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November 1982 Daily Egyptian 1982

11-9-1982 The aiD ly Egyptian, November 09, 1982 Daily Egyptian Staff

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This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1982 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in November 1982 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ~!!!u:~ e~~~~?t down 1.07 percent Hf I 10 J.~ perct'nt Plthpr way D," d lIudl!l~ commU,ntly coll('gps nect'ssarlly see a negative ef. Slt'.(, . . really Isn I significant." ec ,ne nole lolal /50, lilli, an Incrt'ase of o,~ feet. It means we will have a lIi'n i p\\~~' amon~ t'1~hl fit, said Ihat tht' drop of 17 ,'n 8 "laIn ""'hools pe~l'ent oVt'r fall 19R) figures situation thaI IS less crowded , I. 0 S U IC. Unt\('rsltlt's pt'fl'('nt in SIl·.C ('nrollm('nt ...... <9... fulI·llme I'nrollm('nl dipped \\hlch f'xp(,~I('n.c('d an was "right on Ihl' nnrk" Ih'll b.y 11,:1 percpnl 10 a lotal of !W .. t;:~'ROLL, Pag.. 2 t'nrollml'nt d~chnt' In !ht' pm'l Ihl.'v had ('xpt>l'! d"" u h '. .JK:UZ.J in Ihe same period y('ar, a('cordmg to !h(' lIIinms tn 'r('m('mh('r," ('h;' .c',_llod "la"I~('t Chi<'ago ('irt'l(' ('ampus had Ihl.' Public uni\'prsit, i('s saw ~ II I RMrd of High r Ed uca t ,- ~ -, hight'S! ('nrnllnwnt inl'f('a!-{' - a B I K ('h Sh lon_ year's ('nrnllm('nt 5('1 a r('('o~d ",02 perc('nt J'ump of morf' Ii;:>n percent decline In f'nrnllmt'nl U ennN : ~". ('han· lit're, In fal·!. Ihe incrf'clsf' 'hsl but, ('ommunity ('nllf'gf'S ('x. l'ello.r of Ih~. Sit Sy·slem. ~'f'arl was more Iha~ ("~~. K~.o sludents. Their full·limt penenct'd an increase of III gus d.lsml~sed th~ Ilg~res as ""ot a bondale rf'allv "anl('d 10 sludent t'nroUm('nf. how('vt'r, p('rl't'nt. Prlvale institutions slg~I~lca~t !hl,ng,. handle."· dedined by 87 studt'nts had an mrollmt'nt decline nf 2 :l \\hlll.' SIU-t.dwardsvtlle, total Sangarnon Sl,at~ l'nl'vnrO,I't\' I-n Tht' amount of full·tim£' pel,r~r.L , , 'Bode headcount f'n JI If" , ~ studt'nts also df'clinf'd b\' 1,6 Sh . d ro mt'n Igures Springfif'ld t'xpt'rif'n('t'd -an percent at Sll:.(, and bv 1 :1:1 "a" said, Institutions of Incr~ast' a~ollt 2 pt'rc~nl t'nrollmpnl df'~rpa!'t' of 857 hight'r learnmg acrnss lhf' bet~'~n fa 1.1 81 and fall 82. percent, Ihl.' lar"('sl r('('nla (' percent at sn:·t:. Thos'; pt'r· na"hon f'xpt'C1 thaI ('nrollm('nl SIt·( I.'~perll.'nct'd a drop of .U~ ~Iine among "'lIIiJ::;s ubnc ct'nla!{t' dt>c1ines translClIt' tn a \\ llll'ontmut' to decreast' in I h(' percent m Ihe samt' period. SIl- uni\'t'rsit:{''1 W('SIt' I~" dip of :~,i and 115 sludenls nt'xi dt'c:ldt' becaust' "Iht'rt- just C had a declint' of 2511 studt'nts l'nh't'fSil\' in l\Ia~or:;b ha~nl~~ rf'Spt'Ctively, art'n't as many 18·y('ar.olds from an t'nrollmt'nt of 2:1,991 in hight'SI ("uollmenl d . Slatt'widt', Iht' rt'port show~ around a .... ymore'· fan '81 to .z;I,i:1:1 i.n rail '82, nt'arly 9UU ~tudt'nts from rr~fJ '81 that Ihe fall 19R2 headcnunl (;us says if rt'wer are working . Shaw said the figures wt'rt' of 10 fall '82, t'nrollmt'nts in public ,Ind "SIl' is nol lolallv l'nrollm('nt and ft'wt'r are going to school, htlll.' cons('qu('nct' 10 thl.' The l'nh'ersity of Illinois' ~~~;:t~~nat~~!t~~~i~~~ar~: df~~\~Prn"'S"'ISu'hd~\\n'lss.:aldl "(I\~o'nit.hl tht'rt"s a lot of pt'Opl .. just sit- , " lin/( around out there, Snag holds up 'Daily 'fgy]J . extradition tian of escapee th .I.'nnif"r Phillips Southern Illinois University Siaff Wrilt'r TIIesday, November 9, J982-Vol. 68, No, 57 Tht' t'xlr a(hllOn trom \\ 1'''1 \ irginia 01 BrUl'p [l,1\ l~. \\ hI) ('scapl'd from \I('r.ard Corrt'l'\innal I '('ntt'r I 1('1 :!.J !t,l~ hl.'t'n dl'layt'd hI.'('aw.;t' of a UMW District 1·2 "snag in th(' papt'rwnrk.'· !'ald :\1(' 11,,\\('11, Illinois ()('partmf'nl of ('orr('l'tinn!O ~pokt'sman Jlowf'1I sclid 'Ionda\' thaI crucial in election ('nrrpctions officials had hoped 10 hCl\'t' (lavls rt'turned tn ('ElIiTRALlA lAP) - lUinois Church. 46, a forml.'r mine coal miners join their coun­ Illinois during !hp \\t't'kt'nd. hut electrician from ('astlewood. art' nul.\' Inoking toward lerparts across ~ country Va .. worked his way up through Tuesday when they cast ballots somptimt' Ihis wt't'k, the ranks. acquiring a tou!!h, "OW('\I said that Davi!'. who to select new officers for the brawling ~tation along the tTnited Mine Workers union, was l'aptur('d hy local police in way. Trumka. 3.1. a third­ Smithers, \\ Va, on Ol't, :\1. Incumbent President Sam Ilt"neration mine-r from I.\'ould probably he nown from (,hurch Jr. faces Rich Trumka Nemacolin. Pa.. attended law l'-aYE'tle County. in the battle for the presidency school and left the mines to ,\...... oflling to ('pl, ("har\es of tile lJUO.OIJD.member union. become a union lawyer. Bryant of Ihe J-"a;.t'ltt' Count;. About 20.000 of thoIte members Church took _as ...... Sheriff', llt>partmt>nt. DaVis are represented by the union's of the lIM,," in ''''after (orm", has admiUed to murdering District 12. which encompasses president Arnold l\'iller was JOSt'pft Cushman, a prison farm all of Illinois. forced to retire becaUSf' of poor f'mpfo:'('(' found slain with an ax t:xpt'Cted to aid Trumka in his h('alth. Trumka has the day flavis ('Scaped. hid for the presidt'ncy is District represented Pennsvlvania's Da\'is told authoriti('s that ht' 12 president John Sanovic of District .. on the" union's l'omOliUt'd Illht'r Olurdf'fS in the l.itchfk?ld, who is running for powerful international t'arh' ! !IiI I!; , ~f\'ant :o:ald, hut st'cretarv-treasurt'r on ('x('('ulive hoard since last year. Ihi!' "information' ha!' nllt bet'" Trumka's slate. The 198) U\IW contract. ('onfirmt'd_ An aide to Church said ratified artl.'r a 72-day slrike, Davis lold ..... v('lIe ("oul1l\ privately last w(,t'k that has bet'n a major issu(' in the oifidal~ thaI h(' hilchhlk{'d hi!, Ranovic's presence on th(' tickt't ('ampaign. way 10 Wt'st \'irgmla, Br~'anl will cause the Trumka slate to (;('rald Hawkins. the union's said carry Illinois and Trumka legislativt' represt'ntath't' in Local plllkt' knew to look for supporlt'rs prt'dicl Iheir can­ Illinois and a Trumka sup­ Davis. 1l"well ~aid. because didate will win Illinois by a porter, says Illinois mint'rs fet'l l'orn'ction!O nffidals qut'stioned largt' margin. (,hurch didn't do a good enough a rt'latiw in C1t'vt'land, Ohio, "It's 1I0t only because of John job in negotiating lhe 1981 pact. who lold Ihem that Da\'is had Banovic. but also because we Trumka clilis Ihe conlra('1 r('latin's in the Fa;. t'lte County havt' a good grassroots "concessionary." contending art'a. organization," Trumka aide Joe that Church gave up 100 many Bn'anl said Ihat Davis has ('orcoran said. union and job st'curity po!'f'd . no problt'ms for them Spol«'smen in both camps provisions in return for the say Illinois is important 10 the financial improvemt'nts. searf PhGto hy CJtei.y1 l'ncar whilt' in t'ayetle County ('Iection because of the large Shooting hoop "Ht"s a!' !!t'ntlt' a a lamb," ht' numbers of potential votes it (,hurch, citing a :U perc('nt said. orrers. The district is the third wagt' and benefit increaSt' over ROIl Ellis. ~niGr in acceunting. fared off a jump !bot while . largest in Ihe country, lhe course of Itre three-vt'ar playing wUh Larry JohnsOft (background). Da\'is. who is servmg a Ranovic says Illinois mint'rs pact, calls the contract "the sopllomore in elecl...... ics and data processing. eulSiW the sentt'nce of :!..'l to "'5 vt'ar!' for are "hungry for leadt'rship" best dt-al any union is likely to Areaa Monday. Pardy sunny skies and lemperalures i. the murdt'r, will hi.' l'hargt'd with and want 10 improve lheir get with Ronald R('agan in 1I,p.r lOs s ....N please sporI5 enthllSiaslS 011 T1Ies4Iay, Cushman's murdt'r onef' m imal!.e. office." Illinois How-dl said, Begin testifies to revenge killing fear

JF.Rl'SAI.EM lAP) - Prime send (,hristian Phalangt' he said was dt'Signed 10 swet'p discontent within his coalition ~uestioning that indicatt'd Minister Menachem Begin militias into the Sabra and the camps for Palestinian government. Evtan had warnt'd tht' Cabinet testified Monday he feared ('hatilla refuget' camps, guerrilla resistance. The prime minislt'r testifit'd the Christians wt're nut for waves of revenge killings But Ire dt-fended the decision The three-man panel closely no one reported to him about revenge aher tht' St'pt. 1-4 against I.ebant'Se Moslems for by Defense Minister t\riel inlerrogated Begin on what his suspicions the mililia operation assassination of Rashir the murder of (,hristian leader Sharon and military Chief of govemmt'nt knew about the had turned into a massacre that Gtma\·el. then Lebanon's Bashir Gemayel, but never Staff Lt. Cren. Raphael t:ytan. massacre and when, qut'Stions It'd Israt'li army officers 10 halt presictent-elt'Ct, imagined a slaughter of repeatedly asserting that "it which many Israelis anguisht'd the Phalangist action. He said Citing minutes of a Cabint't Palestinian civilians. occurred to no one that over when they demanded a he did not know an\'thing was meeting held about an hour Begin also told the com­ atrocities might be com­ judicial inquiry into the mur­ amiss until after the after tht' militias t'ntered Ihe Illission investigating Israt'l's mitted." ders of hundreds of Palestinian Phalangists left the camps and camps. the panel quoted t:ytan conduct during the m id­ Begin's -Ii-minute testimony, refugees. he heard of the bloodbath bv as saying, .. the next thing that September massacre that he broadcast live on Israeli radio, Begin had opposed a full-scale listening to the British will happen is an outpouring of had no advance knowledge of shed little news 011 events probe. but relented under public Broadcasting Corp, vengeance '.' the likes of which the Israeli military's decision to leading to the operation. which pressure and rumblings of But evidt-nce emeraed in the hasn't happent'd before. SDloke front Biloxi jail fire Wews liRoundup--1 Pope 10 visit Poland, leaders lay WARSAW, Poland (API - The nation's top military and leaves 27 dead, 61 injured church leaders said Monday that Pope John Paul II will visit BILOXI. Miss. (AP) - another officer arrested Pates polyurethane padding in a his homeland in June. an announcement seen as an effort to Twenty-seven prisoners died in on Saturday nit:ht on a charge of padded cell in the Maury defuse protests planned by the outlawed Solidarity union. their county jail cells early public drunkenness after a County Jail was blamed for At the same time in Wroclaw, security agents arrested Monday when a former mental disturbance al a lounge. killing 42 lX'OPie. Solidarity national commission member Piotr Bednarz and 12 patient set a fire in a padded "We thought we ought to pick The Justice Department co-workers at a clandestine meeting. the state-run news cell and thick. choking smoke disclosed Monday that it has al[ency PAP reportM. raced through the ventilation ~~ft f~~i~~s '~i~.r:ht:~o~.~ been investigating complaints system. knocking out the jailer hadn·t." of overcrowding and "rn­ lVarines to land on Moroccan coast who had the keys. As firefighters searched vironmental dericiencies" at WASHINGTON CAP)J_ U.S.Marines are about to make an An additional 61 people were through the smoke-filled jail for the Biloxi jail. unpublicized practice landing on the Moroccan coast. injured. including firefighters. the jailer with the keys. tow John Wilson. a spokesman for exacerbating delicate talks with a new Socialist government police officers. jailers and in­ trucks were used to pull hars off the depallml"nl's civil rights in Spain. which already is balking over American military mates of the Harrison County the outside windows and open division. said the division "will bases and its membership in NATO. Jail - almost all by smoke the door to the cellblock. now accelerate its in· A Spanish diplomat who asked to remain anonymous 0b­ inhalation. Hospitals said 10 The,.bodies of the 25 men and v('Sti~ation. " jected to the location of the impending Marine landing, near inmates and a jailer WE're in two women were loaded onto 5panish enclaves on the Moroccan coast across from critical condition. trucks and taken to Jackson for Wilson said that thl" depart· :-iibraltar. "The ones that stayed alive autopsies. officials said. ml"nl had rt'Ceivl"d complaints got wet towels and wrapped Relatives of the prisonl'rs about conditions about the jail them around their face or got in gathered outside the ont"·story at Biloxi and another county jail Soviets simulate anti-U.S. attacks a shower and put wet blankets brick-and-{'oncrete jail in the in (iulfport. ~1 iss .. and began its WASHINGTON (AP) - Soviet supersonic Backfire homers o\'er them," said Charlie downtown area of this Gulf investi~ation in Sf'ptember. hayt' made their first simulated missile strikes against U.S. Acevedo, an inmate 50.(01) Coast town of people. aircraft carriers and started patrolling the Sea of Japan in hospitalized for smoke The inmates were aslcep A judge had ordert'd Patl's inhalation. "The ones that when the firt' started at about what the Navy says adds "a new dimension to the threat to the commited Sunday for mf'ntal sea lanes." didn·t. died." I ::10 a.m. and they were quickly treatment. and commitmf'nt The former mental patient. overcome by smoke from tlle papers 'said his family reportf'd Even though the planes stayed about 13) miles away from Robert E .. Pates. 31. of Granite smoldering polyurethane. a thai hl" had been confinl"d to the two carriers. that is weD within the striking range of the City. Ill.. was charged with 'l:l synthetic material used a~ ml"ntal institutions rpgularly A5-4 Kitchen missiles they carry, intelligence sources said. counts of capital murder. said pi-otective padding in ar for the past 10 years. Sheriff Albert Necaise. the district isolation cell. said Harold Howard L. Hobbs said. r.,-Ienollask force scaled down attorney for Harrison County. Windham. an assistant fire Policeman Dan Russell. who chil'f. Pates was not seriouslv hurt CHICAGO (AP) - The task force set up to probe the deaths helped pull several inmates Five years ago in Tennessee. but was hospitalized for ob­ of seven people who took cyanide-laced Extra-Strength from the jail, said he and smoke from burning sen·alion. Tylenol capsules has been scaled down to 52 agents from a high of 114. Illinois Attorney General Tyrone Fahner said Monday. ENROLL from Page I Fahner. who is serving as spokesman for the task force and that could only improve the universities to experience a Charleston f 2.20 percent. 23.1 said investigators had amassed 11.500 pages of case report~: life for the students. It will also decline in enrollment besides students): (:niversitv of Illinois checked 16.702 individuals: 10.246 businesses; 8,3)1 phone gh'e us a chance to concentrate SIU-C. Western Illinois in l'rbana 10.13 PerCt'nt. 52 numbers, and m license plate numbers. on the other two facets of our l'niversity and Sangamon State students) and (iovl"rnor.; State purpose as a university - l'nivt'rsity include .:astern (iniVt'r.;itv in Park Fort'St South research and public service." lIlinoi!l l'nioversity in f 2.61 perCent. 131 students.) Sltaw attributed SIU-E's slight increase in enrollment to Cabby aoswen eaU~ robbed at gunpoint the economy. He said that A driver for Yellow Cab in the car. pointed a revolver at schools in urban areas Carbondale was robbed at Meachem and demanded his traditionally do better in poor gunpoint about 7 p.m. Sunday. money. economic times because according to Carbondale poIic!e. 1be people residing at that students can live at home and a Robert Meachem received a address were questioned by large number of unemployed call to pick up a pas..o;enger at police and it was determined people sometimes opt for school 519 E. Archie Jones St. in that they were not involved in since they aren't workin~. ('arbondall". police said. When the incident. he arrived at thai location. a "Less than $50 was taken. Other major Illinois public black male caml" to the side of police said. WES ERN SllZLlN WESTERN SIZZLIN Tuesday·Thru Th"rsday November 9-11 The 'Amerlcan Tap New Orleans _~=------.;~~_~~. Don't Mill Happy Hour 11 French Fried Shrlm 3S_Drafts 1.75 Pitchers 50~ ibwENBRAu 75¢ Speedrails 7Se Makers Mark 704 Seagrams 1 On Special All Day & Night Tanqueray SmlrnoH 1000 Screwdrivers 75~ ...... 75.

