LEADS SOCCER LEAGUE CITY Sec IN SENSATIONAL BASEBALL GAME MANCHESTER (¿entrai Y. M. O A. Wing BALTÜSROLGOIJBß NO. 10 TWO CLOSE PLAYS ond G»me iron. R.kerdymon. IN CLUB TITLE SCHOOL " BRAVES UNBEATEN \ s'.righ' a* 'he expanse PUï BY BOSTON STILL al 9é0 (,ort IN YESTERDAY »,." -I." I'i artivmon A ( at Van WON PHILADELPHIA eN.err.oon, the WINS BIG MEET landl Park yesle'dav Y. M. C L* ».a « m oí* »he 'ei.lrsl Two Out of Five Draws with Newcastle of Broaklyo, aisurn»«! the lead In tM Match«?, o o* 'he M Are rkaasiei tan*paW\sm TM Carried to in Soccer iii.lv. Imil u Soccer League. Along Manhattan Lads Triumph English hov/ever,'was a ter-/ s'ubonm Fxtra Contest. »ttftu\; the last ten Greens. Held at League one ami il was no' until in Games ralaatos ii»m the central« wows ebie ta Field. penieraie their oppon»n*»' defence. Brooklyn The line up: MAPSTON ' '.' CHELSEA BREAKS ITS SNtraletS). "o». .on l!>|<»-rrt.n,or. ». DEFEATS 'iReins '.»'¿J" ALLSOPP -.,r: p lames K » WITH LONG LOSING STREAK ' " EASE « i aa-for'I.I.. ft/ NEORO BOY CLINCHES « u * i. Brown '"rr0,a", ilreenouan ' M' VICTORY BY JUMP roslei i» H le " Is ,, i-*t ¦»?.«<. .<¦ art U illiam ffllovvfs Htiddersfield Neck ."''>¦¦*' Mor¡**ai. Jf Arsenal and ..... I. It KlrhSeti .»»i r.» I« Winnpr , .. » . Over S. p. of the ' for Lead ... Mei-es ^ and Neck il n.«n .I I» \n\al Rcscrx ¡>t<* Mak«* Poor o I, LeSS*' in Hard Contest. Second Division. Uoais Kukf»e»»i< i, i.. Brewa »..».".. in the Tn R»»f»n»»f Wetklns Lalaesmen i Showing Handling .vi-«, a of fife Ml Of r».' llanliv nri'l Pi.b« IS. Tims hsi-.se. Sifhl match«. ,. tkwiastk »m inin .»*» .'. ... rhrMf. Leaden, Oct. It. An attractive list ciismpio-nh p Rait.,,,, hZ in Clrtwero pie;vs., Nearly pxet> aVChOOlhoy Who *a« ¦¦"' of game« v.**«. «et for decision to-day ..«.»,r-iay,s*,¿" RICHMOND BADLY BEATEN thow weal to so ... mouthed before a wor! i's tin three pi¦inripnl soccer league«., re¬ thag th-e, ,ltJ, standing op«r no'«« «n« moa -,,.,¦ «».»de«.;"' »*\ le changes iri " ' »«n«s scoreboaui farced hi« sulting In «orne interesting Soccer Team FOIvod Will.sm r, ,.»., City play- etaten Island V«; >» «."letbuah «estciday for the final track i!-,. tables. The Manehaator end Stephen P N,.,, .u M¿ f" a exa.nple by Riv¬ Proves Too w,n""*' " . '"'. ar.d field gamo« of th«* Public Schools « is have SOI splendid Speedy. y-t.rs» S cent of their wages for the rsme in the an¬ Eaèh had » sioda Athletic l.csg.i.'. held St Brooklyn ing up '. ner Playing their second -«er, of £ ,»"'. war while every nual »erie» of the Field under ihe BttO*".ÍCtM <» benoAl M ihe tuni!. championship Field yeitcrda;. erected a v. l»t«*on defeated >t. John R this division. . I. Il «very on« oi the remaining thii'y ac¬ lvl»t|ei tt. Us« ShaaSTS a . VCit»«,.i L l"a,l »chools scored, but they WON so far played at home and gave »rood Kaufmann . O. It Howard Hasbro«», count of themselves. Tottenham Hot¬ McWhlnOI«.I. R Kenne'l« o up and i to play H R. ,w¡ ss to be outclassed «' . behind >:a»«l'li»r».n .- s the points with Middles- wop the sweep «ta »M-« m H _.. rensaiaed for Alfred Johnson, spur sharing its Men/lr* II. .... M.-i-ridr* to cli'ich while Chelees came out of V., llpr <; I.. Buck!* Th« nummary follows: negro lad of Public School 10. borough, tirst vic- .-(¦ell in scoring its KSj'mSnn Ma- D-MM AOan-a -. ¦he \ietory fer his «boo!. Ten and Si great style, »;»,.,!« M Wlnn!»». (ft, Whottog .