
Annual Reports

of the ^Town Officers IM^H and

Inventory of Polk ond

Rotable Property


for the Year Ending December 31, 1961


School District Officers for the year Ending June 30, 1961

Please bring this copy of Town Report

to town meeting and school meeting nH


List of Town Officers 5 Town Warrant 7 Abstract of Business Transacted, Town Meeting March 14, 1961 18 Budget 25 Summary Inventory of Valuation 29 Appropriation and Taxes 31 Report of Fire Department 33 Appropriations and Expenditures 34 Financial Report 36 Schedule of Town Property 42 Town Auditor's Report 42 Detailed Statement of Payments 43 Report of Town Clerk 50 Report of Tax Collector 51 Report of Town Treasurer 54 Report of Overseer of Poor 57 Resident & Non-Resident Valuation, Real & Personal On colored paper Report of Highway Agent 58 Report of Police Department 65 Report of Trustees of Trust Funds 66 Summary of Trust Funds 72 Report of Library Trustees 73 Index of School District 78 Vital Statistics 104 Fire Warden Letter 107 Digitized by the Internet Archive

in 2013

http://archive.org/details/annualreportofto1961rind TOWN OFFICERS

Moderator JAMES F. ALLEN

Town Clerk and Treasurer ROLAND C. GODDARD



Overseer of Public Welfare FLORENCE E. STEBBINS




Health Officer JOHN B. CROSBY, JR. Librarian CARRIE S. GRAY

Highway Agent JOHN B. CROSBY, JR.




Representative to the General Court JAMES F. ALLEN : :


To the inhabitants of the Town of Rindge, in the County of Cheshire, State of New Hampshire,quahfied to vote in town affairs

You are hereby notified to meet at Town Hall in Rindge Center in said Town of Rindge on Tuesday the thirteenth day of March next at nine of the clock in the forenoon to act upon the following subjects

To choose all necessary Town Officers for the year ensu- ing.

Polls will remain open until six of the clock in the after- noon.

The business meeting will be called to order at seven of the clock in the afternoon to act upon the following subjects:

Article 1. To raise such sums of money as may be necessary to defray Town charges for the ensuing year and make appropriations of the same.

Aritcle 2. To hear and act upon the reports of the Selectmen and Town Treasurer, Town Clerk, Overseer of Public Welfare, and reports of all agents, Committees and Officers heretofore chosen and act in any way relating thereto.

Article 3. To see if the Voters will authorize the Select- men and Town Treasurer to borrow money in anticipation of the collection of taxes for the current year, and to issue in the name of the Town negotiable notes therefor, said notes to be repaid during the current year from taxes collected within the current year. 8

Article 4. To see what method the Town will adopt to collect taxes.

Article 5. To see what action the Town wishes to take regarding overdrafts and unexpended balances.

Article 6. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $4,000.00 to purchase a part of the so-called Converse lot (containing approximately five acres) which adjoins the southerly boundry of Hillside Cemetery, for the purpose of enlarging the present cemetery area, the amount of $1,000.00 to be raised and appropriated this year and that the Selectmen be authorized to issue in the name of the Town term notes in the amount of $1,000.00 each for the balance, notes to bear interest at 5% , one of each notes to be redeemed in the years 1963, 1964 and 1965, or act in any way relating thereto.

Article 7. To see if the Town (if the foregoing article is acepted) will vote to adopt certain regulations and restrictions pertaining to a new cemetery area.

Article 8. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,155.00 to purchase a Grace Road Sweeper, or act in any way relating thereto.

Article 9. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to sell by closed bid the buildings on the so-called Johnson Place, same to be removed from the premises, or take any action relating thereto.

Article 10. To see what action the Town wishes to take regarding an increase in the salaries of the Tax Collector, Town Clerk and Treasurer.

Article 11. To see if the Town will vote to abandon a section of the so-called Ring Road that has been discontinued, specifically a distance of approximately 200 feet south of the Beaver Dam Road so called, or take any action relating thereto.

Article 12. To see if the Town will vote to adopt the following specifications as they pertain to private roads that the Town may be petitioned to accept as public ways in the future, or take any action relating thereto:

1 . There must be permanent homes already built 6n the road to be accepted. 2. The right of way must be at least 40 feet wide.

3. The person or persons wishing to have the Town accept the road shall pay for all culverts and suit- able drainage, and shall build the road with at least 12 inches of gravel 18 feet wide at no cost to the Town.

4. All dead-end roads shall be supplied with sufficient right of way to enable plows and other equipment to turn around.

Article 13. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $400.00 to purchase five radio units in the interest of public welfare and safety, or take any action relating thereto.

Article 14. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to secure the assistance of the State Tax Commission in the reappraising of taxable property in the Town in order to secure greater equality as between taxpayers, and to insure the assessment of all property in the Town on the same stand- ard of value, and to raise and appropriate the sum of $4,000.00 to pay for same or act in any way relating thereto.

Article 15. To see if the Town will adopt the Municipal Budget Act or act in any way relating thereto.

Article 16. To see if the Town will vote to increase the rate of pay of Constables to $1.50 per hour or take any other action relating thereto.

Article 17. To see if the Town wiU vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $500 for repair to the Library building or act in any way relating thereto.

Article 18. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,000.00 to provide for the retirement and replacement of obsolete and worn out equipment in the Highway Department or act in any way relating thereto.

Article 19. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,500.00 for the repair of the Danforth Road so called, or take any other action relating thereto.

Article 20. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to sell by closed bid the small V-Snow Plough or act in any way relating thereto. 10

Article 21. To see if the Town will vote to adopt the recommendation of the Selectmen as contained in the following proposal or act in any way relating thereto.

An agreement made this (date) by and between the Town of Rindge, hereinafter known as the Town, and The First Con- gregational Church of Rindge, hereinafter known as the Society.

It is the intent and purpose of this agreement to establish the rights and use of specific areas in the Meeting House build- ing, so called, and to set forth the responsibilities of both parties in the maintenance of their individual interests and their com- bined obligations as a whole — constituting a permanent record as of this date.

By mutual understanding it is agreed that the entire sec- ond floor containing the church auditorium, including attic area, hallways and stairs leading to the first floor of the build- ing, shall be considered property of the Society, reserving to the Town the right to use the stairway and halls to gain access to the belfry for the purpose of maintenance and repair of the Town clock and tower. The hallway and closets on the ground floor at the front or west side of the building, together with the vestry area and kitchen as known in their present location, shall also be identified as property of the Society, which Society will accept the responsibility of maintenance and repair of the areas indicated.

By mutual consent it is agreed that the hallways between the selectmen's room and the vestry, the entrance-way, the men's and women's toilet rooms, and furnace room be known as property of both the Town and the Society with each having an equal right of use, including entrance through the door on the south side of the building. It is also agreed that the cost of repair and maintenance of the jointly owned areas be equally shared by the Town and the Society.

It is further agreed that the areas commonly known as the Town Hall, including the stage, the selectmen's room, bell, clock and tower be considered as Town property with its use stipulated by the Town at its annual meeting or by the Board of Selectmen as its agents. The cost of maintenance and repair of its property shall be borne by the Town. 11

By mutual agreement the Town and the Society shall equally share in the cost of repair to the heating plant and to the repair (including roofing and painting) of the outside of the building. The cost of heating, including electricity to fire the heater, together with the charge for electricity to Light the bulletin board and flood lights, will be jointly shared on an equal basis by the Town and the Society.

It is also agreed that the Town pay to the Society the amount of $25.00 annually as its share of the cost to supply water to the toilets and to accept joint responsibihty with the Society for the repair and maintenance of the pipe line leading from the Parsonage to the Meeting House; and also an amount of $15.00 is to be paid by the Town to the Society for a supply of water to be furnished to the Fire Station (the cost of main- tenance and repair to the pipe leading from the main line to the Fire Station shall be the sole responsibility of the Town).

The above agreement is prepared by the Board of Select- men for acceptance by the Town at its annual meeting and the Board of Trustees of the First Congregational Church of Rindge for acceptance by the Society at a regular meeting.

Article 22. To see if the Town will vote to amend the present Zoning Ordinance by extending the Recreational Area on the east side of Contoocook Lake to include a 300 feet depth on the east side of Long Pond Road so called, extending from the Jaffrey Town Line to a point opposite the Mary L. Ware Farm corner so called, or take any other action relating thereto.

Article 23. To see if the Town will vote to rescind the action taken at the Town Meeting in March, 1952, concerning snow removal at the Post Office and public places or take any other action relating thereto.

Article 24. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $140.00 to increase the yearly base pay of firemen to $15.00 per year, or take any other action relating thereto.

Article 25. To see if the Town will vote to raise the wages of firemen to $1.25 per hour for fighting fires, or take any other action relating thereto. :


Article 26. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,500.00 to add Tone Control Signaling Equipment to our Alarm System, in cooperation with the South- western Mutual Aid Association and the Cheshire County Com- missioners.

Article 27. To take up any matters that may properly come before this meeting.

Given under our hands and seal this nineteenth day of February in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and sixty- two.


Selectmen of Rindge

A true copy of Warrant Attest


Selectmen of Rindge


ARTICLE I Preamble

Pursuant to authority conferred by Chapter 31, Sections 60-89, New Hampshire Revised Statutes Annotated, 1955, and for the purpose of promoting the health, safety and welfare of the inhabitants, and perserving the values and charm now attached to the Town, the following ordinance is hereby adopted by the Town of Rindge, New Hampshire, in Town Meeting convened. :


ARTICLE II Districts

For the purposes of this Ordinance, the Town of Rindge is divided into two districts as shown on the official zoning map filed with the Town Clerk and dated MAR..44...;96:![....; (1) Recreational District, (2) Residential-Agricultural District.

ARTICLE III General Provisions

The following provisions shall apply to all districts: A. No owner or occupant of land in any district shaU permit fire or other ruins to be left, but within one year shall remove or refill the same to clear ground level or shall repair, rebuild, or replace the structure.

B. The removal of clay, sod, loam, sand, or gravel is per- mitted, either for private use or for sale, provided that the premises are left in a safe and sightly condition and protected against erosion. Such restoration shall be done within six (6) months. C. No junk yard or place for the storage of discarded machinery, vehicles, or other scrap material shall be main- tained in any district except as hereinafter provided for. D. All dwellings and sanitary systems shall be con- structed and maintained in accordance with standards set and enforced by the N. H State Department of Health and the N. H. Water Pollusion Commission. E. The following types of signs shall be permited: Town, State and Federal Highway directional and regulatory signs, historic signs, those relating to the sale or lease of the premises, the profession or home occupation of the occupant, property restriction signs, identification signs for residences, the sale of goods or products sold on the premises, except that in such cases no sign or group of signs shall exceed twenty-five square feet in area.

ARTICLE IV Recreational District

The following provisions shall apply to the Recreational District

A. Uses Permitted 1. It shall be mainly a district of residential dwell- ings. 14

B. Frontage and Yard Requirements 1. Frontage — Every dwelling shall have a mini- mum lot frontage of 100 feet. 2. Yard Requirements — No building shall be lo- cated nearer than fifteen (15) feet to an abutter's property line and thirty (30) feet from the edge of a right of way.

ARTICLE V Residential — Agricultural District

The following provisions shall apply to the Residential- Agricultural District. A. Uses Permitted

1. It shall be mainly a District of farms and resi- dences 2. Home produce may be bought and sold and ex- posed for sale in this District. 3. Tourist homes may be maintained and operated in this District. 4. A single trailer or a single mobilehome may be located anywhere in this district with the excep- tion of the land areas on both sides of Routes 119 and 202 for a depth of 300 feet from the edge of the right of way. Said trailers or mobilehomes must conform to all frontage and yard require- ments of the district.

B. Frontage and Yard Requirements

1. Frontage — Every dwelling shall have a mini- mum lot frontage of 100 feet.

2. Yard Requirements — No building shall be lo- cated nearer than fifteen (15) feet to an abutter's property line and thirty (30) feet from the edge of a right of way.

ARTICLE VI Nonconforming Uses A. When any existing nonconforming use of land or buildings has been discontinued for one year the land and buildings shall thereafter be used only in conformity to this ordinance.

B. Any existing nonconforming use shall not be changed to another nonconforming use. 15

C. No motor vehicle and machinery junk yard may con- tinue as a nonconforming use for more than one year after the effective date of this ordinance, except that a motor vehicle and machinery junk yard may continue as a nonconforming use if within that period it is maintained in accordance wth the standards set and enforced by the N H. Revised Statutes An- notated, 1955, Chapter 267, Section 1-4 and also in accord- ance with the standard.s required by the Town Board of Select- men.

ARTICLE VII Enforcement

A. It shaU be the duty of the Board of Selectmen and the Board is hereby gven power and authority to enforce the provi- sions of this ordinance.

B. The Board of Selectmen shall issue any and all build- ing permits requested when such is in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance.

C. After passage of this Ordinance, it shall be unlawful to erect any structure or building, or alter the bulk of any building or relocate any building in any district without first obtaining a building permit from the Board of Selectmen. D. Upon any well founded information that this Ordi- nance is being violated, the Board of Selectmen shall take im- mediate steps to enforce the provisions of this Ordinance by seeking an injunction in the Superior Court or by any legal action.

ARTICLE VIII Board of Adjustment Within thirty days after the adoption of this Ordinance and thereafter as terms expire or vacancies occur, the Board of Selectmen shall make appointments to a Board of Adjust- ment of five members conforming in duties to the provisions of Chapter 31 of the N. H. Revised Statutes Annotated, 1955. A. Permit in the Residential-Agricultural District an in- dustrial or commercial use subject to the approval of the Board of Adjustment after a public hearing.

ARTICLE IX Amendments This ordinance may be amended by a majority vote of any legal Town Meeting when such amendment has received a preliminary pubhc hearing and a final public hearing by the 16 legislative body, which hearing has been advertised and given a legal fifteen-day notice; or when such amendment has re- ceived a preliminary public hearing and has been pubhshed in its entirety in the warrant calling for the meetng.

ARTICLE X Penalty Upon convictions thereof, every person, firm or corporation \dolating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not more than ten dollars ($10) for each day such violation may exist.

ARTICLE XI Saving Clause The invahdity of any provision of this ordinance shall not affect the validity of any other provision

ARTICLE XII When Effective This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage.

ARTICLE XIII Definitions A. Right of Way means and includes all town, state and federal highways, rights of way dedicated to public use, and the land on either side of same as covered by statutes to deter- mine the wddths of the rights of way.

B. Signs. A structure, building wall or other outdoor sur- face, or device used for visual communication which is used for the purpose of bringing the subject thereof to the attention of the public, or to display, identify and pubhcize the name and product or service of any person.

C. Home Produce means and includes everything of an agricultural nature grown, produced, conditioned or otherwise carried on the property of the resident, also such articles as are manufactured or altered by members of the household of the bona fide resident of any property.

D. Front Yard. A space extending for the full width of a lot between the extreme front line of a building and the nearest side of the right of way.

E. Frontage means the length of the lot bordering on the public right of way. 17

F. Lot of Record. Land designated as a separate and dis- trict parcel in a legally recorded deed and plan filed in the records of Cheshire County, New Hampshire.

G Nonconforming Use. A nonconforming use is a use of any building, structure, or land, which does not conform to the use regulations of the district in which such use exists.

H. Nonconforming Building or Structure. A nonconform- ing building or structure is a building or structure which, in whole or in part, does not conform to the regulations of the district in which the building or structure is located.

I. Junk means any old metals; old bottles; or other soHd textile mill waste; unfinished cloth; or other textile mill yams; old paper products; old rubber products; old plastic products; used parts and materials or motor vehicles and other second- hand or waste articles, the accumulation of which is detri- mental or injurious to the neighborhood.

J. Accessory Building means a building subordinate to the main building on the lot and used for purposes customarily incidental to those of the main building. :


ABSTRACT OF BUSINESS TRANSACTED AT THE ANNUAL TOWN MEETING MARCH 14, 1961 OFFICERS ELECTED: Town Clerk Roland C. Goddard Town Treasurer Roland C. Goddard Selectman for 3 years Ralph L. Hoyt, Sr. Selectman for 2 years Gunnar R. Anderson Highway Agent John B. Crosby, Jr. Tax Collector Florence E Stebbins Overseer of Public Welfare Florence E. Stebbins Library Trustee for 3 years Betty S. Pangborn Trustee of Trust Funds for 3 years Alice H. Converse Constables John B. Crosby, Jr., Ernest L. Goodall, Raymond A. Hoyt Auditors Walter A. Cleveland, Charles H. Rice, Jr.

The following resolutions were presented and passed by a unanimous vote


Whereas, William B. Leeman of Rindge has passed away on January 3, 1961, and

Whereas, He was a Selectman and Police Officer of the Town of Rindge, a Member of the West Rindge Methodist Church, and was very active in Youth Group Movements, there- fore be it

Resolved, That we, the Representatives from the Town of Rindge in the House of Representatives of the New Hamp- shire General Court, and the Selectmen of the Town of Rindge, hereby pay tribute to Mr. Leeman's services to his town and church and exprese our deep sympathy to his family in its bereavement, and be it further 19

Resolved, That these Resolutions be spread upon the rec- ords of Rindge Town Meeting of March 14, 1961, and a copy of these Resolutions be sent to Mrs. Leeman.

JAMES F. ALLEN Representative from Rindge

RALPH L HOYT, SR. HAROLD E. SAVAGE CARLTON D. SWIFT Selectmen of Rindge Legislature 1961

2. Re: Ralph L. Hoyt, Sr. Rindge, N. H. March 14, 1961

Whereas, Ralph L. Hoyt, Sr., has served twenty-one years as Selectman of the Town of Rindge, and

Whereas, Mr. Hoyt has served in a manner that has been an honor and credit to the Town of Rindge and to himself, therefore

Be it Resolved, That a vote of thanks be given to Mr. Hoyt for his devoted services and

Be it Further Resolved, That this Resolution be spread upon the records of the Meeting and a copy be given to Mr. Ralph L. Hoyt, Sr. Selectman, HAROLD E. SAVAGE Selectman, CARLTON D. SWIFT Town Clerk, ROLAND C. GODDARD Moderator, JAMES F ALLEN

The Moderator paid tribute to Mr. Elwin C. JeweU, a former Selectman and present Ballot Inspector, who at this meeting has voted for sixty-five Town Meetings.

Article 1. To raise such sums of money as may be neces- sary to defray Town charges for the ensuing year and made approriations of the same.

Article 1. It was voted to raise and appropriate the sum of $75,116.11 for the following purposes:

Town Officers' Salaries $2,900.00 Town Officers' Expenses 2,200.00 Election and Registration Expenses 300.00 Expenses of Town Hall & Other Town Buildings 1,300.00 : :


Employees Retirement and Social Security 1,000.00 Police Department 2,200.00 Fire Department 3,500.00 Damages and Legal Expenses 100.00 Civil Defense 200.00 Health Department 50.00 Vital Statistics 25.00 Town Dump and Garbage Removal 800.00 Highways and Bridges Oil and Solvay 10,000 00 Town Maintenance — Summer 8,000.00 *Town Maintenance — Winter * 21,000.00 Street Lighting 2,600.00 General Expense of Highway Department 900.00 Town Road Aid 1,171.11 Libraries 1,500.00 Town Poor 1,000.00 Memorial Day and Veterans' Associations 300.00 Parks and Playgrounds 600.00 Cemeteries 500.00 Advertising and Regional Associations 195.00 Interest On Temporary Loans 600.00 On Long-Term Notes and Bonds 600.00 Christmas Tree Lighting 75.00 Payment of Long-Term Notes 3,500.00 County Taxes 8,000 00

TOTAL $75,116.11 * Includes $1,000.00 for time and one-half rate for overtime labor, by amended motion.

Article 2. To hear and act upon the reports of the Select- men and Town Treasurer, Town Clerk, Overseer of the Poor and reports of all agents. Committees and Officers heretofore chosen and act in any way relating thereto.

Article 2. It was voted to accept the reports of the Town Officers as printed. Clara Seymour was elected to fill the vacancy on the Historical Committee due to the resignation of Mrs. Carrie S. Gray.

Article 3. To see if the Voters will authorize the Select- men and Town Treasurer to borrow money in anticipation of the collection of taxes for the current year, and to issue in the name of the Town negotiable notes therefor, said notes to be 21

repaid during the current year from taxes collected within the current year.

Article 3. It was voted to allow the Selectmen and Town Treasurer to borrow money in anticipation of the collection of taxes for the current year, and to issue in the name of the Town negotiable notes therefor, sad notes to be repaid during the current year from taxes collected within the current year.

Article 4. To see what method the Town will adopt to collect taxes.

Article 4. It was voted that the Town allow a discount of 2% on property taxes if paid within ten days of presentation of bill, or 1% if paid within thirty days and that no discount be allowed after December 1st.

Article 5. To see what action the Town wishes to take regarding overdrafts and unexpended balances.

Article 5. It was voted that the unexpended balances be used to reduce the overdrafts and that the following special appropriations be retained for the purpose that they were esta-

blished : Highway Equipment Fund $3,000.00 Town Map 100.00 Historical Appropriation 341.83 Cleaning Water Holes 29.40 Duncan Fund 937.54

Article 6. To see if the Town will vote to raise and ap- propriate the sum of $2,000.00 to provide for the retirement and replacement of obsolete and worn out equipment in the Highway Department or act in any way relating thereto.

Article 6. It was voted that the Town raise and appro- priate the sum of $2500.00 to provide for the retirement and replacement of obsolete and worn out equipment in the High- way Department.

Article 7. To see if the Town will vote to raise and ap- propriate the sum of $1,000.00 for the purchase of metal cul- vert pipes to replace broken and defective units, or act in any way relating thereto. 22

Article 7. It was voted that the Town raise and appro- priate the sum of $1,000.00 for the purchase of metal culvert pipes to replace broken and defective units.

Article 8. To see if the Town wiSI vote to raise and ap- propriate the sum of $950.00 for fertilizing, tree work, spray- ing and planting trees on the Common in Rindge Center, and also to grade off and seed over the cellar hole of the old school- house in Rindge Center, or to take any other action relating thereto.

Article 8. It was voted that the Town raise and appro- priate the sum of $835.00 for fertilizing, tree work, spraying and planting trees on the Common in Rindge Center: Fertilize trees on Rindge Common $375.00 Tree work on Rindge and West Rindge Commons 160.00 Spraying Trees 75.00 Furnish and plant five Sugar Maple Trees at $45.00 each 225.00


Article 9. To see if the Town will vote to charge the sum of $20.00 for plowing of driveways for the ensuing year (pay- ments to be made on or before December 1 to the Highway Agent), or to take any other action relating thereto.

Article 9. It was voted that the Town charge the sum of $20.00 for the plowing of driveways for the ensuing year, payments to be made on or before December 1st to the High- way Agent.

Article 10. To see if the Town will vote to establish a maximum speed limit of 35 miles per hour for all vehicvles on all Town roads, or take any other action relating thereto.

Article 10 It was voted to postpone indefinitely action on this article.

Article 11. To see if the Town will vote to raise and ap- propriate the sum of $2,000.00 to be combined with monies now being held in the fund for the retirement and replacement of obsolete and worn out equipment, for the purchase of a new truck to replace the one purchased for the Highway Department in T952, or take any other action relating thereto. 23

Article 11. It was voted that the Town raise and appro- priate the sum of $2,000.00, to be combined with monies now being held in the fund for the retirement and replacement of obsolete and worn out equipment, for the purchase of a new truck to replace the one purchased for the Highway Depart- ment in 1952.

Article 12. To see if the Town will vote to raise and ap- propriate the sum of $4,000.00 for the installation of a Fire Signal System for the Town, to be connected with a Red Net- work System, when dial telephones are installed, or act in any way relating thereto.

Article 12. It was voted that the Town raise and appro- priate the sum of $4,000.00 for the installation of a Fire Signal System for the Town, to be connected with a Red Network System when dial telephones are installed.

Article 13. To see if the Town will vote to accept as a town road the so-called Kimball Road, beginning at the Bower Hill Road and extending along the west side of Pearly Lake as now established. (By Petition)

Article 13. A motion to accept the provisions of this Article was defeated.

Article 14. To see if the Town will vote to raise and ap- propriate the sum of $300.00 to resurface and tar the area in front of the Church and Town Hall building, or take any other action relating thereto.

Article 14. It was voted to raise and appropriate the sum of $300.00 to re-surface and tar the area in front of the Church and Town Hall Building.

Article 15. To see if the Town will vote to raise and ap- propriate the sum of $300.00 for the purpose of widening the road in front of the Library to relieve a traffic hazard, or act in any way relating thereto.

Article 15. A motion to raise and appropriate the sum of $300.00 for the purpose of widening the road in front of the Library to relieve a traffic hazard was presented.

An Amendment was made that the road be laid out beside the wall, south of the Library. The Amendment and the Motion as amended were voted in the affirmative. :


Article 16. To take up any matters that may properly come before this meeting.

Article 16. The following Resolution was Introduced and passed by a majority vote

Be it Resolved, that the Selectmen draft specification to be complied with, in the construction of any road, by an in- dividual or individuals, before it can be presented for accept- ance by the Town.

These specfications to be presented at the next Town Meeting for acceptance or rejection. A Resolution that the Town continue the practice of closing the Town Dumps during the summer season for the purpose of eliminating fire hazards, in the same manner and subject to the same regulations as have been in force previ- ously, was also passed by a majority vote.

Article 17. To see if the Town will vote to adopt the following zoning ordinances, as resolved at the previous An- nual Town Meeting.

Article 17. A motion was presented that the Town vote to adopt the Zoning Ordinances as printed in the Annual Re- port for 1960.

Moderator James F. Allen was requested to explain the Zoning Ordinances. Moderator Allen relinquished his chair to Assist Moderator, Russell E. White, and answered questions regarding the subject.

An amendment to take up each section at a time was lost. The vote on the original motion was by ballot as follows:

Number of votes cast : 113 Yes — 80 No — 33 The Moderator declared the Zoning Ordinances accepted as printed in the Annual Report for 1960.

The Meeting adjourned at 9 : 55 P.M. Given under our hands and seal this twenty-seventh day of February in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and sixty-one.

RALPH L. HOYT, SR. CARLTON D. SWIFT Selectmen of Rindge :





From State: Interest and Divdends Tax $3,500.00 $4,275.31 $4,000.00 Railroad Tax 35.00 34.10 30.00 Savings Bank Tax 0.43 Reimbursement a/c State and Federal forest lands 150.00 168.60 150.00 For Fighting Forest Fires 8.76 35.49 10.00

From Local Sources Except Taxes Dog Licenses 350.00 568.50 500.00 Business Licenses, Permits and Filing Fee 50.00 63.00 50.00 Rent of Town Hall 53.00 Interest Received on Taxes and Deposits 500.00 682.97 500.00 Income from Trust Funds 4,984.72 5,947.11 5,193.40 :


REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE PREVIOUS PREVIOUS ENSUING YEAR 1961 YEAR 1961 YEAR 1962 Income from Highway Department 1,000.00 6,710.53 1,000.00 Motor Vehicle Permit Fees 6,000.00 7,766.95 7,000.00 Sale of Town Property 335.00

From Local Taxes Other Than Property Taxes

(a) Poll Taxes - Regular at $2 832.00 806.00 806.00 (b) National Bank Stock Taxes 36.00 36.00 36.00 (c) Yield Taxes 500.00 172.32 150.00

Total Revenues from all Sources Except Property Taxes $17,946.48 $27,655.31 $19,425.40 : : : :



Actual Estimated Appropriations Expenditures Expenditures Previous Previous Ensuing Year 1961 Year 1961 Year 1962 General Government Town Officers' Salaries $2,900.00 $2,858.90* $3,000.00 Town Officers' Expenses 2,200.00 2,238.62* 2,300.00 Election and Registration Expenses 300.00 134.50* 400.00 Expenses Town Hall and Other Town Buildings 1,300.00 1,454.80* 1,400.00 Employees' Retirement and Social Security 1,000.00 1,064.67 1,100.00

Protection of Persons and Property Police Department 2,200.00 2,325.66* 2,200.00 Fire Department 3,500.00 3,411.89 3,500.00 Damages and Legal Expenses 100.00 125.00 Civil Defense 200.00 15.00 100.00

Health Health Department 50.00 50.00 Vital Statistics 25.00 22.78* 25.00 Town Dumps 800.00 774.89 800.00

Highways and Bridges Town Maintenance— Summer 8,000.00 10,662.10 8,000.00 Town Maintenance—Winter 21,000.00 24,926.31 21,000.00 Oil and Solvay 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 Street Lighting 2,600.00 2,645.76 2,600.00 General Expense of Highway Department 900.00 1,075.56 1,100.00 Town Road Aid 1,171.11 1,171.11 1,140.48

Libraries: 1,500.00 1,605.00 1,500.00

Public Welfare: 1,000.00 900.00 1,000.00 : : :


Actual Estimated Appropriations Expenditures Expenditures Previous Previous Ensuing Year 1961 Year 1961 Year 1962

Memorial Day: 300.00 261.77 300.00

Parks and Playgrounds: 600.00 585.42 600.00

Public Service Enterprises Cemeteries 500.00 1,067.54* 500.00 Regional Association 195.00 378.00 203.00

Interest On Temporary Loans 600.00 498.42 600.00 On Long Term Notes and Bonds 600.00 512.52 450.00

Christmas Tree Lighting: 75.00 57.61* 75.00

Payment on Principal of Debt Long-Term Notes 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00

County Taxes: 8,000.00 9,308.66 10,000.00

Total Expenditures $75,116.11 $83,457.49* 77,568.48

* Includes F.O.A.B. Deductions 29


Description of Property Valuation

Lands and Buildings $1,957,385.00 House Trailers (10) 10,200.00 Factory Buildings Including Land and Machinery 7,200.00 Electric Plants 140,100.00 Mature Wood and Timber 450.00 Stock in Trade 11,750.00 Boats and Launches (28) 7,250.00 Horses (14) 925.00 Cows (133) 11,285.00 Other Neat Stock (11) 550.00 Fowls (4,500) 2,200.00 Gasohne Pumps and Tanks 4,125.00 Road Building and Construction Machnery 3,500.00 Wood, Lumber, Logs, etc. 50.00

Total Gross Valuation Before Exemptions Allowed $2,156,970.00

Less: Veterans' and Charitable Exemptions 120,000.00

Net Valuation on which Tax Rate is Computed $2,036,970.00 Electric and Gas Utility Companies New England Power Company $ 80,100.00 New Hampshire Electric Company 60,000.00

Total $140,100.00 30

Amount of property valuation exempted to veterans $86,200.00 Amount of property valuation exempted to charitable institutions $33,800.00 Number of inventories distributed 951 Number of inventories returned 660 Number of veterans who received property exemption 88 Number of veterans exempted from poll tax 110

This is to certify that the information contained in this report was taken from official records and is complete to the best of our knowledge and belief.




Selectmen of Rindge 31


Appropriations Amount

Town Officers Salaries $2,900.00 Town Officers Expenses 2,200.00 Election and Registration Expenses 300.00 Town Hall and Buildings Maintenance 1,300.00 Social Security and Retirement Contributions 1,000.00 Police Department 2,200.00 Fire Department 3,500.00 Special Appropriation for Fire Alarm System 4,000 00 Blister Rust 835.00 Damages and Legal Expenses 100.00 Civilian Defense 200.00 Health Department 50.00 Vital Statistics 25.00 Dump Maintenance 800.00 Town Road Aid 1,171.11 Town Maintenance (Summer $8,000) (Winter $21,000) (Oil and Solvay $10,000) 39,000.00 Street Lighting 2,600.00 General Expenses of Highway Department 900.00 Libraries 1,500.00 Town Poor 1,000.00 Memorial Day 300.00 Parks and Playgrounds 600.00 Cemeteries 500.00 Advertising and Regional Associations 195.00 Special Appropriation for Parking Area for Library 300.00 Special Appropriation to Re-surface Area for Church and Town Hall 300.00 Special Appropriation for New Truck 2,000.00 Special Appropriation for Metal Culverts 1,000.00 Christmas Tree Lighting 75.00 New Equipment 2,500.00 32

Payment on Debt (Principal $3,500) (Interest $600) 4,100.00 Interest on Temporary Loans 600.00 County Tax 9,308.66 School Tax 79,123.43

Total Town, County and School Appropriations $166,483.20

Less : Estimated Revenues and Credits Interest and Dividends Tax $4,275.31 Railroad Tax 35.00 Reimbursement a/c State and Federal Lands 150.00 Reimbursement a/c Forest Fires 8.76 Revenue from Yield Tax Sources 200.00 Interest Received on Taxes and Deposits 500.00 Business Licenses, Permits and Filing Fees 50.00 Dog Licenses 350.00 Motor Vehicle Permit Fees 6,000.00 Rent of Town Property and Equipment 1,000.00 Income from Trust Funds 4,984.72 National Bank Stock Taxes 36.00 Poll Taxes at $2.00 (number 440) 880.00

Revenues and Credits $ 18,469.79

$148,013.41 Plus Overlay 4,759.34

Amount to be raised by property taxes $152,772.75

TAXES TO BE COMMITTED TO COLLECTOR Property Taxes $152,772.75 Poll Taxes at $2.00 880.00 National Bank Stock Taxes 36.00

Total Taxes to be committed $153,688.75 Town Tax Rate — Approved by Tax Commission $7.50 :



For Year ending December 31, 1961

We believe that the seriousness of fires has been decreased considerably by better training and better equipment, together with Mutual Aid co-operation. More men have taken fire fight- ing training at school this year, and we hope that this will in- crease each year.

