LEADS SOCCER LEAGUE CITY Sec IN SENSATIONAL BASEBALL GAME MANCHESTER (¿entrai Y. M. O A. Wing BALTÜSROLGOIJBß NO. 10 TWO CLOSE PLAYS ond G»me iron. R.kerdymon. IN CLUB TITLE SCHOOL " BRAVES UNBEATEN \ s'.righ' a* 'he expanse PUï BY BOSTON STILL al 9é0 (,ort IN YESTERDAY »,." -I." I'i artivmon A ( at Van WON PHILADELPHIA eN.err.oon, the WINS BIG MEET landl Park yesle'dav Y. M. C L* ».a « m oí* »he 'ei.lrsl Two Out of Five Draws with Newcastle of Broaklyo, aisurn»«! the lead In tM Match«?, o o* 'he M Are rkaasiei tan*paW\sm TM Carried to in Soccer iii.lv. Imil u Soccer League. Along Manhattan Lads Triumph English hov/ever,'was a ter-/ s'ubonm Fxtra Contest. »ttftu\; the last ten Greens. Held at League one ami il was no' until in Games ralaatos ii»m the central« wows ebie ta Field. penieraie their oppon»n*»' defence. Brooklyn The line up: MAPSTON ' '.' CHELSEA BREAKS ITS SNtraletS). "o». .on l!>|<»-rrt.n,or. ». DEFEATS 'iReins '.»'¿J" ALLSOPP -.,r: p lames K » WITH LONG LOSING STREAK ' " EASE « i aa-for'I.I.. ft/ NEORO BOY CLINCHES « u * i. Brown '"rr0,a", ilreenouan ' M' VICTORY BY JUMP roslei i» H le " Is ,, i-*t ¦»?.«<. .<¦ art U illiam ffllovvfs Htiddersfield Neck ."''>¦¦*' Mor¡**ai. Jf Arsenal and ..... I. It KlrhSeti .»»i r.» I« Winnpr , .. » . Over S. p. of the ' for Lead ... Mei-es ^ and Neck il n.«n .I I» \n\al Rcscrx ¡>t<* Mak«* Poor o I, LeSS*' in Hard Contest. Second Division. Uoais Kukf»e»»i< i, i.. Brewa »..».".. in the Tn R»»f»n»»f Wetklns Lalaesmen i Showing Handling .vi-«, a of fife Ml Of r».' llanliv nri'l Pi.b« IS. Tims hsi-.se. Sifhl match«. ,. tkwiastk »m inin .»*» .'. ... rhrMf. Leaden, Oct. It. An attractive list ciismpio-nh p Rait.,,,, hZ in Clrtwero pie;vs., Nearly pxet> aVChOOlhoy Who *a« ¦¦"' of game« v.**«. «et for decision to-day ..«.»,r-iay,s*,¿" RICHMOND BADLY BEATEN thow weal to so ... mouthed before a wor! i's tin three pi¦inripnl soccer league«., re¬ thag th-e, ,ltJ, standing op«r no'«« «n« moa -,,.,¦ «».»de«.;"' »*\ le changes iri " ' »«n«s scoreboaui farced hi« sulting In «orne interesting Soccer Team FOIvod Will.sm r, ,.»., City play- etaten Island V«; >» «."letbuah «estciday for the final track i!-,. tables. The Manehaator end Stephen P N,.,, .u M¿ f" a exa.nple by Riv¬ Proves Too w,n""*' " . '"'. ar.d field gamo« of th«* Public Schools « is have SOI splendid Speedy. y-t.rs» S cent of their wages for the rsme in the an¬ Eaèh had » sioda Athletic l.csg.i.'. held St Brooklyn ing up '. ner Playing their second -«er, of £ ,»"'. war while every nual »erie» of the Field under ihe BttO*".ÍCtM <» benoAl M ihe tuni!. championship Field yeitcrda;. erected a <iub Soccer League at Livingston, hundr. d ilub m the country has now the » I ..The World.'- Some eight xvhich is Staten (»land, yesterday afternoon, Mae , ! : school« rifle rango on its gronnd of 'he S'aten Island Football hejrs. ropresonting thirty-two the mem- player.« of the and it lt«l»en full ndvantage of by all ( l»ib, who tied with Moe'clan a week greatoi city, rompetod, * to ¦ti . goles Morgan | | , «eemed as if the number of specta.ors, be,« ago, administered a Viff defeat Vi-) ¡ xvss a eh*» it th« ftrst ditrisioo ot 'he tune of 6 all under ihs ace «.' sixteen, leaders Man- Richmand County to Max**«!: Ft H.rsUo 'he number of comaeii- the Association Loagno, to I. had M ,.. thoussnd times English form so goals match withiHonrj tor». chester City, the remarkable The line-up: 6 Amm» wfJÄ «if has eaaaed such r. sensa¬ up snd 4 to pis fh« ether I'ublic Scheel 10, of Maahattaa, far which .«.aten ixlan») i4» 1-,»ail,»,n Bia-hmea«! Co. I» * "¦ Í? -it United, ana, t ».» ¦»..».ii, ":'-'d puil«d ou' s «riaaer, with a total of tion, entertained Neweaatle I'oVlngtOB '5 -Ssl 'i at one all retain their H H Ii Stf" «exen mor« than wcie CTfOdit drawing goal, Van <l»i gee... Imlglel, points. at the of the table and Hlndall i. h Slmpeon ,n «* **or :o Public School 67'. ol Manhattan, positiens top It II Baldwin ^.-.2 the In «till remain the only undefeated club Hinlili »»atitaln» in* K. lav", .,.h which took second honors. Nearly iv.mi in« . C. H. L'rqueardt Arm; in Both London's clubs l>v. l»t«*on defeated >t. John R this division. I. Il «very on« oi the remaining thii'y ac¬ lvl»t|ei tt. Us« ShaaSTS a . VCit»«,.i L l"a,l »chools scored, but they WON so far played at home and gave »rood Kaufmann . O. It Howard Hasbro«», count of themselves. Tottenham Hot¬ McWhlnOI«.I. R Kenne'l« o up and i to play H R. ,w¡ ss to be outclassed «' . behind >:a»«l'li»r».n .