¡»a- . season, s»at<-n talan,l R«j«-I»r. end I to p'.B ., «xere 'ic«k and neck, with H.llj" torv of the «lefeating Liverpool pheraon Zoll'i. ÍS '7,- battling score of I to I, which enables Hiriimon,) county. Referee.D. .*h»im«r«. "! them, when lie s ' ' pen'« .-«paiaiing by l.ln»-««T»»"n W. Vfeetech Briil *rfi II«, SB ' ' ih«*m both to improve *."*' »' '¦'¦ ,I» ¦«* the last «vont of the «I iv. considerably F'oi i» -A'. » minui*». .?Lr"-r'' "t'alh jump, Tima of halves ... " their 1B .1» . . was off. and Johnsen, b> topping standing. » to build fes*- sei sai -, th« bar s* t *>pt 10 inches, won not Chelsea's team eos« |M,ttO ttei ¿.T for but far the school. Up snd Its Supporter! are disappointed s M « only himself so ar. Blackburn «»as fourth, add with the team form »«P * Vekinp. of No fi_\ to Nottingham to H n p. "*£ scoie. Rovers IN x to journeyed WINS P scorn point the GOVERNOR Wrlgi enly but found all the tackle the County Club, .lohn I. Warn«i la « 'Hthuiiasm ran riot through to crack and re¬ In fact, th« boy« ,,>i« Mem a «liflicult nut Pael rull«T. ..., j* long afternoon. turned with one point, drawing Howard Kasl .; ", .' the official« nml only ' toughsho«i ov«. I to I. FOUR BALL MATCH n*ni-i Aden m crowded on \o the track in a sorting ll.e game at T «' Ennevei ji " mass whih «ould not be in check The results follow: B «;.,...*« kept x .¦ xv tne of naval reaorvisti Bradford Oil \« m illa »ig.., «es bj handful «.li«*fl>|,| l'nii',1 fturnl«» wee policing th« course. Tottenham Hoti ui Middlesborou-jh Yates The team 'cpic* were as follows: Notts Count; Illa '.L'un I! Fielder Pairs with t s P. 8. « «i|in«l«rlsn.l ii..inn« Wsn Usnhaiiai Sli«lTi«ld Wedn««da> Man« tintar to Beat Standish Montclair Golf » .-¦. r* s 1" p Club. * '." « i...«i.i »th Manimmi. *: p s Brooklyn » P f llrorn«* I« ;i ii - a, .1 TI..1I.I r. i- s and Bouton. in th« ;,..».»i n Bradford play ( ,. iron- P - '. J: P s i: «rt« jna 'rro i Manhattan. I« \. a», afile 'nltad Montclair Oo «lu -,i*r.i« KoasN 19. Mar.*. ; P. S TO TWO Mam h« <;?« art|| mast V M rh« H THE BOSTON PITCHER. WHO HELD THE ATHLETICS Goveraei Jame» F. Fielder of 'he Manhatiar P S BILL JAMES. A fine tu.-sh* is going on for the Iead- «v:*h delve tea« to- tn« I« Brooklyn. New . OF DUST ON THROW State of Jersey, paired th- match . < v SECOND IN CLOUD division, the Ar- pi« 4: P. S II Rrookl' HITS, AND MURPHY OUT AT ersli p of the second Charle.» W. won a four-ball tourna >. 'lattan. now Yates, <-naïuplonihlp ils* tu- I« ,. xi... senal and H iddersfleld running sfcrrpstake- Ma- th« . Manliatiat« IN FIRST INNING. match from B. H. Standish and (¿eorge Held «. s .x- , 'S SO. FROM SCHMIDT TO MARANVILLE (««i, and neck 'or fttst pUce. Lon- BrM 41 iBkN ... ¦¦ I. Bouton over the links of I. P. j" had a "'it bit" at Highbury. yesterday wlnmn« In th« «». p o v-, ,... pro« donen The \\g the Country Club of Glen Ridge. and ¦ V. la ,«n .. , ,, ...... If. Ma whore the Arsenal and Clapton Orient ¦¦ n'a« ud at holes. third, with M Í n one ano'her. Twenty-fix margin 1 thir'y-six r ,.,»',!¦ n opposed Th»« dub member» who were not busy Tii« summer « both elubo ..» thou and supporters ef the Governor turned their at¬ Piral slxtsen into th«' and -aw an watching b»a' i. i Oimi « i pi; » - ! Federal League crowded ground p Athletics in the former's fa- tention toward a handicap against par t: Kar is jr.. beat » en«l ««xciting game . i ma ". Helpless and mixed foursome». Bocead «.¡»h» . « rhe urn rica ello* vnr at '! to 1. Race Nears End which beat In the former comnetition, .1. 0. b»at «' I. Turner, .; a W i: x x The rloddersfield Club, in Class A. finish¬ ttmSl XI -.