WESTERN SIZZLIN WESTERN SIZZLIN Page 2. Daily Egyptian. November 9, 1- F-Senate to debate harrassment policy R,· R ...... r. Grll'lI'n .- made as a ('ondition <)f Formal eomplaints would bt' wht'n there bas been a finding of An investigation would no! be Siaff '\'ritf'r instru('tion, ('mploym('nt or ('onsidered b~ a Sexual sexual harrassmt'nt. The ac­ conducted for informal com­ partic:ipation in otht'r Harrassment fiearing Board, tions eould include a letter of plaints without the written A proposed l'niversity policy ('niversitv activities; established by the university warning 10 the offender. a leiter permission of the person on sexual harrassment will bt' u~ as a basis for prt'sident. The board would be of reprimand. other alleging sexual harrassment. considert'd wht'n the "'acultv t'\'aluation in making t'm­ composed of 14 members. 12 of disciplinary action df>emed S€>nate meets at 1 pm TU('sday ploym('nt or acadt'mic dt'Cisions whom would bt' rt'Commendt'd appropriatE' hy th .. !l:Jn('1 and. in rr an investigaton is con­ in the Mississipi Room of the affecting the individual: by th(' sludent and employ('e ('xtr('m(' eases ~f abuse of ducled. a written report of the Student Centt'r. ~- whirl> has the purpose or constitueney (·ouncils. policy, initiation of tt'rminalion complaint wouid be sealed and ThE' senate will also revit'w t'fi('ct flf unrt'asonably in­ Wh('n a formal complaint is fJroccdur('s. filed in the l'niversity Af­ the propost'd SIU -C budg('t for terft'ring witb an individual's filed bt'fore the board. a three­ firmative Action OffJee for a fiscal vear 191W. acad('mic or emloym('nt per· membt'r panel would bt' Informal complaints Wlluld be period of one year. The Policy. which wa!' drafted forman('e or crt'ates an in­ sele('ted. The panel would ht'ar made to the l'niversity Af­ in August would ('stablish a timidmpl to reach deleted from the office's per­ complaints. thf'ir own bt'havior in light of include one or more actions an informal resolution." m;ment files. The proposed policy has heen Ihis policy and in reporting forwardt'd to other grou~. su('h incidents of sexual harrassm('nt as the (iraduate Council and the to the t:nh'ersitv Affirmalh'e Graduate Student Council The Action Office." • Survey shows loss of interest propost'd policy defines sexual l'nd('r the proposed policy. harrassmt'nt as "Vnwekome formal complaints would be sexual advanc('s, requests for filt'd "wht'n the probl('m cannot sexual favors and otht'r verbal be resol .. ed informallv and the in economy as dollar gains or physical conduct of a sexual complainant wishes to pursue nature: the matter." the policy stat('s. ft.' Thf' ;\ssociatM Prt'ss fiden('(' in the E'cononn ('amt· a!< also rE'portt'd Sunday that rising IIn('mploymt-nl ilnd husin('Ss hild yet to sho ... · a sign Thrt»e found dt»od in parkt»d cor Consunl('n: lost confidence in persistt'nl E'cononllc ~tilgnation of turnmg around. aithough the the ll.s. ('('onomv last month. a ('ontintlt'd 10 worry .-\nll'fll'ans. rate of dt'Cline slowed in Oc­ MARION (AP) - Officials the vt'hidt', ht' said. \\ IIson said survey rel('ased ~I()nday shows. th(' Conference BOard rt'pnrtt'd tober. here were trying Monday to the thr'!e had stopped to fix a A month earli('r. however, llondav Tht' ('onfert'nce Board's determine the identity 01 a nat tire. consumt'rs signaled somE' ('n­ , Plans for purchas('s of hom('s, Consumer Confidence Index. young woman who was one 01 An Illinois State Police couragem('nt about ('{'onomic automobiles and appliances whlt'h comhines measurements three people who died of ap­ trooJ'er. stopping to oU('r rt'Covery by taking on SI.1 also fell, according to the (If "meri('ans' assessmt'nt of parent carbon monoxide assistance, opened the ear door billion more i'l installment dt'bt busin('ss-supported board's present conditions and ex· poisoning in a car parked along and told authorities that "the than they paid off. the largest surv('y of a,01l1l households pt't'tations for the next six a highway. fumes were so strong it almost monthly credit t'xpansion since nationwide. months. fell to 49.2 in (letobt'r Coroner James Wilson of backed him off." Wilson said. June. The survev was in line with from ;W ... in S('pt('mber and 53.7 Williamson County identified Wilson said the eause of death Worldwide confidenee in the m('rchants' reports last w('('k of in August. It had dimbed in the two other victims as was evident and that no li .S. eurrency keeps rising, lackluster (letober !'ales. Three each of the pr('vious four Michael Stazak. 22. and John E. autopsies would be performed. meanwhile, and the dollar of the top four retailers reported months. rearhing 61.0 in July. Bolek. 23. both of the Chicago soared to new records in declines from O('tob('r 1981 suburb of Burnham. Wilson said Monday that relation to lhe French frane and levels and 1'10. 1 Sears. Roebuck In foreign exchange trading, Their bodies were found in authorities had no solid leads on Italian lira in Europt·an and Co. said its sale!' rose only the dollar also hit a record high Stazak's ear on the side of the woman's identity_ He said trading. But the same forees 3.8 percent. against the Norwegian krone southbound Interstate 57, just she was 5-feet-4 inches tall. tbat "rove up the dollar's value The National Association of and reacht'd six-vear highs north of Marion, Wilson said. about 105 pounds, with shoulder­ were cited for sending stock Purchasing Managers. an against the West Gennan mark The engine was running and length. medium-blonde hair and prices into a broad retreat. organization of executives who and Rritish pound in fo:uropean the fumes entered the car believed to be about 19 years The drop in consumer 1:00- purchase supphes for industry. trading. throutdt the rusted underside nr old.

"'__ ._.IW •••• 8A8IIftMU. ncaa••• ~·· ••• • 'SE ....- ' .t7~.Mo"".NOV." throuth 'rl.. y. Nov. '9 S...... , ....• .. ' ..2 ..-.· ...... , ..... t ..... t.y .,.....t..... CUlMftt ..1._. ~ ..,. .... Seluld Ath"tla"'. the ....,..... to the Stu A...... Ie'uld Ath.. tla ..... will'" ...11 ..... then- ,'0 amI.t eny tl.... at .... Athl.tlc.Tlde.t OffIce In : ... A,.... or.t .... c.nt,.1 Tlde.t OIflce In the Stu... t Cent.r. LIMit: 4 ... penon with .I.D. ~ ..... lelukl Ath.. tk ...... S...... t Tletc. ... w"''''...... ~I" two IIeys prior to each IMfIOIIfANT: Only tlde..... 01 ...... tu ... t I D ~wlll ...... ," ... to .....t ...II ...... - • • ...... ttlde ... ..

JcIrt. ~I kan_S__ ...... :z6-CHAIIlESTON Jan D.... IT':...... ·27_ ...... Ulinoi.atRockford Jan .....ADLEVC6p ..... ) ~ Dec'2-atMumtr StA Jon.IUftWMI!XICOSTATE Dec' ._SOUTttEASTIIAlSSOU.IST.C.:05p..... ) Jon. t7-atC...... - Dec' 9ot~StA Jon. 22-at~StA l' Dec: 1~.EASTEllMII.UN()1S ...... 27-IUINOISStAli ~ Dec 11.1.-atllliftiC1aPiC, (hompaI9n 'Jon. 29.WlCHlTASTAli (~.I ...... 5t.. I_a_~) =:~.:.!=STAli

Daily Egyptian. November 9, 1982. Pace 3 D1itFcrJ6u OJmon&Gmmentzuy Atomic test victims deserve our support ••• By )lib St'lson ,#• •,, Studt'nt Writt'r ,, , IT IS ,\ PROBLEYI THAT few have had the courage to face. , ., For the nearly 250,000 civilian and military personnel who took , , part in the testing of atomic bombs in the HMOs and 195i1S, the , , problem is rea I and won't disaprJear simply by ignoring it. The fact : , is that many of these persons and some of their children are suf­ • I I fering from cancer and other diseases related to their exposure to , ' low-Ie\·el radiation during the tests. The Veterans Administration ., . .,, and the Defense Nuclear Agency have refused to admit that these .. . people's ailments are connected to the tests. And in only one case, in ~1'1 ~; \\~V ¥ l'tah, has the U.S. government awarded any compenSe a l'hild coming wear jeans, much less medical concerns), without least think about that the next schools for whatever reasons to SIll-C, joining a fancy anything less subtle. being referred to a time you put on a pair of blue I either thE'v are under the athletic dub and demanding a Another argument was that psychiatrist or minister to be jeans. That"s all we're asking illusion that" monev can buy an rebate for his Ht'creation the "tactic" used lended "::ured"; we can't take ad­ - for now. -- Sandy ('olb!!, ('ducation or they simply do not ('('nter fee. itself to a show of "raIse vantage of the ~q~al and want thE'ir upper·bred children The prect'

Pagt' oJ, Daily Egyptian, November 9, 1982 Damned ifyou don't; more so ifyou do Argentina bE'came so dependent on Soviet grain that thE're was a real possibility of Russian in­ ten'ention in the Falklands war.

PRESlnEST REAGr\S WilES KISCI ARTln'R of nlPOSED a ban on tractor the H(l!lnd Table wit!Jdrew to parts for the construction of a littie cave to rest after a bad the Trans-Siberian Yamal defeat in b:!Wp. he is said to gas pipeline last December have watched a sDic!"r when Poland declared patiently building a ·web. martial law. The result? Legend has it that the spider Poland is still under martial failed se\'en times but finallv law. Polish workers are still succeeded. Taking heart being shot but American from the l'xample of the workers pay the price. doughty littlE' spider, King Peoria. with 16 percent Arthur went out to try again unemployment. now has the and defeatl-d his enemies. 10th highest unemployment A neat little story with a rate among American cities neat little moral - try and primarily because Cater­ try until you succeed. But it pillar Tractor lost its deal all depends on what you are with the Soviets. Not only trying. If Arthur had tried to American workers but their ny from the top of his castle families suffer. Social to the Cornish coastline. we workers have recorded an 87 would have called him Oln percent increase in wife idiot. What do we call a beating in Peoria with every significant cutback on work­ modern King Arthur who may be the better part of why not'? Why the fear of insists on equally futile force. exchange and must be valor for you to run. becoming dependent and protected from politics and ventures that have Commenting on the second historically proved to be most vulnerable? Every in- political sanctions. The round of pipeline sanctions IS ,\ liARD PRESSED terpersonal relationship Reagan sanctions are just as consistent failures? imposed by President situation. especially if people Historically. economic consists of becoming damaging to world peace as Heagan this July. ex­ are starving. it becomes easy vulnerable to some extent. the Arab nation's recent sanctions have never once President Richard Nixon to throw the dangers of been succe.1Sful except when Whv not with international attE'mpt to oust Israt'l from said. "Squeezing Russia military adventurism to the relations" thE' Cnited Xations. the party imposing them had economically did not work winds and move covetously an absolute monopoly over a when the Communists first on the grain bowls of the TherE' are mam' lessons to good that was badly needed. One-way dependency may came to power. when their world. Invasion of the rice be dangerous but in· be learnt'd from King Ar· Despite their prmien futility. problems were far worse. and bowl of Southeast Asia or the terdependency is good. In­ thur's spider Its web is in· nations still spem enamored it would not work now. Pampas of Argentina or even stead of striVing for terconnectE'd. each strand of the leverage and power Rather than decreasing the United States becomes superiority - and you can bet depE'nding on others. Tha t thev think economic sanc­ repression it would increase more attracti\'e and perhaps the other side is strh'ing for should be the fabric of our tion's gh'e them. In fact. more it." even necessary. It also the same - nations should be world We need to build often than not sanctions What is frightening about becomes easier to press the striving for interdependency bridges not barriers. ex· prove counterproductive and economic sanctions is not just nuclear button in through mutual exchange. change not dominance. hurt the party imposing them that they do not work. but desperation. So with Interdependency would be a prudence not power. builders as much as they hurt the that by some unhappy economic sanctions. you are better check on expansionism not bombers. in· receiving party. mischance they migtlt. When damned if you don't succeed than superiority. It would be terdependence not mOl'lopoly. President Carter imposed a we impose sanctions we had and more damned if you do. a check on both parties. In the security without superiority grain embargo and the better start pra)ing we fail. global village that the world The billions being spent in Oiympic boycott when the Paradoxical? ""'hat would Then why these sanctions? . has become. interdependency useless pursuit of military Russians invaded happen if the grain embargo One example. Currently' can show nations that the way superiority and the effects of Afghanistan in 19i9. The did work and the Russian Europe is 85 percent self­ to peace is through sharing, political sanctions. bring to result? The Russians still people starved? Exactly sufficient in gas but in 10 not power. mind a poster I saw in a have 80.000 troops in what would happen when you years tt-.dt's expected to go church: "What a dav it \\ould Afghanistan. Afghani corner a rat. As long as the down to -15 for Reagan's b€ when shcools get al! ihp mujahedin are still being rat has somewhere to run. apprehensions. At the risk of TR;\DE. Cl'LTl'ltE ASD monev thev need and the Air killed. and .-\merican farmers you chase and he runs. But sounding outrageouo:ly SPORTS are important Force has io hold a bakf sale and athletes paid the price. wh"n the rat is cornered. it simple-minded I must ask. avenues for cooperation and to get its next bomber."

