Catalogue of the Officers and Students of Jefferson College, Washington
l . CAT.A.LOGUE ·'Q ~~~~ - r k- .; OF THE (lW... -(\.~v-A-~- ~ ~Fl'IOEB.S AND STUDEHTS OF WASHINGTON, STATE OF MISSISSIPPI. , . PRINTED BY ANDREW MARSCIIAL!t, l8SO. I', DOABD OP 'l'BUS'l'!ma OJ' JEFFERSON COLLEGE~ IJrs ExcELLENCY GERARD C.'BRANDON, President. BEVERLY R. GRAYSON, Vice Prniden;.. WHITE TURPIN, EsQ. Treamrer. LEVIN WAILE~, EsQ. Secretary. Hon. Alexander Covington,. Col. Adam L. Bingaman, John W. Bryan, Esq. John Snodgrass, Esq. Joseph Dunbar, Esq. Capt. James T. Magruder, Hon. Thomas Hinds, Co]. Joseph Sessions, George Newman, Esq. Col. James Smith, Gen. Samuel L. Winston, Robert Andrews, Esq. Capt. Nathaniel Hoggatt, Samuel Dunbar, Esq. Col. James G. Wood, Maj. Alexander Young, George Poindexter, Esq. Capt. William B. Melvin, Dr. Andrew Macrery, Col. Benjamin L. C. Wailes, Park Walton, Esq. Rev. John C. Burruss, Hon. Thomas Freeland, Rev. Samuel Hunter, Abram M. Scott, Esq. l\mnd of.Visito-rs. Hon. Edward Turner, George Winchester, Esq. Hon. John A. Q,uitman, Richard M, Gaines, Esq. John M. Norton, Esq. Dr. James A. MoPheters, Fountain Winston, Esq. Dr. William R. Cox, John F. H. Claiborne, Esq. Dr. Theodore D. Elliott, Robert 'l'. Dunbar, Esq. Dr, John W. Monett. O!'!'ICEBS. CA ETS. ;; NAMES. RESIDENCE. E. B. WILLISTON, .A. M. P_resident, ? Princi azs. George W. Andrews, Jefferson County. J. HOLBROOK, A. M. Superintendent, S :p · James M. Batchelor, .llmite, Miss. ' William B. Beverly, • Srcond Creek, .11.dam, Cc. MAJ. J. HOLBROOK, Professor of Mathematics, Natural Philo~o James R. Bisland, Natchez. Samuel E. Brabston, Vicksburg. phy and Military Science. James M. Brabston, Washington. E B.
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