Date: Monday 17 February 2014 Time: 5.30 pm Venue: Rennes Room, Civic Centre, Paris Street,

Members are invited to attend the above meeting to consider the items of business.

If you have an enquiry regarding any items on this agenda, please contact Howard Bassett, Democratic Services Officer (Committees) on 01392 265107.

Entry to the Civic Centre can be gained through the Customer Service Centre, Paris Street.

Membership - Councillors Bialyk (Chair), Spackman (Deputy Chair), Choules, Denham, Edwards, Mrs Henson, Mitchell, Newby, Owen, Prowse, Sutton, Tippins and Winterbottom


Part I: Items suggested for discussion with the press and public present

1 Apologies

To receive apologies for absence from Committee members.

2 Declarations of Interest

Councillors are reminded of the need to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests that relate to business on the agenda and which have not already been included in the register of interests, before any discussion takes place on the item. Unless the interest is sensitive, you must also disclose the nature of the interest. In accordance with the Council's Code of Conduct, you must then leave the room and must not participate in any further discussion of the item. Councillors requiring clarification should seek the advice of the Monitoring Officer prior to the day of the meeting.


It is not considered that the Committee would be likely to exclude the press and public during the consideration of any of the items on this agenda but, if it should wish to do so, then the following resolution should be passed: -

RECOMMENDED that, under Section 100A (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for particular item(s) on the grounds that it (they) involve(s) the likely disclosure of exempt information as

Office of Corporate Manager Democratic & Civic Support Civic Centre, Paris Street, Exeter, EX1 1JN Tel: 01392 277888 Fax: 01392 265593

defined in the relevant paragraphs of Part I of Schedule 12A of the Act.

Public Speaking

Public speaking on planning applications and tree preservation orders is permitted at this Committee. Only one speaker in support and one opposed to the application may speak and the request must be made by 5pm on the Thursday before the meeting (full details available on request from the Democratic Services (Committees) Officer).

4 Planning Application No. 13/4988/16 - Land to rear 94 -106 Thornpark Rise, Exeter

To consider the report of the Assistant Director City Development. (Pages 5 - 12)

5 Planning Application No. 13/4937/03 - 15 Regents Park, Exeter

To consider the report of the Assistant Director City Development. (Pages 13 - 16)

6 Planning Application No. 13/5032/02 - Tithebarn Green Land at Monkerton, Exeter

To consider the report of the Assistant Director City Development. (Pages 17 - 22)

7 Planning Application No. 13/5118/03 - Hall House, 15 Cathedral Close, Exeter

To consider the report of the Assistant Director City Development. (Pages 23 - 30)

8 List of Decisions Made and Withdrawn Applications

To consider the report of the Assistant Director City Development. (Pages 31 - 52)

9 Appeals Report

To consider the report of the Assistant Director City Development. (Pages 53 - 54) 10 Site Inspection Party

To advise that the next Site Inspection Party will be held on Tuesday 4 March 2014 at 9.30 a.m. The Councillors attending will be Sutton, Prowse and Winterbottom.

Date of Next Meeting

The next scheduled meeting of the Planning Committee will be held on Monday 24 February 2014 at 5.30 pm in the Civic Centre.

Find out more about Exeter City Council services by looking at our web site This will give you the dates of all future Committee meetings and tell you how you can ask a question at a Scrutiny Committee meeting. Alternatively, contact the Democratic Services Officer (Committees) on (01392) 265107 for further information.

Follow us:

Individual reports on this agenda can be produced in large print on request to Democratic Services (Committees) on 01392 265111.

This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 4 ITEM NO. 3 COMMITTEE DATE: 17/02/2014

APPLICATION NO: 13/4988/16 FULL PLANNING PERMISSION APPLICANT: Exeter City Council PROPOSAL: Demolition of 54no. garages, owned by Exeter City Council, and erection of 9no 3 bed 4 person terraced and semi- detached houses and associated access and parking. LOCATION: Land to rear 94-106, Thornpark Rise, Exeter, EX1 REGISTRATION DATE: 02/12/2013

EXPIRY DATE: 27/01/2014 9




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Scale 1:2500 This map is based on Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office @ Crown copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Exeter City Council 100049053


None directly relevant


The application site comprises an area of land measuring approximately 0.32 ha in the Council's ownership that currently contains 54 garages situated in two rows either side of a central access, a path linking Thornpark Rise and Birchy Barton Hill and incidental open space that is mainly grassed with a couple of trees. The site slopes up quite steeply from the level of Thornpark Rise to Birchy Barton Hill with the garage blocks occupying a flat plateau of land sandwiched between the housing on each road. The area of open space backs onto properties on Blackthorn Crescent.

Full planning permission is now sought for the redevelopment of the site to provide nine 3 bedroom dwellings with associated gardens, access and parking facilities. The proposal comprises 3 pairs of semi-detached dwellings and a terrace of 3 units. One pair of semis would be located on the elevated area currently comprising the open space whilst the other two pairs of semi and small terrace would be located on the site of the existing garages. The proposed dwellings will be constructed to Lifetimes Homes standard and a highly energy efficient design based on Passivhaus methodology. Each garden will contain a shed suitable for cycle storage and incorporate direct pedestrian access to the rear garden. The design of

Page 5 the proposed dwellings reflects that of other recent Council own build projects and comprises plain clay roof tiles, timber framed fenestration and rendered walls.

The existing vehicular access off Thornpark Rise (between nos.104 and 106) would be used to provide vehicular access to serve the dwellings. This would incorporate a turning head. A total of 12 parking spaces would be provided to serve these dwellings. The existing pedestrian link between Thornpark Rise and Birchy Barton Hill would be retained as part of the scheme


The application is accompanied by the following supporting documents -

• Planning Statement • Design and Access Statement • Arboricultural Implications Assessment


5 letters of representation have been received raising the following issues -

• loss of privacy • security of gardens of existing properties • potential damage to retaining walls during construction process • drainage • impact on existing property values • absence of provision of rear access to existing properties on Birchy Barton Hill • impact of loss of garages on parking and traffic flows on Thornpark Rise exacerbating existing problems • Query over boundary treatment along rear of properties on Thornpark Rise • noise and general disturbance • overshadowing • overdevelopment • impact on wildlife within trees


County Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment - No objection subject to conditions relating to details of highway construction, provision of cycle parking prior to occupation and submission of a construction method statement.

Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service - Confirm requirements regarding road widths and maximum distances for access by fire service appliances.

Environmental Health - Recommends conditions regarding construction hours and land contamination.

Police Architectural Liaison Officer - No comments received.


Central Government Guidance NPPF - National Planning Policy Framework - Para 17 Core Planning Principles, Paras 47-55 Delivering a wide choice of high quality homes, Paras 56-68 Requiring good design, Paras 114 and 117-118 Conserving and enhancing the natural environment.

Exeter Local Development Framework Core Strategy

Page 6 CP1 - The Spatial Approach CP3 - Housing Distribution CP4 - Density CP5 - Meeting Housing Needs CP7 - Affordable Housing CP9 - Transport CP11 - Pollution and Air Quality CP15 - Sustainable Construction CP16 - Green Infrastructure CP17 - Design and Local Distinctiveness CP18 - Infrastructure

Exeter Local Plan First Review 1995-2011 AP1 - Design and Location of Development AP2 - Sequential Approach H1 - Search Sequence H2 - Location Priorities H6 - Affordable Housing H7 - Housing for Disabled People T2 - Accessibility Criteria T3 - Encouraging Use of Sustainable Modes T10 - Car Parking Standards EN2 - Contaminated Land DG1 - Objectives of Urban Design DG2 - Energy Conservation DG4 - Residential Layout and Amenity DG6 - Vehicle Circulation and Car Parking in Residential Development DG7 - Crime Prevention and Safety

Exeter City Council Supplementary Planning Document Residential Design Guide (adopted September 2010) Planning Obligations Public Open Space Trees in Relation to Development Archaeology and Development Sustainable Transport


The main considerations in respect of this proposal are compliance with relevant national and local planning policy, relationship to surrounding properties, visual impact, and highway/transportation impacts.

The proposal will assist in the provision of a wide choice of quality homes within the Exeter area, particularly in terms of addressing an identified and pressing need for further affordable housing, and constitutes a quality design incorporating sustainable development objectives. In this context the proposal is considered to be consistent with the NPPF and local plan policies. All of the proposed gardens meet the standards for external amenity space set out in the Residential Design SPD. Furthermore, the internal space standards are generous and exceed the minimums in the SPD. Consequently overall it is considered that the proposed dwellings will provide a decent standard of residential amenity for future occupants.

Each dwelling will also be provided with a storage shed within the rear garden and purpose built refuse storage facilities located at the front of the property in a convenient position for collection. The dwellings are designed to Passivhaus and Lifetime Homes Standards.

Existing properties on Birchy Barton Hill are situated at a higher level than the application site. Whilst the proposed two storey dwellings will have a greater impact on their outlook than

Page 7 the existing single storey garages it is not considered that the massing would have any significant adverse or overbearing impact on those properties or the enjoyment of their gardens. Any impact in terms of loss of view from those properties, and associated perceived impact of their value, is not a material planning consideration.

The proposed semi-detached dwellings to be situated on the current area of open space would have an acceptable relationship to the properties above and below them. They do not have a direct back-to-back relationship with the existing dwellings and would not result in any significant overlooking of them. Given the relative levels, and the separation distances involved, the relationship in terms of the massing of the buildings is also considered acceptable.

The open space to be lost as a result of this development is sandwiched between private gardens and of sloping character. In this context it is not suited for recreational use and its current function is more visual as a gap between existing housing above and below the site. Its development as proposed will retain a smaller element of open space and some of the existing trees so that visually the character of the locality will not be unduly compromised. In the context of other existing open space in the locality, including formal play areas and incidental open space the loss of open space associated with this proposal is not considered significant. There is a significant open space incorporating play equipment within walking distance of the site.

The properties most affected by the proposed development are those on Thornpark Rise as they site at a lower level with gardens that rise to a retaining wall forming their rear boundary with the current garages. On this part of the site the proposed dwellings are orientated so that the main living windows face predominantly north-east and south-west. This results in the gable ends of these properties facing towards the properties in Thornpark Rise. Originally one first floor window was incorporated in these gable ends. However to prevent direct overlooking of the properties below it was considered this should be deleted. This was raised with the applicant and revised plans have been received deleting this from the scheme. The proposal incorporates a road alongside the boundary with the existing properties which increases the separation distance between the rear living windows of the existing houses and the proposed gable ends of units 3 and 5. Clarification of the difference in levels between the site and the existing properties was requested and appropriate sections have been submitted to demonstrate that the relationship complies with the standards set out in the Residential Design SPD.