Home owners compliance with fire safety rules has also contributed to a low fire loss.

Record of fire calls House fire calls 9

Houses lost 1 Chimney fire calls 3 Mutual Aid calls 2 Automobile and other equipment calls 2 Dump fires 5 Forest and grass calls 3 Controlled fires — burning grass for owners 5 Cellars pumped for protection 3


Truck, tank and pumper 1

Truck, pumper ]

Truck, forest fires 1 Portable pumps 4 Scott Air Packs (breathing apparatus) 2 Foam equipment Generator and hghting equipment Submersible Sump pump Resusitator Radios, 2 mobile, 2 portable o r^ CD CD CD 00 CD CD ^ CO r~« LO ^ ^ ifi CO CD LO LO O CD (N 1—i (N ^^

o 00 o O O O O CM rH O CO 00 T-H 00 lO !> o q q (N T-H q CM LO ^ a) c u T-H CN LO CO d LO 6 CN LO d 00 '^ 0) c a o '^ CO CD CO O (30 lO (M O CO tH

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CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the information contained in this report was taken from official records and is complete to the best of our knowledge and belief.

January 27, 1962



ASSETS Cash $21,566.03

Accounts Due to the Town : —

Due from State (b) Bounties 35.00

Other bills due Town (a) Trustees of Trust Funds — Electric Light Fund Income 5,193.40

Unredeemed taxes: (from tax sale on account of) (c) Levy of 1959 10.92 (d) Previous Years 158.40 : : : ;


Uncollected Taxes (a) Levy of 1961 24,091.20 (b) Levy of 1960 59.57 (e) State Head Taxes — Levy of 1961 770.00

TOTAL ASSETS $51,884.52

Excess of liabilities over assets (Net Debt) 13,770.76

GRAND TOTAL $65,655.28

Net Debt — December 31, 1960 $17,023.43 Net Debt — December 31, 1961 13,770.76

Decrease of Debt $ 3,252.67

LIABILITIES Accounts Owed by the Town

Unexpended Balances of Special Appropriations: Town Map $ 100.00 Historical Appropriation 341.83 Cleaning Water Holes 29.40 Highway Equipment Fund 169.80 Library Parking Area 82.90 Fire Alarm System 1,681.11

Due to State (a) State Head Taxes — 1961 (Uncollected $770.00) 770.00 (b) Yield Taxe — Bond & Debt Retirement (Uncollected $121.55) (Collected — not remitted to State Treas. $28.72) 151.27

Due to School Districts: Balance of Appropriation 48,000.00 Rindge Federal Tax Fund 328.97 Bonds Outstanding Fire Truck — 4 notes maturing 1962, 1963, 1964 and 1965 6,000.00 Hough Loader — 4 notes maturing 1962, 1963, 1964 and 1965 8,000.00

TOTAL LIABILITIES $65,655.28 . : :


RECEIPTS Current Revenue From Local Taxes: (Collected and remitted to Treasurer) 1 Property Taxes — Current Year 1961 $127,659.91 2. Poll Taxes — Current Year 1961 614.00 3. National Bank Stock Taxes — 1961 36.00 4. Yield Taxes — 1961 164.63 5. State Head Taxes at $5 — 1961 1,945.00 6. Total Current Year's Taxes collected and remitted $130,419.54 7. Property Taxes and Yield Taxes — Previous Years 21,653.89 8. Poll Taxes — Previous Years 192.00 9. State Head Taxes at $5 — Previous Years 615.00 10. Interest received on Taxes 682.97 11. Penalties on State Head Taxes 65.50 12. Tax sales redeemed 876.39

From State 13. For Highways and Bridges: (b) For Class V Highvs^ay maintenance 2,119.94 14. Interest and dividends tax 4,275.31 15. Railroad Tax 34.10 16. Savings Bank Tax and Building and Loan Assoc. Tax 0.43 17. Reimbursement a/c State and Federal forest lands 168.60 21. Fighting forest fires 35.49 Reimbursement a/c Head Tax Expenses 11.56 24. Bounties 71.50

From Local Sources, Except Taxes: 26. Dog Licenses 568.50 27. Business licenses, permits and filing fees 63.00 29. Rent of tow^n property 53.00 31. Income from trust funds 5,947.11 32. Income from departments 7,425.33 35. Motor vehicles permits (1960— $116.38) (1961— $7,307.72)

( 1962— $342.85) 7,766.95

Total Current Revenue Receipts $183,046.11 : : : : :


Receipts Other than Current Revenue 36. Temporary loans in anticipation of taxes during year $65,000.00 40. Refunds 700.00 44. Sale of town property 25.00 47. Yield Tax Bond 163.20

Total Receipts Other than Current Revenue $65,888.20

Total Receipts from All Sources 248,934.31 Cash on hand January 1, 1961 29,100.71

Grand Total $278,035.02

PAYMENTS Current Maintenance Expenses

General Government

1. Town officers' salaries $2,548.12 2. Town officers' expenses 2,232.47 3. Election & registration expenses 131.18 5. Expenses town hall and other town buildings 1,447.30

Protection of Persons and Property 6. Police department 2,277.01 8. Fire department, including forest fires 3,411.89 13. Civil Defense 15.00 14. Bounties 61.50

Health 16. Vital statistics 22.34 Cash Advance — Dump Account 100.00 18. Town dumps 774.89

Highways and Bridges: Cash Advance— Highway Acct. 500.00 19. Town Road Aid 1,171.11 20. Town Maintenance (Summer— $10,662.10) (Winter— $24,926.31) (Oil & Solvay-$ 10,000.00) 45,588.41 21. Street lighting 2,645.76 22. General Expenses of Highway Department 1,075.56 : : : : : : : :


Libraries 23. Libraries 1,605.00

Public Welfare 25. Town Poor 900.00

Patriotic Purposes 27. Memorial Day 261.77

Recreation 29. Parks and playgrounds 585.42

Public Service Enterprises 31. Cemeteries 906.98

Unclassified 34. Advertising and Regional Associations $ 378.00 35. Taxes bought by town 1,898.79 36. Discounts, Abatements and Refunds 41.99 37. Employees' Retirement and Social Security 1,064.67 Internal Revenue Service 351.91

Total Current Maintenance Expenses $71,997.07

Interest 38. Paid on temporary loans in anticipation of taxes 498.42 40. Paid on bonded debt 512.52

Total Interest Payments $1,010.94

Outlay for New Construction, Equipment and Permanent Improvements Duncan Fund $3,043.25 Library Parking Area 217.10 Town Hall Paving 294.25 New Truck 7,330.20 Private Work 3,251.92 Old Cemetery 262.60 Metal Culverts 1,001.98 Christmas Tree Lighting 56.64 Timber Tax Bonds 231.00 Tree Appropriation 835.00 Fire Alarm System 2,318.68 Robbins Road Cemetery 132.25

Total Outlay Payments $18,974.87 : :



5 1 . Payments on temporary loans in anticipation of taxes $65,000.00 53. Payments on bonded debt 3,500.00

Total Indebtedness Payments $68,500.00

Payments to Other Governmental Divisions 56. State Head Taxes paid State Treas. (1961 Taxes— $1,691.00) (Prior Years— $670.00) $2,361.00 57. Payment to State a/c Yield Debt Retirement 193.02 58. Taxes paid to County 9,308.66 60. Payments to School Districts (1960 Tax— $53,000.00) (1961 Tax— $31,123.43) 84,123.43

Total Payments to Other Governmental Divisions $95,986.11

Total Payments for all Purposes $256,468.99 Cash on hand December 31, 1961 21,566.03

Grand Total $278,035.02 42


Description Value

1. Town Hall, Lands and Buildings $10,000.00 Furniture and Equipment 2,000.00 2. Libraries, Lands and Buildings 10,000.00 Furniture and Equipment 3,000.00 3. Police Department — Equipment 300.00 4. Fire Department, Lands and Buildings 12,000.00 Equipment 18,300.00 5. Highway Department, Lands and Buildings 3,500.00 Equipment 20,000.00 Materials and Supplies 500.00 6. Parks, Commons and Playgrounds 2,000.00 9. Schools, Lands and Buildings 97,000.00 Equipment 3,000.00

Total $185,850.00


We have examined the accounts and records of the Select- men, Treasurer, Town Clerk, Overseer of Poor, Collector of Taxes, Highway Agent, Library Trustees, and Trustees of Trust Funds of the Town of Rindge and have found them to be cor- rectly cast and well vouched.

WALTER A. CLEVELAND CHARLES H. RICE, JR. Auditors Februarys, 1962 43



Town Officers' Salaries Harold E. Savage, Selectman $460.50 Gunnar R. Anderson, Selectman 438.50 Ralph L. Hoyt, Sr., Selectman 351.00 Carlton D. Swift, Selectman (by appointment) 30.00 Alice H. Converse, Trustee 78.00 Ralph H. Pangborn, Auditor 28.00 Donald A. Preble, Auditor 25.00 Roland C. Goddard, Town Clerk and Town Treasurer ($225 withholding tax included in above amount) 1,024.40 Florence E. Stebbins, Tax Collector and Overseer of Public Welfare 423.50


Town Officers' Expenses Harold E. Savage, Selectman $ 76.18 Gunnar R. Anderson, Selectman 100.16 Ralph L. Hoyt, Sr., Selectman 34.82 Carlton D. Swift, Selectman 6.00 Roland C. Goddard, Town Treasurer and Town Clerk 62.95 Florence E. Stebbins, Tax Collector and Overseer of Public Welfare 91.50 Adams Printing Corp., annual reports and printed forms 862.00 Assoc, of N. H. Assessors, dues 3.00 W. E. Aubuchon Co., suppUes 3.79 Esther G. Bennett, Ust 0.50 Branham Publishing Co., book 7.00 Helen R. Burt, box rent and postage 64.80 D. Reed Chaplin, Register 68.78 44

Chase's, supplies 34.58 Evans Printing Co., maps 9.20 Edith S. Fitzgerald, insurance and surety bonds 305.60 Monadnock National Bank, box rent 5.00 N. H. City & Town Clerks' Assoc., dues 3.00 N. H. Dept. of Agriculture, inspec. town scales 5.00 N. H., State Treasurer, book and signs 66.00 N. H. Tax Collectors Assoc, dues 3.00 Barbara P. Rice, bookkeeper and supplies 262.40 Sargent Brothers, printed forms 30.65 Perry B. Thrasher, Sealer of Weights & Measeures 71.50 Wheeler & Clark, supplies 22.85 Winchendon Courier, notices 28.36 Winchendon Flower Shop, flowers 10.00


Election and Registrations James F. Allen, Moderator $ 13.00 William Bryant, Ballot Inspector 12.00 Willard E. Gray, Supervisor 17.00 Walter D. Hood, Ballot Inspector 12.00 Elwdn C. Jewell, Ballot Inspector 12.00 Ralph H. Pangborn, Ballot Inspector 12.00 Transcript Printing Co., ballots 24.00 Amy G. White, Supervisor 28.50 Russell E. White, Assistant Moderator 4.00


Town Hall Aborn Chemical Industries, supplies $ 49.75 Gunnar R. Anderson, supplies 4.17 W. E. Aubuchon Co., shovel 3.98 Bibeau's Hardware Co., supplies 4.58 M. S. Danforth, service on heater 14.25

J. H. Davenport & Son, fuel oil 530.63 Roland C. Goddard, town clock 50.00 Lauder Electric Co., labor and supplies 6.60 Letourneau Insurance Agency 64.60 N. H. Electric Co., electric current 214.17 O'Donnell's, supplies 14.40 Ralph H. Pangborn, supplies 7.00 Konsta Penttila, service 200.00 :


Rindge Congregational Church Adjustment year 1961 134.47

1/2 cost of thawing pipes 126.20 Rindge Fire Department, extinguisher 30.00


Police Department Ernest L. Goodall, Chief $1,019.15 John B. Crosby, Jr., Constable 182.64 Raymond A. Hoyt, Constable 447.98 LesHe G. Coffin, Jr. 48.59 F. C. Dumaine, Special Police 268.94 Sidney R. Flagg, Special Police 53.13 David W. Scott, Special Police and Dog Officer 173.76 David K. Welch, Special Pohce 27.82 Evans Radio, Inc., parts 19.95 Jennison's Photo Shop, films 23.90 Leeman's Red & White Store, supplies 1.80 N. H. Fire & Safety Equip. Co., supplies 45.00 Winchendon Courier, forms 13.00


Fire Department Eh Belletete & Sons, supplies $ 4.07 James A. Coffin, supphes 506.24 W. W. Cross & Co., supplies 4.76 M. S. Danforth, service on heater 12.50 Empire Electrical Co., supplies 55.00 Edith S. Fitzgerald, insurance 272.16 N. R. Fogg & Son, fuel oil and supplies 235.13 Freddie's Jenney Service, supplies 35.13 Roland C. Goddard, insurance 385.62 Hope Rubber Co., supplies 747.00 Ralph L. Hoyt, service 36.56 Keene Two-Way Radio Service, service and supplies 28.60 Kennedy & Lovell, supphes .80 N. E. Telephone & Telegraph Co., phone 156.35 N. H. Electric Co., electric current 116.36 N. H. Fire & Safety Equip. Co., supplies 7.40 Konsta Penttila, supplies 1.50 Rindge Fire Co., firemen's salaries 280.00 Rindge Fire Co., payment of work tickets 325.50 Sherwin-Williams Co., paint 2.54 46

Southwestern N. H. Fire Mutual Aid, dues 6.00 Russell E. White, supplies 8.90 Harold E. Savage, Forest Fire Account: 183.77

March Training Meeting $ 33.55 Dumaine Place 5/1 11.20 Camp Monomonoc 7/1 17.24 Bush HiU 7/25 10.10 Perley Lake 8/13 3.18 Permits Issued — service 8.50

$ 83.77 Refund to Treasurer $100.00 $3,411.89

Civil Defense N. H., State Treasurer, supplies $15.00

Bounties Ralph L. Hoyt, Sr. $33.50 Harold E. Savage 28.00


Vital Statistics Chase's, supphes $ 8.28 Roland C. Goddard, permits 14.50


Care of Dumps

John B. Crosby, Jr. , orders $774.89

Highway Department Summer $10,662.10 Winter 24,926.31 Oil and Solvay 10,000.00 T. R. A. Appropriation 1,171.11


General Expenses of Highway Deparment Edith S. Fitzgerald, insurance $929.57 Letourneau Insurance Agency 139.44 N. H., State Treasurer, sign and post 6.55

$1,075.56 47

Street Lighting N. H. Electric Company $2,645.76

Libraries Ingalls Memorial Library $1,605.00

Public Welfare Florence E. Stebbins, Overseer $900.00

Memorial Day Eagle Flag Co., flags $ 22.05 Walter Hood, refreshments 18.50 Jaffrey American Legion Band, music 125.00 Kennedy & Lovell, refreshments 38.72 Winchendon Flower Shop, plants & wreaths 57.50


Parks and Playgrounds John B. Crosby, Jr., orders $585.42 Cemeteries EUe Belletete & Sons, supplies $ 2.75 Bibeau's Hardware Co., supplies 8.37 Donald Cramb, service 10.80 Freddie's Jenney Service, gas and oil 20.04 H. Gilmore & Co., seed and fertihzer 7.60 Goodnow's Shopping Center, supplies 9.30 George Hawkins, service 9.45

J. B. McGregor, mower 150.00 Paul Michaud, service 160.73 Russell M. Raymond, service 688.50


Advertising and Regional Associations Monadnock Region Association, 1960 and 1961 $378.00

Taxes Bought by the Town Florence E. Stebbins, Tax Collector $1,898.79

Abatements and Refunds Herbert E. Armstrong, abatement of taxes $ 7.50 Ethel Cowles, abatement of taxes 15.00 Stuart G. Leonard, interest on payment 2.52 Leon Paul, refund on timber tax bond 7.20 Harold E. Savage, overpayment of auto tax 4.77 Meda A. Wellington, overpayment of settee 5.00

$41.99 48

Rindge Federal Tax Fund Rindge Federal Tax Fund $1,060.43 N. H. Dept. of Public Welfare 4.24


Christmas Tree Lighting N. H. Electric Co., electric current $25.31 Ralph H. Pangborn, service and supplies 32.30


Interest on Temporary Loans First National Bank of Boston $498.42

Interest — Bonds and Notes Ashuelot-Citizens National Bank: Interest on Fire Truck Notes $210.88 Ingalls Memorial Library 50.00 Monadnock National Bank: Interest on Hough Loader 251.64


Temporary Loans in Anticipation of Taxes First National Bank of Boston $65,000.00

Payments on Principal Debt Bonds Ashuelot-Citizens National Bank, fire truck note $1,500.00 Monadnock National Bank, Hough Loader 2,000.00


State of New Hampshire Head Tax Treasurer, State of New Hampshire $2,361.00

2% Bond and Debt Retirement Tax Treasurer, State of New Hampshire $193.02

School District Florence E. Stebbins, Treasurer: Balance 1960-61 Budget $53,000.00 Payment 1961-62 Budget 31,123.43

$84,123.43 49

, County Tax Treasurer, County of Cheshire $9,308.66

Cash Advances Highway Department $500.00 Dump Account 100.00


Internal Revenue Service I. R. S. $351.91

Timber Tax Bonds Florence E. Stebbins, Tax Collector ^231.00

Old Cemetery

John B. Crosby, Jr., orders $262.60

Private Work

John B. Crosby, Jr., orders $3,251.92

Duncan Fund

John B. Crosby, Jr., orders $3,043.25

Robbins Road Cemetery Myron A. Tenney, service $132.25


John B. Crosby, Jr., orders $1,001.98

Tree Service Chase Tree Service $835.00

New Truck R. C. Hazelton Co., rake with blade $735.00 J. B. McGregor, plate and welding 135.00 N. H. Explosives & Machinery Co., frame hitch 498.20 Earl R. Porter, Inc., International truck 5,962.00

$7,330.20 : :


Fire Signal System Falcon Alarm Co., supplies $1,490.50 Gould Industrial Supply, compressor 809.00 Law Motor Freight, transportation 12.39 Paul Tetreault, service 7.00


Town Hall Paving John B. Crosby, Jr., orders $294.25

Library Parking Area John B. Crosby, Jr., orders $217.10

REPORT OF TOWN CLERK For Year Ending December 31, 1961 Receipts Dog Licenses 25 females at $5.00 $125.00 97 males at $2.00 194.00 38 spayed females at $2.00 76.00 9 kennels of 5 dogs 108.00 2 kennels of 10 dogs 40.00 2 males — pro rata 1.00 49 penalties at 50^ 24.50

$568.50 Nomination fees $ 18.00 5 Histories of Rindge 30.00 Automobile permits for 1960 116.38 Automobile permits for 1961 7,307.72 Automobile permits for 1962 342.85


$8,383.45 Paid to Town Treasurer $8,383.45

Respectfully submitted, ROLAND C. GODDARD Town Clerk : : :


REPORT OF TAX COLLECTOR Property, Poll and Yield Taxes

Levy 1961 DR.

Taxes Committed to Collector : Property Taxes $152,772.96 Poll Taxes 880.00 National Bank Stock 36.00

' Total Warrant $153,688.96 Yield Taxes 303.51 Added Taxes Property Taxes 573.75 Poll Taxes 24.00 Interest Collected 1.79

Total Debit $154,592.01

CR. Remittances to Treasurer Property Taxes $127,659.91 Poll Taxes 614.00 National Bank Stock 36.00 Yield Taxes 164.63 Interest Collected 1.79 Discount Allowed 1,718.48 Abatements 306.00

Uncollected Taxes — as per Collector's List Property Taxes 23,696.32 Poll Taxes 256.00 Yield Taxes 138.88

Total Credits $154,592.01 : : :


Levy 1960 DR.

Uncollected Taxes — As of January 1, 1961 Property Taxes $21,765.20 Poll Taxes 236.00 Yield Taxes 67.26

$22,068.46 Interest Collected During Fiscal Year ended December 31, 1961 681.18 Added Taxes Poll Taxes 2.00 Poll Taxes — refunds on abatements 4.00

Total Debits $22,755.64


Remittances to Treasurer During Fiscal Year ended December 31, 1961 Property Taxes $21,646.20 Poll Taxes 192.00 Interest Collected During Year 681.18 Yield Taxes 7.69 Abatements Made During Year Property Taxes 119.00 Poll Taxes 50.00 Uncollected Yield Taxes 59.57

Total Credits $22,755.64

Redemptions Collected and Paid to Treasurer During 1961: Property Taxes $785.13 Interest and Costs 91.26


Respectfully submitted, FLORENCE E. STEBBINS Tax Collector : :



Levy 1961 DR.

State Head Taxes Committed to Collector Original Warrant $2,715.00 Added Taxes 70.00

Total Commitment $2,785.00 Penalties Collected 5.50

Total Debits $2,790.50 CR. Remittances to Treasurer Head Taxes $1,945.00 Penalties 5.50

$1,950.50 Abatements 70.00 Uncollected Head Taxes 770.00


Levy 1960 DR.

Uncollected Taxes as of January 1, 1961 Head Taxes $735.00 Penalties Collected 60.00 Refund on Abatements 10.00

$805.00 CR.

Remittances to Treasurer During 1961 Head Taxes $615.00 Penalties 60.00 Abatements 130.00


Respectfully submitted, FLORENCE E. STEBBINS Tax Collector : : :


REPORT OF TOWN TREASURER For Year Ended December 31, 1961

Cash on Hand, January 1, 1961 $29,100.71 RECEIPTS State Treasurer Railroad Tax $ 34.10 Forest Fires 35.49 Interest and Didivend Tax 4,275.31 Savings Bank Tax 0.43 Porcupine Bounties 71.50 Maintenance, Class V Highway 2,119.94 Head Tax Expense Reimbursement 11.56 Loss of Taxes — State Forest Reserve Land 168.60

$6,716.93 Selectmen Business Licenses $ 28.00 Dance Permits 13.00 Firearms Permits 3.00 License to Sell Firearms 1.00 Settees 335.00 Rent of Town Hall 53.00


Perry B. Thrasher — weighing fees $71.50

Tax Collector Taxes Rereemed $ 876.39 1960 Property Taxes 21,646.20 1961 Property Taxes 127,659.91 1960 PoU Taxes 192.00 1961 Poll Taxes 614.00 1960 Head Taxes 615.00 1960 Head Tax Penalties 60.00 1961 Head Taxes 1,945.00 1961 Head Tax Penalties 5.50 1960 Yield Taxes 7.69 1961 Yield Taxes 164.63 RESIDENT VALUATION





c Description and Value' of o in o NAME Real and Personal _ X o u _ Estate Q. < 2^ ^

Abbey, George F and Homestead 5500 1 5500 412.50

Eileen B. 1 male dog 1

Allen, Hazel B Homestead 2600 1 2600 195.00

1 male dog

Allen, William T. Sol. Cottage #8 1 lots 1 -8

BIk E W Lake C 2500 1 1500 1 12.50 (Exempt $1 000) 2 female dogs 6 male dogs

Allen, E. Beryl 1

Amenta, Emanuel Camp Damon land 200 1 1700 127.50

and Josephine E Homestead 1 500 1

Anderson, August P. Homestead 1200 1 9 1200 90.00

and Roberta M 1

Anderson, Gunnar R Homestead 4000 1 16 4250 318.75 Hasting's land 250

1 male dog

Anderson, Evelyn G 1

) Anderson, James J Homestead 5500 1 6 1/:

1 male dog

and Rachel L 1/2 Me tea If Dam site 125 1 1 1/2 Page Meadow & lot; 155 122 1/2 Bowers(Adams) land 50 20 1/2 Bowers (Stearns) land 85 34 1/2 Bear land 250 100 1/2 Taggert lot 85 33 6250 468.75

Aube,May F Homestead 1800 1 1 1800 135.00

Baldwin, Charles L. Unf. House 800 1 3/4 800 60.00

Baldwin, Laura F. 1

Bal lantine, Ben j. D.Sol Homestead-Camp 3800 1 3900 292.50

and 1 nez and Garage 1

Barker, Beulah T Homestead 1 100 1 1 100 82.50

Barrett, Ernest G Homestead 2200 1 Barrett land 450 45 3250 243.75

Barrett, Edith 1

Bartlett, Marion E 1

Bartlett, Norman E Homestead 1000 1

and Leda G (Exempt $1 000) 1 2 male dogs

Beach, Foster M. and Cottage and 3000 1 3500 262.50

Edith M. Lot ^A (Hanks) 500 1

Bemis, Howard A Homestead 1 1 00 1 7 1 100 ) 825.00

Blair, Everett C.Sr. Homestead 700 1 4 Gordon land 50 2 750 56.25

1 female dog

1 male dog

Blair, Ruth 1

Blair, Everett C.Jr. 1

Blair , Stephen B.Est. and Barbara W.Sol.Wid. Homestead 2200 2200 165.00

Bliss, George L 1 male dog 1

Bliss, Helen L 1

Blouin, Roland E 1

Blouin, Margaret A 1

Booth, Anna 1 c Description and Value of o

NAME Real and Personal __ 0) D D _ X Estate "o < 2

Boudreou, Alfred R.Sr. Sol. Homestead 3 500 1 3

and Dorothy M. Leonard & Jewell land 1 50 1 22 2675 200.63 (Exempt $1000)Taylor lot 25

1 female dog 2 male dogs

Boudreau, Alfred R.Jr. 1

Brodmetrkle 1

Brummer, Edward C Sherwin Hill lot 200 1 17 200 1 5.00

Brummer, Margaret S 1 male dog 1 Bryant, William E Sol. Homestead 2 3 00 3/4 1300 97.50

and Mae E (Exempt $1 000) 1

1 male dog

Burgess, Leona 1

Burgoyne, Leonard G Homestead 100 1 100 7.50

and Priscilla M 1 female dog 1

1 male dog

Burns, William A.Sol. Homestead 800 1

and Leone D. (Exempt $800) 1

1 male dog

Burt, Howard O.Sr. 1/2 Homestead 2 000 1 2650 198.75 Lots 5 & 14 W Lake C 3 Lot 20 BIk L 20 1/2 Broom Shop 400 Stock in trade 2 00

1 male dog

Burt, Helen R 1/2 Homestead 2 000 1 2600 195.00 1/2 Broom Shop 400 Stock in trade 200

Burt, Howard O. Jr. Sol. Homestead & Garage 2 300 1 27 10 203.25 1/2 Farrar Land 400

1 /2 Jai 1 House land 1

1/2 Traxcavator 1 000 (Exempt $1 00 0)

Burt, Shirley L. 1

Burt, Roger P. SoL. Homestead 1800 1

and Barbara C (Exempt $1 000) 1 800 60.00

Bushey,Ora Cottage, Damon Pond 800 1 800 60.00

Buzzell, Charles H. 1

Buzzell,Eva M 1

Carbonneau, Henry N^ol. Homestead, Lots31 ,2,3,4 1 17,18,19,20Blk W 800

1 female dog 2 male dogs

Carney, Ruth M Sol. Homestead 3 000 1 5/16 2025 151 .88 33 X 37 Water & Acqueduct Right 2 5 (Exempt $1 OOQ)

Caron, Robert J.L.Sol. Homestead 2 200 1 1200 90.00

Caron, Elizabeth P (Exempt $1 000) 1

1 male dog

Carpenter, Brooks 1

Carpenter, David C. Jr. Sol. Homestead 3 00 1 1705 3 1278.75

and Carol A. 1 Vehicle 100 2 unf. Cottages, 3 500 Surry Park .

c Description and Value of o "5 NAME Real and Persona _ 0) X o Estate Qu < 1—

1/2 Metcalf Dam site 125 1

1 /2 Page Meadow 155 122 1/2 Bowers (Adams) land 50 20 1/2 Bowers(Stearns)land 85 34 1/2 Bear lot 250 100 1/2 Taggert lot 85 33 Homestead (Sunning Hill) 6000 Webber Cabin & Winchester land 2200 Cottage #1 59 & lots 2500 (Exempt $1 000)

Cassey, Alfred M.Sol. Homestead 2200 1 1250 93.75 Newton land 50

Exempt $1 000) 1 male dog

Cassey,Graziella B. 1 Cathedral of the Pines Trust Homestead Sunny Acres 7400 555.00 and Allen Land 5000 (Exempt $8 000) 1/4 Tenney place 200 Interlaken 8000 Coates land 300 N.A.Hale Land 400 2 Podunk Patch & land 1500 Caton, Florence B.Est. Honestead & Gjrage 2300 5 2300 172.50 Chamberlain, Norman P. Homestead 1800 1800 135.00 and Elizabeth Champney, Elizabeth A Champney, Ernest C. Homestead 1250 6 1250 93.75 Champney, Herbert J.Sol. Homestead 2000 2800 210.00 Garage 1000 L.Leighton place 800 (Exempt $1 00 0)

1 male dog Champney, Helen B.

Chapman, George D 1 female dog Chapman, Shirley A. Charland, Leo Homestead 1600 1600 120.00 Charland,Mary Chase, Arthur P. Homestead 2200 3 2200 165.00 and Elsie M.

Cleaves, Marcia E. Homestead 3200 1 5550 416.25 2/3 Cottage and lot 1400 Hastings land 700 39

Jewell land 1 00 2 Esterbrook lot 150 Cleaves, Walter E. Homestead 3200 4 3200 240.00 and Madeleine M. Cleaves, Mauri ce,E

Cleveland, Richard D.Sol. Homestead 2200 3 1 500 1 1 2.50 and Marion B Peter Jones lot 300 90

Cleveland, Walter A. Homestead 2500 ] 2550 191.25 Bixby lot 50 Cleveland, Mary B

Coates, Wallace B.Jr. Homestead 5200 1 55 5250 393.75

Nathan Hale land 50 1 c Description and Value of o


NAME Real and Personc 1 1^ X o o Estate Q. <

Coffin, Leslie G. Jr. Sol. Homestead 2000 1000 75.00 and Lucille M. Exempt $1 000)

1 male dog Converse, Carl R. Homestead 2200 6 ?900 217.50 Tottenham 100 20

Converse land 600 1 50 Converse, Alice H. Coolidge, Thomas J. Cottage #1 35 & BIdgs. 3200 240.00 E Lake M 3200 Corey, Ann Cormier, Raymond Trailer Home 1700 noo 307.50 and Phyllis E Homestead & Smith land 2400

Courtemanche, Nelson A.Sol . Cottage 500 and Leone (Exempt $500) Cowles, Ethel Homestead"Open Door" 2500 ?500 187.50 and Whitney, Nathalie C Cramb,Dora L. Homestead 2300 ?300 172.50 Cramb, Donald W. Homestead 2800 ?800 210.00 and Judith L.

Crosby, John B.Jr. Homestead & Mill site 1300 1 1300 97.50 Crosby, Charlotte R

Crosby, John B.Sr.Est. Stickney land lot 1 8R7 50 8 745 55.88 Streeter lot 240 80 Johnson lot 45 15 White & Deeth land 225 70 Bradford pasture 100 18 C.C.Converse land 30 8 Allen Meadow 15 3 Bear & Symond Meadow 15 3 Foster lot 25 5 Cutler, Frank L Homestead 2000 >000 150.00 and Helen V.

and Charles 1 .Cutler Dahlgren, John L Homestead 2200 37 ?200 165.00 2 male dogs Damon, Evelyn M 1 Danforth, Clarence Est. Homestead 2300 45 ?880 216.00 Wilder lot 180 60 Emory & Jones land 400 20

1 Danforth, Everett E. Buzzell mowing 7b 1 975 148.13

2 1 Cows 1900 Danforth, Marshall S.Sol. Homestead 2200 70 ?600 195.00 Shop 500 Mill & Machinery 600 Stock in trade 300 (Exempt $1 000)

1 male dog Danforth, June 1 Davard's Inc. Davard's Manor & Lowe Place 16000 200 6000 1200.00

1 Davis, Richard D.Sol. Homestead 2400 1 400 105.00 (Exempt $1 000) Davis, Rosealma 1

1 Davis, William 1 Horse- 1 female dog 50 50 3.75 Description and Value of NAME Real and Personal Estate ^> Davis, Hope Day, Minor Homestead 800 800 60.00 Dehlinger,Hans Delaney, Caroline M. Despres, David A.Sol. Despres, Kathleen T. Dickinson, Thomas S. Donaway, Donald A.

