2 Next Meeting: 50 Years in OSH

5 The Role of an “Active” Chapter

6 New Activity: Chapter Fly-Outs

JANUARY PYLON 2019 The monthly newsletter of EAA Chapter 252, Oshkosh, | Chapter


CARRIE FORSTER In the almost six years I’ve been a member of chapter ’m so excited to be writing 252, I’ve gotten to know Ito all of you as your new many of you. For those of chapter president. Following you who don’t know me, or Charlie Becker in this role is don’t know much about me, daunting, but I feel fortunate I’d like to share a little bit that I’ve worked with him in about myself. I earned my years ago, I was looking for my previous role as vice-presi- private pilot’s license four a new challenge and a new dent and secretary. Our chapter years ago at the age of 51. I hobby. I decided it was finally has a great board with a lot of was inspired to learn to fly by time to learn to fly. John and chapter experience and deep my husband, John, and daugh- I ended up buying an air- commitment to the wellbeing ter, Jessica (also both chapter plane, and we currently own and success of our chapter. 252 members). John was the a 1974 Archer that we keep at I’m so glad to have them as first in our family to get his KATW. We’ve really decided partners in leading our chapter. pilot’s license. John has been to pursue aviation as a family I hope to continue the great a private pilot since 1995. Jes- hobby. My day job is teach- work that has been done before sica has been a private pilot ing fourth grade in Kaukauna. me and also find ways to make since 2007. When John and I Learning to fly was something this role my own. became empty nesters several continued page 7 The Pylonis the monthly newsletter of EAA Ch. 252 and is published monthly by the newsletter editor.

Digital copies are emailed to each chapter member. Hard copies Welcome are mailed upon request to those without email access. Current Returning to work at EAA after and past copies can be accessed from the chapter website at nine days off for the holiday www.252.eaachapter.org. If you have submissions for the break, the first thing I noticed newsletter, please send to editor Mike DiFrisco no later than the was the EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 20th of each month preceding the issue month at mickeydee59@ countdown clock in the museum me.com. Submissions received after the 20th will be included lobby. I pass it and look at it on at the editor’s discretion in the next month or held for a future most days, but on January 2, the publication. countdown timer jumped out at me: It said 200 days and 21 hours until OSH19. Whaaatt??!! It’s a strange and wonderful Suggestions for submissions include (but are not limited to): mix of emotions that ranges from stark terror (consid- > updates on build projects ering all the work that needs to get done in those 200 > flight milestones days) and sheer wonder and amazement that thousands > technical articles of volunteers and a handful of staff can pull it off at > items of interest to the general membership all. What I can state unequivocally is that I sure am > classified ads excited AirVenture is coming up again. Submissions in either Word or PDF format, and photos in .jpg Mike DiFrisco, EAA Lifetime #336855 format are appreciated.

January Gathering February Gathering

See you at the Chapter 252 FEBRUARY See you at the Chapter 252 JANUARY Hangar for the January meeting. Hangar for the February meeting Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Meal on Valentine’s Day! Doors open and hangar flying. Meeting at at 6:30 p.m. Meal and hangar 7:00 p.m. Members, Prospective flying. Meeting at 7:00 p.m. Members, and Guests Welcome! Members, Prospective Members, 10 14 and Guests Welcome!

JANUARY MEMBERSHIP MEETING: Thursday, January 10 Dinner at 6:30 (sloppy joes) Presentation at 7:00: Dick Knapinski, EAA Topic: This summer’s EAA AirVenture Oshkosh fly-in will mark the event’s 50th consecutive year in Oshkosh, as the world again comes to in late July. EAA’s Director of Communications, Dick Knapinski – who has been on staff for more than half of those fly-ins – will talk about some of the history of the event, what AirVenture means to the local region, and things to look for this year. (With the number of EAA staffers and volunteers in Chapter 252, be prepared for some audience participation!)

