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Santa Fe New Mexican, 1883-1913 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

8-25-1899 Santa Fe New Mexican, 08-25-1899 New Mexican Printing Company

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Recommended Citation New Mexican Printing Company. "Santa Fe New Mexican, 08-25-1899." (1899).

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RACE TROUBLES. RIOT AT ST. DENIS. Diamond, Opal, Turquols Watch Repairing LAUGH AT BERTILLON BUTCHERS BUCKING a Specialty. rirsi-uias- s. filing smcuy Granny Garrison Believes McKinley Ought Georgia Has More Trouble Between Whites Dreyfusite and Have a and Blacks. Mot to nave Obeyed Congress. . Bloody Fight. Anti-Dreyf- 25. 25. There Is a New 25. A us Expert Whose Theories Mystic, Conn., August Fully 3,000 They Will Organize to Fight the Atlanta, Ga., August York, August dispatch S. of renewal of the race trouble at from to the Evenin. -K-ANUPACTT7BEB OF people attended the annual meeting Darlen, Paris Journal says SPITZ, Were Too for Packers to-d- be- Abstruse Human the universal peace union and Connecti- Chicago by Kaising Ga., and Governor Chandler has again that there is serious rioting cut in Peace here been asked to send troops there to pre- tween and friends of Understanding. peace society Temple Millions of Money. MEXICAN . FILIGREE . JEWELRY vent an outbreak. A few days ago Hen- Dreyfus in Rue La Fayette, St. Denis, At the morning session President ry Daleat, arrested at Darien, was in which twelve persona were badly AND DEALER IN MANIAC ORLEYER FORGER Love delivered a brief address on the YERY B0LDUNDERTAKIN6 charged with assault, and his lynching hurt. The police charged upon the riot- Philippine situation. There were other was prevented only by the action of the ers and made many arrests. addresses J. H. of governor in sending 200 members of the by Earl, Boston; to DIAMONDS, WATCHES, SILVERWARE, Mrs. of and 1st regiment, who brought the Half Fare the Fair. Paty du 01am Still Too Sick to Attend Comegys, Philadelphia, 0j'6 City Has Subscribed for a Packing prisoner Mrs. Hanna White, of Lebanon. to Atlanta and left a detachment on For the territorial horticultural exhibi- Doctors House and Others Are to Do To-da- tion In this the & Rio Gran- Court, Eat to Examine Him At a'fternoon's session Expected guard at Darien. y Town-sen- d city OUT GLASS, DECORATED CHINA. this the prin- Joseph de has to sell So from John W. was killed and Octavius railroad agreed half fare Are Not Wanted by the Judges at cipal address was by William Lloyd Seeking Help Hopkins from all stations between was wounded John tickets this Examine Eyes free of Charge for Prescription Lenses. the Court Martial. Garrison, of Philadelphia, who took for Bockefeller. by Dalegat, whom Alamosa and on October were to B. city, Durango, his theme, "No Compromise With they trying arrest. Sheriff T. 3, 4 and 5 and to be good to return until War." Said he in part: Blount, of Mcintosh county, wired Gov- October 9. This should ensure a good 25. At the of New York, 25. The executive Rennes, August opening "A year ago war with Spain was in August ernor Chandler urging that attendance from the northwest. the - committee of retail butchers' pro- Dreyfus trial this morning- the clerk full blast. Then in the national eye the more troops be sent to Darien, as the read a medical It tective association met last to certificate, declaring the was a type of treachery night situation is critical. Governor Chandler To Cure a Cold in One Day H. B. CARTWRIGHT BRO for Colonel Du Spaniard consider means to the & Impossible Paty de Clam and and sorrows of suffer fight Chicago ordered that the Liberty independent Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. to come to Rennes to oppression, wholesalers. decided to recom- testify. ing Cubans filled our hearts. What They troop be in readiness to move. All druggists refund the money if it M. Labor! asked of the mend a fund of $5,000,000. Of this the president space twelve months covej? The Span raising fails to cure. 25c. The genuine has L. . ,court, M. to two well sum, $3,000,000 is to be raised retail- At the Hotels. Jouaust, Instruct iard is no longer a monster, but is re by B. Q. on each tablet. known medical men to examine De ers themselves, and $2,000,000 popu- At the Paltoe: F. R. spected as a brave and gallant foe. Cu- by Patten, Topeka; Clam. refused. $1 with the F. H. Tt. Den- MexicG . Albu- SOUTH Jouaust bans, then and statesmen, now lar subscription at per share, McGee, Denver; W. Hill, New Territorial Fair, patriots one NO. Rowland Strong, an English newspa in the of and maximum holding by any person ver; George Cunningham, Lincoln; N. M., 19 to Fel. opinion military experts querque, Sept. 4. Cul-le- y, Count of shares. Fannie Los T. H. per man, deposed that Major politicians, are a people incapable of twenty Newlin, Lunas; confessed to him he has been done to William I. 23,1899. Esterhazy that governing themselves. Nothing yet prevent Albuquerque; Marshall, wrote C. $2.65 oc- FINE COFFEES! the famous bordereau. "War with the device of freedom and rate discriminations by railroads, but Chicago; F, Blackington, Socorro. for the round trip for the above The next witness was M. an President said he had been as- At the Claire: J. H. Kansas tickets will be on sale Septem- AT LNSIOE PRICES. Gobert, chivalry on its banners has developed Wagner Weed, casion, CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. an- C. C. M. ber 18 to 22, for return expert of the Bank of Prance, the first into a conflict for conquest and base- sured by stock raisers that he need City; W. Allen, Las Vegas; inclusive, good Wo aro In a position to furnish our man in Prance to have declared In fa no trouble from this source 'William R. until 25. We have an especially Interesting line ness. It Is not armed savagery of the ticipate Foraker, Albuquerque; passage September Equally customers values in vor of He on exam- when his assumes H. S. Van low rates from all in New Mexi- exceptional of thin blown glassware for Iced tea, Dreyfus. reported Philippines that threatens America, but company tangible Frederick, Topeka; Gooder, points ining the documents of the case that and becomes formidable. J. L. D. co and Colorado to Albuquerque. For HIGH GRADE COFFEES, lemonade, sherfoert, champagne, wine, the savagery that Theodore Roosevelt shape really Morenci; Todd, Chicago; and not wrote the Kahn the retailers are Oscar further call on any of and wo do it. mineral water, etc., etc. Esterhazy Dreyfus represents. Had President William George says Scruggs, Albuquerque; Browne, particulars agent bordereau. Witness his to sell their meats at an aver- San Miss Phoe- the Santa Fe Route. opened deposit McKinley, understanding the needless-nes- s obliged Francisco; Woldridge, 40c "Perfection" Java and Mocha 3 tion with a statement from 12 to 13 cents J. C. D. E. P. H. S. LUTZ, personal protest- and the 'iniquity of the war forced age ranging per nix; Maldson, Detroit; Agent, - - - - - .75 ing' characterized as a When the new company comes Hunter, A. Denver. Santa Fe, N. M. pounds against being upon Spain, vetoed the declaration of pound. Wolver, "doubtful a Into the field he to see the At the J. M. Cal- W. J. G. P. 3!c "Finest'' Java and Mocha 3 lbs. 1.00 DRESSED POULTRY. expert" by military party. congress and avowed a purpose of re hopes price Exchange: Collins, BLACK, A., he added in tones of cut to 7 cents on the average. La. Topeka, Kansas. "Our Own" Java HI end, aa unusual "But," profound signing the high office rather than pros houn, the hot summer months we pity, towards "I have The eastern butchers expect to have 1 lb. caus - - - .25j During turning Dreyfus, 'it subservience to wrong, he bargain, no to titute by receive poultry by express on Mondays, right complain, and am silent would have made a niche In the world's slaughter houses and a distributing CHASE & SANBORN'S when I see before me the unfortunate system. Wednesdays and Fridays. pantheon." package tkas satisfy critical palates. man who sits there." Gobert was em Chicago packers say that they have phatic in attributing the bordereau to Cattle Man Released. cornered the range supplies. of the a The butchers is . Esterhazy. Answering questions Omaha, Aug. 35. James D. Bates, say this impossible. judges, Gobert declared his conviction cattle with the The new organization expects John Co buyer charged swindling that the bordereau was written in a Union Stock Yards National bank out W. Rockefeller to take stock to even up Walkey GBeeBBIBS. running, natural hand, and said there an old score with Cudahy on old trouble of was on was ho or other $11,000, discharged prelimi- In the Standard Oil In which tracing trickery. nary examination. Bates secured money Company, Sell That is Good to Eat! M. Bertillon. the noted anthropom- - on drafts drawn on Wilson Sons & Co., the former is a large holder. Everything etrist, was called next. He entered with of which were It is alleged that $800,000 has been HAY, Baltimore, protested. GMIN, POTATOES, No. an infantry sergeant and four privates, The bank subsequently recovered prac- subscribed in Philadelphia for a slaugh- 4 Bakery staggering under the weight of im- tically all the money through attach- ter house there, and other" cities will mense ments on cattle purchased with it. follow suit. Have you tried our VANILLA WAF leather satchels bulging' with FLOUR AND SALT documents, etc. re ERS and ANGEL FOOD? There is charts, Laughter Death of an Old Printer. echoed throughout court. An Automobile Monopoly. In or small nothing so nice. New 25. William H. large quantities. quite The court room presented a curious New York, August 25. The Ameri- York, August has been form- a n scene while Bertillon, whom the Drey-fusar- can automobile company Bodwell, printer, ed in to control the manufac- of the describe as "a dangerous mani- this city International Typographi- ture and of all automobiles N. Y Fresh Fish ac," spent the three remaining hours of operations cal Union, died at Whitehall, I every Friday. and motors in which kerosene or gas aged 67. the session explaining in unintelligible oline is not in this In this line we Our bread is made fresh terms used, only country keep nothing every his "infallible system," proving but in continental Europe. Back of the at but the very best; money can morning from Boss Patent that Dreyfus was the author of the combination are said to be: Wm. C. Quiet Santiago. not bettor. Kansas 25. Both Gen buy anything It high grade flour,.with bordereau. The of the A. B. Widener and Thomas Washington, August is fit for a King Flelschinan's it! CHAS. majority public, Whitney, eral Brooke and General Wood have yeast. Try WAGNER however, were utterly unable to com- Dolan of Philadelphia, h denied to the war prehend Bertillon's theories, and left Senator S. B. Elkius, West Virginia, department reports the court room. Loiter, Chicago and others. of riots and disturbances in Santiago. FURNITURE CO. Meanwhile Bertillon, with gestures Kerr Rose a Bed Eagle. and in a shrill pitched voice, continued The President's Party. Fresh Chickens and August 25. Emperor William Spring Turkeys his monologue, producing every minute Long Branch, N. J. Aug. 35. Presi Berlin, conferred the order of the Red . (Incorporated Feb. 2, 1899.) some fresh paper covered with wonder- dent and Mrs. McKinley, Vice President has on ice General third on Herr Rose, Ger- Mondays and Fridays. ful hieroglyphics, copies of which he and Mrs. Hobart, and Attorney Eagle, class, Practical Embalmer and TELEPHONE 88. arrived here this from man consul at Apia, Samoa. presented to the judges, who, with an Griggs morning general Funeral Director. (Residence Over Store.) on a special train, i'resi- - of owl-lik- e careful- Plattsburg FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES EVERY expression wisdom, dential salute was fired by the Wilson IAY. The house in the in examined them. utter- only cily that carries everything the ly The clearest battery. The president was greetea MARXIST REPORT. household line. Sold on easy payments. ance of Bertillon during his demonstra with great enthusiasm. He breakfasted tion was that the handwriting of the at Norwood and at 8:30 p. m., reviewed New York, Aug. 25. Money on call A.1ST ID bordereau, "Obrys geometrical rythm, a military tournament at the horseshow steady 3 2 per cent. Prime mercantile CARPETS li-- BUGS. 4J (ffl 5 su i n of which I discovered the equation in grounds. paper, per cent, stiver, FLOUR, GRAIN, HAT, POTATOES, ETC., prisoners in blotting paper." lead, 84.35. Troops Aeach Manila. 