-r.;- | . ,¥ J upa»: ¦.«,,, Leicester Posse «luring the week, en- Newel! led the field i te Mai í v.ho r XX h, - TO-l»\*a. Wanderers 'rom «Volver« ing 1 up, while C. K. hatfîeld, aixt.-:'n XX M |»fi ,a r-ai J Bill James 6AMM tertained the * «. s 7'" in the 4 i; . Before b «n.» h*- I* to 0. «a« 2 down, showed the way up gnd i Nu lamra »ehrdlllril. and. (eating them by 2 * « I*. 1 hampton second division. The foursome prize, b«*at hart« .;.»««. » T 1 V RKM I l> «>l 6»%JIM ramcsVAi, make a big jump in the table. Bury «i* «Ml ir..' .« I! ¦. k> ¦¦ bv was won ' \x llruol.l«n. H: Hallimore. 3. caused i big sensation by losing on offered Charle» W. Vates, t»a. Hi i. .i ihaaoa i« pu> - i I. Pari .' s ¦» ii pit» a c 10 v. I nul iiiii.il from Cage Id hen left-hander It.iltiinore. I: Hronkl.an. 8. thei« .«un to by a by Mr. and Mr«. .1. W. Sand» with U OallaghT keel à F (àocris, * .p «%! then HnflHi,, I. gio'ind Barnsle) W. t*. the opposing tesm, play I'ili-liurati. 8| .«core of 2 to I, them to drop card of 106 30 H, while Min» K. te i»;.. ;.» ii« tn. Ihini; I iding part. II»- i» canning took second Third Blxteea T »¦ 11 dropped lUIKKU IMAAHJM M AMIIMI. i rom first to fifth Spencer and X. Saunder» .'lo '2 and to R I his h-.int to the hn\. struck out. »:i -hurt right, for which ColllM BB8 placo. than a hun¬ tfti up I pill. .. *.; :< x Oldring U.I. IM. u.i.r.r. Preston North End are no» going «vith 101 ¦¿¦I 7K. More L-... F r, Get« -, « «X O'l nol get the ball .» and midSed while Collins could wonderful try, onl) i»»»ii.< ii- »a K.-. ....:.-. Hrooki.n..;: :: .."»«mi -'rung the better of dred golfer» were out. Se» >.i »i »:e». ... nl.r S i scoring D« »< .«' and. just getting x f. t»«' A. 8I«S< away from "Rabbit« Maranville. ie narrowest margin, < In» .i-;,, »" .'.'. ..'iti'i kan. Ill) 81 se The «ummary follows; b««at T. Hale, Pi.Mt.nil-. il.au:.- wi Leicester Kos by the only goal scored, P. .". 10. M .h »»hat OUI to be 'he Hall I'ni-e.a.l 71» ..".49 rills'rgh «II H« Ii*. v v» I* Of. x M : 'he season irles Amefl, I »1o\«.n. H L. garter, r '.' «. x> .Mi Boston .lam«s. who ia rated a ,; first victory R " r. 'Irj'. np. |hl out I.« three inches to get two-bagg from h«.m« at down; R Bid f« rd, down .'¦' anagan. I .r . ... hitler for a struck over Derby County away -, »I strong pitcher, the left held foul line, but W up; I, N Olds, ?, era. S« on.l if. - BiN down *.. to have into it*. '¦. II »i/rht . r s on three pitched balls m the fifth in¬ <»n 2 I, appear« got -a. B.O. R. ChB I r II Knall b<*at K M forced al second Catbcr - V. .«' by i« . I'.J. u id« .if last. V Prnihim H . . i ning, but Mann followed with a «ting¬ t,« Port.town B, beat F. I» I... n- ? «.0:12 1 "¦. grounder Barry. i- ,-.- if L. W81k«r, « d»>wn drive to centre. It counted for 'I I., resulta follow down IM.- :. '«« I «.m.Wan b] ing The Athletic- had SXAf A Ii "i: ».V »'own SWEEP*""! ON OOStSI I .¦ as Philadelphia M "AN SAKE AI FIRST Hi .,,i i'ip. «¡l..««.n H iap X « « «;., doers, Even Hied to WIND i.» however, time TIP TOPS nothing, glowing chance in their laal v. n .". « » x.» PO M'lN Burj MOMBa w. Mai 4' XI to . m<> TillluU It*« PLANK Strunk ¡.ml Cathei bounded »Barry, but failed to make the North Kii'l 1.,-i, ..--. lip Ne' x i. m 8 0 «'.» Manhatti .,»¦¦¦ -t. P. i bat, Plerioi Mann at second. weake CATI H HIM S'APPING. Xr-. nul 'i teal ,i Mi w Kaaes .'.o«» ») ;» I.. H I «. lanhaltü Tim* -«i 00B; forcing and only ign of Nlfl TO 'lapton Ii T «)ali*g»«r .lames had . I...