go- modlrinal article, or inst 1 iinienl" for Sunday at 2 p.m. In the Ma­ "Ten Nights in a Barroom." an open dally. In­ white mother. for prcveiiting conception. Doctors Tel. Ml 94M14 old-time melodrama which will be Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gustafson, - - than that nnm- sonic Temple. All officers and Mr. and Mrs. James Perry, Mr. and cluding Mondaya, Hours later there was no clue are also prohibited from advising No Other FOR PRESCRIPTION presented on May 1 and 2 at the to his (ate. i.iembers of the choir are request­ Mrs. Francis Boucher,' Mr. and 9:00 to 6:50; last night evaporated In « ^ '’" ‘I ” t ) ^ senate met l.-f hours vester- their patients to use such meth­ Verplanck School. Bloodstains marked .the path ods. DEUVERY ed to be prc.sent. Inspection by Mrs. F, David Chadwick, and Mr. Thursdayo, 9:00 bal «<Pl^;on X ’r n r n n n .n l w ss:d ^ o-'d appe«>ed to have settle.1 the grand officers Is slated for Mrs. Coffin's character roles to 9:00. where Parker waa dragged from for the bill of J-ights proposal „„or fi.chis on the Legislators who have been serv­ are familiar to local little theatre and Mrs. Paul Kuamanoff. his second floor cell, down a flight Casualties PINE PHARMACY Monday. called up. | ),j|j except the rewriting of the ing for many years have seen op­ audiences: her two most recent "Tomorrow's Horizon" will fea­ of staira, along a tiled corridor and ponents of the law come to H art­ performances were the role of the ture fashions for men as well as on to the curb where hf was sped , The furore even included a per- bill of rights nmendmeni, Town of Manchester Fii'e Co. women. sonal attack on Majorit.v Leader' Huddles went on all day among ford many limes in an effort to light-fingered applicant In "The away in a car. have it changed.- So far, lliei. ef­ Reported 2 put out a brush Are at Dprant Chalk Garden" and that of the Mrs. Robert Sandals and not The other prisoners-five Ne­ Lyndon B, John.son (D-Tex(, with jnteiested .'tenatois on the floor and Little Sts, yesterday at 4:50 Mrs. J. H. Sandals, as previously J some Senators charging he was and in the cloakrooms to try to forts have been in vain. sinister sister in "The Man Who groes—said nine or 10 men came Yesterday, defenders and atlaok- Throw Them p.m. reported, will be one of the model*- into the Jail. One man had ti pistol. ! trying to force them to vote on a draft the suh.slilute. It was not F.a.st Hartford—A single Came to Dinner." A teacher at substitute they had not read. agreed upon until late In the" eve- ei's of the statute ome again liad j the Robertson School, she Is cur­ for the show. SPECIAL JEWELRY SALE! They could hear others Ih the ad­ their .say for three horns at a pub­ DONT Away The Little Flower of Jesus i John.son then .suddenly ad jo u rn -Liing, and then was offer^l by i explosion, hoard for several I Still plenty of wear left In rently majoring In speech and Tickets are now on tale at 'moat joining courtroom. lic licaring on a bill that would retail stores In Manchester, and I ed the Senate until toda.v, despite ^‘‘n. Thomas H. Kurhel (R-Califi, lilofk.x, rocked the area sur­ abeea when brought here for Mothers Circle will meet tonight at drama at the 'University of Hart­ ''Keep your damn mouth shut.” perhiil tlie use of rontiaveptiyes 5 I expert repairing. 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. ford. may also be obtained at the door. Choose from a large assortment of NECK­ one of the men told a prisoner. pleas of some of liis colleagues Republican whip. on the advice of clergymen or rounding Pratt & Whitney James Coughlin. 40 Clyde Rd. The "Ten Nights In a Barroom la LACES, EARRINGS, BRACELETS and PINS. “There are 200 or 300 men outside" - that it be adjourned imtil Mon- R'X'be had five Demo. rals and physicians. Aircraft's Willgoos jet tur­ WORK d 6 n e w h il e co-hostess will be Mrs. Robert Th* sheriff's office said later - . , . ; three'--other Republicans as co- being sponsored by the American Pastel colors and white. , w sponsor.s, Thi.s in itself indicated Like those tlial have been inlro- bine engine tc.st facility in r o c WAIT Dlgan. there was no indication there was diioed in the pa.sl. this hill is given Legion. Tickets may be obtained a large group of men o'ltslde. It appeared, nevertheless, that substitute wnttid be ariopted Ka.sl Hai'tford .just before 9 : the .substitute watered down ver- .,n fn„,, „,p Republicans no cli nce of passage. both from legionnaires and from ■ C. .1. Monday. 25-year-old Ne­ o'clock this morning. Community Players. I Sion of the original /51ct lellan for the oiigtnal whic’- was In testimony .resteidav the prin­ MILITARY WHIST I 2 For n.oo gro prisorer from Picayune, who SAM YULYES ' amendment would be adopted witen j,,„ bill Wednesday by a cipal (l''fenders of the present law One man was killed.
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