DO YOU BELIEVE IN GHOSTS? WEEK 3 EDITION | 11 AUGUST 2009 The mystery of St. Michael’s A mysterious tale of the derelict college INTERVIEW CAMPUS NEWS WACKTIVITIES Art vs Scandal at The Kingdom Science >11 Snowball >5 of Lochac >21 WEEK 3 EDITION | 11 August, 2009 04 09 > Katherine Connolly does the robot dance with a real robot > Will Atkinson handed in an assignment late > Alex Lee goes faster, higher, stronger at World Uni Games > Katherine Connolly wishes you wouldn’t snore when you stay over > Ermina Dall would vote against the CPRS 05 > Mark Di Stefano reports on scandal at Snowball > Katherine Connolly investigates changes to the Bull 10 > Mark Di Stefano puts on his flippers with Art vs Science 12 > Paul Mackay tells you a ghost story 14 > had a busy weekend. What? She did. > Bronwyn Cowell gets medieval on our asses > Mark Di Stefano is with the hipping and the hopping and the bipping and the bopping, Australian style 20 > George Downing takes a seat with style > Jacinta Mulders goes to the best bakery ever.. mm.. > Anusha Rutnam on looking sharp on the silver screen 22 > Joe Payten is just too over-privileged for words 06 > Bronwyn Cowell has an art attack > Michael Krasovitsky tries to check Facebook on campus EDITOR IN CHIEF Giselle Kenny EDITORS Will Atkinson, Katherine Connolly, Bronwyn Cowell, Mark Di Stefano, George Downing, Michael Krasovitsky, Alex Lee, Paul Mackay, Sriram ‘Kanye’ Srikumar REPORTERS David Krasovitsky, Jacinta Mulders, Joe Payten, Anusha Rutnam CONTRIBUTORS Ermina Dall, Michael Hing, Oliver Lindholm, Laura Manning, Phoebe Neill-Wilkins GRAPHIC DESIGN George Downing and Paul Mackay COMIC Simon Greiner CROSSWORD Scott Huntington PUZZLES Tom Clement ADVERTISING
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