<>.!:. I'll' i.| oiint! i. »»' ami n .1 n.er. ... »7 1« ,-- «Ann Philadelphia Bi'l Jai ie !>». pitch«¦! eemed THE Spencer B Bn b) UP SEASON 3 ;i I. MrA le« i Hull «*lt» Lincoln HI tai a >- work a little harder than usual in Ph .-cd suddenly with his ». » f H :: «!-. .1 M I ml, lost,-m. i'ount« llirmii (ham Mr and Mi« George i¡ »Manie XX fl !. f ;» as he was called »»n foi ~ .... '«-*'. ii adelphia'.- half, .1»:!;; iei, Barry walked 11 i,.. Town I'nllMin Mi«. Lifr Walla»» jnl E. W .. F-'rleOma P pom Her . . ..iv W B, .-. nine balls instead ol eight in i», and second MiKldei W «i hampton .IlJ I M 0:104 pitch '»ad oin-s in a took [la,n!i Utarrel ...... ¦ \,,.i ¡' iresi '.It ."«I »« I" J once the Athletic- down Wal» ELEVEN Blackpool M- an Mi- H g L.SS . SI again setting itruck out, Jimmy CRESCENT W il Plough « in Final Dou¬ n«; IWIB 183 15 H '.' Manhattan: Mi a " tir Break Even i-'i-i Baldwin snd Mh ,-; or . thr««e in a row. !: was repetition of ... si walke«* to i« xvell in the II. T. Tl ... :¦- ..¦ foi Pial Watford showing M '* p Mi anil Mr- It t.. Jottoottm».104 If >i ...... the second a« Baker Hied ou 'i" .Li''- in successid the Bris¬ i- McKjb: B« s. P. S. Pinoklyn third; I. Ho». inning, On four ^uick ble-Header with Balti¬ Southern League and, beating Mrs E .-'. Mitchell and P Mitchell M I M B Ailing *'- '' .« . '. I'lme this time to Whit»ted, while Mclnni« -'.»id the ,.»,». of the batting onk THE VICTOR tol Rovers bj a »con of '2 to 0 before Mr». T I. Ma-s'on and F. ¦ AGAIN l. IH " '! «. on «¦« ¦>' M a and Strunk walked off on three strike! .nu» i,i» it!» »,. o nu n bs its own retains its line ree- »Potter ...... IB H " * :.r,.i.. ard r«!a more supporter«, and E. I. i: S xv ia k-o.i each. ».,:.. one Th»- excitemen! waa ii Terrapins. and has not Mrs E Roeodel Hi! '¦ I «*::. Man nsr if reds Blllia, !«.¦ out, onl at second place yet ».«.Inin» .II 8 '«' Ma: Sixth Inning- the shouts of the hslf-frenzi« been defeated. and Hove oc- .« tense; r. Telegraph to Tfee Tribune Brighton Mr. and Mrs Ralp i Btevsns...... - attaa . .- ¦.»¦¦¦ ii .. in snd riiink to loi lan- were deafonuig. James look« in«' [.lace, with a lead of only M n Mrs. r i;ar'i«ti. i¿u -i N tocon« P. s Id Boston had work to th Baltimore. Oet. 10. The federal öoal in Last Min¬ eupj »- Eddie Murphy stepped Lucky mi«' but Walford has a game in Mi -. M J tVhltelj Ill 11 M Country Club i ¦. end H«r- hard in the sixth inning to retire the worried point, Wykagyl P.'ind«- Berl «a« a the se» here Mi -i rohneton .-inn ft. i. v\.,« ¦.. unscathed. Whit- he firsl ball, League curtain descended to-day, hand. Both play away next Saturday. 1» Ceu»'.' Braves, but escaped a utes of Defeats .:ii II Member« of the Wyxagyl .- ,,!,.. m. a foul strike, the third strik even «with Play a ted popped a fly to Collins and Schmidt with Baltimore breaking Reading scored surprising victory Mi. «¦ B, lt.,|fi,-lil and T. I. Ma»- Clut dev 1 their attention toth'f" Tim« » swim«,, hard at the next, an «.ver a score l to :*, :n li". .ml »las», Ofo drove a screamer to sfter the Murph) in a double bill. The Tip Montclair. Southampton by of 2, IAS round of match tor the prendes'. '40->-»r!i dasl !". Murphy r/./.led down towai Brooklyn « :"- « play s 6'J to him wa.k the ball fairly which loaves it xvell up at thud plaice, Mr. an». Mrs. harlei ft ratee. IM ..a Publl« Mi nhstts umpire had refused let won first a score of -a- ..up on the four-ball basil yeitenli Public ion») on Maranville'i si«!e of th Tops the came by in but Swindon to Raperatein inlh»: to first on being by one of Plank's it |-'oi the second tune the Field Toxin, journexjng GIL In addition to this th« re aal a com** 10. M Ian Anareu.s Re« ..