Iowa's Congressional Delegation Braces
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WWednesday,ednesday, JJanuaryanuary 222,2, 22020020 Storm Lake’s Trusted News Pilot Source Since 1870 Tribune SSwept!wept! EEventsvents WWarriorsarriors strugglestruggle MMusic,usic, CCancerancer EExercisexercise aatt SSCC,CC, RRVV ssplitsplits ttheaterheater wwithith FFalconsalcons aandnd moremore RRecordsecords ➤ SSeeee 9 SSportsports ➤ SSeeee 1111 EEntertainmentntertainment ➤ SSeeee 5 Volume 152 Edition 9 $1.00 ICCC leaders A Pilot Special Report freeze their own pay The Iowa Central Community College Board of Directors has approved a freeze of all adminis- trator salaries for 2020-21, and in additional has adopted a freeze of the entire president’s contract for the coming fi scal year. The action was taken at the January 14 board meeting. The freezes were proposed by President Dan Kinney. “During tough economic times, education enrollments are down and that’s what we’re seeing - got to tighten our belts and things like that. So the administration, in- cluding myself… are asking for the board to approve that our sala- ries be frozen this year instead of doing any raises,” Kinney told the board, according to coverage by A “luau” lunch event at Storm Lake Elementary. /Photo by Lunchtime Solutions the Fort Dodge Messenger. Are politics creeping into school lunches? City to buy Area school leaders worried by latest proposals from the White House building for By DANA LARSEN “The fl ip in philosophies for feeding kids more fl exibility and reduce waste. He an- Pilot-Tribune Editor depending on who is in the White House is, nounced the rule changes on the birthday of to say the least, interesting,” Newell-Fonda Michelle Obama, who made the nutritional equipment The Trump Administration proposed new and Albert City-Truesdale Superintentends requirements a centerpiece of her time as school lunch rules on Friday that would of Schools Jeff Dicks said. First Lady. Storm Lake city leaders have dismantle more Obama era guidelines, but “In the political realm it has become that The new proposals would reduce the agreed to buy an industrial prop- some local school leaders wonder if the ef- football that gets pulled back and forth, and amount of certain vegetable required for erty for $170,000. The 10,800 fort is serving up nutrition - or politics. that’s not fair to our kids and families,” adds lunches, and cut the amount of fruit required square foot existing building at “If the idea is to ultimately cut funding for Alta-Aurelia Superintendent William Wal- for certain breakfast programs in half. Le- 1220 East 4th Street will serve as school lunches, it would be an utter disas- ters. gumes offered as a meat alternative also a warehouse for some of the city’s ter,” reacted Peter Steinfeld, chairperson of Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue said larger pieces of equipment, and the Storm Lake Board of Education. the changes were needed to give schools See Lunch ➤ page 6 is located across the street from a current city facility. The building formerly housed an electrical sup- ply business. City offi cials say buying the ex- isting building would save the city $300,000 or more compared to building a new facility. Remodel- ing of the building is expected to cost $82,000. Movie-hater pleads not guilty to setting fi res A Storm Lake man accused of arson incidents at the Vista 3 theater and the movie aisle of the Storm Lake Wal-Mart has pled not guilty in District Court to charges of arson, as- sault on a police of- - Not everyone was kept indoors by the frigid weather following the weekend snowstorm, fi cer and LOOK OUT BELOW! as these sisters enjoyed rocketing down a small mountain of snow that developed on the criminal Methodist Manor grounds Sunday. Storm Lake saw 6-7 inches of snow, with more in the forecast. /Pilot photo by Dana Larsen mischief. A trial date has Council member: City commercials should refl ect diversity been set for March Alejandro Vargas By DANA LARSEN Tourism Director Lee Dutfi eld. shops were visible. 10, but the Pilot-Tribune Editor SLU has spent $44,000 on advertising Dutfi eld said that the lack of ethnic county attorney’s offi ce antici- including commercials promoting Storm diversity shown in the SLU advertising has pates a delay. Storm Lake United and the Iowa Lakes Lake on Sioux City television stations. They been brought to the agency’s attention and Alejandro Vargas Lopez, age Corridor each gave presentations to the played some of the commercial footage for noted. 