2 EAA Skiplane Fly-In February 9, 2019 - 10 a.m.-1:30 p.m. | Free Admission |

One of the area’s most colorful events of the season returns for its 27th year. The annual EAA Skiplane Fly-In, will be held on Sat- urday, February 9, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the EAA Aviation Museum’s Pioneer Airport in Oshkosh. Guests are welcome to enjoy the sights and sounds of Pioneer Airport while enjoying a warm bowl of soup or chili and a sweet treat. This special, free- of-charge, winter event celebrates the unique flight segment of skiplane flying as well as the anniversary of the first-ever meeting of the Experimental Aircraft Association on January 26, 1953.

EAA Photos

3 Chapter 252 the 750 project when I saw you Welcome New in Missouri, one wing is done, Resource List Members! the entire tail, one fuselage side (flush riveted) and the forward Chapter member advisors (avia- Joe Scheibinger--Joe lives in Os- fuselage are finished. My 650 is tion professionals, or experienced in storage. & EAA recognized) who are active hkosh and has his Private Pilots as mentors and support Chapter License. He has owned many air- programs/events. planes and is currently building My plan is to have all of the a Zenith 650 and 750. He is the construction work finished by Joe Norris owner of Lakeshore Auto Sales April 1st, and then purchase the EAA Tech Counselor instruments and engine at Sun & EAA Flight Advisor and also runs the Music Machine [email protected] Studio. His Father inspired him Fun. Tracy Buttles is my techni- 920-688-2977 to fly in 1975. He is an active cal advisor. Follow my build go pilot and homebuilder. He is also to https://www.facebook.com/ Lyle Forsgren active in amateur radio. Joe also Zenithlog/?modal=admin_todo_ EAA Tech Counselor tour [email protected] wants to help volunteer with 920-589-2060 chapter projects and our Young Eagle rallies. Welcome to Chap- Albert Fisher, MD-Dr Fisher is Tim Hoversten ter 252! a private pilot and owns a Piper EAA Tech Counselor Cherokee 180D. Dr Fisher and [email protected] his wife Elizabeth live in Osh- 608-617-7339 kosh. Dr. Fisher has his medical Jim Kress, CFII office at 10 East Irving Avenue [email protected] and is an Aviation Medical Ex- 920-233-5660 aminer. Dr Fisher’s father was a pilot and owned a plane. He John T. Monnett, Jr. EAA Flight Advisor was fortunate enough to begin in [email protected] flying lessons as a teenager. Most 920-426-5402 Joe says, “Now that I am semi- of his flying is for pleasure and retired I can get back into build- to attend medical conferences. Randy Novak His other interest is sailing in the A&P, IA, EAA Tech Counselor ing and flying. I just passed my [email protected] physical with Dr. Green and I’m summertime. Welcome to our 920-426-2763 ready to go. Since I purchased Chapter and the IMC club!

