FRONTALIS - A: (Action) Elevates eyebrows in glancing upward and Name the muscle, expressions of surprise or fright; draws A: (Action), O: scalp forward and wrinkles skin of (Origin), and I: forehead; O: (Origin) Galea aponeurotica; (Insertion) I: (Insertion) Subcutaneous tissue of eyebrows

OCCIPITALIS - A: (Action) Retracts Name the muscle, scalp; fixes galea aponerotica so frantalis A: (Action), O: can act on eyebrows; O: (Origin) Superior (Origin), and I: nuchal line and temporal ; I: (Insertion) (Insertion) Galea aponeurotica

ORBICULARIS OCULI - A: (Action) Sphincter of eyelids; closes eye in blinking, Name the muscle, squinting, and sleep; aids in flow of tears A: (Action), O: across eye; O: (Origin) Lacrimal bone; (Origin), and I: adjacent regions of frontal bone and (Insertion) maxilla; medial angle of eyelids; I: (Insertion) Upper and lower eyelids; skin around margin of orbit

ORBICULARIS ORIS - A: (Action) Name the muscle, Encircles mouth, closes , protrudes lips A: (Action), O: as in kissing; uniquely developed in (Origin), and I: humans for speech; O: (Origin) Modiolus (Insertion) of mouth; I: (Insertion) and of lips

BUCCINATOR - A: (Action) Compresses cheek against teeth and gums; directs food between molars; retracts cheek from teeth Name the muscle, when mouth is closing to prevent biting A: (Action), O: cheek; expels air and liquid; O: (Origin) (Origin), and I: Alveolar processes on lateral surfaces of (Insertion) and maxilla; I: (Insertion) Orbicularis oris; submucosa of cheek and lips PLATYSMA - A: (Action) Draws lower and angle of mouth downward in Name the muscle, expressions of horror or surprise; may aid A: (Action), O: in opening mouth widely; O: (Origin) (Origin), and I: of deltoid and ; I: (Insertion) (Insertion) Mandible; skin and subcutaneous tissue of lower face

Name the muscle, HYOGLOSSUS - A: (Action) Depresses A: (Action), O: tongue; O: (Origin) Body and greater horn (Origin), and I: of ; I: (Insertion) Lateral and (Insertion) inferior surfaces of tongue

TEMPORALIS - A: (Action) Elevation, Name the muscle, retraction, and lateral and medial excursion A: (Action), O: of the mandible; O: (Origin) Temporal (Origin), and I: lines and temporal of cranium; I: (Insertion) (Insertion) Coronoid and anterior border of mandibular ramus

MASSETER - Elevation of mandible, with Name the muscle, smaller roles in protraction, retraction, and A: (Action), O: lateral and medial excursion; O: (Origin) (Origin), and I: Zygomatic arch; I: (Insertion) Lateral (Insertion) surface of mandibular ramus and angle

