Alignment Services October 6 - 12, 2018 for Passenger, Light Truck, & Heavy Duty Monday - Friday 8am - 5pm 517 Warsaw Road High Clinton, North Carolina 28328 Email:
[email protected] Michael Edwards Ph:910-490-1292 • Fax 910-490-1286 drama TV Owner Our Seafood is Off the Hook! Best Hush Puppies ...............................1st Best Seafood .........................(tied for) 1st Best Cole Slaw ................................... 2nd Best Restaurant for Lunch ................... 3rd See our specials on page 8. 125 Southeast Blvd Clinton, NC Melissa Roxburgh 910-490-1321 stars in “Manifest” Open Mon-Sat 11am to 9:30pm Sunday 11am to 5pm Page 2 — Saturday, October 6, 2018 — Sampson Independent A cut above: NBC’s ‘Manifest’ mixes mystery, drama and more By Kyla Brewer some of them wonder if they are intriguing and interesting. He TV Media destined for something greater likes to be the smartest guy in the than they’ve ever imagined. room.” inge-watching your favorite While various media outlets Ben was one of the passengers BTV shows can be fun, but have likened the new NBC series who fatefully decided to wait for there’s something exciting about to ABC’s former hit “Lost,” this is Flight 828 when his original flight waiting for a mystery to unfold no knockoff. At this year’s San Di- was overbooked. He and his son, week after week, building antici- ego Comic-Con, series creator Cal (newcomer Jack Messina), pation with unexpected twists Jeff Rake explained that “Mani- volunteered to stay behind while and turns. A new series is poised fest” will tackle the debate over his wife, Grace (Athena Karkanis, to take over the airwaves as TV science versus faith, an ambitious “The Best Years”), and Cal’s twin viewers clamor to find this sea- goal for a prime-time drama.