GSC's support of , draft-dodger' Student desperately pleads does disservice to war veterans for return of stolen knapsack

A~ a formt'r nwmber of the By !'t'nding a letter to :\lartin. Todav. \H' want a normal lift' Wednesday e\·ening. my you have messed up my schooi l'nitl·t! States miliwrv. ,lIld as the (;SC is condoning an al'lual hut \\.t' still want recognition maroon knapsack was stolen semester and without m\' n('tes an staunch adnicalt· of act of ('riminal intent. for sl'rvin's rl'ndert'd. I fpt'! that from the 710 Bookstore. It had and projects I'll be totaily lost. vt'tt'rans' rights. I find the l!nder the Selective St'rvke the (;S(, decision to support all my class notes. class If you would. plE'a~e rE'turn recent (;raduate Studt'nt laws. every male must registt'r :\l,lrtin pulll'd the rug out from assignments. an irreplacable my bE'longings t or at least most Council ft'solution supporting for the draft after reaching his under n'terans. We need a Bible. my glasses. etc. of them). ('11 give some kind of draft·dodgt'r Busty :\lartin to be 18th birthdav. ,\t the time of society that has a positive at­ I'd like to direct this letter to reward. If you prefer. you can verv harmful toward \·t'terans· rt'gistration: he has the op­ titude toward its armt'd ser­ goa'Is at SIlI-C and in society. portunity to declare himsE'lf a \·ices. :\Iilitary people and \·pts the person who took it. :' fal'ul\v mt-mbt-r in Cinema .tnd earnings, good gros. pofentlol All Mavigliano. associate professor Richard I.awson... "F.n'l}·thing is so widl' opl'n in Photography." Photoimlphy. II was 11 joint Ira.nlng w,1I be star Marlon in the School of Art. venture of the English and locoilon. There i, "0 door to door Fred ll\'ers was a Southern Cinema and Photography soilcitlng. ThIS is not mul'I.level Illinois natin' who became ph,~!ographed his family almost paraduxil'ally. [ret-ze Ihf-nL J)eparlmt-nts. soles or insuronce. famou.<: for his woodcarvings of 10 yeilrs ago, Lawson turm-d his ",Just the nlher dav I !'aw "II was sort of the use of a workers in thp area. according interest into a sU('Cessful st-cond !'omemll' doing sOllll'lhi'ng Ihat I print gesture .tnd a non·print to Lawson. :'olanv of his wood­ cart'er. wanted to photograph and I gesture," Lawson said. "W(­ carvings can be found in ;\Iorris "Evel}·thing is so wide open askt-d them if I could shoot taught the ":nglish studt-nts how Contact Mr. Moor. at 942·6655 Library. :'olyers died just before in photography:' l.awson said. them. to (-xpcess \'ia the prinl call between .(\om.7prn 1950. "I his ·4Oth birthdav in "I have a certain curinsih' don't know how the mE'taphnr .- using .1 print 10 Monday.Friday The llIinois "'riter's Re\'iew about people and land. photograph worked yet, or if it denote un!' ohject or idl-a 10 has also accepted nine of especially people. will work. but people have suggest a m'ent'ss tn sonll'thing ,...... Lawson's photographs which "People are changeahle and manv sides and facets else in litera.ure - and taught should be published this month. multi·sided," he said. "I look signifying who they are. They the Cinema and Photography After gaining an interest in for rh~'thms and a senSl.' of flow can change expressions, while students how to interprE't Ihe field from a friend who in my subjects and thE'n, it's hard for a building to literature to fit a photograph."

All '.0" -'11 Show. -_ ... ------" .. _"- FOX EASTGATE Chicago reggae group ".r. ' ... .,. ... opens show at Hangar 9 neftiPt.ft,'Ofte

(;ypsi·Fari. a rocking·reggae dimensions of l'ontt-mporary style group will perform at 9 music. (iypsi-Fari is an exotic ~iI p.m. Tuesday and \\'ednesday blend of ft'gltae, calypso, .8A8ONOP • at Hanger 9. and rock in a unique, distinctive TIDI~a",== Fari is a six·piece band based sound. • (IIHSS:15@UO)7/S"/5 in Chicago, Ihe reggal' capital of thl' nation. that has been creating soulful. (unked-up roots music for seven years now and has cut two records on the • • LEARN 10 BESAFE1Y CONSCIOU& Obivo label. Thev'vt' also .. unaque~1D performed with Third \\'orld in Jamaica, a nand that has lelf~tion helped make reggae a HOW! throuahan..Jio.visual presentation household utterence. If you've listened to coordinated bv: ITCA.E ..... progressive FM stations across IPCC ~ WOMENS SELF DEFENSE INSBUCTOtt ....LYWOOD the country or visited t~ Wild ...,....-.u CAMPUS SAFETY .P. - .... I!!!I Hare in Chicago, you'll It...... SMUleI PATIOL. COOIDINATOtt probably recognize such cuts as "Hail Jah," "Can't Keep My A ....._'-I~ the orient room. 1st floor student Mind Off the Girls" or "Steel :\lill Blues." thursdav november 11, ~7 p.m. Those who keep up with the innovations in New MU!lic can A Safety Message fr~ , hardly ignore the growing in­ fluence o( \\'('St Indian sound the Undergraduate Student Organi and rhythm in countless Student Welfar. Commission

Pu~~'e answers Just One Taste Artd...... y""'",, Conylnced. ,- 'tis n. Delldovs o,ra. •••••••.,....11&. ....II •• a Artd MudI MoN ,.." ,.t.. t ...... In'..... Blood Drive Carry Ou' or Delivery T oct.y.frida" IO'...... pm B.llroomD ...... fREE REfRESHMENTS 1l-l1M-5at sponsacedbv. 12·11 Sun MOVE. AIR FORCE ROTC Arnold a~

Pagl' 6. Daily ElYptian. November 9, 1982 is lackluster Ross wasted on trite lyrics ,\Ihum ('uurtt's,' of Plaza Rrrords . displa~' hE'r \"Oeal virhlfl~; _," Tht, strings. arrangNI hy PiIIll Hiser. ildd to the ~Ilng ralht'r By .';u·kit' Ilndgf'rs than makt' it sound like f'lt'\'iltor Staff Writt'r musi('~ is ont' of thnse perforn1l'rs who is trul\" a "t\n\"wh('re Ynll Hun To" i~ legt'nd in her own tinH'. - anuth~r niet' uprempo "ong. but :\fte:- a ~ucc('Ssful earet'r .IS onct' ,Igaln Hllss' vo«:als an' the drh'ing foret' Iwhind the almost rlrowned oul. Ihough Supr('mes. one might ha\'e there is good horn thou1.!hl Ros~ would \'amsh into ~~~~~I~:lllenl by Handy obs('urity as the olhl'r two did. That was not thr cast'. :\s a mallrf of fact. Russ IS rnjnying The last cut on "Silk I';le(" sUJX'rstardnm. tric," "I Am lIe." appt'ars to he Ross has recently ,Idornro tht' a continuation to Hoss' ('O\'ers of countlt'Ss magazinrs monolithic "I'm ('nming {/ul " l"nfortunalt·h·. nt'itht'r the and ilppt'arrd on numerou~ talk shnws. She {'ompll,!t'd a nation. Ivrics nor thE.: musk haH' tht' impaet or hooks 01 · ... m Coming \\ Ide ('nnn'rt tnur. playill~ 10 n'rv danceable tune. Patti Out." This song falls flat on it.~ pac'ked housl's. Sh(' is morf' ,\uslin. a mainsta\" for (Juincv popular than {'\"t'r. face. "I am mt'. h,lPPY nr sad . •Jones. provid·{·s "ton~ good or bnd." (;ag IlIt' with tritl' ba('kground vocals. lyrics. ThE' b,ll'kground \'0<:11 Is. She has al:;o relrast'd a new r-:widt'd bv Ross, are also album "Silk I':Il'ctric." nn Ross' "Fool for Your I.ove" is distral'tinl! .. :\lotown r('('ords. \·n· a surprising hard-driving fnrtunatt'ly. it apJX'ars she ha:; rocker. Strong. forceful guitar "Silk fo:l{'ctric" is the kind of ~prnt 100 much time making work by Rob Kulick really album Diana H"ss fans will find pt'rsonal a ppt'ar,1nl·t'S ilnd makes this song come alivt'. But disappointinl;!. II app('ars to bt' ,I ~rallting intl'rviews to put in ,I Ross' voice is just too wt'ak to comnlt'rcial dfort and nothin~ ,Irnng studio performance. overcome the power level of the more. song. The tune gets an ":\" for One would expect more from "or most artists. an alhum effort and workability. but the this classy performer. lik(' "Silk Electric" would nt' 11 level of Ross' vocals fails to :Il'{'t'nt l'ffnrt. For an artist like make the grade. Diana Ross. it is a disap­ pnintnwnt. The song "Turn :\Ie Over" is still another good dance song. Ifl'r yocals are still pt'rfel'i in the likes of which Ross has rangt'o and hl'r brl'athy. ~(':-;~'. made a killing on over the last style is still appt'a1ing. Those few years. There is an On. sure. we CDuid cut are the hest aspect'> IIr the especially good drum and bass This is down Dn tne size. use '1Ibum. combination. contrary to the arttflclal cheese. Skl,.,p basic "twat. bumm bUill, hear' no cheap Dn the Items and then sell The opt'ning cut and l'Urrf'nt that is common in most dance It !'",o tor one. But we T. Kill lust -jDn't beheve .... dDIng singlt' orr Iht' album. "I Want brat son~s. pizza ! Muscles." is a corny. but {'archy bUSiness that wa~ tune writtt'n and producM by FDr Dver 20 years. oNe ve The Ivrics of "In Your ,\rllls." I Mockilll~ircl been making :he best Michael Jack:;on. Ross It'ls ht'r are or" the generic love song pizza we know how. and dt'sires all hang out in this song. mold - "hold me in your arms we've been detl'-"er1ng It "I want muscles. all over his tonight. make me your woman free. In 30 minutes or less bodv. from his head duwn to his tonight" -' but it is still a nice Call us. tDnoght loeS." II. ballad and about the only cut on The heal makes "Muscles" a the album which allows Ross Ie:

r------.',OOofllany1S-p;zza .., One coupon per PIzza. Jazz COllcert set at Shyrock EXPIres: 12131/82 "Groove Blues." Contt'mporary jazz: past jazz. F.... F,.. "".".ry nt'w jazz and all that Jazz Will be Sammy Nestico's "Freckle ACIeaieI . 616 E. Walnut pt>rformt'd a~ 8 J!.m. Tut'Srlay i!l "'ace" and "Ja Oa" and [)on S1 East Gate Plaza Shrwl('k ,\udltorlUm by the Sit­ l\Ienza's "Groove Rlues." ..". Phone: C57-e778 l' l'ni\'t'rsity J,IZZ Rand, They will also play Bill Ryers: Open tt.m-3am The 21l-pil'l'e band u~der t~t' arrangemt'nt of "All of 1\Ie: . dirt'Ction of Robert Alhson Will .Jerome Richardson's "(;roove TIIIiPt ~~ca,..,""'!!"'0S2000 L"I'"'I>W9'u J ments, including Bob Siebert's only Happens .:very Time" and II!) 01982 OoInInos Pu:ra. In:. "Come Fly With Me." Sammy Bob Mintzer's arrangemt'nt of Nestico's "Freckle Face" and Ht'rbie Hancock's "One Finger ... so "Ja Oa" and Don Menza's Snap."

~ * Center Progran:-ming "SPOTUGHT SERIES"

Wed. Nov .• 10th $1 SRJ Students BallroomS $2 General Public 7:30

Daily Egyptian. November 9. 19112, Page 7 USO to promote campus safety with lectures, posters and ads

R~' William Jason Vong too wrappt'd up in their studiE's Fre Hoard IS assisting tht' t ·so. Starr Writt'r and they do not realizt' that TI.l' "<;0 '.1Jnrll'f'rl C:'J'WI rnr It", 6pk cans safety problt'ms actually t'xist projE'ct and thE' fl'E' hoard y~ 2.14 A picture is worth a thousand around thE'm." Rod said. allocatl'd $;;011. words. "StudE'nts tl'nd to forgE't that a . Peggy ~I'lrshall from thE' fI'E' 12 pk cons With mure than a picture in ('ampus is '1lso a {·ommunity .... board is ('(lnduding a dorm·tll· 4.29 its possession. the l·n· dorm \'isit to advise studl'nt:; on 1111111111 dergr'ldutt' Studt'nt In addition to thE' postt'rs. thl' safl'ty. Visits will he l'ondul'h'd co•• Organization is set to promott' t·SO is putting fi"E' ad· at -; p.m W,'dnl'sday 111 Hamm', 24 cans 6.99 safl'ty on campus by stirring "t'rtiseml'nts in thE' \I,lil\' Trm'blood Hall. at 1I':lu p.m awareness among students Egyptian. one E'ach da;' WI'dnE'sday in :\13t' Srrllfh Hall Cha.. & Sanborn through Saft'ty r\wareness beginning Monday. and at II p 01 Thursda~ III 750ml 4.99 Wt'eK "We design thE' ads into a S('hnl'idE'r lIall. Sh,' \\111 spt·'lk CoHeeLiquer :\ total of :lOO posters ha,'e cartoon·like format hecaus(' it ('" hikt' saft·ty. personal salt-t~, been put up on walls and is a uniqu(' wa~' to l'onn'y tht' property safl'ty. night safl'l~ DeKuyperSchnapp, ('olumns on campus - 75 idea of safE't'· ... Hod said. "\\(' transportation and Ih,' 4.19 posters for housing. );;0 postt'rs nant to use :.;impl(' cartoons to hrighh\ilY path. on theft and 75 for a safE'tv fiver. ('onveythenwss3gt',nithE'asily :\Iarshall \\111 also sho\\ a The fiver is somewhat rl'iated to read words." \'ideot

.-\Ibum ('ourtt'sy of Plaza Ri('hie's voice, Rf'cords All songs on the album sing of John T. Molloy Album I1if.1 eitht'r perfect, lost or confused Ry Jal'kif' Rodgt'rs 'Revlewd love. The funny thing, though, is "Dress for Success" Staff ,,'rilf'r that tht' IistE'ner is barel\' const'ious of this because each Thursdav Nov. 11th ~ The Commodores' main man song is diversely different. h

FALL TUNE·UP TIRE SALE SPECIAL Full.Ply Polyester Cord PTR Steel Belted and Radial Whitewall PI55/I01t·13 $40.00 YOUR CHOICE OF PI65/I01t·13 $41.00 P175/101t.13 143.00 2 IOUPI with PIII5/75.·13 ...... 00 99 PIII5!75.·I" $45.00 sandwich PI95175.·14 .....00 .... P205175 R·14 $48,00 2.59 PlIS/75R·I .. 151.00 " "'..... I r:.,~:1r P205I7S.·IS 152.00 SIZE COST SIZE COST P215. 75.,15553.00 P225175.·15 155.00 1 8 cylinder $34.95 A78·13 131.00 G78-1 .. 136.00 0"" A78·13 532.00 H711·1 .. 138.00 P235/75.·15 158.00 s. ..,tIInt ...... , 6 cylinder $30,95 C78·\4 SJ3.00 G78·15 136.00 'Free Nlounllng II •.•• fo 10" •• £78·\4 $3400 S'tZZiin .. cylinder 528.95 H78·15 538.00 'Federal Taxes II'I'U& .... friM' .114 Set ••, F78·14 135.00 L78·15 $41.00 Included University Moll, Carbondale 11 •••. foll' .•• WESTEf'N SUlUN WEST AN UN Pag.. 8. Daily Egyptian. !IIovember 9, 1982 Women's Transit calls rise as hours expand, weather cools