The access road stops in front of unit 7 (which is one of a terrace of 3 dwellings) and the impact of this is that the gable end to this property is almost right on the boundary with the rear garden of the property below. Although this gable end would have a more oblique relationship to the property below than the gable ends of units 3 and 5 with their nearest neighbour it was considered that the proximity to the boundary of the site would result in a more imposing relationship. Consequently the applicant was requested to delete this unit from the proposal or demonstrate that the relationship would be acceptable via a section drawing. Revised plans have now been received deleting this unit with the effect that the relationship with the property below is now considered acceptable.

The general design and palette of materials proposed is also considered acceptable in the context of the area and the specific passivhaus construction of the proposed dwellings. Whilst there will be some works to trees (including the felling one of tree) as part of the proposal it is not considered that this will have any significant adverse visual impact in the longer term. The submitted Arboricultural Implications Assessment sets out the nature of these trees and justification for the works proposed. Overall the visual impact of the proposal is considered acceptable.

The site currently comprises 54 garages for rent providing potential parking spaces for local residents. The proposal incorporates 12 parking spaces. The level of parking provision to serve the number of dwellings proposed is considered acceptable. It is acknowledged that

Page 8 the loss of the existing garages constitutes a net reduction in potentially available parking in the locality (assuming that all the garages are in fact used for parking a vehicle and not for storage). Clarification of the current levels of use of the garages has been requested from the applicant. Whilst the displacement of parking onto adjacent residential streets would be undesirable in terms of adding a further strain in an area of high parking demand, the Highway Authority have advised that it is not felt to constitute a severe impact (as per Para 32 of the NPPF) such that it would amount to a reason justifying refusal of the application.

The means of access to the site, and the parking and turning provisions associated with the development, are all considered acceptable in the context of prevailing highway safety conditions in the locality. The Highway Authority have confirmed that there is no objection in principle to the development from a transportation impact perspective. The representations regarding the loss of parking and impact on the locality have been considered. Notwithstanding the loss of the garages, and the potential reduction in overall parking provision in the locality, in the absence of any objection from the Highway Authority it is considered that any concerns about the reduction in parking facilities are outweighed by the need to provide additional affordable housing. The site is well related to existing bus routes and local facilities and as such represents a sustainable location for residential development.

The removal of one dwelling from the proposal has also facilitated provision of a turning area on the access road between units 3 and 5 thereby ensuring adequate access by fire service vehicles in the event of an emergency.

It is considered desirable that residents of the proposed dwellings are provided with residential travel packs informing them of walking/cycling and public transport options in the locality to encourage the adoption of sustainable modes of transport and minimise reliance on private motor vehicles. This will be conditioned accordingly.


The building design is based on 'Passiv-Haus' principles. A passive house is a building in which a comfortable interior climate can be maintained without active heating and cooling systems. The buildings heats and cool themselves. The principles were developed in Germany and are used to achieve the highest levels of energy efficiency and ecological design standards. Increased insulation standards, exceptional levels of air tightness and a compact building skin mean that heat losses can be reduced to a minimum resulting in a requirement for very low space heating. By choosing the best orientation for the buildings and by optimising solar gains, the energy performance of the proposed design has been improved so that a conventional heating system is not required. The proposal has also been designed such that part of the roof space of each dwelling is suitable for future provision of solar panels, and the level of provision possible would be sufficient to offset all remaining carbon emissions associated with the dwellings.

NAWP (27/01/14)

Members noted the representations received and queried the level of children's play space provision in the locality. It was noted that the officers were still considering the relationship to surrounding properties and that the application would be determined by Planning Committee.


The proposal will help to meet the huge demand for social housing within the city, and represents a sustainable form of development.


APPROVAL is recommended subject to the following conditions -

Page 9 1) C05 - Time Limit - Commencement

2) The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out otherwise than in strict accordance with the submitted details received by the Local Planning Authority on 1 (dwg. nos. ), as modified by other conditions of this consent. Reason: In order to ensure compliance with the approved drawings.

3) Samples of the materials it is intended to use externally in the construction of the development shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority and the development shall not be started before their approval is obtained in writing and the materials used in the construction of the development shall correspond with the approved samples in all respects. Reason: To ensure that the materials conform with the visual amenity requirements of the area.

4) The development shall not begin until full details of drainage works have been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority in writing. Reason: To ensure the satisfactory drainage of the development.

5) A detailed scheme for landscaping, including the planting of trees and/or shrubs, the use of surface materials and boundary screen walls and fences shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority and no development shall take place until the Local Planning Authority have approved a scheme; such scheme shall specify materials, species, tree and plant sizes, numbers and planting densities, and any earthworks required together with the timing of the implementation of the scheme. The landscaping shall thereafter be implemented in accordance with the approved scheme in accordance with the agreed programme. Reason: To safeguard the rights of control by the Local Planning Authority in these respects and in the interests of amenity.

6) In the event of failure of any trees or shrubs, planted in accordance with any scheme approved by the Local Planning Authority, to become established and to prosper for a period of five years from the date of the completion of implementation of that scheme, such trees or shrubs shall be replaced with such live specimens of such species of such size and in such number as may be approved by the Local Planning Authority. Reason: To safeguard the rights of control by the Local Planning Authority in these respects and in the interests of amenity.

7) No materials shall be brought onto the site or any development commenced, until the developer has erected tree protective fencing around all trees or shrubs to be retained, in accordance with a plan that shall previously have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. This plan shall be produced in accordance with BS 5837:2005 - ‘Trees in Relation to Construction’. The developer shall maintain such fences to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority until all development the subject of this permission is completed. The level of the land within the fenced areas shall not be altered without the prior written consent of the Local Planning Authority. No materials shall be stored within the fenced area, nor shall trenches for service runs or any other excavations take place within the fenced area except by written permission of the Local Planning Authority. Where such permission is granted, soil shall be removed manually, without powered equipment. Reason: To ensure the protection of the trees during the carrying out of the development.

8) The proposed estate road, cycle ways, footways, footpaths, verges, junctions, street lighting, sewers, drains, retaining walls, service routes, surface water outfall, road maintenance/vehicle overhang margins, embankments, visibility splays, accesses, car parking and street furniture shall be constructed and laid out in accordance with

Page 10 details to be approved by the Local Planning Authority in writing before their construction begins. For this purpose, plans and sections indicating, as appropriate, the design, layout, levels, gradients, materials and method of construction shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority. Reason: To ensure that adequate information is available for the proper consideration of the detailed proposals.

9) No part of the development hereby approved shall be brought into its intended use until the secure cycle parking facilities have been provided and maintained in accordance with details stated on drawing no. . Thereafter the said facilities shall be retained for that purpose at all times. Reason: To ensure that adequate facilities are available for the traffic attracted to the site.

10) No development shall take place, including any works of demolition, until a Construction Method Statement has been submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority. The statement should include details of access arrangements and timings and management of arrivals and departures of vehicles associated with the construction process. Prior to commencement it is recommended that the developer consults, and if necessary meets with, the Local Highway Authority to establish a safe means of progress. The approved Statement shall be adhered to throughout the construction period. Reason: In the interests of highway safety and public amenity.

11) Construction/demolition work shall not take place outside the following times: 8am to 6pm (Mondays to Fridays); 8am to 1pm (Saturdays); nor at any time on Sundays, Bank or Public Holidays. Reason : In the interests of local amenity.

12) Unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the commencement of the development a time frame for the installation of photo voltaic panels in line with the details set out in section of the submitted Design and Access Statement dated shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Thereafter the development shall be completed strictly in accordance with the approved details, and upon installation, the photo voltaic panels shall thereafter be maintained so that they provide the required level of generation. Reason : In the interests of sustainable development.

13) Within 1 month of occupation all occupants of the new dwellings hereby approved shall be provided with a residential travel pack containing details (and maps if appropriate) of walking and cycling routes in the area and their links to wider networks within the city, and timetables and routes of public transport provision in the area. Reason: To encourage the adoption of sustainable modes of transport and minimise reliance on private motor vehicles.

14) If, during development, contamination not previously identified is found to be present at the site then no further development (unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority) shall be carried out until the developer has submitted, and obtained written approval from the Local Planning Authority for an investigation and risk assessment and, where necessary, a remediation strategy and verification plan detailing how this unsuspected contamination shall be dealt with. Following completion of measures identified in the approved remediation strategy and verification plan and prior to occupation of any part of the permitted development, a verification report demonstrating completion of the works set out in

Page 11 the approved remediation strategy and the effectiveness of the remediation shall be submitted to and approved, in writing, by the local planning authority. Reason: No site investigation can completely characterise a site. This condition is required to ensure that any unexpected contamination that is uncovered during remediation or other site works is dealt with appropriately.

Local Government (Access to Information) 1985 (as amended). Background papers used in compiling the report:

Files of planning applications available for inspection from the Customer Service Centre, Civic Centre, Paris Street, Exeter: Telephone 01392 265223

Page 12 Agenda Item 5


APPLICATION NO: 13/4937/03 VARIATION OF CONDITION APPLICANT: Mr C Hutchings Elite Investments PROPOSAL: Variation of condition two to approve amended plans showing alterations to entrances and layout (Ref No. 12/0922/03 granted 11.09.12) LOCATION: 15 Regents Park, Exeter, EX1 2NT REGISTRATION DATE: 11/12/2013

EXPIRY DATE: 05/02/2014 2


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2 Scale 1:1250 This map is based on Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office A Crown copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Exeter City Council 100049053


12/0922/03 - Alterations to provide three separate apartments PER 11/09/2012 and creation of 4 car parking spaces 12/0923/07 - Alterations to provide three separate apartments, PER 11/09/2012 demolition of garage and creation of 4 car parking spaces 12/1730/07 - Internal alterations on ground, first and second PER 12/02/2013 floors.


The application relates to a Grade II Listed Building located within the Mont le Grand Conservation Area. The dwelling was built around 1830-1840, and is a three storey mid- terraced house. The property is recognised as making a positive contribution to the area, and sits directly north of a positive space as noted within the Mont le Grand Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan.

