En Afton På Röda Kvarn. Svensk Stumfilm Som Musikdrama

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En Afton På Röda Kvarn. Svensk Stumfilm Som Musikdrama En afton på Röda Kvarn. Svensk stumfilm som musikdrama Wallengren, Ann-Kristin 1998 Document Version: Förlagets slutgiltiga version Link to publication Citation for published version (APA): Wallengren, A-K. (1998). En afton på Röda Kvarn. Svensk stumfilm som musikdrama. Lund University Press. Total number of authors: 1 General rights Unless other specific re-use rights are stated the following general rights apply: Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. • Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. • You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain • You may freely distribute the URL identifying the publication in the public portal Read more about Creative commons licenses: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/ Take down policy If you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us providing details, and we will remove access to the work immediately and investigate your claim. LUND UNIVERSITY PO Box 117 221 00 Lund +46 46-222 00 00 Ann-Kristin Wallengren En afton på Röda Kvarn Svensk stumfilm som musikdrama LITTERATUR TEATER FILM, NYA SERIEN 17 Red: Eva Hættner Aurelius, Per Rydén, Margareta Wirmark En afton på Röda Kvarn Svensk stumfilm som musikdrama Ann-Kristin Wallengren Lund University Press Box 141 S-221 00 Lund Sweden ©Ann-Kristin Wallengren Art nr 205 24 ISSN 0347-7770 ISBN 91-7966-524-1 Printed in Sweden Team Offset Malmö 1998 2 3 Ann-Kristin Wallengren En afton på Röda Kvarn. Svensk stumfilm som musikdrama Akademisk avhandling som för avläggande av filosofie doktorsexamen vid humanistiska fakulteten vid universitetet i Lund kommer att offentligen försvaras i Carolinasalen, lördagen den 6 juni 1998, klockan 10.15. Lund University Press, Box 141, S-22100 Lund, Sweden ISBN 91-7966-524-1 ISSN 0347-7770, Litteratur Teater Film, nya serien Organization: Lund University, Department of Comparative Literature Author: Ann-Kristin Wallengren Document name: Doctoral Dissertation Language: Swedish Number of pages: 280 Date of issue: 1998-06-06 Coden: ISRN LUHFDA/HFLI– –98/1049– –SE+280 Title: An Evening at Röda Kvarn . Swedish Silent Film as Music Drama Abstract: The present dissertation de lineates the development of silent film music in Sweden in relation to changes in the production practices. Also, the study shows, through analyses of certain swedish films from 1919–1928, that narrative silent film, at least during the second half of the period, had and still has a dramaturgical, structural, narrative and dramatical function which has to be taken into consideration when one studies the reception of silent films. The historical chapters deal with the orchestral development, with film mus ic during the first decades of silent film and delineates the way silent film music became a more integrated part of cinematic narration. Among other things, swedish original composition and arrangements of compiled music are discussed in some detail. Also an account of the mechanical instruments used in Sweden and the musicians’ working conditions is provided. The still common apprehension that music is narratively and dramatically more significant in sound film than in silent film is discussed. Based on some theoretical reflections and on analyses of films whose music derives from either cue-sheets or an original score, the question is reversed: perhaps music in silent film played a different and possibly more significant role than a merely illustrative one. Silent film could even be regarded as a musicodramatic work of art, in which music offers a substantial portion of the information, being thus even more important in silent film than in sound films. Key words: film music analysis, film music theory , history of film music, music drama, narrative, silent film music, swedish silent film. I, the undersigned, being the copyright owner of the abstract of the above-mentioned dissertation, hereby grant to all reference sources permission to publish and disseminate the abstract of the above-mentioned dissertation. 4 Innehåll 1. Inledning ..........................................................................................7 Problemdiskussion och syfte .......................................................7 Forskningsläge och litteratur .......................................................11 Källor........................................................................................... 18 Disposition...................................................................................21 2. Filmmusikens teori .......................................................................23 Frågan ”varför”..........................................................................23 Relationen mellan film och musik i stumfilm och ljudfilm.......30 Filmens och musikens interaktion.............................................40 Musik och mening .....................................................................50 3. Filmmusikaliska föregångare ...................................................... 58 Musik och bildberättande ..........................................................59 Moritatsångare, tittskåp, Laterna Magica, skioptikon ..........60 Diorama och panorama.........................................................62 Panorama och spektakel .......................................................63 Skuggspel, Reynaud och Edison ..........................................64 Musik i teatrala former ..............................................................66 Mim och pantomim ..............................................................66 Folklig och borgerlig teater ..................................................68 Melodramteatern...................................................................71 Filmens första scener............................................................74 4. Från fonograf till orkester ...........................................................76 Film och fonograf – varieté och orkester...................................76 Kringresande film och musik – i kyrkor och andra lokaler.......79 Fasta biografer – uppgång och nergång.....................................82 Dramatiska spelfilmer................................................................85 Filmernas musikalisering...........................................................91 5. Biografmusik – filmmusik ............................................................96 Biografmusik som konsertprogram .......................................... 97 Stumfilm och operamusik...................................................103 Biografmusik blir filmmusik ...................................................107 Musikförslag efterfrågas.....................................................109 5 Musikprogrammen ...........................................................115 Filmillustration – musik, manualer och effekter ..............126 Rudolf Sahlberg och Röda Kvarns biografmusik..................133 Originalkompositioner...........................................................143 6. Snåla vindar – konkurrens och förändringar ........................154 Mekanisk musik – ljudfilmsförsök och självspelande instrument...........................................................................154 Biografmusikernas arbetsförhållanden – damm och lönestrider...........................................................................162 Ljudfilmen.............................................................................170 7. Kompilerad stumfilmsmusik – Karl XII, Ingmarsarvet, Två konungar, Hans kunglig höghet shinglar .........................178 Musikscener...........................................................................182 Musikspeglingar och mönster................................................192 Två konungar – en stumfilmsmusikal ...................................198 Bellmans visor..................................................................200 Konungarnas musik..........................................................205 Sammanfattning.....................................................................207 8. Sången om den eldröda blomman – originalkomposition ......210 Formell uppbyggnad och strukturella mönster......................214 Notmaterialet....................................................................214 Filmens handling ..............................................................215 Musiken – allmän karakteristik ........................................216 Strukturella mönster .........................................................220 Olof och kvinnorna – musiken som tematisk uttolkare.........229 Livet leker.........................................................................230 Kyllikki.............................................................................234 Omvändelsen....................................................................236 Landsbygd kontra stad...........................................................239 Sammanfattning.....................................................................244 9. Avslutande reflektioner ............................................................246 Summary .......................................................................................255 Källor .............................................................................................260
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