71 The witness finally announced that Chicago. Wheat, Sept., n Washington Aug. 25. The following 33 he would give demonstration Dec, 73. Corn, Aug., 32; Sept., practical has been received by the war depart- Oats, 20 mm of the of bordereau accord- 32. Aug., Sept., writing the ment: "Manila, Aug. 25. The trans- 20 . to Large stock of Tinware, until ing his system. Then he began copy- port Ohio arrived this morning. No Kansas City Cattis, receipts, 4,500; ing the bordereau. casualties. Five sick were left at steady; native steers, 84.60 $0.00; Tex AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. Woodenware, Hard- Colonel Jouaust remarked that a few Honolulu. Otis." as steers, $3.10 $4.00; Texas cows, i lines would suffice. Bertillon then laid The Ohio sailed from $3.35 $3.15; native cows and heifers, etc. with C and L 19th and $3.35 ware, Lamps, Ens before the judges his copy. The Judges, July 36, companies $3.00 $4.74; stockers feeders, U. S. and eleven il counsel, government commissary, Ma infantry recruits, $4.75; bulls, $3.35 $4.35. Sheep, officers and 720 enlisted men. $3.35 Carriere, and clerk of the court clus receipts, 1,000; steady; lambs, Lower Frisco St. Santa N. M. jor $5.50; muttons, $3.25 $4.35. II Fe, tered around in one group, to Matters at Manila. eager Chicago. Cattle, receipts, 1,000; the result. Jouaust shrugged his shoul- 25. The Labuan cor THE OM.V EXCLUSIVE London, Aug. steady; beeves, $4.40 $6.50; cows and 5 ders. Then the spectators knew Bertil respondent of the Eeutor Telegram Co., heifers, $3.00 $5.00; Texas steers, $3.25 i lon failed to satisfy them. cables that reliable news received there $3.90; stockers and feeders, $3.35 THE Bertillon said apologetically: "I was direct from Manila says an indescribable $4.85. Sheep, receipts, 6,000; steady; too badly placed." ' state of anarchy prevails. Americans, sheep, $2.75 $4.30; lambs, $3.75 M. of counsel for the according to these advices, occupy a $6.00. Demange, the tnere arouna cue few words to radius of niteen miles; Sliced watermelon on Ice at Walker's. School of defense, whispered a town of Iloilo a radius of who to they occupy Mexico Dreyfus, appeared be perfectly nine miles, and around Ceby they occupy Uf satisfied. of a small radius. The rest the country Colonel Jouaust at 11:45 adjourned is in the hands of Filipinos. The corre TERRITORIAL TOPICS IN THE CITY. court. spondent also says it is reported the Fil The newspaper men crowded around ipinos murdered tne crew oi me steamer SOCORRO, Laborl, him for his Saturnus. asking impression. EDDY COUNTY. The counsel said there was a certain re The Constitution Will at Boston. Stay W. W. Butler, charged with robbing NEW MEXICO. Mines. semblance to the bordereau, adding: 25. The Washington, August navy the stock of a on the North- Corner 'Frisco and Sandoval Streets. "But that is all. Bertillon only did what look newsboy department does not favorably eastern was found at dozens could do. It only proves he Is a to have the historic railway, guilty upon the suggestion Carlsbad and sentenced to ten days in clever forger. That is all." war-shi- p Constitution take in the FALL SESSION BEGINSQSEPTEMBER 1899. part and the of $25 costs. Butler 11, ANOTHER MYSTERY. In New York. jail payment Dewey demonstration It had served a sentence at Pecos for car- Paris, August 25. A dispatch from is stated .that the venerable craft Is not RKGUT.AR COURSES OF STl'DY- - a pistol stolen from the newsboy. DEGREE Lyons says baggage has been found in In condition to undertake such service, rying Mrs. T. E. Corning, of , LEO the River Rhine a HERSCH. there, containing and she is far too valuable as a relic to , with Tex., removed to Carlsbad. paper this pencilled inscription: subject her to risks of a trip from Bos- and Metallurgy-- to Basle W. C. Wall and family, of Wyoming, "Laborl Loramier, Nothing ton. . i J 111., have rented the Cummins cottage --0k II. will be done. Dreyfus is innocent. Vo- Carlsbad will reside tec Mining Engineering. luntary suicide. Orders executed." The 1 HIGH C0MPL1MEHT. at and there. COUNTY. bag is in the hands of the police, but no OTERO in. Civil Book D. McDaniel have Engineering. explanation of the matter Is forthcom- Great Britain Orders 300 Copies of a Jose Ramen and J. of Otero ing. There is a possibility that the let- Written by Surgeon General Sternberg. been turned over to the sheriff Special courses are offered in and coun- SURPLUS IS A, Assaying, Chemistry, Surveying, ter is a hoax. Loramier was the late Washington, August 25. Surgeon county by the sheriff of Dona Ana A preparatory course Is maintained for the benefit of those who have Cteutenant Colonel Henry's secretary, General Sternberg to-d- received a ca ty and placed In the new Alamogordo not had the necessary advantages before coining to the School of Mines. and he committed suicide at Basle, blegram from- - the director general of jail. Ramen is charged with murder ' Switzerland. the medical service of Great Brit- and McDaniel with horse theft. Jacob Tuition $5.00 for the preparatory course; $10.00 for the technical course. army Mountain of ain, asking him for 300 copies of the Flores, accused of the murder of A. J. Strength tlTThere is a great demand at good salaries for young men A Colored B'gunant. publication called "Sanitary Lessons of De Mules, was also turned over to Sher- with a technical knowledge of mining. Washington, August 25. Great pres- War." If the number cannot be ob- iff George Curry. A legal point has sure has been brought 'to bear on the tained the director general asked the arisen as to jurisdiction, as the murder EQUITABLE. $56,731,703 FOB PARTICULARS ADDR 8 MUTUAL administration to organize a colored authority to reprint the publication for was committed in that part of Otero 44,45S,65 was still In NEWSIORK.. 37,876,179 v F. A. JONES, Director. regiment for service In the Philippines. distribution among the medical officers county which at the time The matter is still under consideration. of the British army. The publication Dona Ana county. deals with the sanitary condition of 'Mrs. Martha Llmlml, wife of William California Troops at Home. camps, hospitals and the management Llmlml, died at Tularosa. The family came to New Mexico two ago is the only lund from 25. The Cali- of everything pertaining to the medical years Surplus San Francisco, August from Tennessee. which landed to-d- and department of the army during the war dividends to policy fornia regiment A man named Duran was rob- marched to the Presidio. The demon- with Spain. The significance of the re caught ers can be in of bing the store of John Shyrocks at Tu- paid. stration exceeded in enthusiasm the re- - quest by cable is heightened view larosa. For several months Mr. Shy-roc- k nantlnn nn.onrAaA tn 'nther rpflrtmentfl. the preparation now being made for BEATY-- IN- DIVIDENDS DIVIDENDS S.S. DEALER - has been missing merchan- war in South Africa. , dally were 100,000 In possible 1893-189- There fully strangers dise and cash from the store, and he 5 years, 1898. town. The was escorted by regiment Austrian Disorder. asked Messrs. N. Nichols and A. Doug- EQUITABLE f 11,030,73'.! 3.059,74 3d Colorado MUTUAL the artillery, the regiment 25. to set some In base- 10,035,0 IS a,ass,94S Immense Klagenfurth, Austria, August las up night' the NEW YORK Groceries, Flour and the national guard. The which broke out here last ment of the store. Their watch was re- 9,834,733 9,759,432 Provisions, crowds lined the streets for miles and rioting was reriewed y. In yes- warded with of who welcome evening the capture Duran, gave the soldiers a rousing conflict between the had entered a door from a home. terday's military through vw TIciTr fin T.nmKoT and a mob a number of persona were neighboring residence, In which he was V ciin Tie EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY JLJLUi p JJU111UU1 i Injured and a number of arrests made. a servant. A trunkful of stolen goods Ul Uilllp Revolutionist Won a Battle. of were liW? ,s the brlck hote1' and a large assortment keys -- .! .. 25. T I oai? found In Duran's room. After OF THE UNITED STATES. i . Til Cape Hay tien, Haytl, August I fin f111 fl I rfi building, elegant- being T.i Severe took place In s' V1U11G, in Duran broke out, but was rnw innrs xasmpsr n;rn fighting yesterday furnished, in the lodged jail WALTER N. PARKIIURST, General Manncer, lVVl Nl JbVrJXAVKJf JUUVI the neighborhood of Monte Crlsto, San heart of the city, electric lights, fine of-B- recaptured. , to Domingo, between the government on ground floor, free sample rooms, The new jail at Alamogordo, costing Mew Mexico first-clas- and Department, forces and the revolutionists. It Is said s dining room, special rates and $2,000, has been completed, Canned Goods, Breakfast. Foods, Preserves. the former lost heavily, while the latter, attention to commercial men. A new club building to cost $7,000 Is X. M, Fred D. ALBUQUERQUE, s to the of positions oc Michael, to be erected at Resident Fresh, and Prices as Low as the Lowest. owing advantage Santa Fe. N. M. Alamogordo. Agents suffered slight loss. The Proprietor The Com- 8. E. LANKAR1, cupled, only Alamogordo Improvement V revolutionists are reported to be con- Cooked corned beef and boiled ham at pany will lay out a cemetery on the GEO. W. KNAEBEL, SANTA FE, Wator Street Santa Fo tinually receiving Walker's. southeastern boundary of Alamogordo, Mexican Now Mexico increases in population, THE TERRITORIAL PRESS. PROFESSIONAL UAltDS. Santa Fe New wealth and productiveness. THE laving of $2.00 on each Hoke FIRST GLASS IN ALL PARTICULARS. The congress at Missoula, irrigation WAY up tervtce. has for its aim effective organ- HOT STUFF. AT LAW. THE NEW MEXICAN PRINTING CO. Mont., ization and campaigning in the matter (Dona Ana County Republican.) TO New York and Boston, f securing reservoirs for the storage Mesilla valley has an Industry that MAX. FROST, ed Socoud-Clua- s ask Ticket Agent. No be to make as matter at the of flood waters of western streams and will be imitated all over the GO your expense will spared Attorney at Law. Santa Fe, New Mexico, Santa Fe Poatotnce. country this famous to date in the of arid lands. That this where chili peppers are raised. It is the meam the Wabash run . hostlery up redemption EAST where all respects. Patronage solioited. CHAS. A. SPIESS. work is one in which New Mexico canning of peppers, an industry that is at law. Will in all terri dATES OF 8UB8CKIPXION. there free Chair Cars 7 Yes, irl Attorney practice should needs no argument. While very profitable and for which there will IS torial courts. East Laa Vegas, N, M. Dally, per week, by carrier $ .25 join 100 home of never be an end to Daily, per month, by oarrier the territory is not the trusts, the demand. Last VIA Niagara Falls at same prlee. KNAKBEL, Dailv. tier mouth, bv mail GEO.W. 2. 00 it is of vital interest to her that the year we Imported of the palace Collection! an large quantities Offloa in 'Griffin Block. Dally, three mouths, by mall shortest aud best to St. Louis. Daily, six months, by mail 4.00 conference at Chicago to consider the large Mexican peppers in cans, which THE searching titles a specialty. TTT A A C. M.HAMPSON, Daily, one year, by mail effect of combinations shall act with are "Q Weekly, mouth 25 quite spicy. W Com'l Agent, Denver EDWARD L. BARTLETT, per 75 Weeklv. oer Quarter wisdom, for the people of New Mexico New Mexico. Otfic. Weekly, six mouths 100 Lawyer Santa Fe, 2.00 do not escape the evil effect and exac CARLSBAD NOT JEALOUS. CRANE, J. RAMSEY, JR., Catron Block. Weekly, per year G. P. A. Gen'l tions of trusts having (Carlsbad Argus.) Mgr. headquarters ST. LOUIS. CHAS. F. EASLET, - elsewhere. Visitors to the Pecos are not ""The New Mexican is the oldest news- headquarters valley General.) . (Late Surveyor nnnnri n' New Mnvir-n- Tt is sent to every The other to which the apt to pay much attention to the carp N. M. Land and in and has a laree gathering gov LET YOUR Attorney at Law, Santa Fe, Postofflce the Territory not ing criticisms of one section of the val mining business a specialty. And growing circulation among the intelli- ernor named representatives, while NEXT TRIP BE gent aud progressive people of thesouthwest apparently of such direct Importance to ley at the expense of the other sections. "PR Hie OPBIBTOB. C. the territory, has for its object the im- It has been the great good fortune of SOUTHWARD! Via R. GOKTNEK, ADVERTISING RATES. Carlsbad to a that Attorney at Law. District attorney for the provement of prisons and matters per- possess public spirit 1st counties of Santa Fe, Sun of judicial district, Wanted One cent a word each insertion. to their management economi- has the welfare the entire valley at Juan, Rio Arriba and Taos. Practices In all taining courts of the OtHoes In the Ma- Local Ten oents per line each Insertion. and with a view to reformation heart, as well as that of its own section. territory. Local Preferred position Twenty-- cally, sonic Building and Court Houae, Sauta Fe, Heading of atten- It has been too busy working out its WABAS New Mexico. five cents per line each insertion. criminals, and deserves public nienlavAil Twwlrll fra On llioll. .tllGrle COl" In the own destiny to have much time for pet- In Oue dollar an tion. choosing these delegates nmn, per month Daily. and it has resulted in the $58.75 to and return B. A. FISKB, inch, column, in either English or governor, instead of selecting at ran- tiness, giving Philadelphia single town self in ad- choice of routes east of Chicago and St. Attorney and Counselor at Law, P. O. Box Spanish Weekly. dom or in order to bestow compliment- a poise that rejoices the Santa New Mexico. In Additional prices and particulars given on Louis, call on Santa Po agents for "F," Fa, Practice. or or to oe the same care- vancement of all the Pecos valley Supreme and all District Court, of New receipt a copy matter luseruxi. ary appointments, gave Mexico. ful consideration to securing persons The competent for consideration of the top- T. F. Cobway, W. A. Hawkins, AUGUST 25. Notice for Publication. FRIDAY. to be marks his ac- CONWAY 4 HAWKINS, ics discussed, that PRESS COMMENT, Homestead Entry No. 5199. tion in making all appointments, even Attorneys and Counselors at Law, Silver City Land Office ai Santa Fe, N. M., ) New Mexico. Prompt attention given to all to the most 17, 1899. Some French papers complain be seemingly insignificant. August f business entrusted to our care. Where PROSPERITY TO CONTINUE. Nntinn Is herehv eriven that the following- - cause the newspapers of other lands there are parties having special to named settler has filed notice of his Intention A. have much to about the trial of knowledge upon matters be discussed (Denver Times.) to make final in of his cluiin, B.R8NEHAN, say proof support at Law. Practices In all Territorial the troubles in Paris. If they are invariably chosen. The govern- There is no questioning the fact that aud that said proof will be made before the New Attorney Dreyfus and Receiver at Santa New Mexican Court.. Commlaaloner Court of Claim.. or Fe, Mexico, or believes in the the of the is Register 8 Prance does not wish the neighbors to having territory rep general prosperity country on September 25, 1899, viz: George Holmes Collections and title searching. Room. and resented on all public occasions and by increasing very fast. When it is re- ror the nw Yt. ot sec 1, tp 1 n. r iu e. 9Splegelberg Block. talk she should quit acting so He names the following witnesses to prove citizens who will reflect credit as well called that the farmers are all happy his continuous residence upon aud cultiva- as accomplish something. And he not over their returns, that the railroads tion of said land, viz: INB17KA1VCR, Juan Pedro Williams. Marcelino Lucero. It appears as if the Stone family runs only appoints these, but uses his earnest are in a very flourishing condition, that Petrolino Armiio, Hernardo Gonzales, all ef S. B. LANKARD, to governors. There is William A. Stone influence to induce them to attend. the steel and iron industries are boom Santa ire, new Mexico. Manuel R. Otero, Register. tnanrano. Agent. Office: Griffin Building, of Pennsylvania, a governor; William J. ing, that the cotton mills are making Palace avenue. Represents the largest coin- - 'Stone of Missouri, who served In the money very fast, that the long-delay- Notice for Publication. 