Owen Russell CFI, EAA Flight Advisor the meeting and enjoyed pizza Winter Party: [email protected] and cookies prior to Nathan’s There is 920-582-4328 presentation. still time to RSVP for Andy Miller, CFII our Winter Chapter 252 IMC Club Leader Kwik [email protected] Trip Party which 920-213-7672 Cards will take still place at the Roxy on Saturday, avail- January 19. Cocktails at 6:00 Short Hops able: and dinner at 7:00. Annual We still have about $300.00 chapter awards will be pre- December Membership in Kwik Trip cards available sented, including our Spirit of Meeting: for purchase. Our chapter gets ELO Award. RSVP to Dennis Chapter Member and CFI Na- 10% cash back on all purchas- Moehn at [email protected]. than Borlee talked to the mem- es. It’s an easy way to support bership and guests about winter our chapter. If you’d like to Save the Date: flying. Nathan provided tips purchase a card, please contact Pancake Breakfast and Young about what to consider when Fred Stadler. Eagle Rally on Saturday, 4 flying in the winter. About 45 April 6. members and guests attended chair, they can divide duties as they see An Active Chapter Defined fit. The new year is a great time to set personal goals. • There will be two summer events - dates As EAA members and chapter members, we look to be determined. We have chapter mem- at a variety of aviation goals. Perhaps one of your bers who are willing to go to the date goals could be to become more involved in our selection meeting in late January/early chapter. February. • Organize volunteers in shifts for each Our chapter is fortunate to have our own hangar event. for meetings and events. We are currently work- • Get supplies from the chapter hangar and ing on a chapter expansion project which will add bring them to Festival the morning of the bathrooms and a kitchenette/meeting room to our event. chapter hangar. Through our fundraising efforts, we • Purchase food/supplies for the event. have the funds needed for this expansion project. • Oversee volunteers and help the day of We are currently looking for a contractor (the one the event. we thought we had fell through) and hope to com- • Previous chair Wayne Daniels can help plete this project in 2019. The addition of bath- walk volunteers through the responsibili- rooms will obviously be great for chapter meetings, ties. but will also make us more able to host pancake • Brat Barn Volunteers - Job Description breakfasts, Young Eagle events, and other events at • Approximately 6-8 volunteers needed the our chapter. The hangar can become an even better day of the event in shifts of from 2 - 4 location for education and outreach. hours. • Sport Air Workshop in January - organize Volunteer efforts and fundraising also helped us lunches for workshop participants. This to purchase the hangar a few years ago. We have event provides some income from the chap- ongoing expenses such as property taxes and heat. ter, but is really done more as outreach and Our chapter is currently in solid financial shape. to support the workshop by organizing lunch To maintain our solvency, we continue to look at for participant. regular fundraising projects. • Dennis Moehn is the event chair. • Four volunteers needed. We have several annual fundraising efforts: • Saturday: • Fall and Spring Pancake Breakfast - this event • 7:00 am to take orders (box lunches from is fun for our chapter, provides great commu- Subway) nity outreach, and also is the backdrop for our • 11:00 am to serve food Young Eagle Rallies. This is a good fundraiser • Sunday: for us and we have a solid group of volunteers • 11:00 am to serve food that make these events run very smoothly. There is always room for more - consider becoming Other Volunteer Opportunities: part of this great event by being a Young Eagle • Merchandise Chair - someone who will be Pilot, directing traffic on the ramp, working present at meetings who will organize and sell ground crew/registration for , chapter merchandise (shirts, hats), keep track of cooking food, serving food, set up, or clean up. inventory, give money to treasurer Fred Stadler. David Leiting is our Pancake Breakfast Event • Greeter - person or persons to welcome visitors Chair, and Eric Abraham and Serena Kamps are to chapter meetings, help them with nametags, our Young Eagle co-chairs. talk to them. This doesn’t need to be the same • Brat Barn at Festival Foods in the Summer - we person every time. have been doing this fundraiser for the past • Photographer - someone to take photographs three years. It provides a nice amount of income and monthly meetings and chapter events. Pho- and also provides community outreach. In order tos will be used on our Facebook page and in for this event to continue, we are in need of our newsletter. some volunteer positions. • If you are interested in any of these opportuni- • Brat Barn Co-Chairs - Job Description ties, please email [email protected]. 5 • We are looking for a member or members to chair this event. If two members co- Chapter Officers & Chapter 252 Starting Monthly Fly-Out Events Board of Directors Starting in 2019, Chapter 252 will begin organizing monthly fly-out events. The goal of these events is to get our members flying their air- President: Carrie Forster craft and visiting fun and unique destinations as a group. In addition, this 920-540-6432 will give aspiring/non-pilot members the opportunity to join in by filling [email protected] empty seats. Vice-President: David Leiting, Jr. 262-914-4278 The fly-outs will occur the Saturday following our typically second [email protected] Thursday of the month gatherings. The destination will change each month, as well as the time of the flight, however we will try to keep Secretary: Kurt Weina them as consistent and possible. Keep an eye on your email and the 920-685-0219 monthly newsletter to stay up to date with each month’s trip. [email protected]