Ih \li.'hl'l.. Inman hv Iht, I '11I!t'n'rarlllall' ~11I(lt-nt 10(':1\('d Iwhind :\I{':\ndrf'\\ "'rill'r "'I,dr I irgallllatinn, "ilrshall \\ ill 10., Stadiulll, ;\I'lI·shall said, T\\l1 Iillking 10 r,'sid.'nls ..I' Ih(' {'ars run lin a six-hour shifl and Th., I.'av('s an' falling. Iht' dllrmilorit,s "hnlll ('ill1'l'lI" tint' (',11' runs lin a Ihrt'(' lind ont'­ \lind IS "liming \\llh II'lIrl' ~ilh'I\'. \lhit-h int'llHlt's half hnur shift durin~ husy It'rvnr alld Ih(' air IS t'ri~p ilnd prolt:l"! iOI1 Ilf nm's.'1f a 1111 !in1l's (II Ihp ni~ht. Th('1'(' .. r(' ('old "'all is ht'rt' ,\lId \\ ith Ilus I'roll'('lilll1 "r Iln("~ """lIIgillgs sl'vt'n !Irin'rs l'lllploy('d hy Ih(' st'.. "nn t'omt'!' tht' rdu( 1'lIlt'" ..r "long \\ ilh hu: loT I., Silh'I\·. sl'rvit'f', \\ ilh Ihn'E' driv('rs ill l)('Opl., to us(' tht'ir I.'gs as a "arshilll silid. - , nnt'linlt'. \'iilhl(, mndt' nf Iransportalion ,\ \\ IIrkl'hllp .. holll Silrl'l~' Th(' St'rvi('(' lrilnspnrts pt'Oplt' "TIlt' \\ IImt'n 's Transit is 1111\\ t·III1(".'rnl' \\ ill 1>(, hdd in I h., In a ,·i1Il1PUS·hilSl't1 at'livity lIlId s(,f\'in~ ifill 10 1:1" pClssl'n~wrs a Slud.'nl ('t'nlt'r's' Iri('nl Hllom. Ii 10 Ihpir honlt's_ \\ilhin th(' t'itv lIi/!h!." I'l'ggy :\1"r"h'lll. 10 j p.m .. Thursday. linllts. "lim.hall Simi ("arPllIis t'itll1pUS saft'ty r('pr('st'ntalin', \\lInwn's Tran';l!. "hi('h is" ilt·tiviti('s Illav 111<'111111' Iht' said. parI Ill' Iht' ('ampul' Silr('I~' f.,(' J{I'('n'alinn ("t'ni.'r, th(' lihrill"\·. "It has pit'kt'd lip "in('(' Iht' hnard illld is fund,'d hv ~15 t'.'nls thl' Slud('nl ("('nlpr illiel \\ Il(l(h' 11('\\ st'h.-dul(' has 11('('n III dft,(,t nr Iht' stud.'nl ,l('li\'il\: !t'". \\O's 11 .. 11. . 1\\11 \\('l'k" ago," sh., said. IIlIt Illrnwd 10 II(; .. Iran· Transp"rlalion st'n'kl's i\l'I' Th(' ~"r\"it,(' is IIrf"n'd all hour ~pnrliltion St'f\'il'(' hul a s,Ift-ly i1lso a\',lihlhll' In nl('11 t'arlit'r now. :\I,mlh.111 Slid, ~t'rvi{'.,. :\Iill·"hilll l<.'lid, Tltl' "Tit" "ilk,,· V.III illIIl ~1'llinn h<'<'allsE' nf t h(' short('r din·s. Th(' lfilllsil dri\'('rs "ill 11111 pi('k up waj!nn sl'rn;s hlllh 11'('n a 1111 ,,('r\'i('t' I>(·gins al Ii p.n;. IInlii groups Ilf \llInwn. 1>('('ilUl't' Ih.·~, \\111111'11:' :\I .. rl'hall S'IIr1. TllI'v II,idllighl. \\ith Ih(' last {'illls arp saft, \\,llkmg "'gt,tht'r, Til.,

Rv lI.. wani ftto Sonlt' \\ould inhahit Ihis ddt'nSl' assignnll'nts. ,\nwrit',111 \P ,\rr05pace Writfl' \\l'lghUess world for !Jt'rhaps mililary analysts art' conCl'rnt'(\ years in IfII\g-lt'rm rest'an'h Ih(' station ('ould spf\'t' as it MClSHI\\ IAPI ~ The Soviet proj«'ts. Olhers would l1'an launching platform for sat('lIilt" ('nion is huilding Ihe \\orld'!' high-tllt:hnology l'onstruction (k-stroyinj! last'r \\(,3POn.<;. most powt'rful space rockE't and crews. assemhling ",aniit'd and plans tt. I~t it n('xt y('ar, ac­ unmarmt'd rockt'ts dl'Stint'd for The ('.s. ,\ir ForcE' illld .'ording to aUlhoritativt' sources thE' planets and other parts (If National '\E'ronautics imd Spat'''' ht'1'(' Tht' rock('t would ht' 1ISl'tl the solar system. ,\dministration would dt'arl" l;,,~~: Tu..... y. Nov. 9th in 198.'>10 hurl into orbit the 110- The sources, who asitt'd 10 10\·.... to build a larg(' spat·(­ Ion ('ore of a massi\'e nlannt'd remain unidentifit'd, providt'd station but lIO far havt' ret'l'ivt'd spa('t' station. tilt'se !'tatistics: It will sland .'Win an Outfit! * onl" a vagtit' l'Ommitml'nt fr')m (1 raffles durinlshow) The sources - all of them more than :MII1 fcet tall. ~ent'rat(' the" Reagan administration and involvl'd in Ihe Soviet space aboul t I million pounds (If liftoff a few million dollars to continlK' for ladies wbile it lists program - provided a rough thrust and will he able 10 hoist *'reec ...... * studies, outline. and a few details, of a nlOft' than :1410,01"' pounds into for 1 Mixed Drinks for the project that dwarfs anything oriJil. ..It would ht' nice if th... "Free HOI'S d'oeuvres' .. thai has ht'ton a~ for the Th... larlll'SI rockrt ('Vt'r NlVit'ts lauochEd one." !'aid I' .S. National At'I'OIIautin and launehPd sUc.'c.'essfully \\'3" N,\SA administrator ,tan't'!I l\t, Spac~ ,\dministralion. ,\nl\'l'iea's Saturn 5, whic.-h \\ilS "t·lI!~s. "It would proh:.hly It's not all secn!t, Scwit.>t of· retirPd after prOJN'lIinll makt' it a lot easier for us to I£l't ficials ""on't nrficiany AlIK'I'k'an aslmnaufs to the a .....head ... a('knowledl(e that they al? "toon... geIIft'_ted 7.5 "'illion developing the monster rocket. pounds of thrust and nruld 1'he timetable for the Sovit'ts' ('od.'-namE'd "n." Rut they carry more lhan :J1Il.III.' pounds big rocket, and thus its orbiting' speak openly of thE'ir ronct'pt into space. station, is by no means ironclad, for(:~lSmograd - or "I.'ily in the "The plan calls for a Sl'f'il's of and success is by no nwans skY. tt'st flights It'ading to lin assun>d. it ""uld be occupit'd year in, opt'I'ational launch of the Ilt'W \'('ar out. hy rotating crt'Ws of nrckl't aftl'l' two years, " said ~'" The Soviets havt' had ill ed i ca I researcht'rs. offic.-ial who askl'd not to be problt'ms in thE' past with a astronomt'rs, workt'rs making identifit'd. large boostE'r. Thl'ft" failurE'S in pure drugs and matt'rials. lit' said the ~oal is to launch a ,IS manv launches in the lalt' satellite rt'pairmt'n and 22t1,lIotl-pound cylindrica I 1!I6Il!' arid t'arlv 'illS fort:t'd lhl' militarv astronauts rl'Con· station in 1985 and to initiallv Hussians out of Ihe nlan-lo-tht'­ Busch. Bud. Bud light, Oly, Old Style 1I0it('rin~ thE' tl10be and nlan­ have III to 12 peoplt' on hoard. nloon ra('e \\ilh the ('nitt'll nin!!! !'pat'''' "'t'apons. l'ondul'ting scientific ,Jnd States_ f()[? !'IItIiIT 11l'l?1,..."featuring Jal:k hInIPh ~ ,"Iv.­ (6pmto2am) Don't be scared·· Tonite Be safe IXP CAl. KQnen) Transit 453-2212

"" eft·...... __ .....lIin • ...... • n ...... ~I ••ti .. ity ...... i • .u.:s- _ ...... ic. - Sun4ey ...... ,._y .~-~

A Safety Message from the Undergroduate Student Organization's Student. Welfare Commission, and the Campus Safety Fee Boord, ALEXANDER TECHNIQUE

A Method of Mind and Body integration. The Well ness Center presents Robert Resnick

Learn the proper way to: sit stand move Following this workshop, appointments \) will be made for private demonstrations ~

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11 ~ 7-9pm ~, ~ OHIO ROOM-STUDENT CENTER ~ Studen's l'O~'agf' aeros. lakf'. in r------~------~ homemade boat.

Boats madt' from pl:n\"Ood. plastic foam. ~lIeks and gallon jugs, among other things. were usl'd to cross Little Grassy and D~'virs Kitchen lakes over Ihe \\t't'kend. It wasn't a iow·budget, , DO IT ypURSELFERS \H'ekend tr:.l\·e\'kage. but a ~t'rious d'.'sign project com­ plt'ted by ~I ~tudents in Design III:! dasse~ tauj!ht h~' Rlehard SAVE 30% :\reht'T and Da\'I" Prall...... Get your TOYOTA ready 1"~ Studt'nls \\l'rt' red to bP less than waworthy during a wppkpnd projnt for a in Marion Dial; 993·2183 Design 10% class. t:ll",'pn boats finishf'd, In Carbondale Dial; 5:29·1161 For some there was grt'at rt'lief in eompleting tht' project. There was a flurrv of acth'ltv to using padlockt'd sheds to store ,\reht'r said, Rut he noted that CJ _- 'l':O~6tDL'.O·~t@!lla~·~a_- ~o TOVOTA,f'!1MI;,~)l tri') ~ ri'i:" their l'rt'ations. I ert'att' sailing designs. Somt' some studt'nls who have students guarded their dt'signs "It's the kind of thing that ('ompl('ted the project once ~ ~l!!··.·· and eventual constl'u{·tion b ... makes war huddit's out of you." have returned to try it again. I MMcc.pats

Big. ~------~~ Delicious, ...·"-_M ...... •• Double Beet A~NUALTURkEYTROT Patty, (3-mile Cross Country Run on the SIUC Campus) PAPA BURGER, for small fries, Men and Women anda Sunday, November 1", 3:00 p.m. regular root beer. ....u: AU SlUC students (except intercollegiate cross country team members) and all faculty/staff/spouses with current SRC Use Pass or S3 entry fee. ~ "" Sign up with lOot SRC Info. Desk by 2:00 pm Sat. 11/13, PAPA BURGER SPECIAL or sign up at site (Arena ~) by the 3:00 pm start. Course description/maps evailable at SRC Info. Desk. ".6t. popl "-TOIMNAMINt IMITINO: t:...... 11/1,•• t .... Only after ~ pm GoH~hN""""'r Ea.t of the University Mall 549·()oU2 ::~:::dStY/J""""" Page 10, Daily Egyptian. lIOovember 9. 1982 At 36, mom finth joy from h:er baby Printing Plant 3C COPIES .. Ollfttn'ghl SfJr¥'ce •• Ih' Kpllv R~ silldrnt' WritPI' • Pia," whIte paper • TWO top Quality copIes .. other paper machines· 3 clerks at addItional charge What do Jill ('Jayhur!fh. for faster se""ce ,l:ldvn Smith and [)orolhv • AI! sales tax • Multf·page Oflglna:s {;ilr~'kv han' in common'~ Tht> I nc I udeCt. I always -aid, 'Oh no, there's no wa\'.·" Tb, B,. Rib grll (;ar~k\' is not alune in' tht' (',llt'!!ory of womt'n who arf' ,1It1 II",b ",,,t '1.8$ rt'l'onsidt'ring the id .. a of molhering. In the l'nitt'd Stat~. 't.oo thert' has been a 1;;.2 pt'rcent n~l' in the birth rate of womt'n F",. JII;e., liMN"" \\ ho WE're once thought to be ", ,.", ,lightly beyond thE'ir optimum PIIfriI, chlld·rearing years - thE' 211· 10 H·\"('ar olds. D,"~" ':Wht'n I took m\' son to first "'''fJIIfF,;'SIf grade ...\' .. ryone thought that I • $." SfJ..4S4I ".."" \\ as his sistt'r. :\ow, when I takE' Illy dau!!hter to sehool. th ..y'll thmk that I'm hE'r !frand· III (Ith .. r. " (iarskv said. In Time' :'tlaj!azine, \\ashin!!ton child psychologist lIorothy (~arsky holds :l-month-old Sarah :\tcQuarrieo. ! 'arlolta Mil~ said that she s~ tht' shift toward maturE' English. is t('mporarily leaving child." (iarsky said. She 5_ wht'n they're teenagers are was important to their consideration when deter· CortIor'IdOIe It 62Q0' missing out on life. This type of relationship. mining risk, O'8-451·35QS situation is not good for "1 felt that it was important ."1 didn't have any problems (·hildren." (iarsky said. for us to have at least one child. With my pregnancy. In fact. I DIIIVI·IN HOUIIt: L0a8Y MOUltS: "Children of people in their 30s although this wasn't a major didn't go to the doctor until I Mon,.Thur, 8:00·4:30 Mon.·Thur. 9:00,":00 concern of Don's. j was afraid. are better adjusted," was seven months pregn.tnt." Fr:doy 8:OC·6:OO Friday 9:00·6:00 (iarskv. who did graduate though. that he would decide said (iarskv. who "doesn't Sat. 8:00·12:00 Sat. 9:00·12:00 work on·h.. r master's degree in later in his life that he wanted a belit've in doctors."