¦¦¦. diamond. The Rabbit scooped u| 6 to .1. while the Terrapin» scored a lingham, came S bad cropper, losing by w. H ti » - h Public slow ones, l'lank seemed afraid of the t < lull O series; 'his season «he tion for a pv\.y offered by .« Mi s«cend. race«! four or five strides Loaf no fewer than four clear . » .-.»«¦ «.«..¦¦ ai»»l him to however, shut-out in ¡he aecond, 1 to 0. goals AT SOCCER sren B. r- mWOSm hard-hitting Gewdy passed Walsh, and then sh< Crescent x. .'. !.¦ n scored ;i ¦«. TIE GAME 4ton. which iras by ~ .... an« x«;,' ..n»! Public Rchool then hit in the ivcond, forcing run The results follow: t down. lirst, and Maranville ti» Schmidt in time to win Baltimore scored its winning in who linishi-'d «.. Manhattan iffark« Isaa Kiomboio back. however, failed in the Lhc bal: at Boj Ridge yesterday sfternoon, nilllnghan*. t Tfim «1 lesult» follow: i t.. ¦.. 0 .".:.. Deal, with a an in the Witt The mstch play » «i Lamb), Tin up a brilliant gaine sharp the .second game eighth frame, llrlKhton mil II.iv«, Portamouth Erasmu? Hall and De "«I no-, c «11 ai- XV.. a little bounder to the Montclair A. «'. a score .' .' i: Main*, > H ,!'.»..* ar.l rais pinch, sending ii at ional double betinc; by .ardlltarnin n i.m..nl.uw.n Town.Town.. and * " I M« h 1" i' D« I' Kllollv«, at third. play. when Walsh singled to left, stole sec¬ an.l XX rlofl Public Baker, forcing Gowdy of '2 croáis ta all the Reading Houthiunpton Clinton Evenly Matched. DsnaloMi .n'1".; ' 1. I Qn Pub- The Athletics made ond went to third on Owen's heave I, üoals being ipton I Common ryÉrlon ,-vn.l I. Llndentner«« A. Philadelphia "he and Croydon '' ." 1 .-*. heel IS**, Msal sttan (8lct-< II, Por tie tiist time during leri« shot in the minutes oí Watford Hum..I R rrs I) Hall, whose team opened .-»hrl\«r and «i»."«» H *''n',"., '" «p«* their tirst i>;t off James in their half oí last twenty Krasmus l*a' 1 >,i*h. \x. a .1 n l.ov. i« i. was called upon for a throw t to centre field. S-tacina's sacritice fly Plvmouth Amir. tttlwall last "week in th«- high Hum. ami F II fui ghai ,r. on* Public «School IS Manhattan l..i»-ii... the sixth, when dchang banged » two- (àowdy whit- Pla.x- W« Ham I' with a victory Stil«« an«l W F Si a base-runner. The test, him. t'nlted Hangers » ? ruea, oi to Schang scores, n a..", xi Arnaani Publie n. into the hag. l'lank then grounded The follow of shot the iir>t a- I« 11 11 chances to score, including penalty r'a.|«.«n. J ani 4 .«irn-f Bucli and Kii'lors.. Garner, Montclair, up ltrnnkl«n Ball, Maranville and never saw tirst base. «.,ami-. of the Two minuto later, Sh«fti«l \\ Ï I III ID It for each side, were offered, but not ac¬ ihlr»l: Pnbli.- Rrhool 7'» «jucen« ill Creclllui Josh Devore was much chagrine nitfci goal Käme. xi ir. the ¿«ore ¦.ugh «1 *! 14 10 I H wirw. F. l",«rn<..« and H We»lsy), fourth Seventh Inning. when Bill James wSs tanned by PI in l:l;»»..Ki.V\ I. IM,, I.Mi,|lK '. however, was equalised by I." cepted. niter Club litSM It Boston Blank made short work of the fourth tune in the ninth inniiij a»»r h », ., m» i. i» ae Taylor, some splendid wort on Seo iMI« niteil The line-up. Scarsdale Country t'iKi.n bventh for - sev¬ \. «.Il .,1 3 .. MeO'lCM ,,f « i i» i ;. ,.,,,, f« ¦; R. Cm run. Pub- while Even a al I .lis. rf 4 1 ii» M.'