Page 13 The front elevation of no. 15 differs from the rest of the terrace in that the central windows on first and second floor are operating windows whereas in the rest of the terrace these are blanks.

Applications for change of use to three flats and internal/external alterations were submitted in 2012. The applications were presented to the Planning Committee in July, followed up with a Member site visit in August, and were presented again to the Planning Committee in September 2012, when they were approved.

Subsequently, alterations to the floor plans were submitted as a listed building application (12/1730/07) and this was approved on 12 February 2013, with an informative that a variation of condition planning application was also required for these works; this is the subject of the current application. The internal changes are relatively minor but they do involve change in the use of rooms on the second floor with the result that there will now be a living/dining room abutting the party wall with No. 13 Regents Park where there was previously a bedroom. Other minor alterations include the minor changes to walls and entrances to facilitate repositioning of bathrooms and kitchens.


• Planning and Heritage Statement • Design and Access Statement


Two representations have been received, both with two main objections relating to the second floor:

1. Alteration to the layout by removing the dividing wall on the second floor giving, one large room to the front: this is a feature in common with all other properties in the terrace and should remain. 2. Bringing living accommodation to the front could be detrimental to the amenity of the neighbouring property, due to the location of bedrooms the other side of the party wall; in the approved plans there were bedrooms against this party wall. Approval would be contradictory because the Local Planning Authority welcomed the previous layout that moved the living space to the rear.


None received.


The removal of an internal second floor wall already benefits from listed building consent, granted in February 2013. As stated above, the fenestration of no. 15 is different from the rest of the terrace, making a single dividing wall on the second floor impossible as it would have cut straight across the window. The previous layout could therefore have been changed in the past when the central window was opened up, or could have been original; it is not possible to tell. In light of this information, the loss of the internal walls was considered acceptable at the time of the listed building consent application, therefore it was granted.

Prior to the applications for conversion to three flats in 2012, the top floor was already subdivided into a one bedroom flat and a studio flat. The studio flat was located in the room that is now proposed as living space. Whilst the removal of this living space to the rear of the building in the 2012 application was welcomed, the proposal now being considered restores the original use of this room to living space and as such, there is no material change to be considered. Expert advice has been taken on the proposals for soundproofing this wall which has concluded that because the property has always been in residential use, there is

Page 14 no requirement for any additional soundproofing to be installed. However, the applicants are proposing a double layer of 12.5mm Soundbloc plasterboard against the party wall, which is in excess of the requirements of Part E of the current Building Regulations.

On other matters, the minor alterations to the ground and first floors are acceptable in terms of both the listed building and the operation of the three separate flats.

The proposal complies with Core Planning Principles paragraph 17 and Sections 6 and 12 of the National Planning Policy Framework, and Policies C1 and C2 of the Exeter Local Plan First Review 1995-2011 because the proposed works would not be harmful to the character, appearance and historic interest of a Grade II listed building, the proposed scheme would not have a significant harmful impact on neighbouring residential amenities, and the development would ensure the continued use of the listed building.


Members at the meeting agreed that the proposal could be approved under delegated powers. However, subsequently a member has asked that it be taken to committee, as requested in one of the letters of objection.


APPROVE subject to the following conditions:

1) The development to which this permission relates must be begun not later than the expiration of three years beginning with the date on which this permission is granted. Reason: To ensure compliance with sections 91-92 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

2) C15 - Compliance with Drawings

Local Government (Access to Information) 1985 (as amended). Background papers used in compiling the report:

Files of planning applications available for inspection from the Customer Service Centre, Civic Centre, Paris Street, Exeter: Telephone 01392 265223

Page 15 This page is intentionally left blank

Page 16 ITEM NO. 1 COMMITTEE DATE:Agenda 17/02/2014 Item 6

APPLICATION NO: 13/5032/02 APPLICANT: County Council PROPOSAL: Reserved matters details of Link Road between Cumberland Way and Tithebarn Lane Bridge (Ref 12/0802/01 granted 29.11.2013) LOCATION: Tithebarn Green Land at Monkerton, Exeter REGISTRATION DATE: 12/12/2013 EXPIRY DATE: 13/03/2014

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4 3 .9 m GIPSY HIL L LANE Hig he r CR ED & W Fu rlo n g ard Bdy Scale 1:6250 This map is based on Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office F Crown copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Exeter City Council 100049053


12/0802/01 - Development of site to provide up to 930 PER 29/11/2013 dwellings, link road, employment area (B1(a) use class), park and ride facility, local retail area and community facility, health and fitness centre, creche, public and private open space and car and cycle parking, together with landscaping and associated servicing (all matters reserved except points of access)


Outline planning permission was granted in 2013 for a mixed use scheme, including 930 dwellings, straddling the border of Exeter and East Devon Council areas. The majority of the land in Exeter is proposed to be residential, but it also includes a new link road which, on the Exeter side of the M5, runs between Cumberland Way and Tithebarn Lane bridge.

This application is for approval of reserved matters (appearance, landscaping and layout) relating to the part of the link road in Exeter.

The design includes the following features: • A new roundabout on Cumberland Way providing access onto the new road.

Page 17 • Pipe tunnels for wildlife. • A new junction where Pinn Lane joins the north side of the new road. • Closure of Pinn Lane to motorised vehicles (but not pedestrians) where it meets the south side of the new road. • Closure of the eastern end of Tithebarn Lane. • Steps providing pedestrian access where the road crosses Gipsy Lane. • Various junction stubs to allow interim field access and future development access. • Several right-turn lane arrangements to allow access to development land. • Several pedestrian crossing points. • Provision of a dry basin/grassland drainage attenuation basin in a field between the new road and Pinn Brook. • Approximately 260sq. m. habitat replacement for approximately 200sq. m. of land lost to the road crossing of Gipsy Lane. • New hedgerows and tree planting.


• Scheme plan • Sections • Landscape proposals • Street lighting • Archaeology - written scheme of investigation • Construction Environmental Management Plan • Drainage strategy • Tree protection

The following clarifications in respect of the proposal have been submitted: 1. It is expected that the tree planting will form part of the reserved matters submission for the housing and is therefore not shown in the link road reserved matters application. It would be expected that the tree planting scheme will be compatible with the road and services, through the use of tree pits or root barriers. Parallel parking will adversely affect the capacity of the new Link and has therefore not been included. There are also practical issues whereby allocated parking spaces for dwellings cannot form part of the adoptable highway, but un-allocated spaces risk being abused by employees of the Business Park. In discussion with the developers, it was agreed that the road footprint would be minimised, so that the developers could utilise the remaining land for dwellings including parking to best suit each plot. 2. The Avenue layout was investigated early on in the design phase for Tithebarn Link Road but was not considered acceptable to either the developers (in land take terms) or DCC (in capacity terms) as it would result in an extremely wide road and could affect the flow of traffic along the route. The applicant is still keen to achieve frontage development, similar to that achieved on Topsham Road, which allows for driveways / tree planting along its length. 3. The existing planting on the north side of the proposed road on the approach to the M5 bridge is being retained – this is in accordance with the Parameter Plan Green Infrastructure drawing which formed part of the outline permission. Structural planting on the south side is not shown on the reserved matters plans at present. Devon County Council is investigating options for improving cycling and pedestrian infrastructure at the Bridge, which otherwise forms a pinch point on the route. This may impact on the land south of the road. Planting will be resolved at that time. 4. The wildlife enhancement measures detailed in condition 18 are all being provided. 5. The road design has allowed for the inclusion of District Heating pipes. 6. The applicant is aware of the Gipsy Hill Hotel's concerns over the viability of the business if this Traffic Order is made; the County would like to offer a scheme of brown tourist signs to direct traffic from the local highway network. If the hotel is minded to accept this as a mitigation measure, it could be funded and the work undertaken within the Link Road scheme.

Page 18 7. Bus routes will be discussed and any amendments agreed with Stagecoach. The Link Road will become a new bus route, and in time the developments to the east of Exeter will mean that a more frequent bus service may serve the area. However, it is accepted that residents of Gipsy Hill Lane may have to walk slightly further to a bus stop to access these services. This would still be well within the recommended walk time to a bus stop.


Objections: 5. Principal planning issues raised: • Economic impact on Gipsy Hill Hotel arising from closure of vehicular access from Pinhoe. Currently many guests attending functions, conferences, weddings and wakes at the hotel travel from Pinhoe Church and from the surrounding area. Many will simply not use the hotel any more. • Carbon emissions will increase as a result of the further travel distance necessitated by the closure of Pinn Lane. • Emergency vehicles could find it difficult to reach the hotel because of the extra traffic congestion caused by the closure of Pinn Lane. • The plans should include a signalised junction at Pinn Lane to allow traffic to enter the new road safely and to allow cyclists and pedestrians to cross easily and safely. • Loss of amenity to the ten houses and the hotel south of the link road. The closure would mean that the only access to the properties would be through the business park. This is contrary to established development plan policies which require development to be connected with existing routes and spaces, put people before traffic, integrate with the existing landscape, and relate well to existing communities. • Some local residents are reliant on the bus serving Pinn Lane. This service will no longer be able to operate. • Congestion at the business park is already problematic at peak times. • A significant detour would be required to access Pinhoe village by car, in particular the Doctor's Surgery, the Railway Station and the Post Office.


Highways Agency - no objections.

East Devon District Council has made the following observations: 1. The approved Design and Access Statement identifies this section of road as an ‘Avenue’ street type including formal tree planting in front gardens and parallel parking alongside the carriageway. Whilst the tree planting will form part of the reserved matters submission for the housing, nevertheless it should be considered as to whether any services being provided under the road will be compatible with nearby trees. The design of the road does not show the parking layout envisaged by the ‘Avenue’ street type. 2. The Design and Access Statement also suggests a wildlife corridor/structural planting/retention of existing trees and hedges at the eastern end of the road on the approach to the M5 bridge. This is not shown on the plans. 3. It is important that the road includes the District Heating pipes at this stage rather than being retro fitted.

Exeter International Airport - no objection subject to standard safeguarding criteria being met.

Cyclists Touring Club objects on the grounds that roundabouts are dangerous for cyclists, inappropriate pedestrian/cycle crossing point for crossing between the north and south parts of Pinn Lane, lack of clarity about whether cyclists will be banned from proposed pedestrianised stretches of closed roads, and lack of a shared cycle/footway on part of the south side of the new road.