THE GREAT TUESDAY MASSACRE Dance The Night From 9:00 to 10:00 Away With MAD DOG 75¢Quarts! GRAYSON 25. Drafts! and ALL NIGHT LONG WIN WIN WIN WIN 4S40rafts LUNCHES~ 75. Speedrails ATJMcFLYS .$1.25 Quarts JACKET, QUARTSANO WITH THE PURCHASE SPEEORAILS OF AN ENTREE FROM ...vw.oc ...... OUR MENU. LADES MAV ...... CHOOSE A STRAWBERRY In , .... Dance Contest WHAlED CREAM CREPE TONIGHt and Every OR A Fr~ZEN STRAWBEImV Tuesday Night! DAIQUIRI AT NO ADOITIONAl CHARGE MIOfMIIt _ .. ..ow'S Frlzln .Sf.. _,., D.~.iril ·1.00

...JIT to ,.. ftOUDAy."MIMI .. CiIIIIIO'IIIMII I!!!!! Daily Egyptian. November 9, 1982, Page t1 WF-: H.-\\,F-: ,\ larg.. , unfurni~hed ~79 OPEL, GAS SAVER. 4 FOR RENT two Iwdrgmn at ChaUlau'lu," Apts cvlinder. automatic tran.~missi(>n. ·fnew tires and batterv. pl(cellent \:~~P~~:nP~~~el'd ~,"~~t'n~~la~~~, conditio,,_ Leaving the country Apartment. monthly ~:!!I-IRfIl ;111 liP. .. ,,9 :~ ~.~ht!WJ~~~15'\~~'a~ Rill):'>! H~-ln~:... (·Y f~!r LEWIS PARK :\P,\RT:'>IEST One 0'1-: 1977 DATSCl" KISGc;bpick-uP~~' ~~~~~ I~'::I~'hi~k;11~o~~!~:!t~,51;~" ~;:!:":'~~r S'D~1~1sehaf:,! ~:~~5 ;ml,Ra>ll ~:~~:'>1-nl casscttc7~1:i w;~tts. call now. 549-fi21~~~~~~ Sl'BLF.,'-S-E-- &. S,H'R IFICE 1 months rt'nl. QUIet. dean. fur­ 2 BEDROOM USFl'R:'IIlSHED nrshed. 2 blocks b .. hind I{(>c Motorcycle. CASH Dl·I'I.F.X and furnrshed apart­ Centl'r 1 or 2 roommatE'S ean rent m(>nts. waler included. no .P..f'IS In bed. halh. Ih' . and krtcht'n for 5820 19110 HONDA CMT 200 Must sell, ...... apartments. 529-1735. "57-::~'Ba69 for one s(>m eS ter. phiS depOSIts. Excellent condition only 51100 ...... monthly wat(>r. and elpctrrc ...... AUIft miles. With 550 nt'''' cover and ------RPf"fe ""ov, I~. Call54!1-68~&.2Bafil 1265. til, "9·8495 n~o BEl-ROOMS. LOVf:LYarea. ~::re~ a'~s~~L~'; Call ~~:'f~6( carpel. drapes etc. Available Janua.· n' 1 5.120. CouplE'S·graduates F.f"FIClE:\CY AP,\RT:'>lESTS only 457-71148. 1169548a70 A\, ,\ ILARLE for rl'nl Immedlalely ------INSURANCE LOOKISG FOR A pi Ice to rent~ (Fa iI14~;~{,~:~~~~1~~'m 7~'~':'Ja~~ Low Motorcycle ...... Let Hompfinders do the work fOf ....."... \'011 at no "harltc' Call 529-5252, Sl-RU:T ST._\RTJ:liG DEC!'::'>l­ AIM ALL AVAILA.LE AT t"li\'ision of m ....lprich Rt'al Estate. HER 1st.. 2 bt'droom spml­ ...... AUDIO--­ INCIALIITI B69188370 furm~hed .•'It'Ctric heat. (', mIle ...... & ... 126 S. til. 549·8495 :\1l·RPHYSROI{O. COZ.... FIVE ~~~ .:;~~r;~:;n l~~tll aUll,~~5~~70 foom. MIt' bt'droom apartment AYALA INS&ItANCI SF.,\SO;l;I':O I-"!RI-:W{)OD. Oak and Stained giass .... indows. Old· Jlickorv. large. Pick up loads fashioned kilcht'n "Ith modern • 5'-4123 delin'rro.5.'10 98.')4fi54. ti924:\f69 ~~~~:~en~~~ra~~~ S!J"O~~I~aS~?'; Hou ••• ~Tl-RD';;- (iAK--Bl:~'-KBE-D-:-m. A\'.-\IL:\HLE :-';IIW EXTRA nice 1!li4 HII:\O ..\ :~')O SI:'IOGL~ cylindt'r apprt'Ciale call687'I77~B6!149Ba57 52'.1-91:19 i04IMtH In campru. 3 and ~ b<.-drooms 4-~tfoke \"t'ry dept'ndable. - ---_.. n""e _- Furnrsht'd. no pets e.;noomicaJ transportatron. $450. Sl'BLETTI:-';(; 1 BlWIWO;\1 ~H!I~:!26Bbfi6 529-2449 illi J,\ ("51\ ~~~~·~~~~~~u~;~~~ 5.~. ~~~"s $i:cl ,\I'·\HT:\IEST for Spring fan $8. 549--II:!1I afll'r 5:00. 7027~f5j Sl'me~ter. Walking distancp to liSE' B~:DRO():\ll·:'IO.TRSISHED __ I E.tat. 19T."'ICH --C()L(.R--T~--S250. campus.l·all aflt'r!lpm. 54~~'61 nn GIanI Citv Rd .. duse 10 mall Panasonic cassette record player ----- Carpeted, A-t ~:I~~_~IR~~ stefro $125. vacuum cleaner $I~. COl:NTRY PARK :'>I ..\:'IOOR now TW() PEOPLt; 1IOEED onp more FOR SALE 529-3ilIO. 710lAftil for Ihree bedroom housp Heat and :~l~~~ t~~~~r~~~:m~ff~~:~~o water included. furnished, Located U SEDHOTPO-1S T and 5.100. Call ;;29-17-41. 9-5 Mon-Fri. near YMC'\ $150 mo. each, 457- REFRIGI':RATOR: Older model. B697I1Ba71 -13:1-4. 6!N2BbiO Automoltll.' but reliable: over 12 cu. ft, 1973 V, W, Sl:PERBEETLE. ("OMPLETELY RE;\IODELED storage: 29',wll63'.hll25d. LE-WisPARK Sl"BLETOne TJlRl':F.-bedroom home adjoinmg bedroom unfurnh.;hed. available rebuilt engine. good condition. ~fr~~_3~kS40, Cash. no ~J;:,\~5iI f.~~r~~¥.-\I~~lue~Rt~~pdro~~· $1600 or bt>st offer 529-5651 folf course i.n Anna. Rpduced to Dec. 17·:'>!ay 17 QUlct location, 529- furnished house. 11." bathes. aIr. fiifi6Aa5i 25.11011 for qUIck sale. 1-8.:i~J57 264111. 697 .. B357 carport. absolutely no pets. 2-mlles ------west of Carbondale Ramada Inn on ------~ FF.:'>l:\LE WANTED TO sublease 25 percent RETURN OS $310011 Electronla (lId Rt. 13 West. Call6ll-4--4145, mvestment plus tall, shelter, ':AJW !:~!;:;~r~~~i~h~d~~1 fg0~ ~~::;ft R611-46BbjO ~..:~n~~'f~'i-:&~i~:: ca~rx~~' plus utilities, Call45i ·88!I8i;gggBafill FIVE BEDROOM. SPLIT level. 2 car gara3,e. den .. familv room. 7? VW Bl'G-V G, interior-ellterior. Rebuilt ('ngine. Ha\'e to sell' EAR:-.I WHILE yOU learn-this O'-Wlll...... ~~~~:rhY ~~~,!.n ru~~~~~,;~, A."kmg SI:!.'i41 Ph ~9-3Ii66, __ cozv rt'modeled home has a 6978Aaa, separate upstairs apartm~t that S10S.U~ty makt'S you $ while you enJoy no .... Iopar...... tvtoft.""'-'d (Hoe...-.c;IflFofI. Spr,,. FOl"R·WUEELER·SDELIGHT' -- -.~ .. _.------Tucked a ... ay and secluded in the morp rent paym.ents, ~all :H9--IO!I1 .,,. -.,,... 1.174 "'IAT 1211 SEDAN. red. new .. ,­ boonres for prlvacv :'liP,.. 3 tires. fe .. Iransmassian. :'100 rust. ~L~tails on hnancrng~~~~ .,., l"odI,trQfftwm~...... e SlIOO. 457·8'.15:! after 5 pm. fi9R2Aa;;7 ~~~::: f~ar~ho:s~a :p1ucej ------rents~ :H9-38:JO. 70J7Bb58 1975 HO:\DA ("[VIC automatic. ~EWTHREE BEDR()(»lhouse. Heavilv insulated. wall to wall carpl'ting. new applianc~. craw! ~'l'RNISHED 1 BEDROOM house. ~kmf:~¥cio o~~t o~~:~ J~~: $150.011. also IOlGO Trailer, SIIO.OO. 7003Aa58 ~~:ct':ta~a'::" ~n.:!ir: w~t 2!t ~~ ~w;~~ut~~~~ ;;1. Ni~~t59 CHEVY-IMPALA.--cAR. Carbondale. $48.900. 687~3Ad!i9 BONDALE. \967. 350. good con­ dition. 2. new tires. radiator. Pets & Suppll. Ml'RPHYSBORO. FIVE ROOM. brakes. Am-1m. must see. best orrer, ,\fter 5.457-5:1';0. 7006Aa58 GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUP­ ~~V'~nlra~:'~::ZOO tf;~&~ Mo.... Ho..... PIES. AKC rt'gistered. Ellcellent NICII..aIIOOM ------hunting dogs and pets. Call 457- Pl'RCHASE YOl'R OWN 12x50.2 79\-4. i046AhIiO APT. C... toee...... bedroom Mobile Home for as low .US ...... as $2995 with as low as S254.75 AQl'ARIU~iS. MURPHYSBORO_ :'>1l'ST SELL 1:,>t:\IEDIATELY. down. See our disiliav ad in Sft-1.2 COUNTRY HOME. 2-3 bedroom. 4 !...~(l:;:JsA'A(~hd sm:r:J ~~~~~IS miles .... est of sm. Large cwntry ~~!ts$r~O~bS;:U~II~~';.2~ ~~t!~1e·\to'l,11:~~~~. ~g:{Ji plies, Beckman's ~o .• 20 N. lit.. after" p.m 7034Aa5i Jlighwa) 51. :H9-3000, B6650Ae60"n~~Iec:fI ------~1I. B700IAh74 6IW-5:i26 after I pm. 7057Bb65 DATSl'!II. 8-210. 1976, Good con­ 5Ox(0 2 BEDROOM. $2200. $.wo dition. For Sale or Irade for pick­ down. payments .$63 mo. for 3 :\1l'RPHYSBORO, TWO up. 1-988-8:.'U3. 7037Aa57 years. Located In small tree shaded court bv Fred's Dance Blcyc'" ::e~~~!ths:,:rm~f: ~~. TOYOTA COROLLA '76, Very Bam. Finl':.cing -guaranteed. :H9- LADIES SCHWINN LETOUR 10 IIOYAL .NlALI deposit. no pets. 687-l289i17067Bb4iO 8221. B679iAe64 speed. used 1 summer only. SI,50. EFF.APTS. ~oe~e~~~~~~e' i~~~¥;U~Jd~ pllone.f57-5256or529-I380_ 6976AI60 miles. 52100. ;)29-3394. i0i8Aa60 12x56 2-BEDROOM mobile home. Fumished, ole, co",-' THREE BEDROO~I ONE block f!e:anmc~~pl~~~~';'~~1iIIIC'ose BICYCLE BUILT FOR two. Good $170.00 Monthly ~~a:rt:-\:~ailable ~B",I 1979 DATSl:N 280ZX. automatic. condition. 1-!11I8·8203. 7038Ai57 .57-..22 deluxe interior. low mileage. fHnAe60 HOPETS ellcellent condition. :H9-55;)o SCHWINN LETOUR I0-5PEED. COBDEN-BEST PLACE in coonty. B7055.-\a65 TIRED OF SEEING junk~ Real nice 12x60. 2 bedroom. air. best ::l!dg~:c&~'Av~t i~~es ~~l:: LARGE UNFURNISHED 2· ~r::s.~~:~tt~'tie:.n~~ ~~3 V, W, 1973 BEAl'TIFl'L RED offer over $5.250, 5-f9-8029. i021Ae64 BEDROOMS. 1 block from cam- refrigerator . Full basement. Lmcoln Continental hood, trunk ~~ wheels. new tires. S~Jrsa washer and dryer, Serious grill. S2,*95. 687-WS2 or684;'~~-\a62 !!.u~iat'!3y. rs;t~~~~~r~. im· ~~nts only. S200 mont~~09oB':?i BY OWNER - 12x55 Oakbrook. 2 7107Ba76 bedrooms. AC. clean. good con­ 1977 MALIBU CLASSIC. good dition. $3.995. Call 867-2-416 or 867- ...... condition. 60.000 mIles, :'>!ust sell :1106. 7006Ae59 ...... 52100 or best offer. 457 -8i36. r_..... ' ____/efIc:8I.NIIwJvt'"~ -'" 7062Aa61 TWO BEDROOM, PARTLY """'-""-,c-.- Molin. Home. ,,..­ 1973 CHEVROLET CAPRICE ~~~h:5~~~~OOO and ':fiO"k~:;4 ,... - ...... f'YIIA", ~;l~, ~.j~~ 7~~esaft~~e ~n:;ti°onn 1: ....."...... c ...... ".s .... tmo. weekends. 7063A36O ,... ,.,.., Mlscellaneou...... ;;:J~Xg: As;;~f.~:t:~11~f: FOR JUST OVER S3,OOrwr day. SAVE-5AVE WINTER contracts wilb black interior, $3700, "57-5334 at reduced ratcs_ one and two after 6:00, 7065Aa60 ~i~ ~{y ~wS~~:' ':~~I ~y~:: MuslGlI =19~ quiet. well ma== 1978 SUBARU DL four door sedan. ~i1n~~~~ n:.:1:r~:~r ~n~~ excellent condition. $2650 must Cobden area. phone 1-833-2257 for SOUNOCORE-PA REST.US " COUImIY PA_ MANOII sell, Call 529-4048 anytime. further information. 66I1Af57 i068Aa60 ~~i~~to~~~a~~E';;:~~: ~all now renting unfurnished USED BICYCLES AND 687-"758, 6638A1L'i8 afficiencies, 113 bedroorns.. 1978 LIMITED EDITION V. W Refrigerators for sale. 516 South 516O,51701S300. Scirocco •. Sidewinderll·'. Rawhngs. 549-2454. B6i2iAC62 WANTED: KEYBOARDIST FOR loaded~ Must sell. $-1000, Call 52§. rock group; good vocals a must. C.11.29-1741 DlSCOUST HOl'SISG- SA\OE $30. 506.... 7106A366 We liave equIpment ~ Or lead ... MOM ..... YOVNG'S NEW A:-.IO USED vocahst with gOOd stage presence. Q:e~~30w~lr ~i~~'rn~~~ :~~1i Call :H!H708, 69!IOAn57 park. 529-15:19. 698iBc72 IS IT TRljE you can buy j~ for ~~~~~ ~:e ~~isf~c~~~:r~. 683IAf65 ------"'4 through the U. S. Govern- 10 YEAR OLD .. Conn" trumpet C'DALE TRAILER FOR rent l:SED FURNITURE, CAR­ well kept. few dents, Oil. liar. case 1OX55 2-bedroom. Good condition. ;~1-m-~:1 ~:,.f~. todaJ7k~~7 and hom. $225. Daye. :H9-Ii207. Very. very reasonable. Call 867- BONDALE. buv and sdl. Old RI. 13 7l00Anjil west. turn souih at Midland Inn 229:1. 70198c57 I!I67 FORD MUSTANG. 6 cyl-3 Tavern and g03 miles. :H=Af!i'1 ~~~