MEDIL PTERYGOID - A: (Action) Elevation, protraction, and lateral and Name the muscle, medial excursion of the mandible; O: A: (Action), O: (Origin) Medial surface of lateral pterygoid (Origin), and I: plate; palatine bone; lateral surface of (Insertion) maxilla near molar teeth; I: (Insertion) Medial surface of mandibular ramus and angle LATERAL PTERYGOID - A: (Action) Depression (In wide opening of the mouth), protraction, and lateral and medial Name the muscle, excursion of the mandible; O: (Origin) A: (Action), O: Lateral surfaces of lateral pterygoid plate; (Origin), and I: greater wing of sphenoid; I: (Insertion) (Insertion) NeckSTERNOCLEIDOMASTOID of mandible (just below ); - A: (Action)articular Unilateral disc action and capsule tilts head of slightly upward andtemporomandibular toward the opposite side, as in looking over one's contralateral . The most common action is probably Name the muscle, rotating the head to the left or right. A: (Action), O: Bilateral action draws the head straight (Origin), and I: forward and down, as when eating or (Insertion) reading. Aids in deep breathing when head is fixed.; O: (Origin) Manubrium of ; medial one third of ; I: (Insertion) Mastoid - A: (Action)process; lateralExtends half and of laterally flexessuperior .; nuchal O: (Origin) line External Name the muscle, occipital protuberance; medial one-third of A: (Action), O: superior nuchal line; nuchal ; (Origin), and I: spinous processor of vertebrae C7-T3 or (Insertion) T4; I: (Insertion) and spine of DIAPHRAGMscapula; lateral - A: one-third (Action) of Prime clavicle mover of inspiration (responsible for about two-thirds of air intake); contracts in preparation for sneezing, coughing, crying, Name the muscle, laughing, and weight lifting; contraction A: (Action), O: compresses abdominal viscera and aids in (Origin), and I: and expulsion of urine and feces; (Insertion) O: (Origin) of sternum; and costal 7-12; ;EXTERNAL I: (Insertion) INTERCOSTALS Central - A: of (Action) When diaphragmscalenes fix 1, external intercostals elevate and protract ribs 2-12, Name the muscle, expanding the and creating A: (Action), O: a partial vacuum causing inflow of air; (Origin), and I: exercise a braking action during expiration (Insertion) so that expiration is not overly abrupt.; O: (Origin) Inferior margins of ribs 1-11; I: (Insertion) Superior margin of next lower rib INTERNAL INTERCOSTALS - A: (Action) In inspiration, the intercartilagous part aids in elevating the ribs and expanding the thoracic cavity; in Name the muscle, expiration, the interosseous part depresses A: (Action), O: and retracts the ribs, compressing the (Origin), and I: thoracic cavity and expelling air; the latter (Insertion) occurs only in forceful expiration, not in EXTERNALrelaxed breathing.; ABDOMINAL O: (Origin) OBLIQUE Superior - marginsA: (Action) and costalSupports cartilages abdominal of ribs viscera 2-12; againstmargin pull of sternum; of gravity; I: (Insertion) stabilizes vertebralInferior columnmargin during ofheavy next lifting;higher ribmaintains posture; compresses abdominal organs, Name the muscle, thus aiding in forceful expiration of breath A: (Action), O: and in expulsion of abdominopelvic (Origin), and I: contents during childbirth, urination, (Insertion) defecation, and vomiting; unilateral contraction causes contralateral rotation of waist; O: (Origin) Ribs 5-12; I: (Insertion) AnteriorINTERNAL half ABDOMINALof ; OBLIQUE and - A: (Action)superior Same margin as external of oblique Name the muscle, except that unilateral contraction causes A: (Action), O: ipsilateral rotation of waist; O: (Origin) (Origin), and I: ; iliac crest; (Insertion) ; I: (Insertion) Ribs 10-12; costal cartilages 7-10; pubis

RECTUS ABDOMINIS - A: (Action) Name the muscle, Flexes lumbar region of , A: (Action), O: producing forward bending at the waist; O: (Origin), and I: (Origin) and superior (Insertion) margin of pubis; I: (Insertion) Xiphoid process; costal cartilages 5-7

ERECTOR SPINAE - A: (Action) Extension and lateral flexion of vertebral column; the capitis also Name the muscle, produces ipsilateral rotation of the head; O: A: (Action), O: (Origin) ; ribs 3-12; (Origin), and I: thoracic and lumbar vertebrae; median and (Insertion) lateral sacral crests; thoracolumbar fascia; I: (Insertion) Mastoid process; cervical and ; all ribs ERECTOR SPINAE: - A: (Action) Extension and lateral flexion of vertebral column; the longissimus capitis Name the muscle, also produces ipsilateral rotation of the A: (Action), O: head; O: (Origin) Nuchal ligament; ribs (Origin), and I: 3-12; thoracic and lumbar vertebrae; (Insertion) median and lateral sacral crests; thoracolumbar fascia; I: (Insertion) Mastoid ERECTORprocess; cervical SPINAE: and thoracicLONGISSIMUS vertebrae; - allA: (Action) Extensionribs and lateral flexion of vertebral column; the longissimus capitis Name the muscle, also produces ipsilateral rotation of the A: (Action), O: head; O: (Origin) Nuchal ligament; ribs (Origin), and I: 3-12; thoracic and lumbar vertebrae; (Insertion) median and lateral sacral crests; thoracolumbar fascia; I: (Insertion) Mastoid process;ERECTOR cervical SPINAE: and thoracic vertebrae; - A: all (Action) Extensionribs and lateral flexion of vertebral column; the longissimus capitis Name the muscle, also produces ipsilateral rotation of the A: (Action), O: head; O: (Origin) Nuchal ligament; ribs (Origin), and I: 3-12; thoracic and lumbar vertebrae; (Insertion) median and lateral sacral crests; thoracolumbar fascia; I: (Insertion) Mastoid process; cervical and thoracic vertebrae; all QUADRATUS ribsLUMBORUM - A: (Action) Aids respiration by fixing rib 12 and stabilizing inferior attachments of Name the muscle, diaphragm. Unilateral contraction causes A: (Action), O: ipsilateral flexion of lumbar vertebral (Origin), and I: column; bilateral contraction extends (Insertion) lumbar vertebral column.; O: (Origin) Iliac crest; iliolumbarligament; I: (Insertion) Rib 12, vertebrae L1-L4