RSPB - It is disappointing that the amount of space allocated to the development precludes significant mitigation. Who is going to be responsible for the long term management the

Page 19 wildlife and flood attenuation area adjacent to the Pinn Brook? It is essential that the benefits of the wildlife area are fully exploited and that links are retained/created to produce a network of natural habitats in both new and existing developments.


Central Government Guidance National Planning Policy Framework 2012

Exeter Local Development Framework Core Strategy 2012 CP9 – Strategic transport measures to accommodate development CP16 – Strategic green infrastructure CP17 – Design and local distinctiveness CP19 – Strategic allocations for growth

Exeter Local Plan First Review 1995-2011 Saved Policies CS9 – Gypsies and travelling show people T14 – Highway schemes EN3 – Air and water quality EN4 – Flood risk DG1 – Objectives of urban design DG3 – Commercial development DG6 – Vehicle circulation and car parking in residential developments

Exeter City Council Supplementary Planning Documents Archaeology and Development SPG 2004 Science Park SPD 2008 Sustainable Transport SPD 2013 Trees and Development SPD 2009

Monkerton & Hill Barton Masterplan Study 2010

Exeter Development Delivery Policy Statement November 2013

Exeter Development Delivery Document - Draft Development Plan Document 2013


The principle of this road link was established by the outline planning permission for the Tithebarn Green development, granted in 2013.

The key issues arising from the design details are: 1. The closing of Pinn Lane where it meets the new road from the south, thereby making it difficult to access Gipsy Hill hotel and other properties in Gipsy Hill Lane and the southern part of Pinn Lane when travelling from Pinhoe. 2. The design arrangements and their impact on pedestrians and cyclists, as raised by the Cyclists Touring Club.

In respect of the first issue, it is anticipated that in time the link road will play a significant role in relieving the pressure of traffic congestion on Honiton Road as a route into the city. In view of the levels of traffic it will carry, operationally it cannot accommodate a crossroads junction without compromising the highway safety and the capacity of the road.

In respect of the second issue the applicant has advised that: 1. A roundabout on Cumberland Way will be operationally more effective than a signalised junction, which would cause greater delay. It is recognised that roundabouts are not always as easy for cyclists to negotiate, and therefore existing and proposed toucan

Page 20 crossings will facilitate safe crossing of Cumberland Way by cyclists at the appropriate desire lines north and south of the proposed roundabout. 2. The closure of parts of Pinn Lane and Tithebarn Lane will apply to motor vehicles; both pedestrians and cyclists will continue to be allowed to use these stretches of road. 3. The omission of a shared footway on part of the south side of the new road is because there is no significant desire line in this location; cyclists will utilise the quieter Hollow Lane route. A shared footway would be unnecessary over-engineering and could affect the viability of the scheme.

This response, together with the supporting information set out above, is considered to be an acceptable justification for the proposed design.

Notwithstanding the comments made by the RSPB, wildlife enhancement measures agreed at the outline stage are being implemented.


APPROVE subject to the following conditions:

1) C06 - Time Limit - Approval of Reserved Matter

2) C15 - Compliance with Drawings

3) All conditions imposed on notice of outline approval ref no.12/1802/01 are hereby reiterated in as much as they relate to the development and have yet to be discharged in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Reason: To safeguard the rights of control by the Local Planning Authority in respect of the reserved matters.

Local Government (Access to Information) 1985 (as amended). Background papers used in compiling the report:

Files of planning applications available for inspection from the Customer Service Centre, Civic Centre, Paris Street, Exeter: Telephone 01392 265223

Page 21 This page is intentionally left blank

Page 22 Agenda Item 7


APPLICATION NO: 13/5118/03 FULL PLANNING PERMISSION APPLICANT: Exeter PROPOSAL: Erection of two classroom nursery LOCATION: Hall House, 15 Cathedral Close, Exeter, EX1 1EZ REGISTRATION DATE: 23/12/2013 EXPIRY DATE: 24/03/2014

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Scale 1:2000 1 This map is based on Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office ? Crown copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Exeter City Council 100049053


The application site is located on the southern side of Cathedral Close and forms the play area and garden space for Hall House nursery, which is part of Cathedral School. The site is located within the Central Conservation Area and forms part of the Cathedral Precinct Townscape Analysis. Hall House is a Grade II* listed building and the boundary wall alongside Cathedral Close is Grade II. The eastern boundary of the site is defined by the City Wall. The site is located within Exeter's Area of Archaeological Importance. Beyond the southern boundary is the rear of the Cathedral and the Bishops Palace (Grade II*) with associated gardens. The site contains two significant trees, a magnolia and holm oak which although not covered by a tree preservation order do add to the character and appearance of the conservation area.

It is proposed to build a new nursery with a maximum of 50 pupils and 6 staff. The single storey building would have two classrooms with ancillary spaces to include quiet rooms, staff rooms and wc facilities. The south elevation contains a series of glazed doors and windows and this elevation forms the main entrance for children and parents. A separate staff entrance is located within the northern elevation of the building. A sheltered play area is proposed to the south of the building covered by a projecting canopy of 2.5 metres. The proposed building would measure a maximum of 17.5 metres in length by 12 metres in width with a total floor area of 195 sq metres. The building would be 2.7 metres in height around the outer edge increasing to 3.4 metres within the central section of the building. The main entrance to the nursery site would be from an existing doorway to the north east of the site

Page 23 close to the iron pedestrian bridge. This would allow the children taught within Hall House to continue to use the existing door closest to the building. The building is to be constructed principally of coloured render with a scratch finish, timber windows and a part sedum and part dark grey membrane roof.


A Design and Access, Heritage Statement, Archaeological Report which includes an archaeological trench evaluation and a Tree Survey including a tree constraints plan have been submitted with this application.

Design and Access Statement summary:-

Hall House currently contains the nursery for Cathedral School which has space for between 35-43 full time pupils. Hall House is fully occupied and often crowded with 2 nursery classes, 2 Reception, one Year 1 and two Year 2 classes. The aim is therefore to expand and improve the existing facilities provided by the school and create purpose built accommodation for pupils between 3 and 5 years old that is detached from Hall House with a separate entrance from Cathedral Close.

The total gross internal area for the nursery is 175 sq metres with a total footprint of 195 sq metres. Government regulations currently prescribe the amount of useable floorspace per pupil as 2.3 sq metres per 3 to 5 year old. This has informed the size of teaching space per class of 25 pupils with 2 classrooms required. A minimum of 115 sq metres of teaching space, quiet room and sensory room is therefore required for 50 children, which is the minimum number specified in the applicant's brief to the architects. The remaining area comprises of ancillary/service space, toilets and storage space for each classroom.

The building's position mean that both Hall House and the proposed nursery can be accessed separately from Cathedral Close. This therefore provides two separate external play areas for the school, one for Hall House (Reception, Year 1 & 2) and the other for the proposed nursery to the rear of the garden.

The building's siting and layout is intended to maximise the quality of the classroom spaces. The school's brief outlined the need for the two classrooms to be adjoining to form a single open plan classroom (divided by a movable partition/screen) with an external play area located directly off the classrooms. The classrooms and sheltered play area are orientated to the south-west in order to maximise day lighting and solar gain. The boundary walls to the north-east and south-west and holm oak and magnolia tree providing the obvious physical constraints.

Ancillary spaces encircle the classrooms and area accessed directly off them. Service spaces such as toilets and a staff entrance are located to the rear of the building where daylight need is less critical to the quality of the spaces. Internal stores are located adjacent to the entrances of both classrooms for ease of use. Quiet rooms are mirrored in relation to their adjoining classrooms, projecting windows then frame a view through the building that highlights the holm oak's relationship to the House. Behind the proposed building (north) is intended to be used by staff only and is gated at both ends.

The proposal's mass has been carefully considered in relation to its context in order to reduce its visual impact from the garden of Hall House, Cathedral Close and the Bishops Palace Garden. The building is single storey with a stepped section in order to reduce its mass. The ancillary spaces that wrap around and serve the two main classroom spaces have a floor to ceiling of 2.4 metres which is proportional to the scale and function of the rooms. The classroom spaces are more generous in height due to their function and area with a floor to ceiling height of 2.8 metres. The height of the lower section of roof is approximately in line with the boundary wall to the north with the higher section of roof set back so that the proposal would not be visible from Cathedral Close.

Page 24

The west, east and north elevations are all stepped in plan, creating interest through shadow and depth in elevation. The west elevation wraps around the existing magnolia tree with its canopy overhanging the proposal, this is intended to frame and make it feel part of the building.

The boundary walls that enclose the site are an important feature of the site, defining and enclosing the garden. Therefore the concept behind the proposal is to introduce a third garden wall that defines a new formal garden for Hall House, with the new nursery accommodation located behind this new wall. The elevation of this wall addressing Hall House is intended to be minimalistic in appearance and character to highlight and not to compete with the decorative facade of Hall House. The projecting windows are a contemporary interpretation of the timber bay window found along Cathedral Close and also the white framed windows of Hall House, adding depth and interest to the elevation as well as being window seats for pupils and staff.

An elegant glazed metal canopy to cover a sheltered play area, provide solar shading to the south and also contain photo-voltaic cells references the veranda of Hall House, emphasising the horizontal nature of the building and breaking down the taller south elevation.

The proposed materials have been selected in order to blend with and compliment the existing material present within the site and surrounding area. The proposed material finish of the nursery is to be a through colour render in a purple red colour that blends with the earthy tones of the Beer and Salcombe stone and brick of the adjacent boundary walls and brickwork of Hall House. A scratch finish would be applied to the render adding texture which compares with the existing stone construction and richness of the decorative brickwork.

A sedum roof is proposed for the lower sections of roof creating a soft natural edge to the top of the building whilst the raised section of roof is proposed to be covered in a dark grey roofing membrane. The colour matching the natural slate roof of Hall House. The rendered walls would sit on two courses of black brickwork that references the black podium found at Hall House.

The proposed landscaping intends to reorganise the existing garden to provide two separate play areas for the school. The first adjacent to Hall House is intended to be formal in character, enhancing the setting of the House whilst the second for the proposed nursery is looser and informal in character.

The exterior of the proposed nursery will be lit by several bulkhead lighting fixtures ensuring the footpaths, entrance and gateways are adequately lit. A series of LED will be situated in the underside of the glazed canopy lighting the sheltered play space.