WAREHOl'SE SPACE FOR l'anoe. boat and trailer.SI(}·monlh. I Tharp Properties. 68-1·627-l ..---_6968E59 FREEBIES "-lICE 1-4 wide. 2 ...... "..,.",and~lcApn. CouNeI", I FREE· In:Al'TlFL'L FLlJFFY bedrooms. carpt'led. air. fur· _lab and -.h protocaI aimed ... ~l!~~~f a~~tt~e~7ra~~df~~ir~lih: at undoorslanding !hot behaviotoI and m. 7022;1;58 ~1:~:ed·J~~9110catlOn. Bn~~~ phvstoIagocol rnechan...,. """Iying • ,roa".11att on 549-'~:;9 obesoty and the "9I1aticn cA~ * Wei~ Control THREE BEOROOM. EXTRA Mnmum ~ifications: B.S. ,n Boo- * Nutrition ! RIDERS WANTED 1ngica15c ...... or Psychology. plus ... :~:~~~~'. ~f~~~~\~:~r~~h~90bus MCJrd> ••_ with animals. *Exerri~ RIDE' . THE STl'DE:'oiT Transit: 69098c58 ra-m Asooc:_. Responsobilmes in· ----.-~--- -- WeI~Cent8r 5125 FOR VERY NICE two voN. the studv cA rned>an;.m, cA ab­ ,...... , J~)!,~~h~:e\~ndndD~~~~t~b~ri~:;'~ esitv and nogulotion cA app.tile in non· :!pm. r!'turns Sundav's Just over 5 ~r~~:::ga~~:.~~~~s heat hunG> ptimoIes. Minimum qualifi. hours to Chicagoland Only ~5 75 1:,\ 7016Rc58 cations: Ph.D. in~DI'BooIog­ TYPI:,\G: EXPERIE;I;("ED roundtrip For resen-allons In· ical5c_: badcgrourd 'n~. most formats The Offil'e. -l09 W formallon phone 52!.·1862 :'>Iain 51. 5-t9-:1512. 705llE'-4 TWO BEDROOM 12x60. has O!W. ~ and reIotwdcMcipl .... ~~:n-;~t\~n~tTv~~~ secured66.~~; natural gas· heat. At Southern ~. Mobile Park. No pets. 529·1 ~22. FOR SPRll'IG SEMESTER in nice ""'" for _ positions to Margot PRI ANT 87029BC59 ~;! ~1:~a~~ocn":n!~~C:r~~~7 1iorGidcs. GraduaIe School call a.IITH.IGHT COMFORTABLE TWO month. ('all 457·5227. 70S3Be60 Fr.. pregnancy testing ••••••••••• • confidenfi.,1 as'5j,1once :1~~.~~d~~. ~~~ ~~~~4 OVERSEAS JOBS. Sl:MMf:R· L~~~r~ ~ct-2~home~~I~~ year . round. Europe. South _t'.!:r-- / AVAILABLE AFTER DECEM· America. Australia. Asia. All ...... ;~~" BER. 15, 12x50. two bedroom, new ~=tr:.sM;'~.With 3 gir~~9 ~ .•·'2 .....--­ ~i~~i S~~;.!!2~fo ~r~~~~c ~~~~t~re L::~e ca:~te'!Je.!:s~~ FEMALE TO SHARE one 90x S2-vtl. Corona DelMar NEED VISA' MASTERCARD' (~j required. Located at Paradise California. 92625. 7048C74 Everyone eligible. Fees and Acres. ~g.5.'i.'i(). B~~ ~~:~r~~'S~u:~lInSt~- savangs account reqUired Free details. Box ~i. Carbondale. IL \~\~ /~ 62901. .61815-49-8217 anvtime FREE ~~~ti:S. ~n ~~~~~~~fl~~ ---...... OItCAIN 543-33%I.exl. %S8 as~ for Diana. Nat'! Ir..... 1 co .... reps to ..U . 70s1E7" DURING NOVEMBER ~eep tryIng! . 70668e6:; Iravel on ca",puI. Reply 10 Campus LAST MONTH'S RENT TWO ROOMMATES NEEDED to Tr..... l. P.O. lox 11387 51. Louis. WANTED "uLaver. (,.,.,,1983) share four bedroom. beautiful Mo. 63105 Hap", Birthday + 2 home ~'! ~orthwest side. S122.50 RROKE:'\ AC'S or running. We 2 bedroom Mobile Homes. love "a LOUER· rt~~~t_%~~. Available D~:r~ pick up. Call 5-49-8243 00-"'- for cash' furn .. a/c. anchored. 6709F60 VER LOUER! J.A.P. underpinned 5145 MONTH. TWO bedroom. 50xI0 MALE ROOMMATE NEEDED for located behmd Fred's Dance Bam. 12x5O-$}35.00 mo. BASSIST SEEKI:-4G PLAYERS ~~U!~rl~~~::1:' ~~~. of rent for Rock·and·Roll Intl'rpsted 12x52·S1~O.OOmo ~~\~§. a: ~~W~~~k1:J:.r:;i5e~t 86944('70 NoPe's month. Call Todd or Dave. 529- P;~~~.:ti~~S. ~"LW~ S~~am~/ -4978. i099Befi6 Carbondale. . 71081"61 H.4PPV BIImIDAY IO!.~ I!!!!,ALS ONE MALE ROOM)IATE needed EMPLOYMENT WANTED LOST DELORES JEAN 12x60 2 or 3 BEDROOMS, fur­ ~f.",~~r~n~~:~~~i, I:~th~c:!~' mshed .. cal'J)eled. AC. anchored. COLLEGE STUDENT WANTS underpinned. Sorry, no j!ets. 5.."9- ~m~~ t~:~i~~ I~~':.t;-: !!i~~a~~~ part-time work: Int.erior and 3:131 after -4 pm. B7056Bc65 others. Rent. $110 a month. Call exterior painting. Insulation 529-5172. 7095Be63 garage cleaning. yard war!,. Cal j -157-5129 between 8-noon. Ask for MOiiu'* S.NGlERATES ROOMMATE NEEDED. SPRING George. 7058060 *HOMfS AVAILABLE semester. Apartment. close to GREE;I; B.-\CKP.-\CK WITH im­ pnrlanl notes :'\0\' 4. Wl'stridge "-I--:~ FREE bus to SIU campus. Low rent. Phone 5-49-0000. DrIve. Tower or Chautaqua Road . I 2 or J 71J9.1Be65 SERVICES OFFERED area. Reward. 529-19%. .072G58 T··~l ItMrooma ROOMMATE FOR SPRING -:"'"'- $100.$260 ,semester. :\JobiJe home quiet TYPISG. FAST. ACCl·RATE. I:>; AG Bl·ILOI;I;G· Prescription glasses. rose frame. photogrev ~leMalllIe...... !~::~~n5.f~I~~ocksfrom~oo.!l~ !'n~eJ:"l~lf~~i~ge.!Nl~n~k lenses :'I;eed desperately Reward Call Georgt'lle: 5-t9·6!189. 7081lG59 North Hwy5' 1 __..... _------GILBERT BOLE:'oi Fl'R:>;lTrRE I Nt-a. Duple__ Repair. Modern and antique ALWAYS lOVE VA, furniture repaired and restored ANNOUNCEMENTS :\ll'RDALE HOMES. 2 bedrooms, COBDEN-AFFORDABLE. with custom made~rts. Over 30 ANDREW " mile W or :\Iurdale Shopping CLEAN. quiet neighborhood. One Center. 2 miles to campus or bedroom. refrigerator. stove. t~~f!~~e~:~f~~~' Lesll18~~' downtown. no highwav or railroad ~~rbi~: Ja;i;r;titesR:~~a:,~~i&f SO-O-T-M-A-G-IC-(,-H-IM:,\E-'Y-~-'e:K- H.", 21st 8-0., lf~~~ ~~~~iS::'~.~~~~::e~ !ia: car. SI35 a month. sll'el cables. underpinned. -large ______893~709IBf61'....;;;.,;,;,;;,.;..;;.;.;;.;...1 ~i~e-a:;!r~:~!~~mi~fd~rs66i3E59 IT'S THE O:-4L Y Bodv vou'lI ever fltWsay ~~·n:h::i::~tl~~.~~1m~~hJag: ~~~'BT{6~! MiX; 1a~~':~O:r~': QB" .... 5-49-70.'19. B70IlB.:76 Wanted to Rent HELP FOR RAPE Victims, their families and friends. Counseling RESPONSIBLE STl'DE:>lT ~a~:Ss~tr:.tcl~~~f.;. a~~~cs·t~~h FOIlSKINS FOOTIAU K :r.NTALI and infonnation on medical. police ~: 15 and f:oo classes. Call Fran NEEDS furnished room in house and legal procedures. 2~ hours 529- TEAll. •• '0& 12 wide for Spring. Close to campus. 529- 2 Ores ~9·7600. 6883.15. Air Condition & Natural gas %78. Ask for Tom. 7079Bg58 reiier~at:rb!~~~~~' . WsQe~:in~: Y", tfwt'1,.. Southern Illinois Communities for HOT WAX FOR Winter car care. $15_ up-Country Living Foaming Brush Car Wash ne"t to 9 years. 6210E59 Denny's Restaurant. 6993.172 S,." Slditt/ 5 mil .. W. on Old 13 Molal Ie Home 6a.t.2330-617.,. TYPI:>lG SERVICE .. HAI'W ''''''MY Lot. l\!FRPHYSBORO. TWelve years XXOOMLK 12 WIDE. TWO bedroom. fur· nished. carpet. AC, gas. no pets. SPACIOllS NEW SHADY lots in t~~!~e::~h 'l~~lua1~SSs~~~?~s ~!~5:r:lt':r~~. availabl:;'I~~l:o t~a =~~ ~~isr.me7~:~· ~f:'~~~~{.6~ andB~Ji;:&S: SLA doesn't only stand for Student Life Adviser. It HElP WANTED ~:J!,j~~f!~~~:'cl:~hi~~~~~t stands for 1uperic;r leader. structlon. alterations an!! in­ ship ~bilities, ond a whole Room. structions. 529-3998. 6720E61 lot more! KING·SINNMUTEL. 825";' Main GRADUATE ASSISTANT to the PAINLESS DISSERTATION?! - Cable TV tter. resume. name. address. anct STAMP AUCTION: SL'NDAY. Tuesday. Nov. '. 7pm Nov. 14 at 1:00, Student Center Thursday. Nov. 11. 7pm ~~(:urI\Y, 716 S. t:~~~~-i ~.:el:~~~~~ °M~s~a~~Wo'i: !.aJlro~~nAsi:,an\. ::s7!a~s ~nd Trueblood Hall (Weslmare Room) Gr~ory. Associate. Ombudsman. ~"'ot>ing asst'rtive, shE' said. said. WhE'n a bulimie ft'E'ls dost' ilgilin. It·s Similar til cream. sidt', hotelling said. "or slJ('h a pt'rson, consuming to a binge. Hoteling said hE' or akoholism. YE'I akoholi('s (',on ThE'n they may gE't sick on A IE'lltale sign of a binger is large quantitiE's of food l'an shl' should find anothE'r wa\' to ~top drinking: hlllim it's ('"nnot command, Without even putting weight gain. which happE'ns to rt'pnsent pushing something fill that t'motion .. 1 lTa\·ing.- stop E'ating. sin('E' nutritIOn a finger down their throats. hullimics who don't consistt'ntl\' dl'eper in. or stiOing a longing. would 11(' shllt off 1'h,' hulimi("s Kathy flotE'lling counsels a rid th('mst'!ves of l'alories - Ft't'lngs of suppr('ssion and OftE'n the nE'l'd stems from ('hallE'ngE' to E'at normally i1' .1 group of people in Carbondale The extent of mmiting after alienation may preeeed Ihe lonliness. she said. so ('alling a great nne. but \'ery posslhlt· if who have this disordE'r. known binges varies. "It can occur disordE'r. yet thl'se feelings lirE' friend Olav alleviatE' desires t(l bulimics can gt·t m touch \nth as bulimia. Bulimia often in­ am'where from oncE' a w('('k to magnified as binging persists, binge. Or' thE' neE'd may bE' a what thl'y'rE' rt'all~' sl·,-klng or volves food binges ('ombined six or se\'en times a day." Ilott'lling said. Working w:th a physil'al one. in whieh easE' supressing, shE' said with self-inducE'd vomiting or HotE'lIing said. OIh('r ways l'('ounselor may provide the activity to countE.'ract E'lI.­ binges can be termmatE'd in- privacy some peopll' nf'f'd to tremely high intakes of c1udt' slt·(,p. social interrt>ption. begin ('xposing latE'nt ('motion calories. Vomiting aHer binges or abdominal pain. R'lt for a n(,\H'omt'r to is the most common: bulimia is Although thl' buliJtlic is not counseling. being wilh others known as thE' "hinge-purge nl'c('ssarily preocupi('d \\ ith who share th(' sam(' pt'culiarity svndrome." losing weight. many bulimil's provldt·s a trememdously -The bulimic may spE'nd SIIlO a are \'ery concerned with losing supportiH' E'm'iromE'nt, shE' week on food, especially on such wl'ight and therE'fore may said. Within such a group items as bread and SWE'E'ts. said vomit. use sE'\'erely rE'stril'tive feelings of alienation ('on­ Hotelling. Such high-calorie. diets. di('t pills, laxativt·s or eerning the disorder should be easily ingested food is l'on­ fasting. lessened. she said, so that !!roup sumed in "usuallv less Ihan two ThE' only provE'n physical mE'mbE'rs mav focus on other hours:' according to a medical damage from the di~ordcr in- aspects of their personalitiE'S. report. voln's disintcgration of tooth HotE'lIing said bulimics are plaquE' from contact With vomit. SincE' somt' hulimies may not usually aware thE' al'ti\'i!y is flotelling said. And although it hE' able 10 find l'ounSl'ling, or abnormal and fl'ar hE'in~ found hasn't I>t>cn proven. she thinks feel unable to go, talking to 11 Ollt. Bulimics oftE'n insist upon inl·es.... 1nt use of laxatives may friend is highly rE'commE'ndE'd. dining alonE', fearing that cause jowls. . flotE'ling said. She said it's friE'nds will hE'eolTlE' awa:-e of Since bulimia is a hE'ttl'r that the\' confidE' in how much Ihey E'at. Hott'lling psycological disorder, Jlotl'lIing peoplE' thl'Y trust and fal'e said. and othE'r counselors are most possible shock. than to eontinuE' This sE'lf-impost'd sodal eoncl'rnE'd with the rE'asons bottling t'motion inside and risk alienation can multiply s~'mptoms are manifcsted. more anguish. pyehological prohlE'ms. They focus on changing ~'Ople's Hotelling said. yet fE'ar of E'X­ minds about themselves. rathE'r If bulimics absolutE'lv cannot posure may outwE'igh dE'sire for than on ehanging eating pat­ talk tc anvonl' about thl'ir inlt'raction, at I('(lst within terns. shE' said. problem. th~y net'd to bE'eome situations invol\'ing food. Hotel/ing said wht'n sonwllne more aware of the disorder by City sets goals to help disabled

'h- Ja('k \\'allact' among tht' t.8.'511 Community program going in Carbondale." Stan Writf'r Partnt'rship ('ommittN's she said. throughout the l:nited StatE'S. The Community Partnership Congress and Pn'sidE'nt The National Office on Committee will bE' responsible Reagan have declared 19k2 the Disability, a private, tax­ for implementing goals set by National '(par of Disabled exempt organlzation. is an International Yl'ar of the Persons. ('ommllnitit.'S al'ross ~ponsoring the aw'lrds. llisabled task foree in J9ftJ and the l'nited States art' hE'ing Hil'hard :\,mni, a ('ounst-Ior ill approved by the City Council in t'ncouragE'd to form Community Ihe (,arbondale St'nior ('jtizl'ns' r\ugUSt. PartnE'rship Committf'f's and C('ntl'r, said hE' "hopE'S the city the city of Carbondale is doing wil\ do t'ver~·thing possible to Just that. E'nhance the quality of life for ----~- ,_.

