Abbeville, France,224 Atken's Tavern, 401 Allegheny Mountains, 109, No
INDEX Abbeville, France, 224 Alexander, William, Secretary to General Abercrombie, General James, no, 113, 120, James Shirley, 296 122, 124, 129, 326; General John Forbes Allegheny, Pennsylvania, 368 to, 109, 112, 116, 119, 127, 128; defeat of, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, bonds of, at Ticonderoga, 127 368 Abigail, sloop from Philadelphia, 93 Allegheny Mountains, 109, no, 112, 114, Abington, Pennsylvania, 415, 416 282, 297, 363; shown for the first time on Abolitionists, 382 Mercator's World Map, 255; description Abscheids Geschenh, published by John of by Augustine Herrman, 261 Heinrich Miller, 82 Allegheny Portage Railroad, 363; sold to Academy of Philadelphia, 166 the Pennsylvania Railroad, 367 Acadia, 219 Allegheny River, 368 Accessions to The Historical Society of Allen, , 327 Pennsylvania, 203, 316, 443 Allen, Ethan, 322 Aconcagua Valley, Chile, 31 Allen, Lucy, 322 Acton, Lord, 91 Allen, Nathaniel, appointed commissioner Adams, Captain, 331 to America by William Penn, 264 Adams, Henry, 210 Allen, S. & M., predecessors to E. W. Clark Adams, Herbert B., 209, 211, 212 & Company, 364 Adams, James Truslow, 220 Allen, William, 117, 118, 122; James Burd Adams, John, 140, 242, 243, 318; house for agent for, 106; James Burd to, 120, 121; the President of the United States, oc- Colonel Henry Bouquet to, 131 cupied by, 66; view of President's house, Allen family, 106 66; at Amsterdam to negotiate a loan to the Continental Congress, 288; Joseph Allibone, S. Austin, 376, 386 Reed to, 288; unsuccessful in hid mission, Alsop, George, 438 288,
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