[email protected] 15 March 2013 Vol 75 No 15 Free On Request To:
[email protected] CCHHRRIISSTTIIAANN SSUURRFFEERRSS –– RReeaacchhiinngg OOuutt AArroouunndd TThhee WWoorrlldd CHRISTIAN mission and evangelism takes a multitude of forms, as it should, given Christ’s command to go into all the world and preach the Gospel – and that doesn’t just include all the nations of the world, but all the people groups, all the age groups, all the language groups, all the interest groups, all the … yes, all. To the praise of God’s glorious grace, there is a ministry to surfies, and that ministry is extending its reach to more and more countries, including Switzerland (!) where the leader of Christian Surfers there, Eric Zbären, sent in a donation for a CS project with the comment: ‘Even though we are small and strug gling ourselves with limited leaders and no waves, God has done amazing things to enable us to support others.’ Another leader, 'Moose', has planned three international surf trips that will also involve giving as sistance to other surf communities. (Continued on Page 3) CTA Easter Program Looks At Issue Of Forgiveness CHRISTIANTelevision Australia’s Easter Special, Forgiven People will screen on the Seven Network at 3pm on Good Friday (except Melbourne, due to the Good Friday Appeal for the Royal Children’s Hospital. The show will be available from 4pm on Forgiven People tells the story of three colourful Aussies who speak candidly about their dark past and their spiritual journeys towards a more positive lifestyle.