The new building will be required to achieve BREEAM excellent and will therefore be highly sustainable. Photovoltaic panels will be integrated into the glazing of the canopy to the south to generate electricity for the building. An air source heat pump will be provided to power the under floor heating system. A natural ventilation strategy will be used throughout the proposal with single sided ventilation. In order to reduce solar gain and prevent the classrooms overheating the glazed canopy acts as a brise soleil shading the glazed south elevation.

The site has two separate access points, west entrance (nearest to Hall House) provides level access directly off Cathedral Close whilst the east entrance (nearest the iron bridge) has a single step which is proposed to be ramped to create level access. Within the site level access will be provided throughout with a disabled WC and shower room provided with the nursery.

Page 25 As with Hall House there is no associated car parking with the proposed new building. Its city centre location is particularly well positioned for public transport and Exeter Central Station is located approximately half a mile away.

Hall House - current children numbers:-

Nursery (3 -4 yrs old) 43 children within 2 classrooms Reception (4-5 yrs old) 28 children within 2 classrooms. Year 1 (5-6 yrs old) 17 children within 1 classroom. Year 2 (6-7 yrs old) 32 children within 2 classrooms Total - 120 children

Hall House and proposed new nursery building:-

Nursery - 50 children 2 class rooms increase of 7 Reception - 34 children 2 classrooms i ncrease of 6 Year 1 - 34 children an increase from 1 to 2 classrooms increase of 17 Year 2 - 34 children 2 classrooms increase of 2

Total - 152 children overall maximum increase of 32

Heritage Statement summary:-

The proposed single storey nursery would have little visual affect from outside the site either on the view along Cathedral Close or from the Bishops Palace Garden.

Contextual materials chosen so the building blends in with the existing garden and is background in character so as not to be detracted from the richness of the stone boundary wall and brickwork of Hall House.

Improved setting of Hall House through the creation of a new garden and reorganising of the garden with the relationship between the House and holm oak tree improved.

Existing plants replanted around the proposal to form an instant mature landscape around the proposed building.

Contemporary and modern design that adds to the conservation area whilst referencing and being in keeping with neighbouring buildings.

Little impact on archaeological features through the use of mini or heli-piles.

Holm oak and magnolia tree retained.


1 letter of objection commenting that the building is of poor quality, not worthy of its setting which will be seen above the boundary wall. The existing open space for the children should be retained and there should be no encroachment on the existing evergreen oak.


The County Head of Planning Transportation and Environment comment that the proposed use can be expected to result in an increase in travel demand. Nevertheless considering the magnitude of this increase it is not a significant concern for the highway authority. In accordance with current policy, suitable cycle parking facilities should be provided for all users of the site. It is accepted that this should be focused on providing for staff. Subject to a condition to secure appropriate cycle facilities for the site being attached in the granting of any permission, the highway authority raises no objection.

Page 26 The Environmental Health Officer requires further information in respect of the noise emissions from the air source heat pump.

English Heritage views are awaited

Heritage (Conservation) Consultation views awaited

Heritage (Archaeology) Consultation comments that there is sufficient supporting information with the application to indicate that there are no specific archaeological issues with the proposal. Additional comment is made that although the foundations are proposed to be piles, and as such should have a minimal and acceptable impact on buried remains, construction details can sometimes change between planning and implementation, and details of ground works for services such as drainage for the toilets remain to be clarified. If planning permission is granted an archaeological condition should be imposed in order to ensure that any buried remains that may be affected are monitored and recorded by an archaeological contractor on behalf of the developer, in accordance with a written scheme approved by the Local Planning Authority

Tree Officer comments that the position of the proposed nursery in respect of the holm oak is acceptable subject to no development (including paths and sheds) or ground disturbance occurring within the remaining root protection of the this tree.


Central Government Guidance: National Planning Policy Framework

Exeter Local Development Framework Core Strategy

CP14 - Renewable and Low Carbon Energy CP17 - Design and Local Distinctiveness

Exeter Local Plan First Review 1995-2011

C1 - Conservation Areas C2 - Listed Buildings C5 - Archaeology DG1 - Objectives of Urban Design

Exeter Central Conservation Area Appraisal - produced August 2002


This application seeks to improve and expand the facility for children between the ages of 3 and 7 at the Hall House site of School. Whilst the intention to improve the facilities for children at the school is to be welcomed, it is the increased capacity through the provision of an additional building which needs particular consideration given its sensitive conservation area location. The proposed building is identified for nursery use, however the displacement of the nursery aged children from Hall House will allow for an additional Year 1 Class (5-6 yrs old) to be accommodated within the existing building. It is therefore the impact of the building on the character and appearance on the area rather than the creation of a new nursery that requires assessment. The proposed new building will result in an increase in the overall pupil number from 120 to a maximum of 152. Although the increase in numbers is not in itself an issue, the impact of a new building within this historic setting and on existing trees within the site need specific assessment.

The proposed building is located within the Conservation Area and close to listed buildings, most notably the Grade II* Hall House. Prior to this planning application submission, it was proposed to locate the new nursery building to the east of the site alongside the City Wall.

Page 27 However concern was raised that the construction of the new building could potentially have a detrimental impact on existing remains within an area of archaeological importance and was therefore deemed unacceptable. The proposed building's location was therefore revised to the site of the former tarmaced tennis court and closer to Hall House. This revised siting has reduced the potential impact a new building would have on archaeological remains and is now considered acceptable to the archaeology officer, subject to a condition which ensures that the excavation works are monitored and recorded.

The proposed building is to be sited approximately 16 metres from Hall House. The impact of this new building on the setting of this listed building is an important consideration. It is accepted that the impact of the new building is lessen by being single storey and the elevation which forms the boundary with the existing play area for Hall House will have a maximum height of 2.7 metres. The intention is for this western elevation to appear as a continuation of the existing boundary wall, to the north of the site, and appear as completion of the courtyard for Hall House. The side elevation would also include a feature window which would allow light into the central section of the nursery and add visual interest to this side of the building. It is considered that as the building is single storey and the side elevation has been designed to complete the new courtyard for Hall House this would represent an appropriate design solution. It is therefore considered that the setting of the listed building will be maintained.

The height of the new building on the northern side will be 2.7 metres which would align with the boundary wall alongside Cathedral Close. The building will not therefore be visible from Cathedral Close and accordingly have no impact on the character or appearance of this important pedestrian route into Cathedral Green. However on the opposite side of the site there is a lower wall (approximately 1.5 metres in height) with Bishop Palace's gardens which will result in the upper sections of the building being visible from this view point. The main building is set in from the boundary by 3 metres, although a steel framed glazed canopy to create a sheltered play area will be located approximately 0.5 metres from the boundary. Clearly the relationship of the new building and the Bishop's Palace gardens is an important consideration. However given that the ground level of the Palace gardens is lower than the application site, by approximately 1 metre, the overall appearance of the proposed building will be largely masked by the existing boundary wall. Accordingly it is considered that the height and design of the building coupled with the adjacent site levels will result in an acceptable arrangement and the setting of the listed building and its grounds will maintained. A meeting has been arranged with the conservation officer and a representative of English Heritage to discuss the relationship of the new building within its historic context. Their formal comments will be reported to Members at the Committee.

The positioning of the building within the site has, in part, been dictated by the existing trees. In particular, the mature holm oak is a prominent and important feature within the conservation area. The siting of the building in relation to this tree has been the subject of detailed discussions between the architect and tree officer. It has been concluded that the given the existence of the area of hardstanding for the tennis court and the resilient nature of holm oaks, the construction of the new building will have no detrimental impact on the future health of this tree and is therefore considered acceptable. Further discussions did take place in respect of the new access pathways to ensure that the construction works did not damage existing tree roots. It was considered that the reuse of the existing path represented the most appropriate route and this is now shown on the revised plan.

The proposed design of the building represents a marked contrast from the existing building in the immediate vicinity of the site. However this has resulted from the functional requirements of its use and the constraints of this site. The Design and Access statement provides further details of the functional requirements of the building and how this impacts on its layout. The single storey design also ensures that its impact on the nearby listed buildings and on the character and appearance of the conservation area is minimised and accordingly is considered acceptable. The use of a coloured render which draws reference from the existing boundary walls is considered logical, as it ensures that the contemporary elevational

Page 28 appearance of the building does not visually jar within its historical setting. However to ensure a high quality finish a condition is proposed, which requires the proposed materials to be submitted and approved prior to commencement on site. In conclusion, it is considered that the building represents an appropriate addition in this location and the application to increase pupil numbers for Cathedral School should be approved.


28 January 2014 - Members were given a brief outline of the proposal and the main issues for determination. In particular, the design of the building, its impact on the conservation area and relationship with existing trees were highlighted. The contents of the objection letter were raised and it was agreed that the application should be the subject of the Site Inspection Panel prior to be being reported to Planning Committee.


4 February 2014 - Members viewed the proposal from Cathedral Close and from within the site. The principal issues of the scheme were discussed namely the purpose of the building, its scale, massing, height and design, potential impact on trees within the site, relationship of the proposed building with the listed buildings, Cathedral Close, the Bishops Palace Gardens and the City Wall. Members were generally positive in terms of the design and siting of the building and considered that sufficient account has been taken of its sensitive conservation area location. It was accepted that the views of the conservation officer and English Heritage were still awaited and their comments would be an important consideration.


Subject to the receipt of consultation responses from the conservation officer, English Heritage and a noise emission report for the air source heat pump, delegated authority be given to the Assistant Director City Development to APPROVE subject to the following conditions:

1) C05 - Time Limit - Commencement

2) C15 - Compliance with Drawings

3) C17 - Submission of Materials

4) C35 - Landscape Scheme

5) C37 - Replacement Planting

6) No part of the development hereby approved shall be brought into its intended use until the cycle parking facilities have been provided and maintained in accordance with details that shall have been submitted to, and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and retained for that purpose at all times. Reason: To ensure that adequate facilities are available for the traffic attracted to the site.

7) C57 - Archaeological Recording

8) Notwithstanding condition no 2 no work shall commence on site under this permission until full details of the proposed external lighting for the building and associated play/garden space have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and the following shall thereafter be provided in accordance with such details: Reason: Insufficient information has been submitted with the application and in the interests of visual amenity.