- s the points with Middles- wop the sweep «ta »M-« m H _.. rensaiaed for Alfred Johnson, spur sharing its Men/lr* II. .... M.-i-ridr* to cli'ich while Chelees came out of V., llpr <; I.. Buck!* Th« nummary follows: negro lad of Public School 10. borough, tirst vic- .-(¦ell in scoring its KSj'mSnn Ma- D-MM AOan-a -. ¦he \ietory fer his «boo!. Ten and Si great style, »;»,.,!« M Wlnn!»». (ft, Whottog .¡»a- . season, s»at<-n talan,l R«j«-I»r. end I to p'.B ., «xere 'ic«k and neck, with H.llj" torv of the «lefeating Liverpool pheraon Zoll'i. ÍS '7,- battling score of I to I, which enables Hiriimon,) county. Referee.D. .*h»im«r«. "! them, when lie s ' ' pen'« .-«paiaiing by l.ln»-««T»»"n W. Vfeetech Briil *rfi II«, SB ' ' ih«*m both to improve *."*' »' '¦'¦ ,I» ¦«* the last «vont of the «I iv. considerably F'oi i» -A'. » minui*». .?Lr"-r'' "t'alh jump, Tima of halves ... " their 1B .1» . was run off. and Johnsen, b> topping standing. » to build fes*- sei sai -, th« bar s* t *>pt 10 inches, won not Chelsea's team eos« |M,ttO ttei ¿.T for but far the school. Up snd Its Supporter! are disappointed s M « only himself so ar. Blackburn «»as fourth, add with the team form »«P * Vekinp. of No fi_\ to Nottingham to H n p. "*£ scoie. Rovers IN x to journeyed WINS P scorn point the GOVERNOR Wrlgi enly but found all the tackle the County Club, .lohn I. Warn«i la « 'Hthuiiasm ran riot through to crack and re¬ In fact, th« boy« ,,>i« Mem a «liflicult nut Pael rull«T. ..., j* long afternoon. turned with one point, drawing Howard Kasl .; ", .' the official« nml only ' toughsho«i ov«. I to I. FOUR BALL MATCH n*ni-i Aden m crowded on \o the track in a sorting ll.e game at T «' Ennevei ji " mass whih «ould not be in check The results follow: B «;.,...*« kept x .¦ xv tne of naval reaorvisti Bradford Oil \« m illa »ig.., «es bj handful «.li«*fl>|,| l'nii',1 fturnl«» wee policing th« course. Tottenham Hoti ui Middlesborou-jh Yates The team 'cpic* were as follows: Notts Count; Illa '.L'un I! Fielder Pairs with t s P. 8. « «i|in«l«rlsn.l ii..inn« Wsn Usnhaiiai Sli«lTi«ld Wedn««da> Man« tintar to Beat Standish Montclair Golf » .-¦. r* s 1" p Club. * '." « i...«i.i »th Manimmi. *: p s Brooklyn » P f llrorn«* I« ;i ii - a, .1 TI..1I.I r. i- s and Bouton. in th« ;,..».»i n Bradford play ( ,. iron- P - '. J: P s i: «rt« jna 'rro i Manhattan. I« \. a», afile 'nltad Montclair Oo «lu -,i*r.i« KoasN 19. Mar.*. ; P. S TO TWO Mam h« <;?« art|| mast V M rh« H THE BOSTON PITCHER. WHO HELD THE ATHLETICS Goveraei Jame» F. Fielder of 'he Manhatiar P S BILL JAMES. A fine tu.-sh* is going on for the Iead- «v:*h delve tea« to- tn« I« Brooklyn. New . OF DUST ON THROW State of Jersey, paired th- match . < v SECOND IN CLOUD division, the Ar- pi« 4: P. S II Rrookl' HITS, AND MURPHY OUT AT ersli p of the second Charle.» W. won a four-ball tourna >. 'lattan. now Yates, <-naïuplonihlp ils* tu- I« ,. xi... senal and H iddersfleld running sfcrrpstake- Ma- th« . Manliatiat« IN FIRST INNING. match from B. H. Standish and (¿eorge Held «. s .x- , 'S SO. FROM SCHMIDT TO MARANVILLE (««i, and neck 'or fttst pUce. Lon- BrM 41 iBkN ... ¦¦ I. Bouton over the links of I. P. j" had a "'it bit" at Highbury. yesterday wlnmn« In th« «». p o v-, ,... pro« donen The \\g the Country Club of Glen Ridge. and ¦ V. la ,«n .. , ,, ...... If. Ma whore the Arsenal and Clapton Orient ¦¦ n'a« ud at holes. third, with M Í n one ano'her. Twenty-fix margin 1 thir'y-six r ,.,»',!¦ n opposed Th»« dub member» who were not busy Tii« summer « both elubo ..» thou and supporters ef the Governor turned their at¬ Piral slxtsen into th«' and -aw an watching b»a' i. i Oimi « i pi; » - ! Federal League crowded ground p Athletics in the former's fa- tention toward a handicap against par t: Kar is jr.. beat » en«l ««xciting game . i ma ". Helpless and mixed foursome». Bocead «.¡»h» . « rhe urn rica ello* vnr at '! to 1. Race Nears End which beat In the former comnetition, .1. 0. b»at «' I. Turner, .; a W i: x x The rloddersfield Club, in Class A.
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