Original Article Morphological Characteristics of Adolescent Elite Female Handball and Volleyball Players
Journal of Physical Education and Sport ® (JPES), Vol 19 (Supplement issue 4), Art 217 pp 1502 – 1507, 2019 online ISSN: 2247 - 806X; p-ISSN: 2247 – 8051; ISSN - L = 2247 - 8051 © JPES Original Article Morphological characteristics of adolescent elite female handball and volleyball players NOUTSOS S. KONSTANTINOS 1, MELETAKOS G. PANAGIOTIS 2, BAYIOS A. IOANNIS 3 1,2,3, Sector of Sports Games, School of Physical Education & Sports Science, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Ethnikis Antistasis 41, Daphne, 17237,GREECE Published online: July 31, 2019 (Accepted for publication: July 10, 2019) DOI:10.7752/jpes.2019.s4217 Abstract: The aim of the current study is to compare morphological characteristics of adolescent elite female handball and volleyball players and to investigate probable differences between them. The sample of the current study consists of athletes from women’s national handball teams (n=32, age=17.8±1.1 years, body height 166.6±4.5 cm, body mass 65.0±5.4 kg) and volleyball (n=16, age=18.0±1.4 years, body height 176.5±5.7 cm, body mass 68.1±7.4 kg). The measurements included five skin folds thicknesses (biceps, triceps, subscapular, suprailiac and calf), three circumferences [calf and biceps girth (relaxed and tensed)] end two widths (femur, humerus). In the initial somatometric parameters, the athletes exhibit higher performance triceps (p<0.001), subscapular (p<0.001) skinfold (mm) and biceps girth (relaxed) (cm) while volleyball players exhibit body height (cm) (p<0.05) and humeral diameter (cm) (p<0.05). In the secondary parameters, handball players express statistically significant body mass indices (kg/m²) (p<0.05), body fat (%) (p<0.002), sum of 5 skinfold (mm) (p<0.001), while volleyball players express fat free mass (kg) (p<0.001).
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