EXTERNAL URETHRAL SPHINCTER - Name the muscle, A: (Action) Retains urine in bladder until A: (Action), O: voluntarily voided; O: (Origin) Ischiopubic (Origin), and I: rami; I: (Insertion) Encircles urethral (Insertion) orifice COMPRESSOR URETHRAE - A: Name the muscle, (Action) Aids in urine retention; found in A: (Action), O: females only; O: (Origin) Ischiopubic rami; (Origin), and I: I: (Insertion) Right and left compressor (Insertion) urethrae meet as muscular sheet inferior to external urethral sphincter

EXTERNAL ANAL SPHINCTER - A: Name the muscle, (Action) Retains feces in rectum until A: (Action), O: voluntarily voided; O: (Origin) ; (Origin), and I: perineal body; I: (Insertion) Encircles anal (Insertion) canal and orifice

PECTORALIS MINOR - A: (Action) With serratus anterior, draws laterally Name the muscle, and forward around chest wall; with other A: (Action), O: muscles, rotates scapula and depresses apex (Origin), and I: of shoulder, as in reaching down to pick up (Insertion) a suitcase; O: (Origin) Ribs 3-5 and overlying fascia; I: (Insertion) process of scapula LEVATOR SCAPULAE - A: (Action) Elevates scapula if are Name the muscle, fixed; flexes neck laterally if scapula is A: (Action), O: fixed; retracts scapula and braces shoulder; (Origin), and I: rotates scapula and depresses apex of (Insertion) shoulder; O: (Origin) Transverse processes of vertebrae C1-C4; I: (Insertion) Superior angle to medial border of scapula

RHOMBOIDEUS MINOR - A: (Action) Name the muscle, Retracts scapula and braces shoulder; fixes A: (Action), O: scapula during movements; O: (Origin), and I: (Origin) Spinous processes of vertebrae (Insertion) C7-T1; nuchal ligament; I: (Insertion) Medial border of scapula Name the muscle, RHOMBOIDEUS MAJOR - A: (Action) A: (Action), O: Same as rhomboideus minor; O: (Origin) (Origin), and I: Spinous processes of vertebrae T2-T5; I: (Insertion) (Insertion) Medial border of scapula

PECTORALIS MAJOR - A: (Action) Flexes, adducts, and medially rotates Name the muscle, , as in climbing or hugging; aids in A: (Action), O: deep inspiration; O: (Origin) Medial half of (Origin), and I: clavicle;LATISSIMUS lateral margin DORSI of -sternum; A: (Action) costal (Insertion) Adductscartilages and 1-7; medially rotates of humerus; external extendsoblique; the shoulderI: (Insertion) joint Lateral as in pulling lip of on the oarsintertubercular of a rowboat; sulcus produces of humerus backward swing of arm in such actions as walking and bowling; with grasping overhead Name the muscle, objects, pulls body forward and upward, as A: (Action), O: in climbing; aids in deep inspiration, (Origin), and I: sudden expiration such as sneezing and (Insertion) coughing, and prolonged forceful expiration as in singing or blowing a sustained note on a wind instrument; O: (Origin)DELTOID Vertebrae - A: (Action) T7-L5; Anterior lower three fibers or fourflex andribs; medially iliac crest; rotate thoracolumbar arm; lateral fascia; fibers abduct arm; posterior fibers extend and Name the muscle, I: (Insertion) Floor of intertubercular sulcus laterally rotate arm; involved in arm A: (Action), O: of humerus swinging during such actions as walking or (Origin), and I: bowling, and in adjustment of height (Insertion) for various manual tasks; O: (Origin) Acromion and spone of scapula; clavicle; I: (Insertion) of humerus