Donaway, Wi I liam Doran, Genevieve Homestead 3000 3000 225.00 and Susan F Dumaine,F .C.3rd Sol. Dunnaine,Millicent L.

Dunchus, Ri chard J. Dunchus, Eleanor A.

Dwyer, Joseph R 1 /2 Homestead 350 350 26.25

1 female dog Dwyer,Edna M, 1/2 Homestead 350 350 26.25 Dyer,Orrin L.Sr.Sol. Eleazer Blake House 3800 ^800 210.00 and Eleanor M. (Exempt Si 00) Dykens, Lloyd G.Sol Camp Damon Pond 400 400 30.00 Dykens, Helen

Dykstra, Richard E. Jr. Sol Homestead 4000 1 10 13350 251 .25 and Shirley A Green Pasture & 59 Cottage 350 Exempt $1 000) 2 female dogs East Rindge Garage Stock in trade 700 700 52.50 Eaton, Herbert Cottage #33 & 6 lots 1200 1200 90.00

1 male dog Faulkner, Thomas B.Sol Homestead & Garage 4100 3300 247.50 and Martha B H.C.Smith land 200 (Exempt $1 000)

Fillback, Armas W . Homestead & Garage 2500 2600 1 95.00 Fillback, Annie L. Stock in trade

1 Vehicle 100

1 male dog Finley, Franklin A.Sol. Finley, Marguerite A

Fish, George C Homestead 1 500 1 500 1 12.50 and Minnie E Fitzgerald, John B Homestead 3700 3700 277 .50

1 male dog Fitzgerald, Nancy

Fitzgerald, Sidney B.Est, 1 /2 Homestead 1 800 72 2550 1 9] .25

1/2 Bean Farm 300 1 20 Gregg Pasture 450 90

Fitzgerald, Edith S. 1 Homestead 1 72 /2 800 2400 1 80.00

Hale land 200 I 8 W.E.Hale land 400 36 Fitzgerald, Ruth . . .

c Description and Value of o

Real and Personal (D NAME X Estate o < D

Flagg, Sidney R. Homestead 1 500 1 1500 1 12.50

and Dorothy G 1 female dog 1

1 male dog

Fogg, Newell R Homestead , Serv . S ta 5000 1 15 1450 D 1087.50

and Annie E. Garage 1000 1 Jewell land 1000 Unf .Garage 1000 Dwelling 2000 5 Gas Pumps-1 6 Tanks 3500 Stock in trade 1000

1 female dog

Fogg, Willis C 1 Ford, Raymond W. Homestead, unf 4500 9 4550 34K25 Ford, Ruth E. Gravel bank 50 10

1 female dog Ford, Richard A.Sol Homestead 1600 1600 120.00

Ford, Cynthia W 1 female dog 1 2 male dogs

Fournier, Geroge 1

Fournier, Marguerite 1

French, Clarence P. Homestead 1200 1 1200 90.00

French, Harriet H. 1 French, George H.Est. Homestead 2000 90 2200 165.00 Part of Bemis land 200 45

French, Hattie 1/4 Tenney-Cutler land 200 200 1 5.00 w/camp

French, Howard L. Homestead 3000 1 135 4750 356.25 and Edith E. Smith lot 50 10

John French farm 1200 1 90 2 male dogs

French, Ronald S. 1 French, William E.Est. Leah Martin lot 100 35 100 7.50

Frisk, Charles E 1

Frisk, Esther O. Homestead 1 100 1 1 3/4 1210 90.75 D.A.Robbins lot 100 20

Robbins lot 10 1

1 male dog Fuller, Eugene A, Homestead 4800 16 4800 360.00 and Enger L. Gagnon, Maurice R.Sol. Cottage-Kennel 200 200 15.00 and Barbara L.Sol. Homestead 1700 Exempt $17 00)

Garland, George W.Sol. Homestead 1700 1 1/3 1280 96.00

and Helen R. Cutter Mill land 100 1 2 1/2 Ot^s Norcross land 100 20 A.M.Wood pasture 80 4 1/2 Hunt land 300 4

1 male Jog Gilmore, Lewis D. Jr. Sol. Homestead & Cottage 3100 24 2250 168.75 Fletcher lot 50 8 Roadside Stand 100 (Exempt $100p)

1 male dog

Gilmore,Mary G. 1

Goddard, Roland C. Homestead 1800 1 40 2050 153.75 1/2 Morgan lot-Lake M z:du c Description and Value of o o NAME Real and Persona _ X o _ o Estate a. < 2^ 1-

Goddard,Anna M. 1 Godden, Edwin J.Sol. Homestead 2000 4 1000 75.00

and Annetta L. (Exempt $1 000) 1

Gooda II, Ernest L. Homestead 2500 1 3/4 2500 187.50

and Olivia J. 1 Gordon, Peter U.Sol. Homestead 2200 3/4 1200 90.00

and Janet B. (Exempt $1 000) 1

1 male dog Graton, Oscar S.Est. Leighton land 100 3 1/2 100 7.50

Graton, Ethel M. 1 Gravel, George Sol.

Gravel, Muriel 1

Gray, Shirley 1 Gray,Willard E.SoL. Homestead 2000 25 1000 75.00 and Carrie S (Exempt $1 00 0) 2 male dogs

Griffin, Anne 1

Hale, Donald A. Homestead 2200 1 2200 165.00

and Martha R 1 Hamlin, Ernest J Camp 100 100 7.50

1 female dog

1 male dog Hammond, Raymond E.Sol. Homestead 2400 1425 106.88

and Alice E. 1/2 2 sq.rd Allen 1 Meadow 25

Harper, Lawrence 1

Harper. Exzelia L. Homestead & Garage 2500 1 2 2600 195.00 Feldman lot 100 6

1 male dog Harrington, Elmer A.Sol. Homestead & Lyon lot 2800 124 2275 170.63 and Mary B. J.B.Robbin's place 250 50 Lowell & Thomas meadow 200 40

W.R.Tucker lot 25 1 (Exempt $1 000) Haskell, Ray F.So. Homestead 1800 3 1800 135.00

Haskell, Yvonne N. 1 male dog 1 Hautenen, Amelia Homestead 5/1 6 750 200 750 56.25

Hautenen,lngrid C 3/ 1 6 Homestead 450 200 450 33.75 and Elmo Miller

Hautenen, John Est. 1 /2 Homestead 1200 200 1200 90.00 Hawkins, George F.Sol Homestead 2400 1400 105.00

and Eleanor M (Exempt $1 000) 1

1 male dog

Hayden, Hazel P. 1 Hayden,Joel B. Jr. Sol.

Hayden, Ruth 1 female dog 1

Hayden, Minnie B. 1

Helie, Edward Francis 1

Helie, Helen H. 1

Hewitt, Merrill W. Homestead 2000 1 18 3600 270.00 '2 and Virginia Unf. House 1600 1

Hi Idreth, Donald W. Trai ler 1 200 1 1 200 90.00

Hill, Hazel S. Homestead 2500 1 2500 187.50

Hill, George 1 Hill, Ira A. Homestead 3000 3000 225.00 .

c Description and Valuei of o

NAME Real and Personal ^™ 0) 1- n 3 X o o Estate < 2^ 1— Hindmarsh, Robert G.Sol.

Hindmarsh,Thera F. 1 Hood, Detroit G.Sol. Homstead 1000

and Anno M (Exempt $1 000) 1

1 male dog Hood, Edna A. Homestead 900 2 900 67.50 Hood, Walter D.Sol Unf .Homestead 1400 400 30.00

and Carol S. (Exempt $1 000) 1 Howard, Gladys Homestead 2300 2300 172.50

1 male dog

Hoyt, Franklin B. 1

Hoyt, James A. Homestead 1200 1 1200 90.00

Hoyt, Mary L. 1 Hoyt, Ralph L.Sr. Homestead 2200 14 2200 165.00 Hoyt, Ralph L. Jr. Sol. Homestead 2400 1400 105.00

and Phyllis T. (Exempt $1 000) 1

1 male dog

Hoyt, Raymond A. Homestead 2200 1 2500 187.50

and Helen L. Damon land 300 1 1 1/2

1 male dog

Hoyt, Wayne D. Homestead 200 1 200 15.00

and Phoebe 1 male dog 1

Hughgi II, George C Homestead 2800 1 160 3200 240.00 Raymond pasture 150 27 Murdock land 150 29

1 male dog

Hughgili, Dolly C. 1

Hughgill, Philip B 1 Cow 50 1 50 3.7 5

Hughgi II, Raymond E. 1

Hughgill, Gloria M, 1

Hughgi II, Alan N. 1

Hughgi II, Robert C. 1

Hunt, Miriam O. Homestead 2000 1 10 2200 165.00 C.A.Todd lot 200 20 Hutchins, Francis G.Sol. Homestead 600 10 (Exempt $600) lnferrera,Paul J. Homestead-unf 2300 1 1 2300 172.50

Inferrera, Clara E 1 male dog 1

Inferrera, Nancy R. 1 James, Frank A. Homestead 1900 2500 187.50 Cottage 600

Jamsa,Fred Homestead 1600 1 6 1600 120.00

1 male dog

Jamsa,Lyyli B. 1 Jewell, Elwin C. Part of Jewell Farm 500 140 930 69.75 Bean & Symonds land 200 Herman & Hale land 125 McColley land 30 10 Stearns lot 25 Jewell, Annie B. Homestead 2300 1/4 2380 178.50 Fletcher lot 30 10 Foster lot 50 13 . 1

c Description and Value of ,o (A NAME Real and Personal _ X o Estate < ^

Johnson, Arthur E Homestead 4500 1 1 7350 551 .25 Letourneau land 1000 3 Schoolhouse-Popple 1300 30 Todd land 300 30 Storage shed (stand) 250

Johnson, Li Mian R. 1 Johnson, Daniel M.Sol. Liberty Jewell place 2500 15 2500 187.50

Johnson, Jacqueline F 1 Johnson, Jasper T.Sol Homestead 1800 800 60.00 and Alfredo A. (Exempt $1000)

1 female dog

1 male dog

Jones, Paul A Homestead 3000 1 150 1245( ) 933.75 Bennett pasture 400 100 McDermott lot 100 25 Fowler land 300 5

1 male dog

Jones, Myrtle P. 1 Kaipainen, Henry Homestead & Garage

and 5 camps 3050 1 18 3050 228.75

Kalliainen, Calvin R Homestead 2200 1 2200 165.00

Kalliainen,Edna 1

Kansanem,Jyry Land adjacent to Pecker 1 3500 262.50 Pond 1500 8 camps & garage & Bath House 2000 Kendall, Winters M.Sol. Homestead 3100 13 2100 157.50

and Alice J. (Exempt $1 00) 1

Kennedy, Perley M. Homestead 1300 1 1700 127.50 and Hazel 6 Bascom & A.W.Stratton land 300 60 Kelley land 100

1 male dog Kennedy, Robert F.Sol. 1/2 Homestead 2100 1700 127.50 and 1/2 Store bidg. Stock in trade 600 (Exempt $1 000) Kenney, Arthur B.Est. Homestead 2700 27 2700 202.50

Keohane, Agatha S 1 Kimball, Lewis W.Est. Homestead 1600 3800 285.00 and Minnie E. Metcalf Farm 1500 lb 1/2 Heselton cottage 700

Kimball, George P. Charlie Hale mowing 200 1 900 67.50 1/2 Hesleton CQfttoge 700

1 male dog King, Fay O. Homestead 1000 6 1200 90.00

and Josephine N. Clark land 200 1 14 KUin, Edwin B.Sol. Homestead &

and Katharine S Wellington land 3500 1 2 2500 187.50 (Exempt $1 00)

Knight, Ainsworth Homestead 2500 1 4 3000 225.00

1/4 Knight Homestead 300 1 50 Bloke land 200 13

Knight, Ainsworth, Jr. 1 10

c Description and Value of o NAME Real and Persona _ o D ^ X Estate o a. < 2:^ ,2 Knight, Delia W.Sol. Trailer Homestead 1500 1950 146.25

1 Cow 50 (Exempt $1 000)

1 male dog Green farm 1400 45 Knight, Arthur L. 1/4 Knight Homestead 300 150 450 33.75 Buzzell lot 150 48

Knight, Isabelle A. Homestead 2000 1 1 2350 176.25

Hastings land 50 1 Lois Cleaves land 50 1/4 Hazel Geddes land 250 63 Knight, Julia A. Knight, Dana L. Homestead 3000 3300 247.50 and Bernice V. Rice land 300 Knotts, Edward J.Sr. Homestead 2800 6 2850 213.75 and Margaret E Lord land 50 Knotts, Edward J. Jr. Koski,John L. LaBarge,Philomena M. LaBarge, Reginald E. Koski, Jenny D. Aube Place 1500 18 3025 226.88 Russell & Tague land 400 28 Albert Smith land 200 50 Burnap pasture 500 90 Willard farm 150 23 Picard place 250 51 Government land 25 3

Lafond^Felix E. Homestead 800 1 800 60.00

and Doris L. 1 male dog

Lafond, Felix A. Trailer home 1600 1 1600 120.00 Lafreniere, Archie L.Sol. Homestead 1300 5 300 22.50 and Katherine M, (Exempt $1 000)

1 male dog

Lafreniere, Walter F 1

Lafreniere, Li Mian B. Homestead 1000 1 1 1 125 84,38 Kemp land 125 2

Lafreniere, Joseph A 1 Lafreniere, Walter F.Jr. (in service) Lagasse, William J.Sol. Lambert, Robert F.Sol. Homestead 2200 2 1675 125.63

and Victoria L. No. mowing & 1 Donley land 225 6 (Exempt $1 000)

1 Male dog

Larochelle,Ardis A. Camp '2 Perley Lake 800 1 800 60.00

1 male dog.

LaRue, R.Benjamin Homestead 6100 1 13 1 100 832.50 Lodge & Cabins- Perley Lake 5000

Lauder, Charles M. Homestead 1800 1 1800 135.00

and Ethel Maris 1 1


c Description and Value of g en o NAME Real and Personal _ X o o Estate Q. < 2^ 1— Lesman, William B.Est. Homestead 2500 3700 277.50 and Maymie L.Sol Store and land 2000 Stock in trade 1200 (Exempt $2000)

1 male dog Lepicier, Raymond L.Sol. Homestead 1250 250 18.75 (Exempt $1000)

Lepicier, Andrew 1 male dog 1

Lepicier, Dorothy 1

LeRocque, Thomas J. Homestead 2300 1 2400 180.00

and Marjorie R. 1 Vehicle 100 1

Letourneau, Archie W.Jr.So 1 . Homestead 2000 1000 75.00

and Lorna J. (Exempt $1 000) 1 Letourneau, Charles H.Sol. Homestead 3000 2700 202.50

and Leona P. Fletcher pasture 600 1 100 Letourneau land No.Rd. 100 1/2 (Exempt $1 000) Letournea^, Harry C.Est. Letourneau land 600 100 600 45.00 Lifton,Earle E.Sol. Homestead 3200 2200 165.00

and Anne M (Exempt $1 000) 1 Lindgren, Uriel G.Sol. Homestead *2 2 & Garag e 1000 75.00

and Helen M. Lot 202-4 2000 1 (Exempt $1 000)

Long^Hjalmar A. 1

Long, Marion M. Homestead 1800 1 10 1800 135.00

1 male dog

Lovell, Walter F 1/2 Homestead ) 2100 1 2700 202.50 1/2 Store bidg) Stock in Trade 600

1 male dog

Lundgren, Robert Homestead 2800 1 3 2800 210.00 2 male dogs 1

Lundgren, Stella 1

Maclnnis,Leo F Homestead 3000 1 4 3700 277.50 Rand cottage 600 1/2 Jones & Hale land 100 20 MacLeod, Basil B. Jr. Sol. Homestead 2200 1200 90.00

and Kay P. (Exempt $1 000) 1

Marcott,Alfred E. 1 /2 Homestead 1200 1 1700 127.50 Stock in trade 500

Marcott, Hazel E. 1 /2 Homestead 1200 1 1200 90.00

Marrotte, Arthur W Homestead & garage 2000 1 2000 150.00

and Jennette M. 1 Martin, Elizabeth J. Homestead 1600 30 1600 120.00

1 male dog Martin, Ulysses S.Sol. Homestead 1800 800 60.00

and Bertha B. (Exempt $1 000) 1

1 male dog Mathewson, David A Jr. Sol. Homestead 1700 700 52.50

and Esther J. (Exempt $1 000) 1

Mattson, Allan B. 1

Mattson,Alvina E. Homestead 1800 1 1800 135.00 Maxwell, Harry C land 50 8 100 7.50 Smith land 50 20 12

c Description and Vol je of _o

NAME Real and Personal _ 2 X o u o ^ Estate CL < 2^ 1° May, Gertrude C. Homestead 2000 2025 151 .88 1/2 2 sq.rd. Allen Meadow 25 Melville, Samuel O Homestead 3500 3500 262.50

and Alice A 1

Merchant, Alfred O. Homestead 300 1 300 22.50

and Elizabeth M 1 male dog Michaud, Jaffrey Sol.

Michaud,Estelle 1 Miller, Edith K. 1/4 Knight homestead 300 150 300 22.50

Moore, John H. Cottage and garage 2000 1 2000 150.00

and Arlene A. 1 Morgan, Alice L. Colby land 400 14 400 30.00

Mori n, Dorothy C. 1

Mori n, Henry J. Cottage & Lot 15-20 1000 1 1000 75.00 M incl.Blk.G

Morris, George L. Homestead 7000 1 14 9050 678.75 4100 Fowl 2050 3 male dogs

Morris, Ruth E. 1

Morton, Harry E. Homestead 1800 1 1800 135.00

and Mabel C. 1 male dog 1

Murphy, Gerald E. Homestead 2100 1 2300 172.50

and Mary L. 2 Vehicles 200 1

Murphy, Hazel C. 1

Musgrave, Howard C.Sol. Homestead 6000 120 1680 ) 1260.00

and Mable C. 7 Cottages 10,000 1 3 lots Perley Lake 800 Musgrave, Mabel C. J.W.Stratton land 300 300 22.50 Nadeau, Wilfred J.Sol. Homestead 3500

and Irne M. Store 4500 1 7600 570.00 Stock in trade 600 • (Exempt $1 000)

1 male dog

Nau It, Grace B. Cottage ^7 1 & garage 4 000 5200 390.00 Marceau sub-division 1000 Shore lot #2 WLC 200 New Hampshire Quaker Bliss House 4000 185 1250 92.75 School Ass'n.lnc. Hayden House 3600 Hindmarsh House 3200 Pigor's Lee House 3500 Cow barn 200 2 Poultry houses 100 Tarbox place 1600 16 Hill land & barn 2500 Wires House 4000 (Exempt $20800 3 male dogs. hdcholson, Aubrey K. Homestead 10,000 1 5 1095 D 821 .25

and Ruth B. Stratton pasture & garage 550 1 10 Gibson land 400

1 male dog

Niemala,Alvah W. Homestead *4 5 & 12 lots 1 2000 150.00

and Barbara J. WocxJmere 2000 1 .


c Description and Value of o

NAME Real and Personal _ X o u 2 — Estate a. < 2^ ^

North Riding, Inc. Timber Top & storage 10,000 1 120 840.00 & flowage rights House Trailer 400 4 Horses 300 6 Cows 450

1 Oxen 50

2 female & 3 male dog:>

O'Connor, Charles G Homestead 2500 1 2500 187.50

and Jacqueline 2 male dogs. 1 Oliver, Arthur C.Est. Homestead 1000 10 1000 75.00

Olson, Michael Unf. House 2400 1 2400 180.00

Olson, Elaine 1

Olson, David 1

Page, Diana W. 1

Page,Leroy Z 2nd 1 Pangborn, John F So. Homestead & land 4000 3000 225.00 (Exempt $1 000)

Pangborn, Dorothy K. 1

Pangborn, Ralph H. 1

Pangborn, Betty S. 1 Pasquale,Rocco. R.Sol Homestead & land 3100 2100 157.50

and Joan D. (Exempt $1 000) 1

1 male dog

Patey, Henry C. 1

Patey, Adelaide W. 1 Peabody, Lawrence Sol. Homestead 2000 1800 135.00

and Berta T. Cutter Orchard 100 1 5 Garland land 200 (Exempt $1 000) Penttila, Konsta Homestead 2200 2200 165.00

Penttila,Emma 1

Phillips, John M. Cottage #152 ELM 3200 1 3200 240.00

and Christine W 2 female & 1 male dogs) 1 Phillips, Christine W Cottage #151 ELM 3800 4950 371 .25 Cave cottage 800 Townsend land 200 15 Wellington land 150 Pierce, Kenneth 3 cottages-Perley Lake 3000 3100 232.50

and Ann F. 1 Vehicle 100 Pike, Wayne B.SoL 1/2 Homestead 800 Pike,Simone (Exempt $800) Pinault,Leo A Cottage & Garage 3100 3250 243.75 Lot 31 A and 3 2 50 Pinault,Paul L. Pitney, Robert H.Sol. Homestead 6000 5000 375.00 and Helen G. (Exempt $1 000) Poikonen,Ala J.Sol. Poikonen, Sally K.

Popple, Frank Spooner lot 50 14 1 50 1 1 .25 Blair lot 100 30 Popple, Herbert W. Kelley farm 800 50 800 60.00 and Nellie 1. Est.

Popple, Nellie 1. Est. Kelley land 25 3/4 25 1 .88

Popple, William N. 1

Popple, Ora M. Homestead 1800 1 1800 135.00 14

c Description and Value of o

NAME Real and Personal 4) _ o "5 X Estate Q. < »2

Powley, Robert J. Homestead 4000 1 13 4300 322.50

and Doris M 4 Cows 300 1 2 male dogs

Preble, Donald A. Homestead 4000 1 41 4000 300.00

1 male dog

Pytho, Genevieve 2 Cottages Lots 1 -6 2300 1 2400 180.00 incl. Poole Pond 4 Vehicles 100

Pyth , Edwin 1

Pytho, Daniel J. 1 Quimby, Percy L.Sol. Cottage Perley Lake 1200 200 15.00 (Exempt $1000)

1 male dog

Quimby, Eleanor M. 1

Rathburn, John K.Sol. Cudi worth land 25 1 1/2 50 3.75 Flagg lot 25 1/2

Ratte, Theodore F Homestead 1400 1 1450 108.75

and Gertrude V. Trailer 50 1

Raymond, Nelson G.Sol. Homestead 1400 1 1400 105.00 and Marjorie G. Raymond, Russell M.Sol Homestead 1800 800 60.00

and Dorothy L. (Exempt $1 000) 1 2 male dogs

Raymond, William J.Sr, Homestead 1500 1 3 1600 120.00

and Mildred L Kemp Sprout land 100 1 15 Raymond, William J. Jr. Sol. Unf. Homestead 1200 200 15.00

and Amy M. (Exempt $1 000) 1

Reenstierna, Jon G. 1

Reenstiema, Virginia W 1

Reis,Kernell G.Jr. 1

Reis, Harriet D. 1 Rice, Amy Belle Homestead 8000 2 1/2 9000 675.00

Government land 350 1 17 Withington land 150 30 Hall & Stratton land 500 150 Rice, Charles H. Jr. Sol. Homestead"Topside" 3700 10 3525 264.38

and Ruby E. Wetmore landq 300 1 20 Hill land & garage 300 6 (Exempt $10 00)

1 male dog

Rice, Harold H. Homestead 6500 1 7 7330 549.75 Underwood land 30 4 Farrar land 500 80

1 /2 Bean farm 300 120

Rice, Ruth P. 1 Rice, John B. Sol. 1/2 Homestead 1500 Rugg lot 100 30 B&A Lovejoy lot 50 10

Jewell lot 25 1 FowIe, Converse & Chase land 3700 42 O.P.Hunt land 40 14 Bancroft land 60 20 Winchester land 375 75 (cont'd) John F.Hale land 50 14 .


c Description and Value of _o

NAME Real and Personal X o Estate Q. < 2^ Rice, John B.Sol, (cont'd) Jason S.Perry land 700 217 Adin Cummings land 420 140 Norcross land 200 63 White & Deeth land 40 13 Mayo land 500 100 M.M.Jones land 200 42 McGregor land 25 7 Diamond Match land 500 62 Barrett land 100 12 Waller land 50 1/2 Stearns Blacksmith Shop land 25 1/4 Hale & Wood land 375 125 Ward land 300 27 Stearns land 50 14 Stearns & Teague land 15 25 Temple land 15 2 Eliza I/Woodward land 400 120 Day & McConnell 125 28 Stowe land (Converse) 120 36 Carl Converse land 150 50 L.F.Hale farm 300 66 FowIe Hill land 300 21 4 lots Emerson Pond 500 2 tracts Meadow land 25 8 1/2 Post Office BIdg. 2250 Wood & Lumber 50 Coffin-Platts land 150 Mill & Water Rights 400 (Exempt $1 000) 1325 5 994.13

Rice, Barbara P.Sol. 1 /2 Homestead 1500 1/2 Post Office BIdg. 2250 (Exempt $1 00) 2750 206.25 Rice, Richard T.Sol. Homestead 2200 Jewett land 250 5 Griswold land 300 86 Ramsdell & Converse 1200 10 Columbian Place 250 1/4 Kennel (Exempt $1000) 3200 240.00

Rice, Evelyn 1

Ring, Ruth E. 1 Rivard, Henry J.Sol. Homestead 2800 1800 135.00

and Virginia W. (Exempt $1 000) 1

Rivard, David 1

Rivard, Kevin 1 Rogers, Richard E. Homestead 3400 3400 255.00 and Olive S. Romanson, Albert Sol.

Royce,Ada 1/2 Homestead 700 1 700 52.50

Royce, Charles, Sol 1/2 Homestead 700 1 00 7.50 1/2 Popple land 100 4 1/2 (Exempt $7 0)

1 male dog

Royce, Frances 1 16

c Description and Value of o NAME Real and Personal __ o ~7i 3 X "o o _= Estate a. < ^

Ruberry, Warren 1

Ruberry, Priscilla 1

St. Pierre, Arthur 1/2 Homestead 800 1 800 60.00

1 male dog

St. Pierre, Blanche 1 Sargent, Edwin H.Est. Hale land 100 6 400 30.00 Todd land 100 25

Fuller land 200 1

Savage, Gloria M. 1

Savage, Harold E. Homestead 4700 1 1 4700 352.50

Savage, Nellie L 1 Savage, Philip H.Sol.

Savage, Edna M. 1 Scott, David W.Sol. Homestead 2200 and Alice C.Sol. Cottage 1400 4 3/4 1650 12 3.75

1 Vehicle 100 (Exempt $2000)

4 female & 2 male dog;>

Sellars,Evell O.Sol. Homestead 2100 1 1/2 1 100 82.50 and Eileen L. (Exempt $1 000)

1 male dog

Seppala, Arthur R. Homestead 2200 1 2500 187.50 B.O.Hale place 300 40 Seppala, Silvia M.

Seppala, Edwin B.Sol Homestead 2000 1 1000 75.00 and Maryann (Exempt $1 000)

1 male dog Seppala, Gus. Est. Homestead 2000 2000 150.00 Seppala, Annie A. Seppala, Wallace G. Homestead 2200 2200 165.00 Seppala, EIna Sesia,Philip J. Seymour, Francis Seymour, Clara C Homestead 1000 1700 127.50 1/2 Cottage 700 Sharp, E.Olive Cottage #1 53 ELM 2000 2000 150.00 Shaw, Charles N. Homestead 1400 1600 120.00 and Laina H. Conneley lot 200 Sherwood, Orion W. Simoulis, Philip E Homestead 3300 9 4000 300.00 Steves land 500 4 Lot Lake M. 200 Sloane, Douglas Sloane, Sibyl S Small, Ellen

Smith, Donald J. Homestead 4200 1 1/2 5150 386.25 Davis lot 500 40

Diamond Match lot 350 1 10 Gill land 100

1 male dog

Smith, Margaret B Homestead 2600 1 2600 195.00

1 male dog Snow, Sally Drayton Homestead 2200 2200 165.00

1 male dog . .


Description and Value of NAME Real and Personal Estate

Sousa, Virginia R. Spaulding, Frances B. S pec kman, Donald E.Sol Homestead 8500 1303 5 977.63 44 Cows 3960 9 Oxen 450 S pec kman, Mary Speckman, Henry A.Sol. Homestead 1300 300 22.50 and Eunice R. (Exempt $1 000) Stannard, Raymond C.Sol 1/2 Newton farm 1250 385 28.88 Meade lot 135 27 (Exempt $1 000) 2 male dogs Stannard, Dorothy T. 1/2 Newton farm 1250 1250 93.75

Stearns, Alice G.Sol.Wid, Homestead 2500 1500 1 12.50 (Exempt $1 000) Stearns, Jennie P. Homestead 350 350 26.25 Stearns, Richard H. Homestead 5000 55 7100 532.50

1 Cow 75 Converse land 500 7 Symonds land 25 3 Blake lot 200 62 Frank Converse lot 100 10 Todd Hill farm 1200 150 Stebbins, Frederick C Homestead 2200 2200 165.00 and Marion L StebbJns, Florence E. Homestead 3600 3600 270.00 Stevens, Edward G. Homestead 4000 5550 416.25 and Marjorie B Old Country Austin Hall 1200 Stewart, David C.Sol, Homestead 6000 5000 375.00 and Lathryn H (Exempt $1 000)

1 male dog

Stoddard, William H. Homestead 1500 550 1 16.25 and Margaret E Pratt land 50

1 male dog Stone, Charles L. Camp Damon Pond 500 500 37.50 and Valeda Stratton,Fred Est. Homestead 1800 1800 135.00 Sullivan, James A. Homestead 10,000 1000 750.00 and Asta F Sullivan, Leo Sullivan, Laura C, Swift, Carlton D. Swift, Mary E. Swift, Don P. Tacy, Frederick J. Homestead 1000 1000 75.00 Tacy, Dorothy M. Tacy, Frederick J. Jr. Taggett, Carrie E.Est. Homestead 12 00 30

Phillips land 1 00 10 130a 97 .50 Taylor, Abby Trailer home & garage 1 90 1 990 149.25 Bryant land 50 Haskell land 4 Taylor, Oliver J. Homestead 3 200 3200 240.00 Taylor, Corlene S 18

c Description and Volije of o NAME Real and Personal o o _± y_ Estate o a. < 2:^ ^

Taylor, Robert D & Lena Homestead & Candy Si-lop 1

10,000 1 Machinery 1500 Stock in trade 500 12, OC 10 900.00 Toy lor, Stan ley R Sol. Homestead 2200 1200 90.00

(Exempt 1 000)

Taylor, Annette 1

Teague, Everett B. Homestead 2600 1

and Nellie L. Lot 7 -Emerson Pond 100 1 2700 202.50

Tenney, Myron A Homestead 2000 1

and Aune E Trailer 1 2000 150.00

1 male dog

Thrasher, Oscar P. 1 Thrasher, Eva S. Est Homestead 2400 4 2400 180.00 Thrasher, Perry B Homestead 2300 25

and Alice M 2 cows 150 1 2450 183.75

Thrasher, Leslie G. 1 Boat 50 1 50 3.7 5

1 male dog

Tibbetts, Herbert M. Homestead 15,000 1

and Kirsten G Ware land 1000 1 240 16, OC 1200.00

Todd, A If red B Homestead 3300 1 25 Stratton land 200 25 1/3 Etta Todd place 600 4100 307.50

Todd, Bertha E 1 Todd, Cecil H. 1/3 Etta Todd place 600 600 45.00

Todd, Florence E. 1 Todd, Anna B. Stratton-Sargent land 225 71 Buzzell-Smith land 160 52 Harris Hale land 50 4 Stickney kmd 60 19 Todd land 60 20 Todd land 50 7 J.B.Robbins land 30 10 Buzzell-Goddard land 50 4 Fuller land 75 22 Raymond land 200 60 Bennett land 50 16 1010 75.75

Torve la, Henry H Homestead 1800 1 5 300 Fowl 100 1900 142.50

1 male dog

Torvela,Hanna 1 Tourtellot,Lorey G.Sol.