~------~-. :\ I:! mt'mbE'r stct'ring people with disabilitit'S of any ------_....__ A ______-- ._ eommittt'l' has bet'n formed to kind." set goals and objectives for the :-en Community Partnership for the "very helpful in promoting =§j'THE BEST' DEAL IN TOWN' • Disablt'd. which will bE' formed things senior people can do on The Franklin Ace 1000 at its next meeting. set for 7 eampus. Thl'Y make it con­ p.m. Dec. 2. ducive for our senior people to You iust can't beat an ACE. Especially the Franklin C1evt'land ~Iatthews. the go out ar,..i also give them ticket ACE 1000, It's the profesSional personal computer city's affirmative al·tion officE'r. discounts," with all the trump cordi-it costs less than the said he "doesn't want the public Sammye Aikman, city council Apple II, and it includes 64K of RAM, upper and to get the idea this is a city ml'mbE'r and liason at the government project. We hope m('eting, an increased lower case capabilities, a numeric pad and to get the whole city involvE'd." awareness of the special needs visicalc keys. At the suggestion of Don of the handicapped has led The Franklin ACE l0Q0.price, power, quality, Dalessio, a steering committee communities to set goals to member. the committee plans address these issues and reliability-the best deal in town. to enter competition for cash propose solutions. awards $25.000. The awards will IOUtMm cIGtca MtemI "What we want to do is get a N.", to Roots on U.S. 51 Soutt. be made to winning committees Community Partnership Gras. Carbondale

·pLAza __- fLORIDA PLANT SALE Under New Mana.ement Ballroom C-Student Center B.B.Q. Chicken or $3.05 Today & Vv'ednesday 9-5 B.B.Q. Ribs w/French Fries, Homemade Slaw and FREE Meel. Coke THOUSANDS OF TROPICAL PlANTS DIRECT FROM flORIDA AT DAILY LUNOtEON SPEelA WIfOlBALE PRICES­ Sweet & Sour Wonton HUNDREDS AT ti--t2--t! w/steamed rice .,.,..,. '1.15 ...,...... "..­ ,.... w•• tliiserve Breakfastl r_ AttJ .. Closed Monday- Open7am-9am SIU Cheerleaders

Page 14, Daily Egyptian, November 9, 1982 Art School offers trip to Italy for study of 'splendid' works

R~' Phillip nolini \\('stt'rn ("i\'ilization's most Salerno offers some ad­ !oitlldl'nt Writl'r splt'ndid 3c-hit'vem('nts:' "'('hm vantages, said. t·p to nine crt'dit hours. "The city was restort'd after Thl' first St'ssion of "~tudio gr.ldu'llt' ,md un puhlic and ad­ Nachos 11." (' School. will discuss the movemt'nt:' Hopson said. "ilOd mission is frt'l'. (\('velopmt'nt of tht' childrt'n's to what extent we have liberation movement and how it dt'veloped separate and in· A mini·tour will be givt'n of r('latt'S to youths' civil rights at dt'pendent rights for children." the Ot'wlv droicated l.esar ,::lII p.m. W('dnesday in room T .... m ....tinll of tht> A('f,(l is Ruilding: at 7 p.m, lUll of tht' Law St'hool. lIopson's speech, which will he sponsored by the Soutf:1ern TENIH ANNUAL AUTUMN IAU Illinois Chapter of the Amencan Ci"il Liberties Union, is entitled "()o Children Have Civil Rights?" and will touc~ on the l'i~'i1 rights of children III terms 1)( schools, the juvenile court, guardians. states' respon­ sibilities ttnd U ,S. Supreme Court decisions. "I will discuss the problems relating to the developrnt'llt in the last 15 years of the Prepare Your Cclr ",.,.,for And ...' Conflclent when the coming


-TREK Don't I.t this happen to you Special for November includes: flushing the radiator & replacing 1 'It gallons of coolant wittlthi.cciupon Call for an appointment ,a- • 91 only 1 coupon per visit New It, 13 W.. t·Marion Marion: 993-2113 Carbondale: 529·1161

.... C1t __ ·...... S.I.U.C,.' .... SponIan ...... ~. Daily E-aYptian. November t. 19&>, Page 1S (]a~ It'SSOns helped Calipre Stage lale.~ slatefl

Tht'rt' ~h"lIld hI' ,I lillt' IlIr 1\.;lI'I'lIll1a" Throllchoul IllS p\Tn'onl' \,llI'n Ih" ('allpn' adult lilt'. T()lslo~ h.. " "nth'lI Sta~t: prt's('nl~ "lIan' I (;,,1 a lain' lal('" ilflll lahl,'s Slon' for YIIU .. " ;11 11 pill puhll"hing th!'m as l'I'iuhngs II' Thursda\' fhrnugh Saturday "l'rlllll'rS," iI hllok \,nltl'n tol' th Linda Stockman Th(' I~ lalt's hy Tnbtll~ liussJ;l11 pt'asant {'hlldn'n sian "'ritf'r ,mel IS 'he sl'l'on!! floor of Iht· Com· n~rtising minor to do the job of muni('ations Buildlllg, TI('k('t~ ar!' S:! ~,ll and art' Student Programming Council Tnlsto\' iln£l SlI1gl'r art' a\'illiahlt' at Ihl' ('allprt' IIllx promotions chair, n'nll\\,wil aUlhors 01 lTllit'illI~ f )ffil'(' Thl'\, mil\, h(' n's('rn'd Class experien{'e helped him al'l'iailTwd work TlllslOY b h,'st h\ ('ailing ,j:;:l :!~~jl Tlt'k,'''' II III in dealing with advertising kl10wn fnr his dassl('al \\ IIrks aiso h(' illallahlt' ilt Ih(' donr lin media and "riting press "W:>r :lnrl 1"';1('.. " ;Inri ",\''Il'' pI'rfnrnlill1t'{' III!!hls releases and poslers, he ~aid, ":\Iy responsihility is 10 promote SPC .. ~ an organization, Who \Ie are and \1 hal we do, I'm a ~pnkt'snl;Hl for Spc. hul I spt'ak mort' lolhE" m{'dia.·' he said The committee al~o promotes individual e\lenls "E\'t'rvune at SPC is involn'd with promotions. but I organize it," he said, Shepherd, 21, from Crest· wood, said he's made a few changes since he bt'came chairperson last spring, He changed the focus of the committee from general promotions to a s\lstem that includes individual events, "The promotions position is more important to Ihe council now," he said, Ht' knt'w nothing about SPC before joining Ihe promotiolls l'ommittt'e last fall. h{' ~aid, "Wht'n I rt',lllzed Sf'("s Importance to campus, r decided I'd likE" 10 rnm't' lip as l'hairpt'rson 10 gt'l mon' m· I oJ\'ed and nt· on lOp of IhlOgs." he said Monday: All JlOU can eat 0' our ,,[ hild no Idea 01 Iht' t'x' pancakes onr" S 1.09 ~'rit'nl'es 10 he ~:!Int'd It"~ a Staff Photo by lhl'ryl l'ngar I r t' m t' n d" u ~ " '\ P t' rI t' n (',' DalE' ShE'ppard. SPC promotions chairman. attE'nds to dutit'S, ·flufhl Omelets· \I(lrking 1\ Jlh Ih,' nwdw and all Tuesday: Ihe l·onlnlltlt·t'~ 1 han' ral and ~tate of Junt' :«1, the bureau said, The The bureau attributE'd the Friday: Scrumptious french Toast prl~oners inert'ased by ';,9 growth rate would be equal to current increase in largt' onr" 99_ with bacon or pt'fl'ent in tht' first h'llf of this 1-1,3 perc{'nt for the full Yl'ar, mE'asure to new state laws that \ear,

Paj!t' 16, Daily Egyptian, Novo!mber 9, 1982 Today'll puzzle Hitler'8 armored ear 80Id again, Look Closelyl ACROSS _-.y: 1 Orllting 2 words to Gennan mU8eum 5 Mutt's pal 57...... , 9T811 58Weiglltunit SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. I AP I - 14 Sit.'.1Mte 59 Epic ~ :~.-. 15S-_ 81Gte8:wag The car that carried Adolf ---··.... 16 An AslIIIre 82 R.don Hitler triumphantly through the 1711ib1e_ 83n.ue streets of Germany is going 18 Sym, eIhy 64 NollIe home the rirst time in nearly 1 P.IZ;;'~ oRlurprs ror 19 Code ...... 65 Neigh -ro vears, 20 EcIdM 66 Hil NOVEMBER SPECIAL Orl" on POIlP 6. The gleaming black Mer· 22 New Eng- 67 Shipped ct'dt's-Bt'nz ••oK staH car •• lander DOWN 24 Quckly 1 Seize It'a\'('5 Phoenix on l\Ionda,' .. n .... .,... III.lndu... 26 F.m animals 2 Eteelronic: route to Rf'lgium. and wiil IX' 27 SIIeI1er device displayt'd al tht' Automobile your prescription in clear glass 29 Temtitt!'. lIin 3 Counterpart Show in fo:sst'n. C;ermany. from 30 Sports item 4 01 Syria's (lee, 1·10. lenses plus frame 33 M~ capi'.1 Tom JI

\ 1 \ .:.....Campus CJJriefs-- \'I('E PRESIPEST for Student wiD meet at 7:30 p,m. Tuesday in a Affairs, Bruce SwiMbume, will give a reading from his ~ry at 7 ~W:i::i~~~W~~~ p.m, Tuesdav in Activity Room. C. i1::C~::t~~m~fd"~n ~~~~::~Wo:y the New English =h shtJwn.

" K!liOW Your Body Workshop IT::: ';..1~ as,:!~~: ~~~~ on .. Eatinf. Disorders" will 1M! ~~~ r.!u~l,m, Tuesday in ~!d la'1t~e 3R::O~~'~u::a~~~ vo58 and Bulimia will bediscUSlil!d B,'RT 8,'SI will spt'ak at 7 p.m, as eating problems for women. Tuesdav in the Missouri Room. slJ!IIISOrN by the Society for the ~IID-UIERK''' PE,\CE Project .-\dvancemftlt of Management.

-ChlaPBookS" "'ree GIftS·· Southern Illinois Unlversll» Press Announca ··a BI' Sale-- Nov. 8tll: ' ••-'PIn it over, over a cup of Orange Cappuccino. Creamy-rich, with 'tb: an oran~ twist, it's a little bit of III dolce vita. And it's just 0Ilt! of si'l deliciously '.IiI-'PIn differentfrom~neralFoodS·." fJavors~ :::;~;:;_ -=~-­ :.~: !,~'~~l • atb: International Co«ees. .... '11n-'P..­ GENERAL FOODS- INTERNATIONAL COFFEES lillroom A-sr" Stadlat center AS MUCH A FEELL\lG AS A FLAVOR -a. BookS·· ·-Free GIfts··

. '- Daily Egyptian. Novembe!- 9. 19112. Page . Butler sidesteps the starring role 8\ nan Dt'vine about this." Staff ,,'ritt'r Saluki Coach Rcy O('mps('y is less rctisc£'nt about talkmg (iranville Butler wa!' thinking about his leading tackler. "here we go again" when the . "Jlt"s one of our most out· Saluki {'oat'hes told him ht' had standing players." said anothef intt'fvit'wt'r to contend Demp!'l'y after Buller had with. Butler did not bPcome tht' earned his second succesive :\Iissouri Vallev Confefenct' :\IV(' defensin' pl"yer of the dt'fmsivt' playt'r 'of the wt't'k for wet'k award by particip.'lting in tht' third straight time last mort' than ~II tack It's against wt't'k. in!'tt'ad \\"t'ighing in with Indiana State. lit' had dont' the a roulint' 1:I·tackle gamt' same Ihing against Tulsa the against Eastt'rn Illinois. and ht' previous week thought that tht' nH'dia "Wht'n ht' ta('kl('S you h,' puts pressure. such as it is in ("lr· you away." said Ilf'mpst'y bondalt'. was over. Still. Butl£'r dm'sn't l'OT;C "I try to kt't'p a low profile:' across as tht' assasin typE' of said Butlt'r. who takt's hardl~ lint'ba('kt'r Ill' st't'm" pt·rh,(·tly any personal crt'dit for his ('ontent to staY in the status as the S,.lukl·s It'ading haekground. which might he tackler this fall. possible if hiS nanl!' \\a~n't "I wish I could tak£' it." he ['oming "\'l'r th£' puhlic addrt·ss said. "It's a whole It'am thing. s\"stt'm so oftt'n. You know tht' saying. "the ' .. , tf\" 10 sl,lv ~umble." he 'f: .. game is won in the trenl·ht's." said.' , "., '''1:.1> That's verv true. The deft'nst' is His carl't'r at SIl··(' had st't up for tht' linebackt'rs to humble heginnings. Aftt'r what make tht' tackle." he ('ails an av('rage high sl'hool ~. (t:.,',:,.) Butler talkt'd at length about {'art't'r. BullE'r arrived on the his dt'fensive linemen. who have Saluki pra('tic(' hdds as a fn'sh· Starf Photo by Greg Drezdzon occupit'd so many blockt'rs that man walkoll. [)('mpsey en· (.ranville 8uUer. 50. and John Harper. 87. put the rl'cent game. Rutler. a junior, is thl' It'ading Butler doesn't remembt'r l'ouraged him to try his luck. crunch on the Indiana State quarterback in a tackler on the Saluki squad this st'ason, gt'tting blocked \'ery often but not with som('thing as lately. "Make sure you put tJ~ir tangible as a scholarship. he hasn't hl't'n hurt at all names in there," he said. make a visit to its campus. team('d IJrieny with Harper. "The coaches has said I was SllJ·C won out in the ('nd and then fo'abrav Collins ('ntert'd "It was lik(' a litlle vacation." Tht' lineman who have too small to play Iinebal'ker and because the other schools didn't the stclrting lineup when Butler said Butler about the w{'('k (Iff shielded Butler and right too slow to play defensive offer classes in automotive went back to end. "That was t'x(·('Il('nt. It was a Iineba('ker Fabray Collins so back," said Buller about the t('chnology. At 5-)1. and 202. Butler is unly changt' of pan'." well this season are noseguards recruiting process he went "The main thing was my seven pounds heavier than in :'\iow its back 10 Irying to sa\"(' Tracy Oakley. Duncan lA'vester through. schooling," said Butl('r. ",\nd the days when coacht'S told him what has turnl'd into a and Sterling Haywood. and they flhe Salukis' were win· he was too small to play disapointing season tack It'S Ed ~orman, Kt'n fo'oster He got a solid scholarship ners. and thev were Uivision I. linebacker...... e·vt' got to win these nt-xl and Louis Lockt'lt. offer from Western Illinois, and Butler ('arrit'd a scholarship Despite thaL he is one of the two games to salvage the would have probably gotten one before his sophomore year, and few Salukis who didn't net>d this season," ht' said. "Tht' onlv "Put their namt'S in there." from Wt'Stern Michigan had he playt'd \lieit when he wasn't week's layoff to rest up and team that should have beat us. said Butler again. "I'm sincere thought enough of the school to injurt'd. This year he was heal. Except for a bruist'd knee that was realy better than us, every now and then. Butler said was Florida State." Women's rugby club loses four By Jackie Rodgen end, even had to get someone who Spor\.'i Io:ditar Last Saturday. the club nevt'r playt'd rugby before play playt'd Chicago and lost 12·6. for the Illinois State gamt'o I'll When you're hot. you're hot. Hrenda Shumacher scort'd the tell you, it was pretty confusing and when vou're not ~ "ou're try (or SW·C, and l\Iarie out there." losin~.· . fo:rickson made the two-point So confust'd were the women That's the way it was \\ith the conversion. ruggers that they couldn't SIt;·(' women's rugby dub this One SIU·t' player. P.J. muster a score for the second weekt'nd. The women ruggers Jordon, sustaint'd a leg injury in straight game. losing to 1St' 22· dropped thrl't' matches and that match and another had to O. forfeitt'd a fnurth at the five· lea\·e. leaving the women SIU·(, was scheduled to face team Illinois Sub·L'nion rugg... rs with 12 healthy players host Illinois. but had to forfeit Tourney in Champaign. for their meeting with that match·up when yet another "We playt'd really. really. Lakt'Shore (Chicago'. player was injured during the really bad." said dub publicist "nothe: player was injured in IS(: contest. Beck" Larkin thilt :.'0·0 blanking. leaving SIU· The SIU·C club is now 3·8. and The SIt'·C dub tran'l('d to e with II. will host Lakt'shore on Satur· Champaign nne pla~'er undE'r its "We had people shifting all day. That match is scht'dul{'d to \;;·pt'rson roster 11 could hav(' around and playing different stcirt at 1 p.m. at tht' rugby lIsPd about 10 more b"dit's in th(' positions:' Larkin said. "We pitch. -)~~ Escape from tbe /~,~~ (BLAST .I THE Tuesday niBht /'l~" Teena.e Blues at GREAT The Great Escape Beerblast Sub Special-$1.25 A bakery fresh roll with Turkey, Provolone ESCAPE Tuesday ALTERNATIUE cheese. Spiced ham a garnish. Served wllh pickle a chips Pitchers of Busch-$1.25 or Coke (Mon, Tues, Wed)