8antes doing business In the territory of of Croaker. ew Mexico, In both life, fir. and aooldent same in and Croakings prosperity has begun at last to reach Homestead No. 5281. Printing capacity Missouri, plain Entry insurance. Bill Stone, whom Goebel hurled from Mr. man the wool and wool manufacturing in Land Office at Santa Fe, N. M. Croker says that a has a 9. 1899. S of dustries, and in fact, more people August the heights gubernatorial aspirations right to change his mind. Very true. that, Notion la hnrebv followlnflr- lENT18Tt. are work than that the but recently. The Stones, unlike the lo And when Mr. Croker changes his mind at at better wages at any named settler has fifed notice of his intention custs come once in seven time for a many years, it must be to make final proof in support of his claim, D. W. MANLfiT, that years, again, he can say truly that a man hns great and that said nroof will be made before the come every year and stay all the time, a to as often as he assumed that the country has taken a Probate Clerk of Rio Arriba County, at Deutl.t. Office, Southwest Corner of Plasa right change pleases. on over Fischer'. Drug Store. In the case of the New York boss a great stride forward in the last year or Tierra Amanita, New Mexico, bepteniDer Oom has run a 20, 1899, vis: Luciano Archuleta tor the nw Paul up against snag. in two. But great as has been the prog sw M of see 3, e se H sec 4, and ne ne H o: Conwany change in the future favor of expan He has a cargo of rifles en route ress, we see no reason the rrc 9. to 22 n. r 3 e. large slon would surprise no one. He fellows why, barilng the witnesses to to his but it never reach not for a He names following prove haunts, may crooked politics, that In its windings unforseen, it should continue his continuous residence upon ana cuitiva Pretoria, for the simple reason that time to come. t.lnn of said land, via : IS SOCIETIES. faces one way one day on the trail and long Ma. THE has made a to Antonio Archuleta, Miguel S, Salazar, England protest Portugal the other the next day, Mr. Croker is Guadalupe Herrera, Francisco Archuleta, all and requested that little kingdom not THE PEAR IN HEW MEXICO. or uoyote, new Mexico. PLACE only a local character, and what he Manuel R. Otero, to permit the guns to pass tt ough Del-ago- a thinks has no with the Register. FOR weight people. New Mexico College of Agriculture and bay for shipment inland to the of His opinion in favor annexation and Mechanic Notice for Publication. Boer country, and what England asks Arts and Experiment Station. Montezuma Lodge No, 1, A. expansion was never widely quoted, and 4549. is to heed. From what I have seen in various Homestead Entry No. F. A A. M. Regular com- Portugal apt few knew that he had declared N. M. munication first Monday I people of as well as from Land Office at Santa Fe, the should never leave the parts the territory, July 31, 1899. each month at Masonlo Hall The in the West Indies has flag islands, at 1 :30 p, m. cyclone the conducted at the Notice is following-name- d until he had changed and the experiments Agri hereby given that the ABTHUB HOYIjK, passed and the world knows of its dead- settler has Hied notice of his intention W. M. were over the con- cultural college, I aai convinced that of his ly character. But now Kentucky trem- shouting to make final proof in support claim, i. B, Bbadt, version of a whom this is to the and that said proof will be made before the bles in of the unmeas- captain against they territory peculiarly adapted or Receiver at Santa Fe, N. M., on Secretary. contemplation do Register Ls ured of to be loose on had always rebelled. This ma:t may culture of the pear. Very many fruit September 1, 1899, viz: Florencio Gallegos for volume wind let the e of nw H of section 17, 16 10 e. well enough for the illogical, unpopular regions can produce apples, but com- the tp n, r Santa Fe Chapter No. 1, R. A. the first Monday in September, when He names the following witnesses to prove M. of national cowardice to paratively few are suited to pears, and Regular convocation second 500 In advocates his continuous residence upon and cultiva- Monday In each month at Ma Populist speakers will open up this with a demand tion of said viz : quote, for can have the privilege fact, coupled steady land, sonic Hall at 7 :30 p. m. the threatened state, the expectation they for this luscious will insure Tomas Qutntaiia, Francisco Anayn. Jose Addison of from few that stand fruit, always Maria Juun all of Santa Walkeh. being that not a single county, not a securing speech better lor pears than Somoza, Garcia, Fe, H.P. in moral scale than Croker, prices apples, New Mexico. Abihub will be out of the vortex, higher the hence it would be well for Manuel R. Otero, Siliohan, single hamlet, is not so his intending Register. Secretary. whose elevation great that planters to study the pear carefully. In The of has conscience would get fractured by a the orchard there are over 50 glory Chicago departed, college Statioyieyy Santa Fe No. 1, at Commandery for that has dropped to seventh sudden descent. The country lwge varieties of pears, nearly all of which K. T. conclave fourth city VALLEY RY, OF- - Regular base-ba- will for the in set of fruit this and we PECOS & NORTHEASTERN MANUFACTURER in each month at Ma place in the ll list. The base- find explanation change good crops year, Monday of man have had almost sonic Hall at 7 :30 p. m. ball team of the degenerate city must the attitude this by recognlzins ripe pears continuously S. G. CABTVfBIQHI, B. C. y from Juno 37. The Bartlett, which is (Central Time) have become demoralized the stay the fact that he would oppose thi by the market sort in America, is No. 1 leaves Pecos 3:30 aS F. S. in policy in order to try to prevent. leading Train dally Davis, at Hudson's Hot Springs, down laden, as is also Kelffor and Le 7:30 Boswell Recorder. success, and also because heavily m., arrives Carlsbad a. m., Grant county, which went into bank- Republican Conte. 11:45 Atnarillo 9:20 con- is no business excuse for objecting p. m., p. m., ruptcy soon after they had eaten up all there Reports from San Juan county, Santa with T. '& S. P. and F. W. lank Books necting A., and to if it be not that X. O. O. BV the supplies gathered to run the guests the administration Fe and other parts of the territory show & D. G. Eys. through a season. They have not been of a needless war. that as a general thing the pearls as Train No. 2 leaves Amarillo daily 5:35 safe as The LODGE able to play and the hotel has been un the apple. dry atmosphere a. m., arrives Boswell 2:35 p. m., Carls- PARADISE ot this seems unfavorable to con- No. 2, 1. meets able to pay, since their at the re. torritory bad 6:15 p, m., Pecos 10:40 p. m. 0.O.F., stay on Trusts. lire the of & every Thursday even-in- went did Conference blight, great destroyer pear necting with the Texas Pacific Ry. Odd Fellows sort. They for training, but trees in east, moth Is Ledgers. at the for White Oak and more than The movement of the civic federation uoallng quite Stages Lincoln, hall. Visiting brothers always welcome. stuffing training. as destructive to the as to the apple, N. M., N M., Alex, N. G. to vast conference of pear Nogal, leave Boswell, Read, of Chicago have a and vigorous measures must be taken to dailv at 7 a. m. 3. L. Zimmshman, Recording Secretary. of the United except Sunday Some Texas farmers who have been representative people keep this pest in check. For low rates, for information regard-n- cotton are States of combinations The have succeeded CENTENNIAL ENCAMPMENT No. 3, 1. 0. O. kept poor by raising cheap upon the subject following pears the resources of this valley, price F. : Regular communication the second and finding out that other things pay bet and trusts has assumed a successful as best in the college orchard, each name of lands, otc, address fourth Tueaday of eaoh month at Odd Fel- followed date of lows' welcome. ter. One railway, the Aransas pass pect. The conference will be held Sep being by the ripening: D. H. NICHOLS hall; visiting patrlarohs u. Lawton, 3; Osbond's Summer, Nate Gold oft, r. road, has hauled 1,113 oar loads of wa- tember 13 to 16 in Chicago. The rela July July General Manager, CALIBITTE John L. ZiuMiBMAN,Scrlbe. 17; Petit Hart- - "'r . of combinations to eco Marguerite, Augu9t 15; SON D. DONAHUE, Carlsbad, N. V. nJO termelons to outside points this year. tion trusts and Buf-fu- lett, August 24; Howell, August 31; Gen. Frt and Pass Agent, MYKTLK KKBKKAH l.UUUK, no. V.l.V.U. New Mexico, with the ideal soil and cli- nomic conditions generally will be dis 5. F. : third September Carlsbad, N. M. S ) Regular meeting first and Tuesday mate for melons, and a season for ma cussed from various points of view. A. (HOT SRIILTa-- of each month at Odd Fellows' hall. Visiting Ciiari.ks KeFfku. brothers and alatera welcome. ' turing them so late that the Texas crop Franklin H. Head, the president of August 24, 1899. Mua U . ttti. OT invru Nntiln Grnml. is out of the market before this terri- the civic federation, in setting forth the Miss Tessibs Call, Secretary. tory could ship, buys Texas and Colora- scope of the conference, says: LARGE RANCH SOLD. AZTLAN LODGE No. 3, I. ('. O. F., meet do melons. But it will not always be so. "The discussion will embrace the sub- BY THE Oliver M. Lee of His Well every Friday evening in Odd Fellows hall of industrial, commercial, labor Disposes Wildy San Francisco street. Visiting brother, wel- to the El Paso the jects SI come. L. M. Huown, N. G. According Graphic and combinations, their Property, C. river has to transportation A consum- John Sbabs, Secretary. there again ceased flow, uses and abuses. These are the para large land deal has been and the people are securing free food to- mated during the past few days be- Mexican mount problems before the public into the water holes tween M. of supplies by going the proper solution of which Oliver Lee, Alamogordo, IC. IP. and catfish day, upon OF killing that have floated the welfare of all classes depends. The and Fitzgerald Moor, of this city. down from New Mexico. Thus has the Mr. Lee has disposed of his Wildy Central time is ripe for a calm and thorough SANTA FE LODGB No. 2, K. of P. Regular Pass become indebted Well and L. M. cattle to Mr .Moor at 7:30 o'clock City again investigation of the entire field, without ranch meeting every Tueaday evening to this New Mexico has for a consideration. at Castle hall. Visiting knurhta sriven a eor territory. long which legislation must fail and tend to large dial weloome. W. N. Townsesd, furnished bread and butter to the peo- of situation. The ranch is composed of several Chancellor Commander increase the dangers the Hallway Lib ple of the Texan city, and has now 'thor- hundred acres, and the cattle number can Musjhliibin, While it is not expected that a you reach the Celebrated Hot Sprlnga are located In the mldat of the Ancient K.ofR.andS. added fish to the menu. Perhaps it was about 600 head. El Paso Herald. e ough investigation' of even any branch very heart of Mexico. THESE Dwellers, twenty-fiv- miles west of Taos, and fifty miles north of a fear that the piscatorial supply would can be made In The Mexican Central Fe, and about twelve miles from Barranca Station on the Denver of this great question A Rio Grande Railway, from which a daily line of run to the cease to go down made is point stages -- O. TJ. annually that so short a time, it Is hoped that a begin- Railway standarc Springs. The temperature of these waters Is from 90S tol22. Thegasei A. W. El Pasoans kick a THE LOW LIKE CANAL. and are carbonic Altitude 6,000 feet. Climate and the against dam being be made and a plan adopted gauge throughout very dry delightful year in on ning may offers all conven-ence- s