Page 29

Local Government (Access to Information) 1985 (as amended). Background papers used in compiling the report:

Files of planning applications available for inspection from the Customer Service Centre, Civic Centre, Paris Street, Exeter: Telephone 01392 265223

Page 30 Agenda Item 8




1.1 This report lists planning applications determined and applications that have been withdrawn between the date of finalising the agenda of the last Planning Committee and the date of finalising this agenda. Applications are listed by ward.

1.2 The latter part of the application reference number indicates the following type of application: 01 Outline Planning Permission 02 Approval of Reserved Matters 03 Full Planning Permission 04 Works to Tree(s) with Preservation Order 05 Advertisement Consent 06 Works to Tree(s) in Conservation Area 07 Listed Building Consent 08 Circular 18/84 14 Demolition in Conservation Area 16 Exeter City Council Regulation 3 17 Lawfulness of Existing Use/Development 18 Certificate of Proposed Use/Development 21 Telecommunication Apparatus Determination 25 County Matter Application 26 Devon County Council Application 27 Modification and Discharge of Planning Obligation Regulations 37 Non Material Amendment 38 Extension to Extant Planning Consent 39 Extension - Prior Approval 40 Office to Dwelling - Prior Approval

1.3 The decision type uses the following codes DTD Declined To Determine NLU Was Not Lawful Use PAN Prior Approval Not Required PAR Prior Approval Required PER Permitted REF Refuse Planning Permission RNO Raise No Objection ROB Raise Objections SPL Split Decision WDN Withdrawn by Applicant WLU Was Lawful Use WTD Withdrawn - Appeal against non-determination

1.4 Members are requested to advise the Senior Area Planning Officer (Roger Clotworthy) or Assistant Director City Development (Richard Short) of any questions on the schedule prior to the meeting of the Planning Committee.


2.1 That this report be noted.

RICHARD SHORT ASSISTANT DIRECTOR CITY DEVELOPMENT Page 31 This page is intentionally left blank

Page 32 Exeter City Council 17/02/2014 All Planning Decisions Made and Withdrawn Applications Between 19/12/2013 and 5/2/2014

Application Number:14/0127/03 Working Party Date: Decision Type Withdrawn by Applicant Decision Date: 27/01/2014 Location: 9, Shelton Place, North Street, Heavitree, Exeter, EX1 2RE

Proposal: Removal of dilapidated rear single storey extension, replacement with 3 storey extension.

Application Number:13/5103/03 Working Party Date: Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 03/02/2014 DEL Location: 41 Victoria Park Road, Exeter, EX2 4NU

Proposal: Single storey extension to front of property and new drive configuration.


Application Number:13/4927/19 Working Party Date: Decision Type Prior Approval Required Decision Date: 19/12/2013 DEL Location: Isca House, Haven Road, Exeter, EX2 8DS

Proposal: Demolition of Operational Control Centre

Application Number:13/4960/03 Working Party Date: Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 07/01/2014 DEL Location: 64a Chudleigh Road, Exeter, EX2 8TZ

Proposal: Single storey infill extension

Application Number:13/4930/03 Working Party Date: Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 08/01/2014 DEL Location: 20 Veitch Gardens, Exeter, EX2 8AD

Proposal: First floor side extension

Page 1 of 19 Page 33 Application Number: 13/4916/03 Working Party Date: 17/12/2013 Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 15/01/2014 DEL Location: 33 Marsh Green Road West, Marsh Barton Trading Estate, Exeter, EX2 8PN

Proposal: Change of use from workshop/warehouse to sports academy

Application Number:13/4687/03 Working Party Date: Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 23/12/2013 DEL Location: S M B Ltd, Matford Park Road, Marsh Barton Trading Estate, Exeter, EX2 8FD

Proposal: Link extension between Mini and Porsche showrooms. Alterations to frontage

Application Number:13/5063/03 Working Party Date: Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 06/01/2014 DEL Location: HSS Hire Group plc, Alphinbrook Road, Marsh Barton Trading Estate, Exeter, EX2 8RG Proposal: Installation of fuel storage tanks

Application Number:13/4901/03 Working Party Date: Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 07/01/2014 DEL Location: Barratt House, 9A Hennock Road Central, Marsh Barton Trading Estate, Exeter, EX2 8LL Proposal: Replacement doors and new door, external air conditioning units (6), secure storage compound, 1.8m high fence and gates


Application Number:13/5125/03 Working Party Date: Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 31/01/2014 DEL Location: Clifton Cottage, Barley Lane, Exeter, EX4 1TA

Proposal: Extension to garage with pitched roof containing en suite bathroom


Application Number:13/5099/03 Working Party Date: Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 14/01/2014 DEL Location: 16-18 Wrefords Close, Exeter, EX4 5AY

Proposal: Construction of a two storey extension

Page 2 of 19 Page 34 Application Number: 13/4987/03 Working Party Date: 16/12/2013 Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 27/01/2014 DEL Location: University of Exeter Sports Park, Stocker Road, Exeter, EX4 4QN

Proposal: Outdoor sports practice area comprising short game golf practice area and lacrosse hitting wall

Application Number:13/5023/03 Working Party Date: Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 04/02/2014 DEL Location: 6 Hoopern Avenue, Exeter, EX4 6DN

Proposal: Replacement dwelling and ancillary accommodation


Application Number:14/0065/18 Working Party Date: Decision Type Was lawful use Decision Date: 20/01/2014 WLD Location: 28 St. Peters Mount, Exeter, EX4 2JD

Proposal: Remove existing half size window and fit opening french window & Juliet balcony.

Application Number: 13/5110/26 Working Party Date: 28/01/2014 Decision Type Raise No Objection Decision Date: 28/01/2014 Location: Redhills School, Landhayes Road, Exeter, EX4

Proposal: Retention of two existing modular classrooms, block numbers 02 and 03, for a further 15 years

Application Number: 13/4873/04 Working Party Date: 17/12/2013 Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 23/12/2013 DEL Location: Former Exwick Middle School, Exwick Hill, Exeter, EX4 2BG

Proposal: Tree No Species Works T1 Poplar (rear of 31-33 Gloucester Road) Fell


Application Number:13/4951/03 Working Party Date: Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 08/01/2014 DEL Location: 7 St. Loyes Road, Exeter, EX2 5HD

Proposal: Ground floor rear extension

Page 3 of 19 Page 35 Application Number:13/4883/03 Working Party Date: Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 10/01/2014 DEL Location: 121 Fore Street, Heavitree, Exeter, EX1 3BR

Proposal: Proposed change of use from dwelling to HMO

Application Number:13/5046/06 Working Party Date: Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 10/01/2014 DEL Location: 85 Fore Street, Heavitree, Exeter, EX1 2RN

Proposal: Tree No Species Works T1 Lime Pollard back to previous pruning points

Application Number:13/4694/06 Working Party Date: Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 21/01/2014 Location: 14 Salutary Mount, Heavitree, Exeter, EX1 2QE

Proposal: Felling of sycamore


Application Number:13/4740/03 Working Party Date: Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 09/01/2014 DEL Location: Stoke Hill Infants School, Stoke Hill, Exeter, EX4 7DB

Proposal: Replacement building for community play group

Application Number:13/5011/04 Working Party Date: Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 10/01/2014 DEL Location: The Atkinson Unit, Beacon Lane, Exeter, EX4 8NA

Proposal: Tree No Species Works T1 Oak Reduce crown by 50% to leave a maximum height of 12m

Application Number:13/5102/18 Working Party Date: Decision Type Was lawful use Decision Date: 14/01/2014 DEL Location: 35, Summer Lane, Exeter, EX4 8BZ

Proposal: Proposed Outbuilding

Page 4 of 19 Page 36 Application Number:13/4945/05 Working Party Date: Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 23/01/2014 DEL Location: 294 Pinhoe Road, Exeter, EX4 8AA

Proposal: Change of shop signage

Application Number: 13/4518/16 Working Party Date: 11/11/2013 Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 06/01/2014 DEL Location: St. Katharines Priory, St. Katherines Road, Exeter, EX4 7JY

Proposal: Replacement double glazed windows and painting of render panels


Application Number:13/4838/03 Working Party Date: Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 08/01/2014 DEL Location: 85 Polsloe Road, Exeter, EX1 2NF

Proposal: Ground floor side/rear extension

Application Number:13/4967/03 Working Party Date: Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 10/01/2014 DEL Location: Flat 2, 23 Barnfield Road, Exeter, EX1 1RX

Proposal: New rooflights to rear kitchen roof

Application Number: 13/4170/03 Working Party Date: 09/10/2013 Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 22/01/2014 COM Location: South Cloisters, St Lukes Campus, Heavitree Road, Exeter, EX1

Proposal: Conversion from student accommodation to office space for medical department. Four storey extensions on east and west elevations and additional storey

Application Number:13/5079/05 Working Party Date: Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 31/01/2014 DEL Location: Mount Radford Inn, 73-75 Magdalen Road, Exeter, EX2 4TA

Proposal: Replacement signage

Page 5 of 19 Page 37 Application Number: 13/5088/03 Working Party Date: 29/01/2014 Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 31/01/2014 DEL Location: 25 Denmark Road, Exeter, EX1 1SL

Proposal: Air conditioning unit to side of property

Application Number: 13/5033/37 Working Party Date: 18/12/2013 Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 19/12/2013 DEL Location: Paris Street Roundabout, Paris Street, Exeter, EX1

Proposal: Swift tower and associated landscaping (Non-Material Amendment to siting of tower)

Application Number:13/4932/06 Working Party Date: Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 23/12/2013 DEL Location: 28 Barnfield Road, Exeter, EX1 1RX

Proposal: Tree No Species Works T1 Yew Crown reduce by 2m

Application Number:13/4935/06 Working Party Date: Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 24/12/2013 DEL Location: Land at Baring Crescent, Exeter, EX1

Proposal: Tree No Species Works T1 Holly Fell


Application Number:13/5131/37 Working Party Date: Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 14/01/2014 DEL Location: Land to east of 16, The Fairway, Exeter, EX4 5DW

Proposal: Revision to position of House 1 (Non-Material Amendment to reserved matters consent Ref. 13/4464/02 granted 20 November 2013)


Application Number:13/3525/03 Working Party Date: Decision Type Refuse Planning Permission Decision Date: 08/01/2014 DEL Location: 14 Mayfield Road, Pinhoe, Exeter, EX4 8PR

Proposal: Alterations to, and raising of, roof on dwelling and extension on side elevation comprising two floors of accommodation

Page 6 of 19 Page 38 Application Number: 13/4802/01 Working Party Date: 16/12/2013 Decision Type Refuse Planning Permission Decision Date: 24/01/2014 COM Location: Land at Home Farm, Church Hill, Pinhoe, Exeter, EX4

Proposal: 120 dwellings with associated infrastructure and open space (all matters reserved for future consideration apart from access)

Application Number:13/4924/03 Working Party Date: Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 30/01/2014 DEL Location: 16 Cypress Drive, Exeter, EX4 2DP

Proposal: Proposed loft conversion and rear flat roof dormer

Application Number:13/4971/03 Working Party Date: Decision Type Withdrawn by Applicant Decision Date: 19/12/2013 Location: Pinhoe Quarry, Harrington Lane, Exeter, EX4 8NS

Proposal: Application made pursuant to section 106 BA of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended)


Application Number:13/4503/07 Working Party Date: Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 23/12/2013 DEL Location: 5 Mont Le Grand, Exeter, EX1 2PD

Proposal: Replacement front boundary wall

Application Number: 13/4799/03 Working Party Date: 18/12/2013 Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 23/12/2013 DEL Location: Land to north of 2 Wykes Road, Exeter, EX1 2UG

Proposal: Replacement of existing garages with two dwellings

Application Number: 13/4827/03 Working Party Date: 18/12/2013 Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 02/01/2014 DEL Location: 1 St. Annes Road, Exeter, EX1 2QD

Proposal: Change of use from care home to bed & breakfast guest house.


