Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC November 1982 Daily Egyptian 1982 11-9-1982 The aiD ly Egyptian, November 09, 1982 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_November1982 Volume 68, Issue 57 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, November 09, 1982." (Nov 1982). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1982 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in November 1982 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ~!!!u:~ e~~~~?t down 1.07 percent Hf I 10 J.~ perct'nt Plthpr way D," d lIudl!l~ commU,ntly coll('gps nect'ssarlly see a negative ef. Slt'.(, . really Isn I significant." ec ,ne nole lolal /50, lilli, an Incrt'ase of o,~ feet. It means we will have a lIi'n i p\\~~' amon~ t'1~hl fit, said Ihat tht' drop of 17 ,'n 8 "laIn ""'hools pe~l'ent oVt'r fall 19R) figures situation thaI IS less crowded , I. 0 S U IC. Unt\('rsltlt's pt'fl'('nt in SIl·.C ('nrollm('nt ...... <9... fulI·llme I'nrollm('nl dipped \\hlch f'xp(,~I('n.c('d an was "right on Ihl' nnrk" Ih'll b.y 11,:1 percpnl 10 a lotal of !W .. t;:~'ROLL, Pag.. 2 t'nrollml'nt d~chnt' In !ht' pm'l Ihl.'v had ('xpt>l'! d"" u h '. .JK:UZ.J in Ihe same period y('ar, a('cordmg to !h(' lIIinms tn 'r('m('mh('r," ('h;' .c',_llod "la"I~('t Chi<'ago ('irt'l(' ('ampus had Ihl.' Public uni\'prsit, i('s saw ~ II I RMrd of High r Ed uca t ,- ~ -, hight'S! ('nrnllnwnt inl'f('a!-{' - a B I K ('h Sh lon_ year's ('nrnllm('nt 5('1 a r('('o~d ",02 perc('nt J'ump of morf' Ii;:>n percent decline In f'nrnllmt'nl U ennN : ~". ('han· lit're, In fal·!. Ihe incrf'clsf' 'hsl but, ('ommunity ('nllf'gf'S ('x. l'ello.r of Ih~. Sit Sy·slem. ~'f'arl was more Iha~ ("~~. K~.o sludents. Their full·limt penenct'd an increase of III gus d.lsml~sed th~ Ilg~res as ""ot a bondale rf'allv "anl('d 10 sludent t'nroUm('nf. how('vt'r, p('rl't'nt. Prlvale institutions slg~I~lca~t !hl,ng,. handle."· dedined by 87 studt'nts had an mrollmt'nt decline nf 2 :l \\hlll.' SIU-t.dwardsvtlle, total Sangarnon Sl,at~ l'nl'vnrO,I't\' I-n Tht' amount of full·tim£' pel,r~r.L , , 'Bode headcount f'n JI If" , ~ studt'nts also df'clinf'd b\' 1,6 Sh . d ro mt'n Igures Springfif'ld t'xpt'rif'n('t'd -an percent at Sll:.(, and bv 1 :1:1 "a" said, Institutions of Incr~ast' a~ollt 2 pt'rc~nl t'nrollmpnl df'~rpa!'t' of 857 hight'r learnmg acrnss lhf' bet~'~n fa 1.1 81 and fall 82. percent, Ihl.' lar"('sl r('('nla (' percent at sn:·t:. Thos'; pt'r· na"hon f'xpt'C1 thaI ('nrollm('nl SIt·( I.'~perll.'nct'd a drop of .U~ ~Iine among "'lIIiJ::;s ubnc ct'nla!{t' dt>c1ines translClIt' tn a \\ llll'ontmut' to decreast' in I h(' percent m Ihe samt' period. SIl- uni\'t'rsit:{''1 W('SIt' I~" dip of :~,i and 115 sludenls nt'xi dt'c:ldt' becaust' "Iht'rt- just C had a declint' of 2511 studt'nts l'nh't'fSil\' in l\Ia~or:;b ha~nl~~ rf'Spt'Ctively, art'n't as many 18·y('ar.olds from an t'nrollmt'nt of 2:1,991 in hight'SI ("uollmenl d . Slatt'widt', Iht' rt'port show~ around a .... ymore'· fan '81 to .z;I,i:1:1 i.n rail '82, nt'arly 9UU ~tudt'nts from rr~fJ '81 that Ihe fall 19R2 headcnunl (;us says if rt'wer are working . Shaw said the figures wt'rt' of 10 fall '82, t'nrollmt'nts in public ,Ind "SIl' is nol lolallv l'nrollm('nt and ft'wt'r are going to school, htlll.' cons('qu('nct' 10 thl.' The l'nh'ersity of Illinois' ~~~;:t~~nat~~!t~~~i~~~ar~: df~~\~Prn"'S"'ISu'hd~\\n'lss.:aldl "(I\~o'nit.hl tht'rt"s a lot of pt'Opl .. just sit- , " lin/( around out there, Snag holds up 'Daily 'fgy]J . extradition tian of escapee th .I.'nnif"r Phillips Southern Illinois University Siaff Wrilt'r TIIesday, November 9, J982-Vol. 68, No, 57 Tht' t'xlr a(hllOn trom \\ 1'''1 \ irginia 01 BrUl'p [l,1\ l~. \\ hI) ('scapl'd from \I('r.ard Corrt'l'\innal I '('ntt'r I 1('1 :!.J !t,l~ hl.'t'n dl'layt'd hI.'('aw.;t' of a UMW District 1·2 "snag in th(' papt'rwnrk.'· !'ald :\1(' 11,,\\('11, Illinois ()('partmf'nl of ('orr('l'tinn!O ~pokt'sman Jlowf'1I sclid 'Ionda\' thaI crucial in election ('nrrpctions officials had hoped 10 hCl\'t' (lavls rt'turned tn ('ElIiTRALlA lAP) - lUinois Church. 