round. There ia now a commodious hotel for the convenience of invalids GOLDEN LODGE No. 3, A. O. U. W., meets put the Rio Grande. The objectors the work prac- and tourists. These waters contain 1686.24 aralna of alkaline salts to the for following up along Contract with cf modern rail- every second and fourth Wednesdays, 8 p. m. might make another point in their next Shott Improvement Company gallon ; being the richest alkaline Hot Springs in the world. The efficacy w. Master Workman. tical lines. travel. For rates of these waters has been tested the miraeulous cures at- jl. jonbs, injunction suit by alleging that a dam Signed Directors. way thoroughly by John C. Sbabs, Reoorder "The local committee In charge of the by and further informs tested to in the following diseases : Paralysis, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, would interfere with the fisheries on The directors of the Albuquerque Consumption, Malaria, Brlght's Disease of the Kidneys, Syphilitic and is composed of represent tlon address Mercurial La all Female Com- the border and thus work great wrong arrangements Land and Irrigation Company have let Affections, Scrofula, Catarrh, Grippe, atives of all political parties, and, as B. J. KUIIV plaints, etc., etc. Board, Lodging and Bathing, $2.50 per day. Reduced . IB-- IP-- O. upon the people of a neighboring coun- the contract for the construction of the rates given by the month. This resort Is attractive at all seasons and la XIiKS. indicated on this letter head, is chosen Com'l El Tex. open all winter. Paaaengers for OJo Callente can leave Santa Fe at 10:08 try, as well as make the Texans hun- low line canal to the Shott Agt., Patto, Santa Fe Lodee No. 460. B. P. O. E.. holds its go from the various walks of life. The Improvement a. m. and reaoh Oio Callente at 5 p. m. the same day. Fare for the round gry for the toothsome catfish which na- of Colo. Readers of trip from Santa Fe to Ojo Callente, 17, For further particulars address regular sessions on the second and fourth committee has no Ideas or schemes of Company, Pueblo, Wednesdays of eaoh month. Visitlnar broth ture intended for their sustenance. the Citizen will when the era are and welcome. to before the conference. remember, invited any kind place bids were in some ANTONIO JOSEPH, CHAS. F. Kasley, Kxalted Ruler. Its members have different views on opened this city Prop. E, S, Andbsws, Secretary. months that this of Taoa Prejudicial Witnesses. the to be discussed, but are ago, company's bid, Ojo Calient, County New Hexioo problems less $50,000 the No on earth would convict on that a fair something than for jury Drey- agreed the proposition whole was the RIO GRANDE & SANT& FE fus upon the of such a should be at the confer work, lowest, and that testimony pack hearing given the directors at that time notified its of malignant witnesses as have testified ence on all sides, and that everything representative that the bid was accept- at his trial. They not only show by their should be done to make it of value to A.3TJD ed, and the contract would be manner that he is an of their the from an educational rather that object public as soon as the then THE hate, and was before accused of than a signed case, pend- QEHVER & RIO GRANDE R. R being political standpoint." in the was settled. crime, but ing court, Judge they freely express opinions That the movement is wide- McFle's rendered a few weeks of his which would not be allowed creating decision, guilt, interest is shown the appoint- the so The Scenle Koate of the World. In a criminal court. who spread by ago, ended legal controversy, Correspondents ments of delegates being made dally by remained but the of Time Table No. 49. do not firmly believe he is to be con- nothing signing governors of various states. These gen- the contract, which has now been done. First Bank victed of think (Effective 15, 1899.) lational regardless testimony, January & NORTHEASTERN erally include representative men of The company's traveling representa- EL PASO that at the best he will get off with . ... N O business ability, of all political parties. tive is in Oklahoma at the time, what is called a verdict. If present BOUND ALAMOGORDO & SACRAMENTO MOUNTAIN RY3 minority For Senator Depew soon as ait bound WHT three of the seven vote to instance, Chauncey and as he returns from there No. 420. liXS No. 425. OF judges acquit heads New sev- BKMa m..LT. him the York delegation of he will be sent here and the work com- ...Santa Fe..Ar. he will not go back to prison, but 11 :05am. .Lv, . J TIME TABLE NO. 2 en. Hon. John G. Carlisle, menced and to a termi- ..Epanola..Lv. 15pm will not be reinstated as captain with pushed speedy 12:23 pm..Lv ...Embudo...Lv. . 4:35pm Mountain Time. u of the United States treasury, with rep- nation. Citizen. lxnpm..L,v. . ..Barranca.. Lv. .3:95 pm back pay. And if he be released he can Albuquerque . Train No. 1 leaves El Paso. . .10:30 a. m. resentatives of the exporters and of the 8Kpm..Lv.,Tres Piedrai.Lv. 1:30pm Santa Fe, M. very reasonably expect to be assassi- avmp m..ijv .Antonlto..Lv. .U:10am Train No. 3 arrives El Paso. . 7:15 p. in. labor have also been selected 1:00 Dm. .Lv . Alamosa... Lv . 9:55 am element, 1 . nated by the element that sought the THE WOOL MARKET. 10:60 ..Sallda....Lv. . o :30am (Daily Except Sunday.) by Governor Roosevelt. Is understood pm..Lv . death of one of the counsel who, it was It i:ouam..L,v ....Florenoe...Lv. 8:85am Train No. 1 ar Alamogordo.. 2:45 p. m. that all chosen will attend the confer- 8:10am..Lv Pueblo. ..Lv. . 2:20 am Train No. 2 lv. . .. 3:30 m. feared, would expose the acts of some Indications of An Improved Demand in the 4:45 a m..Lv.Colo 883.. .12 :45 am Alamogordo. p. ence. The lists published from other 8princi.Lv. UNITED STATES DESIGNATED Sunday.) one higher in the army than Captain Bear utnw. 7:30 a m..Ar .venter.. 459... 0:45 pm DEPOSITARY (Daily Except. states include n business men r Connects at Alamogordo with stage line Dreyfus. If Dreyfus possesses danger- The American Wool and Cotton Re and students of the effect of aggrega- to Nogal 8, Mescalero, Ft. Stanton ous secrets he will be out of the of Boston of to-d- Connections with the main line and , . White Oaks. put tions of capital. ' porter says: and way of telling thorn, if he leaves the Although the tone of the wool market branches as follows: R. court room a free man. At present he Governor Otero has chosen seven cit is somewhat quieter, there has been fair At Antonlto for Duraneo, Sllverton J. PALEN President. No one should leave and all In the San Juan Alamogordo would scarcely be permitted to tell of izens of the territory whom he expects business in progress during the past points country. without making a on the. . At Alamosa for Jlmtown, Creede, Del H. VAUGHN trip matters not material to the particular will be present at the conference, and week, with indications at this writing J. Cashier. Norte, Monte Vista and all points In the ALAMOGORDO 4 SURAHEITO MOUNTAIN RAILWAY. charge against him. Witnesses In their who are certainly persons to do credit of an Improved demand in the near fu San Luis ' zeal to the to the of valley. THAT FAMOUS--- prove that hated captain was people New Mexico, who have ture. A few houses report large sales, At Sallda with main line for all points ever around to find out active interest In the of con nosing things results the and those who do not state there has east and west, Including Leadvllle. "CLOUD CLIMBING ROUTE" show that they were afraid of his suc- ference. It behooves this territory to been considerable looking around, the At Florence with F. & C. C. K. H. for cess in ascertaining facts which would be represented upon this important oc result of which has been to take quite the gold camps of Cripple Creek and And Cool Off At be damaging to some of the officials casion, and at all national gatherings. a number of sample which will Victor. bags, Den- COAL & who resented his appointment to their into consider At Pueblo, Colorado Springs and TRANSFER, The federation has also sent out a list very likely materialize ver v ith all Missouri river lines for all department. able business In the course of the next "Cloudcroft" of questions to 20,000 manufacturers, potn s east. loot of tha onthwtat. trust combinations, labor week or two. Stocks of foreign goods from Santa Fe LUMBER AND FEED. organizations, Through passengers for Information of any kind regarding Looking Out tor New Mexico. contractors, railroad men, bankers, have been pretty well worked up, and, will have reserved berths in sleepers from to railroads, or At country adjacent ihfrtto Yesterday Governor Otero appointed economists and lawyers, and answers with practical cessation of Importation, Alamosa if desired. All kind! of and finished Lambert at to For Information address Bough flooring delegates to three conventions or con- are pouring In daily. An able commit- manufacturers have got the market further the the loweat Market Fnoe; Window and Doors. IuiAlso, carry on ferences In different parts of the United tee Is engaged in having the answers themselves better than at any time undersigned. general Transfer Business and dee) in Hay and Oreln T. J. Helm, Genera Agent. States upon subjects of direct Interest and results Into since 1892, and at no time since then ' 'aw.iVPT.a ass. analyzed the put prop- - Santa Fe, N. M. to the at and which er form of has the outlook' seemed better. Prices territory present, for a comprehensive study 8. K Hoopkb.0. P A , will be of still an continue (treatcr importance the combined opinions expressed. steady. Danver Co!n. .. CHAO. 17. DU DBOT7, Prop A Mother Telia How She Saved Ber great extent of nuggets, one of the CLIMATE OLD BALDY VEINS. value of $265 having been found re- THE SUPERB Little Daughter's Life. The Timmer House cently. I am the mother of children and eight The Paragon is located on the east have had a great deal of experience of Little Baldy mountain, in the Has Fine Summers and MEXICO. And Profitable slope Santa Fe SILVER NEW with medicines. Last summer my little They Are.Wide With Ute creek district. It is developed by a CITY, Its worst 300 on Moderate Winters with Equable daughter had the dysentery in Free '.Milling Surface Ores. shaft and feet of drift the 3 to 'J form. We thought she would die. I vein, which is feet wide, and carries Temperature, On the European Plan, or Board and Room $1.50 per one tried overything I could think of, but free milling gold ore running from to three ounces per ton. It is under nothing seemed to do her any good. I CAMP ATTRACTING ATTENION day. Special rats by Hie week. bond and lease to W. S. Scott, who is NEARLY ALWAYS PLEASANT saw by an advertisement in our paper taking out ore for treatment on the that Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Confidence mill. PO COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS Diarrhoea was recom- Modern Plants Going in to Handle the Ores SPACIOUS SAMPLE ROOMS Remedy highly Leopold Biddle is his stamp of the Terri Lower Levels A Glance operating The Salubrious Atmosphere mended and sent and got a bottle at From the mill on ore from an immense slate vein and Keasons the Climate Is once. It proved to be one of the very At the Heavy Producers, Just above the mill, which Is operated tory Why OhoBen When in SilverCity FRANK E. HILSTED best medicines we ever had in the house. by water power, the ore coming from Healthful and the Country Prop. Stop at the Best Hotel. It saved my little daughter's life. I am On the southeast and east of Old the mine on a tramway. The vein has for Sanitariums. been 125 feet in anxious for every mother to know what Baldy, In addition to the continuous opened width, and gives an return of $6 ton. an excellent medicine it is. Had I output of the placers of Ute creek and average per A of the contour of New This district is reached from knowledge known It at first it would have saved of Ponil creek, the quartz leads on the Springer, Mexico in relation to the surrounding on the Atchison, and Santa Fe me a deal of and little sources of these streams have been Topeka is necessary to clearly under great anxiety my miles south of the Colo- country Yours worked extensively, and have to their railway, fifty the cause of Its climatic advant daughter much sufforing. truly, rado line. The Hankins stages stand credit an output of probably over dally that are not possessed by any Mas. Geo. F. Bubdick, Liberty, E. I. connect with the trains and land pas- ages, ground out on Huntington and other oart of the United States. A For sale by A. C. Ireland. sengers direct In the heart of the camp. stamp mills, both without concentrat- of the Rocky mountain region re A. The here for leasers with study Tip For Wooers. ing tables, and to a great extent on the opportunities veals the fact that the great chain small fund are numerous, The . . . I respect you, but primitive arrastra, as a consequence of working from the far north is broken in its con and will returns. High-grad- e, She stood erect and in the Ineffaceable which methods an amount of values give good as it leaves Colorado. In New a free veins are the and the tinuity lines of her lingered composite expres equal to If not greater than those saved milling rule, Mexico there are smaller ranges with sion of and facilities for op- sympathy pity. has been lost in the tailings of the mines necessary successfully here and there peaks with tlmb But I cannot what you ask. the mines ores lofty grant worked in these districts. erating and reducing the ered barren crowns to re MAXWELL LAND GRANT, However, I will be your re