.ri f. «0 ,» . right back tried shot by Jet- yester.1 of 14 slapped grounder . 7 . ..!.. H. ii. i^> foot *« in. ¡«o«. Thomai sj.j.-ro l.V 4 .!.¦ Ite Srhnoi i« Bronx aith Baker that reached lirsl Hof'an.lb «i.. Public MORRIS AND " «Vinpenny, th« New Inches, third; M as.. 21 I 3 ">li 4 00 0 4 0 * j'» i" fooi ! Walsh. ¦ "itii Holt, I Villa . 7 .L II. Ame: ice foot, fourth It was the «>l»l « < the risitors' set for the Brown i Re ..... li '"\ j s wUli U Philadelphia same Watson, «i t BOtKnabe, !b «o»i o winning tally. " SehtMl Breoklyn, x >ti «'« unt] .7 McOlue ." R. S-ru.-ig ,. 'l.-li il«o i.'.iiiifl rlass) XX..n by .loiin for the Athletics. ,, », Ja, Mit»,-ii., '00 4 to Charlwood, Maclennan, Tax lor and i-as-iell j.imi. story Murph«. tried Ench Limit o Lafltte, pll Liverpool » Pranels .1. ft. M»z.-.alo «.««« »Hh » lump or 4 Touchdown for soi *¦ pstskes »on. P. s i«, Manhattan, suass, i» took honors the «res- I.*»*'irai i " i). in vain to find the elusive ball and .felTer.« the for l: ii I»n» i»l»»in -, «».iii.i P B, Manhattan .Rllatsell I. hile "' '." tagt M Inchse; ...... Smith .'<.urt«.i» P walked back to the bench in cents and Gardner and XI r Flnkelstele I» * a Hi a-lth I f«*ot » in. b.'s. ,o:«.n.i. P disgust. Their Scoring Abilities. Siiniii.in.« ') U 0 0 Mmia>. Teague .»>. L. /.a.'.snio t'leeh ip X in. X>l Bet « min t '.. > Mr.'iix with 4 font h»«. ihir.i. Kvers made a on for the losers. j The S Johnny pretty play «> n ur. « 4 ! I'i a the elevens ... ,ili U.,t«( ....I l foi Timms«. .i va pa« kin»;. I* S «.' M.inhattan. with tool a fast roller from and the sterling battle '.» »i» 3. ». 14 ,- 11 I» l".»ial« H 3 .'¦ .1,1 \ ... r,.-i. -n Mom lali x i*.«n Bubstltutea- Erasmus, Everett :.|jt. play '. Oldring got ¦¦ tlia.lfui.l for l»emar«st fo» «'aa'lo DO ' in ho«, loi'i lb M»». ;, High School and Yonkers Dig1 l«* ii«mi Mill« Castl« Everett U l! .V .'. lasai x\.. \ ball to lirst in the nick of time. The i; : win for n. I»r I xx Rreaal j..ni|. 115 po ind School seul»»' a OUchdoWn each 1 "I"a\ti«d fei Jaekllttch In lha ninth mninF. li EAQl'E II rtlnton, Sullivan Smith, Bplro "¦ c. with a then ' ... f,,r Saxon for H. rî-fer»«»*- i-slor. P B Bron «\ily second baseman pulled down tBati«d for Suasi In ths ninth Inatna. »¦. Chsrln.i B .... NUon Sullivan. Splro. SI « with »Otball game, plaveil ¡» >. «'harie« . . x\ g% incho»; r.r...'. p Manhattan, a mean bounder from the hat of Col¬ dcraon »ui. hit « i»»ite«i ball. Rourk« R. II Inponn« I'l.l XX i., i', r «,. »;. dMii-ott. Linesmen.Rankin, -xvi.ri'*»: am.« .*¦ m. It toot 3 m. - x larbo« « .« P imbia I hral \ ei '«'i day. Macl«nnan 11 U« v Mond and Rand OaNoer, Tlase »»f hau»*«i ¦...... : lins with his bare hand and shot the o »» »' h O .; i}rees.sT**0» «: «i. Brooklyi 14 I1U mine it tr.x.k 8 Humphre» « i. 11 .¦.«-; 10 liudd«ran. i.i Too n Thlit» mtnuir» « i. >.,u Morris gained ground by »i . v. ... inlrd; U Rogovn I* |:i .,, with ball to Schmidt in one motion, but Baltimore .--;; Peí i l: Preston Noi - .-asse ;* forward paasini and trick plays. l»u n >: ~-.»'i. a 14 foot bS Inch«» the umpire on the bases, called a loi i li i'..ti- r-..n III >(Ol . 'It* o <" Byron, lèverai chance« t» -,, bas »i» i »'¡eil«, ¦, ;,., |] i*. S M leLaug «lia Htsh ru- laasi Won bj the runner safe. Th«- decision wa« threw Bwaj good J«tr«ra Hehl Kill, r. ii ' ' ..¦ «.", « ...' * s t Hoffman. Hems run Klrkpatrtck. ¡. SAILORS WIN AT SOCCER ,\. -' M «¦*airt»«iii.». lump ',- during the half. Yonker: Ilampxon lent... i«i » « then evened it rtarrlflce ¡,:' La filie beses- .