46, a forml.'r mine coal miners join their coun­ Illinois during !hp \\t't'kt'nd. hut electrician from ('astlewood. art' nul.\' Inoking toward lerparts across ~ country Va .. worked his way up through Tuesday when they cast ballots somptimt' Ihis wt't'k, the ranks. acquiring a tou!!h, "OW('\I said that Davi!'. who to select new officers for the brawling ~tation along the tTnited Mine Workers union, was l'aptur('d hy local police in way. Trumka. 3.1. a third­ Smithers, \\ Va, on Ol't, :\1. Incumbent President Sam Ilt"neration mine-r from I.\'ould probably he nown from (,hurch Jr. faces Rich Trumka Nemacolin. Pa.. attended law l'-aYE'tle County. in the battle for the presidency school and left the mines to ,\...... oflling to ('pl, ("har\es of tile lJUO.OIJD.member union. become a union lawyer. Bryant of Ihe J-"a;.t'ltt' Count;. About 20.000 of thoIte members Church took _as ......... Sheriff', llt>partmt>nt. DaVis are represented by the union's of the lIM,," in ''''after (orm", has admiUed to murdering District 12. which encompasses president Arnold l\'iller was JOSt'pft Cushman, a prison farm all of Illinois. forced to retire becaUSf' of poor f'mpfo:'('(' found slain with an ax t:xpt'Cted to aid Trumka in his h('alth. Trumka has the day flavis ('Scaped. hid for the presidt'ncy is District represented Pennsvlvania's Da\'is told authoriti('s that ht' 12 president John Sanovic of District .. on the" union's l'omOliUt'd Illht'r Olurdf'fS in the l.itchfk?ld, who is running for powerful international t'arh' ! !IiI I!; , ~f\'ant :o:ald, hut st'cretarv-treasurt'r on ('x('('ulive hoard since last year. Ihi!' "information' ha!' nllt bet'" Trumka's slate. The 198) U\IW contract. ('onfirmt'd_ An aide to Church said ratified artl.'r a 72-day slrike, Davis lold ..... v('lIe ("oul1l\ privately last w(,t'k that has bet'n a major issu(' in the oifidal~ thaI h(' hilchhlk{'d hi!, Ranovic's presence on th(' tickt't ('ampaign. way 10 Wt'st \'irgmla, Br~'anl will cause the Trumka slate to (;('rald Hawkins. the union's said carry Illinois and Trumka legislativt' represt'ntath't' in Local plllkt' knew to look for supporlt'rs prt'dicl Iheir can­ Illinois and a Trumka sup­ Davis. 1l"well ~aid. because didate will win Illinois by a porter, says Illinois mint'rs fet'l l'orn'ction!O nffidals qut'stioned largt' margin. (,hurch didn't do a good enough a rt'latiw in C1t'vt'land, Ohio, "It's 1I0t only because of John job in negotiating lhe 1981 pact. who lold Ihem that Da\'is had Banovic. but also because we Trumka clilis Ihe conlra('1 r('latin's in the Fa;. t'lte County havt' a good grassroots "concessionary." contending art'a. organization," Trumka aide Joe that Church gave up 100 many Bn'anl said Ihat Davis has ('orcoran said. union and job st'curity po!'f'd . no problt'ms for them Spol«'smen in both camps provisions in return for the say Illinois is important 10 the financial improvemt'nts. searf PhGto hy CJtei.y1 l'ncar whilt' in t'ayetle County ('Iection because of the large Shooting hoop "Ht"s a!' !!t'ntlt' a a lamb," ht' numbers of potential votes it (,hurch, citing a :U perc('nt said. orrers. The district is the third wagt' and benefit increaSt' over ROIl Ellis. ~niGr in acceunting. fared off a jump !bot while . largest in Ihe country, lhe course of Itre three-vt'ar playing haskeU.an wUh Larry JohnsOft (background). Da\'is. who is servmg a Ranovic says Illinois mint'rs pact, calls the contract "the sopllomore in elecl...... ics and data processing. eulSiW the sentt'nce of :!..'l to "'5 vt'ar!' for are "hungry for leadt'rship" best dt-al any union is likely to Areaa Monday. Pardy sunny skies and lemperalures i. the murdt'r, will hi.' l'hargt'd with and want 10 improve lheir get with Ronald R('agan in 1I,p.r lOs s ....N please sporI5 enthllSiaslS 011 T1Ies4Iay, Cushman's murdt'r onef' m imal!.e. office." Illinois How-dl said, Begin testifies to revenge killing fear JF.Rl'SAI.EM lAP) - Prime send (,hristian Phalangt' he said was dt'Signed 10 swet'p discontent within his coalition ~uestioning that indicatt'd Minister Menachem Begin militias into the Sabra and the camps for Palestinian government.
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