Tourtel lot, Carolyn B. 1

Towle,Philip A. Homestead 2500 1 25 and Virginia R Stock in trade 200 2700 202.50 Towne, Clarence E.Est. Srhith lot 125 40 1/2 Moore lot 20 8 Moore lot 30 3 175 13.13 Trefry, Harold L.Sol. Homestead-Lot *2 Emerson Pond 500 (Exempt $500)

Trefry, Agnes 1

Troup, Walter 1 /2 Homestead 1400 7 1/2 J.O.Butterfield

pjace 75 3 1475 1 10.63 19

c Description and Value of o (A NAME Real and Personal

Wade, Sylvia Homestead 3 500 1 Walter Champney land 2 5 Crosby farm 2 50 Charles Hale place 2 50 Smith meadow & Taft Id 50 Metcalf meadow 100 Sam Jones meadow 7 5 Hale & Davidson land 20 4270 320.25

1 male dog

Walsh, Joseph F. 1 Walsh, Margaret J. 1 Ward, Ralph B.Sol. 1/2 Homestead 2 2 50 1250 93.75 and Gertrude E 1/2 Homestead 2 2 50 1 2250 168.75 (Exempt $1 000)

1 male dog

Ward, Willie 1 Ward, Alice 1

Weidner,John L. Homestead 2600 1

and Miriam W. 1 Boat 100 1

and Williams, Doris "W 1 male dog 3300 247.50 Welch, David K.Sol Homestead & lots 14 9- and Ethel D. 150-153-154-155- 1 156-Woodmere 2 000

1 Boat 100

(Exempt $1 000) 1 100 82.50

1 male dog

Welch, Wendell 1 Welch, Rosalie 1 Wellington, Augusta, Est. Homestead 5000 2 Cottages 3 000

Jones land 1 50 Mill side 50 8200 615.00 Wellington, Meda A. Addie Wellington place 4 500 Cottage 600 5100 382.50 West Rindge Baskets, Inc. Store and Shop 4 500 Machinery 400 Stock in trade 1000 Plowage rights 2 5 5925 444.38

Wheeler, Roland R 1

Wheeler, Barbara 1 Whipple, Pi orence G Homestead 2 800 1 121 2800 210.00

Whitaker, Newell W.Sol. Homestead 1 500 (Exempt $1 00) 500 37.50

1 male dog

Whitaker, Patricia A. 1 White, Herbert L.Sol. Homestead 1500

and Mary A Lot 60 x 1 20 100 Plagg land 2 5 (Exempt $1 000) 625 46.88

1 male dog . .


c Description and Value of o

NAME Real and Personal 0) D n 3 X o D Estate a. < 1—

White, Ralph V. Homestead 3500 1

and Virginia F. 1 3500 262.50

White, Ralph H. Trust Tredinock 26,000 1 1 Glimmerglass 3900 100 North mowing 200 8 Marianne lot 200 3030C 2272.50

White, Floribel E. Ramsde II -Converse land 400 1 20 400 30.00

1 male dog White, Peregrine Sol. North pasture 300 Stock in trade 2000 30 2300 172.50

White, Red vers G. Homestead 2400 1 60 1/2 Farrar land 400 1/2 Jail house land 10 1/2 Traicavator 1000)

PC Bulldozer 1 500) 2500 5310 398.25

1 male dog

White, Maureen E. 1

White, Russell E. Homestead 2300 1 Goddard land 100 1/2 Morgan lot-Lake M 250 2650 198.7 5

1 male dog

White, Amy G. 1 Whitehead, Melvin F.Sol. Homestead 2000 (Exempt $1000)

and Pauline 1 1000 75.00

Whitney, Carl C. Homestead 1400 1 1400 105.00

Whitney, Marion B. 1

Whitney, Herbert J. 1

Whitney, Frances T. 1

Whitney, Harry S.Sr. Homestead 1600 1 6 1600 120.00

Whitney, Maude E 1 Whitney, Richard N.Sol. Homestead-unf 800

and Sarah J. (Exempt $800) 1 Whitney, Robert F. Homestead 3500 1/3 Undivided land 40 3540 265.50

Whitney, Nathalie 1

Whitney, Carleton E. Homestead 1500 1 Cottage & land 2400 10 1/3 Undivided land 40 3940 295.50

Whitney,Gloria 1

Wiggin,Maxine 1

Wilder, William H.Sr. 1

1 Wilder, Mary 1 Homestead 1400 Cathedral Rd. Restaurant 4500 Stock in trade 200 6100 457.50 Wilder, William A. Jr. Sol. Homestead 1000 (Exempt $1 00)

Wilder, Sherman L. 1 ma|e dog 1 Wilkins, Kenneth R.Sol. Homestead & garage 2200 2 Coffine Mill Privilege 100 7 (Exempt $1 000) 1300 97.50

1 female dog

Wilkins, Patricia 1

Williams, Harry E. 1 .


c Description and Value of *+-g NAME Real and Personal o Estate o

Williams, Peggy K, Winship, Donald E, Homestead 2 200 2/3 1/2 of 2 sq.rds. Allen meadow 2 5 2225 166.88

Winshiip^Kermit C.So! Homestead 1 500 3/4 (Exempt $1 000) 500 37.50 Winship,Balnche E. Woodbound Inn, Inc. Woodbound Inn 17,000 90 Lakewood Cottage 2700 Crestwood Cottage 500 Beachwodd Cottage 2 500 Pinewood Cottage 2 800

1 Boat 100 3010(1 2257.50 Wright, Arthur Wright, Ruth

Young, Anna Young land 2 5 25 1 .88 Young, Elisha H. Sol. Homestead 2 500

and Norma N (Exempt $1 000) 1500 1 12.50

1 female dog Young, Franz W.est. Homestead 2 300 2300 172.50 Young, Dr. Leo A. Sol. Homestead 3000 12 (Exempt $1000) 2000 150.00 Young, Walter J. Young, Isabel Zimmerman, Frank P.Sol Homestead 4400 and Aileen R. Lot at E Lake M 300 (Exempt $1000) 3700 277.50

1 male dog .


NAME Description and Val ue L. ^2. K < l^ O

Abbott, Celian H. Cottage and land 2000 2000 150.00 6 School Street Winchendon, Mass. Abel, Mrs. Robert Crotto place 2700 7 6 W.Cedar Street Dickenson land 300 5 Boston, Mass. Jewett land 350 35 3350 251 .25 Adams, Joseph Cottage ELM 3200 3200 240.00 2 6 St. Andrews Street Fitch burg, Mass.

Adams, Joseph Jr. Cottage ELM 1500 1500 1 12.50 and Claire 410 Main Street Fitchburg, Mass. Adams, Marion S. Bancroft Place 2200 10 2200 165.00 6 Bellevue Avenue Cambridge, Mass. Adams, Thomas A. Camp, Pine Eden 500 500 37.50 4 Columbus Avenue Baldwinville,Mass.

Alaska Freezer Company 1 5M Lumber 450 450 33.75

Wi nchendon , Mass Aldrich, Frank H. John White land 125 30 Box 597 B.F.Danforth land 100 35 225 16.88 Allendale, So. Carolina Allen, Frank D. Camp,Blk L,W Lake C 50 50 3.75 9 Wheelock Street Keene,N .H. Alson, William P Camp,Divol Pond 750 750 56.25 and Florence

1 6 9 Blossom Street Fitchburg, Mass. Ames, Bliss C. 1/2 Blue Echo's Cottage

30 Hawthorne Street and 1 /2 Hunt land 2000 2000 150.00 Auburndale,Mas$.

Ames, Warren Jr. Lot '1 1 and Camp- High Street Wellington sub-div. 1500

So. Ac ton, Mass. 1 Vehrcle 100 1600 120.00 Amyott, Henry Est. 2 Camps and land 300 300 22.50 177 River Street Fitchburg, Mass. Anderson, George and Cottage on Lot *3 Alma Kimball div. 900 900 67.50 6 9 Exeter Street Fitchburg, Mass. AnnettBox Company J.F.Morlock land 225 lb Jaffrey,N.H. Dan Fish land 150 50 Part of Hall land 150 23 Howe pasture 200 50 Storage & flowage rights 1000 Stratton lot(Symonds) 225 20 1950 146.25 Armstrong,Willie M. and Cottage #53 on lot 7 Herbert E. W.Lake C 1500 1500 112.50

Box 1 1 3 East Templeton,Mass. .


NAME Description and Val ue 5-2 X ^ 2^ ^

Aspen, Dr. Richard W. Lot 20 & 21 and Dorothy B LaChance Div. 1200 1200 90.00 Barre,Mass. - Athy, Patrick J. Cottage W Lake C 1500 1500 1 12.50 4 5 Richardson St. Newton 5 8, Mass. Aucoin, Elmer & Tina John Rathburn place 800 3 800 60.00 Jaffrey^N.H. Avedisian,Mrs. Alice Cottage & lots 5-6

1 37 Maplewood St. Kimball Div. 1200 1200 90.00 Watertown, Mass Bacon, Russell Maxwell land and and Loyce B. Marco tt lot 1600 70 1600 120.00 3 8 93 Wanser Lane Seaford,N.Y. Bagley,Mrs. Marion J. 2 Cottages & 5 lots 33 Pine Street W.Woodmere 3600 Peterborough, N.H. Woodland 40 3600 270.00 Bailey,C.W.G. and Cottage *1 37 & Garage Catherine E Lake M 2300 2300 172.50

1 97 Mountain Way Rutherford, N.J. Baker, George R. and Lots, 21 ,22 and 23

Ruth B. Rindge Manor L.S. 1500 1500 1 12.50 805 Brush Hill Road Mil ton, Mass. Barbera, Concetto Camp '4 6 Lots 11-12

86 Division St. BIk 1 WLC 700 700 52.50 Chelsea, Mass. Barbera, John 3 lots 30-1-2 BIkL 616 Glenmore Ave. W Lake C 60 60 4.50 Brooklyn 7,N.Y. Barbera, Joseph Camp #46 Lots 11-12

1 54 Gore Street BIk 1 WLC 700 700 52.50 Cambridge, Mass.

Barbera, Natale, Est. 2 lots 13-14 BIk 1 c/o Mrs. Grace Palermo WLC 40 40 3.00 86 Division Street Chelsea, Mass. Barnes, Carlos E.Jr. Lot #1 9 Kimball Div. 300 300 22.50 and Rita L. 2 2 Barrett Avenue Keene,N.H. Barthel,Mrs. Dolores C. Cottage on 1-1/2 lots

1 03 Central Street Wood me re 1400 1400 105.00 Winchendon, Mass. Bartlett,Mrs. Alice A. Camp on Lot '2 Woodbury Road Lachance Div. 2500 2500 187.50 Winchendon, Mass. Bartlett, George E. and Cottage #7 2-W Lake C 1800 1800 135.00 Christine H. 66 Montciair Avenue Waltham,Mass. 24

Description Vai ue 0) NAME and o^ X ^ s^ 2

Bastarache, Donat Camp-Pool Pond 2000 2000 150.00

1 3 2 Baker Street Gardner, Mass. Batchelder,Clem M. and Cottage ^57 & Garage Marjorie C. Contoocook Lake 2500

59 Woburn Street 1 Vehicle (Boat) 100 2600 195.00 Medford 5 5, Mass. Beebe, Allison S. and Lot P-2 Paradise Island 600 600 45.00 Barbara W. 151 Highland St. Holden^Mass. Beksha, Michael W. Camp on 1/2 lot 7 and Anne L. Emerson Pond 1000 1000 75.00 3 Prospect Street Med way, Mass. Belanger, Leopold L. Cottage *7 Beauvais Poin t2400 and Eva L. Cottage & lots 8 & 9 2200 4600 345.00

4 1 Lincoln Ave. Winchendon, Mass.

Belfiore,Vinera Camp #3 9 Lots 1 0-1 1 50 Watts Street BIk B W Lake C 700 700 52.50 Chelsea, Mass, Bel liveau, Raymond M. Camp & lots 4-5-6-7 and Irene G. W Lake C 1200 1200 90.00 2 87 Blossom St. Fitchburg,Mass.

Benard, Frank F . and Cottage E.L.C.- Rose E. ots 151-152 1600 1600 120.00 7 6 Forest Street Mel rose, Mass. Benjamin, Mrs. Wilhemina F Camp on lot *1 9

21 9 Silver St. Emerson Pond 1500 1500 1 12.50 Greenfield, Mass. Bergman, Oscar A. Cottage & Patari land 500 500 37.50 2 3 Linden Ave. Auburn, Mass. Bergquist, Harold W. Camp unf. Lots #17 0-175 and Miriam G. incl. Block F WLC 400 400 30.00 4 Sheridan St. Woburn, Mass. Berry, Marion Joyce Metcalf land ELM 50 50 3.75 3 563 - 7 9th Street

Jackson Heights, L. 1. °N . Y. Bigelow, Oliver J. and Lot *] 5 Kimball Div. 300 300 22.50 Goldy F. 14 23 Silver Lane E.Hartford, Conn.

Billings, Maurice P.Sr. Camp on 1 /2 lot #7 and Anna A. Emerson Pond 1000 1000 75.00 Turnpike Road Townsend,Mass. Bingham, Donald E. Flagg & Jewell land 100 12 100 7.50 and Emily H. Kendall Road

Fitchburg,Mass. 1 . .


_ ® NAAAE Description and Value 2- X < ^^ o Bixby, Charles D. Cottage *50-Woodmere' 1700 170C 127.50 and Myra E WestGroton. Mass Blais, Wilfred J. and Bascom land 100 IOC 7.50 Aldia J. Rindge Road Jaffrey,N.H. Blake, Roland E. Cottage W Lake M 2300 230C 172.50 26 Berkeley Street Fltchburg,Mass, Blanchette,John M and Lots 28 & 29 Margaret J. Emerson Pond 600 60C 45.00 67 Marlboro Rd.RR2 Sudbury, Mass. Block, Dr. Herman L. Cottage & land Lake M and Nora T. Wellington sub-div. 3200 320C 240.00 93 Fitch Hill Avaanue Fitchburg,Mass. Blouin, Dr. Alfred! R. C^mp on lot *1 3 and

and Sylvia 1 Lot *14-Lachance Div. 3500 350C 262.50 3 Lawrence St.

Gardner, Mass ^ Bock,Carl W. Cottage WLM 2000

Profpect St. 1 Boat 100 2100 157.50 Lunenburg, Mass.

Bolles, Edith B. Kelley land(Sn|iiantum) 25 25 1 .88 and Stickle, Helene C. RFD,Jaffrey,N.H. Boston & Maine Railroad Land between Danforth

1 50 Causeway St. and Knight 100 100 7.50 Boston, Mass.

Boucher, Ernest Cottage & lots 7-8-9 and Rose Pool Pond 1000 1000 75.00 24 8 Cross St. Gardner, Mass. Be wen, W.Ross Cottage *6 9 Lot #6 and Marjorie L. W Lake C 3000 3000 225.00 Temple, N.H. Bower, Willis H. Cottage-W Lake M 1800 and Frances L. Wellington sub-div 101 Baylor St. 2 lots (Mortenson) 400 2200 165.00 Pueblo, Colorado Bowers, Arthur W, Cottage & land and Helen A. E. Rindge 800 800 60.00 Troy, N.H. Boyce, Charles F. and Cottage 84 WLC 1400 1400 105.00 Anne M. 11 Fall Park Maiden, Mass.

Braman, Albert S. Cottage on lot 9 and Mildred F. Kimball Div. 600 800 60.00 4 5 Robbins St.RFD 'l So. Ac ton, Mass. . .


NAME Description and Vol ue k- 5- X ^ 2^ ^

Brett, Chesley,C. Cottage on lot 1 5 56 Irving Street' Wellington Sub-Div. 3500 3500 262.50 Somervi lie, Mass. Brett, R.Bertrand Cottage W Lake M and Isabella S. Wellington Sub.Div 2000 2000 150.00 5 Nickerson St. Cazenovia,N.Y. Brett,Willls J. Cottage-Wel lington and Fannie Sub-Div. 1600 1600 120.00 19 Oliver St. Watertown, Mass. Brickey, Raymond H, Camp on Lot ^1 7 - and Ramona O. Kimball Div. 900 900 67.50

RDF . , Hubbardston, Mass Brigham Estate Brigham land 300 300 22.50

c/o Miss Nellie Gleasor >

1 Bliss Road Newport, R.I Broadhead,Burt G. Cottage on lot #2 and Micheline D. Kimball Div. 1450 1450 108.75 Fitzwilliam,N.H. Brock, Mrs. Patrick Camp-Pine Eden 300 300 22.50 14 Church St.-Rt.3 Westboro,Mass. Brooks, James O Cottage on lot 7 35 George St. Wellington Sub.Div. 3000 3000 225.00 Fitchburg,Mass. Brown, Marion J. 1/3 Tucker lot 35

1 2 Adams Ave. Buzzell land 300 60 335 25.13 Winchendon,Mass. Brown Package Company E.W.Towne & Sim Jones Winchendon,Mass. land 800 224 Underwood lot 100 20 900 67.50

Brunei li Neisi and Anita Cottage #87 W Lake C 900 900 67.50 67 Alpine Place Franklin, Mass. Bryant, Paul Cottage & lot WLC 2700

1 8 Westford St. 1 Boat 100 2800 210.00 Gardner, Mass. Buccheri, Alfredo B 3 lots 35-6-7 BIk J 4 8 Bow Street W Lake C 100 100 7.50 Stoneham,Mass. Buccheri,Mary Cottage & lots 25-6-7-8-

25 Minot St. 29-30 BIk J WLC 1100 1 100 $2.50 Dorchester, Mass. Bullock,Richard K Camp on lot K and Cora S Lapham Div. 1500

614 Price Road 1 Boat 50 1550 1 16.25

' Hendersonvi 1 le, N . C Bunce, Margaret L Cottage #90 & Garage and Robert F W Lake C 2500 4 98 Main Kimball land 300 1/2 Jeffrey, N.H. Hunt & Davis land 350 1-1/2 3150 236.25 27

(A 6i NAME Description and Vol ue (0 X < ^^ ^

Burgoyne,Ruth 1/4 Tenney & Cutter lane1 Jaffrey,N.H. with camp 200 200 15.00 Burke John W. Cottage #2 5 & lots 2200 2200 165.00

and Helen F. 1 1 0-1 1 5 inclu.Woodmere

1 58 Nahanton Ave. Milton,^ass. Burpee, Herbert & Yvette 155 Third St. Leominster, Mass Camp Emerson Pond 100 100 7.50 Burns, Elizabeth A. Est, Peny-Bryn Cottage 2000 2000 150.00 24 Parker Street and 13 lots Chelsea, Mass.

Buzzel 1 , George A. and Frink land 250 20 Maud E. Rugg Meadow 150 30 322 North Street Danforth Meadow 20 2 Whalom 2 8,Fitchburg, Fletcher lot 50 10 Mass. Stearns Meadow 30 3 500 37.50 Cady, Patrick J Cottage and lots and Eloine 2 0-21 Emerson Pond 2200 2200 165.00 Wilbraham Rd. Monson,Mass. Cairne, Charlotte Aseph Hale place 1200 1200 90.00 5 Arlington St., Apt. 31 Cambridge 40, Mass. Callahan, Katherine E and Cottage #91 W Lake C 1800 1800 135.00 Schaumann, Margaret C. 49 Juniper Street Winchendon,Mass. Cambridge Council, Inc. Camp Quinapoxit 7500 125 Boy Scouts of America Al)en house & lot 900 1-2/3 53 Church Street Wahn place 1800 36 Cambridge, Mass. (Exempt $5000) 5200 390.00 Campbell, Dorothy E and Cottage WRS 1600 Fraser, Clara F. James land 100 1700 127.50

6 1 Anderson St.

Boston 1 6 ,Mass. Campbell, Mrs. Frances M. Glencoe Cottage 4000 4000 300.00

1 1 Roselle Ave. Kingston 6, B.W.I. Campbell, Jean Lot #4 Kimball Div. 300 300 22.50 Madigan Army Hospital Tacoma, Washington

Cantone, Victor J. Camp on lot #1 1 -Kim.Div.l 200 and Melota, Robert C. McDermott land 800 12 2000 150.00 8 Englewood Road Peabody,Mass. Carbone, Robert and Camp -ff Lake C 1700 1700 127.50 McMahon, Theresa and Sano, Benjamin 57 Reed Ave. Everett, Mass. Carlson, S .William Stratton pasture 300 40 and Bruce C. Shed 50 350 26.25 1780 Newfield Ave. Stamford, Conn. . .


(0 4) NAME Description and Vol ue a> 1. 2^ X < ^^ 1—

Carroll, Woodbury J. and Lot 'l 8 LaChance Div.. 2500 2500 187.50

Miriam 1. Unf .cottage

1 Lexington Ave. Somervi lie, Mass.

Chamberlain, Ralph R. Unf, camp on lot "1 1 and Eva H Michigan 1300 1300 97.50 3 9 Cross Jaffrey,N.H.

Champney,Mrs. Leofrid M. Feldman land 150 150 1 1 .25 RFD #1 Gossville,N.H. Chartier,Alphonse W. Lots 2 96-3 02 incl. 600 600 45.00 Phi llipston, Mass.

Chartier, Miriam Cottage '^l 9 and lots South Road 322-3 and 327-333 incl Templeton,Ma$s. Woodmere 2300 2300 172.50 Chase, Alice 1/4 Tenney & Cutler Royals ton, Mass. land w/camp 200 200 15.00 Chdse, Henrietta M.Est. Lots 1-2 -and 17-18 c/o Mrs. J. E.Goodrich BIk L W Lake C 200 200 15.00 247 Mdn Street Somerset, Mass.

Cheater, Earl S. and Unf. camp on lot '^l 1 1700 1700 127.50 Ethyl F. Lake M-Wellington Sub.D iv. 90 So. Main St. Bald winvi lie, Mass. Chesborough, Frederick L. Lot '36 -Lachance Div. 500 500 37.50 and Mary Rt. '2A-BOX 342 Westmi nster. Mass Cheshire Oil Company 2 Pumps & 2 Tanks 200 200 15.00 Emerald Street Keene,N.H. Christ Church Parish Church Camp 6500

c/o Rev. A. V.Bennett Jeffers land 5000 69 1 150 3 862.50 56 9 Main Street Fitch burg, Mass. Cicolani,Luigi and Mary Camp on lot *1 8 895 Gay Street Kimball Div. 800 800 60.00 Westwood,Mass. Clarke, Dudley and Cottage *83 and barn Margaret H. W Lake C 2500 2500 187.50 4313 Martha Ave. 70,N.Y. Clement, Frederick and Camp-Pine Eden 500 500 37.50 Doris 2 97 Pleasant Street Gardner, Mass. Cleverdon, David W and Cottage #141 E Lake M 2000 2000 150.00 Gertrude K. 21 North Drive Dobbs Ferry, N.Y. Cloud, Ruth N. Cottage #27 Lots 161-4 7 Chapman St. incl .-Woodmere 1700 1700 127.50

Wo II as ton 7 0, Mass. 29

_ « Description ValiLie NAME and ^3 X < ^^ °

Cobb,Lawson E and Camp-Pool Pond 1800 1800 135.00 Louise V 2 5 June Street Gardner, Mass.

Cochran, Richard L. Camp-Pine Eden 1 100 1 100 82.50 Winchendon,Mass. Cochran, Rodney C.Jr. Camp »2 0-Pine Eden 1500 91 Spruce Street Tent Platform 100 1600 120.00 Winchendon,Mass. Cochrane, Harold Cottage 9 lots3 54-3 55. 8600 645.00 Fitchburg Yarn Co. 360-1 ,388-91,394-97 Fitchburg,Mass. incl. 2800 Cottages '6-7& garage lots 41 0-1 7 incl. 478- 85 incl. 398, 405-6 2800 Lots 286-7,342-49 incl 356-59incl.444-45 300

1 02 lots Woodmere 300

Cottage #1 1 lot 327-334 337 incl. 288-9-95, 446- 53 incl. 454-61 incl. 2000 308-314-320 incl. 324 - 26 incl. Coderre, Ernest P. Lot at Perley Lake 50 50 3.7 5 3 58 School St. Winchendon,Mass.

Collins, Mrs. Catherine M. Cottage #67 & lots 5 & <^ Summitt Ave. and 5R & 6R Beauvis Pt. 2500 2500 187.50 Gardner, Mass. Collins, James F. and Cottage #67 W Lake C 1300 1300 97.50 Beatrice E. 97 Lambert Lane Coh asset, Mass. Comeaw,Dora Lot-Kimball Div. 600 600 45.00 146 Oxford St. Auburn, Mass. Connors, Lillian G. Cottage #7 6 W Lake C 2100 2100 157.50

1 85 Perkins Row Topsfield,Mass. Cook, James E. Smith lot 50 50 3.7 5 53 Thomas Bark-Apt. 12

So. Boston, Mass. . Coppers, Mrs. Eleanor S. Cottage and Garage 8000 37 Lydecker St. Wellington Div. Lake M Englewood,N.J. 2 Boats 500 Sherwin homestead 2800 5

Converse land 100 14 1 140 855.00 Corley,Mrs. Eva Royer 1/2 Popple land 100 4-1/2 100 7.50 Gen'l Delivery Savannah, Georgia

Come II, Mrs. Mary H. Cottage & Lapham lot

7 2 Prospect Hill Rd. #3 ELM 2000 2000 1 50.00 Lexington, Mass. ...


NAME Description and Value 2^

Coughlin, Daniel J. Jr. Log Cabin #2 W Lake M 1000 1000 75.00 and Beverly W. 26 Wilder St.

Lowe 1 1, Mass. Coughlin, M.Isabel Log Cabin *2 W Lake M 1000 1000 75.00 6 2 Parkview Ave.

Lowe 1 1, Mass. Cournoyer, John P. Lot P-6 Paradise Island 1200 1200 90.00 105 Walden

W . Hartford , Conn Cournoyer, Kathleen G. Cottage #74 W Lake C 1800 1800 135.00 Jaffrey,N.H. Courtemanche, Allen Lot #1 2 Monomonoc 40 Linden Terrace 3 00 300 22.50

Wi nchendon , Mass Craig, Ray A. Land and Camp-Kelley 9 Dexter Ct. farm 2 50 250 18.75 Pawtucket,R.I.

Critch, Richard S. Cottage #62 Lots 1 & 2 41 9 Proctor Ave, W Lake C 1300 1300 97.50 Revere, Mass. Cullinan, Joseph Shaker pasture 2 00 32 200 15.00 2 95 Beacon St.

Lowe 1 1, Mass. Cunningham, Mrs. Margaret ^ Cottage #14 8 and garage 2 500 22 Hills Point Road Smith land E Lake M 300 2800 210.00 Westport,Conn. Cutler, Judson J. Est. Mariana lot 100 100 7.50 c/o Mrs. Dorothy M.Cut er 3125 N .Geronimo Ave Tucson, Arizona Dahlgren, Victor R. Unf. House 1200 1200 90.00 2 8A Hancock St. Medford,Mass. Damon, Jonas est. 2 Houses 2400 State Line, N.H. Storage-Flowage Rights 2500 Woodland 1600 500 Sargent land 1500 1290 967.50 Mills & Machinery 4700 Stock in trade 200 Davidson, Harold Marti n land 300 and Catherine V. Shore lot E Lake M 100 400 30.00

1 8 p Bonad Road Brookline,Mass. Davini, Joseph P. L.M. Island 3000

and Grace M. 1 Boat 100 3100 232.50 66 Belmont Ave.

Wi nchendon , Mass Davis Oil Company Gasoline pump & Tank 75 75 5.63 Alfred Todd Davol,Amy & George Hilltop cottage 6000 28 and Upjohn, Stephan Ware land & house 1700 8 and Florence Shore land Pool Pond 2500 12 10203 765.00 2 Park St., Bos ton 7 Mas; . 2


_ • NAME Description and Vol lie • ^2. u X < l^ ,2

Day, Pauline M. Camp Beauvais Point 1600

Box 74 and lots 10-1 1 1600 120.00 Baldwinville, Mass. De Gaetano,John J. Cottage & lots 33-34-39

1 2 Marlboro St. & 40,36B-37-38 Worcester, Mass. Beauvais Point 2700 2700 202.50 Dejonge, Louis Holly Hill 1500 28 1500 112.50

1 03 Prospect Fitchburg,Mass. DeLisle, Antonio D. Cottage *44 & lots

1 82 Clarendon St. 225 to 2 27 Woodmere 3800

Fitchburg,Mass. 1 Boat 200 4000 300.00 DeMartino, Achilles Cottage #23 lots 16,17

7 Read St. & 1 8 BIk 1 W Lake C 1600 1600 120.00 Winthrop,Mass. Dempsey,Paul W. Cottage-Lloyd camp L.M. 2000 200 150.00 and Anne 82 Lincoln St. Fitchburg,Mass. DePietro, Frank S. and Camp on lot 24- Mary M. Lachance Div. 2700 2700 202.50 Graham St, Fitchburg,Mass. Deschenes,Amedee C. and Cottage *96 & garage Bernice W. W Lake C 1200 Jaffrey,N.H. Davis land & island W Lake C 200 1400 105.00 Deschenes,Amedee M.Est. Michigan land 500 24 River Cottage '52 & CRowe Id 1200 Jaffrey,N.H. Cottage #94 & land 2000 Cottage ^57 & garage 2300 Cottage #58 W Lake C 2000 8000 600.00 Deschenes,Eva Hague land 300 Jaffrey,N.H. Lot #1 400

Gentsch land 400 1 100 82.50 Desmarais,Emile J. Summer Camp & lots

Greenville,N.H. 24-27 BIk 1 WLC 1300 1300 97.50 Desmarais, Joseph and Cottage and lots 2 8-29 Ethel L. Beauvais Point 2200 2200 165.00

1 9 Hyde Park Wi nchendon. Mass Devlin, Edward J. and Barrett land 50 6 50 3.75 Anne B. 343 Prospect Hill Rd. Waltham,Mass. Diefenderfer, Alpha A. and Cottage #66 lots 3&4 E.Olive BIk C WLC 1700 170C 127.50 725 W. Brood St. Bethlehem, Penna. Diehl,Mary Cottage #4 8 Woodmere 2200 220C 165.00 Old Centre Winchendon,Masi. Doble, Oscar E & Ellen Lot 8 Monomonoc Ter. 300 300 22.50 W.Harfford Ave. Uxbridge,Mass. .


0) Description and Val je NAME 5~ X < ^^ ^

Donahue, Robert F. and Trailer on lot *26 Virginia M. Emerson Pond 1200 1200 90.00 9 9 Westboro St.

No .Grafton , Mass

Donlan,Mrs.W.J.Est. Lot 23 BIk G WLC 20 20 1 .50 c/o Edith E.Neylon,Exe c. 51 Elm Ave. Wollaston 7 0, Mass. Dooley, Ralph H. and Trailer on lot *1 3 Clara M. Kimball Div. 1000

26 Fern St. 1 boat 50 1050 78.75 Aubrundale,Mass. Dove,Matti and Lempi Cottage and land 500 500 37.50 235 E.Eagle St. E.Boston 2 8, Mass. Downey, Alan M. and Cottage & garage Louise D. Perley Lake 1600 1600 120.00 91 Richmond Road Belmont, Mass. Drago,Paul J & Mary C. Log Cabin #44 lots 22-24 31 Linden Place incl.Blk L WLC 900 Brookline 4 6, Mass. Camp *55 WLC (Thayer) 1300 2290 165.00

Driver, Troy E. and Hazel > \.]/2 camp & 1/2 lots

1 1541 N.W. 58 Plac. i 26 & 27

Palm Springs, HiaHah,Flc . 1/4 lot 2 5 Pool Pond 700 700 52.50 Ducharme, Frank E. Cottage #68 W Lake C 1300 1300 97.50 459 Park St. Gardner, Mass.

Dumaine,F.C.Jr. Rm.l 1 20 Arthur Hale place 4000 4000 300.00 2 94 Washington St. Boston 8, Mass.

Dun leavy, Mary A. Camp on lot 1 3 & 1 4 41 Gallivan Blvd. Monomonoc Terrace 1800 1800 135.00 Boston, Mass.

Durante, John P. and Bouley cottage lot 1 1 Angela M. Michigan 900 900 67.50 50 Essex St. Chelsea 50, Mass. Durgin, Chester W. Cottage & land WLC 1200 1200 90.00 91 "F" St. So. Boston, Mass. Dwire, Jesse, Jr. Cottage #1 5 & 8 lots 2 87 Wanoosnoc Rd. Woodmere 1600 1600 120.00 Fitchburg,Mass. Dwire, J esse. Est. Cottage '2 (and lots 1800 1800 135.00 2 87 Wanoosnoc Rd. 197-2 00 incl. Woodmere Fitchburg,Mass. Dykes, Marie John Street Worcester, Mass. Camp Pine Eden 500 500 37.50 Ebert, Richard Cottage & lots 10-14 3 9 Louis Street incl. BIk G W Lake C 1300 1300 97.50 Chelsea, Mass. .