at hand. Denver News. slopes and sister The which ranks first in the lieve the clouds of moisture. From Ho Now, don't spring that property I. 8. Carlisle, Esq., of Manchester, Tenu., game on me. I'm the only son in a Ute creek district as a producer is the them Incline fertile valleys and grassy writes: " I have been prescribing your medi- di- THE FALL LAMB BUSINESS. cines for the last eighteen years in the Coffee family of eight sisters, and when their Aztec, located on the summit of the upland plains to the gulf region until ' Situated in New Mexico and Colorado, can do County Poorhouse and Asylum. Your Golden duties are divided up it's all they viding ridge between Ute creek and Po when the southern border Is reached, Medical Discovery', ' Favorite Prescription and to hold their I can't give you any New ' Pleasant Pellets ' are the best medicines for jobs. nil creek. Over $1,000,000 have been New Mexico Sheep Owners Know a Thing there are no mountains between for & Fe but will fileyourapplica-tion- , tht diseases which they are recommended, On the Atchison, Topeka Qanta encouragement, taken out of this mine and out of shal- Mexico and the southern water. Three that I ever used. saved wife's life at If should be a Or Two. They ray and there vacancy low no an altitude the time of 'change of life'. I also cured the surface workings only, great fourths of this territory has case that we ever with GuM perhaps will place you. W. A. Braiden, of La Jara, in speak border worst of lunacy had your and Union Pacific, Denver & And he strode from her more depth having yet been reached. When of 5,000 feet. At the southern Favorite Prescription'. The case had neeu presence ing of the lamb market this fall, says: under the doctor's care for three I gave Ohio' lower levels are opened up an enormous the have dropped to from 3,000 years. than a conqueror. State Journal. There will be no New Mexico lambs valleys your medicine and the patient became well. yield may be expected . The vein is a to 4,000 feet, while the Santa Fe valley, This was nine years ago, and she is still in good as our sold this fall. You cannot 1 been During the civil war. as well in contact, from 8 to 20 feet in thickness. by weight at the city, has an altitude of health. have recommending your induce the New Mexican to to Den capital medicine to many. I have told our Iruggist late war with Spain, diarrhoea was one Its general dip Is 30 to 45 degrees from ship 967 feet at the plaza. that if the people came back and said Dr. his not to of most troublesome diseases the the ore bodies on the vein ver or any other market, to sell Pierce's medicines did give satisfaction, the vertical. The A country of such varied altitudes them back their money and charge it to me. stock. Then, if the speculator would five called to I Acres Land for Sale. army had to contend with. In many will run from $10 to $70, free milling, must have some variety in climate, but not once been upon refund. 1,500,000 of take hold, he can the head. think I have seventy-fiv- e or one chronic and the old besides the values in the concentrates. only buy by the variation is In degrees of tempera guaranteed instances it became for the New Mexican will not sell any hundred cases." There has been run 3,000 feet of tun ture for in the climate soldiers still suffer from it. Mr. David other nor will he sell a less mainly, general nels and drifts and 600 feet of shafts, way, at of New Mexico Is and salubrious. Taylor, of Wind Ridge, Greene Co., Pa., than last be dry out the cold northers is opening the mine for 1,200 feet on the price year. It may possible The rainfall is principally confined to range keeps is ono of these. Ho uses Chamberlain's to drive them rush southward to Texas. West- vein and to a depth of about 300 feet. a hard bargain and get showers in the summer, with little rain they little little there ward nature has bar- Colic, Clnlera and Diarrhoea Remedy There are several smaller veins, which very less, but or snow in the winter, except in the also, Interposed would be no in the deal at all, riers to shield New Mexico from gales, FARMING LANDS UNDER IRRIGATION SYSTEM. and says ho never found anything that are fissure veins, in the from money northern of the territory. quartzlte, besides would be we part and when a wind finds its way up the would him such quick relief. It is 4 to 10 inches in thickness, very rich, there the shrink give could never recover. Near the extreme southern line, in Rio Grande, Santa Fe receives for sale A. C. Ireland. and showing of wire winding In tract, 20 acres and upward, with perpetual water by , large quantities I am not condi the Sacramento mountains, a lofty but the feather edge of the blow. gold. The mine Is equipped with a 1,600 prepared to say what rights cheap and on easy terms of 10 annual payment An Idler's Opinion. tlon the lamb market is to be In is the first considerable elevation NEW MEXICO SANITARIUMS. and a forty-stam- p going peak With 7 cent Interest Alfalfa, Grain and Fruit of all gravity tramway met as the moisture-lade- n mark the winter per They praise the bee for industry; mill. this fall. The rate is a with, gulf Sunny, bright days clouds to the northwest, and this until Christmas at least, kinds grow to perfection. I'd hustle, too, uo, doubt, the Aztec on the southeast great drawback; a very great impedi drift season, which, Ef life were else fur me Adjoining to extent than is as the nothing Ben-Hu- ment to of rain greater quite as glorious is the r. On the southwest are the business. The majority precipitates delightful Than a grand, sweet free lunch route. the rainfall there and cool. Even the the the our Fort Collins friends lost money last any other mountain, summer, though crisp Washington Star. Azurite, Nancy Hanks, In seasons been es- the months in Santa Fe cannot CHOICE PRAIRIE OR MOUNTAIN GRAZING LANDS. Ro-si- because of the bad having exceptional spring Mountain Lion and the Rosita. The ta winter, long, winter, timated 48 inches. But over the ter- be equaled for mildness in any eastern Not his Boss. ot the stock using up so much more than at has a shaft, showing a vein of high-price- d corn. the normal precipitation ranges state. While hundreds tourists visit In Town Which way can I 7 feet In width, and gives assays of usual of alfalfa and ritory Stranger from 8 to 35 inches, according to eleva the city in summer and make a more or Well watered and with good shelter, Interspersed with go to reach the Postoffice? from $23 to $233 Even if corn Is cheaper this year, that gold. tion. Jess stay, the number who line ranches suitable for raising and fruits In size Street Urchin Dey's free ways t' git The next heaviest in the Ute will not affect the extra freight charges protracted grain f rum here take I ain't producer come to remain permanently for the cu- of tracts to suit dere yer choice; creek is which they will be compelled to pay under the TEMPERATURE. purchasers. boss. Journal. district the Montezuma, COMPARATIVE rative effect upon tuberculous diseases yer Chicago is credited with a of more abrogation of the rate. of FOR terms: of yield than The southern valleys are, course, is all the while increasing. The propor- LARGER PASTURES LEASE, for long M. of the 'It is business with the New Mexican Rev. J. Yiugling, pastor $250,000 free gold, none of the refractory the warmest portions of New Mexico in tion of the latter will be undoubtedly years, fenced or unfenccd; shipping facilities over two breeders this to ask as much as er Redford Street Methodist church at portion of the ore having been saved. year the summer, but the hottest are pleas-ant- indorse- last for his lambs. The fleece Is enlarged in consequence of the railroads. Cumberland. affords me The vein is from 3 to 6 feet between year in midsummer than the east, be- Md., says: "It a valuable of the animal ment given New Mexico's climate by to recommend Chamber walls, and is a nearly vertical fissure assuredly part cause the air is dry, rapidly absorbs the the' marine serv- much pleasure now. and he will be as well satis United States hospital Rem- vein, cutting through porphyry and the just dampness of the skin and has a cooling in 1899 established two Iain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea fled to his stock until ice, which has strata of limestone, which is the bed keep shearing effect. The weather is never oppressive, in the edy. I have used it and know others time next if he cannot get the permanent sanitariums territory, GOLD MINES. rock of the country. It lies on Monte spring the nights are always cool enough to them as homes for who have done so. I have never known he asks for the animal this fall. and will maintain zuma hill, and adjoining It, on the same price sleep under cover and generally under soldiers and sailors afflicted or threat to fail. is a sure cure when taken The feeder can afford to that it It vein, are the and pay a blanket. ened with tubercular troubles. Many A. C. Ireland. the feed-ln-tran- rate On this Grant near Its western boundary are situated in time." For sale by Homestake mines, which together have price, provided Santa Fe, being up out of the great of life at New Mexico army posts or Is restored. It would, appear years the famous Gold milling Districts Ellzabcthtown and Too Common. about 4,000 feet development and have therefore, of the is especially and a careful examination by experts to be for all Individuals valley territory, where mines have been successfully operated for 8ft to eat at our each produced several fortunes in free very necessary blessed as to summer The led the to take this action Baldy, Lottie We had corn Interested to make a demand temperature. authorities and new rich discoveries were made in 1895 In the house gold. personal record the thermometer in In the interest of invalids, and years, on the Transmissouri traffic associa highest by military new of Hematite and Bluff a That's we feed our Adjoining the Montezuma on the in twenty-si- x was 96 de also Intended to remove to New vicinity of the camps Harry Tottie nothing this city years it is un-locat- Jour- tlon. which meets In Denver on the as In lots of as cow corn all the time. Ohio State south Is the Reel, a recent location, grees in 1878, an extreme rarely ap Mexico consumptive Inmates of soldiers' rich any camp Colorado, but with yet 21st, I have the rate re nal. owned by William Reel and Baron Van understand, to In the last ten years 91 was homes In California and eastern states, ground open to prospectors on terms similar to, and stored." Denver Stockman. proached. A Wide Precaution. Zuylen; A tunnel has just cut the vein the highest absolute temperature. It Favorable conditions exist all over as favorable as, the United Slates Government Laws and at 300 and shows a streak Pheasants. borne in in a Mexico to health or Customer Have you the same razor feet, mongolian should be mind that dry New for restoration Regulation. that will 3 to 5 ounces. Six ther- of such suf- vou shaved mo with two days ago? plate from The pheasants on Judge Blacker's climate the record of the metallic for Improving the condition of $5 $7 tem- atmos from Barber (flattered) Yes, sir; the same feet vein matter yields to free place In the Sacramentos, which were mometer does not indicate the real ferers; a dry, aseptic air, light Stage leaves every morning, except Sundays, identical one. milling. The higher grade ore is being Imported this year from Washington by perature felt by a human body, which pheric pressure, well drained soil, a Springer for these camps. Customer Then chloroform me first sacked for treatment on the Biddle mill, Attorney W. A. Hawkins, of the White is cooled by the drying effect of the air. minimum of cold and heat, the absence . TITLE founded on United States Patent and please-- Chicago News. on the Ponil, and the lower will are been demonstrated that a tem- of In and a perfect, grade Oaks road, have fared nicely, and It has great changes temperature IT. S. be treatment on 90 is not more of conilrmcd by decision of the Supreme Court. A Pessimist. stored up for the breeding quite well, having brought perature of at Santa Fe maximum sunshine. ground. A stream of water by broods. Mr. has and than 72 at St. SUNSHINE RECORDS. Edith Whv don't vou up that running forth several Hawkins oppressive heating For further and apply to. pick the mouth of the tunnel would furnish to hundred or at with a humid cli- As to the latter point, the latest fig particulars pamphlets Its head is pointing towards you. determined place another Louis, any place pin? an ample supply of water for a mill. on ' next mate. ures available from the government rec- i Lillian I don't believe in signs any birds Judge Blacker's place Below the Reel on the same be ords are those of 1897, the year book of LAND GRANT CO. more. I saw the new moon over the mine, season. Senator Turney has also The following table was made up THE MAXWELL Is Mountain which is 1898 not been The wrong shoulder, so of course the pin vein, the Queen, come interested in pheasant propaga- from of the climate and crop having yet published. me luck. lease reports summer of 1897, as it was un- wouldn't bring any good being operated under by John tion, and has about a dozen birds on his service of the weather bureau, and happened, New Mexico and at Santa Fe, Raton, Judge. Johnson. In addition to the vein opened ranch in Brewster county. Citizens of a Idea of the relative In usually cloudy rainy In gives general of in the up above the Reel, there 1s another Alpine have liberated about 100 of the as me- yet the superiority this city The soothing and healing properties tensity of heat indicated by the were vein of refractory ore that returns from birds In Brewster county, which county matter of days that sunny of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, its tallic thermometer: com- 5 to 6 ounces per ton. The ore from this is said be well throughout, can be seen by a few and and to suited to their propa pleasant taste prompt perma. vein is sacked as taken out, for ship- with places In various parts of gatlon. El Paso Graphic. Mean Tem- parisons nent cures, have made it a great favor ment, and the free ore is treated I the country. milling HIS LIFE WAS SAVED. perature. ite with the people everywhere. For on the ground In an arrastra, with good Tem Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of No. of Days. sale by A. C. Ireland. results. The proceeds from this opera- 8 a. m. 8 Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonderful p.m. IMPORTANT GATEWAYS Harvest. tion and from sluicing several thousand A Photographer's tons of thrown aside as waste deliverance from a frightful death. In dump by was with 1 I ?! 