If you do plan to fly your own airplane, or have an interest in riding Treasurer: Fred Stadler 920-303-5582 along please email David Leiting at [email protected]. If [email protected] you plan to fly your airplane and have an open seat please include that in your email. This will help us fill open seats with members who wish to Past-President: Charlie Becker attend, but do not have access to an airplane. 920-573-3381 [email protected] January Fly-Out – January 12, Madison, WI for breakfast at Pat O’Malley’s Jet Room. We will plan to meet at the Chapter 252 at 8:00 Board Member: Wayne Daniels am for an 8:15 am departure. This should get most people on the ground 920-410-0107 in Madison by 9:00 am, so if you would like to head straight to KMSN, [email protected] that it completely fine! (This is mainly for you speedsters or low and Chapter Historian & Board Member: slow flyers.) This trip will also give you the opportunity to fly into Class Jim Casper C airspace and practice your radar environment work. Feel free to reach 920-460-0858 out to your favorite CFI or David if you have questions about flying in [email protected] class C airspace. Board Member Emeritus: John Sch- Please let David know if you have ram any questions or have a suggestion 414-405-6524 for a fly-out destination. For Febru- Membership: Doug Milius ary, we will plan to stop at another 920-205-3349 airport restaurant, most likely Pic- [email protected] cadilly Lilly in Lone Rock. Young Eagle Coordinator: Eric Abra- ham 920-573-7478 [email protected]

Young Eagle Coordinator: Serena Kamps [email protected]

Eagle Flight Coordinator: Kyle Voltz [email protected]

Hangar Manager: Jim Kress 920-233-5660 [email protected]

6 PRESIDENT’S REPORT continued Join the 252 very different for me and pro- that building connection for our vided me with challenges that chapter. I’ve been around John’s Family! definitely pushed me beyond my building projects and have been comfort zone. It’s really fun to pressed into service from time to Annual Membership (Calendar share my love of flying with my time. Year) students. Dues are $20 A January column wouldn’t ($10 for partial year, July - De- Learning to fly myself has defi- quite be complete without talk- cember). nitely given me a much deeper ing about setting some aviation Student Memberships are $10. appreciation for what John and goals. What would you like to Jessica went through when do with your flying in 2019? Is it Dues in the amount of $20 can be they learned to fly. I had built time to start flight training, make given to Doug Milius or mailed in resources to study with and progress on a building project, to him at: fly with. It really taught me the fly to a new airport, get a new importance of having mentors rating, fly with an instructor to Doug Milius and people to share flying with. brush off some cobwebs, attend 1305 Maricopa Dr. That’s a big reason that we de- a workshop or seminar, or some- Oshkosh, WI 54904 cided to become involved in the thing else? chapter--being part of a chap- Thank you for your continued ter provides me with so much In education, we talk about support of EAA Chapter 252! support as a pilot. Surrounding setting SMART goals. SMART myself with people who also stands for Specific, Measurable, love flying keeps me motivated, Achievable, Relevant, and Time • Log at least 25 hours of flight helps make me a safer pilot, and Bound. This works perfectly time in 2019. is fun. with setting aviation goals. Set- ting SMART goals increases the • Get at least 6 new airport stamps I became an officer because I likelihood that your goals will for the Fly Wisconsin Passport wanted to give back to the chap- be realized. Can you set a goal program. ter and to be part of helping keep or two for yourself that follows our chapter moving forward. My this format? Instead of thinking What are your goals for 2019? goal is for our chapter to con- about some vague idea of how tinue to be that great resource for you could fly more or do some- I hope that our chapter can help you both our long time members and thing aviation related, set spe- to reach your aviation goals and help our new members. I want this to cific goals for yourself. you have fun along the way. be a welcoming place for anyone Blue Skies and Tailwinds, who is interested in aviation. Here are my Aviation Goals for 2019: Carrie Although I’m not a builder myself, both John and Jessica • Log at least one flight every are. I know the importance of month of the calendar year.

IMC Club Meetings Board Meetings Third Tuesday of the Month 6:30 pm Fourth Thursday of every month Location: EAA Aviation Center at 6:00 p.m. All Chapter Members Location: EAA HQ Leadership Classroom Welcome Members Welcome at board meetings.