M _ « Description Vol ue 0) NAME and 0^ X < 2^ 2 lckart,John R. Camp & lots 11-13 58 Fuller Rd. Paradise Island 2700 2700 202.50

Trumbu 1 , Conn 1 Eglinton, Douglas and Camp on lot 7-P Margaret M. Paradise Island 2500 2500 187.50 RFD-W.Acton,Mass. Ekstrom, Mrs. Helen P. Griswold Hill & Cottage 2000 14 2000 150.00 and Carolyn P. and Wedgwood, Esme A. P.O.Box 99 Brattleboro, Vermont Eleftherion,Willlam and Pine Point Stand 1200 Harriet Stock in trade 200 1400 105.00 7 Caldwell Fitchburg,Mass.

Fairburn, Charles S. and Cabin '3 W Lake M 1500 1500 1 12.50 Elizabeth L. 178 Burnham Rd.

Lowe II, Mass.

Feldman, Samuel Lots '8 & ( W Lake C 200 200 15.00 28 Burrill Ave. Lynn, Mass. Femino,John Cottage #7 3 W Lake C 2000 2000 150.00

1 Frankfurt St. Fitchburg,Mass.

Fenerty , Rufus, Est. Town Line Farm 800 40 Jaffrey,N.H. Bobille land 50 R.Robille land 200 1050 78.75 Fenerty,Rufus S.3rd Howe & Jewell land(White) 500 90 and Norma N. Cook land 300 17 61 E.Main St. Wood & Green lot 200 47 1000 75.00 Jaffrey,N.H. Ferguson, Grace B. Homestead 1700 6 1700 127.50 32 Bess Road Needharn 92 .Mass. Ferry, Clarence E. and Lot '9-Emersorian Park 100 100 7.50 Clara C. 157 Oak Hill Ave. Manchester, N.H. Ferry,Martin,G. Camp & lot-Emersonian Pk. 7 00 700 52.50 Suncook,N.H. Findlay, Wallace Cottage #1 32 E Lake M 3600 3600 270.00

1 9 Central Athol,Mass. Fisher, Raymond H. Camp & lot '5 and Clare B. Pine Eden 300 300 22.50 Red Stone Hill Rd. Sterling, Mass. Fisher, William H. and Camp on lot '3 Mary Louise Lachance Div. 2500

40 Longwood Ave. 1 Boat 100 2600 195.00 Fclfch burg. Mass, . .


Description and Vol ue NAME 2 0^ X < ^^ ^

Fitzgerald,Ansil L. and Cottage '63 W Lake C 1500 1500 1 12.50 Bernice M.

1 5 Lyman Su Beverly, Mass.

Fitzgerald, Henry R. Phelps pasture 150 30 150 1 1 ,25 3 5 Hawthorne St.

W .Somervi 1 le. Mass Fleming, Frederick J. Cottage on Lot *p6

1 5 Carpal ter St. Kimball Div. 1200 1200 90.00 Orange, Mass. Fleming, Philip H. and Cellar on lot *7 Dorothy M. Kimball Div. 750 75Q 56.25 100 King St. Orange, Mass. Fletcher, Sidney N. Sherwin land 300 50 2 5 Walnut St. Lord land 1000 1300 97.50 Winchendon,Mass. Fletcher, Sidney N.Jr. Cottage #3 & lots 488- and Jeanne C. 491 incl-Woodmere 2500

15 Oak 1 Boat 100 2600 195.00 Winchendon, Mass Florence, Harold Cottage *3 Perley Lake 500 500 37.50 Winchendon, Mass. Bloria, Robert F. and Floria place 1400 24 1400 105.00 Juliette D. 47 Highland St. Wi nchendon. Mass Folsom, E.Wilfred and Brushwood Cottage & Ada M. garage E Lake C 2600 50 Linnet St. Cottage *53 (So rgent) W.Roxbury,Mass. E Lake C 800 3400 255.00 Foote, Donald W. and Camp & lots 2 8-31 Esther D. incl.Pool Pond 1700

21 Bossi Ave. 1 Boat 100 1800 135,00 N.Randolph, Mass, Forrest, Robert H. Camp on lot 'l & lot 6 Harvard Ave. *9 -Emerson Pond 800 800 60.00 Dorchester, Mass. Fosberg, Charles F. and Cottage on lot "^14 feeart-to M, Paradise Island 3500 3500 262.50 Box 4 S.Berlin, Mass. Foster, Harry W. Lot 200-X3 50-7 and Nada L. Maxwell 200 200 15.00 66 Highland St. Winchendon, Mass.

Foster & Hallquist Lot #2-4 00'x2 50'Maxwe'II 300 66 Highland St. Maxwell dwelling & lot 1000 Winchendon, Mass. Rice lane 35 1335 100.13 Fournier, Yvonne J. Land on Riverside Lane 21 Sibley St. W Lake C 200 200 15.00 Fitchburg,Mass. Fraas,William B. Cottage '8 Boathouse 3300 3300 247.50 30 Crescent Heights Fitchburg,Mass. . .


NAME Description and Va ue 2-^ X < 2:^ ^

Frederick, Jacob K.Jr. Cottage -Pool Pond and Martha (Midgley) 1700 1700 127.50 447 Princeton Blvd.

Lowe II, Mass.

Fredette, Sarah S. and Cottage & lots 1 & 2 E.Francis Wellington Div. 2300 2300 172.50 3 7 Osgood Gardner, Mass. Fredey,Emile and Cottage & lots 23 & 23 Gwendolyn B. Monomonoc Terrace 2000 2000 150.00 23 Mountain Ave.

Dorchester, 2 4 , Mass French, Charles W. Unf. cottage on lot *5 and Jean B. Paradise Island 2000 2000 150.00

1 5 Peterson Rd. Naticl<,Mass.

Gaffney, Francis G. Cottage & land 1 900 1900 142, 50 16 Addison St, Chelsea, Mass, Gaffney, Richard E. Cottage ^60 Woodmere 1600 1600 120.00 18 Addison St. Chelsea, Mass. Garcia, Frank P. and Camp on lots ^23 & 24 Rose M. Kimball Div. 2000

2 1 9 Manning St. 1 boat 100 2100 157.50 Hudson, Mass. Garcia, Joseph P. Cottage on lot ^26 and lone A. Kimball div. 900 900 67.50 74 High Street Hudson, Mass. Gasean, Harvey J. Cottage ^^3 9 -Woodmere and Ann K. Lots 10 9-1 16 1000 1000 75.00 Box 556 -S.Main Marlboro, N.H.

Gatto, Anthony J. Cottage & lots 1 -2-3-4 and Jean S. 15-16-17-18-Blk.F. 2000 2000 150.00 2 Pine St.

Peterborough , N . H

Genest, Lillian M. Lot *5 -Paradise Island 150 150 1 1 .25 46 Cascade St. Fitchburg,Mass. Genovese, Vincent H. Cottage on lot '26 and Barbara Lachance Div. 2600 2600 195.00 66 Parker Street Gardner, Mass. Giddings,Leroy M. Camps & lots 3 8-39 andAlice K. Pool Pond 1400 1400 105.00 3 E.Broadway Gardner, Mass. Giffin, Harry F.Jr. Camp-Perley Lake 800 800 60.00 RFD Route 2 Charlemont,Mass. Gilbert, John E. Cottage & Lots PI 5 -PI 6 and Barbara B Poradise Island 3600 3600 270.00 17 Payson Ave. Eastham pton.Mass. . ..


NAME Description and Va ue s/ 'N < 2:^ ^

Gill, Harry W. Cottage #1 39 E Lake M 2000 2000 150.00 and Eleanor K.

1 7 1 Cedar Lane Westwood,Mass. Gill, Nelson W. and The Old Forge & Water Doris J. Rights 2800 Howard Hill Cleaves land 100 Jaffrey,N.H. Stock in trade 200 3100 232.50 Gilmore, Laura B Cottage *1 5 -Lake 6 62 Park Ave. Contoocook 1000 1000 75.00 Cranston, R.I Gingras,Edmond G. and Cottage *3 B Ik A and Vadney, Albert N. lots 2 & 3 W Lake C 1600 1600 120.00 and Viola 21 3 Regan St. Gardner, Mass. Ginns, Haskell Lot #34-Lachance Dev. 800 800 60.00 and Flora L

1 6 Edgemoor Rd. Belmont, Mass.

Girvin,Effie T. Cottage #54 Bancroft Ha 1

1 36 Main St. lot & Keating lot WLC 2500 Gardner, Mass. Shore lot #4 WLC 100 2600 195.00 Goddard, Arthur E. 953 8 Bundy Lane

Houston 2 4, Texas Goddard land 150 20 150 1 1 .25 Goudreau, Francis J. Lot *6 -Monomonoc Ter. 300 300 22.50 7 2 Exeter St. Fitchburg,Mass. Graves, Wilfred J. Cottage on lot *24 and Irene J. Lachance Div. 3200 3200 240.00

1 6 Claire Ave. Baldwinville,Mass. Gray, Francis A. Cottage on lot *6 68 N.Wisconsin Drive Wellington Sub. Div 2300

Binghamton,N.Y. 1 boat 100 2400 180.00 Gray, Ruby Bigelow McCarthy lot Lake C 200 200 15.00 P.O.Box397 Palm Spring, Calif Green, Richard L. Lot ^1 5 Rindge Manor 500 500 37.50

and Betty 1. Wychwood Drive Lit'-|eton,Mass. Greenville Mills, Inc. Storage & flowage rights c/o Gordon Osborne Pool Pond & Lak C 5000 5000 375.00 Pres. & Treas. 178 Atlantic Ave.

Boston 1 ,Mass. Gregory, Elliot 1. 1/2 Emory lot 150 100 1 50 1 1 .25 34 Highland St. Winchendon, Mass. Gregory, Marion U. 1/2 Emory lot 150 100 78 Spruce St. Cottage '61 lots 47 0- 146.25 Wi nchendon , Mass 477 inc. 41 8-425 inc. 1800 1950 . . . 5


(A Description and Val ue NAME 2- X o < 2^ 1-

Grivakis, Daniel C. Camp -Pool Pond 1600 1600 120.00 and Jillson, John' Lots 23,24 & 3/4 lot 2 Clinton, Mass. Grugnale, William and Cottage & lots 2 & 3 Florence M. Emersonian Park 1200 1200 90.00 3 Hadley Court Everett 4 9, Mass. Grummon, Robert M. Sherwin & Adams lot 100 16 Squantum Rd. Mowing land 100 2 200 15.00 Jaffrey,N.H. Haarala, Walter A. Cottage & lots #1 & 2 Otter River Road and #1R & 2R Gardner, Mass. Beauvais Point 1700 1700 127.50 Haines, Edward G. Camp - Pine Eden 1500 1500 112.50

1 Sunset Ave. Chelmsford, Mass. Hales, Ernest & Ruth T. Sky High 9500 26

Longwood Towers Converse Place land 200 1 9700 727.50

Brookl i ne 46, Mass Hallquist, Charles L. and Lot 350' X 200' Lila A. Maxwell 200 200 15.00 40 Winchester Baldwinville,Mass. Hampton National Bank

Hampton, N.H. Bank Stock Tax 1 Hanks, Alfred E & Rose M. A.J.Robbins land 200 200 15.00 183 Milk St. Winchendon,Mass. Hansen, Arthur H. Camp-Pine Eden Lot 2 1200 1200 90.00 Ridge wod, N.J. Hansen, Elmer S. and Cottage - Pool Pond 2200 2200 165.00 Charlotte O. 206 Vernon St. Manchester, Conn Hansen, Margaret A. and Cottage E Lake C 1600

Christian 1 Boat 100 1700 127.50 37 Allston Place Fitchburg,Mass. Hansen, Norris O. and Cottage - Pool Pond 1800 Priscilla M. Lot 56 - Pool Pond 100 1900 142.50

1 Glen Gary Rd. Needham Heights, Mass. Harjin,Lenho O. Island, Kelley land 100 100 7.50 Willord Rd. Ashburnham,Mass. Harris, A. Emerson and Cottage & lot 'l 6 Bernice F. Beauvais Point 1600

1 232 Main St. 1 Boat 100 1700 127.50 Leomi nster. Mass Harvey, William F. Cottage 'l 4 and lots 2000 2000 127.50

and Alice L. 26 8-27 1 incl-Woodmere and Crosby, Dermot K, and Agnes L. 5 Park Lane, Concord, Mass. .


%n _ « NAME Description and Val ue ^2. u X < l^ ,5 Haskell, Andrew R. Cottage & land 1700 7

1 3 3 Summit St. Schoolhouse ;and 200 2 Rockland, Mass. Hastings land 200 3/4 Allen Austin Bean & Symonds land 180 19 2280 171 .00 Haskell, Frederick A. Unf. house and lot 784 Belmont St. on Todd Hill 1000 1000 75.00 Brockton, Mass. and Foye,John L.

So.Braintree , Mass. Hastings, Mrs. Florence A. Lot & Hastings cottage 41 Park Ave. Lake M 1800 1800 135.00 Natick,Mass. Hawes,Marjorie Cottage & McDermott land 2 000 6-1/2 2000 150.00 103 Medway St. Providence, R.I Hayes, Daniel J. and Cottage & Dondlein land 3000 16 Rita G. Wellington Piano Box lane 250 80

389 Main St. Lot on 1 1 9 200 3450 258.75 W.Concord, Mass. Haynes, Robert M. Cottage & Camp Lake M 2500 3 Barnsley Rd. Winona Birches

Lynnfield,Mass. 1 Boar 100 2600 195.00

Healey, Edward C.J. and Lot 1 1 -Lachance Div 1000 Elizabeth A. with unf. Camp 1000 75.00 3 McKinley St. Who lorn, Fitchburg, Mass. Heden,Axel M. and Hodgham land 100 25 Ingrid V. Johnson pasture 75 18 175 13.13

7 1 6 Furman Brook Pkwy Quincy 6 9, Mass. Hedstrom, Arthur Camp - Pine Eden 300 300 22.50 437 Lake Ave. Worcester, Mass. Heininger, Richard T. and Lots 20 & 21 Josephine R. Beauvais Point 600 600 45.00

1 47 W.Broadway Gardner, Mass. Henley, Izora V. and Camp & out bidgs. Charles E. 2 lots foot Drag Hill 700 700 52.50

1 8 Bemis Rd. Newtonvi lie, Mass. Hill,Ano J. Thomas land 500 132 3 9 Charlonne Raymond land 100 20 600 45.00 Jaffrey,N.H. Hill,Ano J. & Edward C. Mead lot 125 20 3 9 Charlonne Cyrus Smith farm 400 50 Jaffrey,N.H. Popple land 350 82 875 65.63

Hi II, Edward O.Est. Lots 1 -6 incl.Blk R. c/oMrs.Rose Hill,Adm. W Lake C 120 120 9.00 2 8 Morris St. Fitchburg,Mass. Hill, Louis Hill's Drive-in 83 Highland St. Restaurant 4200 Fitchburg,Mass. Stock in trade 200 4400 330.00 . . .


NAME Description and Val ue s 5^ K ^ 2^ ,2

Hoarty, Charles L & May M Cottage & lot 6

1 55 Summer (Carpenter WLC) 2000 2000 150.00

Sommervi 1 le^ Mass Hodgen,Hugh C. and Cottage on lot *1 Mildred A. Kimball Div. 1000 RFD 1-66 Liberty St. Lot '33 -Kimball Div. 300 1300 97.50 S.Ac ton, Mass. Hodges, Harold H. and Cottage & lots 40-42 Marie P. incl.-Pool Pond 1800 1800 135.00 149 Harvard St. Wol las ton, Mass. Holdsworth,Mrs.E^Br Hale Henry Hale place 5000 5000 375.00 43 Lawson Rd. Winchester, Mass. Holohan,Paul Lot 27A-Kimball Div. 300 300 22.50 Main Street Townsend,Mass. Home, Elizabeth M. Flagg Place-Perley Lake 900 900 67.50 Dover, Mass. Hoyt, Frederick F. and Ida Todd place 1900 1900 142.50 Edith B.

1 5 Barton St.

W . Somervi lie. Mass Hudson, Herman A. Cottage & Dickinson Ibrad Main Perley Lake 1500 1500 112.50 Hinsdale, N.H. Hudson, Robert C. and Lot 3 -Lake M Adrienne L. Wellington Sub. Div. 500 500 37.50 57 Dillon Leominster, Mass. Hunt, Harold H. Prescott Homestead 1400 1400 105.00 40 North St. Winchendon,Mass. Hunt, James A. Est. Hunt lot 150 30 150 11.25 Winchendon,Mass. Hunter, Malcolm N Cottage & lots 43-46 23 Cynthia Circle incl.-Pool Pond 1400 1400 105.00 Hoi liston, Mass. Hunter, Malcolm N. Cottage & lots 53-54- and Barbara V. 55 - Pool Pond 1300

23 Cynthia Circle 1 Boat 100 1400 105.00 Holliston,Mass. Hurme, Arnold E & Lempi E Cottage-Cleaves Div. and Cohan, Charles F. Pool -Pond 2000 2000 150.00 and Elvi S.

Box 1 97

So . Ashburnham , Mass Hutton,Mrs. Alice C. Lot '17 -Emerson Pond 1000 1000 75.00 54 Old Marlboro Rd. W.Concord, Mass. Hyde, Edward B and Cottage *86 and

Florence E. lot 'l 1 -Michigan 1900 1900 142.50 P.O.Box 91 Brool


M Description and Valije 0) NAME ^3 X < ^^ 1

Cottage & Tarbox land 1000 2 100( ) 75.00 1 ml ak, Albert H.

1 9 Sawyer Ave. Medfordd 5 5, Mass. Jaffrey,Town of Land adjoining Bullet Pond 2000 200( ) 150.00 Jaffrey,N.H. Jeffers,Emmett T. and Lot 22 & 23 Lachance D vl200 Margaret C Part of Steeves land 2000 26 Chestnut St. Paradise Island 2000 3-4-5 1800 7000 525.00 Wi nchendon , Mass Lots each $600 Jenney Mfg. Co. Land & Service Station 4500 P.O.Box 100 3 Pumps & 3 Tanks 300 4800 360.00 Chestnut Hi II, Mass.

Jensen, Edward W and Camp on Hughgill Sub-Di^• 1000 1000 75.00 Helen L. 62 Carpenter Rd. Walpole,Mass. Johanson,Sven Converse land-Divol Pond 800 800 60.00 Jaffrey,N.H. "^30 Johnson, Byron, et a! Unf . Camp on lot RFD - Taylor Rd. Lachance Div W Lake M 1500 1500 112.50 Fitch burg, Mass. Johnson, Henry R. and Camp on Goddard Rd. 400 400 30.00 Elizabeth Union, Maine

Johnson, Herbert 1 Lot #30 - Beauvais Point 150 150 11 .25 51 Wickman Drive Gardner, Mass. Johnston, Mrs. Agnes S. 2 Shore lots G & H & 4 5 Hopkins St. Unf. Cottage E Lake M 2200 Reading, Mass. Lapham land 200 2400 180.00 Johnston, Anna C.Est. Cottage ^55 & garage c/o Eric Lorentzen E Lake C 2200

5 Beacon St 1 Boat 100 2300 172.50 Hull, Mass. Jones, George P. Est. Cottage & land 200 Lindell Ave. E Lake M 3000 3000 225,00 Leominster, Mass. Jones, Mrs. Stanley 1/2 Blue Echoes Cottage Saratoga Drive & 1/2 Hunt land 2000 2000 150.00 Scotia, N.Y. Joyce, Jessie F.Est. Cottage #134 E Lake M 1800 1800 135.00 c/o Mrs. Kenneth Berry 3563 - 79th St.

Jackson Heights, L. 1 . ,N. Y. Junka, Herman £amp & lot #7 BIk R RFD,Jaffrey,N.H. Parcel 5 W Lake C 800

1 Boot 100 900 67.50 Kauppinen,Paul Camp-Pine Eden 200 200 15.00 36 S.Main Baldwinvi lie, Mass. Keach,Mrs. Emma J. Lot 28A-Kimball Div 300 300 22.50

1 5 Broad Street Danielson,Conn. .


M 0) NAME Description and Vol ue ^2L X < 2:^ ^

Keach, Stanley J, Lot 2 9A-Kimball Div. 300 300 22.50 and Lola 40 College Ave, Upper Monte lair, N.J. Keene, Louis M. Trailer 1200 1200 90.00

1 1 Lakeview Ave Beverly, Mass. Keene^Roy D. and Cottage, Garage & Genevieve R. Dickinson lot 1400 1400 105.00

1 1 5 Grant St. Lesington^Mass. Keller, John P. Lot 12-Lachance Div 500 500 37.50 and Eoizabeth Juniper Rd. Fitchburg,Mass. Kelley,Helen L. Cottage on lots 10-11 2000 2000 150.00 and Keenan, Joseph B. Monomonoc (Terrace) 4 9 Montvale St.

Roslindale 3 1 ,Mass. Kellogg, Roberta M. Cottage & Stearns land 3000 3000 225.00 and Merrill, Marian D. 9 Taunton Ave. Norton, Mass. Kemp,Vada M. Cottage '56, shed & 51 Union lot W Lake C 1400 1400 105.00

Peterborough , N . H Kempton, Robert S. and Cottage '33 Elizabeth J. Parts of lots 216-219 38 Brentwood Drive incl.-Woodmere 2000 2000 150.00 P.O.Box 272 Bloomfi eld. Conn. King, Mrs. Myrle H. Jones land 50 10 50 3.75 or Madalyn M.

1 1 8 Vernon St. Gardner, Mass. Kingham, Laurence B. Woodmere Cottage *2 8 3100 3100 232.50 and Lucille R. & garage, lots 23 2-3 9 53 Way land Drive incl. tract '2 unnumbered lot Verona, N.J. Kingsbury, Harold A. 1/2 cottage & 1/2 lots and Pearl 26 & 27 and 1/4 lot

1 1 Pleasant St. 25 - Pool Pond 700 700 52.50 Leominster, Mass. Kirmil, Williams R. Lot '2 -Randy Shores 600 600 45.00 and Lorraine M.

1 3 Dewey St. Leominster, Mass. Knight, George Lot *57 - Pool Pond 100 100 7.50 and Marion Humbolt Ave. Burlington, Moss. Knight, Ralph C. 1/4 Knight homestead 300 300 22.50 8 -A Prescott St. Maiden, Mass. . . .


Description Val ue NAME and ^3 X D < 5^ 1—

Kozlowski , Joseph M. Cottage and lot and Henriefte P. Wellington W Lake M 2100 210C 157.50 88 Dean St. Belmont, Moss. Koski,Alvar J. Lot - Sandy Shore 300 300 22.50 and Gertrude M. 898 Pearl St. Gardner, Mass. Kramer, Howard C. Cottage '26 and lots 2500 2500 187.50 and Jessie L. '16 5-17 2 incl.-Woodmere 26 Myrtle St. Belmont, Mass.

Kulish,John W. and Aino Mowing land 150 150 1 1 .25 Squantum Rd. Jaffrey,N.H. Kwasny,John T. & Mary A Lot P-10- 8 Claire Ave. Paradise Island 1000 1000 75.00 Baldwinville, Mass. Lachance, Gerard and Cottage & lot #8 Dorilda Lachance Div. 2500

148 Vernon St. 1 Boat 100 2600 195.00 Gardner, Mass. Lachance, Leo P. and Cottage & lots 6 & 7 Theresa M. 1/2 of lot 5 4500

1 Parker St. McGregor land 1500

Gardner, Mass. 1 Boat 100 6100 457.50 Lachance, Luke A. & Eva J Cottage & lot and

1 1 1 Bickford Hill Rd. 1/2 lot 5 3500 3500 262.50 Gardner, Mass. LaFleur, Albion J. and Cottage #77 W Lake C 2100

Doris G. 1 Boat 100 2200 165.00 Off Old Dublin Rd.

Peterborough , N . H Lahtinen, Martin O. Cottage 4 and lot 60 Simond St. W Lake M 1700 Fitchburg,Mass. 2 Boats 200 1900 142.50 Lambert, Edward J. Camp on Lot 4 and Gabrielle A, Emersonian Park 800 800 60.00 104 Ash St. Nashua, N.H. Lamontagne, Robert G Cottage & Lots 14-15 and Marjorie L. Beauvais Point 2500 2500 187.50 W.Main St. Westmi nster. Mass

Lamothe, Mrs. Margaret A. Cottage 1 3 1 and garage 3600

84 Hurd St. Burns cottage 1 30 and Fitchburg,Mass. garage-E Lake M 3200

1 Boat 500 7300 547.50 Lonham, Rev. Charles W. Lot P-3 -Paradise Island 800 800 60.00 and Mary N

1 3 58 New Britain Ave W.Hartford, Conn. Lanone, Henry C & Anna Cottage on lot 4

1 1 2 Norfolk St. Emerson Pond 900

Dorchester, Mass. 1 Boat 100 ' 1000 75.00 .


(A _ ® NAME Description and Va ue 0) 5- X < S^ 1—

Lapham^Mrs. Maud C. E...fi^n^§e Schoolhouse 900 c/o Johnston Pond lot 500 1400 105.00 4 5 Hopkins St. Reading, Mass. Largey^Paul V. and Cottage #140 & lot Adelle C. E Lake M 2800

826 Main St. 1 Boat 200 3000 225.00 Leomi nster. Mass Larvis,Mrs. June C Cottage & lot *7 WLC 3100 3100 232.50 55 S.Lincoln St. Keene,N.H. Laughlin, Henry A. Rindgewood Farm 2400 22 2400 180.00 and Rebecca L. Monument St. Concord, Mass. LeBlanc,Desmas Camp on lot '14 and Bertha M Kimball Div. 1200

75 High St. 1 Boat 100 1300 97.50 Erving,Mass. LeB lane, Mrs. Regina Camp on lot *1 4 54 Granite St. Emerson Pond 1200

Fitch burg, Mass. 1 Boat 100 1300 97.50 Lee, Mrs. Anna I.Est. Cottage '97 & lots c/oFlorence Swanbeck 1-4 incl. BIk J 1100 1100 32.50

1 9 Lincoln St. Franklin, Mass. Legg, Gordon F. Cottage '96 & lots 962 Broadway 13 5-8 incl-Woodmere 1600 1600 120.00 Everett, Mass. Leonard, Stuart G. Cottage '52 & barn P.O.Box605 E Lake C 1900 1900 142.50 120 W.EIm Drive Orange City, Florida

Lepkowski , Joseph Cottage on lots 2 2 & 23 317 Pleasant St. Beauvais Point 2000 2000 150.00 Gardner, Mass. LeTourneau, Oliver D. Letourneau land 300 2 300 22.50 and Sade

Box 1 1 1 RD 'l Forge Village, Mass. Levering, Nancy Part of Sherwin Hill farm 900 60 900 67.50 and West, Hope K. 3 9 Hickory Dr. Maplewood,N. J.

Lewis, Ralph H. Cottage on lots 1 8 & 1 9

1 06 Pratt St. Beauvais Point 2000 2000 150.00 Lunenburg, Mass. Liddell,Earl R. Camp-Pine Eden 500 500 37.50 201 Pearl St. Winchendon, Mass. Lightizer, Emily A. Cottage '4 2 W Lake C 90 Winnessemiet St. and lots 12-13 BIk F 600 600 45.00 Chelsea 90, Mass. Lindsay, Thomas B & Altheo Dbvis orchard & cottage

Box 52 5-W.Groton,Mas . lots 652-657 incl. 500 500 37.50 44

in NAME Description ond Vol je 5- X o < 2^ K-

Livermore, Roland C and Camp & lots 2 3,24 & 25 Francis T. Emerson Pond 2000 2000 150.00 50 5 Main Street' Acton Center, Mass. Lockhart, Robert W. and Flint & Carr land 100 25 100 7.50 Lizotte S. Stone Pond St. Marlboro,. N.H. Logan, John A. and Lot P-4 -Paradise Island 1000 1000 75.00 Arlene T. Sylvan Rd. Leominster, Mass. Loring, Edward A Cottage & garage

1 5 Shelburne Rd. Shore land Lake M 4500 4500 337.50 Wellesley Hills, Mass. Lovejoy, Albert R. Cottage '8 2 W Lake C 1700 1700 127.50 P.O.Box 72 Flagtown,N.J. Lovejoy, Victor and D.W. Lovejoy farm 1000 1000 75.00 52 Seminary Rd. Simsbury,Conn. Lowe, Russell B.Jr. Lowe holdings as per plan 2700 760 and Fikh, James A. Doll House 300 and Robert M.Jr. Ethel Hutchinson lot 120 30 23 Hickory Ldne R.R.Robinson lot and W.Hartford, Conn. cottage 1200 125 Whitney pasture 100 25

Ducrow Place 25 1 Jewell lot 50 2 Brown lot 400 4895 367.13 Mace, Merrill A. and Cottage - E Lake M 2300 2300 172.50 Virginia P. 108 W.Fayette St. Syracuse 2,N.Y. MacLean, Audrey H. and Homestead 1700 1700 127.50 Thomas, Hi Ida M. 23 E. 8 th Street N.Y.3,N.Y. MacNeil, James J. and Homestead 4200 13 Louise M. Jones land 300 3 4500 337.50 23 Kenwood Avenue Newton Center, Mass.

Magee, Hazel E.Thomas H.D.Thomas mowing 150 1-1/2 150 1 1 .25 552 N.Main Street Leominster, Mass. Magee, Dr. Lincoln J. and Cottage & lot #1 3500 Esther L. Pelletier land 600 4100 307.50 323 Spring Winchendon,Mass. Mague, Sophia C.& Emily E Emory place 2800 2800 210.00 17 37 Commonwealth A' fe. W.Newton, Mass. Mailman, Eugene W and Log Cabin on lot 22 Carolyn Kimball Div. 2000

3 9 Knox Street, Palmer, v\ass. 1 Boat 100 210C 157.50 . . .


NAME Description and Value

Mai I man, Harry L. Lot '21- Kimball Div. 300 300 22.50 34 Dunster Rd. Needham,Mass. Manseau, Joseph E. Lot #12 BIk H 227 W. 161*1 Street W Lake C 35 35 2.63

N.Y.I 1 ,N.Y. Marifiote,Mrs. Alice Camp and garage

1 3 8 Cherry Street on Rte . 119 500 500 37.50 Cambridge, Mass.

Marks, Charles E & Mary E Cottage on lot '^l 7

1 4 Harvey Lane Beauvais Point 1600

Westboro,Mass. 1 Boat 100 700 127.50 Marks, Elden E & Helen M Burt Cottage Lake M 3000

7 Ready Rd. 1 Boat 100 ;noo 232.50 Lynnfield Ctr.,Mass. Martel, Dr. Roland O. Cottage #24 lot 220-224 3600

20 Parker Street incl.,2 2 8-23 1 incl. Woodmere

Gardner, Mass. 1 Boat 220 3800 285.00

Martin, Leo M. Michaud land 1 00 100 7.50 Benjamin

Wi nchendon , Mass

Mason , E . L Cottage on lots 2 8-31 inc.

47 6 Prospect St. & lot 1 5 BIk I, lots 7-8-9 Revere, Mass. BIk P,lots 1-2-3- Blk G - W Lake C 1200 1200 90.00

Mason, Wi I lard Lots 5-6-Blk J, lot 27

1 7 Parker Street BIk P,lots 21-22 BIk G Everett, Mass. W Lake C 100 100 7.50 Matthews, Carl Ray Brodmerkle place 1200 26 11200 90.00 Box 2 02 S.Lancaster, Mass. Mattson,Urho E & Edward L Lot - Divol Pond 00 100 7.50 Greenville Rd. Townsend,Mass. Maurice, John & Mary A 2 Camps-4 Cabins 2500 ]7] Almira Rd. Seppala land 200 2700 202.50 Springfield, Mass. McAllister, Norman F & Cottage & lot '4 2 2 00 2200 165.00 Mabel A. Wellington - W Lake M West Acton, Mass. McCarthy, Edward O Cottage '59 & Clay land and Madeline E Lake M 37 00 3700 277.50 260 B.Maine St. Medford,Mass. McCusker,Hugh J & Mary E Cottage #63 E Lake C 2400 2400 180.00 195 William Stoneham,Mass. McGary,Mrs. Mary C. Ashley place 2200 85 2200 165.00 3129 W. 109th St. Inglewood, Calif McGrath,Emile Cottage #61 lot 2 3-25

1 3 England Avenue incl. BIk I W Lake C 1 300 1300 97.50 Fitchburg,Mass. .


M NAME Description and Value s 5-i X ^ ^^ ,2

Mc Grath , Raymond Lots 19 & 20 BIk 1 50 5( 3.7 5

1 6 Maryland Avenue W Lake C Fitchburg,Mass. McLiI Ian, Margaret A. Cottage (Allen) 2000 200( 150.00

87 1 Weldon Drive Richmond 2 9,Va.