-uss- .¦ ¦ ,, a r*»t id in I. P. o I« ,. Rrookl) n quoationabla and he op m the -t Stelen Philip I. Iîa..(/.e CLAUS ¦..¦ ¦.».i- two periods « v *¦ mill, a fo<- »4 hoi xi \ | Collins out on ;» «nap throw outplayed and Duncan DOubl« plajr LaStta to Holt R« <. Laurie. Line «in« n his tx an m il by calling i the r.. -i ,'..¦« n P S xi» yuo. i« ... third ou; covered sftsi ¡ntermissioi to Hoffoiai baa« en ban» «if >i>rnm sad ii..!. .m' lot Jeff« i« Lusitania Eleven Beats the l«i- e 1 racj. ~- p from James to Schmidt. ¦.' » Taj Hull .'iin n » koMiir« P 8 12 Hi,,: \. nrltll i ¦,-,! 'm sflt B .-1 hU B Laitts .»-ni x |s f » s . a ngei gsme. (¡ardn< M .¦ i..Siritcl «m»i :-,. XX'..|\ h line.un »\ a ln<'has. fourth I'"« il,,i,. ^",,:ik- By s,isg». Hah» Camerons by Goal. 3hn« (1 i- W« Birra p s igluli Inning. La le. û if Baltimore, s Count) put b) a i. i-- ». hi Hsnhatlai ...ft io m i - « 'mplrei «. n»¡ r«,,ii and A tease of sailor «soccer», from the The »i- i. ... in.i. Club. Boston Braves could «lo noth- -, :,»i -.n P 8 l«S, Manhattan, «« Ith f« * .»¦ BELGIANS TURN AND WIN steamship I,u*itania. of the Cunard Apawamis " -. i.ig in the of run in the 10 k'. In« ho« nn «;..:. stein p wsy »getting 12 « ... In» n. an « i' Brli ,,,,--. i, .; \.\i! Ilirnil'r: , ... Line, tried conclusion» with the Cam¬ Manhattan «¦ III I ' Inch«« third «'gnth inning Barry tossed out " ... R. «1 S Kor*sl ip «lg* Bs i" ilI« n, with .". ». » an II iv eron», foraatr Amateur League cham¬ Cathor OB chance, but «Whitted . i: T i I i I i. Shut-Out in »' easy IMORg BROOKLTN Brooklyns Satur¬ lain« ..Il I 11 17 at Van CortUndt Park a life on a VVel i: I. an « i. pion«, ye»?erday .,v«r<* i v.urn-d got bounder which Barry i.. Fosse '. ." .., Ua -»i «.,n ;f i ,) . Soccer Tilt. I...N .'in afternoon, and won hy a »core of 2 to Dnlsl ..: ."- up »as i« ta .».. but sho' to lirst in time to day . juggled, ii, ,| ,, ., League . Hi: »..i,, .:. ! ..i»»; 1 The Camorons led in the first half I h«r« -.(-.o : head off f " 'I the runner if Mclnnis had i: ii i- .- il ,,...., « o i :. oo ecot ei '.i rom hei ¦. IN L'd.ef Having d« at 1 to n. the ftf- HAMILTON », THBKN scoring ... ACCIDENT nol dropped the hall on a hard rea. h I'. »Vrem 4 4 OiE.ani if « u 7 o at the hands of the Centrals a week I.KAOI K Roper opened i, ' I '.111» fma'i a» 4 ,i | .een minutes from the start and Sut- ing catch. »Barry, not Mclnnis, »I»- aa*o, the -1.«-1 and the :i. xi yonk a ;.. 1 o Belgian! defeated l ton for the Lusitania after a T. » mm,,, served the erroi which the official " «core ¦"» for. agi equalized Browns' Pitcher Injured When im ». na lb 10 01» Halt lb 111 Brooklyns by the «»f goals t«. 0 il«., no «Vrenn '. of an hour'? in the second »SCOreri charged. The nuspluy had I 8.1 na'-n*. ;t o i 2 o i in the second round ol the II« ... '« quarter phy «ira« . Saturday * of as is«» » 4. Brown zq<> o 7« . s half. Five minjte., before the end the He Lose? Control Auto. b.-sling, Schmidt forced Whitted i; Wllhelm.p p Amateur SOCCOI I OagtSO at LenOX Uval ¦ second oa a II sailor» came in for their triumph when ..p: H St. Louis, Oct 10. Karl drive to Collins, wh Nu- afternoon. '.* Hamilton. tu ITï II tala 087 M 181 yesterday it II. Caul, their centre half, found Camer¬ up; 1' f: »v«Mf .*: s* Gowdv flied Strunk. I"h«* in 7 foi the Loaia AmericHii 0 . i» 1 i t weather was cio«« foi football, net ,'.,.'- pitcher (luce more thi'» . il I» II »I Milt-all : on»' for the winning tally, tean«. hii«I I:\t- irn!