4 are he Where going? telling of It says: "I taken 4 T you i i3 taken. former operators, pays the expenses of 2 3 2 fS Stations ZFfeEIG-H- To have my picture the mine with a force of six Typhoid Fever, than ran into Pneumo 1 THROUGH FAST Don't to that artist; he'll make you working was I I I III go nia. My lungs became hardened. I v. look men. ti I melancholy. so weak I couldn't even sit up In bed. S u I'm to The Rebel Chief lies next to the 60 56 62 58 7) I know it. That's why going group to soon Boiton a, MS to of Nothing helped me. I expected 59 54 62 56 71 him. I'm going to send the picture Mountain Queen, and consists six Buffalo 72 to die of Consumption, when I heard of Chicago 51 53 63 56 Boston 531 40.77 121 my wife she's away and threatens claims, covering 4,500 feet in length and 60 56 69 60 70 37. 72i 150 Dr. New One bottle Cincinnati 57 Bufl'ttlo come homo. Detroit Free Press. 1,200 feet in width, on which has been King's Discovery. Denver 51 48 67. 54 New York 44.27 135 gave relief. I continued to use it, Des Moines...... 53 51 63 57 77 42. 04 133 done 2,000 feet of work in drifts great 56 53 61 53 73 Philadelphia.. tunnels, Detroit Chicago 25.85 125 SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES and now am well and I can't 78 74 81 74 76 UK) In strong. Galveston . 30.21 and shafts. It is a fissure vein por 67 61 78 Kansas City.. Foot-Eas- a cures say too much In its This mar. 58 55 Louis 40.17 115 Allen's powder. It with a of 20 to 30 A praise." KansatCity..... 66 61 77 66 66 St, and in- phyry, dip degrees. Memphis Cincinnati 43 121 painful, smarting, nervous feet velous medicine is the surest and quick New 74 71 79 72 7 46.031 100 mill and concentrating plant has been Orleans.... 80 Memphis growing nails, and instantly takes the est cure in the world for all Throat and New York 61 58 65 60 Denver 15.37 m built, to be opened on ore from the 64 59 68 61 72 70 20.40! 120 out of corns and bunions. It's the 50 Philadelphia..., 77 Santa Fe sting Lung Trouble. Regular sizes cents 61 58 70 63 12 41 51 of the group. St. Louis 84 El Paso greatest comfort discovery age. and $1.00. Fischer & Co.'s store San Franolsoo. 56 54 60 56 Foot-Eas- e The consists of drug 52 47 68 52 56 Allen's makes tight or new Black Horse group Santa Fe 1897 every bottle 64 60 68 63 78 This table shows that in the year shoes feel easy.' It is a certain cure for three claims of 1,500 feet each on one guaranteed. Washington El Paso had more sunshine than sweating, callous and hot, tired, aching vein, and two claims of 1,500 feet each National Encampment, Grand Army of only Sold all Santa Fe, but that Texas city has much leet. Trv it today. by drug- on a vein parallel and only 90 feet dis the Pa. SANTA FE SUMMER. and shoe stores. mail for 25c Republic Philadelphia, hotter summers and almost as great gists By tant. The pay streak Is from 2 to 6 feet to Were Fe located in of St. in Trial FREE. Ad- Sept. 4 9.1899. Santa sight an extreme of cold, with an excessive stamps. pickage In width, and runs from $10 to $100, SJanta Fe Louis ele- dress. Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy,N. Y. For the above occasion the or Chicago, with its present amount of wind in the winter. about one-ha- lf free milling. A tramway on of such would and Route will place sale tickets to Phil vation, residents place The government records do not show I? .A.SSEiN'GKES.Ri SERVICE. ' 1,200 feet long connects with the mill return rate of $57.40 behold more than a mile and a - Sceptical. adelphia and at a a city that any place In the United States ex- a thirty-stam- p on Black Horse above the mala- lino from Arizona and New Mexico to all points They say a Frenchman has discovered plant, for the round trip, dates of sale August quarter skyward, hot, cells Santa Fe In sunshine, year in and The direct through moisture-soake- Perfect a to make brains electricity. It gulch, a tributary of Ute creek. 30, SI, 1, 1899. Good for rial, d earth, In a purer in the north, cast and southeast. Low altitude. passenger way by and September year out, the average number of hours Pullman Bufret seems his is to the On the east of Old and 12, tic- which . all would seek. service. Through cars. No Latest patern that plan quicken slope Baldy return passage until September atmosphere, of sunshine In a period of five com- brain electricity within ia short of summit she dally sleepers. Handsome now chair cars, seats free. Speed, safety, processes by applying distance the kets may be deposited with joint agent Should they behold the city where forty-liv- e t.n and bv a series of years being seven hours and fort combined. For address the cerebellum, is the Glbsonburg group, on which at Philadelphia and an extension se- Is they would find a still cooler and particulars shocks make the brain of the veriest minutes, which is Just about right for S. & R. W. T. . about 1,000 feet of development have cured until 30, 1899. Reduced atmosphere, where there Is little B. F. Derbyshire, W. F. P. A., Curtis, fool alive, active and as powerful as September purer variety, comfort and health. Ki Texas. been done to date. A force of men is side ride tickets will be Issued In the moisture, a porous soil to drain away i'aso, !., that of the greatest man on earth. A favorable point In comparison with E. P. TURNER, G. P. & T. A., DALLAS, TEXAS. ' kept at work the mine and tickets. comes, and a I don' believe any such thing can be opening up east with these the rain that precipitous the east Is that the most sunshine here out ore for reduction of of the snow-fe- d "3STO --A.TSI done. This Is the mere dream of some blocking works, For particulars call on any agent the descent for escape is in the fall and winter, November TROTTBLIE TO BWER QXTHSTIOITS." wants to have which will be as soon as a decl Route. streams and gorges In of the city. fellow who Bryan kept begun Santa Fe sight leading, while in the east the sun is Times-Heral- d. sion is reached on show no out of the Presidency. Chicago tests which have just H. S. LUTZ, Agent, The records that other city more in evidence In the summer months, been made to mode ' N. M. so cool a determine the best Santa Fe, in the same latitude possesses when It ta sometimes neither wanted of of as treatment the ores. One vein of W. J. BLACK, Q. P. A., summer temperature Santa Fe, nor needed. FOOT-EAS- E, TRY ALLEV6 16 feet, carrying copper and lead, Is In Topeka, Kansas. where the average is 67 degree, and the A to be shaken into the shoes. itself a bonanza. - change between night and day temper- powder v NO RIGHT TO UGLINESS. Your feet feel swollen, nervous and hot, The placers of Ute creek district yield ature too Blight to be detrimental to VOLCANIC ERUPTIONS woman who is In face, and get tired easily. If you have smart- their annual returns, varying with the The lovely health. Thanks to elevation, to wooded Are grand, but Skin Eruptions rob life Foot-Eas- e. will have ing feet or tight shoes, try Allen's water supply of each season. Its new form and temper always mountain, far southward, and shelter of Joy. Bucklen's Arnica Salve cures makes walk- one Who would he attract- It cools the feet and mines are opened up and development friends, but from the hot winds of Arizona that are them; also Old, Running and Fever Cures Is ing easy. swollen, sweating feet, pushed on old ones, water in- ive must keep her health. If she weak, warded off by the rising series of moun- Sores, Ulcers, Bolls, Felons, Corns, blisters and callous and, will be Ingrowing nails, creased, the volume of the of sickly and all run down, she tain ranges between Santa Fe and the Warts, Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, spots. Relieves corns and bunions of all output has con to nervous and Irritable.' If she of Best File and com tort. It these placers may ne expected to In- sandy, lower levels desert, this city Chapped Hands, Chilblains. pain and gives rest Try or trouble her impure and Sold all and shoe-store- s crease In proportion. A ditch or pipe stipation kidney 1, the coolest south of the upper lake cure on earth. Drives out Pains today. by druggists Wood will cause blotches, skin 25 for 25c. Trial package FREE. line eleven miles In length to bring In pimples, region. It Is far cooler than Denver, has Aches. Only cts. a box. .Cure guaran- Address, Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. the water of the Cimarron would, it Is eruptions and a wretched complexion. thermometer reading, about as low as teed. Sold by Fischer & Co., druggists. Philadelphia best medicine in humid estimated, enlarge the working capac- Electric Bitters is the , and is free from the Extreme of Duplicity. world to stomach, liver and coast. ity of the hydraulic plants now In op- the regulate heat of the $45.85 Men are prone to He, prevaricate, and to to kidneys and to purify the blood. It remarked Uncle Allen eration as Increase the yield not WINTER SEASON. Take "The Official Route" the Santa deceive, Sparks, gives-stron- nerves, eyes, smooth THE less than $50,000 per annum. The gold is bright Fe to for the G. A. R. And Return. but I do think the bad h eldest skin.-ric- Philadelphia thinnest, velvet v complexion. It will not seen the of a man can coarse, and the output consists to a One who ha, the lay of Good re- gauzlest piece deception good-lookin- g, woman 1 2 via the Route. to of Is come make a charming an elevated August 31, September and Burlington be guilty to out of a vegetarian land might think that place 30. a run-dow- n invalid. Only 60 cents at turn time until restaurant ptcklng his teeth. Chicago of bo delightful a summer climate any September ' bt. & store. having The trains the ones-- will take are the Chicago and ... Fischer Co.'s drug severe Is 'knowing Tribune. would have a winter. Yet this Louis Denver at 1:40 p. m., or the Vestlbulcd Flyer, The winter la not Special, leaving BISMARCK'S IRON NERVE Whither Away. not true. temperature leaving at 9:50 p. m. Thoso are not only the best Denver, Chicago SXIir no too mm In ' love the dookl so low a. In the lower Ohio valley, and I St. Louis land In the Union Passenger station Was the result of his splendid health. Faithless girl, you LAD EG and trains they you over AND MANHOOD What would Me lather swears! 1, free from moisture, there being lesa LB BRUM'S and St. Louis, the same stations from which trains Indomitable will and tremendous ener Cunt ImpeMcy Nl EmWa md wadot you? DR.FKLIX Chicago rates from U U Bah I am sick of In winter than In Direct Lines for start. The above apply not found where Liver, inMii ttfteti 9i bute. ar act km wu mother weeps. of cloudy weather Philadelphia gy are Stomach, mm le-if- and all Colorado common A mm 4019 UooMuilder. el summer. To the north, the great moun. Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo other Kidneys and Bowels are out of order. If Brio the ptak slew to paW itiiila ml rw with me. i. Mid onto FRENCH Ask for tickets via our lino, "he sells thorn Then of Colorado receive the greatest mar-E- t. points. your tickot agent want these qualities and the suc- tuna the lira at youm. By nl oua pcf tain, tk.nland reliable care on the you ton O but for S.BOl wfch writMa Whither? snowfall, and break the force of north- Price. l.fc sent by nwu. too. cess bring, use Dr. King's New iiutrtam W cut or the I know not whither. I stop at whence. they ern winds; other mountain, closer stand Genuine sold only Dl Pills. power of e.. eltlMS 3KSNS KMOtt, What matters' It so as our creditors l Life They develop every long to shelter the Santa Fe valley, Ireland's solo agent anta V. VALLERY, (lonc-a- Agent, Dcnvei. brain and body. Only 25c at Fischer Ireland's pnarmacy, sole agent, Santa I mean your haughty father cannot guard nPharmacy, (. a K. M. N. M. - Bad us? Cleveland Plain Dealer. which Ilea at their feet. To the east Fe Co.'s drugstore. . f. In for the on MINOR CITY TOPICS. A DUAL TRAGEDY. grading switchback the PAIR OF BANDITS NETS MEXICO Jim Fair mine, near the south end of Cattleman Kills a Woman and Is Shot by a the claim at Hanover, a large body of who came to low-gra- The The Misses McQuarry, Posse of Cowboys, copper was uncovered. this some time from Canada, DONA ANA COUNTY. Waived Examination and Were Held city ago Passengers from the south on last The Santa Rita Copper Company has have taken the Dudrow cottage near the Morton Bergerot has sunk a shaft made Frank Bell a conditional offer for Sherwin-Wuliam- church. night's Santa Fe train tell of a terrible s to Answer for De- Guadalupe and run a tunnel on the W. J. Bryan his Philadelphia mine. One of the con- Unlawfully D. tragedy which occurred near Englo, N. Supreme Court Clerk J. Sena this group at Organ. He struck a good ditions is that the company Mails. the record M. A ranchman named fell taining the morning received typewriter Spradling of coarse ore, and has to do six months' on the ordered some time The machine is in love with Miss Nellie McKinstry, a body galena prospecting Varnish Stain ago. of water at hand. other be al- a beautiful one and a marvel of compact young lady visiting from Marion, Ind. plenty property, and among things W. B. of has pur- lowed to TOM KETCHliFoWNS UP ness and usefulness. She refused to listen to his amorous Hayden, Rincon, sink a shaft. is stain ground in varnish. It stains Friends of Rudolfo Gonzales of this pleadings and he In jealous frenzy shot chased the entire interest in the King J. B. Gilchrist has sunk a reservoir 34th killed her. He then fled, an of the at in below wood and one city, who enlisted in the regiment, and pursued mine, extension Memphis, to bedrock the gulch the the varnishes it in op- received word this morning tnat ne nas by a posse of cowboys. They came up Organ. He will commence work at Hutch mine at Hanover, from which He Is the Black and Admits to him and when he resisted arrest he eration. It is made in the Original Jack been admitted as a member of the band once. he will pump water to supply boilers at following 34th was shot to death. Several Robberies ot that regiment. The regiment Robert Martin has rediscovered a ga- the iron mines on the hillside. The dis- colors: is Having Perpetrated will on SA'StSV It prepared pass through Lainy Sunday mine on the Andreas moun- 400 The Prisoner to Die of to Francisco. lena San tance is feet. Likely night enroute San Mine Prospects Nearby. 80 a ready for the brush and easy tains that runs per cent lead and Seventy-fiv- e tons of iron ore is ship- very Blood The old of Mr. and S. E. claims to have made a Poisoning, daughter Lankard per cent of sliver, with traces of from Grant county to Colorado ev- to put on. We recommend it tor Mrs. Patroelnlo of lower San of large ped Lopez, rich strike yesterday free milling copper and gold. There are several will be increased to bric-a-br- Francisco died last and was ery day, and this and ac and street, night ore on his claims about six furniture, t'nited States Marshal C. M. Foraker buried afternoon In Rosario ceme- gold mining very old workings on the mine, and the 500 tons as soon as the Hanover railroad this miles from this of woodwork about the and Sheriff Cicero Stewart, of Eddy Charles was funeral city. early prospectors had evidently been is finished. New Mexico, especially any the tery. Wagner M. F. while near county, arrived last evening, bringing Sena, prospecting driven out by Indians. Two car loads Grant county, is an flmpontant producer also for floors. this found copper float house; with them M. MeGinnis, charged with Charles Cole, who had both legs cut city yesterday of ore. is on the dump. of copper, but because much of the ore can be used over il a suitable is richer in than ore It painted surfaces, in Union county, and also off vesterdav bv a railroad train at that copper any L. H. Davis, of El Paso, has pur- is to smelters outside of the ground color Is put ouIIrsU heretofore found in this A test shipped with the murder of Sheriff Farr, of Col- Waldo, died last night at St. Vincent's vicinity. chased the Dewey and Sampson mining some even going to Aguas Cole never conscious- with the gave a very territory, orado. They also brought with them hospital. regained blowpipe high claims in the San Andreas mountains Callentes, Mexico, the territory does not ness and all by failed of Mr. Sena, with a Tom Ketchum, one of the men who re inquiries telegraph copper. and made arrangements to commence get credit for the amount of ore it pro- to reveal whether he has any relatives number of mining men, was busy to- cently attempted to hold up a train on or where his home is. Undertaker Chas. work. duces. W. H. was day looking for the lead indicated by SOCORRO COUNTY. GOEBEL, the Colorado and Southern, and Wagner took the remains in charge. 'Sixteen miners have leases on the sil- shot the conductor of the train. Tom the float. The company, in Water can- ver by Verleth & Davis, plumbers and tinners Buckeye mines of Chloride Flat, and all of is in the will to remove the THE HARDWAREMAN. Ketchum badly wounded right of San Francisco street, this morning At Indian School and Agencies. on, place a pump them are making money. One of the arm eleven buckshot from the gun of tin and water which they encountered cleared $2,500 In the four by received a car load plumbing George B. Haggett, of Louisville, Ky., surplus leasers last of the conductor, and it is feared that in their shaft. months. " goods. has been appointed teacher in the In blood-poisoni- has set in and that he A number of priests who had been in A good body of ore has been found on Ashton & Roach have let a contract dian school at San Felipe. will die the same as his brother, Sam retreat at St. Michael's left for the Iron group of mines in Water canon, to sink 100-fo- ot on Wild Cat college, Miss Blanche McArthur, of Newcastle, a shaft the Ketchum, did at the penitentiary, from their homos in Rio Arriba and Taos The Cat Mountain Mining and Milling at Santa Rita. counties this O., has been reinstated as assistant ma a wound in the shoulder, a short time morning. tron of the Mescalero school. Company has disclosed wonderful A strike of high-grad- e copper has ago. Sheriff Stewart, after assisting in Solicitor General Bartlett is having William Mioletz, of Fort has quantities of free milling low-gra- been made Edward Baker on the of Bayard, by the two men at the peniten Marcy Place, the little park in front been baker at the gold-beati- ore veins on Cat moun also shows delivering on Hill- appointed Standing Lucky Boy. The McKinley left for his and Mr. Ireland's residences Rock ageucy, N. D., and Antonio A tain. Three veins parallel and tiary, last night Eddy county. side fenced. Tho is running up well. Both claims adjoin the Santa In avenue, plat being liorrego, of Santa o, appointed en close 12, 8 and Tom Ketchum was taken charge and next will be set t very together, measuring Rita mines on the west. United Marshal at graded early spring gineer at the Osage agency, Okla. 6 feet have been found. by States Foraker out in trees and grass. respectively, Ruben Bennett has a body of where the was in the The ore averages $8 in gold. The com HIGH Trinidad, The St. Louis of ore on one of his bonanza group at THE PRICED PHOTOGRAPHER. V. S. Notes. 410,000 Ketchum refused to have his half-ton- Weather Bureau pany has expended over in high-grad- e hospital. Wednesday prints a good e pic- Hanover. Besides copper, I arm suicide Forecast for New Mexico: Fair to drifts and other sys sil- amputated, and attempted ture of R. Goebel, the father of W. H shafts, tunnels, the ore carries $10 In gold and $5 In (SUCCKSSOR TO T. J. CUURAN.) He first asked for a revolver with night and Saturday. tematic work, blocking out and leaving Goebel, the plaza hardware merchant ver per ton. to when the thermometer in over. 50,000 tons of and n Vol Hie ltul HicBcsl. which shoot himself, and that Mr. Goebel is a Yesterday registered sight ore, Thomas Madden made an eighteen-to- Cheapest, prominent photographer as follows: Maximum 80 of 100 com was refused, took the bandages from temperature, with a depth only feet. The of and high-grad- e West of at St. Charles, Mo., and was an at 54 de shipment slag side the Plaza. his arm, when alone wrapped them degrees, at 3:r0 p. m.; minimum, pany consists of Detroit capitalists. to Callente tendant at the convention of photogra at 0:10 a. m. The mean copper the smelter at Aguas around his neck, and put his foot into grees, tempera- The Timber Peak" company has re phers of Missouri and Illinois, held at ture for 34 hours was 07 from the old adobe smelter near the the to himself. He the degrees; sumed work on Water canon. are loop, trying strangle St. Louis. mean 6'1 per cent. They Hanover mine. was unconscious when and it dally humidity, not their but also found, A letter addressed to J. A. La Rue, only running mill, Foreman Williams, of the Johnnie was two hours before he con a car load of ore a regained secretary of the cattle sanitary board, Gabaldon's Shortage. shipping day. Bull, at Stein's pass, struck a large sciousness. At first he was sullen and The W. H. Martin company, of the high-grad- e East Las Vegas, is held at the postofflce The statement made up of the ac body of ore on the but later became talkative, and Rosedale district, is many Im- surly, for postage. counts of Carlos Gabaldon, making level. The shaft on the mine is down told Marshal Foraker that he had com- provements at 'its mines, mill and 130 500 The retreat of the priests of this dio of San county, for 1895 and 1896, stamp feet, and will be sunk to feet. A a was Miguel ' mitted number of robberies, but - pan mill. The of tbe cese at St. Michael's college was con shows that his was about $12,- great deal of drifting will be done. Siga not with his brother when the recent shortage COCHITI MINING NEWS. eluded y, and most of the priests 000. Suit for recovery of the amount has near Folsom was commit A one-ten- th Interest in train robbery leave for their homes before been instituted. the Hopewell Taxes Remitted. ted. In fact, he did not know that his mine has been sold Frank E. John morning. by Territorial Treasurer J. H. Vaughn X- brother was dead until Marshal Fora- son, of to Rev. P. A. to-d- 3EZE3ZEZ) William I. Marshall, principal of the Death of Jose Maria Jaramillo. Albuquerque, received tax remittances from -i ker told him. "If I had known that the Simpkin, of Gallup. Lawndale school at Chicago, is the Jose Maria a citizen of John L. Burnside, tax collector of Grant train had been held near Folsom Jaramillo, A two-shi- ft force has resumed work WEST SIDE OF PLAZA. up guest of Superintendent Viets at the county, arid C. H. McHenry, collector of only a short time before, I would not Panchos de Atrisco, Bernalillo county, on the Giant under the of CALLS government Indian school. Mr. Mar- supervision San Juan county. Mr.' Burnside remit- ATTENTION TO have made the a second died recently. He was a brother of D. Rock is broken in attempt time, shall was the teacher of Mr. Viets thir James May. being ted $98.97 of the 1895 taxes and $3,177.34 said Ketchum to Foraker. Pablo Jaramillo. Deceased left a wife, at bottom of the years ago, and is well known the drift the shaft, of 1898 taxes. Of the latter amount, Marshal Foraker is convinced two daughters and two sons. wWich will be " that as an educator and lecturer on the continued until the lead $1,798.44 Is for territorial purposes and OUR, PLACE. Ketchum is the original "Black Jack Is reached. l3ere business 'Is conducted on Business Here Rocky mountain and Pacific coast re Ice cream soda $529.10 for territorial institutions. Mr. Principles. can be ivetcnum at tirst gave his name as at Fischer's every Strictly First Class Goods In the form of Refreshments gion. He took a party of teachers to AH kinds of soft drinks served In GRANT COUNTY. McHenry remitted $310.69 of 1898 taxes, Liquid Thomas Stevens, but admitted later be- day. and Cigars. the educational conven first-cla- ss neat and The work of sinking the Gillette and of which $192.28 is for territorial pur- ing Tom Ketchum. He said when ar- style. Everything tion through the Grand canon, and Is shafts at Pinos Altos is pro poses and $56.31 for territorial rested that the affair at Fclsom was his clean. Thayer now on the way home. He will leave both shafts W. R. PRICE. first at train and greasing favorably, being Proprietor. attempt robbing, that this and will a at Las more than 700 feet he was a evening, stop day deep. formerly peaceable , Vegas. Notice. The rumor that Dimmick Bros, had and was alone in the hold-u- p. But he 01.10 Philadelphia and This evening Santa Fe railroad off- The annual meeting of stockholders sold their mine at Pinos Altos to east- return, your admitted later having had accomplices of Fairview Association will choice of routes east of Chicago and St. icials on board of a special train will Cemetery ern capitalists for $260,000 is declared in the last hold-u- p at Folsom. be held at the office of the Fe Louis, August 30th, 31st, and Sept. 1st pay a visit to Santa Fe. Santa to be without foundation. 