Embracing entrepreneurship in Hull and East Yorkshire Embracing entrepreneurship 01 2516-8428 842009 ISSN 772516 Business Works Magazine £3.95 Business Works 9 BUSINESSWORKS Summer 2018 40 YEARS AT THE HEART OF SHIPPING Goole has an excellent future, says Danbrit founder Peter Aarosin ONE MAN AND HIS PASSION How ‘Jacko’ and the Adelphi are putting back into the community Summer 2018 Proving a point Yorkshire Staffing Services’ Jo Fleming on her tough route to the top, and inspiring youngsters to succeed 001 1884wineandtapasbar.co.uk 01482 216306 //
[email protected] Freedom Quay // Wellington Street West // Hull // HU1 2BD CONTACTS BUSINESSWORKS WELCOME SALES Helen Gowland Welcome to the very first edition of BusinessWorks magazine – the new
[email protected] quality title for the Humber region. Our aim is simply to celebrate the entrepreneurs of the Hull, East Yorkshire and Humber areas and encourage others to follow in their footsteps, showcasing our region as a vibrant place to live and work – and play, too. PRODUCTION We want to tell inspiring stories, accompanied by creative photography that Steve Jessop brings business to life, beyond the desk and the office walls. Our region is
[email protected] packed with people who have taken risks, innovated, created, striven and often battled against the odds to get to where they are today – we ask them how they did it, what challenges they faced (and still do) and what advice they’d offer to those just starting out. DESIGN The team at BW have worked flat out in the past month to bring you this first edition in time for Humber Business Week, and we hope you can see the Craig Hopson magazine’s potential – it’s still very much work in progress and it will of course
[email protected] continue to take shape.