«, were seri- Philadelphia only U u -Il but was fasl nevertheless, i...... H- I.rajfue PAWLING SETS A RECORU tha.play - s» ['»»»¡tinn. i'- »r; T acci- Philadelphia faced James. t«.» »,. laiettaala ia »-smercn» »n 'lusly injure«! in an BUtOBBohils playera n«.. The Belgian« scored twice m th«- ral '. suit« Baker and Strunk gave Kvers two ess) -».»¦: titoian beats Klrhpatrick, M«"al> .... Irvir:» lent on the Rast St. Loais half still once in the second. M. Van- l^inoni . It (111.1 w ¦! i'.i II »m bal'.a B siiuu chances, while Mclnnis, batting be Score basa al s n * of the Kails I"ri«lie«- hero early to-day. Eleven Players Against «" «¦ de'x-erjhc, cent!« forward, -hot al! Rusht» .L. fit_ tween to Browi mi B) «Wilhelm, '.« « * them, fouled Deal after .¦ toy M.i.n ..R i. Hamilton suffered a wound. »gel " thi««- of th«- Haynw Taylo« -., scalp B ba Bail . tit;g an undeserved chance to somt- R. P. I. Freshmen. gaals. * .«' 1« l»,»r.,n,l,» ilarmo- S. i I do ,..-.,.. ..;. - », ' three broken lib« and other internal .-.,ra I'kI The ...Wl ¡no-up follow Ill K"Hanl . i. M,«,. . tl. ng better, when Maranville ¦ '..¦' t H. «l-oran II. «abhfl -; droppen L'mplree.Aager- .'anliff ; " . injuries. * ll-ICI,- .1. "'»'i«»» . R aViieen *n* a foul which he took hurried!«. »». .nil, »aa -u-» ...', r.r...*, .larol.l I», . high P«l) «'It» 7 Pownall .¡. H jomo 1U nr. " . » **ipxl( Kl .',| bta he thought Deal had U*at«rs i: Milneli H'ish«*»» . »'. Pickford P. il. Wathin. .,, I mu.i it. It.-i LI I'altrn nd l"n 7 ...... i.i. «:r»»>nhiatt Iüch.im «'..¡'I . Browns and Cardinals j-.i»lged .¦'. 'A.,;- Feds . II »'»«»u" .<> I.. Pittsburgh lAtmJ H ,.. Bowl« K« Ft..p»-t .( !.¦ '«I* Ninth Inning. » an l'l.tn.-- n II Ha ., »..»ail- « aasoeeas; Botteo and «,aui <;«o»-g« X HMI*«tJ _____^ Get Even Break Win Short I.|.*fi'- '¦ II « Reper, The Game -- l.»i-it.in¡a R-fer«.- It W.ilfT l.mr.mrn Boston Braves won th« »...m».« .... 'r ion ..m s 10, The Krowns an«) Hlianhnli . "It ¦-.»i, nn»l «¡l»i\»-r Tim»! of Louis, Oct. Pill burgh, Oct. Ii, Pittsburgh ' s halv ».«.Korty hi the ninth inning an .. !« .... W* a minutas each Shore Yacht ("ardinsls divided to* s« the Federal League -eason here X an XX South full that the crowd rose M I.-»»ah.' il- inieron- »|,-i,. ».» San.m, \ team out efathrills '..» Buffalo bv a »core ...«n antBOgS da», each shutting its >.p lit» after ":t was all over tired and uay by defeating I. la...... W \ -, .. »an l,< maue i' ». '. I.\ nsStfaTOa thfOUgl einen: b- *< i 'o ICOIO of l» 'o 4. in a contint Rut.In a\ «, ga.«pmg Maranville «.a» th-- ': «i seren-inning .«i'd^ EMI stoi\ ni..iir..,ir \ The Scores by inning* follow: fairly Webl . l!atn «topped the playing in the tirft tí. (síes l. Lone Ycuntakah Country Club. .irst out, Barry to Mclnnis. but Dea' ': -'. . i: M. half of the and also ¦OHM B. third ball . H eighth inning - A versus was Hackensack Golf Club. "« whanged tJie over tan- Hal' SB "t fOM I) H* :i,n. handicap par run ofT o. .i.w .. .. 0 0 0 '. 7 IS I centre pitched '.' ,; Sauni-i »..¦.: postponement of the «cheduled at the l " n I 4 o Strunk's hSad in Held for two II Yountahah ountry ilub National« I l. I.S h Vtolft . .cond Ran«e. Frank Allen, yester¬ Haèkanaaafc, \. J., Oct. 10. la the bases. Strunk to a » formerly The Fulton Athletic ¦ ». n .1 .«;. oa .. s in« M ¦.«.. '¦ .' «. «nd of fifi mean Dea! drew a thr»»»' « " 18 8 8 «» first i «»ist ih«»t two tr«.al« n Heul dowi ¦;. but in the time ..' Harvard 18 8.41 penad snd I'..- «.».I R. p» 91 .-. ni one :