Page 7 of 19 Page 39 Application Number:13/5008/04 Working Party Date: Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 10/01/2014 DEL Location: Dene Court Residential Home, Butts Road, Heavitree, Exeter, EX2 5HU

Proposal: Tree No Species Works T1 Cedar Remove three lowest overhanging branches. Remove branches resting on adj. boundary wall T3 Ash Prune stumps and remove branch overhanging 1 Hoker Road Application Number:13/4934/03 Working Party Date: Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 14/01/2014 DEL Location: Royal Devon & Exeter NHS Foundation Trust,, Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital, Barrack Road, Exeter, EX2 5DW Proposal: Installation of air handling plant equipment, ductwork and timber enclosure.

Application Number:13/5067/04 Working Party Date: Decision Type Refuse Planning Permission Decision Date: 20/01/2014 DEL Location: Former St Loyes College, Topsham Road, Exeter, EX2 6EP

Proposal: Tree No Species Works T3 Oak Fell

Application Number:13/5101/18 Working Party Date: Decision Type Was lawful use Decision Date: 31/01/2014 DEL Location: 13 Earl Richards Road North, Exeter, EX2 6AQ

Proposal: Loft conversion and rear dormer window (Certificate of Lawfulness of Proposed Development)


Application Number: 13/4878/03 Working Party Date: 17/12/2013 Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 08/01/2014 DEL Location: Dean Clarke House, Southernhay East, Exeter, EX1 1PQ

Proposal: Change of use to relocate the previously approved residential units on the first and second floor, relocate the plant room, and consolidate the office facilities to the basement and ground floor

Application Number: 13/4879/07 Working Party Date: 17/12/2013 Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 08/01/2014 DEL Location: Dean Clarke House, Southernhay East, Exeter, EX1 1PQ

Proposal: Alterations to relocate the previously approved residential units on the first and second floor, relocate the plant room, and consolidate the office facilities to the basement and ground floor

Page 8 of 19 Page 40 Application Number:13/5060/03 Working Party Date: Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 09/01/2014 DEL Location: 50-51 North Street, Exeter, EX4 3QR

Proposal: Installation of external extraction system

Application Number:13/4900/04 Working Party Date: Decision Type Refuse Planning Permission Decision Date: 10/01/2014 DEL Location: St David's C of E Primary School, Dinham Road, Exeter, EX4 4EE

Proposal: Tree No Species Works T13 Silver Birch 30% crown reduction

Application Number: 13/5009/03 Working Party Date: 16/12/2013 Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 10/01/2014 DEL Location: 15 North Street, St Davids, Exeter, EX4 3QS

Proposal: Conversion and extension of maisonette to form 2 No. one bedroom self contained flats.

Application Number: 13/4931/03 Working Party Date: 16/12/2013 Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 15/01/2014 DEL Location: 33 Haldon Road, Exeter, EX4 4DZ

Proposal: Retrospective application for decking to rear of property.

Application Number: 13/4660/03 Working Party Date: 12/11/2013 Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 16/01/2014 COM Location: Kalendar Hall, South Street, Exeter, EX1 1DZ

Proposal: Demolition of existing building. Construction of performing arts and teaching facility and two retail units including improvements to public realm

Application Number: 13/4661/07 Working Party Date: 12/11/2013 Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 16/01/2014 COM Location: Kalendar Hall, South Street, Exeter, EX1 1DZ

Proposal: Demolition of existing building. Construction of performing arts and teaching facility and two retail units including improvements to public realm

Page 9 of 19 Page 41 Application Number:13/5081/06 Working Party Date: Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 16/01/2014 DEL Location: Colleton Chambers, Colleton Crescent, Exeter, EX2 4DG

Proposal: Tree No Species Works T1-4 Evergreen Oak Lift canopy to clear lamppost and reduce overhang over road and garden

Application Number:13/5050/06 Working Party Date: Decision Type Withdrawn by Applicant Decision Date: 20/01/2014 Location: 1 The Cloisters, Cathedral Close, Exeter, EX1 1HS

Proposal: Tree No Species Works T1 Mulberry Fell

Application Number: 13/4952/03 Working Party Date: 28/01/2014 Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 29/01/2014 DEL Location: Trinity Court, 37 Southernhay East, Exeter, EX1 1PG

Proposal: Development of an additional storey incorporating two residential units, relocation of the main entrance and elevation treatment to all facades.

Application Number: 13/5115/40 Working Party Date: 27/01/2014 Decision Type Prior Approval Not Required Decision Date: 05/02/2014 DEL Location: Quintana Gate, Bartholomew Street East, Exeter, EX4 3BH

Proposal: Proposed change of use from office to residential(14 flats)

Application Number:13/4933/06 Working Party Date: Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 24/12/2013 DEL Location: 9 Richmond Road, Exeter, EX4 4JA

Proposal: Tree No Species Works T1 Silver Birch Reduce crown to allow 3m clearance from building and car park

Application Number:13/4474/03 Working Party Date: Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 03/01/2014 DEL Location: 3 City Bank, Cathedral Yard, Exeter, EX1 1AE

Proposal: Roof garden/terrace on existing flat roof

Page 10 of 19 Page 42 Application Number:13/4475/07 Working Party Date: Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 03/01/2014 DEL Location: 3 City Bank, Cathedral Yard, Exeter, EX1 1AE

Proposal: Removal of window and replacing with door in opening. External steel staircase to access existing flat roof. Fixing stainless steel and glass panel balustrading.

Application Number:13/4723/03 Working Party Date: Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 03/01/2014 DEL Location: 92 Queen Street, Exeter, EX4 3RP

Proposal: Alteration to existing kitchen extract installation comprising relocation of existing extract fan and silencers to higher roof level.

Application Number:13/4683/03 Working Party Date: Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 07/01/2014 DEL Location: 11-15 Dix's Field, Exeter, EX1 1QA

Proposal: Change of use from offices (Class B1) to consultancy (Class D1)


Application Number:13/5040/06 Working Party Date: Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 10/01/2014 DEL Location: 18 West Avenue, Exeter, EX4 4SD

Proposal: Tree No Species Works T1 Copper Beech Remove branch on south side T2 Cherry Fell T3 Prunus Thin crown T4 Evergreen Reduce hight and spread by up to 40% Application Number:13/5049/06 Working Party Date: Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 10/01/2014 DEL Location: 20 West Avenue, Exeter, EX4 4SD

Proposal: Tree No Species Works T1 Ornamental Acer Reduce main stem to ground level

Application Number: 13/4843/03 Working Party Date: 16/12/2013 Decision Type Refuse Planning Permission Decision Date: 17/01/2014 COM Location: Portland House, Longbrook Street, Exeter, EX4 6AB

Proposal: Variation of condition two to approve amended drawings showing additional accommodation at level 6 (Ref No 11/0895/03 granted 16-01-2012)

Page 11 of 19 Page 43 Application Number: 13/4846/03 Working Party Date: 16/12/2013 Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 22/01/2014 DEL Location: 11 Blackall Road, Exeter, EX4 4HD

Proposal: Replacement of two timber windows on second floor with uPVC windows

Application Number:13/5019/03 Working Party Date: Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 27/01/2014 DEL Location: 25 Thornton Hill, Exeter, EX4 4NN

Proposal: Proposed single storey extension

Application Number: 13/5039/06 Working Party Date: 27/01/2014 Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 31/01/2014 DEL Location: 20 Devonshire Place, Exeter, EX4 6JA

Proposal: Tree No Species Works T1 Leylandii Fell

Application Number: 14/0019/06 Working Party Date: 27/01/2014 Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 31/01/2014 DEL Location: Ground Floor Flat, 60 Pennsylvania Road, Exeter, EX4 6DB

Proposal: Tree No Species Works T1 Acer Fell


Application Number:13/4903/04 Working Party Date: Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 10/01/2014 DEL Location: Wellingtonia Park, Barrack Road, Exeter, EX2

Proposal: Tree No Species Works G1 Holly Sever Ivy and treat to prevent re-growth (No. 13 on plan) T15 Austrian Pine Crown raise over path by removing 1 primary branch to east at 3.5m above ground level. T16 Deodar Crown raise over path by removing 1 primary branch to east at 2.5m above ground level. T21 Monterey Pine Crown raise to give 2.5m clearance above ground level. Remove secondary branch to east arising at 3.5m above ground level. Selectively remove other secondary branches to give a minimum of 1m clearance to street light.

Page 12 of 19 Page 44 Application Number:13/4969/03 Working Party Date: Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 16/01/2014 DEL Location: 26 Matford Avenue, Exeter, EX2 4PL

Proposal: Proposed side extension including new roof over existing garage, replacement front door canopy & weatherboarding

Application Number:13/5056/18 Working Party Date: Decision Type Was lawful use Decision Date: 16/01/2014 DEL Location: 46 Rivermead Road, Exeter, EX2 4RL

Proposal: Loft conversion including gable end, dormer window and rooflights (Certificate of Lawfulness of Proposed Development)

Application Number:13/5057/06 Working Party Date: Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 16/01/2014 DEL Location: Larkbeare House, Topsham Road, Exeter, EX2 4NG

Proposal: Tree No Species Works T1 Sycamore Fell T2 Leylandii Fell T3 Leylandii Fell Application Number:13/4970/03 Working Party Date: Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 23/01/2014 DEL Location: 1 Cedars Road, Exeter, EX2 4NA

Proposal: Replacement of existing retaining wall including new fencing to top of wall.