McS ki mmon , W . B . est John Mann farm 1000 50 100( 75.00 c/o Donald McSkimmon, Adr. Jaffrey,N.H. Medrykowski,Waclaw Camp on lot 7 3 2 Greenwood Place Monomonoc Terrace 300 30( 22.50 Gardner, Moss. Mehegan,Mrs. Catherine House-Todd Hill Rd. 2500 250C 187.50 592 Beech Roslindale,Mass. Metcalf, Laura Cottage '133-E Lake M 2200 220C 165.00 64 Washington Street Leominster, Mass. MiaKelson -Janis Unf. Camp-Johanson lane 100 IOC 7.50 71 Centre St., Rosbury,Mass. Michniewicz, Stanley E. Cottage '28 W Lake C 2300 230C 172.50 and Elizabeth 47 6 Pleasant Street Gardner, Mass. Miller, Francis A and Cottage '47 & 2 Ipts Madeline M. (Harnett) Lake C 3600 3600 270.00 44 9 Central Street Leominster, Mass. Mills, James L & Helen B Cottage #7 9 W Lake C 2700 2700 202.50 Rte.'2 Kennedy Hill Rd Goffstown,N.H.

Mineau, Ralph J & Isabel Margaret Smith land Rtel 1 9 100 24 Fairlawn Street Trailer 350 So.Hadley,Mass. Jewell land 100 600 45.00 Miraglia,Mr$. Thelma Lots 38,39 & 40 BIk J 7 Adrian Street W Lake C 100 100 7.50 Somervi lie, Mass. Mitchell, Mrs. Ruth W Cottage Unf. Lot 4 173 Waltham St. Lapham Div E Lake M 2000 2000 150.00 Lexington, Mass. Monadnock Nat'l Bank 3 5 Shares Nat'l Bank Jaffrey,N.H. Stock Monomonac Lake Shores, Flowage & Storage rights Inc. L.M. & Wellington 9000 9000 675.00 Lunenburg, Mass. Monomonock Sporting Club Clubhouse 'l 60 & bidgs 6000 c/o Volney W.Howe McGregor land 500 6500 487.50

2 1 Green Street Gardner, Mass. '

Mori n, Henry H,& Dorothy : Cottage & lots 1 5-20 Jaffrey,N.H. incl.Blk G-W Lake C 1200 1200 90.00 Mori n, Marguerite M.E. Cottage *8 W Lake C 2600 2600 195.00 Hq.5acom,QM Section APO407 New York,N'y 47

_ ® Description ue NAME and Vol X ^ ^^ 1—

Morlock Realty, Inc. Cottage 'l 55 and camp 7 Washington Avenue E Lake M 4000 Winchendon,Mass. Kimball lot 200 50 Pond lot 100 2 4300 322.50 Morrisseau, David E Cottage and lots 3 -4 and Doris R lots 3R-4R Beauvais Pnt 2400 2400 180.00

7 1 Belmont Avenue Winchendon,Mass.

Mortensen , Mrs . Hazel le T. 2 lots Lake M (Bower) 400 400 30.00

1 04 Oxford Avenue Eau Claire, Wisconsin Mulcahy, James J. Hale & Rourke land and Frances with camp 1200 3 9 Leavitt Street McCormack land 100 2 1300 97.50 Hingham,Mass. Murdock^E.inc. Haskell wood lot 400 70 5 St. James Street Ware land 300 40 Keene,N.H. A. S. Kimball land 125 45 Lyons lot 75 26 Wilder lot 310 70 H.H.Rice lots 300 101 Part of Norcross land 270 90 Robbins lot 25 7 B.F.Danfort land 150 50 Liberty Rand farm 300 107 C.H.Danforth land 150 15 Shurtliff 50 18 Burrett land 150 50 Coffin land 25 7 Huse land 2 lots 250 40 J. A. Knight land 200 60 A. J. Robbins land 270 90 Ramsdell lot 50 14 Rugg Sprout land 25 6-1/2

Shore 1 ot - Lake M 700 Platts lot 15 5 Alexander lot 225 78 Abbott lot 60 20 Danforth land 150 20 Nash lot 120 41 Ballou land ^50 45 E.H.Converse land 120 40 496^ 372.38 Murray, John C & Ruth A Cottage #16 lots 2 52-295 3 9 Bancroft Rd. inci .-Woodmere 2300 230C 172.50 Mel rose, Mass.

Narkum , Z . Wadsworth Pecker Pond lot 10 1/2 2 Western Avenue Iver Brooks Farm 75

Lowe II, Mass. Buffin land 200 35 28f 21 .38 Neff,Albert L & Minnie E Cottage ^^31 & lots 2 52 235 Gulf Drive 2 59 incI .-Woodmere 21 00 210C 157.50 Venice, Florida Newell, Edward H. Lots 'l 0-14 incl.Blk P 11 Milk Street W Lake C 100 IOC 7.50 Fitchburg,Mass. 48

10 NAME Description and Value la X ^ ^^ ,2

New England Lumber Co. Towne Farm land 700 163 Greenfield, Mass. Geo.A.Willard land 150 23 850 63.75 New England Power Co. Power Line 77050 441 Stuarf Street A.L.Brown land 1750 35 Boston, Mass. Peter Geddes land 200 4 E.Murdock land 600 12 Harris Rice land 500 12 BOIOC 6007.50 New England Tel & Tel Co Rice lot 800 800 60.00 c/o General Manager 3 5 Green Street Concord, N.H.

New Hampshire Elec.Co. Transmission System 60000 ( )0000 4500.00 Jaffrey,N.H. Neylan, Genevieve Lot #24 BIk B-

51 Elm Avenue W Lake C 20 20 1 .50 Wollaston,Mass. Nichols, Charles W. Lots #32 & 33 and Barbara M. Lachance Div 1200 1200 90.00 Fenno Drive Westminster, Mass. Niemi,Rose Lyons cottage land

Boox 1 13,Keene,N.H. owned by Damon est. 600 600 45.00 Nilssen,R.Helge & RuthH. Camp-B.F.Donforth farm 600 75 600 45.00 7 5 Simonds Road Lexington, Mass. Norcross, Frederick P. Bert pasture 300 58 and Julia R Packard land 40 8 R.F.D. 'l D.A.Robbins land 20 5 360 27.00 Fitzwilliam,N.H.

Norcross, Leon A and 1/2 Moore lot 25 8 25 1 .88 Heidel,Ola M 53 Grove Street Winchendon,Mass. Nottingham, Wayne B Walter Hale place 300 300 22.50 50 Mass. Ave. '306 Cambridge, Mass. -8- Novak, Edward Cottage #4 1 and lots 7 9 BIk F W Lake C 800 800 60.00 O'Brien, Charlotte and Cottage #138 Lake M 1900 1900 142.50 Spaulding, Beverly 95 Blossom Street Fitchburg,Mass. Ohman,Carl D and Co. Cottage and land 1800 1800 135.00 67 Catherine Street Worcester, Mass. Okarmus, Frank C & Addie Shore lot and land

5 1 Osborne Terrace Pool Pond 600 600 45.00 Springfield, Mass.

Olson, Hi Ibert A. and Cottage and lots 1 8-22 Marian J. incl.-Pool Pond 1400 1400 105.00 56 8 North Rd.RR 2 Sudbury, Mass. Olson, Hugo & Anna H Cottage #95 -Woodmere 2600 2600 195.00 44 5 Shrewsbury St. Holden,Mass. . ,


NAME Description and Val je ^2. X ^ ^^ ^

O'Neil, Francis S Cottage '48 lots 4-9 inc1. U6 Seneca Street BIk G-W Lake C 1200 1200 90.00 Fltchburg,Mass. O'Neil, Thomas P. Jr. Cottage '3 8-Woodmere 1400 1400 105.00 36 Russell Street Cambridge, Mass. O'Toole, Austin J. est. Cottage and lot #9 c/o Alice G 0'Toole,Exec.W Lake C 2000

7 Carlisle Street 1 Boat 100 2100 157.50 Andover^Mass. Paine, Wallace B. Trailer 1700 35 S. Main St. Cottage Lot J & K ELM 5000 6700 502.50 Baldwinvi lie, Mass. Pajari, Wilbur H. Cottage & lots 14-17 - 1 Oak Street incl. Pool Pond 1000 1000 75.00 Baldwinvi lie, Mass. Palermo, Mrs. Grace Cottage & lots 2 5-29 Incl. 52 Watts Street BIk Z-W Lake C 1100 1 100 82.50 Chelsea, Mass. Palm,Ture A & Signe R Lot - Per ley Lake 700 700 52.50 44 5 E Foster Melrose, Mass.

Parker, Louis E. Camp & lots 17 5-6 Lawffince St. Woodmere 500 50C 37.50 Pepperell,Mass. Parks, Reginald Tarbell land & bidg. 600 63

1 95 Main Street Metcalf land 300 75 90( 67.50 Winchendon,Mass. Patari, Anton Walter Hale land 400 100 40( 30.00

Rindge State Rd-Box 1 4 7F Ashburnham,Mass. Patch, Charles Cottage 'l -Perley Lake 500 50C 37.50

4 1 Beech Street Winchendon,Mass. Patenaude, Verne L and Cottage & lot #2 Kathryn Wellington Sub-Div 7 Crescent Heights W Lake M 4000 400C 300.00 Fitchburg,Mass. Paul, Frederick H.Jr. L.F.Hale place 4000 20 400C 300.00 and Ek'zabeth 583 Watertown Street Newtonvi lie. Mass Payne, R.W. Inc. White land-Converseville 300 30C 22.50 Wood Avenue Keene,N .H.

Payne, Geo . R . &Sawyer Towne land 700 70C 52.50 Bayard E.

c/o Chadbourne Trust C ) c/o M.Morse Jaffrey,N.H. Peabody, Bayard W Comp & Lot B 6 Forest Street Lapham Sub-Div 800 800 60.00 Baldwinville,Mass. .


NAME Description and Value ° Pepper, Francis H & Shirley Peppermill 1800 60 800 135.00 10 Allen Rd. Wellesley Hills, Mass.

Perry, Donald I & Annette Cottage & lot E 3 900 Peterborough Rd. Lapham Sub-Div E Lake M Jaffrey,N.H. Part of Lot J 200

1 Boat 1 00 4200 315.00 Perry, Mrs. Lenna W and Goddnow-Ramsdell land 300 85 Hanna, George R.Trs. Wetherbee land 2 50 85

c/o James B.Perry Winchester land 1 00 30 Jaffrey,N.H. Elson Converse land 2 00 65

Towne Farm land 1 00 30

John F.Hale land 1 50 54 Pond land 3000 71 4100 307.50 Perry, Mrs. Lenna W. Schoolhouse lot and Dan Squantum Rd, Fish land 2 50 7^ Jaffrey,N.H. Cottage and island Emerson Pond 400 Ri ndge lot & Keyes land 3 25 91 Wheeler land 2 5 1/4 1000 75.00 Phillips, Charles Port of lot #7 in

26 Washington Place 4 th range 1 50 150 1 1 .25 Glen Ridge, N.J. Pigeon, Mrs. Florence H. Camp & lots 2 9-60 2 Hammond Rd. incl. 65-72 incl. and Belmont, Mass. 81-87 incl-Woodmere 5500 5500 412.50 Pine Eden Association Land-Pool Pond and c/o Clare B.Fisher Community House 30 00 15 3000 225.00 Red Stone Hill Road Sterling, Mass. Pisarczyk, Stanley F and Cottage and Lot 9 Gertrude A. Monomonac Terrace 800 800 60.00 Manchonis Road

No . Wi Ibraham , Mass

Pliska, Chester J & Helen Camp on Lot 1

129 Whalom Road Lachance Div 1 500 1500 1 12.50 Fitchburg,Mass. Poirer, Edward J.& Rita M Cottage & lots 10-13

59 Nichols Street incl. -Pool Pond 1 2 00 1200 90.00 Gardner, Mass. Pope, George, B. Jr. and Cottage #30-Woodmere 2 000 2000 150.00 Vivian G. Lots 133-134-139 & 140 231 Marshall Street Fitch burg, Mass. Popple, Raymond E. Lang place (land) 200 200 15.00 Fullam Hill Road Fitzwilliam,N.H. Porter, Howard W and Cottage & lots 35 & 36 A Frances D. Beauvais Point 2 2 00

24 Crescent Heights 1 Boat 100 2300 172.50 Fitchburg,Mass. Potter, Annie M. est.

Jaffrey,N.H. land 25 25 1 .88 .


NAME Description and Va ue 5-^ X < ^^ ,5

Priest, Earle Camp- Pine Eden 800 800 60.00 7 5 Prospect Street Winchendon,Mass. Priest, John R. Camp - Pine Eden 900 900 67.50

1 74 Main Street Burlington, Vermont Priest, Lloyd, W. Lot 30A-Kimball DIv. 300 300 22.50 31 Central Street So. Ac ton, Mass. Putnam, Earl U. Cottage #21 - W Lake C 1700 1700 127.50 Sturbridge,Mass. Quatrale, Philip Lot 'l 5-Lachance Div.

1 9 Prospect Street W Lake M 500 500 37.50 Fitchburg,Mass. Randall, William N. and Cottage - W Lake C 2900

Margaret M 1 Boat 100 3000 225.00 7 5 Wilshire Park Needham,Mass. Randolph, Richard F. Cottage '24 Lots 2 5-28 c/o James W.Randolph incl. - W Lake C 1900

1 1 2 Overbrook Drive Nault land 100 2000 150.00 Wei lesley, Mass. Ray, Mrs. Eleanor G. Lot *2 2 Emerson Pond 300 300 22.50 8 Cliff Street Worcester 7, Mass. Ray,R.Miles& Helen D. Cottage and lots 7 3-78

1 64 Grove Street incl.-Woodmere 2100 2100 157.50 W.Medford,Mass. Raymond, Amy B. and 2 Cottages *144 and 145 Madeline and Gay, E Lake M 2700 Ruth R Smith land 300 3000 225.00 54 Cole Street Providence, R.I Reid, Raymond M.Jr. Cottage '50 and lot #4 330-1 St Ave. Apt. 7B W Lake C 2200 2200 165.00 N.Y.,9,N.Y. Rhuland, Frank A and Unf. House Steeves land 3200 10 3200 240.00 Florence M. 21 Clayton Maiden, Mass. Rice, Kenneth Tent platform 100 100 7.50 Green Street Hopedale,Mass. Rich, A.Merrill and Hubbard Island 750 3-1/2 750 56.2 5 Allen, Dean K. 6 Hilltop Drive Burlington, Mass. Rindge Manor Lake Shores Crowcroft Development Inc., P.O.Box 226 and storage and flowage

Lunenbury,Mass. rights 18000 1800( 1 350.00 Ring,Alvah O. Cottage and lot 207 5 Beacon Street Wellington Sub-Div 1700 1700 127.50 Waban 6 8, Mass. 52

0) NAME Description and Val ue a> X < s^ 1—

Rix, Clayton E & Charlotte Camp on lot 3 1 8 Pequot Road Emerson Pond 1200 1200 90.00 Way land, Mass. Robideau, Peter, est. 2 lots 157 & 160

c/o Mrs. Edna 1 Burke Woodmere 200 200 15.00 81 Washington Street Rochester, N.H. Robillard,Armand A and Lot 2 9-bachance Div. 500 500 37.50 Gloria J. South Road Temp leton, Mass. Rol land, Martin G Cottage '5 and lots 1800 1800 135.00 54 Woodchester Dr. 50 5-509 incl-W. Woodmere Weston, Mass. Roman Catholic Bishop Land & Buildings of Worcester Beauvais Point 5000 5000 375.00 Worcester, Mass. Rose, Fred J & Ruth B Hammond cottage-Perley 446 E.20th Street Lake 1600 1600 120.00 New York 9,N.Y. Rose, William, est. Cottage 'l 7 and 10 164 8 Mass. Avenue lots - Woodmere 2600 2600 195.00 Cambridge, Mass.

Rostedt,Paavo E. Cottage o n lots 1 5 & 1 6

1 2 Whittemore Street Emerson Pond 2200 2200 165.00 Fitchburg,Mass. Rouisse, Robert E.Sr. Cottage on lot ^^8

and Eva Kimball Div. 1500 1500 1 12.50

1 4 1 Rodiman Avenue Fitchburg,Mass. Roy, Martin A & Florence Camp on 1/2 lot *8 86 Sheridan Street Emerson Pond 900 900 67.50 Fitchburg,Mass. Rozes, Harry & Jessie Cottage #59 and lot

Purgatory Road Woodmere 1500 1500 1 12.50 Middleton,R.I. Rugg,Cleron S. Cottage #51 W Lake C 800 80C 60.00 State Line, N.H. Rugg, Frank H. Camp-Pine Eden 900 90C 67.50 33 Fairhaven Road Worcester, Mass. Rupner,lrina Cottage on lot 9 Avery Street Lachance Div. 2350 2350 176.25 So. Windsor, Conn. Rutherford, Mrs. Eleanor D Cottage 'l 58 -W Lake M 900

1 1 7 Prospect Street Colburn land 1000 97 190C 142.50 Reading, Mass. Rutherford, Peter G.est. Cottage #1 56 W Lake M 2000 200C 150.00

1 1 7 Prospect Street Reading, Mass. Saint Cyr, Theresa B. Camp-Emersonian Park 7 2 Ohio Avenue (Wilen) 1000 lOOC 75.00 Fitchburg,Mass. . .


0) Description Value NAME and 0^ X u O < I—

St. George, Leonard and Cottage #4 2 lots 1-2 8 3 500 Cecelia incl.-Woodmere 4 500 4 9 Stratton Road Cottage' #1 6 2 -E Lake M Jaffrey,N.H. 800C 600.00 Salvato,lJb>seph & Mary Camp #46 A lots 8-9-1

86 Division Street- BIk 1 W Lake C 700 70C 52.50 Chelsea 50, Mass.

Sampson, Mrs. Elizabeth W, Cottage 1 27-128 ELM 3200 10 340C 255.00 96 Appleton Street Bush Hill land 200 Arlington 74 ,Mass. Sanborn, John E & Barbara Cottage 47 & lots 31 -2 21 Oakland Street 3-4,1 1-14 inci

Fitchburg,Mass. BIk 1 Michigan 1300 130C 97.50 ^andback,Mrs. Helen K Cottage #147 E Lke M 2100

1 560 Hartford Turnpike Smith land 300 240C 180.00 North Haven, Conn.

Sargenty Harold T. Cottage #4 and 1 8 lots 7 3 Linden Street W.Woodmere 2 2 00 220C 165.00 Winchendon,Mass. Sawyer, Alfred P & Fay S Duncan land (Tanpin) 2 5 2 Turnpike Road Demers, Hal lock. Popple, Jaffrey,N.H. Jones & Bradford lot 3 00 61 Z2t 24.38

Sawyer, Arthur F and Cottage and lots #10-1 1 Vinson, Esther S.est. Michigan 900 90C 67.50 46 Highland Street

W . Medway , Mass Sawyer, Jason C Grassy Pond Island Old Turnpike and Camp 300 30C 22.50 Jaffrey,N.H.

Scamman,Fred L. & Marior 1 Camp on lot #8 RFD-Rindge,N.H. Emerson Pond 7 00 700 52.50 Scannell, Joseph, et al Cottage '56 and garage Tanner Street E Lake C 3200 Lowe II, Mass. 2 Boats 2 00 340C 255.00 Scarrel, Alexander, est. Camp-Pine Eden 7 00 700 52.50 4 5 Prospect Street

Wi nchendon , Mass

Schatz,Anna, est. Cottage #4 and lots 8 9- Edward A.Schatz,exec. 96 incl.-Woodmere 2600 260C 195.00 2404 Valencia Drive So. Gate,Sarasota,Fla. Schnippel, Charles L & Witherton Hill & Cottage 1000 lOOC 75.00 Limbia Seventy Acres Rd.,Rt.l Ridgefield,Conn. Scholl, Warren A. Jr. Converse & Wellington 46 Fisher Street land and camp 800 50 80C 60.00 Natick,Mass. Schiver, Edith M. Cottage #13 6 & garage 3 Lothrop Avenue E Lake M 2500 250C 187.50 Westfield,Mass.

Seppa, Oscar Cottage & Wellington Id 1600 2 6 Addison Street New comp 3 500 5100 382.50 Arlington, Mass. ..


Description Value o NAME and 5- X •s 2^ 2

Setzco, Walter Camp & lots 1 -2-3 Pleasant St.-RFD Monomonoc Terrace 1500 Leominster, Mass. Camp on lot 2 8 Lachance Div 1000 250C 187.50 Shea, Grace E.& Unf. camp on lot *2 5

Markaverick, Alberta Kimball Div. 1500 150C 1 12.50

1 1 Grove Street Peterboro,N.H. Skelton, Paul S. Camp - Pine Eden 800 80C 60.00 Oldham Rd.,RFD Box 2 11 Westboro,Mass. Sherwin,John P. Cottage #1 57 W Lake M 2200 220C 165.00

1 81 N.Lincoln Street Orchard Park,N.Y. Sibley, John W & Bush Hill 900 220 90C 67.50 Delina A

1 1 8 Brown Woterville, Mass. Singer, Irving & Josephine Cottage - Pool Pond 2300 230C 172.50

24 8 Commonwealth Av( 1 ^

Boston 1 6 ,Ma$s. Silvula,Anna M and Kelley land & cottage 500 50C 37.50 Tyyne Sivula,est.

1 52 Mechanic Street Fitchburg,Mass. Slavin, Robert L & Sylvia Unf. cottage-Lot ^\1

1 1 Locust Lachance Div. 1800

Wi nchendon , Mass 1 Boat 100 190( 142.50 Smith, David L. Cottage *2 -Per ley Lake 500 50( 37.50 Marlboro, N.H. Smith, Mrr* Ellen R. Cottage '62 E Lake C 1700 170( 127.50 Jaffrey,N.H. Smith, Esther Cottage and lot *3 3237 Harrison St. Wellington Sub-Div 3200 320( 240.00 Hollywood, Florida Smith, Marshall W. Lot 'l - LocKmwB Div. 600 60C 45.00 and Persis Old Center Street

Wi nch endon , Mass Smith, Richard Cottage W Lake C 1500 150C 112.50

32 3 Park Stt. Gardner, Mass. Smith, Stanley M. Cottage - lots #24-2 5 and Joanne Beauvais Point 2000 200C 150.00 3 2 Greenwood Place Gardner, Mass. Snow, Henry A & Helen E Cottage and part of lot 43 Summer Street C - E Lake M 3000 300( 225.00 Shrewsbury, Mass.

Socony Mobil Oil Co.,lnc . 2 Pumps & Tanks 250 25( 18.75 64 8 Beacon Street

Boston 1 5, Mass. 55

M NAME Description and Value X < 2^ ^

So lomita, Louise N Cottage - Pool Pond 2200

467 Atlantic Ave. 1 Boat 100 2300 172.50 Saugas^Moss. Spear, LeRoy F Camp - Pine Eden 500 500 37.50 24 Riverside Place Wal pole, Mass. Starrett, Edwin B & Evelyn Wellington Land 500 9 500 37.50

1 8 Pitman Road Athol,Mass. Stather, Donald G Camp - Pool Pond 1600 160C 120.00

1 3 Goldsmith Avenue Beverly, Moss. Stearns, Herman E Lord land 40 1-1/2 40 3.00 480 Central St. Winchendon,Mass. Steinberg, Diana Lots '1-2-3- BIk D

1 8 Devon Terrace W Lake C 100 IOC 7.50

Newton Center 5 9, Mas •

Stevens, Bernice 1 1/2 Tucker lot 35 18 35 2.63

1 18 High St. Winchendon,Mass.

Stevens, Roger T & /lA. Unf. Camp on Lot '3'1 Lorraine Lachance Div. 1400

33 Hayden Lane 1 Boat 100 150C 1 12.50 Bedford, Mass. Stone, Lester & Ruth Flagg place (Jewell) 500 50C 37.50 32 Paine St. Worcester, Mass. Stratton, Frederick M. Stock in trade 400 40C 30.00 Jaffrey,N.H. Stuart, Geraldine L and Cottage ELN 3000 300C 225.00 Benjamin F .Jr. Elm Street Baldwinville, Mass. Sullivan, Anthony C. Cottage ^7 and lots 1400 140C 105.00

1 Crescent St. 4-7 inci BIk A W Lake C Keene,N.H. Sund,Bernhard W. Camp-Hughgill Div. P.O.Box 531 Lal« M 900 90C 67.50 Leominster, Mass. Swanbeck, Florence L. Cottage #4 5 lots 21-24

1 9 Lincoln St. incl.Blk J W Lake C 1300 130( 97.50 Franklin, Mass. Taylor, Mrs. Mabel E 1/3 Etta Todd place 600 60( 45.00 Milford,N.H. Teixeira, Mrs. Pearl L. Lot '^S -Emersonian Park 100 10( 7.50 W. Peterborough, N.H. Thomas, Albert D. 1/2 Allen land 200 30 20( 15.00

1 5 Cottage Place Leominster, Mass. Thomas, Caleb H & Doris Steeves place 4000 400( 300.00

2 Bloomfield Ave . Middleboro,Mass.

Thomas, Ezra H 1/2 Allen land 200 30 20( 1 5.00 9 Washington St.,Leomi nster,Mass. 4


Description Value NAME and ^2. X o < 2:^ 1—

Thompson, George R & Hel< n Lot in E.Rindge Village 200 41 Nightingale Ave E.Rindge Chapel 100 30C 22.50 Quincy 69, Mass. Thrasher, Lee W. Cottage in E.Rindge 500 50C 37.50

RD '3 - Box 1 1 Troy,N.Y.

Tibbetts, Donald C & Lots 12 and 1 2A Lorraine C. Beauvais Point 200 20C 15.00 Northborough,Mass. Tice, Charles F & Clara Cottage #8 lots 3 99-402> 53 Mechanic St. to 404 incl. 407-409 inci Fitchburg,Ma$$. W.Wood mere 1600 160C 120.00 Tierney, Gerald F.Jr. Lot 31 -Kimball Div. 300 30C 22.50 and Joyce Hudson, Mass. Tikl

Toko, Ernest H, Pauline 1 Cottages, boathouse and Oliver and island 4000 400C 300.00

1 95 Marshall Street Fitchburg,Mas$. Tosdal, Harry R. Adams place 5000 lb 7 Bow Road Mague pasture. Hunt Belmont 7 8, Mass. Gardner land 300 70 Emory land 400 80 590C 442.50

Towne, Archie Smith land 150 30 15C 1 1 .25

1 1 5 Park Winchendon,Mass. Turco, Joseph J & Doris M Callahan lot-W Lake C 200 20C 15.00

8 1 Marvin Ave. Franklin, Mass. Turner, Matthewson A. and Cottage and lot F Wilma F. E Lake M - Lopham Div 2700

1 550 Main Street 1 Boat 100 280C 210.00 Newington,Conn.

Vaillette, Edgar & Louise Cottage and lots 1 2 & 1 3 180 Central St. Beauvais Point 2000 200C 150.00 Leominster, Mass. Vaine, Arthur W and Hughgill land 200 20C 15.00 Annabelle Elmwood Road Winchendon Springs, Mas s. Volada, Albert E. and Unf. camp and lots 32-35

Eunice C. incl. Pool Pond 1800 180C 1 135.00 44 Glenallen St. Winchendon, Mass. Valonen,Carl O. Lots 6 5-66 - Pool Pond 500 50C 37.50 RFD 'l - Box 31 Troy,N.H. Vincent, Paul G and Cottoge and lots 36-37 Theresa L. Pool Pond 1800 180C 135.00

1 7 1 Leamy Street Gardner, Mass. . ^


0) HkUS. Description and Value 0.2 X < 2^

Volak, Milton J & Shirley Lot '1 6 Lachance Div 500 500 37.50 24 Ross Court

Winchendon , Mass Vose, William C & Alice E Cottage and lot D. 2000 2000 150.00 Box 176 Lapham Sub Div E Lake M Amherst. N.H.

Walaschek, Albert R. Lots 11 & 1 2 Emerson Pond 7 Patterson Way-Apt. 4 7 600 600 45.00 S.Boston 27 ,Mass.

Walaschek,Mrs. Gertrude \ A. Camp on lot *].3 AAl East 5th St. Emerson Pond 500 500 37.50 S.Boston, Mass.

Walker, Richard 1. and Colby lot Parts of lot Lillian F. #10-11 - 3rd range 200 43 8 Camp Drive Phelps & Sargent meadow 200 24 Selden,L.I.,N.Y. Jones meadow 60 65 Ingalls Mill privilege 60 520 39.00 Walker, Vernon E. Lots #21-2 2 BIk F Dublin, N.H. W Lake C 40 40 3.00 Walsh, John T & Mary E Cottage #46 and lot 73 Chelmsford St. E Lake C 2100 2100 157.50 Dorchester, Mass. Walsh, Joseph F and Cottage 7 2 A and lot Margaret A Gentsch land 1900

2107 Orchid St. Lots 1 9-2 BIk F W Lake C 40 1940 145.50 Sarasota, Florida

Walsh, Lawrence H & Ada \ Cottage and lot 76 Hollywood Place Wellington -Lake M 3000

Huntington, N.Y. 1 Boat 100 310C 232.50 Walz, Gertrude C.est. Cottage '92 and Davis c/o Hans G.Walz land - E Lake C 1900 1900 142.50

1 4 Sunset Road Wellesley 81 ,Mass. Ward,Katherine B.est. Cottages #1 4 2-143 and c/o Mrs. R.Donaldson garage E Lake M 3100 310C 232.50 Cambridge, Mass. Webber, M. B.est. Antill place 1200 50 120C 90.00 Bedford, Mass. Webster, Mrs. Wilbur E. 2 lots - Woodmere 400 400 30.00 20 School St. Jaffrey,N.H. Welch, Alphonse J. Cottage #7 5 W Lake C 3700 3700 277.50

1 8 Pacific Court Fitchbufg,Mass. Wellington, Elliot G. Cottage #8 9 and Davis 7 8 Simmons St. land W Lake C 1600 160C 120.00 Fitchburg,Mass. Wellington, Mrs. Hazel K. Camp #88 W Lake C 1600 160C 120.00 78 Simmons St. Fitchburg,Mass. Wellington, Paul N.T.Wellington place 1400 Yale Street Kimball lot 125 37 Ashland, Mass. Wellington, Hale,

Converse lot 600 1 25 21 It 159.38 . .


0) Description and Val je NAME o^ X < 2^ o

Wellington, Ralph A.J. Wetherbee land 1 50 14 1 50 1 1 .25 3 33 Cornwall Rd. Rocky River 16, Ohio Wellington, Winnie L.est. 4 lots - Woodmere 100 100 7.50 c/o William H. Watson, >^ tty. Keene, N.H. West, Hope H. Cottage "^54 - Woodmere 3300 3300 247.50 3 9 Hickory Drive Maplewood,N .J. West Woodmere Ass'n. Parks and Avenues c/o Marion J. Bag ley at West Woodmere 200 200 15.00 33 Pine St.

Peterborough , N . H Wetmore,Roy D. and Lovejoy lot 400 100 Marjorie M Hubbard lot 250 85 4 9 Glenn Street Brooks land 150 45 Athol,Mass. Thomas Mason land 225 68 Raymond Sherv\^in land 400 128 Watson lot 300 100 C.H.Thomas land 250 72 Crowe lot 125 25 Sherwin land 25 9 2125 159.38 Wharf, Conroy H and Cottage #1 24 -2 lots 1400 1400 105.00 Helen J. 74 Fairview Rd. Lunenbury,Mass. Wheeler, Raymond E.est. Land at Woodmere 500 500 37.50 c/o Mrs. Grace B.Whe€ ler 139 Elm Street Winchendon,Mass. White, Andrev/ J. est. Cudworth place 80 18 53 East Street Toombs lot 40 8 Winchendon,Mass. Howe land 1 50 40 Smith lot 100 30 Howe lot 150 40 52C 39.00 White Bros., Inc. WInchendon Springs, Mass/w E.I .Wellington land 200 20C 15.00 White, Mrs. Margaret H. Cottage #161 W Lake M 4 500 High Street Lachance land 600 51 OC 382.50 WInchendon, Mass. Whitehead, Ray J. Cottage - W Lake C 1000 Peterborough Road Cottage #93 W Lake C 1800 280( 210.00 Jaffrey,N.H. Whitney, James M and Phillips land(Bartlett) 200 50 20( 1 5.00 Helen B 40 FIfield Street Nashua, N.H. Whitney, Lyman S. Cottage and land 2100 4 5 South Avenue 1/3 int. in Undlv.est. 40 214( 1 160.50 Tiverton, R.I Whitney, Marcus M.est. Cottage #154 Lake M 3000 300( ) 225.00 c/o John W.Whitney, E) :ec.