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Page 18, Daily Egyptian. November 9. t982 ------Racers brave qvcodard freezing day Dr. Brian E. Woodard for campus run CHIROPRACTOR In :12·degree weather, !lomt' prodding might be nt'E'ded jU!l1 OFFICE 1618) 529-«i46 Hours Bv Appoontment to "('nlure outsidt'. hul 72 604 Eastgate Drove runnen; hravt'd tht' ('old After Hours Emergency PO. Box 3424 w('ather Saturday 10 participatt' 1618.451·8776 Carbondale. illinois 62901 in Ihe "Run in Style" five-milt' race through campus. Tim l\kNamara. of the SIll·C Hoadrullners Club. won tht' race in 25: 10. Jo,' (iilhE-rt was the Women, Feelings first woman across the finish line in :W:34. and The run will be an annual Food ('\·ent. arcording 10 ('raig l\1('rgins. prt'sident of Ih(' sll··r Roadrunners rlub. \\ hich organized the ral'e Olh('r lop finisht'rs in Ihe mt'n's ('alt'gories wt're Brian St('warl. 27:31. in 19 and undt'r: Pt'te B1ahE-r. 26::12. 211-2.'>: Pal ninl.a\"ev. 29:-H. 2f;-29: Paul ,"wood: 21i::H. :W':19: {;ilry •• 'lin.".. ."", November 9 (;i1bert. :11l:~O. -l., . .t!l: ar.d Tom 3:00-5:00 pm \\altrip. 32:21. 50 and over. In the wom('n's categories, Student Center, Brenda Kapustu was first in the Saline Room ~:i~iiiiiiii;;~ 19 and under in a tim(' of ~I :49: r 1.\"0 !IO(·lson. 2\1-25. :lll:Ufi and l.lnda Nl'lso!l, :m·39. ~(u.t. SIU-C cyclist finishe. third SIll" Photo by Ricb Saal ('oacb Tim Hill gins inStruc:tiOll5 10 bis swimmers during practice, For most people, a 2O-mile cycle race or a HI-kilometer run Health News••• would be an event in itself. BY DR. lOY S. WHITE SWIM from Page 20 For John Bt'lcher. thev were the two parts of the- Cape "We've got quality and in the flv events. There's none Girardeau Biathlon on Sund;w. depth," the third,year Saluki we haven't strengthened in. The DOCTOR, Belcher, riding for the SIU-C ('oach said of his 22-swimmer team sets some preWI am· "" squad. "We've improved in the bitious goals, but we feel ~hey're Phoenix Cycling team. nnish~ CAN YOU r sprint events and strengthened achievable ... the competition third ovt'rall In the IOO-person fit'ld CURE MY Ih'. WIt'te Belcher and dub teammate WINS from Page 20 Lynn Irons captured during Writ. or coli ••• almost came to an end when the 10,ooo-meter event at t~e misaligned vertabrae in the Health Service doctors told nationals in Baton Rougue m the cyrli'1g competition and was unablt- to continue. Elgart went spine thot are causing a mal­ Bunvall he had a heart 1981. His personal best m that function in the nerve system Dr. Roy S. White o\'er the handle bars of her bike cia Cil1roprachc alnlC murmur. They thought it was event is 28:41\. . and sustai'l.·tj a broken finger of the body. The nerve Carbondale serious enol1~h for Bunyan to Too bad ~arathon runmng 103 S. Wasn1ngton and tooth ..' .• the time of the . itself is the moster or can· spend two Ja)3 in Springfield is not an NC AA·sponsored CaItm1ale. IIhllOlS 62901 t'rash, she was the first woman trolling sys~ at the body and 618-457-8127 ~Iemorial Hospital. event. and nfth overall participant.,

• •• '''' 2. WEDNESDAY!tor I mbced drinks for everwne! ~ rWhile lhe band Pla~sJ I TOPSOIL • JI~ ... ~_ -NtHJeiJiMe -,ial.' 9pm-lom • • _1_ ~a_a __ 8_8_a:--8_8- •. 'HURSDAY enloy 35~ draftl 3Dm .. 3am "'AY & SATUBAY "'I.,III~ iliff The T. Lone Band DOII·T fOllGfT OUR 0"'''.111''' MullWy ItA"., HOUR' Mur...... 154 DrIfta. 154 $NIIInIII I ...... '"'.,. 1If-tlt. =:.:..:.:.:.~... - ..... Personal high set in first meet Babcock makes comeback with flair R\' "o,\nn :\larciszE'wski said. "I started wondt'ring hul \~sO('iatr Sport." t:ditor tht'n I figurpd I \\ould jllst shul liP ,tnd let him str('f)glh('n it Brian Babcock is back on top "\1(' startE'd tumhling again alotam. when hE' came hack ht'rt', and An All-American, Babcock wht'n I saw him do a "Cluhle rl'turned to gymanstics eom­ ba('k nff Iht' parallt'\ hars. Ihen I petition this we(>kend after a III­ wasn't worrit'd. That \\as thp month layoft following a knt't' first IOdicalion tilat he \\as all injury. Any doubts O\'er eoming right." back were len behind at the Big :\Ieade said Rabcock had th(' Eight Inivitational in Lincoln, knl't' testt'd. found the areas of ~t'b. Babcock scored 112.60, his wt'akness and did exer<'lses 10 highest all-around total. It build up tht' strength. plal'ed him third behind "I W,IS surprised how fasl II ~ebraska 's Phil CahO\' and ('amp ha('k:' Rabcock said flf Seott Johnson and qualified him his knt't' strength. "I didn't for the World Gaml'S, think I'd be doing dismounts 'hl l'niwrisity \;amt'S and Pan· January." Amt'rican -~aml'S As he began regaining his old Mtl'r an operation to rl'attach form. Habt'O('k, who holds Ihrl't' thE' ligaments in his Il'ft knl't' Saluki s{'oring rt'Cords and is ami months of {'xprl'ising and tied for a fourth, hf'gan st'lling cyl'ling, Babcock said his I{'g goals for the St'ason opent'r. now f('{'h. as strong as his rilotht. "One was going II:! and one "1 still f('{'1 it:' he said. "It's . was winning tht' nwel." ht' said not Iikl' it's brand nl'w. It ~till ''I'm happy I llccomplisht'd one !!ets stiff, and will be something becaust' it was rough 10 win with 1"11 fed all tht' timl' It still the lik('s Clf Phil Cahoy and Seotl ~wt'lls up soml'timt's becaust' of Johnson." . tht' weather. But it dOl'S f('{'1 - Consistenc\' in tht' 12 roulim's real strong .. of compulsories and oplionals Coming haek from any injury was nt't'dt'd. brings soml' unel'rtainty, and ";\ 112 is a 9.3 a \'eragp , and Babcock was l'agl'rly awaiting thaI dot'sn't Iea\'e mu('h room his first m('('t. for error:' Babcock said. "I wasn't n{'l'\'ous. iust {'x' Rabcock scort'd three !H;;s, a eited." Babcock said. .,It W,IS 9.S;; and 96.'). but fell to R.95 on mort' of a psychologi<:al thi',g thp parallel hars. than a physical one. Oncl' I got the knt't' strong. I had to .. It was more of a loss of O\'ercome the fear of it. 8rian Babcock battled ba~k rrom a devastating _~krncl, His total iocluded a !US en pommel concentration than anything "ThE' fE'ar's still thE'rE', but ·.~as kn~ injury .1 months ago to ram his hig,,"t all- honr, else," he said. The roulint' thaI's usually before I start. around score at the Big Eight Invitational last going wt'll until just before Ihe Once I get up on th{' apparatus. dismount when he committfd a I'm not conscious of it. I tn' to kkkf'd in the tt't'th hf'fore he The injury itself wasn't the off:'Meade said. "II has to be a large form t'rror and almost f{'l1 be in deep concentration. " - glVtc's up." most discouraging thing, rt'lit'f to him." off. The gymnast's attitude The 22,\'ear,uld C;ardE'n Cit\', Babcock said. It also was a relief to the ru·lpt.'d spero his eoml'bal'k. Kan., n'ative is just 100 "Sitting on the bench and coa{'h, who admittf'd he won­ "I was shaky all the way 3ecording to Coach Bill l\Il'ade. dedieated to performing to gi\'e watching people doing what I dered at first if his star gymnast :.hrough, though-, not just on p­ "Each kid handles adversit~· up. howpver. love to do was the frustrating would be able to come back. bars," he said. differently. but I kind of felt .. It means a lot to do this part." Those doubts began to disap­ he'd ('omp ba('k, like he did well:' he said of his scores this Babcock's perrormance pear after he saw Babcock Though reaching his highest aftpr np hurt his anklE'," said w~t'nd, "bul I just wanlf'd 10 should be a confidt'nce booster, working out again. all-around score, Babcock said thp Saluki coach. "HE"s alwavs {'om pete a~ain. I enjoy this according to Mt'ade. "I talkpd to him over the he can improve. and is St'tting a bepn positive. Rut you wondt-r sport too much to pamper this "GE'tting the 112 so ('arly in summt'r and he told me about 113 goal for the Windy ('ity how many timl's a kid ('an get or any olher injury." the season takes the pressure what he was doing," J\1pade Invitational in two wt't'ks, Atnbitious women swimmers SIU-C runner Bunyan set to~ranked goals for season wins first marathon 8y Dean Kirk Ky Rrian IIiggins ..\mt'rican last season. Larsen. lIill's squad will ('onsist of Staff \\"ritt'r thp SalukV butterfly speCialist. freshman. Laura Pt't'1. who Staff Writer scorf'd in four e\'enls at the hails from Fairport. ~.Y., and Small goals aren't l'harae, national meE't, and currt'ntl\' Rt'ne Royally, an Evans\'iIIe, When SIU-C's Chris leristic of Coach Tim Hill's holds more SIU-(' records than Ind. native, were tagged as high Bunyan decided to run in women's swimming Ipam. Rul anv olher Saluki swimmer in school All-Americans as Sunday's St. Louis Marathon, then. neilher are small ill'- history. Larsen's name appears frpestylt' sprinters. Claudia he was doing it to help keep in eomplishmt'nts. in tht' record books in fiw in· Zit'rold. rt'Cruitf'd rrom Lufano. shape for the 1983-8-t Saluki l'nder new ~alional dividual and five relay t'\'ents SWitzt'rland. is world-rankpd ill track and cross countrv Collegiate Alhletic Assoc:iallon Sophomore ,Janie (~oontz, a thp -tIKI. 11110 and 1,~OO mt'tt'1" seasons. If his showing in that governance. the nalion's besl distance spec:ialist. also sl'ort'd frt'estvle pvents. race is indicative of what he tpams will compete under one in four t'wnls m thp i'ialionals. Hi I.-hopes that tht' Salukis will can do for SIU·C, then the roof Ihis "ear. Pre\'ioush·. Ihe mcluding a second place finish be ablt' to forgp through what Salukis will have themselves country's'swim squads' were to Tt'xas' Kim Linehan, Ihe may be their toughest season one fine runner. divided approximately in half, meers high scorer. in the 1.6;;0· ever. Not only did the 24·year-old competing undE'r the now, meter freestyle. "The biggest thing this year is Bunyan. who hails from d('funet Association for In- Amanda Martin. sophomore. that the tt'am's really close," Great Britain, win the tercollpgiale Ath!('lics ror won the AIAW championship in Hill said. "TIlt'rp's lots of room marathon, hIS time of 2:17,3 Wompn banner and undpr the 5O-meter breaststroke as a for peoplt' to impro\'p wilhin tht' broke the last year's record :'-ICAA regulations. frE'Shman. That lime was good program. Tht' tt'am will be for the e\·ent. And if thaI's not Hill i>E>lie\'('s his squad will be enough to put ht'r amllng the top f 'hri~ Run~'an {'hallt'ngpd consistently. Wt' enough. Sundav was the first on(' of the nation's lops whpn the thrt't' in tl,f> n~tion I ('ombining have as tough a dual·m('('t cream of the crop gather in AIAW and NCAA mppt timl'sl. schedule as anyone in thp time he had' ever run a Sf. Louis, he was running by Lincoln. :'\eb .. in March. He has The Salukis' brt'aststrokp countrv." . marathon. himself, leaving the pack of • picked his team to finish among specialist set school marks in That dual·mt't't sehedulp Bunyan was qUIet pleaSed four i-unners he had run with the top n\'e or siX in the :'\CAA that e\'ent at distances of;;o, \1"1 ('ommt'ncE'S this w('{'kpnd, when with his performance Sun· since the start behind at the :'\ationals and 200 meters last year. the Salukis travd to day, saying that he felt great 15·mile mark. Hill's optimism isn't un, Captain Paula Jansen is a Bloomington, Ind., to mpel after winning the race. ,,' decided to take Qfr and foundE'd. He ha~ six All, Canadian who earnc,d All· dpfending Big Tt'n lhampion ". guess you could say it st'e who would come with Americans r('turning from a American honors fur th(' Indiana Hoosiers. On S,lturdaY was another milestone in my me," he said. Also during squad which finishf'd third in Salukis, Jansen finishf'd I,:th at SIl',(' will journey to Ohio to cart't'r," he said. those last few miles, the the AlA\\" lasl season. AIAW nationals in the 2t1O-r;1Pter m('('t the Rearcals of Cin­ He aiso felt great during crowd wasn't as conspicuous Junior Pam Ratcliffe eamed breaststrokt' and ninth in th~ 511- dnnali, a It'am lIiJI belie\'es will most of the race, hurting only as iI,." were when he AII·Amprican honors in the meter event. bp t'\'('n tougher than the between the 19th and 20th finished. breastroke for the second limt' Rounding oul SIl'-C's slate of Hoosiers. mile marks. That mile was When the\' became con· whilp totaling the fourth best AII·Americans is Junior Laura also the longest for him, since spicuous, ·though. they score &t Nationals last March. Brown. Brown figurE'S to join Besides a strong showing al tht' only time he had ever run provided Bunyan with a lift, Ratcliffe, a Carbondale nalive, Ratcliffl' and Coontz to form the :-';ationals. Hill has st't winning that far was when he placed .. It's suprising what a holds school records in four nucl('us of the Salukis' in· the :'IOational Indl'p('ndt'nt second out 100 in England's crowd does to you," he said. individual and three relay dividual medley teams Ihis Championship and a Gatt'way Finchley·20 Miler race in evenls. st'ason. "II lifts you tremendously." Collegiate Athlt'tic ('onrt'r('nce 1974. Because of NCAA Barb Larsen, another junior E\'en though the team will be HUt' ar this season's priorities. By the timt' Bunyan on Hill's senior·less squad, also anchored by AII·American reached the 2O-mile mark in '1'(' ,,"1'iS, Pa~p t9 E'arnf'd a second term as All· experience, one·half of the St'e S",I:\I, Pagr ,9 .. Page 20. Daily Egyptian. November 9, 1982