2020 Global Campaign Impact Report Selected examples of activities and events organized by registered coalition member organizations participating in the WWSF Campaign “19 Days of Activism for the prevention of violence against children and youth 1-19 November 2020” (The report is published online www.woman.ch) © Photos: selected images received from 19 Days Campaign Partners 2020 TABLE OF CONTENTS Message from WWSF President / CEO p.4 Global Campaign Poster 2020 p.5 Highlights at a Glance p.6 List of 2020 Active Coalition Member Organizations p.8 Prizewinning Organisation - Prize for Innovative Prevention Activities p.10 List of all Prizewinners (2004 - 2020) p.12 Campaign Activities by Region: p.14 Africa p.15 The Americas p.18 Asia p.19 Europe p.21 Poster and Call to Action 19 November - World Day for prevention of violence against children & Youth, in synergy with 20 November - International Children’s Day p.27 Convention on the Rights of the Child p.29 Women’s World Summit Foundation (WWSF) Children - Youth Section Global Campaign 19 Days for Prevention of Violence against Children & Youth 1- 19 November POB 5490 - 1211 Geneva 11 - Switzerland - Tel: +41 (0) 22 738 66 19 E-mail:
[email protected] - http://www.woman.ch IBAN: CH1900 7880 0005070 1412 - SWIFT: BCGECHGGXXX Clearing/CB: 788 2 19 ANNUAL CAMPAIGN THEMES Supporting the UN SDG Agenda 2030 Advocating for the realization of the UN Sustainable Development Goals - Agenda 2030 # Target 16.2: “End abuse, exploitation, trafficking, and all forms of violence against and torture of children”. It takes compassion to end violence against children & youth SDG Target 16.2 needs our contributions! www.woman.ch -
[email protected] 3 Message from WWSF President/CEO 2020 Campaign - 19 Days of Activism for prevention of Violence Against Children and Youth 1-19 November Dear Partners and Friends, We are happy to share with you our annual campaign Impact Report “19 Days of Activism for the prevention of violence and abuse against children and youth” 1-19 November 2020.