1899. MeGinnis was a New Mexican at 8 p. m. on Wed William who was ce Daily on the at Pinos Howe, peddling nesday, the 27th of September proximo, Operations Gopher prisoner. ment for chlnaware has been Altos been Da- Both arrested to elect a board of directors and officers have resumed by F. J. National Encampment, Grand Army of AND-FANC- prisoners were given a hearing UROCERIES for not having a license. Howe claimed for the ensuing and for other busi vidson after shutdown caused by bad the this , forenoon at the year Republic Philadelphia, Fa., penitentiary by that he manufactured the ness. 11. w. air. Of all kinds; sauces, relishes and United States Commissioner cement, and STEVENS, Sept. 4 to 0, 1809. high J. P. .was therefore not is required to pay a li Secretary. Samuel Meeks pushing work on the For the above occasion the Santa Fe class canned goods. Cudahv's Diamond cense. Arizona at Pinos Altos, with the Inten The prisoners waived examination on Route will place on sale tickets to Phil- Alexander Jordan left this afternoon of '99 chicks at the Bon-To- n. tion of the main lead of the C hams and bacon. Choice fresh roast the nominal of with Spring tapping adelphia and return at a rate of $57.40 charge interfering for Buckman's, where he will establish Pinos Altos Gold the United States mail and were asked Mining Company's for the round trip, dates of sale August ed coffees. We recommjnc" a saloon. group of mines. especially to furnish $t,000 bond for their 30, 31, and September 1, 1899. Good for appear The Santa Fe Mercantile The Atlantic mines, under the ance at court. More serious Company super return passage until September 12, tic- our Stono Idol brand of Hawaiian coffee. charees this three new vision of Walter at Pinos Al will be made later. morning put up signs Brandls, kets may be deposited with joint agent across the pavement at its store on San tos, are having a number of mill runs Try a can and you will be pleased In It is related that the brother of the MAGAZINE AND LAW at Philadelphia and an extension se- Francisco street. on ore taken out in development work. 1899. we Ketchums at San Angelo, Texas, some cured until September 30, Reduced teas have only the be. Jose Vigil was arrested this morning Dally shipments are being made from months ago supplied Tom and Sam side ride tickets will be issued in the by Deputy Sheriff Huber for being BINDIN the San Simon mine at Stein's pass, Ketchum with money to start In the B00K G east in connection with these tickets. drunk and disorderly. owned William & cattle business in Idaho. The two Or ALL DESCRIPTIONS by Kingdom, Berry. For particulars call on any agent of tha the 6 months old Wyman, Corbett & Brandt are also afterwards and inde- - Margareta, daughter Santa Fe Route. separated of Mr. and Mrs. Luciano Rebal, died making dally from their their old shipments H. S. LUTZ, Agent, pendenty sought stamping last night. The funeral took this New Mexican Granite mines at Stein's Ex in northeastern New place Gap pass. Santa Fe, N. M. ground Mexico, afternoon. Interment was in Rosario tensive is done on the H. S. CO and without oth- tunneling being W. J. BLACK, G. P. A., KAUNE & the knowledge of each cemetery. mine. er resolved to rob the Colorado South- Topeka, Kansas. Printing Company Hinkley & own ern train, upon different and Harlan, Horstman, occasions, . era or s e tne - a nronerfv nt r.arlis . arei Bon-To- n. both met with disaster. Court of Private Land Claims Fresh oysters at the - - - JN JVl I running a drift for the purpose of de The court of Santa Fe private land claims this termlnlng the width of the ore body 'in was So- morning still busy hearing the Send forestries and Prices, which have been for some Tax Payers, Attention. F. R. Hilder, trained nurse. corro town case. they working HENRY grant time past. They have gone 50 To the Tax Payers of the County of KRICK, Yesterday afternoon W. M. Tipton, already Santa Fe: Pursuant to resolution un of the of feet, and are still in ore which runs $20 SOLE AGENT FOU HIGH-CLAS- special agent department at a of the S TAILORING. Office testified to $40 a ton in silver and animously adopted meeting for Federal Land Commission justice, as an expert on hand gold. general committee to a com- M The arrange Within the reach of all. ad Judge A. L. Morrison, custodian of writing there being a question over the plant originally put up by the promise with the holders of Santa Fo Suits, Pants, and Overcoats at of a of former Rock Lemp's, y the federal in genuineness signature, Steeple Development Company at held on 23, 18!K, prices never known before. Kvery-bod- building this city, has Governor county bonds, August Qt. L.OU1S can afford to be well and styl- kindly furnished the clerk of the com- Armijo. E. Carlisle failed to treat the ore satlsfac at the city of Santa Fe, and which com & S. ishly dressed. SUITS and upward; United States Attorney Matthew G. ANDREWS of was OVKK-COAT- mission to torlly, and the size the cyanide mittee duly constituted and ap- Beer. PANTS m2.r0 and upward; g select public lands. Major Reynolds arrived last and took plant $6 and upward. Latest ef- P. B. commodious and evening is now being increased. pointed by the county commissioners cut Otero, with very part In the proceedings today. held fects; choicest fabrics. Garments men mow at a meeting August 10, 189!), you to your exact measure by expert cut- comfortable offices in the building, and C. H. of Eighteen are working on the are to Tlietratle supplied first-cla- Elmendorff, Lincoln, Neb., CRESCENT BICYCLES respectfully Invited furnish said AIX KIN'DS OF from bottle to ters and made by tailors. will also an office for the meet- Mineral Point zinc mines one a Let me take measure. You provide testified this morning as a handwriting Company's committee with any data, information or MINKKAL WAT tilt carloatl. Mail orders your get of the commission should the mem- near Hanover, and 200 tons of ore are rilled. a stylish, well made, perfect fitting ings expert. Samuel C. Meeks, assistant suggestions that will enable it to better promptly nd good wearing; garment. Jt Is bers thereof so desire. month to St. - to Judge Morrison postmaster at Socorro, testified to a shipped every the company's perform its duties, ltespectfully, Guadalupe Santa Fc worth your while investigate my K. prices and see my samples. Send me recognizes the importance of the work number of of works at Mineral Point, Wis. J. PAI.EN, word will call matters fact about the by postal card and I of the commission to the of the 1 Shipments have from the President, Etc. on at once. people grant. 50 begun Rat you and its educational tler mine at Hanover. men GKNTLYKMEN'S MACKINTOSHKS, territory Interests, In the protest that B. M. Read made Chain Eight work and is Chainless$ on the ore Fine 25c meals at the Bon-To- n. ALBUQUERQUE rrom upwards, desirous of doing all he can to as for Jose Samoza the 60 mine. The runs over $10 in LADIES' MACKINTOSHES. aid and attorney against and also facilitate this work. Hence his acceptance of the final of the gold, contains considerable , from $3.25 action In this the com survey STEAM K. matter, whereby Sebastian de confirmed Code of Civil procedure. LAUNDRY, H. BOWLER, Santa Fe. mission will save office fuel Vargas grant, rent, light, by the court of land claims, that Standard Sewing Machines, The shaft on the Hanover annex has Every practicing attorney in the ter and janitor. private GEO. F. AMBROSE, AKI. court ruled that lands bought or filed reached a depth of 31 feet'of the 100 feet ritory should have a copy of the New under the laws of the United States are It is to be sunk. Five men are working Mexico Code of Civil Procedure, bound Leave orders at Machine Needles and In form with alternate blanc Slaughter's barbershop. j excepted from the the Supplies on the shaft. The ore Is neutral, and separate Sold grant by opera ew mex-- Basket leaves Tuesday at 2:30 o'clock for a Judgment. IB pages ior ine tlon of the and that therefore Mr. carries about per cent excess Iron. annotations, - and returns on Friday. Wo pay all Tho house and lot at the corner of law, can Printing company has such an eai- Samoza cannot be disturbed in Six men have been employed to do express charges. San Francisco street and Burro allev legally tton on sale at the following prices: the possession of his homestead. development work on the XXX, Notion, Leatherette binding, $1.25; full law J. MURALTER, known as tho was sold curiosity shop Tbe Hotel, Copper, George and Hunter group at sheep, 2; flexible morocco,82.SO. this morning at the court house bv E. A Exchange Hanover. 'A shaft, winze and drift are Frog legs at the Bon-To- n. VOLCANIC ERUPTIONS JACOB WELTMER Johnston, appointed master in the case the principal operations at present. The lor a of and in Are but Skin rob Ufa judgment $1,158 Interest shaft has been sunk 40 feet of the 100 grand, Eruptions Merchant Tailor. favor of J. (!. Schumann Jake of Bucklen's Arnica Salve cures against Beat. Located Hotel In City. feet It lis to be sunk. The winze has joy. ana Lizzie Gold, and Colonel Oeorgo W. them; also Old, and Fever PERSONAL MENTION. reached a depth of 35 feet, while the Running BooksandStc KnaeDoi, trustee. Mr. Schumann T. Sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, itionery SUITS MADE TO ORDER FIT GUARANTEED bought In the property for $1,100. J. FORSHA, Prop drift has been driven about 65 feet. The Mrs. G. W. Schoch and child ore 15 cent Warts, Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, and averages per copper. Best Mrs. S. E. Schaoffor left this men Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Pile Six-shoot- morning Eight are at work pumping out PERIODICALS' A er Case. cure on earth. Drives out Pains and Cleaning and ior uanon uity, uio. PER the Anson S, and every is Repairing. William Craven and Samuel Newber preparation Aches. Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guaran SCHOOL Mrs. Lucinda Bland, mother of Mrs, $1.50 IDATT. $2 being made to resume on BOOKS, in werk that teed. Sold & Co., ry recently engaged a row at a dance J. A. Wood and Miss Mary Dixon, niece mine. by Fischer druggists. Enttt at Special rates by the Week or Month SCHOOL SUPPLIES. Side of Plaza. Organ. They pulled and oi Mrs. wood, are expected to arrive in for Table Board, with or without Low Price. Elegant Work. wounded each other. Both were arrest. this city on a visit to Professor and Mrs. room. Sundries, Etc. and fined $50 each and costs for Wood this evening, from Belolt, Kas. 8. R. earner ef Plan Stationery Ied Books not in Btcok ordered at eastern concealed weapons. Hon. Matthew G. Reynolds, United prices, and received for States attorney of the court of private all periodicals. land claims, arrived In the capital last O. C. Bcrletli, manufacturer o, evening. THE NEW MEXICO tin, copper and iron ware. Roof Sheriff H. C. Klnaell left this mornine PLEADINGS A GREAT VARIETY OF NEW MEXICO VIEWS ing and guttering a specialty. ior uiorieta on icgai Dusincss. GO TO San Francisco street, John Ham- - T .H. Culley, of Albuquerque, arrived pel 'i old stand. All tin roofing in this city last night. PRACTICE Military . Instituted Sheriff C. F. of guaranteed for ten yearn. Blackington, Socorro, (Forms to conform to Code) Is here on legal business. C. W. Allen, of Las of the PattUon's Forms of Pleading, New Mexico. Kaadt'sFOR KINDS OF- I Vegas, ALT, Six under the Missouri Code, hare Roswell, Representing of the largest Optic Publishing Company, arrived in been placed with the New Hex-lo- an Tailoring nouses In the PrlDtlng Co. for sale. THE MILITARY SCHOOL OF NEW MEXICO ESTABLISHED ill led States. the city last evening on a business trip. t D. Scruggs, of Albuquerque, is a vis A oompleta and comprehensive AND SUPPORTED BY THE TERRITORY. PHOTOS. The Santa Fe Mercantile Company book of forms, adopted to the in this has a made to order itor city. new Code of Civil Procedure Lower 'Frisco Street. opened tailoring United Marshal C. M. now In effect In New Hcxtio. Session Begins September, W9, End June, 1900. establishment on the west side of the States Foraker left his home Parti. Ordinary Proceedings Five Teachers (Men), and Matron. Accommodations for 200 Students. Wells-Farg- for at Albuquerque this In of Reoord. plaza, next to the o express Court Parta. ' New Buildings, all and modern and I afternoon. " Attachments sCertlorarl ; Garn- furnishings equipments complete; G. steam-heate- s, EUGENIO SENA office, under the management of Mr. ishment; Habeas Corpus: In-- baths, water-work- all conveniences. W. T. Shelton, of the government In Meehan-o- 't R. Collins. A perfect fit and satisfac I unction; Mandamus; dian left this for Lien; Prohibition! Quo Tuition, board, and $900 session. tion In every respect is FOR GOLF RASH school, afternoon the laundry, per Manufacturer of guaranteed. Heat Warranto and Replevin. Fart Session Is three terms, thirteen weeks.each. Roswell Is a noted health Don't of would-b- e trav Rash, inflammations, itching, irritations San Carlos, Cacaton and Tucson agen I. Miscellaneous. Corerlnar Ad buy your suits and undue or offensive - resort, 8,700 feet above sea level; excellent FlilGHEE JEWELRY to busi chaflngs, perspiration. cies, Arizona, to secure pupils for the vertisement ; Affidavits: Arbl- people. Mm eling agents. We are here do and many other sanative uses, nothing so tratlont; Anlarnmenta; Deposi- I school. etc.. RJBGHDITTS UNO STERLING SILVER SOUVENIR SPJOIS ness, and we'll do It. Prices as fcheap as cooling, purifying, and refreshing as a bath tions; Naturalisations, etc. A. In Al De- Nathan S. any living soul can possibly make them. wnn uutiouba hoap, rouowea in the severer Qusdorf spent last eventing Bound In full law sheep. Jaffa, Roswell, R. Hamilton, Roswell forma by with livered at postofflce In New Charles C. All kinds of made to order SANTA FE MERCANTILE CO., gentle anointings CtrrinDBA, buquerque. any Wilson, Roawell, S. Lea, Roswell, Jewelry the great skin cure and purest of emollients. Mnioo upon receipt of O. Cameron. Eddv. and Fine stone a AD. OTJ3DORF. prlee.IS.00. Purchaser's J. repaired. sotting spe CutiontA Imp b beyond ill donbl thi mat afltetln name on address: machines kin ind well printed the book free for particulars claltv. Singer sewing and sup- purifying hwitirrlnf rap, u the porat Take "The Official Route" the Santa of Address New Mexican 75 I nil veetMt for toilet, bath, and rnirwrr. Hold thronih-fl- coat. plies', Philadelphia and return, J.lfl. Santa Ihe world. Pottkr linen inn rum HVu Fe to Philadelphia for the G. A. R. on Company, Santa, Fe, Uoitoa. How to l!n.. Printing San Francisco St. Santa Fo, N. M Fo Route. Prop.., Hare Uaautllul akin," frta, campmont, If, M. ftuperlntenaent