Forthcoming Worship Wednesday, 4th November 10:00am. Morning Prayer.St Martin's, Thompson 8th November. Remembranc Sunday 3rd Sunday before Advent All Saints' Day 10:50 at Caston village war memorial followed by Group Remembrance Service at Holy Cross, Caston Fourth Sunday before Advent Sunday, 1st November. 2020 11th November. Armistice Day 10:50am. Armistice Day Service. Caston War Memorial 10:30am. United Holy Communion. Holy Trinity, Gt Hockham 15th November. 2nd Sunday before Advent Hymns 10:30am United Holy Communion, St Martin't, Thompson 391 Blest are the pure in heart Wednesday 18th November 10:00am. Morning Prayer, St Margaret's, Breckles 222 Let saints on earth in concert sing During Communion 22nd November. Next before Advent 10:30am United Holy Communion. Holy Cross, Caston Anthem O God of mercy Wednesday 25th November 10:00am. Holy Communion. St Botolph's, Stow Bedon Readings Revelation 7. 9 - end : 1 John 3. 1 - 3 29th November. First Sunday of Advent Matthew 5. 1 - 12 10:30am United Holy Communion. Holy Trinity, Gt. Hockham For Pastoral visits, requests for Baptisms, Weddings, Home Communions and support for those who have been bereaved. Contact Revd. Adrian Bell -- The Pew sheet items to Jeffrey Wright by Friday 9:00am please. Any items after that time Interim Parish Priest to the Wayland Benefice. subject to space and time 01760 627039. e-mail
[email protected] 01953 883608 or
[email protected] Choir Practice. Face masks by Lois 7:00pm. Tuesday 3rd November. St Martin's, Thompson. Many of you know that I have been making face masks for some time now and selling them at services.