Application Number: 13/4892/03 Working Party Date: 28/01/2014 Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 31/01/2014 DEL Location: Spinneygate, Matford Road, Exeter, EX2 4PE

Proposal: Ground floor side extension and detached garage

Application Number:14/0005/06 Working Party Date: Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 31/01/2014 DEL Location: 11 Kimberley Road, Exeter, EX2 4JG

Proposal: Tree No Species Works T1 Yew Remove to ground level

Page 13 of 19 Page 45 Application Number:13/4701/03 Working Party Date: Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 04/02/2014 DEL Location: 147 Pinhoe Road, Exeter, EX4 7HY

Proposal: Alterations to Drive / Garden to provide additional hard standing

Application Number: 13/5030/03 Working Party Date: 28/01/2014 Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 04/02/2014 DEL Location: Magdalen House, 54/56 Magdalen Road, Exeter, EX2 4TL

Proposal: Detached dwelling, double garage, parking and associated works (Amended scheme)

Application Number:13/3953/03 Working Party Date: Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 02/01/2014 DEL Location: 50 St. Leonards Road, Exeter, EX2 4LS

Proposal: External insulation and rendering to the rear of the property


Application Number: 13/4529/03 Working Party Date: 18/12/2013 Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 08/01/2014 DEL Location: Windy Way, Aspen Close, Exeter, EX2 5RZ

Proposal: Erection of a single dwelling and alterations to existing property including 1.50 metre wall on the north-west elevation.

Application Number: 13/4818/03 Working Party Date: 18/12/2013 Decision Type Refuse Planning Permission Decision Date: 16/01/2014 DEL Location: Land adj. Sidmouth Road / Nelson Way, Exeter, EX2 5QH

Proposal: Detached dwelling, access to highway and parking

Application Number:14/0014/05 Working Party Date: Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 29/01/2014 DEL Location: South West Communications Group Ltd, Communications House, Avocet Road, Sowton Industrial Estate, Exeter, EX2 7JF Proposal: Erection of 3 flagpoles

Page 14 of 19 Page 46 Application Number: 13/4936/03 Working Party Date: 18/12/2013 Decision Type Refuse Planning Permission Decision Date: 31/01/2014 REF Location: 1 Coates Road, Exeter, EX2 5RH

Proposal: Erection of a dwelling

Application Number:13/5089/03 Working Party Date: Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 31/01/2014 DEL Location: 52 Broadfields Road, Exeter, EX2 5RF

Proposal: Conservatory on south west elevation

Application Number:13/4420/03 Working Party Date: Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 03/02/2014 DEL Location: 6 Brockey Walk, Exeter, EX2 7PB

Proposal: Additional garage door


Application Number: 13/4920/03 Working Party Date: 17/12/2013 Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 16/01/2014 DEL Location: 28 Manor Road, Exeter, EX4 1EN

Proposal: Detached dwelling with parking

Application Number:13/5116/03 Working Party Date: Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 04/02/2014 DEL Location: 4 St. Thomas Centre, Exeter, EX4 1DG

Proposal: Variation of condition 3 to allow opening from 0900 until 2300 Monday to Sunday (including Bank Holidays) Ref No. 13/0144/03 approved 10-05-2013

Application Number:13/5117/03 Working Party Date: Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 04/02/2014 DEL Location: 3 St. Thomas Centre, Exeter, EX4 1DG

Proposal: Variation of condition 3 to allow opening from 0900 until 2300 Monday to Sunday (including Bank Holidays) Ref No. 13/0148/03 approved 10-05-2013


Page 15 of 19 Page 47 Application Number:13/4728/03 Working Party Date: Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 19/12/2013 DEL Location: 3 Tollards Road, Exeter, EX2 6JJ

Proposal: Replacement conservatory.

Application Number:13/5126/37 Working Party Date: Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 07/01/2014 DEL Location: Lower RNSD site, Topsham Road, Exeter, EX2

Proposal: Adaptation of Plot 123 to include single storey extension and solar panels on rear elevation (Non Material Minor Amendment for Planning Permission Ref No 12/0870/02 granted 5 November 2012)

Application Number: 13/4555/03 Working Party Date: 13/11/2013 Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 08/01/2014 DEL Location: Land adj., Beech Cottage, Old Rydon Close, Exeter, EX2 7JR

Proposal: Variation of condition two to approve amended drawings (Ref No 12/0920/03 granted 18-07-2013)

Application Number: 13/4180/03 Working Party Date: 18/12/2013 Decision Type Withdrawn by Applicant Decision Date: 09/01/2014 Location: Yeoman Gardens, Newcourt Road, Topsham, Exeter, EX3 0BU

Proposal: Construction of two replacement dwellings

Application Number:13/4863/04 Working Party Date: Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 10/01/2014 DEL Location: Follett Orchard, Follett Road, Topsham, Exeter, EX3 0JP

Proposal: Tree No Species Works T1 Eucalyptus Reduce crown size by approx 2 metres

Application Number:13/4550/18 Working Party Date: Decision Type Was lawful use Decision Date: 22/01/2014 DEL Location: 79 Newcourt Road, Topsham, Exeter, EX3 0BU

Proposal: Proposed ground floor rear extension - Certificate of lawfulness

Page 16 of 19 Page 48 Application Number:13/4992/07 Working Party Date: Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 22/01/2014 DEL Location: 1 White Street, Topsham, Exeter, EX3 0AA

Proposal: First floor rear extension, removal of dormer to create roof garden and other alterations

Application Number:13/4990/03 Working Party Date: Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 24/01/2014 DEL Location: 1 White Street, Topsham, Exeter, EX3 0AA

Proposal: First floor rear extension and roof garden

Application Number:13/5107/04 Working Party Date: Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 31/01/2014 DEL Location: Land adjacent to, Kew Court, Pynes Hill, Exeter, EX2 5AZ

Proposal: Tree No Species Works W1 Various Re-coppice sixteen Ash Coppice/crown lift trees to rear of 6 Kew Court

Application Number:13/5112/06 Working Party Date: Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 31/01/2014 DEL Location: The Little White House, Mount Howe, Topsham, Exeter, EX3 0BG

Proposal: Tree No Species Works T1 Lime Prune back lower branches overhanging shed and wall

Application Number:13/4836/18 Working Party Date: Decision Type Was lawful use Decision Date: 23/12/2013 DEL Location: 33 Victoria Road, Topsham, Exeter, EX3 0EU

Proposal: Demolition of brick shed and single storey extension. New single storey rear extension and internal alterations (Certificate of Lawfulness of Proposed Development)

Application Number:13/4899/06 Working Party Date: Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 23/12/2013 DEL Location: 4 Parkfield Way, Topsham, Exeter, EX3 0DP

Proposal: Tree No Species Works T1 Silver Birch Reduce height by 3m. Overall crown reduction of 40%

Page 17 of 19 Page 49 Application Number:13/5012/37 Working Party Date: Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 23/12/2013 DEL Location: Cornerways, Parkfield Road, Topsham, Exeter, EX3 0ET

Proposal: Aligning the front elevation of the garage with the main elevation and rendering garage elevations (Non Material Minor Amendment for Planning Permission Ref No 13/4093/03 granted 21 October 2013)

Application Number:13/4891/03 Working Party Date: Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 06/01/2014 DEL Location: 39 Victoria Road, Topsham, Exeter, EX3 0EU

Proposal: First floor rear extension to provide new bedroom above ex. ground floor extension. Form new side window for bathroom (obscure glazing).

Application Number: 13/4989/03 Working Party Date: 18/12/2013 Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 06/01/2014 Location: 3 Chapel Platt, 19 Fore Street, Topsham, Exeter, EX3 0HE

Proposal: Change of use from offices to a private dwelling (Class C3)


Application Number:13/3956/03 Working Party Date: Decision Type Withdrawn by Applicant Decision Date: 14/01/2014 Location: 1 Birchy Barton Hill, Exeter, EX1 3ET

Proposal: Proposed replacement garage and construction of retaining walls.

Application Number:13/4835/05 Working Party Date: Decision Type Refuse Planning Permission Decision Date: 15/01/2014 DEL Location: Brewers Fayre and Premier Inn, FitzRoy Road, Exeter, EX1 3RS

Proposal: Directional sign

Application Number:13/5061/03 Working Party Date: Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 15/01/2014 DEL Location: Site 408, Emperor Way, Exeter Business Park, Exeter, EX1

Proposal: Change of use from telephone exchange and offices to warehouse and offices

Page 18 of 19 Page 50 Application Number:14/0013/03 Working Party Date: Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 04/02/2014 DEL Location: 82 Leypark Road, Exeter, EX1 3NX

Proposal: Two storey rear extension

Application Number:13/5100/18 Working Party Date: Decision Type Permitted Decision Date: 20/12/2013 DEL Location: 7 Fairfield Avenue, Exeter, EX4 8EL

Proposal: Single storey rear extension

Total Number of Decisions Made: 108

Local Government (Access to Information) 1985 (as amended) Background papers used in compiling the report: Files of Planning Applications available for inspection from: Planning Services, Exeter City Council, Civic Centre, Paris Street, Exeter EX1 1NN Telephone No: 01392 265223

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Page 52 Agenda Item 9





No decisions have been received since the last report.


Three new appeals have been received:

Application Address Proposal Reference

13/4435/03 Portland House, Longbrook Street, Variation of condition 2 to approve Exeter, EX4 6AB. amended drawings showing additional accommodation at level 6 (ref no 11/0895/03 granted 16/1/2012). This application was refused at Planning Committee on 28/10/2013.

13/4304/03 8 St Lukes View, Countess Wear Road, Provision of rear balcony. Exeter, EX2 6DG.

13/4290/04 25 Ashwood Road, Exeter, EX2 8JL. Sycamore tree: Crown thinning by 50% crown lift 5.5m from ground crown/height reduction to 6.1m remove overhanging branches.


Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985 (as amended) Background papers used in compiling the report: Letters, application files and appeal documents referred to in report are available for inspection from: City Development, Civic Centre, Paris Street, Exeter (01392) 265223

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