SUPRASPINATUS - A: (Action) Aids Name the muscle, deltoid in abductions of arm; resists A: (Action), O: downward slippage of humeral head when (Origin), and I: arm is relaxed or when carrying weight; O: (Insertion) (Origin) Supraspinous fossa of scapula; I: (Insertion) Greater of humerous INFRASPINATUS - A: (Action) Name the muscle, Modulates action of deltoid, preventing A: (Action), O: humeral head from sliding upward; rotates (Origin), and I: humerous laterally; O: (Origin) (Insertion) Infraspinous fossa of scapula; I: (Insertion) Greater tuberclue of humerus

TERES MINOR - A: (Action) Modulates action of deltoid, preventing humeral head Name the muscle, from sliding upward as arm is abducted; A: (Action), O: rotates humerous laterally; O: (Origin) (Origin), and I: Lateral border and adjacent posterior (Insertion) surface of scapula; I: (Insertion) of humerus; posterior surface of

SUBSCAPULARIS - A: (Action) Modulates action of deltoid, preventing Name the muscle, humeral head from sliding upward as arm A: (Action), O: is abducted; rotates humerus medially; O: (Origin), and I: (Origin) Subscapular fossa of scapula; I: (Insertion) (Insertion) of humerus; anterior surface of joint capsule

BRACHIALIS - A: (Action) Prime mover Name the muscle, of flexion; O: (Origin) Anterior A: (Action), O: surface of distal half of humerus; I: (Origin), and I: (Insertion) Coronoid process and tuberosity (Insertion) of

BICEPS BRACHII - A: (Action) Rapid or forceful supination of ; synergist in elbow flexion; slight shoulder flexion; Name the muscle, tendon of long head stabilizes shoulder by A: (Action), O: holding humeral head against glenoid (Origin), and I: cavity; O: (Origin) Long head-superior (Insertion) margin of glenoid cavity; Short head-; I: (Insertion) Tuberosity of ; fascia of forearm BRACHII - A: (Action) Extends elbow; long head extends and adducts Name the muscle, humerus; O: (Origin) Long head-inferior A: (Action), O: margin of glenoid cavity and joint capsule; (Origin), and I: Lateral head-posterior surface of proximal (Insertion) end of humerus; Medial head-posterior surface of entire humeral shaft; I: (Insertion) ; fascia of forearm

Name the muscle, - A: (Action) Flexes A: (Action), O: elbow; O: (Origin) Lateral supracondylar (Origin), and I: ridge of humerus; I: (Insertion) Lateral (Insertion) surface of radius near styloid process

ANCONEUS - A: (Action) Extends elbow; Name the muscle, may help to control ulnar movement during A: (Action), O: pronation; O: (Origin) Lateral (Origin), and I: of humerus; I: (Insertion) Olecranon and (Insertion) posterior surface of ulna

PRONATOR QUADRATUS - A: (Action) Prime mover of forearm pronation; also Name the muscle, resists separation of radius and ulna when A: (Action), O: force is applied to forearm through , as (Origin), and I: in doing push-ups; O: (Origin) Anterior (Insertion) surface of distal ulna; I: (Insertion) Anterior surface of distal radius

PRONATOR TERES - A: (Action) Assists pronator quadratus in pronation, but only in Name the muscle, rapid or forceful action; weakly flexes A: (Action), O: elbow; O: (Origin) Humeral shaft near (Origin), and I: medial epicondyle; coronoid process of (Insertion) ulna; I: (Insertion) Lateral surface of radial shaft SUPINATOR - A: (Action) Supinates Name the muscle, forearm; O: (Origin) Lateral epicondyle of A: (Action), O: humerus; supinator crest and fossa of ulna (Origin), and I: just distal to ; anular and radial (Insertion) collateral of elbow; I: (Insertion) Proximal one-third of radius