51 1 Central Street Winchendon,Mass. .


0) Description and Vol ue NAME 5- X < .2^ ^

Wiggin, Stephen P. & Edna Unf. Camp on lot 64 E.Main Pool Pond 1200 120C 90.00 Greenville, N.H.

Wihtelin,Otto & Onni 1 Cam & lot Divol Pond 500 50C 37.50 8 Nichols Street Fitchburg,Mass. Wilder, Richard H. Don Woodard lot 75 26 75 5.63 27 Myrtle Avenue Fitchburg,Mass. Wilkinson, Arthur W. Cottage-W Lake M and Katherine E. Hughgill Sub-Div. 3300

1 9 Crescent Heights 2 Shore lots 600 390C 292.50 Fitchburg,Mass. Wil ley, Kenneth E. Camp and lots 5-6

1 9 Lenox Street Emerson Pond 1200 120C 90.00 Springfield, Mass. Williams, Abraham S and Cottage and lot Joan A. Pool Pond (Knight) 2500

1 2 Oak St. Terrace Cottage (Phillips) 1800 430C 322.50 Shrewsbury, Mass. Winchester, Leon H Cottage '1 and lots 21 Park Ave. 518-2 5 incl-Woodmere 1600 160C 120.00 Worcester, Mass.

Wi n terton , Cora E . est Leight place 2300 8 230C 172.50 c/o Ruth Higgins

1 81 St. George Rd. Melbourne, Florida Wolanske, Benjamin J and Camp WLC 2400 240C 180.00 Jennie 48 5 Pleasant Street Gardner, Mass. Woodmere Assoc. Inc. Parks & unnumbered lots 200 20C 15.00 c/o Jesse Dwire 2 87 Wanoosnoc Rd. Fitchburg,Mass. Wozmak, Dr. C.Francis Cottage #80-W Lake C 4300 430C 322.50 Main Street Jaffrey,N.H.

Wright, Walter F Cottage #26 W Lake C 1 100 1 IOC 82.50 Woodside Avenue Wei lesley, Mass. Wuori,Sanni Cottage and land Box 22 Pecker Pond 700 4 70C 52.50 Lodi,N.Y.

Young, James E. Lots 1 and lA-Kimball 8 5 Lincoln Ave. Div. 400

Wi nchendon , Mass 1/3 Tucker lot 35 30 43^ 32.63 Zablonski, Anthony C. Camp-Hughgill Sub. Div. 1200 120C 90.00 and Sophie 87 Church Street Gardner, Mass. Zenker, Karol R& Louise Cottage and Wellington 47 Halcyon Road land-Rte.l 19 1200 120C 90.00 Newton Center, Mass. .


NAME Description and Value 2:S

Zerinsky, Robert Parker and Rand lot 17 5

26 6 Front Street Sargent lot 1 50 325 24.38 Winchendon, Mass. Zogrophos^Aristide G. Ballou land 3 00 300 22.50 and Grace 24 2 Massachusetts Ave Boston, Mass.

^^2 Jena, Raymond H. and Cottage 1 & garage 3100 Rosina H. lots 2 p3-4-5 part of 36 Canton Street lots 2 16-7-8-9 Fitchburg,Mass. Woodmere 500 3600 270.00

Johnson, Auro O. Lot *^26 & Cottage 1 100 51 Wickman Drive Lot 30A & 13R-26R Gardner, Mass. inc! 600 Lot #27 & trailer 1000 Baauvais Point 2700 202.50

: :


Interest on taxes for 1960 681.18 Interest on taxes for 1961 1.79 National Bank Stock Taxes 36.00

$154,505.29 Town Clerk: Nomination Fees $ 18.00 5 Histories 30.00 Automobile permits for 1960 116.38 Automobile permits for 1961 7,307.72 Automobile permits for 1962 342.85 Dog Licenses 568.50

$8,383.45 Highway Department Received for Labor and Material as per list Charles Lauder $ 38.00 George F. Abbey $ 6.00 Francis Fredette 8.22 Roland Livermore 5.00 Davard's, Inc 12.00 Danforth Oil Co 53.80 Frederick Tacy 28.50 Carl Ohman 15.00 L. L. Stebbins 5.00 Ernest Barrett 66.00 David K. Welch 2.50 Carpenter Const. Co 213.40 Foster Beach 153.29 George Hawkins 12.00 Thomas LeRocque 16.45 L. A. Young 6.00 Roland Blake 16.45 Sibyl Sloane 12.00 Eleanor S. Coppers 120.00 The Meeting School 29.00 Elden E. Marks 16.45 Gunnar Anderson 45.50 Armas W. FiUback 16.45 Abby Taylor 66.50 Charles Hoarty 16.45 Calvin Kalliainen 5.00 John L. Weidner 50.00 Robert Powley 25.00 Robert C. Hudson 8.22 Donald J. Smith 51.00 State of New Hampshire 683.48 Old Forge Restaurant .... 4.50 George W. Garland 12.00 Hill's Drive-In 86.00 G. Leon Morris 38.00 Walter Cleveland 34.50 Marcia E. Cleaves 69.30 Edwin Godden 68.25 Harold E. Rice 39.00 Wallace B. Paine 50.00 Carl W. Bock 8.22 Richard A. Ford 29.00 Leo P. LaChance 1,005.80 Archie L. Lafreniere 18.80 Robert Lambert 10.00 Albert Ricard 6.00 Richard Cleveland 27.00 Arthur W. Wilkinson 96.45 Emerson Pond Improve- Jyry Kansanen 39.25 ment Assoc 70.00 Howard A. Bemis 3.00 Thomas B. Faulkner 93.00 Francis Seymour 12.00 Edwin B. Starrett 11.00 James MacNeil 5.00 Margaret A. Lamothe .... 372.35 David Carpenter, Sr 58.20 R. B. LaRue 88.10 Leslie G. Thrasher 10.00 Harold Trefrey 6.00 Ainsworth Knight, Jr 5.00 Cathedral of the Charles N. Shaw 32.30 Pines Trust 115.00 Thompson Coal & Alan M. Downey 47.40 Grain Co 100.00 Walter E. Cleaves 45.60 George R. Kimball 3.00 Arthur P. Chase 161.60 East Rindge Garage 20.00 Orrin L. Dyer 132.25 General Box Company .... 20.00

George Davol 77.00 Charles H. Letourneau .. 13.00 John B. Rice 55.00 TOTAL $5,000.53 : : :


Plowing Driveways 1,710.00


Trustees of Trust Funds Cemetery work $ 962.39 Interest on Electric Light Fund 4,984.72


Library Trustees Refund on Overpayment $105.00 Fire Extinguisher 3.70


Town of Jaffrey Reimbursement for Sign Installation 7.50 Leon Paul — Yield Tax Bond $160.00 Interest on Bond 3.20

163.20 John W. Sibley — Fire Reimbursement 10.10 John B. Rice — Fire Department Trailer 51.00 Ralph H. Pangborn — Fire Department Trailer 51.00 Redvers H. White 50.00 One Cemetery Lot 25.00 First National Bank of Boston — Temporary Loans 65 .000.00 John B. Crosby, Jr., Highway a/c closing $500.00 John B. Crosby, Jr., Dump a/c Closing 100.00 Harold E. Savage, Forest Fire a/c Closing 100.00


TOTAL RECEIPTS $278,035.02

DISBURSEMENTS Orders drawn by the Selectmen $256,468.99 Cash in Treasury, December 31, 1961 21,566.03

$278,035.02 : ::


STATEMENT OF BONDED DEBT, DECEMBER 31, 1961 Fire Truck Bonds issued May 2, 1956 Annual Maturities of outstanding bonds $1,500.00 due May 1, 1962 1,500.00 due May 1, 1963 1,500.00 due May 1, 1964 1,500.00 due May 1, 1965 Rate of interest 2^/4%

H-70 Hough Loader Bonds issued April 1, 1959 Annual Maturities of outstanding bonds $2,000.00 due April 1, 1962 2,000.00 due April 1, 1963 2,000.00 due April 1, 1964 2,000.00 due April 1, 1965 Rate of interest 2y4%

Respectfully submitted, ROLAND C. GODDARD Treasurer

REPORT OF OVERSEER OF POOR Report of Overseer of Public Welfare

January 1, 1961 to December 31, 1961 Town Old Age Assistance $892.17

892.17 Cash on hand, December 31, 1961 61.11

$953.28 Orders drawn on Selectmen $90.00 Cash on hand, December 31, 1961 53.28


Respectfully submitted, FLORENCE E. STEBBINS Overseer of Pubhc Welfare 58



John B. Crosby, Jr., foreman $1,718.83 Charles L. Baldwin 44.20 Everett C. Blair, Sr. 1,081.60 Robert E Blair 39.00 Roger P. Burt 352.15 Wayne W. Faery 136.50 Ernest L. Goodall 51.00 Lawrence H. Harper 331.80 Raymond A. Hoyt 1,028.37 Konsta Penttila 350.35 Wayne B. Pike 1,444.50 Jon G. Reenstierna 557.36 Harold E. Savage 16.50 Paul Tatro 109.20 Leslie G. Thrasher 680.46 Wilham H. Wilder, Jr. 1,845.38


Equipment Howard 0. Burt, Jr. $2,479.25 Roger P. Burt 344.25 David C. Carpenter, Jr. 356.00 R. C. Hazelton Company, Inc. 1,337.90 George R. Kimball 520.40 Wilfred J. Nadeau 484.00 Perkins Machinery Company, Inc. 562.75 Wayne B. Pike 9.60 John W. Sibley 18.00 Richard H. Stearns 388.75

Oliver J. Taylor 24.00

$6,524.90 59

Repairs, Gas and Oil Anderson Auto Body $ 3.00 Boutwell's Garage 9.05 Howard O. Burt, Jr. 159.50 N. R. Fogg & Son 8.50 Charles A. Folsom 4.50 Harris Oil Company 1,743.09 Harold L. Haynes 44.00 R. C. Hazelton Company, Inc. 704.60 Laitala's Garage 456.73

J. B. McGregor 464.67 Ray Moore Motors 37.22 N. H. Explosives & Machinery Co., Inc. 7.70 Sargent Motors, Inc. 411.49 Texas Refinery Corp. 152.95


Supplies Elie Belletete & Sons $ 23.44 Bibeau's Hardware 6.23 Everett C. Blair, Sr 21.00 Bowker-Hamblin-Malmquist, Inc. 534.48 Helen R. Burt, Postmaster 24.80 The Chemical Corporation 2,141.00 John B. Crosby, Jr. 552.29 Donel Supply Company 776.41 Fox Auto Parts, Inc. 116.84 Freddie's Jenney Service 57.30 H. Gilmore & Company 3.68 Jones Express 5.50 New Hampshire Electric Company 40.42 John 0. Seppa 90.00 Village Card Shop 3.12 Newell V. Whitaker 10.40

$4,407.21 Department credit for driveway fees $1,710.00 Department credit for other items 129.25

SUMMER Labor John B. Crosby, Jr., foreman $1,312.50 Everett C. Blair, Sr. 421.85 Frederic C. Dumaine, III 195.75 Raymond A. Hoyt 378.00 60

Konsta Penttila 730.60 Wayne B Pike 612.00 Jon G, Reenstierna 195.75 Paul Tatro 172.20 Leslie G. Thrasher 498.60 William H. Wilder, Jr. 1,132.50


Equipment Gunnar R. Anderson $ 252.00 Earl A. Bullard 270.00 Town of Jaffrey 237.50 Carey F. Johnson 16.25 John W. Sibley 35.75

$ 811.50

Sand and Gravel Everett C. Blair, Sr. $ 16.70 Edward C. Brummer 14.30 Carl R. Converse 207.00 E. Murdock, Inc. 28.70 John 0. Seppa 18.75 Winchendon Washed Sand, Inc. 35.75

$ 321.20

Repairs, Gas and Oil Boutwell's Garage $ 10.55 Howard 0. Burt, Jr. 70.00 H. 0. Burt, Jr., and R. G. White 135.00 David C. Carpenter, Jr. 64.00 N. R. Fogg & Son 10.08 Charles A. Folsom 12.00 Harris Oil Company 1,236.53 Harold L. Haynes 64.70 R. C. Hazelton Company, Inc. 431.12 Laitala's Garage 108.50

J. B. McGregor 279.12 Ray Moore Motors 41.90 Earl R. Porter 54.30 Sargent Motors, Inc. 286.44 Texas Refinery Corporation 40.20

$2,844.44 61

Supplies Gunnar R. Anderson $ 54.00 Elie Belletete & Sons 148.58 The Emery-Waterhouse Company 19.40 Bibeau's Hardware 4.29 Bowker-Hamblin-Malmquist, Inc. 40.75 Christie & Thomson, Inc. 4.50 John B. Crosby, Jr. 501.36 Donel Supply Company 41.23 Frederic C. Dumaine, III 15.00 Fox Auto Parts, Inc. 61.23 Freddie's Jenney Service 27.20 H. Gilmore & Company 41.97 New Hampshire Electric Company 20.20 Harold E. Savage 54.00 Village Card Shop 1.50

$1,035.21 Department credit for Road Toll Refund $683.48


John B. Crosby, Jr., foreman $ 149.00 Frederic C. Dumaine, III 117.75 Raymond A. Hoyt 14.18 Konsta Penttila 63.05 Wayne B. Pike 23.25 Jon G. Reenstierna 4.50 Paul Tatro 39.20 LesHe G. Thrasher 128.25 WiUiam H. Wilder, Jr. 244.50

$ 783.68

Equipment Earl A. BuUard $ 211.50 Henry Clement 31.25 Harold C. Miller 12.30 Ronald J. Vaillancourt 14.10 Guw P. Washburn 12.30 Winchendon Board of Public Works 135.00

$ 416.45 62

Supplies Charlotte R. Crosby $ 50.00 John J. Hudson, Inc. 1,829.06 Ainsworth Knight, Jr. 8.00 Penn Culvert Company 83.13

$1,970.19 Sand and Gravel Everett C. Blair, Sr. $ 6.10 Carl R. Converse 34.40 E. Murdock, Inc. 8.10 Winchendon Washed Sand, Inc. 33.00

$ 81.60 Department credit for private work $4,187.80


John B. Crosby, Jr. $ 405.00 Frederic C. Dumaine, III 434.25 Konsta Penttila 168.35 Leslie G. Thrasher 408.75 WiUiam H. Wilder, Jr. 423.00

$1,839.35 Equipment Earl A. BuUard 763.75 Henry Clement 17.10 Town of Jaffrey 577.50 Winchendon Board of Public Works 68.00


Supplies John B. Crosby, Jr. $ 68.32 Donel Supply Companyr 93.45 Harris Oil Company 446.60

John J. Hudson, Inc. 3,685.57 ^change. Inc. 313.36


Sand and Gravel Carl R. Converse $ 210.00 Gravel Crushing, Inc. 1,917.00

$2,127.00 63

PARKS AND PLAYGROUNDS Labor Charles L. Baldwin $ 288.60 Raymond A. Ford 72.80 Konsta Penttila 192.40

$ 553.80

Supplies Charles L. Baldwin $ 3.49 Elie Belletete & Sons 1.63 H. Gilmore & Company 1.75 J. B. McGregor 12.75 Wayne B. Pike 12.00

$ 31.62

1DUNCAN FUND Labor John B. Crosby, Jr. $ 165.00 Raymond A. Hoyt 37.80 Konsta Penttila 146.90 Wayne B. Pike 42.75 Jon G. Reenstierna 125.25 Paul Tatro 110.60 Leslie G. Thrasher 111.00 William H. Wilder, Jr. 156.75

$ 896.05

Equipment and Supplies Earl A. BuUard $ 322.50 H. 0. Burt, Jr., and R. G. White 1,065.00 John J. Hudson, Inc. 516.55 Town of Jaffrey 206.25 John W. Sibley 36.90


TOWN HALL John B. Crosby, Jr. $ 75.00 Frederic C. Dumaine, III 54.00 Konsta Penttila 42.25 Leslie G. Thrasher 54.75 WiUiam H. Wilder, Jr. 68.25

$ 294.25 64

LIBRARY Earl A. Bullard $ 45.00 Carl R. Converse 20.00 John B. Crosby, Jr. 25.20 Harold C. Miller 24.60 Jon G. Reenstierna 22.50 Leslie G. Thrasher 3.00

Ronald J. Vaillancourt 28.20 Guy P. Washburn 24.60 Wmiam H. Wilder, Jr. 24.00

$ 217.10

OLD CEMETERY Charles L. Baldwin $ 20.80 Konsta Penttila 241.80

$ 262.60

CULVERTS Donel Supply Company $1,001.98

DUMP ACCOUNT Charles L. Baldwin $ 7.15 Bibeau's Hardware Co. 1.49 Roger P. Burt 9.00 John B. Crosby, Jr. 102.00 Frederic C. Dumaine, III 13.50 Ainsworth Knight, Jr. 213.00 Harry Morton 306.00 Wayne B. Pike 16.50 John W. Sibley 68.00 William H. Wilder, Jr. 38.25

$ 774.89

Respectfully submitted,

JOHN B. CROSBY, JR. Agent 65

REPORT OF POLICE DEPARTMENT Common complaints 201 Breaking and entering 12 Larceny 17 Public gatherings and traffic duty 114 Disturbing the peace 12 Investigating suspicious persons 14 Assisting other departments 32 Serving summons for other departments 9 Automobile accidents 38 Missing persons 6 Malicious damage 16

Arrests Made by Department Disorderly conduct 2 Drunk 2 Disturbing the peace 3 Larceny 4 Malicious damage 4

Arrests for Violation of Motor Vehicle Law Reckless operating 1 Careless and negligent operating 5 Speeding 21 Passing through red light 2 Crossing the yellow hne 12 Passing through stop sign 2 Operating under the influence of liquor 2 Taking car without the owners consent 3 Faihng to keep on the right 1 Hit and run 2 Operating a motor vehicle not properly registered 2

Respectfully submitted,


Chief of Pohce 66

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Cemetery Re-imbursement to Town for perpetual care $ 567.54 Work in Churchyard Cemetery 262.60 Work in Robbins Cemetery 132.25

$ 962.39

Library Paid Library Trustees $1556.28

Memorial Funds School Christmas Party $ 50.00 Emergency Aid 127.75

$ 177.75

Electric Light Fund Paid Town to reduce taxes $4984.72

Respectfully submitted,




Trustees of Trust Funds 73


The year 1961 has been one of considerable progress for the library. Notable accomphshments include the following:

1. Completion of the Children's Reading Room. This in- cluded a bronze memorial plaque to the late Harry E. Sherwin for whom the room is dedicated. Appropriate ceremonies to open the room were held in April. This was attended by many friends of the Library, and Mr. Douglas Sloane, donor of the plaque, spoke of the many contributions that Mr. Sherwin had made.

2. Installation of a Telephone. This has been a long- needed improvement for the library which has proved to be a boon not only to the Librarian, but to many people in our patron group . Incidentally, this installation has raised the standing of our services in the State ratings of Ibraries. The funds which made it possible were raised by private subscrip- tions, as well as the food and rummage sales held in July and August. We are thankful to Mrs. Christine PhiUips, Mrs. Perry Thrasher, and especially to Mr. George Coppers, for their do- nations to the sales. Mrs. Coppers also presented the library wdth a handsome set of drapes for the Symonds Room and a set for the windows in the stack room.

3. Parking Lot Started. This area at the back of the library plot has been scraped and leveled, and several loads of gravel deposited. An entrance driveway from Route 202 into the plot has been begun. We are indebted to Selectmen Mr. Savage and Mr. Anderson and Road Commissioner, Mr. Crosby, for the considerable progress made thus far. Our hope is that this project will be completed within the next few months so that the danger now existing in street parking will be obvi- ated.

4. Installation of Water Pipe and necessary equipment. Having inspected the well to determine the water supply, the work of instalUng an underground pipeline to the basement was finished, and a septic tank buried in a suitable location. To have this greatly needed improvement completed, there remains to be done the installation of the pump, indoor pipes :

74 and the toilet and washbowl. We are most grateful to Mr. Ralph Pangborn for donating his time and labor in this project.

5. Repairs and Maintenance. The foundation has been pointed up where there were leaks, and cracks in the gutter outside filled. In order to make the entry-way safe, the front steps were also cemented and the landing resurfaced.

6. Extenor Work Completed. The trees in the front yard were treated and repaired, eliminating some danger and pro- longing the hves of these fine old trees.

7. Use of Basement Space. At the suggestion of Repre- sentative Frank Allen, the Town First Aid and Disaster equip- ment was moved to the basement of the Library. Here it has been well arranged for immediate and efficient use. This loca- tion seems ideal since the rear basement door leads out on the level and is adjacent to the parking lot.

Some needs for the coming year Repairs to the ceiling and other places in the museum where the plaster has fallen or is in poor shape.

The roof gutters are in need of repair.

The old steps from the walk to the parkinglot are com- pletely worn out and must be replaced.

Decorating — with the exception of the Sherwin Room, the entire library should be repainted.

The Trustees were much concerned during the spring when our Librarian, Mrs. Carrie S. Gray, was taken seriously ill. After several weeks, however, she was able to return with the usual dedication to her work, and her continued devotion to the hbrary. Needless-to-say, everyone was rgatified to have her recovery so complete.

We appreciate the cooperation of Mrs. June Danforth, the Assistant Librarian, who carried on efficiently during Mrs. Gray's absence.

Our thanks are extended as well to Mrs. Barbara Rice for her helpfulness in aiding the Trustees on many occasions.

Respectfully submitted, EDWIN B. KLEIN




Cash in Bank, January 1, 1961 $ 185.46 Town Appropriation $1,605.00 Town Note 50.00 Ware Fund and others 780.78 Wallace Fund 84.00 Morton Converse Fund 40.40 H. M. Buswell Fund 45.00 Van der Veer Fund 447.90 Memorial Fund — H. E. Sherwin 30.00 Memorial Fund — Georg«e Coppers 46.50 Reference Books Fund 79.00 Telephone Fund 131.76 Gifts 39.00 Fines and lost books 31.00



Expenditures Librarian $ 843.84 Assistant Librarian 129.98 Janitor 242.48 Fuel 491.98 Light and Power 59.34 Service and Repairs 435.00 Books — Adult 145.47 — Juvenile 64.68 Magazines — Adult 63.75 — Juvenile 7.00 Postage and Supplies 36.40 Insurance 211.26 Cleaning 43.65 Wallace Book Fund 148.42 Sherwin Memorial Fund 161.57 Coppers Memorial Fund 27.79 Telephone Fund 40.66 7G

Reference Books Fund 17.24 Rindge Federal Tax Fund 37.70 Refund to Town of Rindge — overpayment 105.00

3,313.21 Cash on hand, December 31, 1961 282.59


Respectfully submitted,


of the





For the Year Ending June 30, 1961 INDEX

PART I. ADMINISTRATION A. Officers 79 B. No-School Signal 80 C. Calendar 80 D. Report of District Clerk 80 E. Warrant 80

PART I]:. INSTRUCTION A. Instructional Staff 82 B. School Program 82

PART III. SCHOOL PLANT A. Repairs 83 B. Insurance 84

PART IV. FINANCE A. Report of School District Treasurer 84 B. School Board's Financial Report and Budgets 86 C. Detail of Expenditures 88 D. School Lunch Program 95 E. Notification of School Assessment 96 F. Balance Sheet 97

PART V. CHILD ACCOUNTING A. Tuition Pupils 98 B. Statistics 99 C. Census 100 D. Enrollment 100



Meeting was called to order by the moderator at 2 :00 P.M. Warrant was read by the chairman of the school board, Newell V, Whitaker. Prayer was offered by Rev. Edwin J. Godden. Polls were open from 2:1 5 P.M. to 6:30 P.M to choose school district officers.

The business part of the meeting was called to order by the moderator at 7:00 P.M. and prayer was offered by Rev. George Chapman.

Barbara Swann lead the salute to the flag.

Article I. James F. Allen was chosen moderator for one year.

Article 2 . Ralph H. Pangborn was chosen clerk for one year.

Article 3 . Newell V. Whitaker was chosen a member of the school board for three years.

Article 4 . Florence E. Stebbins was chosen Treasurer for one year.

Article 5 . The salaries of the district officers were voted as follows:

Chairman of the school board - $1 1 .00 Each other member 60.00 Treasurer 60 .00 Clerk 5.00 Moderator 5 .00

Ballot clerks 1 .00 per hour each

Auditors 1 5 .00 each

Article 6 . It was voted to accept the reports as printed with the exception of the regulations pertaining to the dress of pupils attending the Rindge Memorial School

Article 7 . Walter A. Cleveland and Charles H. Rice, Jr. were elected auditors for one year.

Article 8 . Voted to raise and appropriate the sum of $85 ,1 28 .92 for the ensuing year's budget.

Article 9 . Voted to raise and appropriate the sum of $2 00 .00 to match $200 .00 in federal funds.

Article 1 Voted $1 500 .00 to be used as a capital reserve fund for school buses.

Respectfully submitted,




Moderator J.-VMZS F. .\LLEN


School Board .\EMAS W, FILLBACK. Chairman Terr-, -r-ires 1962 LE\MS D. GILMORE T-:.. --rues 1963 XE\\TLL V. W-HETAKER Tern expires 1964



Superintendent of Schools LEWIS F. FOOTE

Teacher Consultant EARL D, B-ARXE5

Truant Officer ERNEST GOOD.\LL

School Nurse RUTH S. I„\NGILLE. R.N.

School Physician FRANKLIN W. STERLING. M. D. . :


B. NO-SCHOOL SIGNAL On a morning when in the opinion of the school bus driver, Mr. Burt, the weather is such as to make the operation of the school bus inadvisable, he is to contact Armas Fillback, Rindge 179, school board chairman, well before 7:00 A.M. who will rule whether the school is to be closed. If it is, Mr. Fill- back will notify the Superintendent of Schools, (WA 4-6625), the principal, Rindge 27-21, and the other school bus operator. The Superintendent will notify WBZ, WKNE, WKBK, and WFGM (Fitchburg). The principal will notify teachers and others as is necessary.

C. CALENDAR 1962 April 20 Schools close — Spring Vacation April 30 Schools reopen May 30 Schools closed — Memorial Day June 15 Schools close (unless time lost) — Summer Vaca- tion Sept. 5 Schools open Oct. 26 Schools closed — Teachers' Convention Nov. 22 & 53 Schools closed — Thanksgiving Recess Dec. 21 Schools close — Christmas Vacation 1963 Jan. 2 Schools reopen Feb. 15 Schools close — Winter Vacation Feb. 25 Schools reopen

D. REPORT OF DISTRICT CLERK Note: This may come directly from Mr. Pangborn. If not received, please omit.

E. WARRANT To the Inhabitants of the School District in the town of Rindge qualified to vote in the district affairs

You are hereby notified to meet at the Rindge Memorial School in said district on the 9th day of March at 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon to act upon the following subjects:

1 To choose a Moderator for the coming year.

2. To choose a Clerk for the ensuing year.

3. To choose a Member of the School Board for the en- suing three years. 81

4. To choose a Treasurer for the ensuing year.

5. To determine and appoint the salaries of the School Board and fix the compensation of any other officers or agents of the district.

6. To hear the reports of Agents, Auditors, Committees, or Officers chosen, and pass any vote relating thereto.

7. To choose Agents, Auditors, and Committees in re- lation to any subjects embraced in this warrant.

8. To see what sum of money the district will raise and appropriate for the support of schools, for the salaries of school district officials and agents, and for the payment of statutory obligations of the district, and to authorize the appHcation against said appropriation of such sums as are estimated to be received from the state equalization fund together wdth other income; the school board to certify to the selectmen the balance between the estimated revenue and the appropriation, which balance is to be raised by taxes by the town.

9. To see if the district will authorize the school board to make application for and to accept, on behalf of the district, any or all grants forthcoming under Titles III, V, or VIII, or any combination thereof, of the National Defense Education Act, Public Law 85-864 or any or all grants of other funds which may now or hereafter be forthcoming from the United States Government or from the State of New Hampshire under the provisions of the National Defense Education Act.

10. To see if the district will accept the provisions of Chapter 197, Section 1-a, of the New Hampshire Revised Statutes Annotated and elect its district officers at the annual town meeting.

11. To see what sum of money the district will vote to raise and appropriate to meet certain unanticipated tuition charges for the current year, such funds to be made available to the Treasurer of the School District prior to June 15, 1962.

12. To see if the district will authorize the purchase of a new school bus, authorizing transfer and appropriation of such funds from the Capital Reserve Fund as may be neces- sary, using the older of the two district-owned busses as part payment.

Given under our hands at said Rindge this 22nd day of February, 1962. ARMAS W. FILLBACK NEWELL V. WHITAKER LEWIS D. GILMORE 82


A. INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1961 Teacher Position Degree & Training Exp. Salary Wattendorf, Prindpktl, (1-6) and B.S., '60, B. U. 1 $4400.00 George F. Grades 5 and 6 B.A., '33, Pembroke College 4 4450.00 Sands, Evelyn S. Grades 4 and 5 Hale, Martha R. Grades 2 and 3 2 yrs., '26, K. T. C. 11 4550.00 Baldwin, Jessie M. Grades 1 and 2 B. E., '59, K. T. C. 2 4300.00 SUPERVISORS

Woodward, Music Supervisor B. M., '58, B. U. 3 400.00 Lawrence F. Robertson, Art Supervisor B. S., '60, U. N. H. 276.00 Elizabeth T. There was only one change in the teaching staff this year. Mr. George F. Wattendorf replaced Franklin Finley as teach- ing-principal.

B. SCHOOL PROGRAM The opening of outer space presents an ever-increasing challenge to our society. It is with this challenge that we recognize the differences among students and seek to meet their individual needs and encourage them in the development of their physical, intellectual, and creative endowments.

The Spalding Unified Phonics Method is being continued at Rindge Memorial with good results. Mrs. Merritt, Mrs. Hale, and Mrs. Sands each have had two year's experience with the Spalding Method and are pleased with the improvement in the standard of the language arts — speaking, spelling, writing, and reading.

The pupils of grades five and six were again given an opportunity to participate in the annual workshop at Boston University Sargent Camp at Hancock. Twenty-four children went to Sargent for the week of October 23rd. The theme this year was "Water, You, and Conservation." Other activities in- cluded a visit to an abandoned farm, astronomy, soil, square dancing, a cockout, and a scavenger hunt.

While the primary obligation of education is to guide children in the pursuit of knowledge and skills, we also feel it is important to develop a well-rounded, happy, useful citizen, one who will strengthen and improve our democracy. It is in 83 this light and for this reason that we conducted our part of the Christmas program and Memorial Day exercises.

During the past year we have continued to take advantage of the National Defense Education Act whereby federal funds are matched with local funds for the purchase of equipment for the improvement in the teaching of science. We have added a bioscope, slide-strip projector, and a portable television set.

In addition to its use in the field of elementary science, the television is proving valuable in the presentaton of certain social studies materials in the history of New Hampshire, in- formation which is at present not available from other sources.

The teaching staff is grateful to Mrs. Whitney and to Mr. Burt for their contribution to the success of the school program. We are all grateful to the townspeople of Rindge and to the school board for their support in our efforts to develop a strong program for the pupils in our school.


EARL D. BARNES Teacher Consultant

LEWIS F. FOOTE Superintendent of Schools


A. REPAIRS The annual cleaning and maintenance program was carried out by the school custodian, Mr. Burt. In addition, two other projects were undertaken. Forced ventilation was in- stalled in the attic to reduce the extreme heat in that area. The board authorized the drilling of a new well by the Green Mountain Well Company of Putney, Vermont. With each pass- ing year it was becoming increasingly difficult to effectively treat the water. Not only is this new well providing softer water corrosive to our heating and plumbing, but we are as- sured of an ample supply for future needs. 84

B. INSURANCE Fire Insurance and Extended Coverage on Rindge Memorial School and Contents $90,000.00 School Bus No. 1 Comprehensive 4,500.00 Collision ACV less — 100.00 Bodily Injury Liability Each person — 100,000.00 Each accident — 300,000.00 Property Damage Liability Each accident — 10,000.00 Medical Payment Each person — 500.00 School Bus No. 2 Comprehensive 4,800.00 Collision ACV less — 100.00 Bodily Injury Liability Each person — 100,000.00 Each accident — 300,000.00 Property Damage Liability Each accident — 10,000.00 Medical Payment 500.00 Owners' and Tenants' Liability, including Teachers Each person — 100,000.00 Each accident — 300,000.00 Workmen's Compensation and Employers' Liability 25,000.00


Fiscal Year July 1, 1960 to June 30, 1961 SUMMARY Cash on Hand July 1, 1960 (Treasurer's bank balance) $7,388.34 Received from Selectmen Current Appropriation $79,236.44 Received from State Treasurer State Funds 1,412.72 Federal Funds 1,071.15 Received from Tuitions 399.00 Received from all Other Sources 348.48

TOTAL RECEIPTS $82,467.79 85

Total Amount Available for Fiscal Year (Balance and Receipts) 89,856.13 Less School Board Orders Paid 83,053.11 Balance on Hand June 30, 1961 (Treasurer's Bank Balance) 6,803.02

July 25, 1961


District Treasurer


This is to certify that we have examined the books, vouchers, bank statements and other financial records of the treasurer of the school district of Rindge of which the above is a true summary for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1961 and find them correct in all respects.