21, was arrested in late Novem- Storm Lake City Council this week. the council, prompting comment from the New SLU projects in the past year include ber, after reportedly telling offi - SLU leaders noted that 2019 marked the newest member, Maria Ramos, noting that the downtown planter improvements and cers that he believed movies were 10th anniversary year for the program, which the spots didn’t refl ect the real population. the Lighthouse concert series, both planned “ruining the world.” was formed by combining the local chamber “We are a very diverse community. You to continue next summer. Wood Wine and Between movie showings at the of commerce, industrial corporation and are showing kids riding bikes, a couple - but Blues festival attracted over 7,000 people. theater, a diesel fuel additive was tourism program. SLU saw increased it would be even more beautiful to show how SLU held a “Glow” food drive to kick off poured on a movie screen and a activity in the past year, with 1,844 calls, we really are.” the holiday season, took part in the fi rst Day 43,200 web hits and a record 813 walk-ins, She questioned how the stores featured in of the Child event, and continued to sponsor See Movie Fire ➤ page 6 according to CEO Gary Lalone and Events/ the ads are chosen, as no minority-owned See Diversity ➤ page 6 What’s Inside Wed. 1/22 Thu. 1/23 Fri. 1/24 Sat. 1/25 Sun. 1/26 33/28 31/26 32/23 29/19 29/23 Inside Story...................3 Neighbors..................8 SSnow,now, SSSWSW wwindind SSnownow sshowers,howers, N CCloudy,loudy, 220%0% MMostlyostly ccloudy,loudy, MMostlyostly ccloudy,loudy, Comment...................4 Records.................9 1177 mmphph wwindind 1122 mmphph cchancehance ooff ssnownow 110%0% cchancehance ooff SSWW wwindind 1100 mmphph Entertainment............5 Classifi eds.................10 ssnownow Area...........................6 Sports......................11 Classroom..............7 Sports......................12 Five-Day local weather forecast CMY 6 Area Pilot-Tribune | Wednesday, January 22, 2020 TAKING OFFICE - Chris Cole was formally sworn in as Storm Lake Chief of Police Monday by Mayor Mike Porsch. he was congratulated by former chief Mark Prosser. / SLPD photos Lunch ➤ from page 1 to raise her children, not for single people more expensive it seems to be. On the oth- are cheap, compared to eating out.” with no children who could be working but er hand, the changes were trying to make Schools have to submit a menu, but that could be counted as part of the vegetable aren’t. That’s a fallacy that people unfortu- things healthy for our kids, which we can all doesn’t mean they actually serve what they requirement. Potatoes could be served as nately believe. agree with. I think there could be a happy report, he adds. “How would they ever a vegetable. Changes to summer meal pro- “It’s throwing red meat at Trump sup- medium.” know?” grams that serve nearly three million young porters, really. There’s all kinds of politics The schools would sometimes like to Dicks bristles at the pressure being placed people, including those in Storm Lake, are involved. So much of what the Trump Ad- serve special occasion meals, such as for on schools. “There are one or maybe two also being proposed. ministration has tried to do is aimed at just Thanksgiving celebrations, and are ham- meals a day we are in charge of, yet we are The American Heart Association said the being opposite of Obama.” pered by the regulations, for example. “I tasked with solving obesity.” proposal would “put children’s health at Former First Lady Michelle Obama think kids do need some carbohydrates - Summer meals are provided free regard- risk.” championed healthier school meals as part they burn off so much energy in the day,” less of families’ ability to pay, and state ini- They would give schools greater fl exibil- of a “Let’s Move” campaign. Walters said. tiatives to stop shaming mean that students ity in offering entrees for a la carte purchas- “With one in three of our kids on track The prospects of some kids losing access can’t be denied lunch service or served an es, which would “create a huge loophole to have diabetes, it’s unconscionable that to free lunch are especially troubling, he alternative meal if their parents are not pay- in school nutrition guidelines, paving the the Trump administration would do the bid- feels. ing their bills, he noted. “There are a lot of way for children to choose pizza, burgers, ding of the potato and junk food industries,” “I wish it would go the other way. We’ve inequities. In Laurens, everyone eats free re- French fries, and other foods high in calo- said Sam Kass, who directed the campaign. got some kids on the cutting edge of quali- gardless of their income - apparently when ries, saturated fat or sodium in place of bal- “This country - and its kids - deserve so fying who could really use the help. People the number qualifying gets high enough anced school meals every day,” said Colin much better. ” at the political level don’t take the time to they just give up and make it free for all.