FLEXOR CARPI RADIALIS - A: (Action) Name the muscle, Flexes wrist anteriorly; aids in radial A: (Action), O: flexion of wrist; O: (Origin) Medial (Origin), and I: epicondyle of humerus; I: (Insertion) Base (Insertion) of metacarpals II-II

FLEXOR CARPI ULNARIS - A: (Action) Name the muscle, Flexes wrist anteriorly; aids in ulnar flexion A: (Action), O: of wrist; O: (Origin) Medial epicondyle of (Origin), and I: humerus; medial margin of olecranon; (Insertion) posterior surface of ulna; I: (Insertion) Pisiform; hamate; metacarpal V

Name the muscle, FLEXOR POLLICIS LONGUS - A: A: (Action), O: (Action) Flexes phalanges of ; O: (Origin), and I: (Origin) Radius; ; I: (Insertion) (Insertion) Distal phalanx I

EXTENSOR CARPI RADIALIS Name the muscle, LONGUS - A: (Action) Extends wrist; aids A: (Action), O: in radial flexion of wrist; O: (Origin) (Origin), and I: Lateral supracondylar ridge of humerus; I: (Insertion) (Insertion) Base of metacarpal II EXTENSOR CARPI ULNARIS - A: (Action) Extends and fixes wrist when fist Name the muscle, is clenched or hand grips an object; aids in A: (Action), O: ulnar flexion of wrist; O: (Origin) Lateral (Origin), and I: epicondyle of humerus; posterior; I: (Insertion) (Insertion) Base of metacarpal V surface of ulnar shaft

EXTENSOR POLLICIS BREVIS - A: Name the muscle, (Action) Extends metacarpal I and A: (Action), O: proximal phalanx of thumb; O: (Origin) (Origin), and I: Shaft of radius; interosseous membrane; I: (Insertion) (Insertion) proximal phalanx I

EXTENSOR POLLICIS LONGUS - A: (Action) Extends distal phalanx I; aids in Name the muscle, extending proximal phalanx I and A: (Action), O: metacarpal I; adducts and laterally rotates (Origin), and I: thumb; O: (Origin) Posterior surface of (Insertion) ulna; interosseous membrane; I: (Insertion) Distal phalanx I ILIACUS - A: (Action) Flexes thigh at when trunk is fixed; flexes trunk at hip when thigh is fixed, as in bending forward Name the muscle, in a chair or setting up in bed; balances A: (Action), O: trunk during sitting; O: (Origin) Iliac crest (Origin), and I: and fossa; superolateral region of sacrum; (Insertion) anterior sacroiliac and iliolumbar ligaments; I: (Insertion) Lesser and nearby shaft of

PSOAS MAJOR - A: (Action) Same as Name the muscle, iliacus; O: (Origin) Bodies and A: (Action), O: intervertebral discs of vertebrae T12-L5; (Origin), and I: transverse processes of lumbar vertebrae; I: (Insertion) (Insertion) and nearby shaft of femur. TENSOR FASCIAE LATAE - A: (Action) Extends , laterally rotates , aids in abduction and medial rotation of femur; Name the muscle, during standing, steadies on femoral A: (Action), O: head and steadies femoral on (Origin), and I: tibia; O: (Origin) Iliac crest; anterior (Insertion) superiorGLUTEUS spine; MAXIMUS deep surface - A:of fascia(Action) lata; I:Extends (Insertion) thigh Lateral at hip ascondyle in stair of climbing tibia via (rising to next step)iliotibial or running band and walking (backswing of limb); abducts thigh; elevates trunk after stooping; prevents Name the muscle, trunk from pitching forward during A: (Action), O: walking and running; helps stabilize femur (Origin), and I: on tibia; O: (Origin) Posterior gluteal line (Insertion) of ilium, on posterior surface from iliac crest to posterior superior spine; coccyx; posterior surface of lower sacrum; aponeurosis of erector spinae; I: (Insertion) GlutealGLUTEUS tuberosity MEDIUS of femur; - A: (Action) lateral condyleAbduct and medially rotate thigh; during walking, Name the muscle, of tibia via iliotibial band shift weight of trunk toward limb with A: (Action), O: on the ground as other foot is lifted; O: (Origin), and I: (Origin) Most of lateral surface of ilium (Insertion) between crest and acetabulum; I: (Insertion) of femur

