UNESCO World Heritage Site FIVE-STAR SMALL SAILING SHIP Cruise Itinerary GREECE Air Routing Aegean Land Routing Exclusively Chartered Sea Wind Star

Corinth Canal Pátmos Olympia Nafplion Peninsula

September 7 to 15, 2018 ◆◆ Only 148 guests

ITINERARY* ◆◆ 100% ocean-view accommodations Athens, Delos, Mykonos, Pátmos, Rhodes, Santorini, Naxos, Nafplion ◆◆ Two elegant restaurants

1 Depart the U.S. ◆◆ Poolside grill

2 Athens, Greece/Embark Wind Star ◆◆ Complimentary beverages throughout the cruise 3 Delos/Mykonos ◆◆ Shipboard gratuities are included 4 Pátmos

5 Rhodes ◆◆ Onboard lecture program

6 Santorini ◆◆ One crew member for every 1.5 guests 7 Naxos

8 Nafplion for , and Epidaurus

9 Athens/Disembark ship/Return to the U.S.

oin us for this unparalleled nine-day Aegean odyssey Jcruising round trip Athens, Greece, aboard the exclusively chartered, Five-Star, small sailing ship Wind Star. Call on Delos, Mykonos, Pátmos, Santorini, Naxos and medieval Rhodes — steeped in myth and . Walk through the fabled Gate of the legendary city of Mycenae, explore the monumental ruins of the Sanctuary of Asklepios in historic Epidaurus and visit the phenomenal Bronze-Age city of Akrotiri. Meet local residents during the specially arranged Island Life® Forum for a personal perspective on the true character of the ’s maritime culture. Athens Pre‑Cruise Option and Olympia Post-Cruise Option.

*Cruise itinerary is subject to change. Admire the beauty of Santorini’s whitewashed villages overlooking the deep turquoise of the Aegean Sea. Travel Arrangementsby:

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xp P C World Heritagesites. Tiryns andvisittoMycenae,bothUNESCO Tour oftheancientarchaelogicalsite on Naxos. sixth‑century-B.C. Temple ofDemeter Visit totheimpressiveruinsof down fromthehilltoptown. Prehistoric Theraandacablecarride visit totherenownedMuseumof Tour ofSantorini,featuringa with avisittothe14 a UNESCOWorld Heritagesite, Walking tourofmedievalRhodesTown, World Heritage site,ontheislandofPátmos . the Monastery ofSt.John,aUNESCO Tour oftheCaveApocalypseand the theater quarter. ruins includingtheSanctuaryofApolloand Heritage‑designated Delos’splendidclassical Walking tourofUNESCOWorld In-Suite diningand24-hourroomservice. on board. Five-Star service,amenitiesandfacilities served atsingle,unassignedseatings. lunch anddinner, throughoutthecruise All gourmetmeals—breakfast, throughout the cruise. nonalcoholic beveragesareavailable Complimentary alcoholicand All shipboardgratuitiesareincluded. Captain’s Welcome andFarewell Receptions. each with aprivatebathroom. Five-Star, ocean-viewaccommodations, Mycenae, Tiryns andEpidaurus. Rhodes, Santorini,NaxosandNafplionfor with portcallsatDelos,Mykonos,Pátmos, Seven-night cruiseroundtripAthens,Greece, Eleni Zachariou. Insights fromAegeanhistorian the Grand MastersofKnightsSt.John. given 10 days to reconfirm your reservation, at which time any deposit(s) will become subject to cancellation fees. given 10daystoreconfirm yourreservation,atwhichtime anydeposit(s)willbecomesubjectto cancellation fees. publishedTravelthe Program brochure.Uponreceiptofthe publishedTravel Programbrochure,youwillbe The Travel Programoutlinedhereissubjecttothefeatures,final pricing andtermsconditionssetforthin n r

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Tour No.063-09/07/18-999 Signature asitappearsoncreditcard ______Exp. Date ______Card Number ______o

$xxxxperperson,doubleoccupancy From

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Fax: (312)609-1141 Phone: (800)922-3088 Chicago, Illinois60604-1446 209 SouthLaSalleStreet,Suite 500 Thomas P. Gohagan&Company ® Zip Code INANCIENTGREECE o