August 31, 1961



Revised Expenses Budget Budget Budget 1960-61 1961-62 1961-62 1962-63 ADMINISTRATION 110.1 Salaries of District Officers $329.00 $320.00 $324.00 $324.00 135.0 Audit and Census 95.00 95.00 95.00 95.00 190.0 Supplies and Expenses 97.63 90.00 110.00 115.00 INSTRUCTION 210.3 Teachers' Salaries 17,997.50 18,831.00 18,551.00 19,936.00 215.0 Textbooks 256.26 645.00 645.00 675.00 220.0 Library and Vis. Aids 116.01 275.00 300.00 330.00 230.0 Teaching Supplies 904.55 1,315.00 1,315.00 1,375.00 235.0 Contracted Services 100.00 210.00 250.00 250.00 290.0 Other Inst. Expenses 244.45 135.00 125.00 125.00 ATTENDANCE SERVICES 310.0 Truant Officer 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 AUXILIARY SERVICES 400.0 Health 623.15 665.00 600.00 660.00 500.0 Transportation 5,333.13 6,800.00 5,544.00 8,024.00 PLANT OPERATION 610.0 Salaries 1,647.45 1,950.00 1,950.00 1,950.00 630.0 Operation Sup. and Exp. 867.59 600.00 750.00 750.00 635.0 Contracted Services 120.00 120.00 640.0 Heat 1,892.24 1,800.00 1,800.00 1,800.00 645.2 Electricity 1,242.48 1,325.00 1,250.00 1,250.00 645-90 Other Utihties and Exp. 271.30 250.00 275.00 275.00 MAINTENANCE 710.0 Salaries 865.72 633.00 633.00 785.00 725.0 Replace Equip. 270.83 200.00 240.00 370.00 790.0 Other Maint. Exp. 1,230.39 800.00 800.00 450.00 FIXED CHARGES 850.0 Ret. and Soc. Sec. 1,556.70 1,632.00 1,632.00 1,798.00 855.0 Insurance 750.70 901.00 901.00 751.00 GENERAL SUPPORT ITEMS 900.0 School Lunch 899.10 300.00 300.00 300.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 1265-6 Site & Bldg. Improvement 4,309.00 1,100.00 1,200.00 800.00 1267.0 New Equipment 1,605.17 670.00 670.00 532.00

DEBT SERVICE 1370.0 Principal - Building 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 - Bus 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1371.0 Interest - Building 645.00 570.00 570.00 495.00 - Bus 112.50 67.50 67.50 22.50 1390.0 Debt Service Exp. 10.00 10.00 10.00 87

TRANSFER ACCOUNTS 1477.1a Supt.'s Salary 672.30 725.05 725.05 786.25 1477.1b Teacher Con.'s Salary 390.10 435.03 435.03 490.25 1477.1c Office Salaries (S.U.) 581.00 648.28 648.28 740.00 1477.1d Offices Expenses (S.U.) 437.83 474.06 474.06 570.55 1477.2 Per Capita Tax 370.00 416.00 416.00 386.00 1477.3 Tuition 28,744.16 32,836.00 35,269.00 39,344.00 1477.4 Capital Reserve 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00

CONTINGENCY ITEM • 800.00 800.00

Net Expenditures $82,483.24 85,528.92 86,009.92 92,999.55 Plus Refunds 569.87

Gross Expenditures $83,053.11 Cash on Hand, June 30 6,803.02



Cash on Hand, July 1 $7,388.34 *4,980.49 *4,980.49 Federal Funds: School Lunch 725.80 N.D.E.A. 345.35 200.00 200.00 200.00 Tuition 399.00 State Building Aid 1,118.63 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 Other 72.70 25.00 25.00 25.00

Total: Non-Tax Income $10,049.82 6,405.49 6,405.49 1,425.00 Tax Levy: Current 79,236.44 79.123.43 79,123.43 91,574.55 Def. Approp. 481.00

Net Receipts $89,286.26 85,528.92 86,009.92 92,999.55 Plus Refunds 569.97

Gross Receipts $89,856.13

*Indicates Cash on Hand ($6,803.02), plus Accounts Receivable ($141.07) less Accounts Payable ($1,963.60) 1/11/62

Superintendent's Total Salary 1960-61 Peterborough $ 3,337.20 Jaffrey 2,794.50 Dublin 688.50 Hancock 550.80 Rindge 672.30 Sharon 56.70 State's Share 2,500.00

$10,600.00 88

Teacher Consultatanfs Salary 1960-61 Peterborough $ 1,936.40 Jaffrey 1,621.50 Dublin 399.50 Hancock 319.60 Rindge 390.10 Sharon 32.90 State's Share 2,500.00

$ 7,200.00

C. DETAILED STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES For Year Ending June 30, 1961 ADMINISTRATION 110.1 Salaries of District Officers Newell V. Whitaker, School Board $110.00 Armas W. Fillback, School Board 60.00 Lewis D. Gilmore, School Board 60.00 Ralph Pangborn, Clerk 10.00 James F. Allen, Moderator 5.00 Elwin C. Jewell, Ballot Clerk 6.00 Walter Hood, Ballot Clerk 6.00 Hazel B. Allen, Ballot Clerk 6.00 Carlene S. Taylor, Ballot Clerk 6.00 Florence E. Stebbins, Treasurer 60.00 $329.00

135.0 Audit and Census May F. Aube $65.00 Walter A. Cleveland 15.00 Charles H. Rice, Jr. 15.00 $95.00

190.0 Supplies and Expenses American School Board Journal $ 9.75 New Hampshire School Boards Association 10.00 The College Bindery 8.50 Kennedy and Lovell 8.42 Monadnock National Bank 9.05 The Winchendon Courier 23.50 Newell Whitaker 8.00

Florence E. Stebbins ' 20.40 $97.63 89

INSTRUCTION 210.3 Teachers' Salaries Franklin A. Finley $4,700.00 Jessie M. Baldwin 4,000.00 Martha R. Hale 4,200.00 Evelyn S. Sands 4,150.00

Fosco J. Picchi 288.00 Lawrence F. Woodward 376.00 Georgia L. Eaves 187.50 Marguerite A. Finley 15.00 Helen E. Garland 7.50 Edvidn B. Klein 45.00

Lorna J. Letourneau 22.50 Mutual Insurance Co., overpayt, refunded after June 30 6.00 $17,997.50

215.0 Textbooks American Book Co. $117.39 The MacMillan Company 56.04 Rand McNally and Company 19.82 Scott, Foresman and Company 35.51 Follett Publishing Company 11.18 Silver Burdett Company 14.13 E. P. Button and Company 2.19 $256.26

220.0 Library and Visual Aids Denoyer-Geppert Company $26.48 G. & C. Merriam Company 5.64 Martha Hale 3.87 Jessie Baldwin 3.25 Evelyn Sands 3.90 Rindge P. T. A. 72.87 $116.01

230.0 Teaching Supplies Cardigan Sports Store, Inc. $ 8.35 Elhs Smith 5.17 Follett Pubhshing Company 37.13 J. L. Hammett Company 172.27 Charles E. Merrill Books, Inc. 24.09 Rand McNally & Company 13.82 The Ruwe Pencil Company 13.71 Scott, Foresman & Company 150.51 Silver Burdett Company 18.92 World Book Company 74.49 Beckley-Cardy Company 3.75 00

Ruth Eaves 9.35 American Education Publications 58.50 Milton Bradley Company 102.66 Paris Industries 24.49 Pioneer Office Appliance Company 83.40 Supervisory Union No. 47 25.73 Martha Hale 1.00 Jessie Baldw^ln 1.75 News Map of The Week, Inc. 19.75 Science Research Associates, Inc. 55.71 $904.55

235.0 Contracted Services Boston University Sargent Camp $288.00 $288.00

Credits : Received for Sargent Camp Rindge P. T. A. 34.00 Pupils 154.00 188.00

$100.00 290.0 Other Instructional Expenses Supervisory Union No. 47 $35.62 Peterborough School District 6.24 Equinox House 36.58 J. L. Hammett Company 23.75 Milton Bradley Company 13.00 Aborn Chemical Industries 7.62 Mrs. Hov^^ard O. Burt, Sr., Postmaster 24.80 Frank Finley, Petty Cash Account 9.31 Science Research Associates, Inc. 52.56 Boston Music Company 32.66 Cascade Paper Company 1.31 Jaffrey School District 1.00 $244.45

ATTENDANCE SERVICES 310.0 Truant Officer Ernest Goodall $15.00 $15.00 AUXILIARY SERVICES 400.0 Health The Grisw^old Pharmacy $ 6.59 Supervisory Union No. 47 .97 Frank Finley, Petty Cash Account .59 Raymond A. Moore, D. M. D., dental cUnic 50.00 Treasurer, State of N. H., dental clinic 65.00 Frankhn W. Sterhng, M. D., Physician, salary 50.00 Ruth S. Langille, R. N., Nurse, salary 450.00 $623.15 :


500.0 Transportation Jenney Manufacturing Co. $1,236.78 Frederick Stratton 42.00 Freddie's Jenney Service 704.43 Roland C. Goddard 116.92 The Monadnock Ledger, Inc. 1.70 Letourneau Insurance Agency 120.84 The Winchendon Courier 5.00 Rodney C. Cochran 900.00 Roger Burt 222.00 Howard 0. Burt, Sr. 1,233.33 Clarence P. French 1,062.00 $5,645.00

Credits State gas tax rebates 294.09 Insurance payt., glass in bus 17.78 311.87

$5,333.13 PLANT OPERATION 610.0 Salaries Howard O. Burt, Sr. $1,644.45 Frederick Stratton 3.00 $1,647.45

630.0 Operational Suplies and Expenses Aborn Chemical Industries $106.10 Hillyards Sales Company 191.15 J. I. Holcomb Manufacturing Company 214.09 John R. Lyman Company 46.63 Mt. Kilburn Paper Company 61.47 American Standard Wholesale Corporation 177.84 Jaffrey School District 12.00 C. A. Cross & Company 1.89 Thompson Coal & Grain Company 16.00 A .P. Bateman & Son Company 25.00 Central Paper Products Company 10.29 Chiovitti Motor Transportation, Inc. 2.75 Goodnow's Shopping Center 1.49 Elie Belletete & Sons .89 $867.59

640.0 Heat Bateman Oil Corp., oil 1,892.24 $1,892.24

645.2 Electricity New Hampshire Electric Company $1,242.48 $1,242.48 92

645-90 Other Utilities and Expenses Bateman Oil Corp., gas $139.50 New England Tel. & Tel. Co. 131.80 $271.30

MAINTENANCE 710.0 Salaries Howard 0. Burt, Sr. $822.22 Frank Finley 43.50 $865.72

725.0 Replacement of Equipment Standard Duplicating Machines Corp. $233.00 H. Gilmore & Company 37.83 $270.83

790.0 Other Maintenance Expenses N. H. Fire & Safety Equipment Co. $13.50 J. L. Hammett Company 10.70 George R. Kimball 12.00 Goodform Hanger Co. 39.10 Elie Belletete & Sons 31.67 Wayne Pike 220.00 Mrs. Oscar Graton 18.00 H. Gilmore & Company 101.85 Peterborough School Distrct 3.69 A. H. Rice Co., Inc. 9.92 Town of Rindge, Highway Department 33.78 Kenney Bros., Inc. 96.00 Howard 0. Burt, Sr. 21.98 Delia Knight 17.00 Lauder Electric Company 218.00 Bateman Oil Corp. 68.43 Beckley-Cardy Company 3.05 Freddie's Jenney Service 2.25 Goodnow's Shopping Center 9.45 Derby's, Inc. 62.50 A. P. Bateman & Son Company 237.52 $1,230.39

FIXED CHARGES 850.0 Retirement and Social Security N. H. Teachers Retirement System $915.66 N. H. Employees Retirement System 103.97 Treasurer, State of N. H., Social Security 533.93 N. H. Dept. of Public Welfare, OASI Fund Administering Social Security 3.14 $1,556.70 93

855.0 Insurance Edith S. Fitzgerald $ 30.00 Gilmore Real Estate & Insurance Co. 157.90 Roland C. Goddard 281.40 Letourneau Insurance Agency 281.40 $750.70

GENERAL SUPPORT ITEMS 900.0 School Lunch Reimbursable by Federol Funds $632.95 Central Paper Products Co. 37.90 Aborn Chemcal Industries 28.25 Rindge School Lunch Program 200.00 $899.10

CAPITAL OUTLAY 1265-6 Site and Building Improvement Martin Lahtinen $ 8.00 Armas Fillback 12.00 Newell Whitaker 36.00 New Hampshire Fence Company 255.00 Marshall S. Donforth 588.00 Green Mt. Well Company 3,010.00 LeClair Well & Pump Company 400.00 $4,309.00

1267 New Equipment American Playground Device Company $223.72 Jackson Chairs, Inc. 122.83 Cambosco Scientific Company 43.38 Cascade School Supphes, Inc. 125.18 Clark & Harris 8.25 N. H. Fire & Safety Equipment Company 56.00 A. H. Rice Co., Inc. 288.50 Derby's, Inc. 322.45 The Welch Scientific Company 133.36 The Bioscope Manufacturing Company 167.69 Beckley-Cardy Company 78.65 Peterborough School District 6.56 Paris Manufacturing Company 28.60 $1,605.17

DEBT SERVICE 1370.0 Principal Monadnock National Bank, building bonds $2,000.00 Concord National Bank, building bonds 2,000.00 $4,000.00 94

Monadnock National Bank, school bus notes 1,500.00 1,500.00


1371.0 Interest Monadnock National Bank, building bonds $400.00 Concord National Bank, building bonds 245.00 $645.00

Monadnock National Bank, school bus notes 112.50 112.50


1390 Debt Service Concord National Bank $10.00 $10.00

TRANSFER ACCOUNTS 1477.1 Supervisory Union Budget (Rindge's Share) Supervisory Union No. 47 Superintendent's Salary $672.30 Teacher Consultant's Salary 390.10 Office Salaries 581.00 Office Expenses 437.83 $2,081.23

1477.2 Tax For State-Wide Supervision Treasurer, State of New Hampshire, Per Capita Tax $370.00 $370.00

1477.3 Tuition Narragansett Regional School District $ 75.00 Jaffrey School District 22,988.98 FitzvTilliam School District 1,834.00 Chesterfield School District 110.24 Town of Winchendon, Mass. 3,735.94 $28,744.16

1477.4 Capital Reserve Trustees of Trust Funds, Town of Rindge $1,500.00 $1,500.00


D. SCHOOL LUNCH PROGRAM Financial Statement

July 1, 1960 to June 30, 1961

BEGINNING BALANCE July 1, 1960 $ 195.03 RECEIPTS Lunch Sales — Children $2,759.05 Lunch Sales — Adults 230.25 Reimbursement 567.27 District Appropriations 200.00 Misc. Cash 231.45

TOTAL RECEIPTS $3,988.02 TOTAL AVAILABLE $4,183.05 EXPENDITURES Food $2,424.66 Labor 1,583.90 All Other Expenditures 120.49

TOTAL EXPENDITURES $4,129.05 BALANCE — JUNE 30, 1961 $ 54.00

BALANCE SHEET Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1961

ASSETS Cash on Hand June 30, 1961 $ 54.00 Accounts Due May and June Reimb. 92.91

Total Assets 146.91 Excess of Liabihties over Assets 239.04

Grand Total $385.95

LIABILITIES Accounts Owed $371.55 OASI 14.40

Total Liabihties $385.95 Grand Total $385.95 96

NOTIFICATION OF SCHOOL ASSESSMENT, 1961 EXPENDITURES (1961-62) Current Expenditures $76,121.42 Capital Outlay Additions and Improvements 1,100.00 New Equipment 270.00 Debt and Interest 6,137.50 Special Appropriations N.D.E.A. 400.00 Capital Reserve 1,500.00

TOTAL APPROPRIATION $85,528.92 RECEIPTS (1961-62) Balance, June 30, 1961 — Less Liabilities (Estimate) $4,980.49 Federal Aid (Estimate) 200.00 State Aid (Estimate) 1,200.00 Other Receipts (Estimate) 25.00 Assessment Required to Meet School District Appropriation 79,123.43


CERTIFICATES TO THE BOARD OF SELECTMEN: I certify that the above is a correct statement of the ob- ligations authorized, and the amounts to be assessed to meet statutory requirements and appropriations made at the annual meeting of the Rindge school district held March 10, 1961. July 15, 1961. RALPH H. PANGBORN Clerk of the School District TO THE STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION: I certify that the above is a correct statement of the finan- cial proceedings of the district for the school year 1961-62, and that copies of this statement have been filed w^ith the chairman of the board of selectmen and entered in the records of the school board in accordance w^ith N. H. Revised Statutes Annotated, Chapter 197, Section 20. July 15, 1961. ARMAS W. FILLBACK Chairman of the School Board 97

F. BALANCE SHEET - JUNE 30, 1961 ASSETS Cash on Hand June 30, 1961 (including Building Fund) $6,803.02 Accounts Due to District

a. From State 135.07 Mutual Ins. Co. 6.00 Capital Reserves 2,500.00

TOTAL ASSETS $9,444.09 Net Debt (Excess of Liabilities Over Assets) 28,019.51

GRAND TOTAL $37,463.60

LIABILITIES Accounts Ov^^ed by District $ 105.60 Capital Reserves 2,500.00 Notes and Bonds Outstanding 33,000.00 Amounts Reserved for Special Purposes School bus repairs 575.00 School Lunch liabihty 83.00 Well job 1,200.00



Name of Building or Project for Which Notes or Bonds w^ere Issued School Bus Outstanding at Beginning Notes Notes of Year $34,000.00 $4,500.00 $38,500.00 Total (2 plus 3) 34,000.00 4,500.00 38,500.00 Payments of Principal of Debt 4,000.00 1,500.00 5,500.00 Notes and Bonds Outstanding at End of Year (4 minus 5) $30,000.00 $3,000.00 $33,000.00 :


CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the information contained in this report was taken from official records and is complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. The accounts are kept in accordance with Section 24 of Chapter 71 of the Revised Statutes Annotated, and upon forms prescribed by the State Tax Commission.




The Rindge School District is responsible for tuition for 43 elementary and 54 secondary school pupils currently en- rolled in schools as follows


Grade 7 : Linda Brodmerkle, Virginia Burns, Tanis Champ- ney, Glenn Davis, Judith Davis, Fred Hale, Grant Hood, Sheila Pike, Trudy Rice, Carol Stewart, and Karen Welch.

Grade 8: Nancy Betourney, Kenneth Blair, Gerald Bliss, David Brodmerkle, Jeanne Burns, Elizabeth Champney, Diane Davis, Faith Ekstrom, Jeffrey Garland, Ann Gilmore, Charles Hewitt, Craig Hoyt, David Jones, Susan Lambert, Jerome Mor- in, Terry O'Connor, Alfred Powers, Catherine Sibley, Bruce Todd, and Kermit Winship.

Grade 9: Eileen Abbey, Elizabeth Allen, Barbara Blair, Kathleen Carney, Duane Carpenter, Dora Cramb, William Davis, Rosemary Ford, William French, Jeanne Harris, Eliza- beth Inferrera, Anita Lafond, David Quimby, Linda Seppala, Amaldo Sibley, Garry Speckman, Lyman Whitney, and Ker- mita Winship. ::


Grade 10: Carol Elsbree, John Fournier, David French, Kenneth French, Bruce HaU, James Jones, Robert Lambert, Dorothy Leeman, Ronald Maclnnls, and John Todd.

Grade 11: William Allen, Jr., Ernest Champney, Terry Davis, Carolyn French, John French, Joseph Inferrera, John Morton, Mildred Marcotte, Michael O'Connor, and Karen Sep- pala.

Grade 12: Sandra Bell, Kent Garland, Sue Gilmore, James Harris, Judith Larochelle, Jean Raymond, Peter Rivard, and Sylvia White.


Grade 1 : Kernell Ries. Grade 2: Kathy Ries.

Grade 3 : Frank Wheeler and Herbert Wheeler. Grade 5: Neil Dykens, Sara Dykens, and Florence Wheeler.


Grade 3 : Jayne Floria. Grade 4 Robert Floria. Grade?: Marjorie Floria and Tanya Johnson. Grade 8 Norma Bartlett. Grade 9 Margaret Dykens and Carol Floria. Grade 10 Donna Bartlett, Janet Hughgill, and Florence Shaw. Grade 11: Raymond Michaud. Grade 12: Linda Hughgill and Edna Lafond.

B. STATISTICS FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1961 Number of pupils registered 114 Average number of days schools were in session 180 Average membership 109.4 Average attendance 103.3 Aggregate number of days all pupils were in school 18,596 Per cent of attendance 94.5 Average number of days each pupil was in school 170.0 Non-resident pupils (Tuition) Pupils transported at district expense Elementary 126 High School 38 164 100


Ages as of September 1, 1961 Less than 1 year 14 1 26 2 29 3 21 4 26 5 20 6 22 7 21 8 26 9 19 10 18 11 19 12 17 13 21 14 20 15 19 16 18 17 16 Through 18 15

Total 387


As of January 15, 1962 Rindge Memorial School Grade 19 Grade 24 Grade 23 Grade 17 Grade 18 Grade 16

117 101


A. HEALTH No cases of communicable diseases were reported in the school other than colds and stomach upsets during the school year. Several cases of skin and scalp infections were quickly cleared up. The general health of Rindge pupils has been good. Nineteen pupils were taken or sent home from school because of illness. Parents have been co-operative in keeping ailing pupils at home or in taking them home when they have become sick in school.

Dr. Sterhng continued his duties as school physician. He examined pupils in the odd-numbered grades, supervised the school health work, and initiated immunization clinics.

The school nurse completed the vision and hearing tests and checked all pupils for obvious abnormal conditions. Cor- rection of vision, hearing, and dental defects improves each year. Parents have been very co-operative in having these conditions under treatment. DENTAL CLINIC The annual dental clinic, supported by a special fund, was conducted within a limited budget. This clinic enables pupils in the lower grades to have dental work which might not ordi- narily be available to them. Dr. Raymond Moore provides the professional service at his office in Jaffrey. This year the fund paid for 6 half-day's time and 21 pupils were treated, 20 of them receiving complete work. These services were accom- plished in 36 appointments. The summary of the work done includes 54 fillings, 28 extractions, 28 X-rays, and 6 cleanings. The pupils were transported to and from Jaffrey by the school nurse. The order of pupil preference was established in con- ference with teachers, beginning with first grade pupils and 102

working upward until the funds were expended. Some pupils still remain on the waiting list. Keeping this dental work up-to-date on an annual basis saves money and lessens pain for the pupils.

SALK POLIO VACCINE Dr. Sterling recommended a follow-up of the Salk Polio chnics again this year. Everyone from 6 months to 40 years of age are urged to secure this protection. The polio cases that now occur are mostly limited to those who have not had

enough shots or none at all. Annual booster shots are now recommended. Clinics are planned for each April or May. Last May 87 polio immunizations were given at the Memorial School, including those to pre-school children and adults. PRE-SCHOOL REGISTRATION Twenty potential first grade pupils were registered at the annual Pre-School Registration day in June. An opportunity was provided for parents and pupils to familiarize themselves vdth the school and to get to know the teachers. It also served as a means of obtaining data regarding school regulations, facihties, school calendar, and administrative personnel. Pupils visited school for a half-day and participated in all activities. At the same time pupils in the upper grades were advanced one grade for orientation, including the sixth graders, who visited the junior high division at Conant High School in Jaffrey. This program results in less confusion for pupils, parents, and teachers in September. It enables school admin- istrators to make definite plans for classroom and school bus needs early in the summer.

Upon this occasion health histories were completed, birth certificates checked, record systems set up, and children were screened for vision and hearing difficulties or for any physical condition which might interfere with school achevement. This gives time for any necessary summer corrections and for vacci- nation, if needed. 103

MEETINGS AND CONFERENCES Approved meetings and conferences of professional groups were attended by the nurse, consuming eight day's time, mostly on Saturdays and during vacation periods. These meetings were usually held at Concord or Manchester.

CLINICS AND REFERRALS To physicians 11 To dentists 45 To oculists 9 To otologists 4 Orthopedic 2 Dental corrections 63 Vision corrections 9 Hearing 1 Speech exercises 2 First aid and referrals 67 Exclusions 19 Vaccinated 100% Visits to school rooms 184 Visits to homes 114

TESTS AND EXAMINATIONS Exams by physicians 68 Exams by nurse 184 Vision tests 184 Hearing tests 110 Heights and weights 110 Number pupils 110 Defects found 105 Defects corrected 76 72% Without apparent defect 81 73% Orthopedic treatments 2


VITAL STATISTICS For Year Ending December 31, 1961

BIRTHS Date 1961 Place Baby's Nome Father's Name Mother's Maiden Nome

Jon. 23 Peterborough Cathy Ann Lawrence H. Harper, Jr. Exzelia L. Champney

Jan. 27 Peterborough Debro Anne George F. Fish Lillian M. Guptill Mar. 12 Winch'don, Ms. Gorry James James A. Lafond Nancy T. Poirier Mar. 12 Winch'don, Ms. Sherie Lee James A. Lafond Nancy T. Poirier Mar. 19 Peterborough Kelly Walter D. Hood Carole S. Reensterna

Apr. 14 Peterborough Bonnie Kenneth R. Wilkens Patsy Mitcham May 18 Winch'don, Ms. Andrew Charles Michael C. Olson Elaine A. Seppala May 22 Peterborough Gary Wayne Donald M. Hildreth Roberta E. Eaton June 18 Peterborough Sandra Lee Donald W. Cramb Judith L. Raymond July 27 Winch'don, Ms. Derryl Jay David C. Carpenter, Jr. Carol A. Burns

July 28 Winch'don, Ms. Mitchell Paul August P. Anderson Roberta M. Sidman

Aug. 6 Fitchburg, Ms. Anna Esther Mariei Bernard T. Aho Rose M. Somero Aug. 31 Peterborough Denise A. Reginald E. LaBarge Philomena M. Field Sept. 2 Winch'don, Ms. Lisa Ann Paul A. Michaud Joyce C. Pfeifle Sept. 15 Peterborough Phillip Roger Roger Phillip Burt Barbara E. Canney Oct. 20 Peterborough Robin Lee James M. Anderson Cora lee Paine

Nov. 10 Peterborough William Warren George F. Wattendorf Nancy J. Kenney

MARRIAGES Date 1961 Place Nome Residence Feb. 25 Rindge Harry E. Smith South Royalston, Mass. June M. Dunham South Royalston, Mass. Feb. 26 Rindge Alve A. Jolly, Jr. Worcester, Mass. Marie P. Cronan Worcester, Mass. Mar. 10 Rindge Ralph H. Mangs Hubbardston, Mass. Virginia M. Barbuto Hubbardston, Mqm. Apr. 22 Rindge James M. Anderson Rindge, N. H. Coralee Paine Baldwinville, Mass.

Apr. 30 Rindge Leo F. Forget Worcester, Mass. Gladys Crawford Worcester, Mass. May 5 Rindge Paul T. Marchand Worcester, Mass. Nina J. Snow Leicester, Mass.

May 5 Rindge Harold L. Trefry Rindge, N. H. Agnes J. Davis Dorchester, Mass. May 10 Rindge Forest W. Ames Athol, Mass. Frances A. Buckman Gardner, Mass. May 20 Rindge Forrest E. Noe Upton, Mass. Diane M. Smith Upton, Mass. May 20 Rindge James A. Shaw Worcester, Mass. Vivian M. Ferrazzano Worcester, Mass. June 17 Jaffrey David H. Buzzell Rindge, N. H. Janice C. Roy Jaffrey, N. H.

July 22 Jeffrey John P. Doten Jaffrey, N. H. Joanne P. Ruberry Rindge, N. H. Aug. 2 Rindge Joseph A. Lafreniere Rindge, N. H. Linda J. Speckman Rindge, N. H. 105

Sept. 22 Jaffrev Donald A. Donoway Rindge, N. H. Joyce G. Blair Rindge, N. H. Oct. 6 Troy Roger P. Davis Rindge, N. H. Joan M. Gauthier Jaffrey, N. H. Oct. 7 Jaffrey Philip J. Sesia Rindge, N. H. Phyllis I. Cramb Rindge, N. H. Oct. 16 Rindge Randolph A. Fowler North Attleboro, Moss. Audrey S. Morse Wrentham, Mass.

Oct. 21 Jaffrey Joseph L. Fournier Rindge, N. H. Janice L. McGInnis Jaffrey, N. H. Oct. 21 Rindge Richard J. Ellis Roxbury, Moss. Natalie A. Ames Orange, Mass. Oct. 22 Goffstown Alvin R. Malo Jaffrey, N. H. Elizabeth M. Chamberlain Rindge, N. H.

Nov. 18 Rindge Richard F. Bail«y Lancaster, Mass. Dorothy N. Robinson Leominster, Mass. Nov. 18 New Ipswich Douglas H. Holombo Rindge, N. H. Rhoda A. Somero Rindge, N. H. Dec. 15 Rindge Raymond A. Cormier Rindge, N. H. Phyllis E. Cormier Rindge, N. H. Dec. 23 Winchendon, Ms. Charles A. Tenney Rindge, N. H. Judith A. Holman Winchendon, Mass.

DEATHS Date 1961 Plac* Nam* Ag« Jan. 3 Rindge William B. Leeman 61 Jan. 5 Peterborough Henry C. Letourneau 79 Jan. 19 Winchendon, Mass. Clifford E. Buzzell 76 Feb. 2 Templeton, Mass. Guy R. Squires 74 Feb. 6 Rindge Florence B. Caton 69 Mar. 9 Leominster, Mass. Edward Barrett 77

Mar. 11 Rindge Gertrude L. Fisk 84 Mar. 25 Rindge John B. Crosby, Sr. 81 Apr. 9 Winchendon, Mass. Andrew Gairachty 79 Apr. 21 Concord, N. H. Louise B. Adams 75 May 28 Peterborough Eva D. Thrasher 68 July 6 Winchendon, Mass. James A. Sullivan 85

Aug. 7 Peterborough Alice L. Morgan 78 Aug. 26 Keene Cora Thrasher Hayward 80 Sept. 6 Winchendon, Mass. Ernest C. Millar 74 Oct. 8 Rindge Thomas J. Hincks 76

Oct. 13 Rindge Joseph F. Boland 71 Nov. 11 Rindge George Erikson 56 Nov. 20 Jaffrey Fred L. Clapp 26 Nov. 24 Winchendon, Mass. Marvin E. Brown 74 Nov. 25 Keene Edna A. Hood 84 Dec. 4 Rindge Edward R. Dahlgren 32 Dec. 6 Madison, Wis. Cora E. Stearns 83

Dec. 7 Keene Virginia L. Ward 12 Dec. 10 Boston, Mass. Joseph Guenette 62




In these days of consantly rising taxes and wages, any unnecessary expense is an added burden on everyone's pocket- book — your and nnine. Forest fires cost money and damage our valuable woodlands. Lightning sets some forest fires, but we have no control of lightning. Children cause many fires. Ninety- eight percent of our forest fires result from human carelessness

— our carelessness. This, we — you — and I can do something about.

When we require you to obtain a permit for out-of-doors burning or forbid you to burn on days of high fire danger or set up regulations — hours, etc., governing the use of the town dump we are simply protecting your and the town's interests.

The ever present threat of forest fires is the concern of all of US; the responsibility for preventing them is ours and the costs of extinguishing are ours. We can do something about this problem, by being aware of and alert to the danger and by cooperating with your warden.

Do the things that are required of you —

1. Follow the warden's directions. 2. Secure the required burning permit.

3. Keep your fires under control. 4. Completely extinguish your fires before leaving them.

5. See that your children are properly cautioned.

Everyone will benefit by it.

1961 Fire Record Number of fires 4 Number of acres burned VsA Number of permits issued 125

CORNELIUS WOOD District Fire Chief

JOHN B. CROSBY, JR. Forest Fire Warden