PIRIFORMIS - A: (Action) Laterally Name the muscle, rotates extended thigh; abducts flexed A: (Action), O: thigh; O: (Origin) Anterior surface of (Origin), and I: sacrum; gluteal surface of ilium; capsule of (Insertion) ; I: (Insertion) Greater trochanter of femur

Name the muscle, QUADRATUS FEMORIS - A: (Action) A: (Action), O: Laterally rotates thigh; O: (Origin) Ischial (Origin), and I: tuberosity; I: (Insertion) Intertrochanteric (Insertion) crest of femur RECTUS FEMORIS - A: (Action) Extends Name the muscle, knee; flexes thigh at hip; flexes trunk on A: (Action), O: hip if thigh is fixed; O: (Origin) Ilium at (Origin), and I: anterior inferior spine and superior margin (Insertion) of acetabulum; capsule of hip joint; I: (Insertion) See quadriceps femoris above

BICEPS FEMORIS - A: (Action) Flexes knee; extends hip; elevates trunk from stooping posture; laterally rotates tibia on Name the muscle, femur when knee is flexed; laterally rotates A: (Action), O: femur when hip is extended; counteracts (Origin), and I: forward bending at ; O: (Origin) Long (Insertion) head-ischial tuberosity; Short head- and lateral supracondylar line of femur; I: (Insertion) Head of SEMITENDINOSUS - A: (Action) Flexes knee; medially rotates tibia on femur when Name the muscle, knee is flexed; medially rotates femur when A: (Action), O: hip is extended; counteracts forward (Origin), and I: bending at hips; O: (Origin) Ischial (Insertion) tuberosity; I: (Insertion) Medial surface of upper tibia

SEMIMEMBRANOSUS - A: (Action) Name the muscle, Same as semitendinosus, O: (Origin) A: (Action), O: Ischial tuberosity; I: (Insertion) Medial (Origin), and I: condyle and nearby margin of tibia; (Insertion) intercondylar line and ; ligament of popliteal region

POPLITEUS - A: (Action) Rotates tibia medially on femur if femur is fixed (as in sitting down), or rotates femur laterally on Name the muscle, tibia if tibia is fixed (as in standing up); A: (Action), O: unlocks knee to allow flexion; may prevent (Origin), and I: forward dislocation of femur during (Insertion) crouching; O: (Origin) Lateral condyle of femur; lateral and joint capsule; I: (Insertion) Posterior surface of upper tibia TIBIALIS ANTERIOR - A: (Action) Dorsiflexes and inverts foot; resists backward tipping of body (as when Name the muscle, standing on a moving boat deck); helps A: (Action), O: support medial longitudinal arch of foot; O: (Origin), and I: (Origin) Lateral condyle and lateral margin (Insertion) of proximal half of tibia; interosseous membrane; I: (Insertion) Medial cuneiform, metatarsal I

GASTROCNEMIUS - Plantar flexes foot, Name the muscle, flexes knee; active in walking, running and A: (Action), O: jumping; O: (Origin) Condyles, popliteal (Origin), and I: surface, and lateral supracondylar line of (Insertion) femur; capsule of knee joint; I: (Insertion)

SOLEUS - A: (Action) Plantar flexes foot; Name the muscle, steadies leg on ankle during standing; O: A: (Action), O: (Origin) Posterior surface of head and (Origin), and I: proximal one-fourth of fibula; middle (Insertion) one-third of tibia; interosseous membrane; I: (Insertion) Calcaneus

GLUTEUS MINIMUS - A: (Action) Abduct and medially rotate thigh; during Name the muscle, walking, shift weight of trunk toward limb A: (Action), O: with foot on the ground as other foot is (Origin), and I: lifted; O: (Origin) Most of lateral surface of (Insertion) ilium between crest and acetabulum; I: (Insertion) Greater trochanter of femur